Attachment 9;29-09 OwnershipLtr

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20100127-00126 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


HOGAN &                                                                       ColombtaSquere ..
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                                                 SEP 2 g 2009                  Karis A. Hastings
 September 29, 2009
                                          Federal Communications Commission
                                                  Office of the Secratary


 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 Federal Communications Commission                                  MSTAMP COW
 445 12th Street, S.W.
 Washington, D.C. 20554

 Re:   FVizada, Inc. Petitionfor Declaratory Ruling Pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) ofthe
       Communications Act and Amendments to Requests for Consent to Pro Forma Transfer
       of Control, File Nos. ISP—PDR—20080501—0001 1; SES—T/C—20080307—00254/00255; and
       SES—AMD—20080501—0052 1/00522

       VIZADA Services LLC (formerly FTMSC US, LLC), Amendments to Applicationsfor
       Section 214 Authority andfor Earth Station Licenses and Petition for Declaratory
       Ruling, File Nos. ITC—AMD—20060804—00288, SES—AMD—20060804—01315, ITC—STA—
       20080416—00183, & ISP—PDR—20060804—00010

       Supplemental Information Regarding Ownership

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Vizada, Inc. ("Vizada") and VIZADA Services LLC ("VIZADA Services" and with
 Vizada, the "Parties"), by their attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission‘s
 Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.65, hereby supplement the record in the above—referenced proceedings to
 provide additional information regarding ultimate ownership of Vizada and VIZADA

        Ownership of MobSat Management: In their letter of August 10, 2009, the Parties
 provided updated information regarding the ownership of MobSat Management Sarl
 ("MobSat Management”).1 The letter advised that a transaction was planned to occur in
 September that would involve a new manager, Peter Augustsson, a citizen of Sweden,
 acquiring a 6.6% interest in MobSat Management. That transaction has now occurred.
 Accordingly, the ownership interests in MobSat Management held by individuals now total
 64.7%. Apax France VI now owns 25.4% of Mobsat Management and Altamir Amboise

 1      See Letter from Karis A. Hastings, Counsel for Vizada, Inc. and VIZADA Services
 LLC, to Mariene H. Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, File Nos. ISP—
 PDR—20080501—00011 et al., filed August 10, 2009 ("August 10 Letter") at 1—2.

Ms. Martene It. Dortch
September 29, 2009
Page 2

SCA ("Altamir Amboise") owns 9.9%. The total interest of Apax France VI in Mobsat
Group Holding is now 54.3%, and the total interest of Altamir Amboise in Mobsat Group
Holding is 21.1%. The updated information regarding ownership of MobSat Management is
reflected in the chart attached hereto as Appendix A.

         Ownership of Altamir Amboise: The Parties also hereby update information relating
to ownership interests held by Apax Partners SA ("APSA") and related individuals and
entities in Altamir Amboise. These interests, which total 22.35%, are as follows: Apax
Partners SNC holds 19.26%; APSA holds 0.62%; and other individual French citizens who
are partners of APSA hold interests totaling 2.47%

        Vizada AS: In March 2008 Vizada and VIZADA Services advised the Commission
that a pro forma restructuring was planned that would reinsert Vizada AS into their
ownership chain, and Vizada sought appropriate consents with respect to its existing
licenses." Due to changed circumstances since that time, the Parties no longer plan to go
forward with that internal restructuring, and Vizada is in the process of withdrawing the
relevant applications for Commission consent that remained pending. Because re—insertion of
Vizada AS into the Parties‘ ownership chain is no longer contemplated, Vizada AS has been
removed from the attached ownership chart.

2        See Letter from Karis A. Hastings, Counsel for VIZADA Services LLC, to Marlene
H. Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, File Nos. ITC—AMD—20060804—
00288, SES—AMD—20060804—01315, ITC—STA—20080213—00059, SES—STA—200802 13—
00157, & ISP—PDR—20060804—00010 (filed Mar. 21, 2008); see also Requests for Consent to
Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Vizada, Inc., File Nos. SES—T/C—20080307—00254/00255
(earth station licenses) and 0006—EX—TU—2008 (experimental authorizations), filed Mar. 7,
2008; and File No. 0003341992 (wireless authorizations) (filed Mar. 10, 2008).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
September 29, 2009
Puge 3

        A combined ownership chart reflecting the changes discussed herein is attached.
Please refer any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Peter A. Rohrbach
                                            Karis A. Hastings

                                            Counselfor Vizada, Inc. and VIZADA Services


ce:      David Krech
         Susan O‘Connell
         Francis Gutierrez
         Cara Grayer
         Neil Dellar
         Karl Kensinger
         Erin McGrath
         Douglas Young

                                                                                       Appendix A:

                                                                                                                                                       Maurice Tchénio
                                                                               Maurice and Romain
                 Other APSA
               {All individuals)

   45.5%                                                                       APAX PARTNERS SNC
                                                    54.48%                                             (SNC)

 Manager                                                advice
(0% equity)                            Manager                                                         Y¥
                                      with 100%                                                 Apax Partners & Cie Gérance SA
          l                            Control;                                                                      (aAPCG)
                                       Aequnty                                     .                    GP and manager
           SC Vizasat                  |interest                                       "—..__           (no equity interest)                    Floating Limited
          (Frer::(i:\f/\ilse?(?iété                        Investors                            *~.,                                                 Partners

                                                                                                                               Altamir Amboise SCA
                General Electric                               Apax France VI                                         (Listed company — partnership limited by
                   Company                            (French fund — FCPR (Fonds Communs                                              shares)
                       (New York                            de Placement a Risques))                                                 (Altamir Amboise)
                      Corporation)                                 (Apax France)
                                                                                                               21.1%total interest
                                                      54.3%total interest                                      Minority + no control
                                                      Majority + control

                    [Intermediate                                                                                    Other MobSat
                   GE Companies]                                                                                     Management
                    (All U.S. Entities)
         Sole                                                                                                        (all individuals)
     Member                           100%

                              GE International                          Limited
                    Management Incorporated                            Partners                                                   o
                       (Detaware Corporation}                                                                                 64.7%                             Other MobSat
                           op                                         l   99.8%                                                                                Group Holding
                   0.2% equity\4                   GEAM International
                      interest                Private Equity Fund, L.P.                                                              9.9%
    ¥                                         (Delaware limited partnership)                                                          +2   70
                                                                                                                          ¥                      p
              Apax                                           l         100%
        Satell?te, LLC                                                                                         MobSat Management
     (Delaware LLC)                            Summer Street Satellite                                                        Sart
                                                   Holding Company, Ltd.                                            (Luxembourg limited                                   3.3%
                                               (Cayman Islands Company)                                               liability company)                                   9
     GP (<1%)                                                                                                                                               20.2%
                               ¥                             l     LP (>99%)                               51.9%             19.3%                               °
                                                                                                       ¥                                                ¥             p

                                        Apax Paraliel
                                                                                                                     MobSat Group Holding Sart
                                      Investment V, L.P.                                    P
                                                                                                                   (Luxembourg limited liability company)
                             (Delaware limited partnership)               15.4%

                                                                       Minority + no—control

                                                                                                                                                              Continued on
                                                                                                                                                              Next Page

                           Appendix A (continued):

                     MobSat Group Holding Sarl
                   (Luxembourg limited liability company)

                          MobSat Holding 2 BV
               (Netherlands private limited liability company)


                          MobSat Holding 1 BV
               (Netherlands private timited liability company)

                       MobSat Holding Norway AS
                           f/k/a Inceptum 1 AS


                        Mobsat Holding US Corp.
                               (DE Corporation)

  100%                                                              100%

  Vizada, Inc.                                          VIZADA Services Holding, Inc.
(DE Corporation)                                              (DE Corporation)


                                                                 VIZADA Services LLC

Document Created: 2009-09-30 13:17:29
Document Modified: 2009-09-30 13:17:29

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