Attachment SPECS for RVN

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20091210-01567 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                                      Galaxy Tx/RX
                                                               Antenna Specification                                                    Ku Band
          Antenna Part Number                                           GKU 75                              GKU 90                                   GKU 98
                                                                                                    Electrical Specification
       Antenna Dimensions ( w x h )                                  84cm x 69cm                         87cm x 77.5cm                            98cm x 97cm
          Operating Frequency              Tx                      13.75 - 14.5GHz                      13.75 - 14.5GHz                         13.75 - 14.5GHz
                                           Rx                     10.95 - 12.75 GHz                    10.95 - 12.75 GHz                       10.95 - 12.75 GHz
                                         Rx Only                   10.7 - 12.75 GHz                     10.7 - 12.75 GHz                        10.7 - 12.75 GHz
               Polarisation                                       Circular or Linear                   Circular or Linear                      Circular or Linear
            Gain @ 14.25 GHz               Tx                          39.6 dBi                             40.3 dBi                                  41 dBi
            Gain @ 11.95 GHz               Rx                          38.0 dBi                             38.6 dBi                                39.5 dBi
           Off-axis mask starts            Ø                              1.9°                                 1.7°                                    1.6°
           Sidelobe Envelope
            ( Tx, Co-Pol dBi)
                                                                         +8 dB                                 +8 dB                                   +8 dB

                                                                   10 dB ( Typical )                     10 dB ( Typical )                      10 dB ( Typical )
             Cross Polarisation           Tx                       > 35 dB on axis                        > 35 dB on axis                       > 35 dB on axis
            Isolation ( Optional          Rx                       > 35 dB on axis                        > 35 dB on axis                       > 35 dB on axis
            compensated feed )            Tx                                                           > 30 dB within - 1 dB
           Antenna Noise Temp.          @ 30° El                       < 40 K typ                            < 40 K typ                             < 4 0 K typ
          VSWR ( at feed flange )                                        < 1.3:1                               < 1.3:1                                < 1.3:1
              - 3dB Beamwidth          14.25 GHz                          1.64°                                 1.60°                                  1.42°
                                       11.95 GHz                          1.96°                                 1.90°                                  1.70°
                                                                                                   Mechanical Specification
            Reflector Material                                           Steel                                  Steel                                 Steel
              Feed Interface                                     Circular Waveguide                    Circular Waveguide                     Circular Waveguide
             Antenna Optics                                      Offset Prime Focus                     Offset Prime Focus                    Offset Prime Focus
       Elevation Adjustment Range                                5° - 90° Continuous                   5° - 90° Continuous                    5° - 90° Continuous
                                                              Fine adjustment + / - 0.2°            Fine adjustment + / - 0.2 °            Fine adjustment + / - 0.1°
       Azimuth Adjustment Range                                                                          360° Continuous
                                                        ± 20° fine adjustment to + / - 0.2°     ± 20° fine adjustment to + / - 0.2°   ± 20° fine adjustment to + / - 0 .1°
         Skew Adjustment Range                                   ± 90° Continuous                        ± 90° Continuous                      ± 90° Continuous
         Polarisation Adjustment                        0 - 90° Continuous ( Linear Pol )       0 - 90° Continuous ( Linear Pol )      0 - 90° Continuous ( Linear Pol )
                                                             + / - 45° fixed ( Circular Pol )     + / - 45° fixed ( C ircular Pol )      + / - 45° fixed ( Circular Pol )
           Mast Pipe Interface                                       2 3/8" Canister                      2 3/8" Canister                        2 3/8" Canister

Raven Antenna Systems Inc             Tel: +1 630 820 5608                    Email:                    All designs, specifications and availabilities of
4000 Sussex Avenue                    Fax: +1 630 375 6384                    Web:                        products and services presented in this bulletin
Aurora Illinois 60504                                                                                                                 are subject to change without notice.
                                                                                                                                      © 2009 Raven Antenna Systems Inc

                                                                                                                  Galaxy Tx/RX
                                                 Antenna Specification (cont’d)                                     Ku Band
          Antenna Part Number                              GKU 75                         GKU 90                               GKU 98
                                                                                Elnvironmental Specification
          Windload Operational                            80 Km / h                      80 Km / h                            80 Km / h
          Operational - Survival                          130 Km / h                     130 Km / h                          130 Km / h
                Survival                                  200 Km / h                     200 Km / h                          200 Km / h

Raven Antenna Systems Inc          Tel: +1 630 820 5608         Email:           All designs, specifications and availabilities of
4000 Sussex Avenue                 Fax: +1 630 375 6384         Web:               products and services presented in this bulletin
Aurora Illinois 60504                                                                                          are subject to change without notice.
                                                                                                               © 2009 Raven Antenna Systems Inc

                                                                       Galaxy Tx/RX
                                                                         Ku Band

 Galaxy Antenna Benefits                               About Raven

 The Galaxy antenna range is a transmit/receive Ku     Raven is a world leader in the design and manu-
 Band antenna offering the following key advantages:   facture of satellite antenna equipment used for
                                                       both direct to home (DTH), Consumer broadband
      High Efficiency                                  and Enterprise VSAT applications worldwide.

      Low Spillover                                    Raven's in house design capability allows rapid
                                                       turn around of complex antenna and feed designs.
                                                       This, combined with world class design technology,
      Excellent Cross Pol Performance                  provides novel and cost effective design solutions
                                                       to satisfy the needs of the most discerning end
      Easily Integrated with OEM Radio So-             customer.
                                                       Manufacturing in both the US and UK, with
      Eutelsat Approved                                manufacturing partners in Asia and the Far East,
                                                       Raven can offer customers product from a variety
                                                       of shipping points reducing transport costs and
                                                       minimising stock holding

                                Tel: +1 630 820 5608                          All designs, specifications and
Raven Antenna Systems Inc                                                     availabilities of products and
4000 Sussex Avenue              Fax: +1 630 375 6384                          services presented in this bulletin
Aurora Illinois 60540           Email:          are subject to change without notice.
                                Web:              © 2009 Raven Antenna Systems Inc

Document Created: 2009-07-08 08:56:33
Document Modified: 2009-07-08 08:56:33

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