Attachment 2 Degree Comp RVN

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20091210-01567 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


           Demonstration that the Clear Channel Satellite Services
                   Raven .98M VSAT Antenna System
                Will Not Cause Unacceptable Interference
                Under Conditions of Uniform 2° Spacings

Clear Channel Satellite Services (CCSS) will utilize the Raven Manufacturing Ltd
Galaxy Model GKU-98 antenna system to provide temporary fixed VSAT
platforms supporting hub based two way communications services as part of our
DVB-RCS VSAT network. The network will be controlled out of Clear Channel’s
hub in Denver, CO and will operate on domestic geostationary satellites to
provide coverage within the continental US. Additionally, CCSS’ application
employs a central hub station that provides remote control over the VSAT
terminals. Remote terminals may not go on line except under the command and
control of the hub station. Remote terminals may also be remotely shut down via
CCSS’ hub equipment. Although the Raven GKU-98 antenna, exceeds the near
in 25.209 pattern limitations between 1.25 and 1.6°, the antenna EIRP density
during operation will be maintained sufficiently below the -14 dBW/4kHz level to
assure the emission limits for compliance with 2° orbital spacing are maintained
as described herein..

1. FCC 47 C.F.R. § 25.209 (f) states “An earth station with an antenna not
   conforming to the standards of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section will be
   routinely authorized after February 15, 1985 upon a finding by the
   Commission that unacceptable levels of interference will not be caused under
   conditions of uniform 2° orbital spacings.”

2. Further, FCC Declaratory Order 3588, released April 9, 1986, § D. paragraph
   16 reiterates FCC 47 C.F.R. § 25.209 (f) by stating “The Commission’s rules
   on antenna performance standards as revised in Reconsideration of Reduced
   Orbital Spacing (99 FCC 2d 737 (1985). See 47 C.F.R. § 25.209 (a) – (f).)
   provide two methods by which an applicant’s facilities can be routinely
   licensed without recourse to waiver procedures at 14 GHz. Either an antenna
   must meet the standards of § 25.209 (a) or an applicant must demonstrate
   that the use of a non-conforming antenna will not cause unacceptable
   interference under conditions of uniform 2° spacing as specified in 25.209 (f).”

3. In 1993 FCC 47 C.F.R. § 25.209 (g) was added to relax the start of antenna
   gain envelope in (a) from 1° to 1.25° in order to routinely license antennas as
   small as 1.2 meters in the 12/14 GHz band.

4. Thus, under the current rules the Raven Galaxy Model GKU-98, 0.98-meter
   antenna, is considered non-conforming only because it is smaller than 1.2
   meters and the width of the main lobe extends beyond 1.25°. The antenna
   specification data and supporting plots submitted in support of FCC licensing
   show that from 1.6°, and especially in the region of any adjacent satellites, it

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   is fully compliant with FCC 47 C.F.R §25.209 as shown in the antenna
   patterns included as an attachment to the FCC filing .

5. FCC 47 C.F.R. § 25.212 (c) specifies the maximum input power density of -14
   dBW/4 kHz into the antenna in the 14 GHz band.

6. FCC Declaratory Order 3588, released April 9, 1986, Paragraph 35 provides
   further clarification: “Specifically, a waiver request will be unnecessary where
   the power density into the antenna is set at a level to assure that the radiated
   EIRP density does not exceed 15-25 Log10 θ in dBW/4 kHz for off-axis angles
   between 1° * and 7°, and does not exceed -6 dBW/4 KHz for off-axis angles
   between 7° and 9.2°, in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band.” (*Note: §25.209 (g)
   subsequently relaxed the start of the off-axis angle to 1.25° as stated above).

7. The operating mode of the .98-meter antenna in Clear Channel’s VSAT
   network in the DVB-RCS system and operating into a 6-meter hub station
   antenna requires an input power density at or below -19.9 dBW/4 kHz, the
   only region of off-axis EIRP density non-compliance is between 1.25° and
   1.6° as indicated in figure 1 below.

8. The difference in the performance of the Raven .98M antenna from the FCC
   limits as measured from the antenna patterns is presented in the table below.
   Note that the only area of concern is between 1.25 and 1.6°. By maintaining
   the EIRP density level into the antenna at or below the value indicated in the
   required EIRP density column, the antenna operation conforms to the FCC
   limitations for off-axis emissions.

   Calculation of the maximum off-axis EIRP density for the Raven .98M VSAT antenna systems
  Value of   29-25*logΘ   GKU-98 Off-     0.98M Raven     25.209 Max     Required     Off Axis EIRP
   Theta        (dBi)      Axis Gain        (GKU-98)     EIRP Density      EIRP          Density
 (degrees)                 from Test        Gain (dBi)   (dBW/4kHz)      Density to   (dBW/4kHz)
                              Data                       into antenna   meet 25.209

         1         29.0      N/A                   41             -14                          15.0
      1.25         26.6            32.5            41             -14         -19.9            12.6
       1.5         24.6            26.5            41             -14         -15.9            10.6
       1.6         23.9            23.9            41             -14         -14.0             9.9
         2         21.5            21.5            41             -14         -14.0             7.5
         3         17.1            17.1            41             -14         -14.0             3.1
         4         13.9            13.9            41             -14         -14.0            -0.1
         5         11.5            11.5            41             -14         -14.0            -2.5
         6          9.5             9.5            41             -14         -14.0            -4.5
         7          7.9             7.9            41             -14         -14.0            -6.1
       7.1          8.0             8.0            41             -14         -14.0            -6.0
         8          8.0             8.0            41             -14         -14.0            -6.0

9. Positive control is maintained over each remote terminal in the network
   through the CCSS hub station. Remote terminals are monitored and may be

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   activated and deactivated remotely from the hub. The hub station network
   operations center is manned on a 24/7 basis.

10. CCSS therefore requests licensing, pursuant to 25.209 (f), of its .98M Ku-
    band VSAT antenna system.

              Figure 1: Annotated Plot of Raven .98-meter antenna

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Document Created: 2009-12-10 08:16:34
Document Modified: 2009-12-10 08:16:34

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