Attachment RF Hazard statement

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20091109-01420 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                 Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation for a
                     6.3-Meter Earth Station System

The below report provide by the system supplier analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for a
Vertex/RSI Corporation Model 6.3M 6.3-meter earth station system. The analysis and
calculations performed in this report comply with the methods described in the FCC Office of
Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 first published in 1985 and revised in 1997 in
Edition 97-01. The radiation safety limits used in the analysis are in conformance with the FCC
R&O 96-326. Bulletin No. 65 and the FCC R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of
exposure limits that are dependant on the situation in which the exposure takes place and/or the
status of the individuals who are subject to the exposure. The Maximum Permissible Exposure
(MPE) limits for persons in a General Population/Uncontrolled environment are shown in Table
1. The General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an
exposure period of thirty minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an
Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a function
of transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of six minutes or less. The purpose of the
analysis described in this report is to determine the power flux density levels of the proposed
earth station in the far-field, near-field and at the main reflector surface, and between the
antenna edge and the ground and to compare these levels to the specified MPEs.

       Table 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)
Frequency Range (MHz)                        Power Density (mW/cm2)
30-300                                              0.2
300-1500                                     Frequency (MHz)*(0.8/1200)
1500-100,000                                       1.0

          Table 2. Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
Frequency Range (MHz)                      Power Density (mW/cm2)
30-300                                           1.0
300-1500                                   Frequency (MHz)*(4.0/1200)
1500-100,000                                      5.0

Based on the analysis it is concluded that the FCC RF Guidelines of Tables 4 and 5 have been
met. The applicant, however, has in place and will continue to have procedures for not pointing
in the direction of populated areas, and that access to hazardous areas are restricted while the
unit is in operation.

Radiation Hazard Based on FCC OET Bulletin 65
S = Power Density

Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure = 5 mW/cm2
Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure = 1 mW/cm2

HPA Power                     100.0   Watts
HPA Power                      20.0   dBW
Operating Backoff               1.0   dB
IFL Loss                        3.0   dB
Feed Power                     16.0   dBW
Feed Power                     39.8   Watts
Antenna Diameter                6.3   meters
Physical Antenna Area          31.2   meters2
Ssurface                        5.1   W/m2
Ssurface                         0.5 mW/cm       Wrst Case

Frequency                      14.3   GHz
λ                              0.02   meters
Near Field Extent             471.3   meters
Far Field Begins             1131.2   meters

Antenna Gain                   57.5   dBi
Antenna Gain               562,341    Ratio
Antenna Efficency              0.64   Ratio
Smax near field                 3.3   W/m2
Smax near field                  0.3 mW/cm

Smax far field                   1.4 W/m
Smax far field                   0.1 mW/cm

For off-axis calculations in the near-field and in the transition region it
can be assumed that, if the point of interest is at least one antenna
diameter removed from the center of the main beam, the power density
at that point would be at least a factor of 100 (20 dB) less than the value
calculated for the equivalent distance in the main beam. (OET Bulletin
65 Page 30)

Antenna EL                      20.0 °
D20 dB = Distance in front of antenna at which center of main beam is
one antenna diameter above typical persons head.
Height of Person                  2.0 meters
D20 dB                           14.1 meters

Document Created: 2009-11-09 11:54:28
Document Modified: 2009-11-09 11:54:28

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