TTAC Report.pdf

OTHER submitted by Inmarsat Hawaii Inc.



This document pretains to SES-MOD-20090831-01096 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                               555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
                                                               Washington, D.C. 20004-1304
                                                               Tel: +1.202.637.2200 Fax: +1.202.637.2201

                                                               FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES
                                                               Abu Dhabi       Munich
                                                               Barcelona       New Jersey
                                                               Brussels        New York
                                                               Chicago         Orange County
                                                               Doha            Paris
November 11, 2009                                              Dubai           Rome
                                                               Frankfurt       San Diego
                                                               Hamburg         San Francisco
                                                               Hong Kong       Shanghai
Marlene H. Dortch                                              London          Silicon Valley
Secretary                                                      Los Angeles     Singapore
                                                               Madrid          Tokyo
Federal Communications Commission                              Milan           Washington, D.C.
445 12th Street, SW                                            Moscow
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:    Inmarsat Hawaii, Inc., Call Signs E080059 and KA25, Paumalu, Hawaii

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       On behalf of Inmarsat Hawaii, Inc. (“Inmarsat”), licensee of earth stations E080059 and
KA25, Paumalu, Hawaii, we hereby submit the attached statement in satisfaction of License
Condition 341 to the KA25 license (see FCC File No. SES-MOD-20090831-01096) and License
Condition 337 to the E080059 license (see FCC File No. SES-MOD-20090831-01103).

        Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions

                                            Sincerely yours,

                                              /s/ John P. Janka
                                            John P. Janka
                                            Jarrett S. Taubman

                                            Counsel for Inmarsat Hawaii, Inc.


                     Inmarsat Plan for Protecting Authorized Operators
                    Using C-band Frequencies within +/- 6 Degrees of the
                         Inmarsat-4F1 or Inmarsat-4F3 Spacecraft

               This report is submitted in response to the Commission’s request for a
comprehensive plan detailing how Inmarsat will protect other authorized operators using C-band
frequencies within +/- 6 degrees of the Inmarsat-4F1 or Inmarsat-4F3 spacecraft, which are
operated using Inmarsat’s earth station facilities located at Paumalu, Hawaii.

                Inmarsat has completed conventional C-band frequency coordination with all U.S.
satellite networks operating under more senior ITU filings within +/- 6 degrees of Inmarsat-4F1
(143.5 degrees E.L.) and Inmarsat-4F3 (97.65 degrees W.L.).1 In the frequency coordination
agreements, certain limits were agreed to protect adjacent U.S. satellite networks. Inmarsat
currently operates Inmarsat-4F1 and 4F3 frequency carriers within the following agreed
conventional C-band limits:

               Earth Station Location:                Paumalu, Hawaii, U.S.

               Earth Station Antenna Diameter: Two 16m antennas (Call Sign E080059) and
                                               One 19m antenna (Call Sign KA25)

               Uplink transmit power:                 9.5 dBW

               Downlink EIRP:                         10.5 dBW

               Below is a list of U.S. satellite networks with which coordination is completed for
each of the Inmarsat-4F1 and 4F3 spacecraft:

                              Inmarsat-4F1 (143.5 degrees E.L.)

                       Orbital location (deg. E.L.)     Operator
                                   139                  Loral
                                   149                  Intelsat
                                   150                  Unassigned / FCC
                                  151.5                 Unassigned / FCC

        Inmarsat-4F3 is notified at the ITU as INMARSAT-4 98W at 98 degrees W.L. All
        frequency coordination agreements with U.S. satellite networks have been taken into
        account for operations at 97.65 degrees W.L.


                     Inmarsat-4F3 (97.65 degrees W.L.)

               Orbital location (deg. E.L.)   Operator
                          -103                SES Americom
                          -103                DirectTV
                          -103                Unassigned / FCC
                          -101                SES Americom
                          -101                DirectTV
                          -101                Unassigned / FCC
                           -99                Intelsat
                           -99                DirectTV
                           -99                Unassigned / FCC
                           -97                Intelsat
                           -97                Echostar
                           -97                Unassigned / FCC
                           -95                Intelsat
                           -95                Unassigned / FCC
                          -93.5               Unassigned / FCC
                           -93                Loral
                           -93                Intelsat
                           -93                Unassigned / FCC


Document Created: 2009-11-11 15:39:24
Document Modified: 2009-11-11 15:39:24

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