Raysat Supplement to

SUPPLEMENT submitted by RaySat Antenna Systems, LLC

Supplement to Modification Application


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20081221-01677 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                              SqUIRE, SANDERS & DEmPsEy LL.P.
                   ,                                                                                         Suite 500
  SQ@ }RE          [ LEGAL                                                                                    1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
                  ‘| counsEl                                                                                 Washington, D.C. 20004
\ M@E%             K wORLDWIDE                                                                               Office: +1.202.626.6600
                                                                                                             Fax: +1.202.626.6780

                                                                                                                    Direct: +1.202.626.6245

  December 22, 2008


  Scott Kotler
  Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
  Satellite Division
  International Bureau
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 12"" Street, SW
  Washington, DC 20554

  Re:      Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC; FCC Forms 312 Modification of Existing Licenses SES—
           LIC—20060629—01083, SES—LIC—20060629—02248, SES—LIC—20060629—02249, SES—LIC—
           20060629—02250, SES—LIC—20060629—02251, SES—LIC—20060629—02252

 Dear Mr. Kotler:

         Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC, by its attorney, hereby supplements its modification applications
 filed yesterday, December 21, 2008.‘ The enclosed engineering certification of Mr. Robert Yip was
 inadvertently omitted from the application materials and is attached hereto.

           Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this issue.

                                                                     Sincerely,          /y

                                                                     Joshua T. Guyan


 ‘ See Submission ID: 1B2008003072 (Call Sign EO60101); Submission ID: 2008003067 (Call Sign
 EQ60447); Submission ID: 1B2008003068 (Call Sign EO60448); Submission ID: 1B2008003069 (Call
 Sign EQ60449); Submission ID: 1B2008003070 (Call Sign E060450) Submission ID: 1B2008003071 (Call
 Sign EO60451).

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       I hereby certify that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules, that I have
either prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in this Modification
Application, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                            Robert Yip
                                                            Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC
                                                            8460—D Tyco Road
                                                            Vienna, VA 22182
                                                            (703) 584—3770

Dated: December 21, 2008

Document Created: 2008-12-22 14:04:39
Document Modified: 2008-12-22 14:04:39

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