Attachment Letter


LETTER submitted by Satamatics, Inc.

Concerning Modification Letter


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20071107-01542 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            STEPTOE&/JOHNSON w
                                                      ATTORNEYS             AT      LAW

    Mare A. Paul                                                                                           1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
    202.429.6484                                                                                            Washington, DC 2003641795                                                                                                 Tel 2024293000
                                                                                                                       Fax 2024293902

    January 17, 2008                                                JAN 17 2008

                               y                           Federal Communications
     BY HAND DELIVERY                                               mzsmg;;gé?figfmwm

     Ms. Marlene Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 12th Street, SW
     Washington, D.C. 20554

    Re:             Satamatics, Inc.
                    File Nos. SES—MOD—20071107—01542

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

              This letter is being submitted on behalf of Satamatics, Inc. ("Satamatics") to respond to
    two issues raised by the National Telecommunications Information Administration ("NTIA")
    concerning the above—referenced modification application ("the Modification").

                    First, NTIA has asked whether the modulation change set forth in the Modification is
    necessitated by the Inmarsat network or by Satamatics. The modulation change proposed in the
    Modification is the result of changes that Inmarsat has implemented to its network of satellites that
    allow D+ mobile earth terminals ("METs") to provide an enhanced form or extension of D+.
    Inmarsat will be phasing out D+ channel leases on its satellites using the old modulation scheme so
    Satamatics needs to implement the modulation change in order to continue services to existing
    customers and to expand its Inmarsat D+ customer base. Further, without the modulation change,
    Satamatics customers will not have access to the enhanced version of D+, Accordingly, as set forth
    in the Modification, Satamatics seeks to install a firmware upgrade to its licensed SAT—201 D+
    mobile earth terminals ("METs") that will allow these MET‘s to operate under the new modulation

                    Second, NTIA has asked whether the MET‘s will continue to meet the IMO SSAS or long
    range identification & tracking ("LRIT") requirements. Where applicable, the Satamatics D+
    METs will continue to meet IMO SSAS and LRIT requirements.

VASHINGTON    =e—   NEW YORK       +   CHICAGO   +   PHOENIX    +    LOS     ANGELES      «—   CENTURY   CITY   +   LONDON     «+   SRUSSELS

Ms. Marlene Dortch
January 17, 2008
Page 2

      Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this matter.

                                                Respectfuly submitted,

                                                Marc A, Paul

                                                Counsel for Satamatics, Inc.

cc:   Scott Kotler, International Bureau (by email)

Document Created: 2008-01-23 09:25:44
Document Modified: 2008-01-23 09:25:44

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