San Juan Coordinatio

STATEMENT submitted by MTN License Corp.

San Juan Coordination Report


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20060828-01518 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                             MTN License Corp.
                                                                               Call Sign E050281
                                                                                 January 27, 2017


                          SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO PORT AREA

        MTN License Corp. (“MTN”), pursuant to Section 25.221(a)(12) of the Commission’s
rules, 47 C.F.R. 25.221(a)(12), hereby submits notification of the successful completion of
frequency coordination of Earth Station on Vessels (“ESV”) operations conducted in the port
area of San Juan, Puerto Rico under its C-band ESV network license (Call Sign E050281). In
support of this notification, MTN provides the following information as set forth in the
Commission’s Public Notice DA 05-1671 (released June 15, 2005):

   1. Name and contact information of the frequency coordinator

              Ken Ryan, P.E.
              Skjei Telecom, Inc.
              777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 315N
              Falls Church, VA 22043
              Telephone: 703-917-4077

   2. Reference identification, date, and duration (if relevant) of the coordination report

              Coordination Report Number: 151125SKJTEL03
              Date: February 3, 2016

   3. Frequency coordination method used

              Critical contour point method

   4. Interference criteria used

              Long term: -154.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
              Short term: -131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%

   5. Speed of coordinated vessel, if relevant

              8.6 knots

                                                                                    MTN License Corp.
                                                                                       Call Sign E050281
                                                                                         January 27, 2017

    6. Center frequencies, bandwidths, and total spectrum coordinated per satellite

                Frequency Range: 6314.7-6344.3 MHz 1
                Bandwidths: 1.05 MHz and 3.75 MHz
                Total spectrum coordinated: 29.6 MHz

    7. Name of satellite(s) and transponder(s) being used

                Satellite: NSS7 @ 20° W.L.
                Transponders: GAL8/GAR8
                Transponder Frequency Range: 6309.0-6363.0 MHz

    8. Textual description and scaled map of the geographic area(s) coordinated

                The geographic area coordinated is the route depicted in the maps contained in the
                attached Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report, as well as all
                of the area seaward of this route within 200 kilometers of the baseline of the
                United States or 200 kilometers from any fixed service offshore installation.

    9. 24/7 contact information for the ESV operator

                Telephone: 1-954-538-4074

    10. Call sign of the hub station if independently licensed


    11. Statement indicating that as of the date of this notification there are no unresolved
        coordination requests which would result in an exceedance of the maximum 180
        megahertz of coordinated spectrum for all ESV operations in the coordination area in
        Section 25.202(a)(8)

                The frequency coordination advises that there are no unresolved coordination
                requests which would result in an exceedance of the maximum 180 megahertz of
                coordinated spectrum for all ESV operations in the 5925-6425 MHz band.

 MTN notes that the attached Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report also includes the
coordination of the 6410.4-6420.5 MHz frequency band. Although these frequencies were coordinated, MTN has
no immediate plans to operate within this band and thus does not include it as part of this Notice.

                                                                          MTN License Corp.
                                                                             Call Sign E050281
                                                                               January 27, 2017

       MTN respectfully requests that this notification be placed on Public Notice. Questions
concerning this matter should be directed to MTN’s counsel: David Keir (email
address:; telephone: 202-416-6742) and Philip Bonomo (email
address:; telephone: 202-416-6773).


                        Prepared for
                    MTN license Corp
                       San Juan, PR
         Satellite Earth Station on Vessel (ESV)

                        Prepared By:
                     Skjei Telecom, Inc.
               7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 315N
                  Falls Church, VA 22043
                      February 3, 2016

                                                          Skjei Telecom, Inc.

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2. SUMMARY OF RESULTS ............................................................................................................................ 4
3. SUPPLEMENTAL SHOWING ..................................................................................................................... 10
4. EARTH STATION COORDINATION DATA ................................................................................................ 11
5. CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................... 18

                                 Skjei Telecom, Inc.

An interference study considering all existing, proposed and prior coordinated microwave
facilities within the coordination contours of the proposed earth station demonstrates that
this site will operate satisfactorily with the common carrier microwave environment. There
will be spectrum restrictions due to interference considerations.

                                  Skjei Telecom, Inc.

A number of great circle interference cases were identified during the interference study of
the proposed earth station. The Critical Contour Point method of determining worst case
interference from the route and port sites was the interference method used. Each of the
cases, which exceeded the interference objective on a line-of-sight basis, was profiled and
the propagation losses estimated using NBS TN101 (Revised) techniques. The losses were
found to be sufficient to reduce the signal levels to acceptable magnitudes in every case.
In those cases were OH losses did not resolve the interference the ESV will mute
transmission within an exclusion zone sufficient in size to preclude interference. Also note,
that there are no unresolved coordination requests which would result in an exceedance of
the maximum 180 megahertz of coordinated spectrum for all ESV operations in the
coordination area in the 5925-6425 MHz band.

The following companies reported potential great circle interference conflicts that did not
meet the objectives on a line-of-sight basis. When over-the-horizon losses are considered
on the interfering paths, sufficient blockage exists to negate harmful interference from
occurring with the proposed transmit-only earth station. The ESV will employ a GPS
sensitive ability to cease transmission when traveling in certain exclusion zones. The
interference cases and the location of the critical contour point (CCP), around which the
exclusion zones exist are detailed in the tables below.

Sprintcom, Inc. Puerto Rico
Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico
Broadband Telecommunications Network
Critical Hub Networks, Inc.
Neptuno Media
PR Wireless, Inc.
Puerto Rico Commonwealth of State Police
Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC

                                                      Skjei Telecom, Inc.

Site     Juan
Desired          5950.1992   6094.001             6314.798
Frequencies      -           -          5987 -    -          6401.51 -
(MHz)            5953.9708   6112.771   6020.96   6344.248   6408.415
Case    Margin
#        (dB)                                                            Frequencies Affected

   20    35.3                           Y                                  6034.15         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

   54    35.1                                     Y                        6256.54   6315.84          0   0   0   0   0   0

  169    33.5                Y          Y                                  6034.15    6123.1          0   0   0   0   0   0

   92    28.6                                     Y                        6315.84         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

  108    28.5                                     Y                        6315.84         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

   10    27.1                                                Y             6404.79         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

  118    26.0                           Y                                  5974.85         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

   87    25.8                           Y                                  6034.15         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

  126    24.7    Y                                                          5945.2         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

  116    24.3                           Y                                  5974.85    6004.5          0   0   0   0   0   0

  100    18.8                                     Y                        6345.49         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

   56    16.3                                     Y                        6226.89   6286.19    6345.49   0   0   0   0   0

  235    13.1    Y                                                          5945.2         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

    4    5.5                                      Y                        6256.54   6315.84    6375.14   0   0   0   0   0

   75    5.3                                                 Y             6404.79         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

   59    4.7                                      Y                        6226.89   6286.19    6345.49   0   0   0   0   0

   98    2.4                            Y                                  5974.85         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

   55     0.7                                     Y                       6323.253         0          0   0   0   0   0   0
Desired          5950.1992   6094.001             6314.798
Frequencies      -           -          5987 -    -          6401.51 -
(MHz)            5953.9708   6112.771   6020.96   6344.248   6408.415
Into2   Margin
Case#    (dB)                                                            Frequencies Affected

  144    38.0                Y                                             6093.45         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

  208    37.9                Y                                              6123.1         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

  142    32.2                Y                                             6093.45         0          0   0   0   0   0   0

                             Skjei Telecom, Inc.
236   31.4       Y                         6137.925         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

75    30.3       Y                           6123.1         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

130   30.0   Y   Y                           5945.2   6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0

90    29.5       Y                          6093.45    6123.1         0         0         0         0         0         0

21    29.3               Y                  6315.84         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

218   29.2       Y                          6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

91    29.0                        Y         6197.24   6404.79         0         0         0         0         0         0

73    28.7   Y       Y                       5945.2   5974.85         0         0         0         0         0         0

128   28.2       Y                          6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

134   28.0       Y   Y                      6034.15    6123.1         0         0         0         0         0         0

139   27.7               Y                  6315.84         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

149   27.2       Y                          6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

26    26.7   Y                               5945.2         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

135   26.3       Y                           6004.5   6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0

205   26.0                        Y         6404.79         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

231   25.1       Y                          6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

93    24.9           Y                      5974.85         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

191   23.0   Y       Y                       5945.2   5974.85    6004.5    6063.8   6152.75         0         0         0

181   22.8               Y                  6286.19   6315.84         0         0         0         0         0         0

43    22.2   Y                               5945.2         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

206   19.2   Y                               5945.2         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

199   15.3   Y   Y   Y                       5945.2   5974.85    6004.5   6034.15   6093.45   6152.75         0         0

109   13.7       Y                           6123.1         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

40    12.0               Y                 6352.903         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

67    11.4           Y                      5974.85         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

64    10.3       Y   Y                      5974.85   6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0

100   8.4        Y                          6093.45         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

138   8.1            Y                      6034.15         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

159   7.8            Y                      5974.85         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

150   4.1                Y                  6345.49         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

222   2.1                         Y         6404.79         0         0         0         0         0         0         0

57    1.0                Y        Y         6197.24   6226.89   6256.54   6286.19   6315.84   6345.49   6375.14   6404.79

                 Skjei Telecom, Inc.
227   0.1   Y                      6345.49     0   0   0   0   0   0   0
                Table 1 – ESV Interference Cases

                                                Skjei Telecom, Inc.

Interference Zones
              CCP Latitude     CCP Longitude    Margin     Victim Rx
Into 1Case # (dec.deg)         (dec.deg.)       (dB)       Site           Licensee
          20     18.55396017      66.08309591      35.3    PR03XC509      Sprintcom, Inc. Puerto Rico
          54     18.65096921      66.25829296      35.1    ATALAYA        Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
         169     18.44889646      66.10930916      33.5    RONCADOR       AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico
          92     18.76182861      66.58117357      28.6    LA SANTA       Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
         108     18.61450641      66.11470956      28.5    ORCOVIS CR     PR Wireless, Inc.
          10      18.6642804      66.31083843      27.1    CERRO PUNTA    PR Wireless, Inc.
         118     18.66848578      66.32023666      26.0    PR00106A       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
                                                                          Puerto Rico Commonwealth of State
          87     18.76323456      66.44720027      25.8    MONTE DEL ES   Police
         126     18.76140371      66.58202262      24.7    PR00261A       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
         116     18.76527355      66.57428931      24.3    PR00096A       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
         100     18.56394658      65.91645957      18.8    EL GATO        Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
          56     18.56376129      65.91957545      16.3    ARECIBO        Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
         235     18.61924284      66.13333168      13.1    PR00359A       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
           4     18.44889646      66.10930916      5.5     ATALAYA        Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
          75     18.44889646      66.10930916      5.3     GUAYAMA        Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
          59     18.79135839      66.61424621      4.7     MONTE ESTADO   Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
          98      18.6156123      66.11905678      2.4     ISABELA PLAN   Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
          55     18.56225765      65.94482659      0.7     CAGUAS         Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
               CCP Latitude    CCP Longitude      Margin   Victim Rx
Case #         (dec.deg)       (dec.deg.)          (dB)    Site           Licensee
         144     18.45830629      66.10610837      38.0    MARQUEZA       Neptuno Media
         208     18.45769737      66.10631551      37.9    SABANA LLAN    Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
         142     18.46557838      66.12711157      32.2    MONTE DEL ES   Critical Hub Networks, Inc.
         236     18.44889646      66.10930916      31.4    PRT VB         Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
          75     18.56394658      65.91645957      30.3    SANTA ISABEL   Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
         130     18.62850063      66.16975529      30.0    PR00118A       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
          90     18.67533364        66.329404      29.5    SANTURCER      Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
          21     18.55913892      65.99700874      29.3    176 ISABELLA   Sprintcom, Inc. Puerto Rico

                                  Skjei Telecom, Inc.
218   18.71907621    66.3879952     29.2     PR00420A       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
 91   18.65561409   66.27662063     29.0     LA SANTA       Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
 73   18.55460409   66.07242959     28.7     VICTORIA       Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
128   18.53462343   66.10498888     28.2     PR000117A      T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
134   18.44889646   66.10930916     28.0     FAJARDO LOW    PR Wireless, Inc.
139   18.76884621   66.45472816     27.7     FLORIDA        PR Wireless, Inc.
149   18.56200922   65.94899267     27.2     CERCADILLO     AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico
 26   18.45080705   66.10865929     26.7     MONTE DE EST   PR Wireless, Inc.
135   18.47293361   66.12806679     26.3     CONQUISTADOR   PR Wireless, Inc.
205   18.61450641   66.11470956     26.0     ORCOVIS CR     PR Wireless, Inc.
231   18.80248541   66.49987381     25.1     MONTE DEL ES   Neptuno Media
 93   18.79638065    66.5120886     24.9     UTUADO         Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
191   18.54874349   66.08900302     23.0     FAJARDO        Broadband Telecommunications Network
181   18.54644321   66.09160756     22.8     VIEQUES BC     AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico
 43   18.75884755   66.58713015     22.2     PR03XC504      Sprintcom, Inc. Puerto Rico
206   18.69843284   66.36033736     19.2     PR00203A       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
199   18.55822469   66.01225684     15.3     VIEQUES PILO   Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
109   18.44889646   66.10930916     13.7     BARCELONETA    Neptuno Media
 40   18.44889646   66.10930916     12.0     VIEQUES        Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
 67    18.7524582   66.59989491     11.4     PR61XC268      Sprintcom, Inc. Puerto Rico
 64   18.45080705   66.10865929     10.3     SANTA ISABEL   Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
100   18.44889646   66.10930916     8.4      SANTURCER      Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
138   18.56394658   65.91645957     8.1      PRTC PINAS     Neptuno Media
159   18.45707123    66.1110089     7.8      SANTA ISABEL   PR Wireless, Inc.
150    18.7524582   66.59989491     4.1      OROCOVIS       AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico
222   18.45807016   66.09600575     2.1      CULEBRA        Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
 57   18.44889646   66.10930916     1.0      HATO TEJAS     Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
227   18.79816185   66.50852492     0.1      PONCE CO       Neptuno Media
                                  Table 2 - ESV CCP Locations
                       See Interference Analysis for Exclusion Zone Details

Pursuant to Part 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations, the satellite earth station
proposed in this application was coordinated by Skjei Telecom, Inc. using computer
techniques and in accordance with Part 25 of the FCC Rules and Regulations.

Coordination data for this earth station was sent to the below listed carriers with PCN letter
dated 11/25/2015.

       Critical Hub Networks, Inc.
       Iniciativa Tecnologica Centro Oriental
       Osnet Wireless Corporation
       PREPA Networks, LLC.
       Puerto Rico Commomwealth
       Puerto Rico Commonwealth of State Police
       Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
       Puerto Rico Telephone Company, Inc.
       Surge Communications LLC
       System Development Integration, LLC
       Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation
       AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico
       AT&T Mobility Virgin Islands, Inc.
       Broadband Telecommunications Network
       Choice Communications, LLC (VI)
       Neptuno Media
       PR Wireless, Inc.
       Sprintcom, Inc
       Sprintcom, Inc. Puerto Rico
       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC
       Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
       Broadband VI, LLC
       T-Mobile Puerto Rico LLC

This section presents the data pertinent to frequency coordination of the proposed earth
station that was circulated to all carriers within its coordination contours. The coordination
contours include all the area within this route as well as all of the area seaward of this
route within 200 km of the baseline of the United States or 200 km from any fixed service
offshore installations.”

Date:                                    11/25/2015
Job Number:                              151125SKJTEL03
Administrative Information
Status                                   ENGINEER PROPOSAL
Call Sign
Licensee Code                            MRNESV
Licensee Name                            MTN License Corp. - ESV In-Motion Route
Site Information                         SAN JUAN, PR
Venue Name                               SAN JUAN ESV
Latitude (NAD 83)                        18° 27' 43.9" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                       66° 6' 36.7" W
Climate Zone                             B
Rain Zone                                1
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                  0.0 m / 0.0 ft
Link Information
Satellite Type                           Geostationary
Mode                                     TO - Transmit-Only
Modulation                               Digital
Satellite Arc                            20° W to 47° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                            106.9° to 132.4°
Corresponding Elevation Angles           33.9° / 59.2°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                 15.54 m / 51.0 ft
Antenna Information                            Transmit - FCC32
Manufacturer                                   FCC REFERENCE
Model                                          32-25LOG(THETA)
Gain / Diameter                                41.7 dBi / 2.4 m
3-dB / 15-dB Beamwidth                         0.66° / 1.55°

Max Available RF Power        (dBW/4 kHz)      -10.0
                              (dBW/MHz)        14.0

Maximum EIRP                  (dBW/4 kHz)      31.7
                              (dBW/MHz)        55.7
                              (dBW)            61.4

Interference Objectives:    Long Term          -154.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
                            Short Term         -131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%
Frequency Information                          Transmit 6.1 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)               1M05G7W - 3M75G7W / 6314.7 - 6344.3
                                               1M05G7W - 3M75G7W / 6410.4 - 6420.5

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance         181.0 km / 112.4 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius           100.0 km / 62.1 mi

Coordination Values             SAN JUAN, PR
Licensee Name                     MTN License Corp. - ESV In-Motion Route
Latitude (NAD 83)                 18° 27' 43.9" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                66° 6' 36.7" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           0.0 m / 0.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          15.54 m / 51.0 ft
Antenna Model                     FCC Reference 32-25LOG(THETA)
Antenna Mode                             Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       -154.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
                         Short Term      -131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                   -10.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                           Transmit 6.1 GHz
               Horizon            Antenna              Horizon      Coordination
Azimuth (°)    Elevation (°)      Discrimination (°)   Gain (dBi)   Distance (km)
  0             1.06              104.17               -10.00        102.13
  5             1.06              100.01               -10.00        102.13
 10             1.06              95.83                -10.00        102.14
 15             0.75              91.63                -10.00        115.23
 20             0.75              87.44                -10.00        115.22
 25             0.00              83.32                -10.00        162.88
 30             0.00              79.19                -10.00        162.88
 35             0.00              75.09                -10.00        162.88
 40             0.00              71.03                -10.00        162.88
 45             0.00              67.02                -10.00        162.88
 50             0.00              63.08                -10.00        162.88
 55             0.00              59.23                -10.00        162.88
 60             0.00              55.49                -10.00        162.88
 65             0.00              51.88                -10.00        162.88
 70             0.00              48.45                -10.00        162.88
 75             0.00              45.23                 -9.39        165.71
 80             0.00              42.28                 -8.65        169.16
 85             0.00              39.66                 -7.96        172.51
 90             0.00              37.45                 -7.34        175.59
 95             0.00              35.71                 -6.82        178.18
100             0.00              34.53                 -6.45        180.04
105             0.00              33.96                 -6.27        180.97
110             0.00              34.03                 -6.30        180.86
115             0.00               34.74                -6.52        179.70
120             0.00               36.05                -6.92        177.66
125             0.00               37.90                -7.47        174.94
130             0.00               40.21                -8.11        171.78
135             0.00               42.91                -8.81        168.40
140             0.00               45.92                -9.55        164.94
145             0.00               49.19               -10.00        162.88
150             0.00               52.67               -10.00        162.88
155             0.00               56.31               -10.00        162.88
160             0.00               59.99               -10.00        162.88
165             0.00               63.28               -10.00        162.88
170             0.25              65.79                -10.00        156.38
175             0.39              67.60                -10.00        138.14
180             0.41              69.56                -10.00        136.03
185             0.36              71.69                -10.00        141.36

Coordination Values             SAN JUAN, PR
Licensee Name                     MTN License Corp. - ESV In-Motion Route
Latitude (NAD 83)                 18° 27' 43.9" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                66° 6' 36.7" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           0.0 m / 0.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          15.54 m / 51.0 ft
Antenna Model                     FCC Reference 32-25LOG(THETA)
Antenna Mode                             Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       -154.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
                         Short Term      -131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                   -10.0 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                           Transmit 6.1 GHz
               Horizon            Antenna              Horizon      Coordination
Azimuth (°)    Elevation (°)      Discrimination (°)   Gain (dBi)   Distance (km)
190             0.30               73.94               -10.00        149.64
195             0.30               76.25               -10.00        148.86
200             0.56               78.56               -10.00        123.44
205             0.30               81.11               -10.00        149.82
210             0.52               83.58               -10.00        125.51
215             0.00               86.21               -10.00        162.88
220             0.00               88.76               -10.00        162.88
225             0.00               91.31               -10.00        162.88
230             0.00               93.86               -10.00        162.88
235             0.00               96.39               -10.00        162.88
240             0.00               98.88               -10.00        162.88
245             0.00              101.32               -10.00        162.88
250             0.00              103.69               -10.00        162.88
255             0.00              105.98               -10.00        162.88
260             0.00              108.17               -10.00        162.88
265             0.00              110.25               -10.00        162.88
270             0.00              112.18               -10.00        162.88
275             0.00              113.97               -10.00        162.88
280             0.00              115.58               -10.00        162.88
285             0.00              117.00               -10.00        162.88
290             0.30              118.49               -10.00        149.38
295             0.86              120.01               -10.00        110.39
300             0.83              120.78               -10.00        111.42
305             1.15              121.62               -10.00        100.00
310             1.18              121.91               -10.00        100.00
315             1.38              122.11               -10.00        100.00
320             0.85              121.30               -10.00        110.87
325             0.60              120.53               -10.00        120.89
330             0.36              119.52               -10.00        141.96
335             0.44              118.58               -10.00        132.79
340             0.47              117.37               -10.00        129.59
345             0.00              115.54               -10.00        162.88
350             0.42              112.20               -10.00        135.01
355             0.75              108.23               -10.00        115.22

Name   Latitude    Longitude
N      19.97478     -67.0543
1      18.75333    66.58333
2      18.80333          66.5
3      18.66667     -66.3167
4        18.565     -65.9167
5        18.555     -66.0833
6      18.51667     -66.1267
7      18.48333      -66.128
8       18.4695     -66.1283
9      18.46667     -66.1273
10       18.463     -66.1247
11      18.4575      -66.118
12     18.45733     -66.1147
13     18.46017     -66.1137
B14    18.46233      -66.114
15     18.46017     -66.1123
B16     18.4625     -66.1137
17     18.45917     -66.1105
B18     18.4625     -66.1103
19         18.46    -66.1085
B20    18.46283     -66.1097
B21       18.45     -66.1095
22     18.46117     -66.1057
23      18.4605     -66.1003
24      18.4595     -66.0988
25     18.45917     -66.0962
26     18.46133     -66.1067
27      18.4555     -66.1142
28     18.45817     -66.1112




Ken Ryan, P.E.
Principal Engineer
Skjei Telecom, Inc.
7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 315N
Falls Church, VA 22043

DATED: February 3, 2016

Document Created: 2017-01-27 12:49:05
Document Modified: 2017-01-27 12:49:05

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