Attachment Construction Letter

Construction Letter

LETTER submitted by Keller & Heckman LLP

Wal-Mart Stores E940457


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20060407-00593 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                Receven & NepECTED
            Ketcer Anp HECKMAN LLP
            Serving Busines thrugh Lew and Science®                                  Nov 1 3 2006
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                                           RECEIVED                               PCC — MAILROOM
peanastios                                   NOV 1 4 2006                      dnDirect Accos
  November 9, 2006                           sns onees                        c. DouglasJarrett
                                            IntermatonalBureau                 fncorcten con
  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary               #                                satseititess
  Federal Communications Commission
  Office ofthe Secretary
  9300 East Hampton Drive
  Capitol Heights, Maryland, 20743                        emorsr sesmonossuraoss
                                                          Noi smmho           aneenetuseaigy
                                                          2001 sea HotLoW Roro(6 mm. seconbary)
  ATIN: International Bureau, Earth Stations              pneviae, mo mcoon@to
         Re:       Wal—Mart Stores, Inc.
                   Satellte Earth Station EO40457
                   Grant Date: June 2, 2006
  Dear Ms. Dortch

          Transmitted herewith on behalf of our client, Wal—Mart Stores, Inc, is an original and
  four copies of its Notification of Construction for the secondaryhub located in Pincville,
  Missouri as authorized by Satellte Earth Station call sign E940457

         This filing is made in response to the Federal Communications Commission‘s Rules and
  Regulations, Section 25.133(b): Fach licensefor a transmitting earth station included in this
  part shall also specify as a condition therein that uponthe completion ofconstruction, each
  licensee mustfle with the Commission a certification
         It is believed that the Commission wl find this Notification to be in satisfactory form for
  the intended purpose. Should there be anyquestions concemning the Notieation, however, the
  Commlssionis fespestfilly requested to communtoate diently with hlo otlicn.

                                                 C. DoughiJarrelt

                Washington, D.C          Brosele    San Francisco              Shanghat
                                           ww khlawcom

                                                                                    WalxMART Storos ic.
                                                                              inforsixion systews prvison
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Octber 30, 2006                                   wov 1 4 2006                       receven & Nopecren
Federl Communications Commission                  Sateite Diision
International Bureay,Earth Sutions              IntemationaiBurcau                        NoV 1 3 2006
445 12Sveet SW
            . DC
                   es                                                                 FCG — MAILROOM
      Re:          WakMart Siores, Ic.
                   Application File No. SES—MOD—20060407—00503
                   Saelite Earth Sution Call Sign E90457
                   Gram Dare: June 2, 2006
                   Nommmication or conrueren consrrvcrion
Dear Sr or Madams
         Pursuant o he procedures described i 47 CFR § 25.133, Wal—Mart Stores, Inc.(*Wal—Mart®) hereby
certifes that the constration of he secondary hub located in Pinevile, Missouri authorized by he above
captined sation lcense has been completed and placed in operaion, pursuant to modifed permanent muthority
for aperation granted on June 2, 2006.
         As previously disclosed t the Federal Communications Commission in Wal—Mar‘s RequestforSpecial
‘Temporary Authority ofFebriary 21, 2006, and in it July 20, 2006, Response o he Enforement Bureau,
‘Wal—Martcommenced operation o hisrelocated ficlty on o aboutSeptember 30, 2003..Wal—Mar ceties
thatthe antenna faility associated wth thesecondary hub has been teted and is wthin 2 dB of he patern
specifie in Section 25209 and that the sation is operational and willremain operational during the license priod
wntessth cense is submited for cancellaion.
        Should you have any questons concerningths matter,pleas let us know.
                                                Respectfuly submited,
                                                Wal—Mar Stores, .

                                                    im Felding

                                         Wal—Mart Confidental

Document Created: 2006-11-16 12:57:35
Document Modified: 2006-11-16 12:57:35

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