Attachment Coordination


LETTER submitted by Intelsat LLC

Notification of Coordination Report


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20051209-01730 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


wWIT                      Wiley Rein & Fielding ur

                          August 10, 2006
PHONE    202.719.7000
FAX      202.719.7049
                          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Virginia Office
SUITE 6200                Federal Communications Commission
McLEAN, VA 22102          445 12"" Street, S.W.
PHONE    703.905,.2800    Washington, DC 20554
FAX      703.905.2820

                          Re:    File Nos. SES—MOD—20051209—01730 (E990551)                      ESV C—band Coordination Notice

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          Pursuant to Section 25.221(e) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. 25.221(e),
                          and the Commission‘s June 15, 2005 Public Notice, DA 05—1671, Intelsat LLC
                          hereby submits, in Appendix 1, coordination information with respect to 35 ports
                          that will be utilized by the ESV antennas that are the subject of the above—
                          referenced modification application.

                          Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions.

                          ed Dthk
                             inifer D. Hindin


                                      Appendix 1

           Coordination Information for Intelsat ESV Hub Applications
  (File Nos. SES—MOD—20051209—01730, SES—MOD—20051209—01729, SES—MOD—

Intelsat hereby submits coordination information, per the requirements of the

Commission‘s June 15, 2005 Public Notice (DA 05—1671), with respect to the following

pending applications:

  e    SES—MOD—20051209—01730 for Intelsat earth station call sign E990551;

  e    SES—MOD—20051209—01729 for Intelsat earth station call sign EQO20314; and

  e    SES—MOD—20051209—01769 for Intelsat earth station call sign KA262.

The coordination was conducted by Skjei Telecom, Inc in collaboration with Comsearch.

1. Name and contact information of the frequency coordinator

Ken Ryan
Skjei Telecom, Inc.
7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 31 5N
Falls Church, VA 22043

2. Reference identification, date, and duration (if relevant) of the coordination report

The reference identification and date information is given in Table A below.

3. Frequency coordination method used

The Critical Contour Point method of determining worst case interference from the route

and port sites was the interference method used.

4. Interference criteria used

The following interference objectives were used:

Long Term —154.0 dBW/4 kHz for 20% of the time

 Short Term —131.0 dBW/4 kHz for 0.0025% of the time

5. Speed of coordinated vessel, if relevant

This information has not been used in the worst case methodology used for carrying out

the coordination.

6. Centerfrequencies, bandwidths, and total spectrum coordinated per satellite

In any geographic location, coordination has been sought for a total of 8 MHz of

spectrum within the 5925—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space) frequency band on each of at most

two satellites. The corresponding bandwidth and center frequencies are as follows: 4

MHz of spectrum at 5927 MHz and 4 MHz of spectrum at 6423 MHz.

7. Name of satellite(s) and transponder(s) being used

a)         Intelsat satellite IS—707@307°E, transponder 11/11 (ESV) for communications

with earth station call sign E990551.

b)         Intelsat satellite IS—605@174°E, transponder 88/88 (ESV) for communications

with earth station call sign EO20314.

(9]        Intelsat satellite IS—707@307°E, transponder 18/18 (ESV) for communications

with earth station call sign KA262.

8. Textual description and scaled map of the geographic area(s) coordinated

The geographic areas coordinated consist of multi—routes towards 35 U.S. ports listed in

Table A below. An idea of these areas‘ is given in Figures 1 to 35 in the attached


CMOBILE\Port Coordi

‘ In some cases, the maps provided do not include the full area coordinated.

9. 24/7 contact information for the ESV operator

As stated in the pending applications, the 24/7 contact information for the ESV operator

is the Intelsat NOC (Network Operations Center) in Washington, DC. The contact

information is as follows: E—mail: noc.ops / Phone: 202—944—6792.

10. Call sign of the hub station if independently licensed

The hub station is not independently licensed. Intelsat is the ESV operator and the hub

licensee, so it did not apply for a separate license for the ESV terminals. Instead, Intelsat

has applied to modify the existing licenses of its hub antennas to add ESV transmissions.

11. Statement concerning unresolved coordination requests

As of the date of this notification there are no unresolved coordination requests for ESVs

operated by Intelsat that would result in Section 25.203(a)(8)‘s maximum limit of

180 MHz of coordinated spectrum for all ESV operations in the coordination area being


     Table A. Reference identification and date of coordination reports

 Coordination      Coordination area         Date              Reference
report number                                                identification
1               BARBERS PT, HI         03/23/2006        060131 SKJTEL17
2               BEAUMONT, TX           03/15/2006        051 108SKJTELO4
3               Boston, MA              03/15/2006       051 108SKJTELO7
4               CALCITE, MI             03/23/2006       060201 SKJTELOG6
5               CANAVERAL, FL           03/23/2006       060201 SKJTEL10O
6               CHARLESTON, SC          03/15/2006       051202SKJTELO3
7               CHICAGO, IL             03/17/2006       051222SKJTELO1
8               CORPUS CHRIS, TX        03/15/2006       051 109SKJTELO2
9               DETROIT, MI             03/17/2006       051 130SKJTELO3
10              DULUTH—SUPER, MN        03/24/2006       060125SKJTELOS
11              FREEPORT, TX            03/17/2006       051215SKJTELO2
12              HONOLULU, HI            03/15/2006       0511108SKJTELO1
13              HOUSTON, TX             03/15/2006       0511 10SKJTELO4
14              MIAMIL, FL              03/15/2006       05111 1SKJTELO7
15              MOBILE, AL              03/15/2006       051111SKJTELO8
16              NEW HAVEN, CT           04/06/2006       051209SKJTELOA4
17              NEW ORLEANS, LA         03/15/2006       051 109SKJTELO1
18              PALM BEACH, FL          03/24/2006       060201SKJTELO8
19              PORT ARTHUR, TX         03/24/2006       05 1205SKJTELO4
20              PORT EVERGLA, FL        03/15/2006       05 1010SKJTELO4
21              PORT INLAND, MI         03/24/2006       060131 SKJTEL21
22              PORT LAVACA, TX         03/17/2006       05121 3SKJTELOG6
23              PORT MANATEE, FL        03/24/2006       060201SKJTEL11
24              PORTLAND, ME            03/17/2006       051205SKJTELOS
25              PROVIDENCE, RI          03/31/2006       05 1220SKJTELO4
26              RICHMOND, CA            03/22/2006       05121 3SKJTELO8
27              SAGINAW, MI             03/23/2006       060131SKJTEL23
28              SAVANNAH, GA            03/15/2006       051 108SKJTELO8
29              SILVER BAY, MN          03/24/2006       060131 SKJTEL14
30              ST. CLAIR, MI           03/24/2006       060131 SKJTEL19
31              STONEPORT, MI           03/24/2006       060131SKJTEL15
32              TAMPA BAY, FL           03/23/2006       051 108SKJTELOQ
33              TEXAS CITY, TX          04/04/2006       05 1209SKJTELO7
34              TWO HARBORS, MN         03/24/2006       060126SKJTELO6G
35              VALDEZ, AK              03/15/2006       051227SKJTELO7

Document Created: 2019-04-10 16:25:30
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 16:25:30

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