Attachment 1.65 letter

1.65 letter

LETTER submitted by ORBIMAGE License Corp

1.65 letter


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20051021-01435 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


   wac. maoie                              RECEIVED               sstemnsmam smim
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   January 25, 2006                                               w          Stcsntates
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   Ms. Marlene Dortch
   Secrctary                                            RECEIVED
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                               JaN 2 5 2006
   Washington, DC 20554
                                                    dn Conmricaton Commssin
   Artention:       International Bureau                    We s sn

                    Re:    Update to Pending Applications for Modification
                           1B File Nos. SES—MOD—20051021—01433, SES—MOD—20051021—01434
                           Sis—M10D—2001021—01435, SES—MOD—20051021—01436
   Dear Ms. Dortch

          Enclosed please find a lete submitted by ORBIMAGE License Corp. ("ORBIMAGE®)
   pursuant to Section 1.65 of the rules ofthe Federal Communications Commission to update the
   above—referenced pending earth station modification applications
          Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions concerning this matter

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                  /y; C Muthe»
                                                Nia C. Mathis
                                                of LATHAM & WATKINS LLP


                                                                       Coen mans wromemon

Junuary 25, 2006

Ms. Merlene Doch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelth Street, 5. W.
Washington, DC 20554

              Re:    Update to Pending Applications for Modification
                     1B File Nos. SES—MOD—20051021—01433, SES—MObD—20051021—01434
                     sEs—Mop—20s1021—0435, SES—Mop—20081021—01436
Dear Ms. Dortch:
        ORBIMAGE License Corp. (°ORBIMAGE®) hereby files thi leter pu
1.65 of the rulesof the Federal Communications Commission (the "Commission"), 47 C.ER.
§1.65, to update the aboverreferenced pending carth sation modification applications (the
        Space Imaging LLC ("Space Imaging")filed the Applications on October 21, 2005. On
December 28, 2005, the Commission suthorized the assignment of certain eart station
authorizations,including the Applications, rom Space Imaging to ORBIMAGE. The
assignment was consummated on January 10, 2006. Thus, ORBIMAGE is now the applicant of
record for the pending modification requests. Please update the Commission‘s flesaccortingly.
        Please contact the undersigned ifyou have any questions concerning this matter.

                                           Respectfully submitted,
                                           ORBIMAGE License Corp

                                                  Willam L. Waren
                                                  VicePresident and General Counsel

           ORBIMAGE + 21700 Atanic Bld. Dulle, V\ 2016 + 70328075300 705tt07ses Pad

Document Created: 2006-01-26 14:37:57
Document Modified: 2006-01-26 14:37:57

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