Attachment Comments, Petition

Comments, Petition

COMMENT submitted by Globalstar LLC ("Globalstar"



This document pretains to SES-MOD-20050927-01330 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                             Before the                                  RECEIVED
                               Washington, D.C. 20554                                      FEB 0 8 2006
                                                                                           Sateite Diision
In the Matter of                                    )                                    InternatonalBureau
Iridium Satelite LLC and Iridium Carier             )     File Nos. SES—MOD—20050927—
Services LLC Earth Station Modification             )     or329/01330; SES—AMD—20081222—
Applications as Amended                             )     01791/01792; Call Signs E9601327E950622
Special Temporary Authority                         )     File Nos. SES—3TA—20051229—01812813;
                                                    )     Call Signs Eoeo13zfE0s0622
Review of the Spectrum Sharing Plan Among
                                                    )     1B DocketNo.02:364 ..
Non—Geostationary Satellte Orbit Mobile             )                              ® ~ 3 2006
Sutellte Service Systems in the 1.6/2.4 GHz         )                      FotenComuntateny
Bands                                               )                         , Ofecatseniyt
                                 Comments and Petition to Deny

        In the applications captioned above, Iridium Satellite, LLC (" Tridium") has sought to
modify its mobile satellte earthstation license to permit it to operate terrestrial antennas or
repeaters designed to repeat and amplify the signals of Iidium‘s Mobile Satellite Service
(MSS") space stations and mobile earth stations/terminals (°METs")."" Pursuant to Section
25.154(a)of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. § 25.154(a), Globalstar LLC ("Globalstar®)
hereby requests that the Commission deny the above—captioned applications to the extent that
they seek authority to operate terrestrial transmitting devices in the 1616—1618.725 MHz band
and deny the applications in all other respects pending Iridium‘s supplying additional, clarifying
technical and operational information.

Y       Iridium Applications for Satellite Earth Station Modification, File Nos. SES—MOD—
20050927—01320/01330; Call signs E60132E960622 (filed Sept.27, 2005)("Original
Applications"); Iridium Amendment to Application for Satellite Earth Station Modification, File
No. SES—AMD—20051222—01791/01792 (filed Dec. 22, 2005)(Public Notice Report No. SES—
00781, Jan. 4, 2006) ("‘Amended Applications").

         On November 14, 2005, Globalstarfiled a petition to deny Iridium‘s original
 modification applications.?" On December 22, 2005, Irdium concurrently filed the Amended
Applications, as well as an opposition to Globalstar‘s petition to deny.®" Although the Amended

Applications, which were placed on Public Notice on January 4, 2006, provide reduced power,
antenna gain, and effective isotropic power ("EIRP") levels for the proposed equipment,® as
discussed below, the applications are deficient in that they fail entirely to address the egitimate
threat ofinterference that operation of the devices will cause to Globalstar‘s licensed MSS
services in frequency bands exclusively assigned to Globaltar and in bands in which Iridium and
Globalstar are required to coordinate their operations. These applications should be held in
abeyance pending a coordination agreement between Iridium and Globalstar, pursuant to the
Commission‘s L—band sharing plan,®and clarification of certain technical aspects discussed

     |._ As an initial matter,the Amended Applications are an amendment to a MET authorization
that proposes rerrestrial operation in the band 1616—1626.5 MHz.®" While it is the case that
Iridium‘s satellites are capable of operating, but not currently authorized to operate, across the
full 1616—1626.5 MHz band, Iidium‘s METs are limited to the 1618.25—1626.5 MHz band.

®       Globalstar Petition to Deny, Iidium Satellite LLC and Iridium Carmier Services LLC
Earth Station Modification Applications as Amended, eal,File Nos. SES—MOD—20050927—
01329/01330 and SES—STA—20050930—01349/01350 (filed Nov. 14, 2005).
®        Iridium Opposition to Petition to Deny, Iridium Satellite LLC and Iridium Carrier
Services LLC Earth Station Modification Applications as Amended, eral, File Nos. SES—MOD—
20050927—01329/01330 and SES—STA—20050950—01349/01350 (filed Dec. 22, 2005) ("Triddum
€        See Amended Applications.
®        See Report and Order, Fourth Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, /n the Marter ofReview ofthe Spectrum Sharing Plan Among Non—Geostationary
Sutellite Orbit Mobile Satellite Service Systems in the 1.62.4 GHz Bands; Amendment ofPart 2
ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Allocate Spectrum Below 3 GHzfor Mobile and Fixed Services to
Support the Introduction ofNew Advanced Wireless Services, including Third Generation
Wireless Systems, 19 FCC Red 13356, 13336—81 49 44—53 (2004) (*L—Band Sharing Order").

Furthermore, the 1618.25—1621.35 MHz portion of this band is subject t coordination with

Globalstar and subject to a pending petition for reconsideration in another proceeding."
Coordination has not occurred, and the Amended Applications establish no basis for expanding
the frequency range of Iridium‘s METs. Therefore, the Commission should deny the
applications to the extent that they seek more extensive use of spectrum than is currently
authorized for Indium‘s METs.
       In its opposition to Globalstar‘s original petition to deny, Inidium states that the
applications "do not propose to operate the equipment on frequencies in the 1618.25—1621.35
Mz band that have not been coordinated with Globalstar."®" As noted above, not only do the

applications propose operation below 1618.25 MHz, but in fact Iridium has not to date
coordinated any use of the 1618.25—1621.35 MHz band with Globalstar; specifically, Indium has
not eepondad to Globietar‘s OShowiing hormfut Interforence that contioues in Chamnels 7
and 8 in the Clifton gateway from regular (non—repeater) Iidium users when both systems are
heavily loaded."" Thus, as Indium is well aware, Inidium has provided Globalstar with no
assurance that the fixed repeaters, which may cause even higher interference levels than its
existing METs, will be coordinated with Globalstar in any of the shared frequencies between
1618.25—1621.35 MHz.

£      See Amended Applications at Form 312, Nos, 24, EA3/44, ESO, ES2S3.
2      Globalstar has petitioned the Commission for reconsideration of the sharing requirement
to the extent that the shared portion begins at 1618.25, ather than 1618.725. See Petition for
Reconsideration of Globalstar LLC, IB Docket No. 02—364 and ET Docket No. 00—258 (filed
September 8, 2004). In order not to prejudice the outcome of that proceeding, the Bureau should
establish the lower limit of Iidium‘s operation in this application to 1618.725 MHz.     See L—Band
Sharing Order at 13336—81 9§ 44—53.

®      See Iridium Opposition at 2—3.
9      See Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from
William F, Ader, Globalstar Vice President — Legal and Regulatory Affairs (Jan. 9, 2006)filed
in IBFS File Nos. SAT—STA—20050923—00180/181; Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary,
Federal Communications Commission, from William T. Lake, Counsel for Globalstar (Oct. 17,
2005),filed in IBFS File Nos. SAT—STA—20050923—00180/181

        In addition, even as amended, the applications stll fail to demonstrate how Iridium‘s
 proposed operations will not cause harmful interference to Globalstar‘s licensed services without
 the required coordination. Although the applications do include a technical showing that
 purports to demonstrate thatIridium will meet the out—of—band emissions limits necessary to
 protect the radionavigation satellite service in the 1559—1610 MH band, they fail to provide any
 technical showing that the proposed operations will not cause harmful interference to
Globalstar‘s licensed operations in the 1610—1621.35 MHz band.
        Specifically, to the extent that Iidium‘s new repeaters operate outside Globalstar‘s
sigened frequency bands of 1610—1621.35 MHz, it is necessary to suppress each Iridium
carrier‘s out—of—band emissions by 14.16 dB as shown in Table 1 in the Appendix. However,
even with the now—proposed EIRP levels of 10.3 dBW (reduced from the 18.5 dBW previously
requested by Iridium), as the same table shows, operation of Tridium repesters co—frequency in
Globalstar‘s frequency channels, such as in the frequency range 1616—1621.35 MHz,.® sll will
cause the harmful interference from Iridium into Globalstar to greatly exceed (by 14.16 dB)
Globalstar‘s allowable 3% degradation of service quality. Table 2 in the Appendix shows the
effect of a medium traffic level ofIrdium repeaters into Globalstar. Even with the new EIRP of
Iridium repeaters (10.3 dBW),Idium‘s interference exceeds Globalstar‘s allowable 3%
degradation in service quality by sbout 7 dB, a very significant increase. Furthermore, Iidium
has failed to demonstrate that the out—of—band RF emission from the proposed amplifier
equipment in any 1 MHz of the frequency band falling within the Globalstar frequency allocation
of 1610—1621.35 MHz is suppressed by atleast 14.16 dB relative to ts peak value.

19—    We notethat Iidium does not have authority to use the portion ofthe band between 1616
and 1618.25 MHz for METs or other terrestrial applications, and that Globalstar strongly
opposes any such grant of authority. See, e.g., Comments of Globalstarfiled in TB Docket No.
02—364 (Filed Sept.8, 2004).
©      See Appendix, Table 1.

 Globalstar also requeststhat the Commission require Iridium to clarify the EIRP of its proposed
 repeaters. Itis unclear from Iridium‘s applications whether or not the repeaters will repeat more
 than one carrier, and to the extent that the repeater does in fact repeat more than one carrier,it is
 not clear if the reported EIRP is per carrier oiit is the total EIRP for the device.
        Finally, Globalstar also asks that the Commission deny any further requests for extension
 of Iridium‘s special temporary authority ("STA"), or new STA requests to operate the proposed
 devices. The original STA, which was granted on July 8, 2004, and subsequently extended six
 times (most recently Iridium filed an extension on December 29, 2008 for its STA which expired
 December 30, 2005),!* was based on prior applications for auxr;nri«y to operate the proposed
 devices that were dismissed because Iridium had failed to provide required technical information
and demonstrate compliance with Commission‘s rules for METs."®" Since the underlying
application on their face are Aot gtontable absontthe necessary prioe coontinatton with
Globalstar,the Commission should refuse to grant any further requests for extension of the STA.
At a minimum, any future STA grants should expressly limit Indium‘s operations to the
 1621.35—1626.5 MHz band and to devices that comply with the out—of—band emissions
        For all of these reasons, Globalstar requests that the Commission require that Iidium
provide additional technical information regarding the proposed devices, and require that Iridium
coordinate the use ofthe proposed devices with Globalstar. Untl such clarification and

_      Inidium Application for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SES—STA—20040524—
00717 (filed May 24, 2004) (granting the original request for STA from July 8, 2004 through
September 8, 2004). Iridium Application for Extension of Special Temporary Authority, File
Nos. SES—STA—20051229—01812/1813 (filed Dec. 29, 2005).
&       See Letter from Scott Kotler, Chief, System Analysis Branch, Satellite Division,
International Bureau, to Jennifer D. Hindin, Counsel to Iridium (DA 05—1548) (May 27, 2005)
(dismissing Iridium‘s repeater applications, File Nos. SES—MOD—2005040—00401, SES—MOD—

coordination takes place, Globalstar requests that the Commission (1) deny the Amended
Applications, and (2) deny any further request by Iridium to extend the special temporary

authority to operate the devices proposed in the applications, ata minimum to the
extent that Iridium seeks to operate in the 1621.35—1626.5 MHz band without meeting the out—of—

band emissions restrictions in the Globalstar operations band.

                                                 Respectfully Submitted,

        \                                                  LUZLIR—
William F. Adler                                     iam T. Lake
Globalstar LLC                                   Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
461 Milpitas Blvd.                                and Dorr LLP
Milpitas, Califomia 95035                        2445 M Street, NW.
(408) 9334401                                    Washington, D.C. 20037
                                                 (202) 663—6000
                                                 Counsel for Globalstar LLC
Febrary 3, 2006


 Interference from Tridiom Repeatersatcapacity nto Globalstar shows effectsof in—band
 interference, as well as required OB emissions suppression if only OOB interference)
(Iridium repeater nterference into Giobaisiar
                                                                     f——   ,*‘A——“

Number of Icium cariers in 1.23Miiz                                    _ sesse _
Average Iidium transmit power percarier                                      toskew

                                                                                 se ow_|
‘Alo                            exiemal in              sn                       El       1
Alowable total inter. (or 3% degradation seltintertplus noise)             ~102.50 cowne
Allowable extemal nter. (or 3% degradation of seitintertpius noise         ___207.71 BWz _)
00B emission supprossion of idium camiers                                     EXBC        :

                                            Table2                                       +
Interference calculation from Tridium repeaters (whesystem is at mediumm load) wth peak EIRP
into Globalstar

                                                                          —200.48 cBwiviz
                                                                          ~ iss cowhe
                                                                          4192.%0 cowie
                                                                          207.71 dowine

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Josh L. Roland, do hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Petition To Deny
filed by Globalstar LLC was served by hand on February 3, 2006, on the following
parties (marked with an asterisk (*)) or first class United States mail, postage prepaid:

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary*                  Cassandra Thomas
Federal Communications Commission              Satellte Division
445 12" Street, SW                             International Bureau
Room CY—B402                                   Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                           445 12" Street, SW
                                               Washington, DC 20554
Karl Kensinger                                 Andrea Kelly
Satelite Division                              Satellite Division
International Bureau                           International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Stree, SW                              445 12" Street, SW             |
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554           |

Scott Kotler                                   Jennifer D. Hindin
Satellte Division                              Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
International Bureau                           1776 K Street, NW
Federal Communications Commission              Washington, DC 20006
445 12" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Olga Madruga—Forti
Iridium Satellite LLC
6701 Democracy Blvd.
Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20817

                                                     14|   L. Roland

February 3, 2005

Document Created: 2006-02-08 11:08:27
Document Modified: 2006-02-08 11:08:27

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