Attachment Petition to Deny

Petition to Deny

PETITION TO DENY submitted by Globalstar LLC ("Globalstar")

Globalstar has filed a Petition to Deny on November 14, 2005


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20050927-01330 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                       NoV 1 7 2005
                                           Before the                                  Sateite Diision
                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                               InternatonalBureau
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

Iridium Satelite Earth Station Modification )           File Nos. SES—MOD—20050927—
Applications                                )           01329/01330; Call Signs E9601322960622
Special Temporary Authority                      )      File Nos. SES—STA—20050930—
                                                 )      01349/01350; Call Signs 601322060622
Review of the Spectrum Sharing Plan              )      1B Docket No.02—364
Among Non—Geostationary Satelite Orbit           )
Mobile Satellite Service Systems in the          )
1.672.4 GHte Bands                               )                    RECEIVED
                                                 §                       NoV 1 4 2005

        Globalstar LLC ("Globalstar®) hereby requests that the Commission deny the
above—captioned applications filed by Iridium Satellite, LLC ("Iridium") secking to modify
its mobile satellit earth station license to permit it to operate terrestrial antennas or
repeaters designed to repeat and amplify the signals of Iridium‘s Mobile Satelite Service
("MSS") space stations and mobile earth stations/terminals (°METs")." As discussed

below, the applications (1) appear to seek authority to operate on frequencies in which
Iridium is not lcensed to provide service, and (2) fail to address the threat of interference
that operation ofthe devices will cause to Globalstar‘s licensed MSS services in frequency

Y     tridium Applications for Satellite Earth Station Modification, File Nos. SES—MOD—
20050927—01329/01330; Call signs E960O132/E960622 (Filed Sep. 27, 2005).

bands exclusively assigned to Globalstar and in bands in which Iridium and Globalstar are
required to coordinate their operations.
       In the applications, Iidium states that the devices will be capable of operating in the
1616—1626.5 MHz frequency band and that"the proposed equipment operates only on those
frequencies within the 1.6 GHz band that are assigned to the Tridium MSS system.:"""

However, he applications and accompanying technical disclosures suggest that Iridium
may intend to operate throughout the 1616—1626.5 MHz band.2" Although Tridium is
authorized to operate in the 1621.35—1626.5 MHz band on an exclusive basis pursuant t its
MSS authorization® and in the 1618.25—1621.35 MHz band on a co—primary basis under the
Commission‘s 2004 Order in TB Docket No. 02—364" Iridium‘s earth stations are not
permitted to transmit below 1618.25 MHz. As a result, the applications appear to request
authority to operate on frequencies for which Iridium is not licensed to provide service.
       In addition to secking authority to operate in the 1616—1618.25 Mz band in which
Iridium is notlicensed, the applications also fail t demonstrate that Iridium‘s proposed
operations will not cause harmful interference to Globalstar‘s licensed services. First,
although the applications do include a technical showing that purports to demonstrate that

¥2     i
*2  Order and Authorization, Application of U.S. Leo Services, Inc. 11 FCC Red 20474
®      Report and Order, Fourth Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, Review ofthe Spectrum Sharing Plan Among Non—Geostationary Satellite
Orbit Mobile Satellite Service Systems in the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands, 19 FCC Red 13356,
133674 44 (2004).

Iridium will meet the out—of—band emissions limits necessary to protect the radionavigation
satellte service in the 1559—1610 MHz band, they fail to provide any technical showing that
the proposed operations will not cause harmful interference to Globalstar‘s licensed
operations in the 1610—1621.35 MHz band
       Specifically, if Irdium‘s new repeaters operate outside Globalstar‘s allocated
frequency bands of 1610—1621.35 MH, it is suficient to suppress each Iridium carer‘s
out—of—band emissions by 22.36 dB as shown in Table 1 in the Appendix. However, as the
sumetable shows, operation of Iridium repeaters co—frequency in Globalstar‘s frequeney
channels,such as in the frequency range 1616—1621.35 MHz, will cause the harmful
interference from Iridium into Globalstar to greatly exceed (by 22.36 dB) Globalstar‘s
allowable 3% degradation of service quality. Table 2 in the appendix shows the level of

interference from Iridium carriers with peak EIRP level for Iidium mobie users (not
repeaters) ata traffic level slightly higher than the current Iidium traffic load. This shows
that interference from Iridium users into Globalstar is below the 3% allowable degradation.
However, Table 3 in the Appendix shows the effect ofthe same traffic level of Irdium
repeaters (not mobile users) into Globalstar. The increased EIRP of Iridium repeaters
causes Iridium‘s interference to exceed Globalstar‘s allowable 3% degradation in service

quality by about 12 dB, a very significant increase.
       Second, the peak EIRP level requested by Iridium for ts repeater fails to meet the
foomote 5.364 requirement®of ~15 dBW4 kHz where Acronautical Radio Navigation

€      Foomote 5.364 (formerly 731E), which is incorporated into the U.S. Table of
Frequency Allocations (47 C.F.R. § 2.106), applies to "mobile earth stations" operating in
the 1610—1626.5 MHz band. Itprovides that such earth stations shall not produce an EIRP


System systems are present or —3 dBW/4kHz where such systems are not present. This in
itself is a disqualifying factor.

        Third, before it may grant Iridium‘s application, the Commission must require a
demonstration by Iridium that the out—of—band RF emission from the amplifier equipment in
any 1 Hz of the frequency band falling within the Globalstar requency allocation of 1610—
1621.35 Mz is suppressed by at least 22.36 dB relative toits peak value." The emission
levels proposed in the application, unmitigated by frequency separation and filtering for
out—of—band emissions, are far in excess of those approved by the Commission and present a
strong likelihood of causing interference, not only to Globalstar, but also to other licensees
operating in adjacent spectrum.
        Finally, although Iridium originally filits application for the repeater exchange
system in June 2004 and has filed a new application and several requests for special
temporary authority ("STA®) since then, Iridium hasnever approached Globalstar to
coordinate its proposed use of the 1618.25—1621.35 MHz frequency band, Indium recently

took Globalstar to task for a similar omission ®

density in excess of ~15 dB (W/ kH2)in the part ofthe band used by systems operating in
accordance with the provisions ofNo. 5.366 (to which No. 4.10 applies),unless otherwise
agreed by the affected administrations. In the part of the band where such systems are not
operating, the mean EIRP density of a mobile earth station shall not exceed —3 dB (W/4
2      See Appendix, Table 1.
8      See Letter to Marlene . Dortch from R. Michael Senkowski, dated October 19,
2005, File Nos. SAT—STA—20050923—00180/00181. The Commission has specifically
required coordination of use of the 1618.25—1621.35 MHz band segment. 19 FCC Red at
13380—81 99 53.57.

        In addition to requesting that the above—referenced applications be denied,

Globalstar also asks that the Commission deny any further extension of Iridium‘s STA to
operate the proposed devices, which was first granted on July 8, 2004 and subsequently
extended six times, most recently on September30, 2005."" The original STA was based
upon prior applications for authority to operate the proposed devices that were ultimately
dismissed because Iridium fuiled to provide required technical information and demonstrate
compliance with Commission‘s rules for METs:"" It is impossible to glean from Iridium‘s
application orthe Bureau‘s grant thereof any rationale for extending the STA repeatedly
once the underlying application was dismissed.
       As discussed above, the current STA is based upon pending applications that seek

authority to operate in frequencies for which Iridium is notlcensed and has failed to
undertake any required coordination with Globalstar‘s operations. Since the underlying
applications on their face are not grantable because they request authority to operate in
spectrum for which Iridium is not authorized to operate,the Commission should refuse to
grant any further requests for extension ofthe STA. At a minimum, any future grants of
special temporary authority should expressly limit Iidium‘s operations to the 1621.35—
1626.5 MHz band.

#      Iridium Application for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SES—8TA—
20040524—00717, filed May 24, 2004 (granting the original request for STA from July 8,
2004 through September , 2004); Grant of Authority, fridiun Application for Extension of
Special TemporaryAuthority, File No. SES—STA—20050930—01349/01350 (Sept.30, 2005).
The latest extension appears to have been inadvertently granted for 90 days from October 1
to December 31, 2005, rather than 60 days from October 1 to November 30.
12— See Letter from Scott Kotler, Chief, System Analysis Branch, Satellte Division,
International Bureau, to Jennifer D. Hindiin, Counsel toIndium (DA 05—1548) (May 27,

       Forall of the foregoing reasons, Globalstar requeststhat the Commission (1) deny
the above—referenced applications and (2) deny any further requests by Iridium to extend
the special temporary authority to operate the proposed devices to the extentthat Iridium
seeks to operate outside the 1621.35—1626.5 MHz band.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                               %\g ( B0 Ar
Richard S. Roberts                              William T. Lake
William F. Adler                                Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
Globalstar LLC                                   and Dore LLP
461 Milpitas Blvd.                              2445 M Street, N.W.
Milpitas, Califonia 95035                       Washington, D.C. 20037
(408) 933—4401                                  (202) 663—6000
                                                Counselfor Globalstar LLC

November 14, 2005

2005) (dismissing Iridium‘s repeater applications, File Nos. SES—MOD—20050408—00401,


"Table 1: Interference from Iridiuzm Repeaters at capacityInto Globalstar (hows effects o i—band
interference, as wellas required OOB emissons suppressn f only OOB interference)
   mdio                 nterference into Globalstar

  tss                                                                         oiy
  Number ofIidium beams per Globalstar beam                                       3
  Number        ofidiumc               in123 lz at capacity       .           seses _
  |Average Iidiumtransmtpower per caer ________________| _ 185 08W__|
  [Typica range at 40 deg. Elov____                     |  1952 km
  Path loss           _                                                       16243 00
                                                                              10530 dBWhz

  BRevantennagein          ®                                                 ~ fee _
  [Typical slfintererence density                                              189 dowhe
  Typical selfinterfrence plusthermal noise density                   —_| gzesootdawhie
  [Allwable % degradation due to extemaintererence                               %
  |Allowable total ntertfor 3% degradation of seltintert plus n               9230 cowhz
  Allowable external inte                                                     207.71 BWz
  (0OB emission suppression ofIdum cariers                                     2230

Table2; Interference calcul in from Iidiom users(when system is ighty oaded) withpeak ENRP
into Globaistar
idiummobile users: Interference into Globalstar                             I
                                                      k               oon
Frequency                                                               1618 hiz
Numberoidium beams per Globalstar beamn                                se
|Nomber Indium camers in 1.23 iz                                          |           a
[Average Iidum transmt power por carier                                   |           sleew        _
Typical range at 40 deg. Elev                                                    1952/km
Pahioes_                               P dne        ccomaced          2        dez40ke_
Imtrt densitypor bearn fromhdiumusersrexd at Globalstarsat. nput |____208.0}dBWHz_

iRev antennagain
Typical se            ce a                                                        "iea aowhiz _
"Typical seltintererence plus thermal noise density                            192.19 dowiz
[Alowable % degradation due extemalintorerence                 mes             __o3%
  lowable     total       intert (or
[Alowable extemal inter

"Table 3: Interference calculation from Iridium epeaters (when system is lightlloaded) wth peak
EIRP into Globalstar
    Inidium repeater: nterference into Globalstar

                                                                           195 80 dewhie

  Rerantenna gain                7
  Typical selfinterrence density
                   erence plus thermal noise denaiy
  [Alowable     degradation toextormal interlrence_         ts                  6
  [Alowable totalnter. for3% degradation oseltinter plus naise) |___       19236 dBWRiz
  Alowableextemalnter                          &         mss
   00B emission suppression ofIridium camiers                                t19tike

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       1, Josh L. Roland, do hereby certfy that a copy ofthe foregoing Petition To Deny
filed by Globalstar LLC was served by hand on November 14, 2005, on the following
parties (marked with an asterisk (*)) orfrst class United States mail, postage prepaid;
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary*
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW
Room CY—B402
Washington, DC 20554
Cassandra Thomas*
Satellite Division
Interational Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Karl Kensinger®
Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Andrea Kelly*®
Satelite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Scott Kotler®
Satellte Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Jennifer D. Hindin
Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
1776 K Streeu, NW
Washington, DC 20006

Olga Madruga—Forti
Iridium Satellite LLC
6701 DemocracyBlvc.
Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20817

                        %; L. Roland

November 14, 2005

Document Created: 2005-11-22 11:53:56
Document Modified: 2005-11-22 11:53:56

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