Attachment IridiumResp

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20050927-01329 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


wIT                       Wiley Rein & Fielding ur

PHONE    202.719.7000
                          November 16, 2006
FAX      202.719.7049

Virginia Office
SUITE 6200
McLEAN, VA 22102
PHONE    703.905.2800
                          Scott A. Kotler
FAX      703.905.2820     Chief, Systems Analysis Branch.
                          Satellite Division, International Bureau
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, SW
                          Washington, DC

                          Re:      License Modification Applications
                                   Call Signs E960132 & E960622
                                   File Nos. SES—MOD—20050927—01329, SES—AMD—20051222—01791,
                                   SES—MOD—20050927—01330 & SES—AMD—20051222—01792

                          Dear Mr. Kotler:

                                  In response to your letter dated September 26, 2006, Iridium Satellite LLC
                          and Iridium Carrier Services LLC (collectively, "Iridium") submit the following
                          information regarding the above—referenced applications. The questions raised in
                          your letter are set forth below, followed by Iridium‘s response to each question.

                          1.       Please demonstrate that the proposed operation of ground repeaters will not
                                   cause harmful interference with operation of the Globalstar MSS system in
                                   the 1610—1621.35 MHz band to a greater extent than permltted by an
                                   existing coordination agreement.

                                  As demonstrated in Iridium‘s opposition to Globalstar‘s first petition to
                          deny, the peak effective isotropic radiated power ("EIRP") of the proposed
                          equipment is lower than that of an ordinary Iridium mobile earth terminal ("MET")
                          and therefore has an even lower risk of interferenceto the Globalstar MSS system in
                          the 1610—1621.35 MHz band than an Iridium MET.‘ Moreover, as stated in
                          Iridium‘s modification applications, the proposed equipment cannot operate
                          independently of the Iridium MET‘s or the larger Iridium MSS system.
                          Consequently, the proposed equipment will not cause harmful interference with
                          operation of the Globalstar MSS system in the 1610—1621.35 MHz band to a greater

                          \ See Iridium Opposition to Petition to Deny, at 3—5 (Dec. 22, 2005).
                          2 See Iridium Carrier Modification Application, Exh. 4, at 4 (Sept. 27, 2005); Iridium Satellite
                          Modification Application, Exh. 3, at 4 (Sept. 27, 2005).

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extent than permitted under the Commission‘s rules or an existing coordination

2.      A statement in Amended Exhibit 4 of the applications implies that an
        Iridium Eagle Broadband repeater will retransmit no more than three FDMA
        carriers at the same time. Could additional FDMA carriers aggregate at the
        antenna input and cause the repeater to respond? If so, what mechanism
        would prevent the repeater from being overloaded? If not, how would the
        repeater block the additional carriers? The same exhibit states that the
        power at the uplink antenna flange would be distributed equally to the
        number of carriers being retransmitted in the same time slot. Given our
        understanding that the repeater is simply a linear amplifier, how is the
        handset power controlled to assure that each handset provides equal input to
        the amplifier?

        Additional carriers could aggregate at the antenna input and cause the
repeater to respond. The first amplifier stage of the repeater is adjusted and tested
for input signals that prevent input levels that could cause the unit to operate at or
above the 1dB compression point.

       The amplifier output power is distributed among the number of carriers
being retransmitted and in relative proportion to the power level of each carrier
received at the input to the amplifier. The statement in amended Exhibit 4 that the
output power is distributed equally assumes equal carrier input power to the
amplifier, but this may or may not be the case at any particular instant in time. The
repeater itself has no mechanism to ensure that the power of each MET provides
equal input power to the amplifier, and there is no functional need to do so.

          MET transmit power levels are controlled by the Iridium network through a
closed—loop process. The introduction of the repeater into the loop is transparent to
both the MET and the Iridium network. For a regular outdoor MET—to—satellite link
(i.e., a non—repeated link), the Iridium network continually assigns a certain transmit
power level to the MET based on measured power levels. With the repeater in the
loop, the power level assignment algorithm functions in an identical manner, except
the power level assignment algorithm takes into account the MET‘s amplified
power it receives and makes an appropriate power level assignment. This process
occurs seamlessly through the repeater (in both uplink and downlink directions),
even though the repeater is transparent to the Iridium network.

3.     The applications indicate that the repeaters are designed to be capable of
       operating across the 1616—1626.5 MHz band, although authority is requested
       only for operation in frequencies above 1618.25 MHz. What prevents the
       repeater from causing unwanted emissions by retransmitting Globalstar

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        MET transmissions received in frequencies above 1616 MHz? What would
        prevent the repeaters from being driven into overload and creating
        interfering intermodulation products within Globalstar‘s bandwidth?

        The repeater is designed to cause no harmful interference or disruption of
service to the Globalstar system. Adjustments made at the installation sites will
prevent overdriving of the repeater. As noted in response to Question 2 above, the
first amplifier stage of the repeater is adjusted and tested to ensure that input signals
from Iridium MET‘s cannot drive the unit to its 14B compression point. As
explained below, the EIRP of a Globalstar MET is approximately 16 dB lower than
the EIRP of an Iridium MET, and therefore a Globalstar MET cannot overdrive the
repeater under any reasonable operating condition.

         Most, if not all, Globalstar MET‘s are tri—mode handsets that are capable of
accessing terrestrial cellular or PCS networks. Consequently, in buildings where
the satellite signal is attenuated, Globalstar MET‘s are expected to switch to
terrestrial mode and transmit using the stronger terrestrial signal, rather than the
weaker satellite signal. The repeater is designed specifically to operate in
conjunction with the Iridium system for the purpose of extending the range of
Iridium MET‘s in primarily indoor settings, a propagation environment that is well
known to be challenging to MSS networks. Within these indoor settings, the
repeater is unlikely to retransmit Globalstar signals because Globalstar subscribers
typically are aware that their MET‘s may not function reliably in an indoor
environment where the signal is attenuated and therefore are unlikely to initiate calls

       The repeater cannot extend the range of a Globalstar MET in the same
manner as an Iridium MET because the repeater does not receive and retransmit
Globalstar downlink signals into the building and back to an in—building Globalstar
MET. The repeater is tuned only to the 1.6 GHz band (¢.e., Iridium‘s assigned
uplink/downlink band), not to Globalstar‘s downlink band at 2483.5—2500 MHz.
Globalstar subscribers cannot obtain a duplex link (¢.e., complete a call) through the
repeater because Globalstar‘s downlink transmissions to the Globalstar MET remain
attenuated by the building.

       An in—building Globalstar MET, under rare circumstances, theoretically
could establish an uplink acquisition request to the Globalstar network through the
uplink path of the repeater. The Globalstar MET, however, would not be able to
complete the acquisition handshake because it detects no downlink signal and hence
receives no acknowledgement or instruction from the Globalstar network, the
equivalent of "no signal" from a cell phone.

        Consider the case of a Globalstar MET that continually attempts to establish
a connection with the Globalstar network and thereby potentially mixes with other
uplink signals within the repeater. A typical EIRP for an Iridium MET is

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approximately +6 dBW, and a typical EIRP for a Globalstar MET is approximately
—10 dBW. Given an equal in—building propagation situation, the Globalstar MET‘s
input power to the repeater‘s interior antenna would therefore be 16 dB lower than a
typical Iridium MET. Furthermore, Iridium MET‘s transmit using right hand
circular polarization ("RHCP"), while Globalstar MET‘s transmit using left hand
circular polarization ("LHCP"). The cross—polarization isolation performance of the
repeater‘s RHCP—tuned interior antenna to Globalstar LHCP uplink transmissions
will be a statistically distributed function based upon the actual in—building
multipath fading, and will range somewhere between 0 dB and 10 dB. There will
also be some amount of cross—polarization rejection provided by the oppositely
polarized receiving Globalstar satellite antenna (LHCP) to any retransmitted signals
(RHCP). The amount of cross—polarization isolation also varies depending on the
particular path and typically will be better on the outdoor path (F.e., exterior antenna
of the repeater to Globalstar satellite) than the indoor environment, but obviously
any cross—polarization isolation provided by the Globalstar satellite further reduces
the amount of interference into the Globalstar system.

        Consider further the hypothetical case where the Iridium and Globalstar
systems operate on identical polarizations, and a Globalstar MET in a repeater—
equipped building attempts to connect to its network. The EIRP of a typical
Globalstar MET is approximately 16 dB lower than that of an Iridium MET EIRP
and will always produce less input power at the input to the amplifier than that
capable of an Iridium MET under normal operating conditions. The amplitude of
the intermodulation products produced by any variant of Iridium/Iridium,
Iridium/Globalstar or Globalstar/Globalstar signals cannot be greater than that
caused by the combination of two higher—powered Iridium/Iridium carriers. Thus,
any intermodulation products caused by a stray Globalstar MET transmission will
always be less than that caused by two or more Iridium carriers.

4.       Please explain why a promotional announcement in the Iridium Eagle
         Broadband website specifies a 10.5 MHz signal bandwidth and a frequency
         range of 1616.0—1626.5 MHz.

        The specification of a 10.5 MHz signal bandwidth and a frequency range of
1616—1626.5 MHz in a promotional announcement on the Eagle Broadband website
was intended merely to conform to the terms of Iridium‘s existing blanket MET
licenses, which authorize MSS handsets "capable of operating in the 1616—1626.5
MHz frequency band."" To avoid any potential for confusion, Eagle Broadband has
deleted this specification from its website.

* Application of U.S. Leo Services, Inc., 11 FCC Red 20474," 17 (Int‘l Bur. 1996).

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5.       In an opposition pleading filed on December 22, 2005, the applicants assert
         that the repeaters will not generate mean EIRP density greater than the —3
         dBW/4 kHz limit specified in Allocation Table Footnote 5.364. This
         assertion seems inconsistent with other specifications in the applications.
         Please recheck your calculations and amend the applications as necessary to
         correct any error in this regard.

      The Iridium network employs a time domain duplex ("TDD") approach
whereby uplink and downlink transmissions are assigned timeslots within a defined
frame duration. The TDD structure is based on a 90 ms frame length, which is
composed of a 20.32 ms guard time, four 8.28 ms uplink timeslots and four 8.28 ms
downlink timeslots. The Iridium network assigns the timeslot(s) to each Iridium
MET. For voice communications, an Iridium MET is assigned one uplink timeslot
per frame. For data communications, an Iridium MET is assigned anywhere
between one and four timeslots per frame. Therefore, for data communications, it is
possible for an MET to be assigned all four available uplink timeslots of a single
frame for a total uplink transmit time of 4*8.28 = 33.12 ms per frame. The highest
ratio of uplink transmission time to frame duration is therefore 33.12/90 = 0.368.

        The repeater‘s output power is distributed among the number of carriers
being re—transmitted at any instant in time. The unit is rated to provide
simultaneous access to three Iridium METs. The maximum power that can appear
at the input to the exterior transmit antenna is 7.8 dBW, regardless of the number of
carriers that are being amplified. The peak gain of the exterior transmit antenna is
2.5 dBi. The maximum EIRP produced by the equipment is therefore 10.3 dBW.

        From an uplink EIRP density perspective, the maximum instantaneous EIRP
density will occur when a single carrier is being re—transmitted and at maximum
amplifier power. The occupied bandwidth of an Iridium carrier is 31.5 kHz. The
peak instantaneous EIRP density in 4 kHz is therefore 10.3 — 10*log(31.5/4) = 1.34
dBW/4 kHz. This value appears in Item E49 of the amended FCC Form 312,
Schedule B, of the pending modification applications.*

       The calculation of the mean EIRP density necessarily takes into account the
maximum ratio of uplink transmission time to frame duration, shown above to be
0.368. The worst case mean EIRP density is then: 1.34 + 10*10g(0.368) =—3
dBW/4 kHz.

6.      The applications indicate that the antenna for retransmitting downlink
        signals will be installed inside buildings or other structures. According to a

* See Iridium Carrier Amendment, FCC Form 312, Sched. B (Dec. 22, 2005); Iridium Satellite
Amendment, FCC Form 312, Sched. B. (Dec. 22, 2005).

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         press release displayed in the Eagle Broadband web site, however, the
         repeaters "enable multiple callers to use Iridium—based satellite telephones in
         both outdoor and indoor settings." If customers can use the downlink re—
         transmitter outdoors, what additional interference impact would result from
         such operation?

        The press release, dated June 13, 2006, states the following: "Available as
both fixed and mobile units, the [repeater] creates a satellite communications
‘hotspot,‘ allowing more flexibility by enabling multiple callers to use Iridium—
based satellite telephones in both outdoor and indoor settings without losing a
signal." This statement is consistent with the pending modification applications,
which state that "the proposed equipment is suitable for installation in buildings or
other fixed structures; military, commercial, or private ships and vehicles; and
permanent or temporary government, military, or commercial facilities."" Thus, if
installed in buildings or other fixed structures, the repeater will facilitate use of
Iridium handsets in indoor settings; and, if installed on ships or vehicles, the
repeater will facilitate use of Iridium handsets in those limited outdoor settings. The
interference impact resulting from the operation of the repeater on ships and
vehicles is the same as that resulting from operations in buildings and other fixed

        Furthermore, when the repeater is installed in buildings or other fixed
structures, it is not designed to facilitate subscriber access to the Iridium MSS
system in outdoor settings. Rather, the press release statement is intended to convey
the message that the repeater is designed to facilitate seamless access to the Iridium
system by allowing subscribers to continue using their handsets as they move from
an outdoor setting where the repeater is not required to an indoor setting where the
repeater may be required to amplify and retransmit the attenuated signal..

7.       Please provide a block diagram of the repeater, an enlarged frequency
         response plot for the cavity filter, and cascade analysis for gain, noise figure,
         and third—order intercept point.

         (a)      Block diagram of the repeater: See Attachment 1.

         (b)      Enlarged frequency response plot for cavity filter: See Attachment

        (c)     Noise figure and third—order intercept point: The maximum noise
figure is 1 dB, and the output third—order intercept point is 57 dBm.

* See Iridium Carrier Modification Application, Exh. 4, at 2; Iridium Satellite Modification
Application, Exh. 3, at 2.

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        (d)      Cascade analysis forgain: The repeater is adjusted and tested at each
installation site to produce a nominal gain of 66 dB, measured between the input to
the low noise amplifier ("LNA") and the output of the bandpass filter. The gain of
the LNA is 60 dB. The output of the LNA is attenuated using an adjustable
attenuator, with a typical attenuation of 32 dB. The power amplifier has a gain of
40 dB. The bandpass filter has an insertion loss of 2 dB. The end—to—end gain is
therefore 60—32+40—2 = 66 dB. Cabling losses from the output of the interior
antenna to the amplifier and from the amplifier to the exterior antenna vary    _
depending on the installation, but each are on the order of 5 dB. The gain can be
further adjusted so that the maximum output power to the input of the exterior
antenna does not exceed 7.8 dBW.

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8.      What steps have been taken to inform customers that the repeaters are
        currently authorized only on a temporary basis?

        Customers have been notified in writing that the repeaters have been
authorized pursuant to a special temporary authorization and that an application for
regular licensing authority is pending before the Commission.

        We trust that this provides a full response to your questions and strongly
urge the Commission to grant expeditiously the long—pending modification
applications. Please contact the undersigned if you have any additional questions
regarding this matter.


Peter D. Shields
Chin K. Yoo
Counselfor Iridum

ce:    William T. Lake
       Counsel for Globalstar LLC
       Wilmer Cutler PickeringHale and Dorr LLP
       2445 M Street, NW
       Washington, DC 20037

                           ATTACHMENT 1

                   Block Diagram of the Repeater

                             Gain Setting Attenuators       SatMax Uplink Antenna
Handset Transmit Antenna             3 places

                                                 Poer Amp           Filter

                                                            SatMax Downlink Antenna

                                       ATTACHMENT 2

                     Enlarged Frequency Response Plot For Cavity Filter

                                                        13 Dec 2005     i4:20:10
(CHZ]) $21     LOG       19 dB/REF 0 dB                i:~—5.9363 dB   _1 616.000 dBD MHz

         MarKeR] 1                                                             ce
           1. 616 oup/4 |*\                                                    Aasire
                              7 /
                                                          C                      eemcothe   aB

«C                    /
                        —Z                                   \\
                 /                        '                            \
       w                                                                       "‘q\
             START 1 609.900 dbB MHz                            STOP 1 659.000 GBDB MHz


Document Created: 2006-11-16 17:09:30
Document Modified: 2006-11-16 17:09:30

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