Attachment Supplement

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20050615-00751 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                     ) Intelsat.
                                                                                                                      inspiring connections

      May 18, 2006                                                           .

     —BY HAND DELIVERY                                      |                    | RECEIVED
       Ms. Marlene H.Dortch                   ‘                 '        |              MAY 18 2006 —
       Secretary .                                                               Federal Communications Commission
      Federal Communications Commission                                                  Office ot Secretary
       445 12"" Street, S.W.
       Washmg‘[on DC 20554

       Re: _     Intelsat North America LLC
                 Nuevo, California Earth Station
                 Call Sign E040125
                 File Nos.: SES—MOD—2005061500751 and SES—AMD—200511 1601587

     _ Dear Ms. Dortch:

       In the above referenced pending application, as amended to provide supplemental
       information sought by Commission staff ("Application"), Intelsat North America LLC >
       ("Intelsat") seeks to modify the license of its Nuevo, California C—band transmit/receive
       earth station with call sign E040125 to (1) provide launch and early orbit phase ("LEOP")
       operations in support of newly launched satellites by increasing the satellite arc, EIRP per
       carrier, and EIRP density, and (2) change the regulatory classification of the license from
       dual—use (both common and non—commoncarrier) to non—common carrier only. By this
       letter, Intelsat requests that the Commission act in part and defer in part with respect to _ _
       the Application.

        Specifically, Intelsat requests that the Commission act with respect to the request to
      — change the regulatory classification from dual—use to non—common carrier only, while
        deferring —— until after acting on the regulatory classification request —— action on the
       request to provide LEOP operations. Intelsat files this request in order to. expedite
       Commission actionon the regulatory classification request.

        The Application, as amended, has gone on Public Notice and no party filed a petition to
        deny or otherwise opposed the requested relief. Because the request to change the
        regulatory classification does not involve any potential interference concerns, there
        should be no impediment to Commission action on this portion of the Application.
        Intelsat therefore respectfully requests that the Commission act promptly to grant
        Intelsat‘s request to change the regulatory classification of the license for the earth station
        with call sign EQO40125 from dual—use to non—common carrier only.

Intelsat Global Service Corporation
3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA www.intelsat.comT +1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898    >

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 May 18, 2006—
 Page 2     _

.Please do not hesitate to contact the undérsigned at (202) 944—7848 should you have any
 questions.‘ ;          to  s        |     ’     |            ,                 .

 Respe.ctflilly submitted, C           >           .

. Susiain H. Crandall       oo             |   |
 Assistant General Counsel
 Intelsat Global Service Corporation

 co: Scott Kotler       _

Document Created: 2019-04-20 19:30:12
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 19:30:12

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