Attachment EX PARTE

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20040322-00453 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                     1200 EIGHTEENTH STREET, NW
                                                                     WASHINGTON, DC 20036

                                                                     TEL   202.730. I 300 FAX 202.730.I30 I
                                           MAY 1 4 20@4              WWW.HARRISWILTSHIRE.COM

                                                                     ATORNEYS AT LAW

                                      May 14,2004


Marlene H. Dortch
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12” Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20054

       Re: Ex Parte Notification
            FCC File Nos. SAT-STA-20030903-00300, SAT-STA-20040107-00002,
                           SAT-LFS-20040112-00023, SES-MOD-20040227-00295,
                           SES-MOD-20040227-00298, SES-MOD-20040227-00299,
                           and SES-MOD-20040322-00453

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Pursuant to Sections 1.1204 and 1.1206 of the Commission’s rules, this is to
inform you that, on May 13, 2004, Romulo Pontual, Jim Butterworth, Susan Eid, and
undersigned counsel on behalf of The DIRECTV Group, Inc. (“DIRECTV”), met with
Kenneth Ferree, Debra Klein, and Rosalee Chiara of the Media Bureau. In this meeting,
the DIRECTV representatives discussed the enclosed materials, which summarize their
efforts to prepare for use of the DBS orbital slot at 72.5” W.L. allocated to Canada by the
DIRECTV 5 satellite to provide local-into-local service into additional U.S. markets.
They also stated that DIRECTV could achieve local-into-local service in a total of 130
markets, in satisfaction of the condition imposed in the News/Hughes transfer
authorization, approximately 80 days after receiving Commission approval of their
pending applications.

                                             Sincerely yours,

                                             William M. Wiltshire

                                            DIR   E CTV   e


         DIRECTV 7s will free DIRECTV 5.

DIRECTV requests permission to provide local-into=
local in 130 markets as promised, using DIRECTV 5
       and the Canadian slot of 72.5 deg. West

    Enablers of expansion to 130 markets

      DIRECTV 5 becomes available for use at 72.5 deg. W
        DIRECTV 5 currently supporting DIRECTV traffic at 119 W will
        be available to move as early as June gfh,once DIRECTV 7 s
        goes into service.
         Drift to 72.5 W deg will take approx. 25 days from FCC approval
      Backhaul of local channels to uplink sites
         Negotiations with telecommunications provider is under way,
         DIRECTV needs FCC approval to enter into bindina U

      RF uplink
         Some hardware re-configuration and purchases are needed;
         earth station modification apps ripe for consideration.
      Consumer equipment
         Transmission mods, STB software and switch testing is on-going


    Markets selected for 72.5 deg. West
                                              I       ~~

    0   Boise, ID                 Springfield, MO
    0   Burlington, VT            Traverse City, MI
    0   Cedar Rapids, IA          Tri-Cities, TN-VA
    0   Champaign, IL
        Chattanooga, TN
                                  TBA (7)
    0   Colombia, MO
    0   Davenport, IA
        Evansville, IN
        Fort Smith, AR
    0   Fort Wayne, IN
    0   Johnstown, PA
        Lincoln, NE
    0   Sioux Falls, SD


              What we need
                                                         DIR ECTV   e

    STA to relocate DIRECTV 5 to 72.5 WL
    Blanket earth station license for downlink communications to US
    consumers from 72.5 WL
    STA to relocate DIRECTV 3 to 82 WL
    Modifications to DIRECTV earth stations for uplinks to 72.5 WL and
    82 WL

    Assuming timely FCC authorizations, DIRECTV can meet its
    commitment to serve 130 DMAs as early as August 20
    Schedule slips day for day that applications remain pending


Document Created: 2004-06-04 15:45:06
Document Modified: 2004-06-04 15:45:06

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