Attachment Name Change

Name Change

NAME CHANGE NOTIFICATION submitted by Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP

Name Change


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20031202-01757 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          CAHILL GORDON & REINDEL LLP
                                                          SuUITE 950
                                                     1990 K STREET, N. W.
                                                                                                               AUGUSTINE HOUSE
   EIGHTY PINE STREET                          WASHINGTON?         DC        20006—1181                         6A AUSTIN FRIARS
NEW YoRK, N.Y. 10005—1702                                                                                  LONDON, ENGLAND EC2N 2HA
      (212) 701—3000                                                                                             (011) 44.20.7920.9800
   FAX:   (212) 269—5420                               TELEPHONE       (202)862-8900                         FAX:    (011) 44.20.7920.9825

                                                       FACSIMILE       (202) 862—8958

ANGELA F. CoOLLINS          |   202—862—8930    |
                                                                                                           APR 2 2 2008
                                                           April 22, 2008                           Federal Communications Commission
          VIA HAanp DELIVERY                                                                              Office of the Secretary
          Marlene H. Dortch                                                                               RECE 'VE D
          Federal Communications Commission                                                                  APR 2 4 2008
          445 12th Street, , SW                                                                                    ; Division
          Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                          International Bureau

                    Re:     Notice of Pro Forma Name Change of Earth Station Call Sign E990088 from
                            Local Communications Network, Inc. to BringCom Incorporated

          Dear Secretary Dortch:

                    This letter serves to notify the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission")
          that Local Communications Network, Inc., holder of the above—referenced earth station license,
          will change its name to BringCom Incorporated. The Commuission has already approved the
          merger of Local Communications Network, Inc. and BringCom, LLC with Local
          Communications Network, Inc. remaining as the surviving merged entity."

                  Accordingly, the name on the license for call sign E990088 should be changed to
          BringCom Incorporated. The name change is pro forma in nature and therefore does not require
          the approval of the Commission.

                    Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this matter.

                                                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                                                          Angéla Collins
                                                                          Counsel for BringCom Incorporated

          ~ Public Notice, Satellite Communications Service Information, Actions Taken, Public Notice, Report No. SES—
          00997 (rel. Jan. 9, 2008). The Parties notified the Commission on February 5, 2008 that the transaction was

Document Created: 2019-04-26 03:43:08
Document Modified: 2019-04-26 03:43:08

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