Attachment EMC

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20030402-00453 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                            Interference Analysis Report

An Assessment of the Impact of Radiolocation Systems Operating in 3.1-3.7 GHz Band on
                    Fixed Satellite Services Earth Station Receiver

                                    Prepared for



                             Site Name: Clarksburg, MD
             Earth Station Call Signs: KA261, KA262, KA263, and KA264

                                    Prepared By

                                    July 25, 2003

                             • Ashburn, VA 20147 USA • 703.726.5500
     19700 Janelia Farm Blvd.•

1.0        Introduction

The Intelsat Clarksburg facility includes a number of large diameter earth stations that will operate in the extended C-
band receive spectrum. This analysis considers the worst case operating parameters for any of the extended C-band
stations, specifically earth station will call signs KA261, KA262, KA263, and KA264. Interference calculations were
performed to determine the potential for in-band and out-of-band interference from Radiolocation Systems operating in
the 3.1 to 3.7 GHz band1 . The geographical positions and operating parameters of these systems was derived from
NTIA Document TR-99-361 2 . Due to proximity of the Intelsat earth stations to each other and the use of the worst
case antenna height and interference criterion this analysis has been provided as a comprehensive interference analysis
for all earth stations operating in the extended C-band at this site.

2.0        Radiolocation Systems in the 3.1 – 3.7 GHz Band

High powered mobile and fixed radar systems operated by the Federal Government operate in the 3.1 – 3.7 GHz band.
These radars are used to search for and track near-surface and high-altitude airborne projectiles, sea surveillance, and
airborne objects. The NTIA report referenced above has identified the locations for two types of systems: land-based
and shipboard based. Also included in the report are the operating characteristics of these radars. There are two
prevalent types of shipboard radars, denoted as type A and Type B, and one type of ground-based radar. An Airborne
System radar is also specified. This analysis will concern itself with interference from the ground based and shipboard
based radars based upon the relative operating positions and parameters specified in the NTIA report.

A summary of the operating parameters for the shipboard and ground based radar systems is shown below:

                        Table 1 – Technical Characteristics of 3.1-3.7 GHz Radiolocation Systems

Characteristic               Shipboard System A          Shipboard System B        Ground Based System
Modulation                   P0N                         Q7N                       P0N
Tuning Range (GHz)           3.5-3.7                     3.1-3.5                   3.1-3.4
Peak transmit Power          1                           4                         0.12
Pulse Width (ìsec.)          1.0                         3.5-51.2                  10.75
Pulse Repetition Rate        1.125                       0.152-6.0                 2793.3-5050.51
Duty Cycle (%)               0.001                       0.8-2.0                   0.041
Transmit 3-dB                4,16.6                      4                         1,10
Bandwidth (MHz)
Antenna Type                 Reflector                   Phased Array              Phase Scan Array
Antenna Mainbeam             32                          42                        36
Gain (dBi)
Antenna Centerline (m)       46                          20                        46

    This report is being provided as required under Footnote US 245.
  National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NTIA Report TR 99-361,

                                      Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

3.0     Earth Station System Parameters

The Fixed Satellite Service Earth Station’s operational parameters are shown in the Tables 2 and 3 below:

Company                    INTELSAT CLARKSBURG TELEPORT
Owner code                                       P2540I
Earth Station Name, State                        CLARKSBURG, MD
Call Sign                                        KA261
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83)                           39 13 2.6 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83)                          77 16 10.9 W
Ground Elevation AMSL (Ft/m)                      462.03 /    140.82
Antenna Centerline AGL (Ft/m)                      29.00 /      8.84

Receive Antenna Type:                      V41521                        VERTEX COMMUNICATI
                                                                         15.2 KPC
              4.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)                             55.0 /    15.2
                3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                                 0.17 /    0.35

Transmit Antenna Type:                     V61521                        VERTEX COMMUNICATI
                                                                         15.2 KPC
              6.0 GHz Gain (dBi) / Diameter (m)                             58.4 /    15.2
                3 dB / 15 dB Half Beamwidth                                 0.11 /    0.22

Operating Mode                                                        TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE
Modulation                                                                ANALOG
Emission / Receive Band (MHz)                                    36M0F8W / 3700.0000 - 4200.0000

Emission / Transmit Band (MHz)                                   36M0F8W /       5925.0000 -         6425.0000

Max. Available RF Power (dBW)/4 kHz)                                      -14.20
                         (dBW)/MHz)                                         9.80
Max. EIRP                (dBW)/4 kHz)                                      44.20
                         (dBW)/MHz)                                        68.20
                         (dBW)                                              0.00
Max permissible Interference Power
          4.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/1 MHz)                                        -164.0
          4.0 GHz, 0.0100% (dBW/1 MHz)                                    -144.0
          6.0 GHz, 20% (dBW/4 kHz)                                        -154.0
          6.0 GHz, 0.0025% (dBW/4 kHz)                                    -131.0
Range of Satellite Arc (Geostationary)
              Degrees Longitude                                           18.5 W /       65.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                                                    111.0 /        161.0
Corresponding Elevation Angles                                              15.3 /         42.8
Radio Climate                                                                 A
Rain Zone                                                                     2
Max Great Circle Coordination Distance (Mi/Km)
          4.0 GHz                                                          194.9 /        313.7
          6.0 GHz                                                           88.7 /        142.8

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius (Mi/Km)
          4.0 GHz                                                          320.2 /        515.4
          6.0 GHz                                                           62.1 /        100.0

                                   Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

                    Table of Earth Station Coordination Values
Earth Station Name      CLARKSBURG MD
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 39 13 2.6 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 77 16 10.9 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)      462.03 /   140.82 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     29.00 /     8.84 AGL
Antenna Model              VERTEX COMMUNICATI 15.2 KPC
Objectives: Receive      -164.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit     -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) TX Power    -14.2 (dBW/4 kHz)

Azimuth Horizon     Antenna                4.0 GHz                          6.0 GHz
 (Deg) Elevation     Disc.      Antenna     Coordination          Antenna    Coordination
         Angle       Angle       Gain         Distance             Gain        Distance
         (Deg)       (Deg)       (dBi)          (Km)               (dBi)         (Km)

      0    0.80     110.28      -10.00           220.9             -9.60        100.0
      5    1.00     105.47      -10.00           210.5             -9.60        100.0
     10    0.70     100.62      -10.00           226.5             -9.60        100.1
     15    0.90      95.79      -10.00           215.6             -9.60        100.0
     20    0.90      90.95      -10.00           215.6             -9.60        100.0
     25    0.80      86.11      -10.00           220.9             -9.60        100.0
     30    0.80      81.27      -10.00           220.9             -9.60        100.0
     35    0.90      76.43      -10.00           215.6             -9.60        100.0
     40    0.80      71.61      -10.00           220.9             -9.60        100.0
     45    0.80      66.79      -10.00           220.9             -9.60        100.0
     50    0.70      62.00      -10.00           226.5             -9.60        100.1
     55    0.80      57.20      -10.00           220.9             -9.60        100.0
     60    0.70      52.46      -10.00           226.5             -9.60        100.1
     65    0.70      47.74       -9.55           228.9             -9.15        101.3
     70    0.80      43.04       -8.61           228.1             -8.21        100.0
     75    0.70      38.45       -7.69           238.9             -7.29        106.2
     80    0.70      33.93       -6.57           245.3             -6.17        109.1
     85    0.70      29.55       -4.82           255.9             -4.42        113.9
     90    0.60      25.42       -3.17           273.1             -2.77        123.2
     95    0.60      21.58       -1.63           283.4             -1.23        127.6
    100    0.70      18.19        0.45           291.0              0.85        129.1
    105    0.80      15.66        2.48           299.0              2.88        130.6
    110    0.70      14.63        3.37           313.6              3.40        135.5
    115    0.70      15.13        2.90           309.3              3.30        135.2
    120    0.70      17.11        1.31           297.3              1.71        131.7
    125    0.70      20.13       -1.05           280.5             -0.65        124.7
    130    0.60      23.63       -2.45           277.8             -2.05        125.2
    135    0.40      27.07       -3.83           287.6             -3.43        133.9
    140    0.40      30.20       -5.08           279.3             -4.68        130.4
    145    0.20      33.29       -6.32           296.2             -5.92        142.7
    150    0.30      35.90       -7.18           277.9             -6.78        132.7
    155    0.70      37.97       -7.59           239.4             -7.19        106.4
    160    0.10      40.55       -8.11           284.5             -7.71        137.3
    165    0.10      42.23       -8.45           282.4             -8.05        136.4
    170    0.20      43.38       -8.68           281.0             -8.28        135.7
    175    0.00      44.70       -8.94           279.3             -8.54        135.0
    180    0.00      46.22       -9.24           277.4             -8.84        134.1

                       Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

                   Table of Earth Station Coordination Values

Earth Station Name      CLARKSBURG MD
Latitude (DMS) (NAD83) 39 13 2.6 N
Longitude (DMS) (NAD83) 77 16 10.9 W
Ground Elevation (Ft/m)      462.03 /   140.82 AMSL
Antenna Centerline (Ft/m)     29.00 /     8.84 AGL
Antenna Model              VERTEX COMMUNICATI 15.2 KPC
Objectives: Receive      -164.0 (dBW /1 MHz)
            Transmit     -154.0 (dBW /4 kHz) TX Power                -14.2 (dBW/4 kHz)

Azimuth Horizon     Antenna                4.0 GHz                          6.0 GHz
 (Deg) Elevation     Disc.      Antenna     Coordination          Antenna    Coordination
         Angle       Angle       Gain         Distance             Gain        Distance
         (Deg)       (Deg)       (dBi)          (Km)               (dBi)         (Km)

    185    0.00      48.12       -9.62           275.1             -9.22        133.1
    190    0.00      50.34      -10.00           272.8             -9.60        133.3
    195    0.00      52.83      -10.00           272.8             -9.60        133.3
    200    0.00      55.57      -10.00           272.8             -9.60        133.3
    205    0.00      58.52      -10.00           272.8             -9.60        133.3
    210    0.20      61.53      -10.00           272.8             -9.60        133.3
    215    0.20      64.79      -10.00           272.8             -9.60        133.3
    220    0.20      68.17      -10.00           272.8             -9.60        133.3
    225    0.50      71.55      -10.00           238.4             -9.60        109.2
    230    0.50      75.12      -10.00           238.4             -9.60        109.2
    235    0.50      78.74      -10.00           238.4             -9.60        109.2
    240    0.90      82.35      -10.00           215.6             -9.60        100.0
    245    1.00      86.06      -10.00           210.5             -9.60        100.0
    250    0.60      89.79      -10.00           232.3             -9.60        104.6
    255    0.60      93.50      -10.00           232.3             -9.60        104.6
    260    0.80      97.22      -10.00           220.9             -9.60        100.0
    265    0.70     100.88      -10.00           226.5             -9.60        100.1
    270    1.30     104.66      -10.00           204.5             -9.60        100.0
    275    1.20     108.25      -10.00           204.8             -9.60        100.0
    280    1.50     111.90      -10.00           198.9             -9.60        100.0
    285    1.50     115.38      -10.00           198.9             -9.60        100.0
    290    1.50     118.74      -10.00           198.9             -9.60        100.0
    295    2.00     122.24      -10.00           184.9             -9.60        100.0
    300    2.00     125.34      -10.00           184.9             -9.60        100.0
    305    2.50     128.57      -10.00           173.0             -9.60        100.0
    310    1.90     130.82      -10.00           187.7             -9.60        100.0
    315    1.60     132.95      -10.00           196.1             -9.60        100.0
    320    1.30     134.72      -10.00           204.5             -9.60        100.0
    325    1.30     136.35      -10.00           204.5             -9.60        100.0
    330    1.20     137.47      -10.00           204.8             -9.60        100.0
    335    1.00     134.17      -10.00           210.5             -9.60        100.0
    340    1.10     129.47      -10.00           207.6             -9.60        100.0
    345    1.20     124.73      -10.00           204.8             -9.60        100.0
    350    1.10     119.93      -10.00           207.6             -9.60        100.0
    355    1.00     115.12      -10.00           210.5             -9.60        100.0

                       Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

4.0      Interference Calculations

The interference was calculated into the earth station receive system for both in-band and out-of-band interference.
The interference power level was calculated using the formula below:

         Pr = Pt + Gt – FSL – OHLOSS + Ges – LLt - LLes

         Pr : Interference power level received at victim earth station, in dBW
         Pt : Transmitter power of Radiolocation system, in dBW
         Gt : Gain of Radiolocation transmit system, in dBi
         FSL: Free Space Loss between radiolocation system and earth station, in dB
         OHLOSS: Over-the-Horizon losses between radiolocation system and earth station, in dB
         Ges : Horizon gain of the earth station toward radiolocation transmitter, in dBi
         LLt : Line losses of the radiolocation system, in dB (assume 2dB per NTIA report)
         LLes: Line losses of the earth station system, in dB (assume 0 dB unless known)

This interference power level was then compared to in-band and out-of-band interference criteria. The in-band criteria
was developed using ITU and FCC recommendations3 . The out-of-band interference criteria was developed using the

The earth station’s low –noise amplifier front-end overload criteria of was determined using the following calculations:


         T = input threshold at which front-end overload occurs, dBW
         C = output 1 dB gain compression point of the LNA, typical -20 dBW
         G = Gain of the LNA, dB

For the purposes of this report it was assumed that the low-noise amplifier would not provide any out-of-band
frequency rejection, thus no Frequency Dependent Rejection values based upon any RF selectivity, such as pre-LNA
filtering or inherent LNA filtering, have been assumed. The maximum level of interference is the includes the input
saturation threshold value minus a 10 dB output backoff value to consider in operation levels

The maximum interference power receive, Pr, allowable then becomes:

         Max Pr > T - IPBO

For a 65 dB gain LNA this value is -95 dBW. In the absence of manufacturer LNA/LNB specifications the following
typical values have been used:

         T = -95 dBW
         C = -20 dBW
         G = 65 dB

The propagation model to determine the over-the-horizon loss is the NSMA OH-Loss model4 . When the propagation
link is very lengthy, over 250 miles, an estimated OH-loss using a rounded earth modeling value has been used.

 FCC Rules 47CFR25.251 by reference ITU Radio Regulations Appendix S7.
 National Spectrum Managers Association has developed an industry accepted version, which incorporates NBS Tech
Note 101.

                                   Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

5.0     Summary of Results

The summary calculations are shown for all shipboard based and land based systems in Tables 4 through 8 below.
Whenever Radar A and B are possibly in use, the interference calculations have assumed the higher powered systems
(Radar B). The antenna elevation for the Ground Based systems was assumed to be 46 m above ground level even
though it was not specified in the NTIA report.

                                 Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

Table 4 Shipboard Radar A Land-Based Test
and Training Sites
Radar              Lat (N) Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated           Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Location                            (deg.)   (mi)     path               OH-Loss             OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                    under 250               (dB)              (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
Pensacola,    FL 302128        0871626 225.8     834.7      NO         -166.2      -81.3           N/A   -247.5    -194.6      NO          NO
Pascagoula,   MS 302200        0882900 229.5     882.5      NO         -166.7      -82.2           N/A   -249.0    -196.0      NO          NO
St.Inigoes,   MD 381000        0762300 146.3      86.9      YES        -146.6      -56.0           -56   -202.6    -151.7      YES         NO
Table 5 Shipboard Radar B      Land-Based Test
and Training Sites
Radar              Lat (N)     Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated       Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Location                                (deg.)   (mi)     path               OH-Loss         OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                        under 250               (dB)          (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
Moorestown, NJ       395849 0745630      66.3    134.9      YES        -150.4      -62.5       -62.5     -212.9    -151.0      YES         NO
Wallops       VA     375600 0752800      131.7   131.8      YES        -150.2      -60.0        -60      -210.2    -147.7      YES         NO
Table 6 Shipboard    Radars A and B
Home Ports
Radar                Lat (N)   Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated       Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Location                                (deg.)   (mi)     path               OH-Loss         OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                        under 250               (dB)          (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
Bath,           ME   435425    0694848   47.6     504.1     NO         -161.9      -72.5        N/A      -234.4    -172.5      NO          NO
Bremerton,      WA   473324    1223811   299.7   2355.6     NO         -175.3      -99.3        N/A      -274.6    -212.5      NO          NO
Everett,        WA   475858    1221354   300.5   2335.6     NO         -175.2      -99.1        N/A      -274.3    -212.3      NO          NO
Mayport,        FL   302334    0812427   202.3    652.2     NO         -164.1      -77.0        N/A      -241.1    -179.2      NO          NO
Norfolk,        VA   365200    0762100   162.5    169.7     YES        -152.4      -62.7       -62.7     -215.1    -152.9      YES         NO
Pascagoula,     MS   302253    0882933   229.5    882.2     NO         -166.7      -82.2        N/A      -249.0    -180.0      NO          NO
Pearl Harbor,   HI   212000    1580000   276.0   4981.5     NO         -181.8     -112.3        N/A      -294.1    -226.4      NO          NO
Portland,       ME   434100    0701800   47.3     475.3     NO         -161.4      -71.5        N/A      -232.8    -170.9      NO          NO
San Diego       CA   324105    1170800   270.3   2279.7     NO         -175.0      -98.7        N/A      -273.7    -204.0      NO          NO

                                                 Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

Table 7 Naval At-Sea Operational Areas
Operational        Lat (N) Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated       Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Area                                 (deg.)  (mi)     path               OH-Loss         OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                    under 250               (dB)          (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
AFWTF (North
AFWTF (NR)1       183000   0670000   153.9   1556.7      NO        -171.7      -92.1           N/A   -263.8    -196.8       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)2       200000   0670000   152.4   1460.8      NO        -171.1      -91.0           N/A   -262.1    -195.2       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)3       221000   0654800   146.9   1358.6      NO        -170.5      -89.7           N/A   -260.2    -193.3       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)4       221000   0652000   145.8   1372.8      NO        -170.6      -89.9           N/A   -260.5    -193.6       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)5       185000   0620000   142.9   1680.8      NO        -172.3      -93.4           N/A   -265.8    -198.8       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)6       185000   0620000   142.9   1680.8      NO        -172.3      -93.4           N/A   -265.8    -198.8       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)7       182500   0643000   148.5   1628.4      NO        -172.1      -92.9           N/A   -264.9    -198.0       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)8       183000   0644500   149.0   1616.1      NO        -172.0      -92.7           N/A   -264.7    -197.8       NO         NO
AFWTF (NR)9       183000   0663800   153.1   1565.7      NO        -171.7      -92.2           N/A   -263.9    -197.0       NO         NO
AFWTF (South
AFWTF (SR)1       180500 0675500     156.4   1562.4      NO        -171.7      -92.2           N/A   -263.9    -201.6       NO         NO

AFWTF   (SR)2     180500   0652700   150.9   1622.9      NO        -172.0      -92.8           N/A   -264.8    -197.9       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)3     181500   0651000   150.1   1620.1      NO        -172.0      -92.8           N/A   -264.8    -197.9       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)4     181500   0641000   148.0   1648.5      NO        -172.2      -93.1           N/A   -265.3    -198.3       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)5     170000   0641000   149.3   1726.4      NO        -172.6      -93.9           N/A   -266.5    -199.5       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)6     165800   0642800   150.0   1720.1      NO        -172.5      -93.8           N/A   -266.4    -199.4       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)7     153300   0660600   154.6   1768.2      NO        -172.8      -94.3           N/A   -267.1    -200.2       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)8     153900   0662300   155.1   1755.1      NO        -172.7      -94.2           N/A   -266.9    -204.7       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)9     163000   0662300   154.4   1700.2      NO        -172.4      -93.6           N/A   -266.1    -199.1       NO         NO
AFWTF   (SR)10    163000   0675500   157.7   1665.7      NO        -172.3      -93.3           N/A   -265.5    -203.3       NO         NO

                                             Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

Table 7 Naval At-Sea Operational Areas (continued)
Operational        Lat (N) Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated          Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Area                                (deg.)    (mi)    path               OH-Loss            OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                    under 250               (dB)             (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
AUTEC1              252000 0780500      183.1    957.8      NO        -167.4      -83.7           N/A   -251.1    -189.2       NO         NO
AUTEC2              252000 0774500      181.8    957.1      NO        -167.4      -83.6           N/A   -251.1    -189.2       NO         NO
AUTEC3              232500 0762000      176.8   1090.0      NO        -168.6      -85.9           N/A   -254.5    -192.6       NO         NO
AUTEC4              232500 0771500      179.9   1088.5      NO        -168.6      -85.9           N/A   -254.4    -192.5       NO         NO
FORACS, Hawaii
FORACS, Hawaii1 212530 1581100          276.2   4988.4      NO        -181.8     -112.3           N/A   -294.1    -226.4       NO         NO
FORACS, Hawaii2 212100 1581500          276.2   4995.3      NO        -181.8     -112.4           N/A   -294.1    -226.4       NO         NO
FORACS, Hawaii3 211500 1580800          276.0   4992.6      NO        -181.8     -112.3           N/A   -294.1    -226.4       NO         NO
FORACS, Hawaii4 211500 1580700          276.0   4991.6      NO        -181.8     -112.3           N/A   -294.1    -226.4       NO         NO
Gulf of Mexico OPAREA
GoM1                293601 0800130      194.1   681.3       NO        -164.5      -77.7           N/A   -242.2    -180.3       NO         NO
GoM2                292521 0864800      221.6   867.7       NO        -166.6      -81.9           N/A   -248.5    -181.3       NO         NO
GoM3                284101 0864800      219.7   909.3       NO        -167.0      -82.8           N/A   -249.7    -182.5       NO         NO
GoM4                285231 0874400      223.0   931.9       NO        -167.2      -83.2           N/A   -250.4    -183.1       NO         NO
Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF)
PMRF1               220000 1594500      277.4   5055.7      NO        -181.9     -112.6           N/A   -294.5    -226.8       NO         NO
PMRF2               220800 1620000      278.5   5180.7      NO        -182.1     -113.0           N/A   -295.1    -227.4       NO         NO
PMRF3               224500 1614000      279.0   5136.2      NO        -182.0     -112.8           N/A   -294.9    -227.2       NO         NO
PMRF4               260000 1581500      280.9   4810.2      NO        -181.5     -111.7           N/A   -293.2    -225.5       NO         NO
Pearl Harbor South OPAREA
PHS1                190800 1591500      274.4   5144.7      NO        -182.0     -112.9           N/A   -294.9    -225.2       NO         NO
PHS2                210000 1580800      275.8   5002.8      NO        -181.8     -112.4           N/A   -294.2    -226.5       NO         NO
PHS3                210000 1573600      275.5   4971.9      NO        -181.7     -112.3           N/A   -294.0    -226.3       NO         NO
PHS4                191800 1562000      273.3   4968.2      NO        -181.7     -112.3           N/A   -294.0    -224.3       NO         NO
PHS5                184900 1574500      273.4   5070.6      NO        -181.9     -112.6           N/A   -294.5    -224.9       NO         NO

                                                Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

Table 7 Naval At-Sea Operational Areas (continued)
Operational        Lat (N) Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated           Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Area                                 (deg.)    (mi)   path               OH-Loss             OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                    under 250               (dB)              (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
Southern California
SOCAL1                385200   1255200   284.8   2614.5      NO        -176.2     -101.1           N/A   -277.3    -209.6       NO         NO
SOCAL2                390000   1240000   284.4   2511.6      NO        -175.8     -100.4           N/A   -276.2    -208.5       NO         NO
SOCAL3                311500   1163000   267.4   2286.0      NO        -175.0      -98.8           N/A   -273.8    -204.1       NO         NO
SOCAL4                300000   1203000   267.8   2544.5      NO        -175.9     -100.6           N/A   -276.6    -206.9       NO         NO
Virginia Capes
VC1                   384500   0750000   104.1   126.4      YES        -149.9      -60.7       -60.7     -210.6    -148.6      YES         NO
VC2                   384500   0743000   101.3   152.6      YES        -151.5      -63.4       -63.4     -214.9    -153.0      YES         NO
VC3                   374500   0724000   110.6   269.3      NO         -156.4      -61.6        N/A      -218.0    -156.1      YES         NO
VC4                   350600   0724000   136.8   381.0      NO         -159.4      -67.6        N/A      -227.1    -160.2      YES         NO
VC5                   320000   0771200   179.5   497.6      NO         -161.8      -72.3        N/A      -234.0    -172.1      NO          NO
VC6                   342400   0773000   182.3   332.4      NO         -158.3      -65.3        N/A      -223.5    -161.6      YES         NO
VC7                   354000   0752500   156.8   265.2      NO         -156.3      -61.4        N/A      -217.6    -155.4      YES         NO
VC8                   370000   0755000   152.5   171.8      YES        -152.5      -61.2       -61.2     -213.7    -146.8      YES         NO

                                                 Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

Table 8 Land-Based Radar Test and Training Sites
Radar             Lat (N) Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated           Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Location                           (deg.)     (mi)   path               OH-Loss             OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                   under 250               (dB)              (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
Fort Lewis      WA   470525   1223510   298.8   2354.0      NO        -175.3      -99.3           N/A   -274.5    -212.5      NO          NO
Yakima Firing   WA   464018   1202135   297.9   2245.0      NO        -174.8      -98.5           N/A   -273.3    -211.2      NO          NO
Fort Carson     CO   383810   1044750   277.1   1483.8      NO        -171.2      -91.3           N/A   -262.5    -194.8      NO          NO
Fort Riley      KS   385813   0965139   275.2   1053.3      NO        -168.3      -85.3           N/A   -253.6    -185.9      NO          NO
Fort Shafter    HI   211800   1574900   275.9   4972.2      NO        -181.7     -112.3           N/A   -294.0    -226.3      NO          NO
Hunter AAF      GA   320100   0810800   204.8    542.0      NO        -162.5      -73.8           N/A   -236.3    -174.3      NO          NO
Fort Gillem     GA   333600   0841900   227.5    551.6      NO        -162.7      -74.1           N/A   -236.7    -167.8      NO          NO
Fort Benning    GA   322130   0845815   224.7    640.9      NO        -164.0      -76.7           N/A   -240.6    -173.4      NO          NO
Fort Stewart    GA   315145   0813655   207.0    563.1      NO        -162.8      -74.4           N/A   -237.3    -172.6      NO          NO
Fort Rucker     AL   311947   0854255   223.7    723.6      NO        -165.0      -78.8           N/A   -243.8    -176.5      NO          NO
Yuma Proving    AZ   330114   1141855   269.3   2116.0      NO        -174.3      -97.4           N/A   -271.8    -202.1      NO          NO
Fort Hood       TX   310830   0974550   250.3   1286.7      NO        -170.0      -88.8           N/A   -258.8    -188.1      NO          NO
Fort Knox       KY   375350   0855655   261.7    478.8      NO        -161.4      -71.6           N/A   -233.0    -162.5      YES         NO
Fort Bragg      NC   350805   0790035   199.4    297.5      NO        -157.3      -63.3           N/A   -220.6    -158.7      YES         NO
Fort Campbell   KY   363950   0872820   255.6    584.4      NO        -163.2      -75.1           N/A   -238.2    -167.7      NO          NO
Fort Polk       LA   310343   0931226   242.7   1063.3      NO        -168.4      -85.5           N/A   -253.8    -183.5      NO          NO
Fort Leonard    MO   374430   0920737   267.4    812.0      NO        -166.0      -80.8           N/A   -246.8    -177.1      NO          NO
Fort Irwin      CA   351536   1164102   274.8   2190.3      NO        -174.6      -98.0           N/A   -272.7    -203.0      NO          NO
Fort Sill       OK   344024   0982352   261.4   1210.7      NO        -169.5      -87.7           N/A   -257.2    -186.7      NO          NO
Fort Bliss      TX   314850   1062533   261.2   1720.9      NO        -172.5      -93.8           N/A   -266.4    -195.9      NO          NO
Fort            KS   392115   0945500   276.2    946.1      NO        -167.3      -83.4           N/A   -250.8    -183.1      NO          NO
Fort Drum       NY   440115   0754844   12.3     340.0     NO         -158.4      -65.7        N/A      -224.1    -161.3      YES         NO
Fort Gordon     GA   332510   0820910   215.7    483.8     NO         -161.5      -71.8        N/A      -233.3    -166.1      NO          NO
Fort McCoy      WI   440636   0904127   300.4    772.3     NO         -165.6      -79.9        N/A      -245.5    -183.4      NO          NO
Fort Dix        NJ   400025   0743713   68.1     151.5     YES        -151.4      -66.1       -66.1     -217.5    -155.6      YES         NO
Parks Reserve   CA   374254   1214218   281.4   2412.0     NO         -175.5      -99.7        N/A      -275.2    -207.5      NO          NO
Aberdeen        MD   392825   0760655   73.7      64.3     YES        -144.0      -58.8       -58.8     -202.8    -140.9      YES         NO

                                                Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

Table 8 Land-Based Radar Test and Training Sites (continued)
Radar             Lat (N) Lon (w) Bearing Distance Profile (Is FSL (dB) Estimated               Profiled Total Path Interfering  In-Band     Out-of
Location                            (deg.)    (mi)      path            OH-Loss                 OH-Loss Loss (dB) Power Level Interference?   Band
                                                     under 250             (dB)                  (dB)               (dBW/MHz)               Overload?
Fort Huachuca AZ   313500 1102000         263.8    1939.1      NO         -173.6      -95.9        N/A      -269.5     -199.0         NO      NO
Fort          NJ   401900 0740215         65.2      188.1      YES        -153.3      -69.3       -69.3     -222.6     -160.7         YES     NO
Picatinny     NJ   405600 0743400          49.6     185.9      YES        -153.2     -184.3      -184.3     -337.5     -275.6         NO      NO
Redstone Arsenal   343630 0863610         241.2     606.7       NO        -163.5      -75.7           N/A   -239.2     -168.9         NO      NO
White Sands NM     322246 1062813         262.5    1706.6       NO        -172.5      -93.7           N/A   -266.2     -195.7         NO      NO

Army            MD 390000 0765800         132.5      22.1      YES        -134.7      -73.8       -73.8     -208.5     -146.0         YES     NO
Fort Hunter     CA 355756 1211404         278.1    2423.1      NO         -175.5      -99.8       N/A       -275.3     -207.6         NO      NO
Kelly Support   PA 402357 0800925         298.9     173.9      YES        -152.6     -150.7      -150.7     -303.3     -241.3         NO      NO

Table Headings
Radar Location                       :   The site name of the radar system
Lat (N)                              :   Radar latitude
Lon (w)                              :   Radar Longitude
Bearing (deg.)                       :   Azimuth from earth station toward radar.
Distance (mi)                        :   Distance from earth station to radar
Profile (Is path under 250 miles?)   :   If path is over 250 miles no OH-loss profile is generated
FSL (dB)                             :   Free Space Loss
Estimated OH-Loss (dB)               :   Using a rounded-earth model an estimated OH-loss is calculated for long paths
Profiled OH-Loss (dB)                :   Using the NSMA Tropo Loss actual OH-loss calculations are performed for shorter paths
Total Path Loss (dB)                 :   Total of Free Space Loss plus Over-the-Horizon loss
Interfering Power Level (dBW/MHz)    :   Level of RF interference at the earth station's LNA input
In-Band Interference?                :   If the Radar is operating in-band is the max. permissible interference criteria being met?
Out-of Band Overload?                :   If the Radar is operating in out-of-band spectrum is the LNA overload threshold being met?

                                                    Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

6.0      Conclusions

Calculations were perform to assess the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) between the radars listed
below and adjacent-band FSS earth station receivers at Clarksburg, MD. This interference assessment for
an earth station operating at 3625 - 3700 MHz identified seventeen cases of In-band potential interference,
see Table 9 below. No cases of potential LNB overload exist. The applicant is aware of this potential for
interference but feels in most instances the site has sufficient close-in shielding to protect the site. Intelsat
will work with the Government Users to mitigate any problems as necessary.

Table 9 - Summary of Results

Site Name                                 Lat (n)      Lon(w)       Interfering   In-Band     LNB
                                                                       Level    Interference Overload
St.Inigoes,                  MD         381000       0762300          -149.8        YES        NO
Moorestown,                  NJ         395849       0745630          -145.5        YES        NO
Wallops Island,              VA         375600       0752800          -136.6        YES        NO
Norfolk,                     VA         365200       0762100          -147.2        YES        NO
VC1                                     384500       0750000          -134.1        YES        NO
VC2                                     384500       0743000          -138.4        YES        NO
VC3                                     374500       0724000          -138.7        YES        NO
VC4                                     350600       0724000          -156.1        YES        NO
VC6                                     342400       0773000          -156.7        YES        NO
VC7                                     354000       0752500          -149.7        YES        NO
VC8                                     370000       0755000          -144.9        YES        NO
Fort Bragg                   NC         350805       0790035          -154.6        YES        NO
Fort Drum                    NY         440115       0754844          -158.1        YES        NO
Fort Dix                     NJ         400025       0743713          -150.1        YES        NO
Aberdeen Proving             MD         392825       0760655          -135.4        YES        NO
Fort Monmouth                NJ         401900       0740215          -155.2        YES        NO
Army Research                MD         390000       0765800          -135.0        YES        NO

                              Interference Analysis Report for Clarksburg, MD

Document Created: 2003-08-12 11:55:28
Document Modified: 2003-08-12 11:55:28

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