Attachment SES-PAS Agreement

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20030213-00185 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                     An SES GLOBAL Company

March 10, 2003

Federal Communications Commission — International Bureau
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Subject: Engineering Certification of SES Americom, Inc.

To whom it may concern:

This letter certifies that SES Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom") is aware that
GTECH Corporation ("GTECH"), a customer of SES Americom‘s customer
Hughes Network Systems ("HNS"), is seeking FCC authorization to operate on
the SES Americom satellite AMC—4 at 101 degrees W.L. for the services as
described below. SES has provided PanAmSat with a list of SES transponders
currently assigned to support transmissions for these services.

SES Americom certifies that to the best of its knowledge, no satellite is in orbit
less than two degrees away from the AMC—4 satellite, which is authorized to
operate and is currently operating at 101 degrees W.L. in the geostationary earth
orbit with coverage of the Continental United States ("CONUS"), Puerto Rico,
and the United States Virgin Islands.

SES Americom understands that the GTECH, will be deploying 74cm equivalent
transmit/receive remote terminals for its two—way VSAT service working with the
hubs located at West Greenwich, RI and Austin, TX under the call signs E930182
and E970347.         SES Americom understands that GTECH will also deploy 98cm
transmit/receive remote terminals in the high rain or low spacecraft EIRP regions
in the CONUS, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands.

These Ku—band terminals will transmit to and receive from the above referenced
SES satellite. The 74cm equivalent diameter terminal is 98 by 56 cm elliptical—
aperture antennas having the same transmit gain as a 74 cm equivalent circular—
aperture Prodelin antenna.                          These antennas generally exhibit their non—
compliance in the region from 1.25 to 1.38 degrees off axis from maximum gain
in the transmit band, due to the width of their main gain lobe. They are compliant
with the side lobe pattern requirements specified in Section 25.209 of the
Commission‘s Rules in the plane of the geostationary satellite orbit as it appears
at the particular earth station location for off—axis angles starting at 1.38 degrees

          SES AMERICOM, mc.TFourHesearch Way \ Princeton \ NJ 08540T USA l tel (1) 609—987—4000—

in the transmit band. These antennas are to be installed with a nominal pointing
accuracy of less than or equal to 0.56 degrees and will operate at a maximum
input power density at the antenna waveguide flange of —17 dBW/4 kHz,
compliant with the —14.0 dBW/4 kHz FCC maximum for 2—degree compliant
systems and routine licensing‘.

The second terminal size is a 98 cm circular—aperture Prodelin antenna. These
antennas generally exhibit their non—compliance in the region from 1.25 to 1.58
degrees off axis from maximum gain in the transmit band, due to the width of
their main gain lobe. They are compliant with the side lobe pattern requirements
specified in Section 25.209 of the Commission‘s Rules in the plane of the
geostationary satellite orbit as it appears at the particular earth station location
for off—axis angles starting at 1.58 degrees in the transmit band. These antennas
are to be installed with a nominal pointing accuracy of less than or equal to 0.43
degrees and will operate at a maximum input power density at the antenna
waveguide flange of —17 dBW/4 kHz, compliant with the —14.0 dBW/4 kHz FCC
maximum for 2—degree compliant systems and routine licensing.

The undersigned further certifies that the maximum downlink Satellite EIRP
density of +9.1 dBW/4KHz, operational level of the Ku—band VSAT network
operated by the GTECH Corporation, is within the levels coordinated with

Also, in order to prevent unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites, SES
and GTECH acknowledge that these antennas (74cm equivalent diameter and
98cm) will be installed by professional installer and aligned with the intended
satellite to less than or equal to the tolerance as stated in this letter. Further,
compliance with the technical, operational and performance requirements of Part
25 of the FCC rules and any requirements set forth in the licenses granted by the
FCC for these sub—meter Prodelin antennas.

SES and GTECH acknowledge that the use of the Prodelin non—conforming
antennas will not cause unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites in
accordance with the FCC‘s 2—degree spacing policy and will accept interference
from adjacent satellites to the degree to which harmful interference would not be
expected to be caused to an earth station employing an antenna conforming to
the reference patterns defined in § 25.209 of the FCC rules.

Furthermore, should other satellites be positioned at the aforementioned orbital
location, the transponder assignments coordinated pursuant to this letter will
remain the same. SES Americom will promptly provide PanAmSat with relevant
information for any new transponders used for service to GTECH, a customer of
SES Americom‘s customer HNS, for purposes of inter—system coordination,

‘ 47 CFR § 25.134

 which will be operated on a non—conforming basis with respect to the FCC part
 25 rules.



 Jame Londono
/ Satellite Market Development, Director
~~SES Americom, Inc.

 Agreement and Acceptance by GTECH:

 [Name]                  CW?
 [Title] /7
  GTECH Corporation

 Acceptance by PanAmSat:

 PanAmSat agrees to the use of the above Prodelin antennas (74cm equivalent
 diameter and 98cm) with their respective azimuth angle alignment tolerances
 toward AMC—4 and the power density levels into the antenna flange as stated in
 this letter, with respect to Galaxy satellite that are within +/— 6 degrees orbital
 spacing from AMC—4 at 101 degrees W.L.

  Mohammad Ma”ra\s‘hx\
  Vice President
  Customer Support Engineering
  PanAmSat Corporation

Document Created: 2019-04-18 15:32:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 15:32:05

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