Attachment Lockheed Martin - j

Lockheed Martin - j

LETTER submitted by Lockheed Martin



This document pretains to SES-MOD-20001130-02268 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PLLC

                                                     June 18, 2008

STEPHEN D. BARUCH                                                                                       E—MAIL
 (202) 416—6782                                                                                 SBARUCH@LSL—Law.COM
                                                                                                      DiRECT FAx
                                                                                                     (202) 429—4626


  Marlene H. Dortch
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 Twelfth Street, NW
  Washington, DC 20554

                           Re:    Lockheed Martin Corporation Petition for Reinstatement
                                  Of Expired License £7541; File No. SES—MOD—20001130—02268

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

             Lockheed Martin Corporation ("Lockheed Martin"), by its attorneys, submits the
  enclosed letter from Comsearch Senior Manager David E. Meyer as a supplement to the above—
  referenced petition seeking reinstatement of Lockheed Martin‘s C—band fixed—satellite service
  transmit/receive earth station, Call Sign E7541, in Carpentersville, New Jersey. Lockheed
  Martin‘s license to operate Station E7541 expired on August 3, 2007, and its pending petition for
  reinstatement was filed on May 16, 2008.

             Mr. Meyer states in the attached letter that, notwithstanding that its license had
  expired, Station E7541 has been under Comsearch‘s "continuous monitor and frequency
  protection service." Comsearch has been "monitoring all new frequency coordinations on
  [Lockheed Martin‘s] behalf and maintaining their participation in the frequency coordination
  process" on the receive 3650—3700 and 3700.5—4199.5 MHz bands and the transmit band at
  6423.5 MHz. It has also continuously protected the frequency coordination of Station E7541.

                    Comsearch‘s monitoring and protection of Station E7541 supports the grant of
   Lockheed Martin‘s Petition for Reinstatement. Because the Station has been continuously
   treated as licensed for frequency coordination purposes, terrestrial licenses issued since Station
   E7541‘s expiration date already recognize that Station and will be unaffected by its
   reinstatement. This means that no terrestrial licensee will be affected by the reinstatement of

                                   2000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTONM, DC 20006—1809
                                 TELEPHONE 202.429—8970   FAX 202.293.7783   WWWALSL—LAW.CONM

Marlene H. Dortch
June 18, 2008
Page 2

Lockheed Martin‘s license for Station E7541 because any potentially affected Commission
licensee has already had its operations coordinated with those of Station E7541. This de minimis
impact on other licensees provides a further basis, in addition to those previously expressed by
Lockheed Martin, for grant of its Petition for Reinstatement.

            Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Stepheff   D. Baruch
                                          Philip A. Bonomo
                                          Attorneys for Lockheed Martin Corporation


ce (w/encl.): Mr. Scott Kotler (via e—mail)
              Jennifer A. Warren, Esq. (via e—mail)

                                                                                    19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
                                                                                  Ashburn, VA 20147
                                                                              Fax 703—726—5596

      A CommScope Company

June 17, 2008

Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Carpentersville, NJ
       FCC Call Sign:         E7541

Dear Sir:

This letter is to confirm that the 14.2 Meter C—Band Earth Station located at 450 River Road,
Carpentersville, Warren, NJ 08865 (40—38—39.4 N, 75—11—27.6 W (NAD83)) under the ownership of
Lockheed Martin Telecommunications, has been under our continuous monitor and frequency
protection service. We have been monitoring all new frequency coordinations on their behalf and
maintaining their participation in the frequency coordination process as specified in part 25 of the FCC
Rules and Regulations. The protected frequencies are 3650 — 3700 and 3700.5 — 4199.5 MHz
(Receive) and 6423.5 — 6423.5 MHz (Transmit).

We have been protecting this facility on behalf of Lockheed Martin Telecommunications. The
frequency coordination of the station has been maintained and no further coordination activity will be

If you have any questions, or require additional information, please don‘t hesitate to call me on (703)


T2.08€ May»
David E. Meyer
Senior Manager
Frequency Protection Services

                                                            UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                     Prior(Closed) Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                           Unofficial Copy

 Name:        LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION                                                                               Call Sign:        E7541
              (d/b/a Lockheed Mrtin Lnching Systems)                                                                 File Number:         SES—MOD—20001130—02268

Authorization Type:                       Modification of License                              ~
Non Common Carrier                        Grant Date:        03/06/2002                    Expiration Date:                          08/03/2007

 Nature of Service:                   Domestic Fixed Satellite Service

 Class of Station:                . [~ Fixed Earth Stations

 A) Site Location(s) =                                                                                                        ©          U        Cc           2.
                                                                                        —                             Elevation                   Special Provisions
# Site ID           —Address                            Latitude       >             Longitude            .=           (Meters)         ~NAD      (Reéfer to Section H)

 1) 1                  450 RIVER ROAD‘                   40° 38‘ 39.0" N ~_           75911‘ 29.0" W__                69.0               27,         ‘
                       WARREN, NJ, 08865

                     : Licensee certifies antenna(s) comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25.209

 Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and treaties, and all
 present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and requirements set forth in this license, the grantee is
 authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described below for radio communications for the term beginning Sunday, August 03,
 1997 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending Friday, August 03, 2007 (3—AM Eastern Standard Time). The required date of completion of
 construction and commencement of operation is 00/00/0000 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time). Grantee must file with the Commission a certification
 upon completion of construction and commencement of operation.                 —                    :          ‘            «

 B) Particulars of Operations
           The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
           The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
        For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H..      ~Max C C Max             :      .
                                          Aol                Tx/Rx . EIRP _   EIRP      "Associated ~Special Provisions                                  Modulation/
 # Frequency                    Polarization Emission Mode           /Carrier  —Density Antenna _ ~(Refer to Section H)                                  Services

 1) 6423.5000 — 6423.5000           H,V,LR          3M00G7D    . To        ©~$7.00             67.00.          *   ~N—ANT 2                    3M00G7D (3000F9) for TT&C,
                                                                  f                  109                                                       GXD AND TRANSFER ORBIT

| 2) 3700.5000 — 4199.5000          H,V,L,R         3M00G7D        R                                               N—ANT 2                     3M00G7D (3000F9) for TT&C,
                                                                                                                                               GXD AND TRANSFER ORBIT

 3) 3650.0000 — 3700.0000           H,V,L,R         3M00G7D        R                                               N—ANT 2                     3M00G7D (3000F9) for TT&C ,
                                                                                                                                               GXD AND TRANSFER ORBIT

 4) 6423.5000 — 6423.5000           H,V,L,R         3M00G7D        T       87.00               67.00               S—ANT 1                     3M00G7D (3000F9) for TT&C,
                                                                                                                                               GXD AND TRANSFER ORBIT

 5) 3700.5000 — 4199.5000           H,V,L,R         3M00GTD        R                                               S—ANT 1                     3M00G7D (3000F9) for TT&C,
                                                                                                                                               GXD AND TRANSFER ORBIT

 6) 3650.0000 — 3700.0000           H,V,L,R         3M00G7D        R                                               S—ANT 1                     3M00G7D (3000F9) for TT&C,
                                                                                                                                               GXD AND TRANSFER ORBIT

 C) Frequency Coordination                                                                                              Max EIRP
                                         Satellite Arc         Elevation                    Azimuth                      Density
                                        (Deg. Long.)           (Degrees)                    (Degrees)                    toward
          Frequency                      East West            East West                    East West                     Horizon               Associated
 #        Limits(MHz)                   Limit       Limit     Limit    Limit           Limit      Limit                (dBW/A4kHz)             Antenna(s)

 1)       3600,0000 — 3700.0000               W—W               10.0 — 90.0                106.0 — 284.0                               S—ANT 1

 2)       6423.5000 — 6423.5000                 —               10.0 — 90.0                76.0 — 284.0                       19.0     S—ANT 1

 Page 1

                                                  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                            RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                      Prior(Closed) Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                              Unofficial Copy

Name:        LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION                                                                   Call Sign:              E7541
             (d/b/a Lockheed Mrtin Luching Systems)                                                    File Number:                SES—MOD—20001130—02268

Authorization Type:                         Modification of License
Non Common Carrier                          Grant Date:             03/06/2002      Expiration Date:                        08/03/2007
3)       3700.5000 — 4199.5000                     —           10.0 — 90.0          76.0 — 284.0                               S—ANT 1
4)       3600.0000 — 3700.0000   _:     _     Ww               '10.0 — 90.0         76.0 — 284.0                 0.0          N—ANT 2

5)       6423.5000 —6423.5000. _                   —           10.0 — 90.0          76.0 — 284.0              —19.0           N—ANT 2
6)       3700.5000 — 41995000                      —           10:0 —90.0           76.0 =284.0                               N—ANT 2

D) Point of Communications
The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:
1) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @ 342.0 E.L. satellite of the INTELSAT system (U.S.—licensed)

2) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @335.5 E.L.satellite of the INTELSAT system (U.S.-licensed)

3) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @ 332.5 EL. satellite of the’ INTELSAT system (U.S.»lic;ensed)

4) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @.330.5 E.L. satellite of the INTELSAT systemy(U.S.-licy:ensed)

5) 1 to INTELSAT AOR k@ 328.5 EL. satellite bf the INTELSAT system (U.S.~licensed)                      _ k

6) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @‘325‘.5 EL. satellité of the INTELSAT system (U:S.—licensed)

7) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @ 310.0 E.L. satellite of theINTELSAT system (U.S.—licensed)

8) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @ 307.0 EL. satellite of the INTELSAT sysfem (U.S.~licensed)

9) 1 to INTELSAT 805 @ 304.5 ‘degrees of the INYTELSAT satellitesystem. (U.S.-Iicensed)

10) 1 to INTELSAT AOR @ 359.0 EL. s;tkellite‘of thé INTELSAT ;s’ysvtem (U.s.;licensed) .

11) 1 to All authorized U.S. Domestic (ALSAT) Satellites.

E) Antenna Facilites                                                                                                         Max
Site                   Antenna                             Diameter                           Model             Site        Height        Special Provisions
ID                     ID                          Units   (Meters)      Manufacturer        Number           Elevation    (Meters)      (Refer to Section H)

1                      N—ANT 2                 1             142      TIW                  120—00—00      69.0            18.0 AGL/
                                                                                                                          87.0 AMSL
Max Gains(s):53.9 dBi@      4.0000 GHz        57.5 dBi@      6.0000 GHz
Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 891.25
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dB W)87.0

1                      S—ANT 1                 1             14.2     TIW                  120—00—00      69.0            18.0 AGL/
                                                                                                                          87.0 AMSL
Max Gains(s):53.9 dBi@      4.0000 GHz        57.5 dBi@      6.0000 GHz
Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 891.25
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)87.0

F) Remote Control
1                                                                                    Call Sign:               E7541

Page 2

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                        RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                  Prior(Closed) Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                        Unofficial Copy

Name:      LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION                                                                   Call Sign:             E7541
           (d/b/a Lockheed Mrtin Lnching Systems)                                                    File Number:               SES—MOD—20001130—02268

Authorization Type:                     Modification of License
Non Common Carrier                      Grant Date:        03/06/2002             Explratlon Date:                :     08/03/2007

G) Antenna Structure marking and lighting requirements:
   None unless otherwise specified under Special and General Provisions

H) Special and General Provisions —

     A) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general conditions:

               1010        . 'Applicable to all receiving frequency bands. Emission designator indicates the maximum bandwidth of received signal
                             at associated station(s). Maximum EIRP and maximum EIRP density are not applicable to receive operations.

               1205    _    > Emission 3000F9 denotes a TT&C radio channel.

             ©1900           Applicable to all transmitting frequency bands. Authority is granted to transmit any number of RF carriers with the
             2C              specified parameters on any discrete frequencies within associated band in accordance with the other terms and ,
                             conditions of this authorization, subject to any additionallimitations that may be required to avoid unacceptable levels
                             of inter—satellite interference.

              2010 ;         Thisauthorization is issued pursuant to the Commission‘s Second Report and Order adopted June 16, 1972 (35 FCC
                WA           2d 844) and Memorandum, Opinion and Ordér adopted December 21, 1972 (38 FCC—2d 665)in Docket No, 16495 and
                             is subject to the policies adoptedin that proceeding.   ©                                 .

              2610 . !       No harmful interference shall be caused by the operation of this station to ‘other lawfully operated radio stations and
                             operation of this station must be terminated immediately upon notification of harmful interference..

              2914           This station operating a Tracking, Telemetry and Command ‘(;I'T&C) antenna.

              2916           Transmitter(s) must be turned off during antenna maintenance to ensure compliance with the FCC—specified safety
                             guidelines for himan exposure to tadiofrequencyradiation in the region between the antenna feed and the reflector.
                             Appropriate measures must also be taken to restrict access to other regions in which the earth station‘s power flux
                             density levels exceed the spemf' ed guidelines.

              3219           All existing transmitting facilities, operations and devices regulated by the Commission must be in compliance with the
                             Commission‘s radiofrequency (RF) exposure guidelines, pursuant to Section 1.1307(b)(1) through (b)(3) of the
                             Commission‘s rules, or if not in compliance, file an Environmental Assessment (EA) as specified in Section 1.1311.
                             See 47 CFR 1.1307 (b) (5).

              3428           This authorization is not to be construed as including any uplink or downlink authority in other countries.

              5011           The Licensee(s) shall maintain on file with the Commission a current list or plan of the precise frequencies in use at the
                             station, specifying for each frequency the RF center frequency, polarization, emission designator, nominal EIRP (in
                             dBW) and maximum EIRP density (in dbW/4kHz). This list or plan may be submitted either on a station—by—station
                             basis or on a system—wide basis and shall be updated within seven (7) days of any changes in frequency usage at this
                             station. The Licensee(s) need not notify the Commission of temporary usage of frequencies for periods of less than
                             seven (7) days. However, the Licensee(s) shall maintain accurate station records of the times and particulars of such
                             temporary frequency usage.

              5012           The authority granted here is limited to the operation of the facilities described above and does notinclude any authority
                             to install and operate channelizing equipment or any other authority under Section 214 of the Communications Act of
                             1934, as amended, to establish channels of communications.

              5013           In the event ofthe failure of a satellite with which operations are authorized in Section D ofthis license, operations are
                             authorized in conjunction with the authorized INTELSAT satellite in the affected Ocean Region that provides the
                             services authorized herein in order to maintain the continuity of commercial service; provided that the licensee(s)
                             immediately notify the Commission of the nature of this emergency and its expected duration; and provided that the
                             operational limits of elevation angle and azimuth range specified in Section C of this license are not exceeded. In the
                             event that such emergency operations require emissions not specified in Section B ofthis license, such emissions may
                             be utilized provided that the EIRP‘s of such emissions do not exceed the limits set forth in this license.

Page 3

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                        RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                  Prior(Closed) Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                        Unofficial Copy

Name:    LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION                                                                      Call Sign:             E7541
         (d/b/a Lockheed Mrtin Lnching Systems)                                                      File Number:                SES—MOD—20001130—02268

Authorization Type:                     Modification of License                          dn
Non Common Carrier                      Grant Date:              03/06/2002        Expiration Date: .              .     08/03/2007

H) Special and General Provisions

            5015             Upori completion of construction; each 1iéenseé muét file wfth the Commission a certification ificluding the following
                             information:. name of the licensee, file number of the application, call sign of the antenna, date of the license and
                             certification that the facility as authorized has been completed, that each antenna facility has been tested and is within 2
                             dB of thepattern specified in Section 25.209 and that the station is operational including the date of commencement of
                             service and will remain operational during the license period unless the license is:submitted for cancellation.

            5017 —           Operation of this station is governed by the terms, conditions and limitations in Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules and
                             Regulations and the following additional conditions: 1. This license shall not vest in the Licensee(s) any right to
                            —.operate the station or any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond its term orin any other
                             manner than authorized in the license; 2. Neither the license nor the right granted underit shall be assigned or—
                             otherwise transferred in violation of the Commissions or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act
                             of 1934, as amended, or the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations issued under it; and 3. This station is subject to the
                             right of use or control conferred by Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

            5018             This license shall be forfeited automatically if this station is not ready for operation within the time specified unless,
                             prior to the expiration date of this license, the Commission receives an Application for Additional Time to Construct a
                             Radio Station (FCC Form 701) filed by.the Licensee(s) showing good cause why the Licensee(s).could not complete
                             construction on time.                                    a     .               '

            5035.            The receiving frequency band 3650—3700 MHz is for INTELSAT use only.

            5216 ;           All operations shall be on a flon—common carrier basis. :

            5802     ". /    This authorization is issued pursuantto and subject to the terms and policy édopted in the Commission‘s Order, released
                             December 11, 2000 (FCC—00—363).

            5854             A waiver of footnote NG169 in Section 2.106 of the. Commission‘s Rules and Regulations is granted for the authorized
                             TT&C earth station to be located 45 miles from the grandfathered earth stations (B950436, KA444, E6777, E950209,
                             KA260, KA308, and KA81). See the attached "Memorandum for the file"~ dated February 22, 2002.

Page 4

                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                     RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                               Prior(Closed) Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                    Unofficial Copy

Name:     LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION                                                           Call Sign:         E7541
          (d/b/a Lockheed Mrtin Lnching Systems)                                            File Number:           SES—MOD—20001130—02268

Authorization Type:                 Modification of License
Non Common Carrier                  Grant Date: :‘            __03/06/2002   Expiration Date:._._    _       08/03/2007

H) Special and General Prov1s10ns
     B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATIONis granted sub_]ect to the addmonal condmons specified below:

          This authorlzatlonis issued on the grantee‘s representatlon that the statements contained in the application
          are true and that the undertakings described will be carried out ingood faith.

          This authorization shall fiot be construed in any manner as a findmg by the Commission on the question of
          marking or lighting of the antenna system should future conditions require.. The grantee expressly agrees to
          install such marking or lighting as the Commxssmn may requlreunder the provisions of Section 303(q) of
          the Commumca’aons Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q)                            ;

          Neither thns authorlzatlon nor the right granted by this authorlzatlonshall be. a351gned or otherwise
          transferred to any person; firm, company or corporation without the written consent of the Commission.
          This authorization is subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred
          by Section 706 of the Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation of this station is governed by Part
          25 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. Part 25.

          This authorization shall not vest in thelicensee any right to operate this station nor any right in the use of
          the designated frequencies beyond the term of this license, nor in any other manner than authorized herein.

          This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s represéntation that the station is in compliance with
          environmental requirements set forth in Section 1.1307: of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.FR. § 1.1307.

          This authorlzatlonis issued on the grantees representation that the station is in comphance with the Federal
          Aviation Admmlstratxon (FAA) requlrements as set forthin Section 17.4 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47
          C.FR. §17.4.                                    .

          The following condition appliés:whenthis authorlzatlon perrmts constructxon of or modifies the
          construction permit of a radlostation. .

          This authorization shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required
          date of completion of construction unless—an application for modification of construction permit for
          additional time to complete construction is filed by that date, together witha showing that failure to
          complete construction by the required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

          Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement
          to collect annual regulatory fees from regulates is contained in Public Law 103—66, "The Omnibus
          Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993". These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal
          year, are used to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforcement, public service,
          international and policy and rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each
          year, setting the new regulatory fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of
          regulatory fees.

Page 5

                                                                                                         {"%    |          A
                                                        LAF OFFICES                                11 gfl g G E ‘xg 5{% §
                                    LEVENTHAL, SENTER &8 LERMAN rirc.                                —         '      14 T3            1fRe
                   g &
                                                         sUITE 600                                                     .
                                                     2000 K STREET. N.W.                                               TELEPHONE
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                                        22                                                                           (202) 293—7783
   Gatallite ane wedlecommrantcstion Diviston      November 16, 2001                  on   psep
          Setalite Enginesring Branch                                      R&QEBV kfi                                WWW.LSL—LAW.COM

STEPHEN D. BARUCH                                                          —            C                             E—MAIL
   (202) 416—6782                                                              NOV :&_ 6 28@?                  SBARUCH@LSL—LAW.COM
                                                                                                                      DIRECT FAX
                                                                       eesan. enmemeicanons apmacciedt                (202) 429—4626
                                                                            gregs er mt sconsnet


Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                    Re:        Further Supplemental Information Regarding Application of
                               Lockheed Martin Corporation to Modify Earth Station at
                               Carpentersville, NJ (Call Sign E7541, File Nos. SES—MOD—20001130—
                               02268 and SES—AMD—20010717—01356)

Dear Ms. Salas:

        This letter provides further supplemental information regarding the above—referenced
application of Lockheed Martin Corporation ("LMC") to modify its license for a C—band Earth
station facility at Carpentersville, New Jersey to include spectrumin the 3650—3700 MHz
(extended C—band) range. In its initial application, LMC sought a waiver of the Commission rule
that would accord primary status only to those extended C—band earth stations for which
applications that were filed prior to December 1, 2000 and which sought to establish new or
modified extended C—band facilities that are located within 10 miles of an existing grandfathered
extended C—band Earth station receive site. LMC‘s application was filed on November 30, 2000,
but requested primary status for an extended C—band Earth station receive site that is located
approximately 45 miles from the nearest grandfathered site (i.e., the one in Franklin, New
Jersey). See LMC Application at Exhibit 1.

        In August 2001, LMC supplemented its application with the submission of a figure,
prepared for LMC by Comsearch, that purported to show that if a 200 kilometer coordination
zone for fixed service systems is established around the coordinates of LMC‘s Carpentersville
Earth station facility in western New Jersey, the entire 200 kilometer coordination zone would be
encompassed within the 200 kilometer coordination zones of other extended C—band Earth
stations on the grandfathered list that is included in the Commission‘s First Report and Order
and Second Notice ofProposed Rule Making in ET Docket No. 98—237. In fact, close
examination of the figure shows that there is a tiny area, to the far southeast of the 200 kilometer

                            LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN rirc.

Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary
November 16, 2001
Page 2

coordination zone around the Carpentersville site, that appears not to be fully within any of the
other coordination zones plotted on the figure.

        LMC has revisited the subject of the "uncovered" area of the coordination zone around
the Carpentersville site with Comsearch, and provides two new figures for the Commission‘s
consideration. In the first new figure that is attached to this letter, the scale of the figure
provided in August is enlarged to show that the area of the Carpentersville facility‘s coordination
zone that may not be fully within the coordination zones of the other plotted grandfathered earth
stations is located in the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast of Cape May, New Jersey and to the
northeast of Lewes, Delaware. As a practical matter, fixed service stations will not be able to be
located in this area. In the second new figure, coordination zones for two additional
grandfathered extended C—band earth stations — one in Alexandria, Virginia and the other in
Staten Island, New York —are added to the figure. The addition of these two earth station
coordination zones appearto effectively cover the small area of ocean that appeared to be
uncovered in the figure LMC submitted in August.

       The following grandfathered extended C—band earth stations are the ones plotted on the
second attached figure (and all but the Alexandria and Staten Island stations were plotted on the
August figure as well):

Earth Station                       Call Sign         Coordinates
Alexandria, VA                      KASl              38° 47 36" N / 77° 09‘ 59" W
Clarksburg, MD                      KA260             39° 13‘ 05" N / 77° 16‘ 12" W
Franklin, NJ                        E6777/KA231       41° 07 04" N / 74° 34 33" W
Hauppauge, NY                       E950436           40° 49° 15" N/ 73° 15° 50° W
Hawley, PA                          E950209           41° 27 51"° N/ 75° 07 48" W
Roaring Creek, PA                   WA33              40° 53‘ 37.5" N / 76° 26° 22" W
Staten Island, NY                   KA3O8             40° 36‘ 13" N / 74° 10‘ 39" W

        As a result of the two new figures, LMC is able to reiterate that the grant of primary
status to LMC‘s proposed facility would not impose any coordination obligation that does not
already exist, yet it would provide the certainty and other desirable benefits of primary status that
LMC recited in its application. See LMC Application at Exhibit 1. LMC further reiterates that it
has shownin its initial application that the unique terrain features of the Carpentersville complex
will greatly reduce the likelihood that a terrestrial station could interfere with the Earth station‘s
operations in any event. Id. at Exhibit 1 and attachments.

                           LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN rirc.

Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary
November 16, 2001
Page 3

        On the basis of the foregoing, and for the reasons it provided in its Application (as
amended) and August 2001 Supplement, LMC respectfully renews its request that the
Commission grant LMC‘s extended C—band modification of license application for
                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                               D. Baruch

         ce (w/ encl.): Karl Kensinger (by e—mail)
                       Sylvia Lam (by e—mail)
                       Jennifer Warren (by e—mail)

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Document Created: 2019-04-20 19:30:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 19:30:34

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