Attachment Supplement


LETTER submitted by Lockheed Martin

Supplement to Petition for Reinstatement


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20001130-02268 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                             LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PLLC

                                               June 18, 2008

StePHEN D. BARUCH                                                                                       E—MAIL
 (202) 416—6782                                                                                SBARUCH@LSL—LAW.COM

                                                                                                    DIRECT FAX
                                                                                                   (202) 429—4626


  Marlene H. Dortch
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 Twelfth Street, NW
  Washington, DC 20554

                      Re:     Lockheed Martin Corporation Petition for Reinstatement
                              Of Expired License £7541; File No. SES—MOD—20001130—02268

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

             Lockheed Martin Corporation ("Lockheed Martin"), by its attorneys, submits the
  enclosed letter from Comsearch Senior Manager David E. Meyer as a supplement to the above—
  referenced petition seeking reinstatement of Lockheed Martin‘s C—band fixed—satellite service
  transmit/receive earth station, Call Sign E7541, in Carpentersville, New Jersey. Lockheed
  Martin‘s license to operate Station E7541 expired on August 3, 2007, and its pending petition for
  reinstatement was filed on May 16, 2008.

             Mr. Meyer states in the attached letter that, notwithstanding that its license had
  expired, Station E7541 has been under Comsearch‘s "continuous monitor and frequency
  protection service." Comsearch has been "monitoring all new frequency coordinations on
  [Lockheed Martin‘s] behalf and maintaining their participation in the frequency coordination
  process" on the receive 3650—3700 and 3700.5—4199.5 MHz bands and the transmit band at
   6423.5 MHz. It has also continuously protected the frequency coordination of Station E7541.

               Comsearch‘s monitoring and protection of Station E7541 supports the grant of
   Lockheed Martin‘s Petition for Reinstatement. Because the Station has been continuously
   treated as licensed for frequency coordination purposes, terrestrial licenses issued since Station
   E7541‘s expiration date already recognize that Station and will be unaffected by its
   reinstatement. This means that no terrestrial licensee will be affected by the reinstatement of

                              2000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                            TELEPHONE 202.429—8970   FAX 202.293.7783   WWW.LSL—LAW.COM

Marlene H. Dortch
June 18, 2008
Page 2

Lockheed Martin‘s license for Station E7541 because any potentially affected Commission
licensee has already had its operations coordinated with those of Station E7541. This de minimis
impact on other licensees provides a further basis, in addition to those previously expressed by
Lockheed Martin, for grant of its Petition for Reinstatement.

            Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Stephef{f D. Baruch
                                          Philip A. Bonomo
                                          Attorneys for Lockheed Martin Corporation


cc (w/encl.): Mr. Scott Kotler (via e—mail)
              Jennifer A. Warren, Esq. (via e—mail)

                 )                                                                  19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
                                                                                  Ashburn, VA 20147
                                                                              Fax 703—726—5596

      A CommScope Company

June 17, 2008

Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Carpentersville, NJ
       FCC Call Sign:         E7541

Dear Sir:

This letter is to confirm that the 14.2 Meter C—Band Earth Station located at 450 River Road,
Carpentersville, Warren, NJ 08865 (40—38—39.4 N, 75—11—27.6 W (NAD83)) under the ownership of
Lockheed Martin Telecommunications, has been under our continuous monitor and frequency
protection service. We have been monitoring all new frequency coordinations on their behalf and
maintaining their participation in the frequency coordination process as specified in part 25 of the FCC
Rules and Regulations. The protected frequencies are 3650 — 3700 and 3700.5 — 4199.5 MHz
(Receive) and 6423.5 — 6423.5 MHz (Transmit).

We have been protecting this facility on behalf of Lockheed Martin Telecommunications. The
frequency coordination of the station has been maintained and no further coordination activity will be

If you have any questions, or require additional information, please don‘t hesitate to call me on (703)


TLL08 May»
David E. Meyer
Senior Manager
Frequency Protection Services

Document Created: 2008-06-19 13:32:34
Document Modified: 2008-06-19 13:32:34

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