Attachment AUG2001_SUPP

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20001130-02268 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              LAW OFFICES

                           LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN rirc.
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   Satolifte engineoring Branch                                                                         TELECOPIER
       Intornational Bureau                August 3, 2001                                              (202) 203—7783
                                                                                                     WWW.LSL—L AW.COM

STEPHEN D. BARUCH                                                                                          E—MAIL
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                                                                                                        (202) 429—4626

                                                                               Ceppbanetemter n o

Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                   Re:   Supplemental Information Regarding Application of Lockheed
                         Martin Corporation to Modify Earth Station at Carpentersville, NJ
                         (File No. SES—MOD—20001130—02268, Call Sign E7541)

Dear Ms. Salas:

         This letter provides supplemental information regarding the above—referenced application
of Lockheed Martin Corporation ("LMC") to modify its license for a C—band Earth station
facility at Carpentersville, New Jersey to include spectrum in the 3650—3700 MHz (extended C—
band) range. In its application, LMC sought a waiver of the new Commission rule that would
accord primary status only to those extended C—band applications that were filed prior to
December 1, 2000 and which sought to establish new or modified extended C—band facilities that
are located within 10 miles of an existing grandfathered extended C—band Earth station receive
site. LMC‘s application was filed on November 30, 2000, but requested primary status for an
extended C—band Earth station receive site that is located approximately 45 miles from the
nearest grandfathered site (i.e., the one in Franklin, New Jersey). See LMC Application at
Exhibit 1.

         By the enclosed figure, which was prepared for LMC by Comsearch, LMC now shows
that if a 200 kilometer coordination zone for fixed service systems, as is proposed in the
Commission‘s First Report and Order and Second Notice ofProposed Rule Making in ET
Docket No. 98—237,‘ is established around the coordinates of LMC‘s Carpentersville Earth
station facility in western New Jersey, the entire 200 kilometer coordination zone would be
encompassed within the 200 kilometer coordination zones of other extended C—band Earth

|      Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Rules with Regard to the 3650—3700 MHz Government Transfer Band,
FCC 00—363, slip op. at 43 (« 104) (released October 24, 2000) ("Order/NPRM).

                           LEVENTHAL, SENTER 8 LERMAN rirc.

Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary
August 3, 2001
Page 2

stations on the grandfathered list that is attached to the Order/NPRM. In other words, any fixed
service applicant anywhere within 200 kilometers of the Carpentersville facility would, upon
adoption of the rules proposed by the Commission, already be under an obligation to coordinate
with one or more extended C—band Earth stations. As a result, the grant of primary status to
LMC‘s proposed facility would not impose any coordination obligation that does not already
exist, yet it would provide the certainty and other desirable benefits of primary status that LMC
recited in its application. See LMC Application at Exhibit 1.

        Furthermore, LMC takes this opportunity to remind the Commussion that in its
Application, LMC showed, through aerial photographs and otherwise, that the two existing
antennas that would be used to receive extended C—band transmissions at Carpentersville are
located deep within a working stone quarry, and are thus shielded by terrain from terrestrial
interference. LMC indicated that the only practical way a terrestrial transmitter could interfere
with the Earth station‘s use of the 3650—3700 MHz band would be if the transmitter were
installed on the rim of the quarry and pointed straight down into the Earth station antennas. As a
further inhibition to the already scant likelihood that a terrestrial station could ever interfere,
absent specific intent to do so, with the use of extended C—band frequencies by LMC‘s Earth
station facility, LMC reported that the site is located in the middle of a migratory bird flight path
and at the edge of the Pohatcong Grasslands Project — both of which are vigorously defended by
local advocacy groups that have for many years fended off attempts at wireless towersitings and
other forms of development. There are currently no wireless towers in any service located within
the line of sight of the proposed extended C—band antenna. See LMC Application at Exhibit 1
and attachments. These additional factors provided in support of the requested waiver of
footnote NG169 from the Order/NPRM further reduce the already de minimis coordination
burden that would be imposed upon fixed service systems by the grant to LMC of primary status
for the extended C—band spectrum at its Carpentersville Earth station facility, and would not in
any way trigger the Commussion‘s fears of "unrestrained deployment of FSS earth stations [that]
could hinder or greatly inhibit the opportunities for terrestrial operations in the band.""

         In short, LMC shows that a 200 kilometer coordination zone around the Carpentersville
facility would be fully subsumed within the coordination zones of grandfathered extended C—
band Earth station complexes, which means that no additional coordination obligation would be
assumed by fixed service stations upon the grant to LMC of primary status for this facility. To
bolster this case, LMC has previously shownthat the unique terrain features of the
Carpentersville complex will greatly reduce the likelihood that a terrestrial station could interfere

       2       See Order/NPRM, FCC 00—363, slip op. at [ 18.

                           LEVENTHAL, SENTER &8 LERMAN pirc.

Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary
August 3, 2001
Page 3

with the Earth station‘s operations in any event. Under these circumstances, LMC respectfully
urges the Commission to proceed expeditiously to grant LMC‘s extended C—band modification of
license application for Carpentersville, as amended.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

         cce (w/ encl.): Karl Kensinger (by e—mail)
                         Sylvia Lam (by e—mail)


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Document Created: 2019-04-23 14:22:29
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 14:22:29

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