Attachment radhaz2

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20000630-01066 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                             RADIATION HAZARD STUDY
                              Satellite Education Network
                               Western Illinois University
                                        Page 1 of 5

         The satellite facilities at Western Illinois University are mounted on the southwest corner
of Memorial Hall in Macomb, Il. The building is a 5 story building. Four of the five stories are
used for offices, television studios, and classrooms. The uplink dishes are on the roof of the
fourth floor. The fifth floor is to the east / northeast of the uplink dishes. The walls of the fifth
floor is concrete block, brick and steel skin construction.

The roof area that the uplink dishes are on is a controlled access area. Access is not available to
anyone except maintenance workers. All equipment that would be accessed by these workers is
on the east side of the fifth floor structure.

The 6.1 meter Vertex dish is mounted on the Southwest corner of the building. Because of the
location of the support steel, the reflector is flush and/or overhangs the edge of the roof. The
edge of the reflector is 3 meters above the roof.

The 2.4 meter Vertex dish is approximately 10 meters behind the 6.1 meter dish. It is a fixed dish
that is positioned on Galaxy 10R at 123 degrees west. The reflector is accessible from the roof
as it is 2 meters from the roof.

                    RADIATION HAZARD STUDY
                     Satellite Education Network
                      Western Illinois University
                               Page 2 of 5

Region                         Radiation       Hazard Assessment
Far Field
(2.4m Vertex)                  1.49            Complies with guidelines
Rff = 17280 cm²

(6.1m Vertex)                   .507           Complies with guidelines
Rff = 111630 cm²

Combined                       1.997           Complies with guidelines

Near Field
(2.4m Vertex)                  3.27            Complies with guidelines
Rnf = 30 cm²

(6.1m Vertex)                  1.08            Complies with guidelines
Rnf = 76 cm²

Combined                       4.35            Complies with guidelines

Reflector Surface
(2.4m Vertex)                  1.64            Complies with guidelines

(6.1m Vertex)                   .531           Complies with guidelines

Combined                       2.171           Complies with guidelines

Transition Region
(2.4m Vertex)                   .04            Complies with guidelines

(6.1m Vertex)                   .002           Complies with guidelines

Combined                        .042           Complies with guidelines

                             RADIATION HAZARD STUDY
                              Satellite Education Network
                               Western Illinois University
                                        Page3 of 5
       Region                                 Radiation              Hazard Assessment
       Transition Region Str
       (2.4m Vertex)                          3.27                   Complies with guidelines

       (6.1m Vertex)                          1.08                   Complies with guidelines

       Combined                               4.35                   Complies with guidelines

       Between Antenna and roof
       (2.4m Vertex)                          .02                    Complies with guidelines

       (6.1m Vertex)                          .01                    Complies with guidelines

       Combined                               .03                    Complies with guidelines

       Between Main reflector and feed
       (Figures are based on power level
        At the feedhorn.)
       (2.4m Vertex)                          163.58                 Potential Hazard

       (6.1m Vertex)                          610.09                 Potential Hazard

       Combined                               Not Physically possible. The 2 feeds are separated
                                                                           by over 10 meters.

Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that harmful levels of radiation will not exist in the
regions normally occupied by the public or employees of the university. The earth station will be
marked with standard radiation hazard warning signs that will described where the potential may
exist for hazardous radiation levels. To ensure compliance with the safety limits, the earth station
transmitter will be turned off whenever maintenance and repair personnel are required to work in
the area where the radiation level exceeds the level recommended by applicable guidelines. The
earth station is a secured location with controlled access.

                          RADIATION HAZARD STUDY
                           Satellite Education Network
                            Western Illinois University
                                     Page 4 of 5
1.   Far Field

     (2.4m Vertex)
     Rff =0.6 x D / γ = 0.6 x (240cm)² / 2cm = 17280 cm

     Sff = P x G x 1000 / 4 x π x R² = 74 x 75857.76 x 1000 / 4 x π x 17280² = 1.49 mw/cm²

     (6.1m Vertex)
     Rff =0.6 x D / γ = 0.6 x (610cm)² / 2cm = 111630 cm

     Sff = P x G x 1000 / 4 x π x R² = 155 x 512861 x 1000 / 4 x π x 111630² = .507 mw/cm²

2.   Near Field

     (2.4m Vertex)
     Rnf = D² / 4 x γ = 240² / 4 x 2 = 30 cm²

     Snf = 16 x Ef x P / π x D² = 16 x .5 x 74000 / π x 240² = 3.27 mw/cm²

     (6.1m Vertex)
     Rnf = D² / 4 x γ = 610² / 4 x 2 = 76 cm²

     Snf = 16 x Ef x P / π x D² = 16 x .51 x 155250 / π x 610² = 1.08 mw/cm²

3.   Reflector Surface

     (2.4m Vertex)
     Srs= P / π x R² = 74000 / π x 120² = 1.64 mw/cm²

     (6.1m Vertex)
     Srs= P / π x R² = 155250 / π x 305² = .531mw/cm²

                          RADIATION HAZARD STUDY
                           Satellite Education Network
                            Western Illinois University
                                     Page 5 of 5
4.   Transition Region

     (2.4m Vertex)
     Str= Snf x Sff / R = 3.27 x 1.49 / 120 = .04 mw/cm²

     (6.1m Vertex)
     Str= Snf x Sff / R = 1.08 x .507 / 305 = .002 mw/cm²

5.   Between Antenna and Rooftop

     (2.4m Vertex) The bottom of the reflector is 2 meters off the roof.
     Srt = Srs / % of diameter of antenna = 1.64 / 83 = .02 mw/cm²

     (6.1m Vertex) The bottom of the reflector is 3 meters from the roof.
     Srt = Srs / % of diameter of antenna = .531 / 50 = .01 mw/cm²

6.   Between Main Reflector and Feed (The highest power level will be at the aperture)

     (2.4m Vertex) The diameter of the feed is 24cm
     Sap = P / π x R² = 74000 / π x 12² = 163.58 mw/cm²

     (6.1m Vertex) The diameter of the feed is 18 cm
     Sap = P / π x R² = 155250 / π x 9² = 610.09 mw/cm²

Document Created: 2019-04-21 20:42:21
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 20:42:21

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