Attachment 20140324161710.pdf


DECISION submitted by IB-FCC



This document pretains to SES-MOD-19950221-01399 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                      CAL CORPORRATION
                          an Electromagnetic Sciences Company

               71050 Morrison Drive, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2R B8K7
               [(613)820—8280      Telex: O53—3937     Fax: (613)820—6474

               DATE:        February 27, 1997          FILE:         0881 /Cert.

      Subject: Request for Special Temporary Authority to operate up to 5
                  Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Terminals

         Dear Mr. Tycz,

        Pursuant to Section 25.119 of the Commission‘s Rules, CAL Corporation ("CAL")
hereby requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to operate up to 5, two—channel
aeronautical terminals satellite terminals pursuant to the attached technical exhibit.
The terminals will operate on space segment provided by AMSC Subsidiary
Corporation. CAL requests that the STA become effective March 10, 1997 and remain in
effect until September 7. 1997 or until a grant of CAL‘s type acceptance application ,
whichever is earlier. Grant of this request will serve the public interest in the
continued development of MSS in the United States.

             s        ‘    ical   mobile term   s. Reort and Order, 7 FCC Red 5895
(1992) CAL also has notxfied the FAAof 1ts intention to make application for type
acceptance, including all the required technical data, and will provide the FAA a copy of
the final type acceptance application submitted to the FCC.

The purpose of the authority requested herein is to allow CAL to conduct end—to—end
tests of the two—channel terminals, using the AMSC communications ground segment,
control systems and satellite. The tests also permit CAL to comply with FAA type
acceptance requirements for specific aircraft models. CAL seeks to conduct tests
covering system stability and quality, as well as feature and service functionality to
provide mobile satellite services. All participants in these tests will be notified that the
terminals have not yet been type accepted and are returnable to CAL if type acceptance
is denied. Participants will pay AMSC for appli           —
trials are to be conducted in the US and in Canada.
                                                           "04— ss &4 —94"7
                                                    date:2l/0l441_= Exe— 9 11l27
Satellite and Radiocommunications Division,
International Bureau,                               authorized by:
Federal Communications Commission,
2000 M. Street, N.W., Room 800,
Washington,           D.C. 20554
                                                    signature /3      7 *
Attn: Mr. Thomas S. Tycz                                          // /77
                                                                                      RL C
(Chief of Division)

These tests represent an important step in the continued development of aeronautical
mobile services. Currently, general aviation and corporate aircraft have been unable to
receive two—channel, high—quality voice, data and fax service at reasonable rates. The
authority requested herein will allow CAL to ensure that the terminals are technically
sound‘ and meet all operational requirements prior to the full commencement of
services to the public. Therefore, CAL respectfully requests temporary authority to
operate up to 5 two—channel aeronautical satellite terminals, consistent with the
parameters set forth herein. CAL requests that this STA be granted effective March 10,
and last for six months, or until grant of the underlying type acceptance application,
whichever is earlier.

CAL certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 USC § 835(a).

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Alxewlx} »Ketlsé
                                                   VP, Commiat es j}é’f@wfl |
                                                       CAL Corporation

      Copy: Frank Peace, JR

1 CAL notes that the transceiver portion of the terminal is constructed by Westinghouse
Electric Corporation and previously has been licensed by the FCC. Additionally a single—
channel system, of similar basic design, has been type accepted under FCC ID: K6KQC100.

(                                                                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                           Approved by OMB
                                                                                 FCC REMITANCE ADVICE                                                              rmpires zosor
                                                                                                                              page Nno.          _1     or
                           (RESERVED)                                                                       SPECIAL USE

                                                                                                            FCC USE ONLY

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(3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

  Cal Corporation
  1050 Morrison Drive

(6) CITY                                                                                                      (7) STATE              (8) ZIP CODE
  Ottawa, Ontarto                                                                                                 Canada                   K2H 8K7
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                              {10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A.)

Pm mEonNrommATion
(11A) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                             FCC USE ONLY

  Cal Corporation
(12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                  (13A) ZIP CODE                      (14A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                           (15A) QUANTITY           (16A) FEE DUE FOR
                                                                                                                                                             E@%TYPE CODE
                                                K2H SK7                               c            |e             x                          1               $          {30.00
(17A) FCC CODE 1                                                                  (18A) FCC CODE 2

(19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                      (20A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 2)                                                   (21A) CITY/STATE OR COUNTRY CODE

       1050 Morrison Drive                                                                     |                             Ottawa, Ontario Canada
                                                                 ITEM #2 INFORMATION
(11B) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                                             FCC USE ONLY

(12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                  (13B) ZIP CODE                      (14B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                           |(15B) QUANTITY          |(16B) FEE DUE FOR
                                                                                                                                                             PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                                             IN BLOCK 14
(17B) FCC CODE 1                                                                  (18B) FCC CODE 2

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Ee cr=ort cano payuent iwrorvaro i
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[7] Mastercard                                                                            EXPIRATION DATE:
D      Visa                                                                                                                        Month         Year
                                                                                               AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                              DATE
(23)   Ihereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard                  is
       for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.

                                                         See public burden estimate on reverse.                                                                     FCC FORM 159
                                                                                                                                                                    April 1994


                             02/27/97                 022797            130.00                               130.00

    0007252               CAL CORPORATION                                                 TOTAL       }      130. 00
                          1050 MORRISON DRIVE. OTTAWA ONTARIO K2H 8K7
                          TELEPHONE. (6131 820—8280
                                                                                               cHequeno      7252

                   *"* CAL CORPORATION                                                                               0007252
    t    nL           an Electromagnetic Sciences Company                                      cHeque no.   7252
                      1050 MORRISON DRIVE, OTTAWA, ONTARIO K2H 8K7

245 STAFFORD ROAD WEST                                                                  DATE                     AMOUNT
                                                                                      27—FEB—~97 U.S.$ 130.00


PAY TO    F.C.C.
 RpER or
         2000 M. STREET, N.W.                                                         4/—'@/
°8°5"     roOM 800                                                                                          ,/
          WASHINTON     DC

                      ©000 7 2529 n3 ¢866&w—O0Lnr                  324586730024 31°

 Technical Exhibit in support of application for Special Temporary Authority

Purpose of Equipment

       The equipment is intended to provide dual channel voice, FAX and data services
in the Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service. Specifically, it supports the following data
rates and services:

       o     4800 bps digitized voice using the DVSI IMBE vocoder.
       e     2400 bps Group 3 FAX.
       e     4800, 2400 and 1200 bps circuit switched data.

      These services are made available to the maximum extent practicable during all
phases of aircraft operation, both on the ground and in the air.

Equipment Configuration

       The equipment will be provided in one of two possible configurations at the
customers discretion, single channel or dual channel. The single channel installation
has been the subject of a previous Type Acceptance application and received
certification under the FCC ID: K6KQC100. The Grant of Equipment Authorization is
filed with the FCC under File number 31010/EQU 17.9, dated March 6, 1996. The dual
channel configuration is identical to the single channel except that two transceiver
subsystems are coupled to the same antenna through a 34B hybrid coupler. The dual
channel configuration is shown in figure 1. The major active elements are as follows:

      1. The Antenna Unit

      2. The Transceiver Subsystem

      3. The High Power Amplifier (HPA)

      4. The Two Channel Coupler Unit

      5. The Handset(s)

   A brief description of each element follows.
Antenna Unit

       The Antenna Unit is designed for fuselage top mounting. It includes a
mechanically steered radiating element and motor drive, and is covered by an
aerodynamically contoured radome. The Antenna Unit and its radome also house: the
diplexer and LNA combination, a compass to provide steering information, and an
active GPS antenna element.

Transceiver Subsystem

       Each Transceiver Subsystem (TS) includes the Transceiver Unit (TU), the High
Power Amplifier (HPA), the beam steering unit (BSU), a GPS receiver and a power
converter to suit the aircraft supply. The TU performs all the functions defined for this
unit in its land mobile configuration plus providing Doppler correction through the
use of software specially developed for aeronautical applications. The GPS receiver
provides position and velocity information both for Doppler correction and for use by
the BSU in steering the antenna. The two Transceiver Subsystems in the two—channel
configuration are functionally identical to that used in the single channel configuration
and are completely interchangeable. The special configuration required for them to
operate as designated units #1 and #2 in this two—channel configuration results from
signaling from the micro—processor in the two—channel combiner to the unit installed
in the #2 position.
High Power Amplifier

       The HPA is required to amplify the transmit signal given out by the TU to the
level required to meet the specified EIRP requirements. It is co—located with the

Two Channel Coupler Unit

       The Two Channel Combiner Unit provides the RF interface between the two
transceivers and the single Antenna.   It also provides information, to the transceiver in
the # 2 position, on the status of the transceiver in the # 1 position. This allows the
#2 Transceiver to disable itself and bypass the hybrid combiner in the #1 transmitted
path, when traveling in areas of the coverage where only single channel operation is
Number of Handsets

       Each of the two transceiver units is to be supplied with a single handset.
Provision will also be made for the installation of multiple handsets, all connected to
both TS‘s so that any one of them can be used to communicate through either channel.

       In addition to their primary communication function, one of the handsets will
have keys and a display, and is to be used as the control panel for the equipment.

February 12, 1997                                                          Page 2

                                           Antenna Unit                                                    Active GPS
                                                                                                     Antenna with filter

                      Two—Channel                    Y ~——=~



                                                                             Rx                                Signal

                                                                              ~—_, |Filter

                                                                                  & Sat. long.
                                                               wEC AEU

                                                                       ka         Tx
               Subsystem                                               ~x2 Filter



                    2B8V                                                          28|V

          Figure 1: CALQUESTTY CQ200 Two—Channel System Configuration

February 12, 1997                                                                                               Page 3

Installation Issues

       The equipment is designed for simple, straightforward installation to minimize
the cost of this activity. To this end, the following guidelines are followed:

o      Minimize the size and weight of the antenna.

o      Minimize the size and weight of the interior equipment.

e      Installation will be possible without removal of the antenna from the radome.

o      The GPS antenna will be incorporated within the main antenna assembly to
       avoid having to install a separate unit.
Range of Aircraft Sizes

       Provision is made for installing the antenna on fuselages in any one of five size
ranges. These ranges encompass most of the commonly used private commuter
aircraft in service.
Cabling Details

       The system is designed to maximize the length, and minimize the diameter, of
the cabling interconnecting the various subsystems.
Power Distribution

       Power is processed in the Transceiver Subsystem and then distributed to the
other subsystems to avoid the need for more than one supply from the aircraft.
       Circular avionics style bayonet connectors are used wherever possible.
       The handset(s) will normally be cradle mounted on a cabin wall or other vertical


       The product will be identified as a: CALQUEST*Y Satellite Phone, model CQ200.

February 12, 1997                                                         Page 4


       The gain of the antenna is measured at the input to the antenna element (ie.,
not at the input to the Antenna Unit). The beam peak gain varies with the antenna
pointing orientation, but lies within the following ranges:

                                         Receive band           8.3 dBi to 12.3 dBi
                                        Transmit band           9.4 dBi to 12.3 dBi

       The relative transmit antenna gain pattern envelope (i.e., spatial discrimination)
for the AES antenna is strongly dependent on the mechanical pointing direction of the
antenna relative to the fixed ground plane. Although the requirements for off—axis
antenna discrimination nominally apply only to the "horizontal" (e.g., equatorial)
plane of the antenna gain characteristic, the complex geometry of a mechanically
steered antenna mounted on a maneuvering aircraft significantly broadens this
requirement when the gain is referenced to the antenna‘s horizontal and vertical. In
order to satisfy all potential geometrys of satellite pointing direction, aircraft orientation
and consequent antenna orientation for satellite pointing, the antenna gain envelope
contours were analyzed to determine the highest off axis antenna gain at any angle
relative to its horizontal / vertical reference planes. These worst case off—axis spatial
discrimination gain results were then compared with the maximum allowable off—axis
relative gain illustrated in Figure 3 below:

                          Antenna Off—Axis Discrimination                             The receive and transmit
                                                                              gains of the antenna at 45° and
                                                                              75° away from the nominal
  Maximum Antenna Gain

                                                                              direction of the desired satellite
     Relative to Pea

                                                                              (i.e. not necessarily the direction
                                                                              of either the peak of the
                                                                              transmit or receive antenna
                                                                              gain patterns) shall be a
                                                                              minimum of 4.8 dB and 8 dB,
                                                                              respectively, below the beam
                                   *         *         *            -         peak value and shall remain
                         40       50        60        70           80         below the linearly interpolated
                         Angle off Nominal Pointing (degrees)                 mask shown in Figure 3.

          Figure 3: Antenna Off—Axis Discrimination

February 12, 1997                                                                                Page 5

The following plot, Figure 4, illustrates the results of the analysis measured with an
antenna elevation angle of 45° where the off axis gain, when measured at the various
azimuth pointing angles shown as parameters, was the maximum recorded. In the
worst case this indicates there is still a 5° margin in the off—axis discrimination

                            Tx Spatial Discrimination @ 45° Elevation


           "A                                                                      m    0/45
            B 4                                                                    & 6045
           *é                                                                      ®o   120/45
           -I.g    5              & mim——a—|m     _2                               ©    160745
           o           .                              N                            m    180/45
           a 6                                             \                       Eo   200/45
                       J                                    W                      &     240/45
           8 ,                                                      [\             &A —300/45
           g           J                                                \          B    Spec.


                       20    30           40             50        60    70   80
                                       Angle off boresight (deg)

              Figure 4: Plot of analyzed maximum off—axis antenna gain when
                  measured with an elevation of 45° to the ground plane.


       During periods when a single carrier is activated, and within the constraints of
the Signal Timing Limits, the EIRP lies within the range +12.0 dBW to +18.3 dBW.

During periods when both carriers are activated, and within the constraints of the
Signal Timing Limits, the EIRP lies within the range +9.9 dBW to +15 dBW.

The maximum level is not exceeded even when the antenna peak transmit gain is not
in the direction of the desired satellite.

February 12, 1997                                                                       Page 6


      The designation of the station‘s emissions is 6KO0G7ZW when operating in the
dual channel configuration.

         Description of Modulation (each channel): all Single Carrier per Channel
FES—C:     Outbound communications and      Quadrature Phase Shift       voice activated with
           in—band signaling channel from   Keyed (QPSK) at 3375         periodic signaling bursts.
           an LES to a MET.                 Symbols per second,

GC—S:      Outbound signaling channels      Bi Phase Shift Keying        periodic reference bursts.
           from the NCC to the METs.        (BPSK) at 3375 Symbols per
                                            second continuous

MT—        Inbound signaling channels from Bi Phase Shift Keying         periodic signaling bursts.
ST/SR:     the MET to the NCC.              (BPSK) at 3375 Symbols per
                                            second continuous

MET—C:     Inbound communications and in—   Quadrature Phase Shift       voice activated with
           band signaling channel from the| Keyed (QPSK) at 3375         periodic signaling bursts.
           MET to an LES.                   Symbols per second,


         When radiating two un—modulated carriers, each 3 dB below the maximum
radiated power, no intermodulation product is greater than —24 dB with respect to the
mean power of either carrier.


      The functional transmit and receive frequency ranges are not less than the

        Receive frequency range:         1525 to 1559 MHz
        Transmit frequency range:        1626.5 to 1660.5 MHz (see Note 1)
        Note 1: Transmit range quoted is equipment design range. System operator
restricts operations to authorized frequencies.
        Note 2: channel spacing is 6.0 kHz @ 0.5 kHz increments.

February 12, 1997                                                                       Page 7


       The EIRP of any radiated harmonic in any spatial direction is less than —37dBW
for any frequency up to 20 GHz.

       The composite spurious and noise output EIRP (excluding harmonics) radiated
by the AES does not exceed the following values outside the transmit band:

       Frequency (MHz)                       Spurious Emission Limits
       < 1525                                —135 dBe/4 kHz
       1525 — 1559                           Meet G/T with transmitter on
       1559 — 1565                           —135 dBce/4 kHz
       1565 — 1585                           —155 dBe/1 MHz *
       1585 — 1610                          —57 to —53 dBW/1 MHz linearly
       1610 — 1622                          —70 to —39 dBW /30 kHz linearly
       1622 — 1626.5                        —39 dBW /30 kHz
       1626.5 — 1660.5                      —60 dBce/4kHz
       1660 — 1735                          —60 dBce/4kHz
       1735 — 12000                         —105 dBce/4kHz
       12000 — 18000                        —70 dBe/4 kHz
       * With respect to the maximum two—channel EIRP of 15 dBW.

      It is recognized, and so noted in the installation / operators handbook, that this
system may not be operated at the same time, and on the same aircraft, as the
GLONASS navigation system.


      The CALQUEST!Y Aircraft Earth Station incorporates a transceiver which is
similar to the Westinghouse equipment used in the AMSC Mobile Telephone
System(MTS), for which AMSC has previously received operational authority from the
ECC and which has been found, by the FCC, to meet its requirements for Priority and
Real Time Preemptive Access.

February 12, 1997                                                             Page 8


       I hereby certify that I an the technically qualified person responsible for the
engineering information in the foregoing Request for Special Temporary Authority,
and I an familiar with part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules, that I have reviewed the
engineering information submitted in the foregoing request, and that it is complete and
accurate to the best of my knowledge.

       By: %7:///

              Mr. Gary Hebb, Director of Engineering

       Date: b{%vy ///'A7

February 12, 1997                                                       Page 9

Document Created: 2019-04-22 00:38:09
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 00:38:09

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