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This document pretains to SES-MOD-19950221-01399 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           Before the                               QE
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554                           Sip ,         &E
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 In the Matter of:                                                                        %74”}’%”&9/ y

 AMSC Subsidiary Cofporation                      Docket No. File No. 681—DSE—MP/L—95

 For Modification of its Blanket License to
 Construct and Operate 30,000 L—Band
 Mobile Earth Terminals                                                   rs

 To: The International Bureau

                s Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration

       Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC), by its attorneys, hereby opposes the petition for

reconsideration filed by AMSC Subsidiary Corporation (AMSC) in the above—captioned

application.‘ AMSC attempts to change the FCC‘s now well—settled position —— embodied in

the order at issue and elsewhere" —— that the upper L—Band must afford priority and real—time

preemptive access for aeronautical safety services.

       AMSC‘s petition adds no new facts that would warrant reconsideration. The FCC has

already made its decision, and the record fully supports the agency‘s determination that half—

       1      Petition for Partial Reconsideration, File No. 681—DSE—MP/L—95 (filed Aug.
30, 1995).

      *       AMSC Subsidiary Corporation, DA 95—1701 (Aug. 1, 1995), recon., DA 95—
1723 (Aug. 4, 1995) (Order); 47 C.F.R. §2.106 footnote US308.


duplex terminals would violate Commission rules and create serious risks to aviation safety.

Indeed, the FCC‘s conclusion was fully supported by the Executive Branch —— specifically

NTIA and the FAA —— and the analysis of those agencies has not been shown to be faulty.

Accordingly, the Commission should deny reconsideration of its decision.


       Not satisfied with one reconsideration three days after release of the order, AMSC now

requests that the Commission further review its decision to permit AMSC to deploy half—

duplex mobile earth stations in the upper L—Band, but it presents no new facts or evidence

warranting reconsideration. The Commission should stay the course. The existing record and

the Bureau‘s own language support the agency‘s conclusion to prohibit the proposed mobile

earth terminals in the band. It is undisputed, and the Commission so determined, that half—

duplex mobile earth terminals would not be under the full—time positive control of AMSC.*

As such, these terminals obviously cannot preempt lower—priority traffic on a real time basis,

rendering in violation with U.S. policy embodied in footnote US308 in Commission‘s

allocation table. Moreover, such terminals fall woefully short of the carefully formulated,

clearly defined NTIA/FAA criteria;* AMSC participated in the drafting of those standards,

       3      AMSC has long conceded that these terminals would not be under positive
control of AMSC while they are transmitting, rendering it impossible to ensure "priority and
real—time preemptive access" for aeronautical safety services, and subjecting the mobile
satellite service to potential disruption by long half—duplex messages and possible stuck
carriers. See Order, 10; ARINC Petition to Deny at 5 (filed Apr. 7, 1995).

       4      Letter from Richard E. Parlow, NTIA, and Gerald Markey, FAA, to Chief
Common Carrier Bureau at 2 (Jan. 14, 1993) (requiring mobile earth stations either to


which were included as conditions to its license." Given the failure to meet well—established

policies and standards, the Commission properly rejected the AMSC request.

       Indeed, the Commission itself recognized the illogic of AMSC‘s plan in connection

with its recent authorization of Rockwell for similar earth terminals just a few days ago.° In

that decision, the FCC reiterated that domestic and international rules require "real—time

preemptive access" for aviation safety services.‘ The Commission then found that the

"statistical, systemic approach to achieving real—time preemption" did not satisfy those

requirements. No different conclusion is warranted here. Indeed, implementation of half—

duplex terminals in the upper L—Band would likely preclude for all time use of the band by

aviation safety services.

       Moreover, AMSC‘s petition distorts the record by ignoring inconvenient facts.

Although AMSC claims that "no party to this proceeding has offered any evidence to refute

the practical feasibility" of AMSC‘s preemption approach, ARINC did provide the example of

two aircraft approaching each other at 600 miles per hour® and the Commission cited this

example in its order." Similarly, although it claims that opposition to the use of the terminals

"continuously monitor a separate signaling channel [or] have a provision for signaling within
the communications channel").

       5       AMSC Subsidiary Corp., DA 95—482 (Mar. 13, 1995).

       6       Rockwell International Corp., DA 95—1919 (Sept. 7, 1995).

       7       Id.,4 9.

       8       See ARINC Reply at 4 & n.13 (filed May 8, 1995).

       9       Order, € 15.


is "unsupported," ARINC, the FAA and NTIA all reached the same conclusion: a delay

between 48 and 450 seconds simply is not "real—time.""" By its Order, the Commission


          AMSC asserts that half—duplex terminals should be permissible because the FAA has

articulated no current plans to use satellites domestically for air traffic control. But, if AMSC

has its way, it would significantly impair the upper L—Band for aeronautical safety

communications such as air traffic control and air operational control on any co—frequency

system. As AMSC well knows, the FAA, in cooperation with ARINC and Pacific Rim air

traffic control administrations, is beginning to use two—way data links via satellite for

automatic dependant surveillance (ADS) and air traffic control in the Pacific. These

international air routes fly well within the footprint of AMSC‘s system, and safety—related

satellite communications to such aircraft could be wiped out by stuck—carrier, or even long—

transmitting, half—duplex terminals.

        10     For some time, aviation has recommended formulation of specific standards that
would ensure full protection for safety services. Working with airlines, manufacturers, and
other interested parties, aviation adopted RTCA—DO—215A, providing specific receiver and
signal—in—space standards for aeronautical mobile satellite services. That document requires
preemption of non—safety traffic within 0.1 seconds, a scheme that is both technically feasible
and would provide the appropriate protection for aviation.

       AMSC‘s request invites the Commission to revisit this issue. The FCC rejected
specific preemption standards for AMSC terminals on the assumption that its terminals would
be under real—time positive control of AMSC at all times. Amendment of Part 87, 7 F.C.C.
Red 5895, 5897 (1992). Should the agency grant AMSC‘s reconsideration, it would be
required to rethink mobile terminal standards to include specific type acceptance criteria for


       By proposing half—duplex terminals, AMSC would degrade the spectrum nominally

preserved for the safety of life and property, and appropriate it for more remunerative uses.

But, the Commission conditioned AMSC‘s license on a requirement to serve both commercial

land mobile services and aviation safety traffic, and has consistently required them to do so.

       The Commission should stick to its position, as just reiterated in the Rockwell decision.

ARINC, NTIA and the FAA have shown that half—duplex terminals simply cannot preempt

non—safety traffic in real time. AMSC presents no new facts or data supporting

reconsideration of the agency‘s order. Rather, it hopes to convince the FCC by submitting the

same arguments a little louder. This is not a valid basis for reconsideration, and it should be

rejected here.

                                     Respectfully Submitted,

                                     Aeronautical Radio, Inc.

                                        John L. Bartlett
                                        Carl R. Frank
                                        WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                        1776 K Street, N.W.
                                        Washington, D.C. 20006
                                        (202) 429—7000

                                     Its Attorneys

Dated: September 14, 1995

                       CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I hereby certify that on this 14th day of

September,   1995,   I caused copies of the foregoing "Opposition

to Petition for Reconsideration" to be mailed via first—class

postage prepaid mail to the individuals on the attached list.

                                   Bostaip Pomerny
                                 Barbara A. Pomeroy

Lon C. Levin                            Bruce D. Jacobs
Vice President and Regulatory Counsel   Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, Leader
American Mobile Satellite Corporation    & Zaragoza, L.L.P.
10802 Park Ridge Blvd.                  2001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Reston, VA 22091                        Suite 400
                                        Washington, DC 20006

Robert Frazer                           Philip L. Malet
ASR—200                                 Alfred M. Mamlet
Federal Aviation Administration         Pantelis, Michalopoulos,
800 Independence Ave., SW                Steptoe & Johnson
Washington, DC 20541                    1330 Connecticut Ave., NW
                                        Washington, DC 20036

Gerald J. Markey                        Michael D. Kennedy
Robert A. Frazier                       Barry Lambergman
Spectrum Engineering Division           Motorola, Inc.
Federal Aviation Administration         1350 I Street, NW
800 Independence Ave., NW               Suite 400
Washington, DC 20591                    Washington, DC 20005

Norman P. Leventhal                     Leslie A. Taylor
Stephen D. Baruch                       Leslie Taylor Associates
Walter P. Jacobs                        6800 Carlynn Court
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman              Bethesda, MD 20817
2000 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006

Document Created: 2019-04-09 19:23:55
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 19:23:55

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