Attachment 20140313124217.pdf


LETTER submitted by US Dept of Transportation



This document pretains to SES-MOD-19950221-01399 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


AJ                                         F%i@ »| 3‘.1\
                                              Scel f@d
                                                                        800 Independence Ave.. S.W.
                                                                       Washington, D.C. 20591
US. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation                           MAY 2           a
Administration                             MAY 2 2 1995                     #“?‘;CE‘VE?«
                                            Sateliite and                     s                 i.
                                   Ragiscommu$ nications Djivision             I
        MAY | 7 1995                    International Bureay                   mMay 1 7 1995
                                                                       FEDERALCOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                              OFFICE OF SECRETARY
 Mr. William F. Caton
                ,uaIVCommunlcatlonf Commission

 2000 M Street NW
 Washington, DC 20554

 Dear Mr.           Caton:

 AMSC, Incorporated, (AMSC) submitted to the Federal
 Communications Commission (FCC) a Modification of License,
 dated February 15,          to use 30,000 Mobile Earth Terminals                   (MET)
with its AMSC—1 satellite launched on April 7. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) filed comment, dated April 10,
objecting to the licensing of these terminals in the
1544—1559 MHz/1646.5—1660.5 MHz (aviation) portion of the
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) band.  AMSC filed a     f
"Consolidated Reply and Opposition" on April 25 which clains
 to address the FAA concerns.  Upon review of thlS latest AMSC
 filing, we have the following reply.

AMSC claims to meet the US 308 requirement of priority and
real—time preemptlon with an approach which it calls
"systematic"‘. AMSC‘s "systematic real—time preemptive
access" to aviation safety communications is actually no more
than a priority scheme without preemption capability.   In
that context, it cannot be construed as complying with the
U.S. footnotse 308, which requires priority access, and, in
addition, also requires "real—time preemptive action", which
the METs cannot support.            —These are two distinctly different
capabilities.  Satisfying the priority requirement alone is
not sufficient for the protection of the Aeronautical Mobile
Satellite (Route) Service (AMS(R)S).  The U.S. has told the
world through the Interna€ional Civil Aviation Organization
and the International Telecommunications Union that a generic
MSS allocation, which assures priority and immediate
preemptive access,           is the best way to go.            Now,   because of
economic opportunities, AMSC wants to renege on our

AMSC argues that when the domestic aviation safety system
using satellites is in place, the network will have its own
allocation of resources, which will include a reserve pool of
resources managed by the Network Operations Center.                          However,



          prlorlty and real—time preemption is required to ensure that
          any rapidly increasing requlrement for AMS(R)S services can
          be met.  This requirement is not supported by AMSC‘s
          30,000 METs.                   f

          n order to help the FCC defer 1ts resolution to this issue,
          AMSC states that it is willing to accept a secondary status
          for its system.  In effect, consistent with the U.S.
          allocations and footnote U.S. 308, MSS is secondary to
          AMS(R)S.  As highlighted in the FAA comment of April 10, the
          U.S. agreed as early as 1988 on system design characteristics
          to satisfy the AMS(R)S requirements while allowing MSS
          operations in the same bands.   In particular, it was agreed
          that all user terminals must have the capability to       v
          continuously receive control signals, a capability needed to .
          satisfy the requirement —for real—time preemption.

          The FAA has not found any new information or modification to
          the AMSC original license application for 30,000 terminals in
          their April 25 filing, which would warrant a change in our

          We, therefore, hold to the same p051t10n as expressed in our
          April 10 comment.  To reiterate, our position is that the FAA
          objects to the licensing of these terminals, and recommends
          instead that the FCC:     E                       f
          1.  require METs be modified for full duplex operatlon,     with
          real—time preemption capablllty, or                  5

          2%   grant authority for AMSC to allow continued usage of
          these terminals in the lower—L band (maritime band) with the
          AMSC—1 satellite.                     ,          $

     f>   Gerald J. Markey      §
          Program Director, Office of Spectrum
            Policy and Management

Document Created: 2019-04-18 14:18:35
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 14:18:35

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