Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20190710-00898 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                                 SES LINK BUDGET ANALYSIS

TR>>XPDRS        14295                                                                                  11995

            2    VLP                                                                                    HLP

                                                                                                                              PREPARED BY
                                                                                                                              BUSINESS PARTNER

                                                                                                                               GEE SES-14 NA
                                                                                                                               GEE SES-14 NA Analysis

 The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation or liability on SES or any of its affiliates. © 2019
 SES, All rights reserved.
                Satellite                                                                                                      SES-14
                Orbital location                                                                                         °E    -47.50

                Transponder information
                Transponder ID                                                                                                 NAV-D21/NAH-D21 (Multi-Carrier) FCA37
                 Center frequency and polarisation (U/D)                                                            MHz        14295 VLP / 11995 HLP
                 Bandwidth                                                                                          MHz        72.00
                 Transponder Dlk Saturation EIRP Towards Beam-Peak                                                  dBW        54.24
                 Transponder Beam-Peak G/T                                                                          dB/K       8.01
                 Beam-Peak SFD                                                                                    dBW/m²       -92.17
                 Operational mode                                                                                              Multiple Carrier, [IBO: -4.5 dB | OBO: -3.5 dB]
                 Inclined (Yes,No)                                                                                        0    No

                 Capacity Balanced / BW / PWR Limited
                 Number of carriers in transponder                                                                             3
                 Required bandwidth                                                                                   MHz      70.3
                 Allocated bandwidth                                                                                  MHz      59.32
                 PEB of carriers                                                                           MHz                 70.29

                Link margin review [over sites]
                     Site with highest clear sky link margin                                                                    Ku_Tecom_KuStream1000 >Holmdel Teleport Woodbine K-13 SES-14 Ku-Band TT&C/GW : 1.8 dB
                     Site with lowest clear sky link margin                                                                     Holmdel Teleport Woodbine K-13 SES-14 Ku-Band TT&C/GW>Ku_Tecom_KuStream1000 : 0.2 dB
                Link availability review [over sites]
                     Site with highest link availability                                                                        Holmdel Teleport Woodbine K-13 SES-14 Ku-Band TT&C/GW>Ku_Tecom_KuStream1000 : 99.6226 %
                     Site with lowest link availability                                                                         Ku_Tecom_KuStream1000 >Holmdel Teleport Woodbine K-13 SES-14 Ku-Band TT&C/GW : 99.0000 %
                                                                                                                                GEE D21 RTN 512kbps CXR v6       GEE D21 RTN 1024kb CXR v6    GEE D21 FWD 54MHz CXR v6
                Calculation type                                                                                               Uncorrelated rain events        Uncorrelated rain events      Uncorrelated rain events

                Carrier Name                                                                                                   GEE D21 RTN 512kbps CX          GEE D21 RTN 1024kb C          GEE D21 FWD 54MHz CXR v6
                 Carrier PEB                                                                                          MHz      0.09                            0.19                          70.00
                 Carrier Predicted Total C/(N+I)                                                                       dB      1.05                            4.06                          6.50
                   Link total Eb/No                                                                                    dB      7.07                            7.07                          4.31
                   Required Eb/No (including implementation and additional margin)                                     dB      5.30                            5.30                          4.16
                 Link closes? [3 out of 3]                                                                                     Yes                             Yes                           Yes
                 Link margin in clear sky (For ACM carriers, residual margin in CS)                                    dB      1.77                            1.77                          0.15
                 Target Link Availability                                                                             % yr     99.000                          99.000                        99.000
                 Achieved Link Availability                                                                           % yr     99.000                          99.000                        99.623
                 Availability Requirement Satisfied? [3 out of 3]                                                              Yes                             Yes                           Yes
                 Balanced/Power/Bandwidth limited                                                                              BW Lim                          BW Lim                        PWR Lim
                 Summary of carrier emission levels in dBW/Hz
                   Carrier power density at transmit antenna flange                                               dBW/Hz       -53.28                          -50.23                        -66.07
                   Carrier Uplink EIRP density                                                                    dBW/Hz       -24.99                          -21.95                        -8.86
                   Carrier power flux spectral density                                                          dBW/m2/Hz      -187.98                         -184.94                       -173.32
                   Carrier Downlink EIRP density at beam peak                                                     dBW/Hz       -41.17                          -38.13                        -25.91

                EARTH STATIONS
                 Tx earth station ID                                                                                           Ku_Tecom_KuStream1000           Ku_Tecom_KuStream10 Holmdel Teleport Woodbine K-13 SES-14 Ku-Band TT&C/GW
                  Latitude                                                                                              °N     38.84                           38.84               40.39

                                                               DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation or liability on SES or any of its affiliates.
NAV-D21_NAH-D21 (Multi-Carri+01                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 1 of 3

                                                                                                                                 SES LINK BUDGET ANALYSIS

            Longitude                                                                                                   °E    -76.22                           -76.22                        285.83
            Antenna diameter                                                                                             m    0.38                             0.38                          6.10
            Skew angle at transmit location                                                                           deg.    30.65                            30.65                         27.65
            Effective (Refracted) Elevation                                                                           deg.    36.24                            36.24                         36.03
            Uplink aspect correction                                                                                   dB     0.73                             0.73                          1.71
           Receive earth station ID                                                                                           Holmdel Teleport Woodbine        Holmdel Teleport Woodb        Ku_Tecom_KuStream1000
            Latitude                                                                                                    °N    40.39                            40.39                         38.84
            Longitude                                                                                                   °E    285.83                           285.83                        -76.22
            Antenna diameter                                                                                             m    6.10                             6.10                          0.38
            Skew angle at receive location                                                                            deg.    27.65                            27.65                         30.65
            Effective (Refracted) Elevation                                                                           deg.    36.03                            36.03                         36.24
            Effective G/T at the carrier frequency (Clear-Sky)                                                        dB/K    34.29                            34.29                         12.06
            Downlink aspect correction                                                                                  dB    1.29                             1.29                          1.01

          Carrier uplink centre frequency                                                                             MHz     14295.00                         14295.00                      14295.00
          Carrier downlink centre frequency                                                                           MHz     11995.00                         11995.00                      11995.00
          Number of carriers                                                                                                  1.00                             1.00                          1.00
          Modulation setting name (clear sky)                                                                                 OQPSK_1/2_TURBO_1.3_             OQPSK_1/2_TURBO_1.            QPSK 5/6_S2|OFF|N_1.20
          Information rate (clear sky)                                                                               Mbps     0.51                             1.02                          74.46
          Symbol rate                                                                                                Msps     0.51                             1.02                          45.00
            Aggregate code rate (clear sky)                                                                                   0.50                             0.50                          0.83
            Noise Bandwidth                                                                                           MHz     2.05                             2.05                          45.00
            Spreading Factor                                                                                                  4.00                             2.00                          1.00
          Allocated bandwidth                                                                                         MHz     2.66                             2.66                          54.00
          Power Equivalent Bandwidth                                                                                  MHz     0.09                             0.19                          70.00

           ACM analysis (constant SR)
            Spectral efficiency in clear sky                                                                         b/sym    1.00                             1.00                          1.65
             Clear sky throughput                                                                                    Mbps     0.51                             1.02                          74.46
             Clear sky achievable modulation setting                                                                          OQPSK_1/2_TURBO_1.3_             OQPSK_1/2_TURBO_1.            QPSK 5/6_S2|OFF|N_1.20
            Under fade: Spectral efficiency at required availability                                                 b/sym    1.00                             1.00                          0.99
             Under fade: Throughput when meeting the required availability                                           Mbps     0.51                             1.02                          44.50
             Under fade : Mod Cod meeting the required availability                                                           OQPSK_1/2_TURBO_1.3_             OQPSK_1/2_TURBO_1.            QPSK 1/2_S2|OFF|N_1.20

         LINK BUDGET
           Uplink Calculations
            Carrier Input Backoff in clear sky                                                                          dB    -33.30                           -30.26                        -4.62
            C/NUP,Thermal: Uplink Thermal Noise ratio (clear sky)                                                       dB    3.47                             6.51                          18.72
            C/IUP, NO ASI : Uplink Thermal Noise and interference ratio prior to ASI (clear sky)                       dB     3.46                             6.49                          18.41
            C/(N+I)UP Uplink Thermal Noise and interference ratio (clear sky)                                          dB     2.16                             5.19                          17.19
            Total propagation loss considering uplink rain fade                                                        dB     1.92                             1.92                          4.50
            Resulting uplink path availability                                                                        % yr    99.0166                          99.0166                       99.8924

           Downlink Calculations
            Carrier Downlink EIRP towards Receive E/S                                                                 dBW     20.66                            23.70                         49.61
             Carrier Downlink EIRP at beam peak                                                                       dBW     21.94                            24.98                         50.62
            Carrier Output Backoff (clear sky)                                                                          dB    -32.30                           -29.26                        -3.62
            C/IDN, NO ASI : Downlink Thermal Noise and interference ratio prior to ASI (clear sky)                      dB    7.90                             10.82                         7.76
            C/NDN,Thermal: Downlink Thermal Noise ratio (clear sky)                                                     dB    14.67                            17.71                         7.98
            C/(N+I)DN Downlink Thermal Noise and interference ratio (clear sky)                                         dB    7.51                             10.44                         6.88
            Total propagation loss considering downlink rain fade                                                       dB    7.01                             7.03                          2.24
            Resulting downlink path availability                                                                      % yr    99.98                            99.98                         99.73

          Limiting factor                                                                                                      Uplink Thermal Noise             Uplink Thermal Noise          Downlink Thermal Noise
          E/S HPA Intermodulation                                                                                       dB    33.00                            33.00                         33.00
          Uplink Thermal Noise                                                                                          dB    3.47                             6.51                          18.72
          Uplink Co-channel Interference                                                                                dB    33.00                            33.00                         33.00
          Uplink Adjacent Satellite Interference                                                                        dB    8.04                             11.08                         23.29
          Transponder Intermodulation                                                                                   dB    9.08                             12.12                         24.34
          Adjacent Channel Interference                                                                                 dB    27.00                            27.00                         27.00
          Downlink Thermal Noise                                                                                        dB    14.67                            17.71                         7.98
          Downlink Co-channel Interference                                                                              dB    26.00                            26.00                         26.00
          Downlink Adjacent Satellite Interference                                                                      dB    18.16                            21.20                         14.26
          Thermal noise delta (Up - Dn)                                                                                 dB    11.20                            11.20                         10.74
          Upper bound to C/(N+I)                                                                                        dB    3.15                             6.19                          7.63

                                                               DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation or liability on SES or any of its affiliates.
NAV-D21_NAH-D21 (Multi-Carri+01                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 2 of 3

                                                                                                                             SES LINK BUDGET ANALYSIS

           Total C/(N+I) clear sky                                                                                  dB    1.05                             4.06                          6.50
             Total Eb/No                                                                                            dB    7.07                             7.07                          4.31
           Total C/(N+I), excluding ASI, clear sky                                                                  dB    2.12                             5.12                          7.40
           Link margin in clear sky (For ACM carriers, residual margin in CS)                                       dB    1.77                             1.77                          0.15

           Carrier power density at antenna flange (clear sky)                                                dBW/Hz      -53.28                           -50.23                        -66.07
           Uplink EIRP density                                                                                dBW/Hz      -24.99                           -21.95                        -8.86
           Skew angle at transmit location                                                                       deg.     30.65                            30.65                         27.65
           Uplink off-axis EIRP density at 2 deg.                                                             dBW/Hz      -36.78                           -33.74                        -44.60
           Downlink EIRP density at beam peak                                                                 dBW/Hz      -41.17                           -38.13                        -25.91

         HPA Sizing
          Total number of carriers through HPA                                                                              1.00                             1.00                          1.00
          Total EIRP required from E/S                                                                            dBW       38.01                            41.05                         67.67
          UPC Range                                                                                                 dB      0.00                             0.00                          0.00
          HPA type/mode                                                                                                     SSPA | Multi Carrier             SSPA | Multi Carrier          Not Defined | Multi Carrier
          Required backoff                                                                                          dB      -1.00                            -1.00                         -4.00
          Required HPA capability                                                                                   W       12.13                            24.43                         31.34
          Recommended HPA size                                                                                      W       16.00                            25.00                         35.00
The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation or liability on SES or any of its affiliates. © 2019
SES, All rights reserved.

                                                           DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent a performance obligation or liability on SES or any of its affiliates.
NAV-D21_NAH-D21 (Multi-Carri+01                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 3 of 3

 \                                     3@

Satellite Coverage Beams
Ku—band                   i

SES Proprietary and Confidential   \

Ku—band: USA, East coast (NA) G/T

                                                                                                                  Contours Shown
                                                                                                      o             Min. SFD    Max. SFD
                                                                                                      [dB/K]        [dBW/m?]    [dBWim?]

                                                                                                         6.4      Beam peak

                                                                                                             6         ~102           47
                                                                                                              5        ~101           —76
                                                                                                             4         —100           48
                                                                                                              3         +99           T4
                                                                                                             2          —98           43
                                                                                                             1          #7            42
                                                                                                             0          —96           «71
                                                                                                             1          —95           ~70

                                                                                                    The adjacent plot shows the predicted
                                                                                                    performance of a satellite transponder.
                                                                                                    The coverage is preliminary and
                                                                                                    performance changes should be

                                                                                                    The value in bold represents the nominal
                                                                                                    edge of coverage. For operation beyond
                                                        .                                           this contour, co—channel interference
                                                            —2               >      o+   —          levels should be assessed on a case by
                                                                                                    case basis.

                                                                                                    Elevation Angles are shown at 0 and 5

SES Proprietary and Confidential | SES—14 Preliminary Technical User Guide (0.2P)            November 2017                                    40

Ku—band: USA, East coast (NA) EIRP

                                                                                                     Contours Shown
                                                                                                          EIRP [dBW]

                                                                                                         53.4 Beam peak

                                                                                           The adjacent plot shows the predicted
                                                                                           performance of a satellite transponder.
                                                                                           The coverage is preliminary and
                                                                                           performance changes should be

                                                                                           The value in bold represents the nominal
                                                                                           edge of coverage. For operation beyond
                                                                                           this contour, co—channel interference
                                                                                           levels should be assessed on a case by
                                                                                           case basis.

                                                                                           Elevation Angles are shown at 0 and 5

SES Proprietary and Confidential | SES—14 Preliminary Technical User Guide (0.2P)   November 2017                                    41

Document Created: 2019-07-10 19:54:40
Document Modified: 2019-07-10 19:54:40

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