Attachment Exhibit 2

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20190425-00550 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



In Section B) Particulars of Operations — Add Emission Designators as
per Schedule B

In Section C) Frequency Coordination — Delete entries 8, 9, 20 and 21
and add back to license as per Schedule B and add other entries
(currently missing from license) as per Schedule B

In Section D) Point of Communication — Add missing Point of
Communication "Inmarsat 4F3" as per Schedule B

In Section E) Antenna Facilities — Add missing "input power" and
"aggregate output EIRP" to Antenna ID "10.4M" (2000.0 and 86.5
respectively) as per Schedule B. Delete all entries for the two Antenna
IDs marked for deletion on page 8 and add specifications for each back
to license as per Schedule B for Antenna IDs "SAPA 13" and "SAPA 13L"

                           &69 ) 7, 4T 4 FOA (DELt1 tfow &
                           &                   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                 d’       0TH £fl
                                            RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION                    m
                                         Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction CHAN&C é
                                                                       Unofficial Copy

Name:       COMSAT, INC.                                                                              Call Sign:        KB34
                                                                                                  File Number:          SES—MOD—20151009—00695

Authorization Type:                      Modification of License
Common Carrier                           Grant Date:            04/25/2016         Expiration Date:                06/15/2025

Nature of Service:                  Fixed Sateilite Service
                                    Mobile Satellite Service

Class of Station:                   Fixed Earth Stations

A) Site Location(s)
                                                                                                   Elevation                    Special Provisions
# Site ID            Address                         Latitude                 Longitude             (Meters)           NAD      (Refer to Section H)

1   1                7676 PINE GROVE ROAD  34° 24‘ 5.0"N                      1199 429.4" W         228.6              83
                     SANTA PAULA, VENTURA,
                     CA, 93060

                     Licensee certifies antenna(s) comply with gain pattens specified in Section 25.209

Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and treaties, and all
present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and requirements set forth in this license, the grantee is
authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described below for radio communications for the term beginning Tuesday, June 15, 2010
(3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending Sunday, June 15, 2025 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time). The required date of completion of construction
and commencement of operation is Tuesday, April 25, 2017 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time). Grantee must file with the Commission a certification
upon completion of construction and commencementof operation.

B) Particulars of Operations
         The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
         The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
         For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.          Max           Max
                                                     Ta/Rx             EJRP           EIRP     Associated Special Provisions          Modulation/
# Frequency                    Polarization Emission Mode              /Carrier       .Density Antenna    (Refer to Section H)        Services

1) 6420.0000 — 6424.0000             R         24KOF3E          T     67.00          59.00      10.4M

2) 6420.0000 — 6424.0000             R         2K50GID          T     68.00          68.00      10.4M

3) 6420.0000 — 6424,0000             R         24KOGID          T     65,00          57.00      10.4M

4) 6174.6000 — 61754000              H         BOOKFXD          T     85.00          85.00      10.4M

5) 5927.0000 — 5927.0000             H         BOOKFXD          T     85.00           85.00     10.4M

6) 5925.0000 — 6425.0000            HV         34MOEXN          T     85.00          62.00      10.4M

7) 5925.0000 — 6425.0000         ILV,LR        36MOFEF          T     80.00          53.00      10.4M                       ANALOG VIDEO

8) 5925.0000 — 6425.0000         H,V,LR        18MOFBF—         T     80.00          53.00      10.4M                       ANALOG VIDEO

9) 5925.0000 — 6425.0000         HV,LR         36M0GTF          T     85.30          45.80      10.4M                       DIGITAL VIDEO

10) 5925.0000 — 6425,0000        HV,LR        4M00GTF—          T     80.80          50.80      10.4M                       DIGITAL VIDEO

11) 5925.0000 — 6425.0000        HV,L,R       72MOGTW           T     85.30          42.70      10.4M                       DIGITAL VOICE, AND DATA

12) 5925.0000 — 6425.0000        HV,L,R       21K9GTW—          T     58.20           50.80     10.4M                       DIGITAL VOICE, AND DATA

13) 4195.0000 — 4199,0000            L         24KOF3E          R                               10.4M

Page I

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                            RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                         Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                        Unofficial Copy

  Name:        COMSAT, INC.                                                                         Call Sign:               KB34
                                                                                                File Number:                 SES—MOD—20151009—00695

  Authorization Type:                    Modification of License
  Common Carrier                         Grant Date:        04/25/2016          Expiration Date:                     06/1 572025
  142) 6425.0000 — 6454,0000       LR         20K0GIE        T         56.80       49.80       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  143) 6425.0000 — 6454.0000       LR         2KS0FID        T         58.80       58.80       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  144) 6425.0000 — 6454.0000       L.R        2K30GID        T         65.70       65.70       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  145) 64251)(!00 —6454,0000       LR         45KOGTD        6         66.00       55.50       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  146) 6425,0000 — 6454.0000       LR         SK00GID        T         61.80       60.80       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  147) 6425,0000 — 6454.0000       LR         SKOOGIE        T         51.90       50.90       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  148) 6425.0000 — 6454.0000       LR         3KOOGIW        T         51.90       50.90       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  149) 6425.0000 — 6454.0000       L.R        60KODI W       T         65.90       54,10       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  150) 6425.0000 — 6454.0000       LR         7K50GID        T         59.10       5640        SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  151) 6425.0000 — 6454,0000       LR         TKS0GIE        T         6220        59.50       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  152) 6425,0000 — 6454.0000       L.R        TKSOGIW        T         5840        $5.70       SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  153) 3600,0000 — 3629,0000       LR         100KG1X        R                                 SAPA 13                            O—QPSK, 64 KBPS DATA

  154) 3600,0000 — 3629,0000       LR         20K0GIE        R                                 SAPA 13                            O—QPSK, VOICE TELEPHONY

  155) 3600,0000 — 3629.0000       LR         20KOGIX        R                                 SAPA 13                            BPSK, 9.6 KBPS FAX AND

  156) 3600.0000— 3629,0000        LR         100RGIX        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  157) 3600,0000 — 3629,0000       LR         10RKOGI W      R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  158) 3600,0000 — 3629.0000       LR         17KSGID        R                                 SAPA 13               4            DIGITAL DATA

  159) 3600,0000 — 3629.0000       L.R        20KOGIE        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  160) 3600.0000 — 3629,0000       L.R        20K0GIX        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  161) 3600,0000— 3629,0000        LR         2K50FID        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  162) 3600.0000 — 3629.0000       LR         2K50GID        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  163) 3600.0000— 3629.0000        LR         45KOGTD        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  164) 3600,0000 — 3629,0000       LR         SK00GID        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  165) 3600,0000 — 3629,0000       LR         5KO0GIE        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  166) 3600,0000 — 3629.0000       LR         SKOOGIW        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  167) 3600.0000 — 3629.0000       LR         6OKODIW        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  168) 3600.0000 — 3629.0000       LR         TK50GID        R                                 SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  169) 3600,0000 — 3629,0000       LR         TK5OG1E        R                     0.00        SAPA 13                            DIGITAL DATA

  170) 3600,0000 — 3629.0000       LR         TK50GIW        R

m1espNb AmzSETon Decitwpmwk4 To &6 ADPDEDP 4*
  s abjeae+ Coordmang::cllichrc                            Elevation            Azimuth            Mlt)l:n::lltl;?       'boefl         sz//_EDML\E'         6
                                     (Deg. Long.)          (Degrees)            (Degrees)            toward
           Frequency                  East West            East West           Enst    West         Horizon                       Associated
  #        Limits(MHz)               Limit  Limit         Limit: Limit         Limit   Limit      (dBW/AkHz)                      Antenna(s)
  Fage 6
  1        5925.0000 — 6425.0000     60.0W—144.0W           5.0 — 50           101.9 — 258.1             32.0             12.8M

                                              UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                           RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                        Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                    Unofficial Copy

 Name:         COMSAT, INC.                                                                  Call Sign:             KB34
                                                                                         File Number:               SES—MOD—20151009—00695

 Authorization Type:                    Modification of License
 Common Carrier                         Grant Date:       04/25/2016      Expiration Date:                06/15/2025
 2)       5925.0000 — 6425.0000        46.0W—192.0W     5.2+54           99.8 — 260.2          42.6           12.8M

 3)       3700.0000 — 4200,0000        46.0W—192.0W     52—54            99.8 — 260.2                         12.8M

4)        5925,0000 — 6425.0000        60.0W—144.0W     5.0 — 5.0        101.9 — 258.1         32.0           12.8M

 5)       6417.5000 — 6454.0000    48.0W—190.0W         6.9 —7.0         101.0— 2589           434            12.8M

 6)       3600,0000 ~ 3629.0000    48.0W—190.0W         6.9 —7.0         101.0— 258.9          0.0            12.8M

 7        4192.5000 — 4200,0000    48.0W—190.0W         6.9—7.0          101.0—258.9                          12.8M         Dp      E_F      q”HE/U

 ©.____1626,5009 : 1660. 5000.                         6970              101.0253.9            4d             y                FL    (6;{}( I’V qs
)\f       1525.5000   1559.0000                         63— 0            IVLU+ 2389                           122000        H-DD
                                                                                                                               or 5¢hg&4 {£ 6
 10)      1574.4000 — 1576.6000    48.0W—190.0W         6.9—7.0          101.0— 258.9                         12.8M        f

 11)      64544000 — 6456.6000     48.0W—190.0W         6.9—7.0          101.0— 258.9                         12.8M

 12)      6170,0000 — 6180.0000    48.0W—190.0W         6.9—7.0          101.0— 258.9                         12.8M

 13)      6416.0000 — 6418.0000    48.0W—190.0W         6.9—7.0          101.0— 258.9                         12.8M

 14)      3945.0000 — 3955,0000    48.0W—190.0W         6.9—7.0          101.0— 258.9                         12.8M

 15)      4188.0000— 4189,0000     48.0w—190.0W         69—7.0           101.0— 258.9                         12.8M

 16)      5925,000(; +6425,0000    46.0W—192.0W         5.2+54           99.8 — 260.2          424            10.4M

 17)      3700.0000 — 4200.0000    46.0W—192.0W         5.254            99.8 — 260.2                         10.4M

 18)      3945.5000 — 3945.5000        60.0W—144.0W     5.0— 5.0         101.9— 258.1                         10.4M

 19)      3954.5000 — 3954,5000        60.0W—144.0W     5.0 — 5.0        101.9— 258.1                         10.4M         DP/P'/'P fh(’fl/ afi Y‘

                         2—                 =                  —            35—     3.                          o                     &

#4——1§415000                                =           5.0—5.0          1019—25t+                            TSM—         ~~ MCk ,N Q%PP
22)       3600.0000 — 3629.0000    100.0—150,0W        45.1 —38.2        148.5 — 226.7                        SAPA 13        a‘ hd”’ P

23)        6425.0000—6454,0000     100.0W—150.0W       45.1 —38.2        148.5 — 226.7         424            SAPA 13

24)       3600,0000— 3629,0000     100.0W—150.0W       45.1 —38.2        148.5 — 226.7         6.6            SAPA 13

25)       6425,0000 —6454.0000     100.0W—150.0W       45.1 —38.2        148.5 — 226.7                        SAPA 13

D) Point of Communications                             m 16 G il‘/é"                     C_OORD IMA’TW/V EN ’flj£§
The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry: ,—TU         éE      /q_‘D D E_ D       }/7‘9
 1) 1 to COMSTAR D—4 @ 76 W.L. (U.S.—licensed domestic satellite) (U.S.—licensed)

2) 1 to INMARSAT satellite(s) in POR of the INMARSAT system (Non—U.S.—licensed)                  FP fl                  SCfiEDML E— g
3) | to INMARSAT satellite(s) in AOR—E of the INMARSAT system (Non—U.S.—licensed)

4) 1 to Permitted Space Station List

5) 1 to INMARSAT 3F4 satellite(s) @142 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)

 Page 7

                                                   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                             Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                             Unofficial Copy

    Name:       COMSAT, INC.                                                                             Call Sign:             KB34
                                                                                                      File Number:              SES—MOD—20151009—00695

    Authorization Type:                      Modification of License
    Common Carrier                        Grant Date:           04/25/2016 Expiration Date:                         06/1 572025
    6) 1 to All Inmarsat satellites on "ISAT List" authorized to access U.S. in the L—Band                       A—DD      :[ ‘_/ F:3                  qé

    7) 1 to INMARSAT 2F1 sateltite @142 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)                                     ytav‘         éch Po’u ,F                &

    E) Antenna Facilites                                                                                                  Max
    Site                  Antenna                           Diameter                          Model         Site          Height       Special Provisions
    ID                    ID                        Units   (Meters)    Manufacturer         Number      Elevation       (Meters)   (Refer to Section H)

    I                     10.4M                 1             104      NEC                 34 FT.        228.6       11.0 AGL
                                                                                                                     239.6 AMSL
    Max Gains(s):50.4 dBi @ —4.0000 GHz        53.5 dBi@ —6.0000 GHz
    Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 0:87~ C—H[qfl) b' E               717 2000’ 0                   a 9 fp r            SAA (#L( /f g
    Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)~— /4 H AN &E                      T 96: 9‘ a G fpr §c}7 (’0’14 ’ 2 6
;                      __12 SA                  1             128      PHILCO—EORD         2474            *0        .2    AOH

mwnphona                            ie                          »—             DéELeq E

    1                     12.8M                 1             128      PHILCO—FORD         42 FT.        228.6       152 AGL
                                                                                                                     243.8 AMSL
    Max Gains(s):52.8 dBi @    4.0000 GHz      56.0 dBi@.     6.0000 Gilz
    Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 2000.0
    Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)89.0

    I                     12.8M                 0             12.8     PHILCO—FORD                       228.6
    Max Gains(s):40.0 dBi @    1.6380. GHz      39.0dBi@      1.5390 GHz      52.8 dBi@_    3.9500 GHz    560 dBi@        6.1750 GHz
    Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 175.0
    Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)62.43

    1                     S                                                                              226
                                                                                                                     230.6 AMSL
wm DELQTE 4}4/7) ADPP @Alc/(

                                                                                                                                    %#gbl/fi-g                   &
    F) Remote Control
    1                                                                                Call Sign:            KB34

    G) Antenna Structure marking and lighting requirements:
         None unless otherwise specified under Special and General Provisions

    H) Special and General Provisions

           A) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general conditions:

    Poge 8

Document Created: 2019-04-24 17:39:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 17:39:37

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