FCC Request - TELENO

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Thales Avionics, Inc.

FCC Request - TELENOR additional information for S


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20190424-00544 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


AMODIO Pasquale

From:                             Kjersti.Hamborgstrom@telenor.com
Sent:                             Thursday, September 12, 2019 10:11 AM
To:                               AMODIO Pasquale
Cc:                               Per-Arne.Grotthing@telenor.com; Richard-James.Buckley@telenor.com
Subject:                          RE: additional information for SES-MFS-20190424-00544 (INTERNAL)

Dear Pasquale,
Here is what our operations guys came up with:

Telenor makes a best effort to comply with ITU recommendations for removing geostationary satellites from orbit.

In general terms this means:
     Raising the orbit > 300 Km.
     Passivating the satellite to lowest energy state possible with all on-board stored energy sources discharged by
        venting propellants and pressurants.
     Discharging batteries and disabling the ability to charge them.
     Disabling all broadcasting capability.

Hope this satisfies your requirement.

All the best,

From: AMODIO Pasquale [mailto:Pasquale.AMODIO@us.thalesgroup.com]
Sent: 10. september 2019 16:43
To: Hamborgstrøm Kjersti
Subject: RE: additional information for SES-MFS-20190424-00544 (INTERNAL)

§25.258 Sharing between NGSO MSS feeder-link stations and GSO FSS services in the 29.25-29.5 GHz

      (a) Operators of NGSO MSS feeder link earth stations and GSO FSS earth stations in the band 29.25 to 29.5
GHz where both services have a co-primary allocation shall cooperate fully in order to coordinate their systems.
During the coordination process both service operators shall exchange the necessary technical parameters required
for coordination.

     (b) Licensed GSO FSS earth stations in the vicinity of operational NGSO MSS feeder-link earth station
complexes must, to the maximum extent possible, operate with frequency/polarization selections that will minimize
unacceptable interference with reception of GSO FSS and NGSO MSS uplink transmissions in the 29.25-29.5 GHz
band. Earth station licensees operating with GSO FSS systems shall be capable of providing earth station locations
to support coordination of NGSO MSS feeder link stations under paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section. Operation of
ubiquitously deployed GSO FSS earth stations in the 29.25-29.5 GHz frequency band shall conform to the rules
contained in §25.138.


    (c) Applicants for authority to use the 29.25-29.5 GHz band for NGSO MSS feeder uplinks will have to
demonstrate that their systems can share with GSO FSS and NGSO MSS systems that have been authorized for
operation in that band.

[67 FR 37336, May 29, 2002, as amended at 68 FR 16967, Apr. 8, 2003; 81 FR 55348, Aug. 18, 2016]

Pasquale (Pat) Amodio
Senior Director - Regulatory Compliance
2733 South Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA 22202 - USA
Tel: 571.255.4479
Mobile: +1 321.312.7048
Fax: 1-703-838-9692

From: Kjersti.Hamborgstrom@telenor.com [mailto:Kjersti.Hamborgstrom@telenor.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 10:16 AM
To: AMODIO Pasquale
Subject: RE: additional information for SES-MFS-20190424-00544 (INTERNAL)

Hi again,
I will send this over to our operational guys and get back to you, but I will need to know what Section 25.258 says?

All the best,

From: AMODIO Pasquale [mailto:Pasquale.AMODIO@us.thalesgroup.com]
Sent: 10. september 2019 16:04
To: Hamborgstrøm Kjersti
Subject: FW: additional information for SES-MFS-20190424-00544

Hello Kjersti,
See below two additional items the FCC is requesting.


Pasquale (Pat) Amodio
Senior Director - Regulatory Compliance
2733 South Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA 22202 - USA
Tel: 571.255.4479
Mobile: +1 321.312.7048
Fax: 1-703-838-9692

From: Cindy Spiers [mailto:Cindy.Spiers@fcc.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2019 1:17 PM
To: AMODIO Pasquale
Cc: Trang Nguyen; Paul Blais; Cindy Spiers
Subject: additional information for SES-MFS-20190424-00544

Pat –
Our engineer on the space station side has reviewed the filing for the Thor-7 so that we can put the application on AFF
PN. In order to do so, we will need two things:


           We will need the end-of-like disposal altitude including the analysis and assumptions used per Section
         A statement confirming if there would be any stored energy source including propellant and pressurant. If
            yes, need to provide the amount (kg), the volume of the tank(s), the pressure and temperature at which it
            will be stored.
Thanks in advance for your time and attention to this. you can file your responses as a letter in the SES-MFS-20190424-
00544 other filings tab in IBFS.

Cindy Spiers
Attorney Advisor
Federal Communications Commission
Satellite Division, International Bureau


Document Created: 2019-09-16 12:58:24
Document Modified: 2019-09-16 12:58:24

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