Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20181128-03302 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       Before the
                                  Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of
    Application of Panasonic Avionics                ) Call Sign E100089
    Corporation to Modify its Earth Stations         )
    Aboard Aircraft (“ESAA”) Blanket License         ) File No. SES-MOD-

                                MODIFICATION APPLICATION

          By this application, Panasonic Avionics Corporation (“Panasonic”) seeks to modify its

existing earth stations aboard aircraft (“ESAA”) blanket license, Call Sign E100089,1 by adding

new satellite points of communication for its previously licensed ESAA terminals. The

modifications sought herein will enhance Panasonic’s ability to provide next-generation, in-flight

broadband connectivity services to U.S. airlines and their passengers and crew.

          Pursuant to Section 25.117(c) of the Commission’s rules,2 Panasonic includes an FCC

Form 312 Schedule B and Technical Appendix to provide the required technical information

pertaining to the proposed modification. The remaining information submitted in support of its

ESAA Blanket License has not changed.


          Panasonic provides advanced aeronautical broadband satellite services that enable in-

flight communications connectivity to passengers and crew using state-of-the-art ESAA terminals

 See Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-LIC-20100805-00992, Call Sign E100089, and
subsequent filings and modifications (“ESAA Blanket License”); Panasonic Avionics Corporation
Application for Authority to Operate Up to 50 Technically Identical Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite
Service Aircraft Earth Stations in the 14.0-14.4 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Bands, Order and
Authorization, DA 11-1480 (rel. Aug. 31, 2011).
    47 C.F.R. § 25.117(c).

and a global network of U.S. and foreign satellites and gateway earth stations (the “eXConnect

System”). Panasonic has fully described the eXConnect System in prior submissions and hereby

incorporates by reference the technical showing regarding the control functionality and other

operational characteristics submitted in connection with prior applications.3

          Panasonic’s ESAA Blanket License, which supports its global ESAA operations on U.S.-

registered aircraft (and non-U.S.-registered aircraft traversing U.S. airspace), must be regularly

modified to reflect adjustments to Panasonic’s global network resulting from technological

developments and changes in customer demand. For example, the ESAA Blanket License was

modified to add satellite points of communication for its previously licensed Single Panel

Antenna (“SPA”) and Panasonic Phased Array (“PPA”) antenna, and to add the TECOM Ku-

Stream 1000 (“TECOM”) terminal.4 It was most recently modified (i) to add six new satellites as

authorized points of communication for its ESAA terminals, (ii) to operate the ESAA terminals

with certain previously authorized satellite points of communication at higher power levels, and

(iii) to make certain administrative changes in the ESAA Blanket License.5

          The license modifications proposed herein — ESAA communications with new satellite

points of communication — are consistent with the coordinated parameters of the proposed

satellites and the Commission’s rules and policies governing Ku-band ESAAs.6 Further, the

    Supra n.1.
 See Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20170312-00255, Call Sign E100089 (granted
on July 26, 2017).
 See Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20180122-00052, Call Sign E100089 (granted
on August 1, 2018).
 See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227; see also Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Govern the
Use of Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft Communicating with Fixed-Satellite Service Geostationary-Orbit
Space Stations Operating in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz
Frequency Bands; Service Rules and Procedures to Govern the Use of Aeronautical Mobile Satellite
Service Earth Stations in Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed Satellite Service, IB Docket Nos. 12-


    modifications will allow Panasonic to optimize its ESAA operations and the eXConnect System

    by utilizing additional, advanced satellite capacity to support its operations.


           Panasonic hereby seeks to modify its ESAA Blanket License to add six (6) new satellites as

    authorized points of communication for its ESAA terminals, as described below.

           A.      Proposed New Satellite Points of Communication

           The following table provides an overview of the basic parameters of ESAA operations

    with each individual satellite point of communication. Each satellite is licensed by a member

    country of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) for services covered under the WTO Basic

    Telecommunications Agreement.7 A complete table reflecting all satellites in the eXConnect

    System is included in the Technical Appendix. Panasonic seeks to operate each satellite in Table

    1 with the SPA and PPA ESAA terminals only.

376 & 05-20, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Report and Order, FCC 12- 161 (rel. Dec. 28, 2012)
(“ESAA Order”).
 See 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(a)(2); see also Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies to Allow
Non-U.S. Licensed satellites Providing Domestic and International Service in the United States, Report
and Order, IB Docket No. 96-111, 12 FCC Rcd 24094, ¶ 39 (1997) (“We adopt our proposal to apply a
presumption in favor of entry in considering applications to access non-U.S. satellites licensed by WTO
members to provide services covered by the U.S. commitments under the WTO Basic Telecom
Agreement.”); Id., ¶ 64 (“[W]e will not evaluate the effective competitive opportunities in the route
market for non-U.S. satellites licensed by a WTO Member providing WTO covered services. Thus, we
will not perform an ECO-Sat test on any route, whether a WTO route market or a non-WTO route


                             Table 1 - Proposed Satellite Points of Communication8
Satellite                Licensing         Orbital      Downlink          ITU    Serves ITU Satellite
                         Admin.            Location     Freq. (GHz)9      Region U.S.10 Network
Apstar 6C                    China           134° E     12.25-12.75           3 No      G4SAT-134E
Apstar 6D11                   China          134° E     10.7-12.75             3 No          APSTAR-2,
AsiaSat 9                     China          122° E     10.95-11.2             3 No          ASIASAT-AKX
ChinaSat 10                   China         110.5° E    12.25-12.75            3 No          CHINASAT-2,
SES-12                     Netherlands        95° E     10.7-11.45             3 No          NSS-G2-18
SES-14                      Brazil &         47.5° W    10.95-11.2;            2 No          B-SAT-1 W-2;
                           Netherlands12                11.45-12.45                          NSS-BSS 47.5W 13

           Panasonic seeks to communicate with each new satellite point of communication at off-axis
ESD levels currently authorized in the ESAA Blanket License (but great than the off-axis ESD
levels specified in Section 25.227(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules).14 Accordingly, Panasonic

 The ESAA terminals will operate in the uplink direction within the 14.0-14.5 GHz band consistent with
satellite coordination agreements, the Commission’s rules, and applicable international requirements.
 Operations in the10.7-10.95 and 11.2-11.45 GHz bands outside the United States are consistent with
footnote NG52 of the U.S. Table of Allocations (limiting the use of these bands by GSO FSS satellites to
international systems). See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, fn. NG52.
 “No” indicates that Panasonic’s operations will be conducted outside U.S. territory, even if the satellite

may have some coverage of the United States.
 Although Apstar 6D will not be launched until 2019, Panasonic seeks to add the satellite as new point

of communication in this modification application. Required information regarding the satellite’s
operational characteristics is included herein.
  SES-14 operates in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz frequency bands under
ITU filings submitted by Brazil (ITU Network: B-SAT-1 W-2), and in the 12.2-12.45 GHz band under
ITU filings submitted by the Netherlands (ITU Network: NSS-BSS 47.5W).
  SES-14 is included on the Commission’s Permitted Space Station List (“Permitted List”) (see SES
DTH do Brasil Ltda, File No. SAT-PPL-20160918-00093, Call Sign S2974). However, Panasonic seeks
to communicate with the satellite at power levels in excess of two-degree spacing levels. See FCC Form
312 Schedule B.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227(a)(1).


seeks ESAA operating authority with these satellites pursuant to Section 25.227(a)(2)15 of the

Commission’s rules and provides information regarding the operational characteristics of the

ESAA terminals in Form 312 Schedule B, as necessary.

           Panasonic incorporates by reference the performance information and off-axis ESD data

previously submitted for the SPA and PPA.16 In addition, each satellite operator has reviewed the

technical characteristics of the proposed ESAA operations and confirmed they are consistent

with its coordination agreements and that such operations will not result in unacceptable

interference to other satellites within +/- 6 degrees of the subject satellites.17

           Consistent with Commission precedent, Panasonic is not submitting a full U.S. market

access showing under Section 25.137(d) of the Commission’s rules because none of the satellites

in Table 1 will provide service to or from U.S. territory.18 In support of its request to operate the

PPA and SPA ESAA terminals with satellites in Table 1, Panasonic provides the attached

Technical Appendix, which includes an orbital debris mitigation statement, coverage maps and

link budgets for each satellite.

           Additionally, each satellite operator provided Panasonic with an orbital debris mitigation

statement and satellite end-of-life information, submitted herein. Although some of the statements

     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227(a)(2).
  See Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20120913-00818, Call Sign E100089 at
Technical Appendix (providing off-axis ESD plots for the PPA terminal) and File No. SES-MFS-
20160819-00730, Call Sign E100089 at Technical Appendix (providing off-axis ESD plots for the SPA
     See Technical Appendix.
  See 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(d); FCC letter to LMI Advisors, November 12, 2015, Re: Panasonic Avionics
Corporation IBFS File Nos. SES-MFS-20150609-00349, SES-AFS-20150820-00558, Call Sign:E100089
(“We view the proposed operations as a request for access to the United States market by a non-U.S.-
licensed space station. Accordingly, Panasonic must provide the Commission requirements for a U.S.-
licensed system operating in the United States, including, but not limited to, an FCC Form 312 Schedule
S”); and e.g., AC BidCo LLC, File No. SES-MFS-20151022-00735, Call Sign E120106.


appear in a different format, they all describe their debris mitigation and satellite end-of-life

disposal as required by Section 25.114(d)(14). Panasonic has requested a waiver of Commission

requirements associated with the Apstar 6C satellite’s inability to vent stored energy at end-of-

life and, to the extent necessary, respectfully reserves the right to supplement the debris

mitigation showings included in this application.

       B.       Ground Segment

       The gateway earth stations associated with the proposed satellite points of communication

are identified in Table 2, below.

                            Table 2. Gateway Earth Stations Table

    Satellite        Satellite          Gateway       Country   Gateway          FCC Call
                     Operator           Earth                   Operator         Sign

    Apstar 6C        APT Satellite     Beijing        China     China Telecom    N/A
                     Company                                    Satellite

    Apstar 6D        APT Satellite     Hong           China     Speedcast        N/A
                     Company           Kong

    AsiaSat 9        Asia Satellite    Hong           China     China Telecom    N/A
                     Telecom Co.       Kong                     Satellite

    ChinaSat 10      China Satellite   Beijing        China     China Satcom     N/A

    SES-12           SES               Adelaide       China     China Satcom     N/A

    SES-14           SES               Mount          U.S.      SES Americom E050287
                                       Airy, MD

    SES-14           SES               Port St.       U.S.      United           E160081
                                       Lucie                    Teleports


        Network control and monitoring of the earth stations and the eXConnect System will

continue to be provided by the Panasonic Customer Performance Center (“CPC”) in Lake Forest,

California, on a 24/7 basis. The CPC makes use of a network management system (“NMS”) to

provide complete control and visibility to all components the eXConnect System. The NMS

system has the capability of shutting down any component in the system that is malfunctioning.

The primary points of contact at Panasonic’s CPC facility are provided below and in the FCC

Form 312, Schedule B.

        Panasonic Avionics Corporation
        Customer Performance Center
        26200 Enterprise Way
        Lake Forest, CA 92630 USA
        T: +1 949 462 1395
        M: +1 949 690 6706

        C.      Non-Conforming ESAA Receive Operations

        The FCC’s Table of Allocations permits use of the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz

(space-to-Earth) bands on an unprotected basis, and the 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 14.0-

14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) bands on a primary basis for ESAA operations.19 In this application, and

as described in Table 1, the new satellites support operations in all of the ESAA bands, as well as

in the 10.7-10.95 GHz, 11.2-11.45 GHz, 12.2-12.75 GHz downlink bands. Panasonic seeks to

utilize this additional downlink capacity on an unprotected, non-harmful interference basis outside

the United States. All new satellite points of communication operate consistent with ITU

regulations, there is no potential for interference from the proposed ESAA receive operations, and

 See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 and n. NG52 and NG55; 47 C.F.R. § 25.227. Moreover, in the 10.7-10.95 GHz

band, Panasonic will limit its ESAA receive operations to outside of the United States consistent with the
Table of Allocations (see 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, fn. NG52).


use of the additional downlink spectrum is essential to Panasonic’s in-flight broadband
connectivity offering.

           In light of the Commission’s current practice and given that its ESAA receive operations

present a negligible risk of interference to other spectrum users, Panasonic requests that the

Commission permit ESAA operations in the 10.7-10.95 GHz, 11.2-11.45 GHz, 12.2-12.75 GHz

consistent with its current approach of granting authority to operate ESAA terminals outside the

United States on a non-conforming, non-interference basis.

           D.     Waiver Request

           Panasonic respectfully requests a waiver of Sections 25.114(d)(14)(ii) and Section

25.283(c) of the Commission’s rules for the APSTAR 6C satellite.

           The Commission may waive a rule for good cause shown. Waiver is appropriate if special
           circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule and such deviation would better
           serve the public interest than would strict adherence to the general rule. Generally, the
           Commission may grant a waiver of its rules in a particular case if the relief requested
           would not undermine the policy objective of the rule in question and would otherwise
           serve the public interest.20

As discussed below, grant of the requested waiver is consistent with Commission precedent and

will serve the public interest.

           Sections 25.114(d)(14)(ii) and 25.283(c) address requirements relating to venting stored

energy sources at the spacecraft’s end of life.21 APSTAR 6C is a Spacebus SB4000C2 model

spacecraft operated by APT Satellite Company Limited (“APT”) and was launched on May 3,

2018. As described in more detail in the attached Technical Appendix, the Spacebus SB4000C2

has three (3) helium tanks that were sealed following completion of the launch phase. The tanks

     PanAmSat Licensee Corp., 17 FCC Rcd 10483, 10492 (Sat. Div. 2002) (footnotes omitted)
  Section 25.283(c) contains the substantive venting requirement, and Section 25.114(d)(14)(ii) requires
applicants to submit information that addresses “whether stored energy will be removed at the
spacecraft’s end of life.” 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(14)(ii).


cannot be reopened and will have residual helium at a pressure of 6MPa until APSTAR 6C’s

end-of-life.22 Accordingly, Panasonic requests a waiver of §25.283 of the Commission’s rules

with respect to the remaining helium.

        In a number of cases involving various spacecraft models, the Commission has waived

Section 25.283(c) to permit launch and operation of spacecraft that do not allow for full venting

of pressure vessels at end of life, based on a finding that modifying the space station design at a

late stage of construction would pose an undue hardship.23 The same practical obstacle is present

here: because APSTAR 6C is already in orbit, APT can do nothing to enable full venting of

residual pressure in the oxidizer tanks. Under these circumstances, a waiver of Sections

25.114(d)(14)(ii) and 25.283(c) is warranted.

        E.       Public Interest Statement

        Grant of the requested modification will serve the public interest by extending the

coverage, increasing the capacity, and improving the operational capabilities of the eXConnect

System. This will provide a direct benefit to U.S. consumers who will be able to access improved

in-flight broadband applications and will further enhance competition and U.S. leadership in

 The existence of the residual helium is a result of the satellite design – isolating the helium tanks after

orbit-raising is necessary for reducing the risks associated with valves between these tanks and
pressurized fuel/oxidizer tanks during the long operating life. Also note that the residual helium is inert,
posing no risk of chemical energy release, and the remaining helium pressure is far below tanks’
qualified pressure tolerance at 30MPa.
  See, e.g., DIRECTV Enterprises LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00086, Call Sign S2797, grant-
stamped Dec. 15, 2009, Attachment at ¶ 4 (granting a partial waiver of Section 25.283(c) for DIRECTV
12, a Boeing 702 model spacecraft, on grounds that requiring modification of satellite would present an
undue hardship); PanAmSat Licensee Corp., File Nos. SAT-MOD-20070207-00027, SAT-AMD-
20070716-00102, Call Sign S2237, grant-stamped Oct. 4, 2007, Attachment at ¶ 7 (granting a partial
waiver of Section 25.283(c) for Intelsat 11 on grounds of undue hardship); EchoStar Satellite Operating
Corp., File No. SAT-LOA-20071221-00183, Call Sign S2746, grant-stamped Mar. 12, 2008, Attachment
at ¶ 4 (granting a partial waiver of Section 25.283(c) for AMC-14, a Lockheed Martin A2100 model
spacecraft, on grounds that requiring modification of satellite would present an undue hardship).


aeronautical broadband services. All of these benefits will be achieved consistent with the
Commission’s rules and policies for ESAA operations.


       Based on the foregoing, Panasonic respectfully requests that the Commission grant its

request to modify its ESAA Blanket License, Call Sign E100089, by adding new satellite points of

communication for its previously licensed PPA and SPA ESAA terminals.


Document Created: 2018-11-28 12:25:24
Document Modified: 2018-11-28 12:25:24

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