Attachment ExhDOrbitalDebrisV1

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170825-00955 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                               FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                               Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                      Call Sign: E160028


This Exhibit D to Form 312 submitted by Kongsberg Satellite Services AS (“KSAT”) contains the
orbital debris statement for the Canadian-owned and licensed non-geostationary satellite called,
exactView-7 (“EV7” or “Satellite”), also known as Maritime Monitoring and Messaging
Microsatellite (“M3MSat”). This statement conforms to the requirements of 47 C.F.R.
§§ 25.137(d) and 25.114(d)(14).

The Satellite has no propulsion system; nonetheless the Satellite’s post-mission atmospheric
reentry will occur within 25 years in accordance with the Commission’s orbital debris
mitigation policy.


                                                                      Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                                            FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                                            Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                                                   Call Sign: E160028

1. Satellite Design and Orbital Parameters

No.                System Description                                           Comment

1.    Satellite Bus Design                   Microsatellite with dimensions of 60 x 60 x 85 cm, a box-shape, and a launch
                                             mass of 85 kg. Bus design: AIM, by Honeywell Canada (formerly COM DEV)

2.    Satellite Payload                      Primary payload: AIS receiver. Experimental payloads: a Low Data Rate
                                             (LDR) UHF terminal to demonstrate a satellite-based AIS data relay
                                             capability; and a Deep-Dielectric Charging Monitor (DDCM) to measure the
                                             static energy that has accumulated in the satellites’ electronics.

3.    Satellite Orbit                        As of February 21, 2017, the satellite’s orbital parameters are as follows:
                                             Apogee of 520 km and Perigee of 486 km, Mean inclination of 97.5 degrees,
                                             Right Ascension of Ascending Node of 116 degrees, Argument of Perigee of
                                             117 degrees, Mean Anomaly of 243.3 degrees, and an Orbital Period of 5690

4.    Power Subsystem                        There are 6 body-mounted solar panels, with triple-junction GaInP/GaAs/Ge
                                             solar cells. The predicted orbital average power generation is 66 W. The
                                             battery consists of 24 SAFT MPS 176065 (5.8 Ah) lithium-ion cells arranged in
                                             an 8-series/3-parallel (8S3P) configuration. The battery pack has an End of
                                             Charge Voltage of 32.8 V, and a capacity of 480 Wh. The solar panels are
                                             connected to a set of six battery charge regulators, which provide constant
                                             voltage or peak power tracking, and regulate the charging current into the
                                             battery. See row 9, Mitigating Risk of Accidental Explosion, below, for additional
                                             detail on the battery.


                                                Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                      FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                      Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                             Call Sign: E160028

5.   Attitude Control   The Satellite has no propulsion. Three-axis stabilized bus platform. The
                        attitude determination and control system suite can point at either an inertial
                        or nadir target to within 5 degrees. The attitude actuation suite consists of a
                        set of reaction wheels, and a set of magnetic torque rods with redundant coils.
                        The reaction wheels are organized as two redundant sets of three orthogonal
                        wheels each. Each wheel has a momentum capacity of 80 mNms at 1000 rad/s
                        angular speed, and can generate a maximum torque of 5 mNm. The torque
                        rods are capable of 15 Am2 each and are used for initial detumbling, and for
                        reaction wheel desaturation.

6.   Surface Area       Final Area to Mass: 0.006 m2 / kg


                                                                                 Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                                                       FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                                                       Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                                                              Call Sign: E160028

2. Orbital Debris Mitigation

      47 C.F.R.
No.   § 25.114                 Required Statements                                               Comment

7.    (d)(14)(i)   Planned Release of Debris                          No objects will be intentionally released during the Satellite
                                                                      mission. The Satellite is designed so as not release any debris.
                   A statement that the space station operator
                                                                      There are no deployable devices or instruments (or associated
                   has assessed and limited the amount of
                                                                      pyrotechnics). All mechanisms (such as reaction wheels) are
                   debris released in a planned manner during
                                                                      enclosed within the body of the satellite to ensure that a
                   normal operations . . . .
                                                                      structural failure does not result in debris being distributed
                                                                      outside the spacecraft. The battery is contained within MLI
                                                                      blankets and located in compact areas of the spacecraft.

8.    (d)(14)(i)   Collisions with Small Debris and Loss of Control   The Satellite has an outer structure (honeycomb panels) which
                                                                      will minimize the effects of a strike from another orbital object.
                   A statement that the space station operator
                                                                      The spacecraft also has redundant systems to reduce the risk that
                   . . . has assessed and limited the probability
                                                                      small debris or a meteoroid strike would cause a loss of control.
                   of the space station becoming a source of
                                                                      The bus is fully redundant, provided by two independent
                   debris by collisions with small debris or
                                                                      strings, with each containing a full complement of the systems
                   meteoroids that could cause loss of control
                                                                      required to operate the spacecraft (the magnetorquers, which


                                                                              Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                                                    FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                                                    Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                                                           Call Sign: E160028

                   and prevent post-mission disposal               have redundant coils/electronics, are not fully independent). As
                                                                   a result, the bus is single-failure tolerant. S-Band antennas (used
                                                                   for TT&C) are mounted on two opposing faces to ensure
                                                                   successful communication without attitude control. All six faces
                                                                   of the satellite have solar panels, to ensure power can be
                                                                   generated at all attitudes.
                                                                   Even if control of the Satellite were lost, it would still deorbit as
                                                                   planned within 25 years, as described in row 11, Orbital
                                                                   Maintenance and Evolution, below.

9.   (d)(14)(ii)   Mitigating Risk of Accidental Explosion         Breakup due to accidental explosion during or after the mission
                                                                   is unlikely either because the sources of energy that can lead to
                   A statement that the space station operator
                                                                   explosions are not present or because measures have been taken
                   has assessed and limited the probability of
                                                                   to mitigate potential failure modes that can lead to break up, as
                   accidental explosions during and after
                                                                   explained below:
                   completion of mission operations.
                                                                   Propulsion System and Pressure Vessels – The spacecraft contains
                         This statement must include a
                                                                   no propulsion system and, therefore, does not contain any
                          demonstration that debris generation
                                                                   propellants, fluids or high pressure vessels that require venting
                          will not result from the conversion of
                                                                   or safing.
                          energy sources on board the
                          spacecraft into energy that fragments    Battery Failure – Batteries may create debris if they leak or burst
                          the spacecraft. Energy sources           due to overcharging, overheating, or shorting. The Satellite’s
                          include chemical, pressure, and          battery consists of 24 SAFT MPS 176065 (5.8 Ah) lithium-ion cells
                          kinetic energy.                          arranged in an 8-series/3-parallel (8S3P) configuration. The
                         This demonstration should address        battery pack has a nominal full voltage of 32.8 V, and a capacity
                          whether stored energy will be            of 480 Wh. While the battery’s charging circuits are not severed
                          removed at the spacecraft's end of       at the end of the mission, the risk of debris generation is


                                                            Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                                  FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                                  Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                                         Call Sign: E160028

         life, by depleting residual fuel and    effectively mitigated by the measures described below.
         leaving all fuel line valves open,
         venting any pressurized system,         To prevent the creation of orbital debris, the battery is shielded
         leaving all batteries in a permanent    within the Satellite and contains many of the safety features
         discharge state, and removing any       highlighted in NASA’s Guidelines on Lithium-ion Battery Use in
         remaining source of stored energy,      Space Applications, NASA/TM-2009-215751. First, the battery is
         or     through    other    equivalent   shielded within the Satellite structure by MLI blankets, such that
         procedures specifically disclosed in    the rupturing of cells will not break the spacecraft’s outer shell.
         the application;
                                                 Second, the battery contains self-protection features to reduce
                                                 the risk of cells leaking or rupturing, including circuit breakers
                                                 to prevent overcharging and shutdown separators and burst
                                                 discs, which function automatically without intervention from
                                                 the ground. Each battery cell has a circuit breaker that will open
                                                 the cell circuit should it be overcharged. In addition, each cell is
                                                 equipped with a mechanical vent that will preclude the cell from
                                                 bursting due to overpressure.           The battery’s shutdown
                                                 separators are designed to prevent short circuits and to ensure
                                                 cell safety in the case of excess temperature. Due to the cell
                                                 design, the probability of a short is very low, but if one of the
                                                 cells were to short this would lead to the opening of the cell
                                                 circuit breaker to prevent further damage.

                                                 Catastrophic Reaction Wheel Failure – Reaction wheels are enclosed
                                                 within a mechanical structure which will contain all debris. At
                                                 the end of the mission, power to the reaction wheels will be
                                                 terminated by command, allowing them to spin-down.


                                                                               Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                                                     FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                                                     Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                                                            Call Sign: E160028

                                                                    The nominal rotational speed of the wheels is well below the
                                                                    maximum rotational speed (typically 200 rad/s) so as to not
                                                                    create undue stress that would increase the likelihood of
                                                                    Pyrotechnics or Self-destruct Systems – The spacecraft does not
                                                                    employ pyrotechnics or self-destruct systems.

10.   (d)(14)(iii)   Collision with Large Debris or Other Objects   The potential for collision with other spacecraft was taken into
                                                                    account when selecting the orbit for the Satellite.
                     A statement that the space station operator
                     has assessed and limited the probability of    An analysis of the Satellite’s orbital parameters has been
                     the space station becoming a source of         performed using NASA’s Debris Assessment Software, version
                     debris by collisions with large debris or      2.0.2. DAS was used to simulate the probability of the Satellite
                     other operational space stations. . . .        colliding with an orbiting object larger than 10 cm in diameter;
                                                                    the collision probability value was 0.000004. The log of the DAS
                           Where a space station will be
                                                                    analysis is appended in section 3.1 below. See section 3.1,
                            launched into a low-Earth orbit that
                                                                    Probability of Collision with Large Objects (below).
                            is identical, or very similar, to an
                            orbit used by other space stations,     exactEarth will rely on the accurate and timely information from
                            the statement must include an           JSpOC to enable all operators to maintain situational awareness
                            analysis of the potential risk of       and to expediently respond to any possible conjunctions.
                            collision and a description of what
                            measures the space station operator
                            plans to take to avoid in-orbit
                           If the space station operator is
                            relying on coordination with another
                            system, the statement must indicate


                                                                                  Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                                                        FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                                                        Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                                                               Call Sign: E160028

                            what steps have been taken to
                            contact, and ascertain the likelihood
                            of   successful    coordination     of
                            physical operations with, the other
                            system. . . .

11.   (d)(14)(iii)   Orbital Maintenance and Evolution                 Because the Satellite does not have a propulsion system, it does
                                                                       not have the ability to maintain its orbit with accuracy. The
                     The statement must disclose the accuracy—
                                                                       spacecraft’s orbit will decay naturally from its present orbit of
                     if any—with which orbital parameters of
                                                                       520 x 486 km (as of February 21, 2017) (see additional orbital
                     non-geostationary satellite orbit space
                                                                       details in row 3, above). The Satellite has a mission/design life of
                     stations will be maintained, including
                                                                       5 years. It has a final area-to-mass ratio of approximately 0.006
                     apogee, perigee, inclination, and the right
                     ascension of the ascending node(s).
                                                                       Using NASA’s Debris Assessment Software, v 2.0.2, the Satellite
                           In the event that a system is not able
                                                                       has a calculated orbit lifetime of approximately 6.8 years
                            to maintain orbital tolerances, i.e., it
                                                                       remaining and will reenter the Earth’s atmosphere in the year
                            lacks a propulsion system for orbital
                                                                       2024. See the details of the DAS analysis and the simulated
                            maintenance, that fact should be
                                                                       evolution of the orbit in section 3.2, Orbit Evolution, below.
                            included in the debris mitigation
                            disclosure. Such systems must also
                            indicate the anticipated evolution
                            over time of the orbit of the
                            proposed satellite or satellites . . . .

12.   (d)(14)(iv)    Post-Mission Disposal Plan                        The Satellite contains no propulsion system and thus has no
                                                                       means of performing a deliberate post-mission reentry
                     A statement detailing the post-mission
                                                                       maneuver. The disposal plan is to let the Satellite’s orbit decay
                     disposal plans for the space station at end of
                                                                       naturally until it reenters the atmosphere and disintegrates.


                                                                              Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                                                    FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                                                    Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                                                           Call Sign: E160028

                    life, including the quantity of fuel—if any—   Based on estimates using NASA’s DAS, reentry will occur
                    that will be reserved for post-mission         approximately 8 years from launch, which occurred in June 2016.
                    disposal maneuvers. . . .                      See row 11. At the end of mission, all intentional transmissions
                                                                   from the Satellite and power to its reaction wheels are set to
                                                                   terminate. See section 3.3, Post-Mission Disposal (below).

13.   (d)(14)(iv)   Casualty Risk Assessment for Atmospheric       Because the post-mission disposal plan for the Satellite involves
                    Reentry                                        atmospheric reentry, a casualty risk assessment has been
                                                                   performed using the NASA Debris Assessment Software,
                    The statement must also include a casualty
                                                                   Version 2.0.2. The DAS analysis indicates that EV7 is compliant
                    risk assessment if planned post-mission
                                                                   with NASA Requirement 4.7-1. See the results of the DAS
                    disposal involves atmospheric re-entry of
                                                                   analysis in section 3.4, Casualty Risk Analysis (below).
                    the space station. In general, an assessment
                    should include an estimate as to whether
                    portions of the spacecraft will survive re-
                    entry and reach the surface of the Earth, as
                    well as an estimate of the resulting
                    probability of human casualty. . . .


                                          Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                       Call Sign: E160028

3. Inputs to and Results from NASA Debris Assessment Software, v2.0.2

   3.1. Probability of Collision with Large Objects – § 25.114(d)(14)(iii)

04 19 2017; 16:23:39PM       Processing Requirement 4.5-1: Return Status : Passed

Run Data


       Space Structure Name = EV7
       Space Structure Type = Payload
       Perigee Altitude = 486.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 520.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 97.500000 (deg)
       RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
       Final Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.006000 (m^2/kg)
       Start Year = 2017.142000 (yr)
       Initial Mass = 85.000000 (kg)
       Final Mass = 85.000000 (kg)
       Duration = 5.000000 (yr)
       Station-Kept = False
       Abandoned = True
       PMD Perigee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
       PMD Apogee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
       PMD Inclination = 0.000000 (deg)
       PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       PMD Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


       Collision Probability = 0.000004
       Returned Error Message: Normal Processing
       Date Range Error Message: Normal Date Range
       Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.5-1 ===============

10 | P a g e

                                         Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                               FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                               Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                      Call Sign: E160028

   3.2. Orbit Evolution – § 25.114(d)(14)(iii)

04 19 2017; 16:23:49PM       Science and Engineering - Apogee/Perigee History for a Given Orbit


       Perigee Altitude = 486.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 520.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 97.500000 (deg)
       RAAN = 116.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 117.000000 (deg)
       Mean Anomaly = 243.300000 (deg)
       Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.006000 (m^2/kg)
       Start Year = 2017.142000 (yr)
       Integration Time = 50.000000 (yr)



11 | P a g e

                                           Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                 FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                 Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                        Call Sign: E160028

04 19 2017; 16:24:13PM        Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


       Start Year = 2017.142000 (yr)
       Perigee Altitude = 486.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 520.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 97.500000 (deg)
       RAAN = 116.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 117.000000 (deg)
       Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.006000 (m^2/kg)


       Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 6.899384 (yr)
       Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 6.899384 (yr)
       Last year of Propagation = 2024 (yr)
       Returned Error Message: Object reentered

   3.3. Post-Mission Disposal – Atmospheric Reentry – § 25.114(d)(14)(iv)

04 19 2017; 16:24:20PM        Processing Requirement 4.6     Return Status : Passed

Project Data


       Space Structure Name = EV7
       Space Structure Type = Payload

       Perigee Altitude = 486.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 520.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 97.500000 (deg)
       RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
       Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.006000 (m^2/kg)
       Start Year = 2017.142000 (yr)
       Initial Mass = 85.000000 (kg)
       Final Mass = 85.000000 (kg)
       Duration = 5.000000 (yr)

12 | P a g e

                                            Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                  FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                  Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                         Call Sign: E160028

       Station Kept = False
       Abandoned = True
       PMD Perigee Altitude = 456.137079 (km)
       PMD Apogee Altitude = 499.639981 (km)
       PMD Inclination = 97.692652 (deg)
       PMD RAAN = 42.701580 (deg)
       PMD Argument of Perigee = 90.031435 (deg)
       PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


       Suggested Perigee Altitude = 456.137079 (km)
       Suggested Apogee Altitude = 499.639981 (km)
       Returned Error Message = Passes LEO reentry orbit criteria.

       Released Year = 2024 (yr)
       Requirement = 61
       Compliance Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.6 ===============

   3.4. Casualty Risk Analysis – § 25.114(d)(14)(iv)

The DAS analysis indicates that EV7 is compliant with the FCC’s guidelines. We simulated the
Satellite’s uncontrolled atmospheric reentry and the resulting risk of human casualty from
reentry debris using DAS 2.0.2, testing compliance with Requirement 4.7-1 of NASA-STD
8719.14, where “potential for human casualty is assumed for any object with an impacting
kinetic energy in excess of 15 joules.” The DAS simulation indicates that eleven of the Satellite’s
components may survive reentry – the eleven titanium support plates – with impact energy of
approximately 2 joules, which is below the 15 joule threshold. Below is a table listing all of the
components used in the simulation and, following that, we have inserted the DAS log
indicating compliance with Requirement 4.7-1:

Component      Quantit    Material     Mass                          Diameter/   Length
   Name          y          Type       (kg)      Object Shape        Width (m)     (m)    Height (m)
EV7              1       Aluminum       85       Box                   0.600      0.850     0.600

13 | P a g e

                                        Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                              FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                              Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                     Call Sign: E160028

 Component     Quantit    Material   Mass                   Diameter/   Length
    Name         y          Type     (kg)    Object Shape   Width (m)     (m)    Height (m)
Structure +      2       Aluminum    4.00    Flat Plate       0.600      0.850      N/A
Solar Arrays             (generic)
- Zenith/-Y
Structure +      1       Aluminum    2.547   Flat Plate       0.600     0.600       N/A
Solar Arrays             (generic)
- Anti-PAF
Structure +      1       Aluminum    3.26    Flat Plate       0.600     0.850       N/A
Solar Arrays             (generic)
- +Y
Structure +      1       Aluminum    1.129   Flat Plate       0.600     0.850       N/A
Solar Arrays             (generic)
- Nadir
Structure +      1       Aluminum    10.26   Box              0.440     0.530      0.054
Solar Arrays             (generic)
Corner posts     2       Aluminum    2.085   Box              0.104     0.560      0.104
Payload          1       Aluminum    2.578   Flat Plate       0.496     0.570      0.020
connector                (generic)
Battery          1       Aluminum    4.486   Box              0.170     0.225      0.090
Rate sensor      1       Aluminum    1.08    Box              0.126     0.126      0.055
assy                     (generic)
Reaction         2       Aluminum    1.338   Box              0.139     0.170      0.082
Wheel                    (generic)
Torque Rod       3       Aluminum    1.096   Cylinder         0.056     0.236       N/A
AIS antenna      1       Aluminum    4.831   Box              0.354     0.354      0.065
Antenna          6       Aluminum    0.127   Box              0.069     0.207      0.019
support                  (generic)
Receiver         2       Aluminum    2.238   Box              0.215     0.230      0.081
assy                     (generic)
C-band           1       Aluminum    3.80    Box              0.181     0.232      0.109
transmitter              (generic)
LDR              1       Aluminum    1.41    Box              0.244     0.257      0.048
transponder              (generic)
Data             2       Aluminum    3.657   Box              0.184     0.316      0.103
recorder                 (generic)
ADCS/CDSU        1       Aluminum    0.99    Box              0.138     0.400      0.028

14 | P a g e

                                              Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                    FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                    Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                           Call Sign: E160028

 Component     Quantit     Material      Mass                    Diameter/   Length
    Name         y           Type         (kg)    Object Shape   Width (m)     (m)    Height (m)
S-band           2        Aluminum       0.815    Box              0.128      0.144     0.049
transponder               (generic)
Power              1      Aluminum       2.868    Box              0.220     0.220      0.118
module/OBC                (generic)
Communicat         1      Aluminum       1.269    Box              0.192     0.215      0.087
ions module               (generic)
Support           11      Titanium       0.019    Box              0.050     0.050      0.020
plates                    (generic)
Launch             1      Aluminum       1.20     Box              0.440     0.440      0.088
separation                (generic)
Sun sensor         2      Aluminum       0.16     Box              0.715     0.850      0.113
Sun sensor         1      Aluminum       0.263    Box              0.810     0.848      0.612
CIM                       (generic)
GPS                1      Aluminum       0.52     Box             0.1737     0.402      0.095
LNA                1      Aluminum       0.45     Box             0.0938     0.1057    0.0627
Assembly                  (generic)
C band base        1      Aluminum       0.89     Box              0.154     0.1652    0.1487
plate                     (generic)

04 19 2017; 16:24:50PM         *********Processing Requirement 4.7-1
        Return Status : Passed

Item Number = 1

name = EV7
quantity = 1
parent = 0
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 85.000000
Thermal Mass = 85.000000
Diameter/Width = 0.600000
Length = 0.850000
Height = 0.600000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - Zenith/-Y
quantity = 2

15 | P a g e

                                             Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                   FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                   Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                          Call Sign: E160028

parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 4.000000
Thermal Mass = 4.000000
Diameter/Width = 0.600000
Length = 0.850000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - Anti-PAF
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 2.547000
Thermal Mass = 2.547000
Diameter/Width = 0.600000
Length = 0.600000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - +Y
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 3.260000
Thermal Mass = 3.260000
Diameter/Width = 0.600000
Length = 0.850000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - Nadir
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 1.129000
Thermal Mass = 1.129000
Diameter/Width = 0.600000
Length = 0.850000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - PAF
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 10.260000

16 | P a g e

                                 Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                       FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                       Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                              Call Sign: E160028

Thermal Mass = 10.260000
Diameter/Width = 0.440000
Length = 0.530000
Height = 0.054000

name = Corner posts
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 2.085000
Thermal Mass = 2.085000
Diameter/Width = 0.104000
Length = 0.560000
Height = 0.104000

name = Payload connector plate
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 2.578000
Thermal Mass = 2.578000
Diameter/Width = 0.496000
Length = 0.570000
Height = 0.020000

name = Battery
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 4.486000
Thermal Mass = 4.486000
Diameter/Width = 0.170000
Length = 0.225000
Height = 0.090000

name = Rate sensor assy
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.080000

17 | P a g e

                            Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                  FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                  Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                         Call Sign: E160028

Thermal Mass = 1.080000
Diameter/Width = 0.126000
Length = 0.126000
Height = 0.055000

name = Reaction Wheel
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.338000
Thermal Mass = 1.338000
Diameter/Width = 0.139000
Length = 0.170000
Height = 0.082000

name = Torque Rod
quantity = 3
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Cylinder
Aero Mass = 1.096000
Thermal Mass = 1.096000
Diameter/Width = 0.056000
Length = 0.236000

name = AIS antenna
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 4.831000
Thermal Mass = 4.831000
Diameter/Width = 0.354000
Length = 0.354000
Height = 0.065000

name = Antenna support
quantity = 6
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.127000
Thermal Mass = 0.127000

18 | P a g e

                            Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                  FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                  Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                         Call Sign: E160028

Diameter/Width = 0.069000
Length = 0.207000
Height = 0.019000

name = Receiver assy
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 2.238000
Thermal Mass = 2.238000
Diameter/Width = 0.215000
Length = 0.230000
Height = 0.081000

name = C-band transmitter
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 3.800000
Thermal Mass = 3.800000
Diameter/Width = 0.181000
Length = 0.232000
Height = 0.109000

name = LDR transponder
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.410000
Thermal Mass = 1.410000
Diameter/Width = 0.244000
Length = 0.257000
Height = 0.048000

name = Data recorder
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 3.657000
Thermal Mass = 3.657000

19 | P a g e

                               Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                     FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                     Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                            Call Sign: E160028

Diameter/Width = 0.184000
Length = 0.316000
Height = 0.103000

name = ADCS/CDSU
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.990000
Thermal Mass = 0.990000
Diameter/Width = 0.138000
Length = 0.400000
Height = 0.028000

name = S-band transponder
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.815000
Thermal Mass = 0.815000
Diameter/Width = 0.128000
Length = 0.144000
Height = 0.049000

name = Power module/OBC
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 2.868000
Thermal Mass = 2.868000
Diameter/Width = 0.220000
Length = 0.220000
Height = 0.118000

name = Communications module
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.269000
Thermal Mass = 1.269000

20 | P a g e

                                Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                      FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                      Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                             Call Sign: E160028

Diameter/Width = 0.192000
Length = 0.215000
Height = 0.087000

name = Support plates
quantity = 11
parent = 1
materialID = 66
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.019000
Thermal Mass = 0.019000
Diameter/Width = 0.050000
Length = 0.050000
Height = 0.020000

name = Launch separation ring
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.200000
Thermal Mass = 1.200000
Diameter/Width = 0.440000
Length = 0.440000
Height = 0.088000

name = Sun sensor
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.160000
Thermal Mass = 0.160000
Diameter/Width = 0.715000
Length = 0.850000
Height = 0.113000

name = Sun sensor CIM
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.263000
Thermal Mass = 0.263000

21 | P a g e

                                   Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                         FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                         Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                Call Sign: E160028

Diameter/Width = 0.810000
Length = 0.848000
Height = 0.612000

name = GPS
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.520000
Thermal Mass = 0.520000
Diameter/Width = 0.173700
Length = 0.402000
Height = 0.095000

name = LNA Assembly
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.450000
Thermal Mass = 0.450000
Diameter/Width = 0.093800
Length = 0.105700
Height = 0.062700

name = C band base plate
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.890000
Thermal Mass = 0.890000
Diameter/Width = 0.154000
Length = 0.165200
Height = 0.148700

Item Number = 1

name = EV7
Demise Altitude = 77.993785
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

22 | P a g e

                                              Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                                    FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                                    Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                           Call Sign: E160028

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - Zenith/-Y
Demise Altitude = 71.358714
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - Anti-PAF
Demise Altitude = 72.080785
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - +Y
Demise Altitude = 72.707386
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - Nadir
Demise Altitude = 76.349761
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Structure + Solar Arrays - PAF
Demise Altitude = 54.374085
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Corner posts
Demise Altitude = 73.265496
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Payload connector plate
Demise Altitude = 72.429347
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


23 | P a g e

                                        Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                              FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                              Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                     Call Sign: E160028

name = Battery
Demise Altitude = 61.887128
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Rate sensor assy
Demise Altitude = 68.901136
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Reaction Wheel
Demise Altitude = 70.727425
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Torque Rod
Demise Altitude = 69.714527
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = AIS antenna
Demise Altitude = 64.088667
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Antenna support
Demise Altitude = 76.686715
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Receiver assy
Demise Altitude = 68.976542
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = C-band transmitter
Demise Altitude = 65.306417

24 | P a g e

                                        Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                              FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                              Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                     Call Sign: E160028

Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = LDR transponder
Demise Altitude = 71.911878
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Data recorder
Demise Altitude = 68.137683
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = ADCS/CDSU
Demise Altitude = 73.971199
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = S-band transponder
Demise Altitude = 71.476019
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Power module/OBC
Demise Altitude = 67.770167
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Communications module
Demise Altitude = 72.525675
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Support plates
Demise Altitude = 0.000000
Debris Casualty Area = 4.531446
Impact Kinetic Energy = 1.806095

25 | P a g e

                                        Exhibit D – Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                                              FCC Form 312 – Modification Application
                                              Applicant: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
                                                                     Call Sign: E160028

name = Launch separation ring
Demise Altitude = 75.442574
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Sun sensor
Demise Altitude = 77.829551
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Sun sensor CIM
Demise Altitude = 77.849683
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = GPS
Demise Altitude = 76.696379
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = LNA Assembly
Demise Altitude = 73.407691
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = C band base plate
Demise Altitude = 74.200691
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


=============== End of Requirement 4.7-1 ===============

26 | P a g e

Document Created: 2017-08-25 14:34:43
Document Modified: 2017-08-25 14:34:43

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