Attachment Narr and Annexes

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170725-00793 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                         )
AC BidCo LLC                                             )   File No. SES-MOD-___________
                                                         )   Call Sign E120106
Modification to Blanket License for                      )
Operation of Ku-Band Transmit/Receive                    )
Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft                           )


               AC BidCo LLC (“AC BidCo”) hereby requests a modification of its blanket

license to operate Ku-band transmit/receive earth stations aboard aircraft (“ESAAs”) on

domestic and international flights. 1 AC BidCo requests that the Commission modify the AC

BidCo ESAA License to include additional spacecraft as authorized points of communication,

including a replacement satellite. Specifically, AC BidCo requests that the Commission permit

ESAA operations with:

    (1) the U.S.-licensed AMC-4 satellite at 134.9° W.L.;
    (2) the U.S.-licensed AMC-6 satellite at 83° W.L.;
    (3) the Colombian-licensed SES-10 replacement satellite at 66.9° W.L.; and
    (4) the Australian-licensed Optus D2 satellite at 152° E.L.

               A narrative description of the relevant changes is provided here, and AC BidCo is

attaching an FCC Form 312 that identifies the new points of communication. Supplemental

technical information and copies of relevant coordination letters are attached as well. Pursuant

to Section 25.117(c) of the Commission’s rules, AC BidCo is providing herein information that

   See Call Sign E120106, File No. SES-MFS-20170109-00015, granted July 21, 2017 (the
“AC BidCo ESAA License”).

is changing as a result of the modification. AC BidCo certifies that the remaining information

provided in support of the AC BidCo ESAA License has not changed. 2


               AC BidCo requests modification of its license to specify the satellites described

below as points of communication for the AC BidCo ESAA network pursuant to the provisions

of Section 25.227(a)(2) and (b)(2). Each of the requested satellites is eligible for authority for

use with the AC BidCo ESAA network. Updated tables listing the satellites to be used and the

associated ground stations are provided in Annex 2 hereto. As noted in Annex 2, AC BidCo

seeks authority for each of the satellites except for AMC-4 to communicate with both the

AeroSat model HR6400 antennas designated as AES1 on the AC BidCo ESAA License and the

ThinKom model 2Ku antennas designated as AES2 on the license. AC BidCo proposes to use

only the ThinKom model 2Ku AES2 terminals with AMC-4.

               AMC-4: AMC-4 is U.S.-licensed, and a request to reassign the satellite from

67° W.L. to 134.9° W.L. is currently pending before the Commission. 3 AC BidCo seeks

authority to use AMC-4 capacity for ESAA operations on a primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz

uplink spectrum and in the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink spectrum and on an unprotected basis in the

11.45-11.7 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the satellite’s license as modified pursuant

      For the Commission’s convenience, AC BidCo has attached as Annex 1 hereto a table
listing the information required pursuant to Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules and
providing a cross-reference to the necessary information.
    SES Americom, Inc., Call Sign S2135, File No. SAT-MOD-20170518-00073, (“AMC-4
Relocation Application”). Pending action on the AMC-4 Relocation Application, the
Commission has authorized the drift of AMC-4 to 134.9° W.L., see SES Americom, Inc., Call
Sign S2135, File No. SAT-STA-20170503-00070, granted June 7, 2017, and SES has requested
special temporary authority for AMC-4 operations upon the satellite’s arrival, see SES
Americom, Inc., Call Sign S2135, File No. SAT-STA-20170725-00108.


to the AMC-4 Relocation Application and with the Commission’s orders in the ESAA

proceeding. 4

                AMC-4 will provide coverage of North America and the Pacific Ocean. A letter

confirming that operation of the AC BidCo ThinKom model 2Ku AES2 terminals is consistent

with coordination agreements with satellites operated within six degrees of AMC-4 at its planned

location of 134.9° W.L. is included in Annex 3.

                AMC-6: AMC-6 is U.S.-licensed, and a request to reassign the satellite from

85° W.L. to 83° W.L. is currently pending before the Commission.5 AC BidCo has already

commenced ESAA operations with AMC-6 at 83° W.L. pursuant to a grant of Special

Temporary Authority. 6 AC BidCo seeks authority to use AMC-6 capacity for ESAA operations

on a primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and in the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink

spectrum and on an unprotected basis in the 11.45-11.7 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with

the satellite’s license as modified pursuant to the AMC-6 Relocation Application and with the

ESAA Orders.

    Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth Stations
Aboard Aircraft Communicating with Fixed-Satellite Service Geostationary-Orbit Space Stations
Operating in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14-14.5 GHz Frequency
Bands, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Report and Order, IB Docket Nos. 12-376 & 05-20,
27 FCC Rcd 16510 (2012); Second Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, IB Docket
No. 12-376, 29 FCC Rcd 4226 (2014) (collectively, the “ESAA Orders”).
      SES Americom, Inc., Call Sign S2347, File No. SAT-MOD-20170628-00102 (“AMC-6
Relocation Application”). Pending action on the AMC-6 Relocation Application, the
Commission has authorized the relocation of AMC-6 to 83° W.L. and operations of the satellite
at its new orbital location. See SES Americom, Inc., Call Sign S2347, File No. SAT-STA-
20170623-00096, granted June 29, 2017.
    See AC BidCo LLC, File No. SES-STA-20170629-00724, granted June 30, 2017.


               AMC-6 will provide coverage of North America. A letter confirming that

operation of the AC BidCo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with

satellites operated within six degrees of AMC-6 at 83° W.L. is included in Annex 3.

               SES-10: SES-10 is a Colombian-licensed satellite positioned at 66.9° W.L.,

replacing the capacity previously provided at that location by AMC-4 and AMC-6. The

Commission placed SES-10 on the Permitted Space Station List for operations at 66.9°

the conventional and extended Ku-band, 7 and complete technical information regarding the

satellite is therefore already on file with the Commission.8 AC BidCo seeks authority to use

SES-10 capacity for ESAA operations on a primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum

and in the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink spectrum and on an unprotected basis in the 10.95-11.2 GHz

and 11.45-11.7 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the SES-10 Market Access Grant and

with the ESAA Orders.

               SES-10 provides coverage of North and Central America, the Gulf of Mexico, and

the Caribbean. A letter confirming that operation of the AC BidCo ESAA terminals is consistent

with coordination agreements with satellites operated within six degrees of SES-10 is included in

Annex 3.

               Optus D2: Optus D2 is licensed by Australia and is positioned at 152° E.L.

Optus D2 is not on the Permitted Space Station List, but its licensing administration, Australia, is

a member of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”). Accordingly, under the Commission’s

     See New Skies Satellites B.V., Call Sign S2950, File No. SAT-MPL-20170108-00002,
reissued Mar. 22, 2017 (“SES-10 Market Access Grant”).
     AC BidCo has already commenced ESAA operations with SES-10 in the conventional Ku-
band spectrum pursuant to grants of Special Temporary Authority. See AC BidCo LLC, File
Nos. SES-STA-20170428-00486, granted May 11, 2017, & SES-STA-20170706-00738, granted
July 11, 2017.


DISCO II market access framework, there is a presumption that allowing the satellite to

communicate with U.S.-licensed earth stations for services covered by the WTO Basic

Telecommunications Agreement will serve the public interest. 9

               AC BidCo seeks authority to use Optus D2 capacity for ESAA operations on a

primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum, consistent with the Commission’s ESAA

Orders. AC BidCo seeks authority to use Optus D2 capacity for ESAA operations on a

nonconforming basis in the 12.25-12.75 GHz downlink spectrum.

               Optus D2 will provide coverage of Australia. A letter confirming that operation

of the AC BidCo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with satellites

operated within six degrees of Optus D2 is included in Annex 3. In addition, Annex 4 contains

technical materials regarding the proposed AC BidCo operations with Optus D2, including a

coverage map, link budgets, and an orbital debris mitigation statement.


               Attached as Annex 3 pursuant to Section 25.227(b)(2) of the Commission’s rules

are copies of letters confirming that AC BidCo’s proposed ESAA operations are consistent with

the coordination agreements between the satellites discussed above and operators of adjacent

spacecraft. Furthermore, AC BidCo’s operations with the additional satellites will conform to

the terms of the agreements between AC BidCo and the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration and the National Science Foundation.

    See Amendment of the Commission’s Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space Stations
providing Domestic and International Service in the United States, Report & Order, 12 FCC Rcd
24094, 24112, ¶ 39 (1997) (“DISCO II”).



               AC BidCo seeks a limited waiver of the Commission’s rules in connection with

its request to add satellites as authorized points of communication for the AC BidCo ESAA

network. Specifically, AC BidCo requests a waiver of the U.S. Table of Allocations in

Section 2.106 to permit ESAA operations with the Optus D2 satellite in the 12.25-12.75 GHz


               Grant of this waiver is consistent with Commission precedent. The Commission

has expressly recognized that “terminals on U.S.-registered aircraft may need to access foreign

satellites while traveling outside of the United States (e.g., over international waters), and

therefore may need to downlink in the extended Ku-band in certain circumstances.” 10 To meet

this need, AC BidCo and other ESAA providers have requested and received Commission

authority to receive signals in the 12.2-12.75 GHz band. 11

               The same rationale supports grant of a waiver to permit AC BidCo to receive

transmissions from the Optus D2 spacecraft in the 12.25-12.75 GHz band. This spectrum will

not be used in U.S. airspace, and the proposed operations with Optus D2 are consistent with

coordination agreements with operators of adjacent satellites within six degrees. Authorizing

AC BidCo to receive signals from Optus D2 will not alter the technical characteristics of the

satellite’s operations in any way, and therefore will not create harmful interference to other

authorized users of the spectrum. Furthermore, AC BidCo will not claim interference protection

     Service Rules and Procedures to Govern the Use of Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service
Earth Stations in Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 05-
20, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 20 FCC Rcd 2906 (2005) at ¶ 18 (footnote omitted).
     See, e.g., AC BidCo ESAA License, Section B and conditions 900387 and 900389
(authorizing reception of transmissions in the 12.2-12.75 GHz band on a non-interference, non-
protected basis); Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20160819-00730, Call
Sign E100089, granted Oct. 19, 2016, Section B and condition 90312 (same).


from such authorized users. Under these circumstances, grant of a Section 2.106 waiver is

justified to permit use of the 12.25-12.75 GHz band for downlinks from Optus D2 as part of the

AC BidCo ESAA network.

IV.           CONCLUSION

              AC BidCo respectfully requests that the Commission modify the AC BidCo

ESAA License to reflect the changes described herein.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            AC BIDCO LLC

                                            By: /s/ Marguerite Elias

Of Counsel                                     Marguerite Elias
Karis A. Hastings                              Executive Vice President & General Counsel
SatCom Law LLC                                 AC BidCo LLC
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                 111 North Canal Street
Washington, D.C. 20004                         Chicago, IL 60606
(202) 599-0975                                 (202) 870-7220

Dated: July 25, 2017


               ANNEX 1: Table of Information Required by Section 25.227

 Section 25.227
  Requirement                          Citation to Information Provided
25.227(a)(4) &      N/A: no use of a contention protocol is proposed.
25.227(a)(5) &      The 24/7 point of contact information remains the same. The phone
25.227(b)(6)        number is +1 866-943-4662 and the e-mail address is
                    The street address is: AC BidCo Network Operations Center, 111 North
                    Canal Street, Chicago, IL, 60606, as specified in Form 312 Schedule B,
                    Items E2-E9.
25.227(a)(15)       AC BidCo certifications are in Annex 5 attached.
25.227(b)(2)(i)     Off-axis EIRP density information regarding the AeroSat and ThinKom
                    terminals licensed for use by AC BidCo was previously provided to the
                    Commission. Operations with the additional satellites included in this
                    application will not involve any increase in the maximum off-axis EIRP
                    density levels previously described to the Commission for the AeroSat
                    and ThinKom terminals and authorized in the AC BidCo ESAA license.
25.227(b)(2)(ii)    Target satellite operator certifications are in Annex 3 attached.
25.227(b)(2)(iii)   AC BidCo has previously demonstrated that its system will comply with
& (iv)              coordination agreements and requirements to cease emissions.
25.227(b)(4)        The ESAA network will operate in U.S. airspace, foreign airspace, and in
                    the airspace over international waters. Coverage areas for the specific
                    satellites to be used in the ESAA network are described in the table found
                    in Annex 2 attached. Contours for the AMC-4, AMC-6, and SES-10
                    satellites are already on file with the Commission. A coverage map for
                    Optus D2 is included in Annex 4.
25.227(b)(7)        AC BidCo certifications are in Annex 5 attached.
25.227(b)(8)        No change to previously filed Radiation Hazard analyses.
25.227(c)           AC BidCo’s coordination agreement with NASA was filed February 1,
                    2013 in File Nos. SES-LIC-20120619-00574 et al.
25.227(d)           AC BidCo’s coordination agreement with NSF was included as
                    Amendment Exhibit B in File No. SES-AMD-20120731-00709.


                                                       ANNEX 2:

                                    Updated Spacecraft and Teleport Tables

                                                                                   Use in US     Satellite
     Satellite   Location     Beam Coverage Area          Tx (GHz)   Rx (GHz)
                                                                                   airspace?     Operator
                              North America, Pacific
     AMC-1       129.15W                                  14-14.5     11.7-12.2      Yes
     AMC-4 1     134.9W       North America, Pacific      14-14.5    11.45-11.7;     Yes
                                     Ocean                            11.7-12.2
     AMC-6        85W             North America           14-14.5    11.45-11.7      Yes
    AMC-21       124.9W            United States          14-14.5     11.7-12.2      Yes
    ASTRA 4A       4.8E              Europe               14-14.25                    No
      SES-1       101W            North America           14-14.5    11.7–12.2       Yes           SES
      SES-3       103W            North America           14-14.5     11.7-12.2      Yes
      SES-4       22W                Europe               14-14.5    12.5-12.75       No
                               East Atlantic Ocean        14-14.5                     No
      SES-6       40.5W
                               West Atlantic Ocean        14-14.5                    Yes
                            North and Central America,               10.95-11.2;
     SES-10       67W       the Gulf of Mexico, and the   14-14.5    11.45-11.7;     Yes
                                     Caribbean                        11.7-12.2
    Galaxy 17     91W             North America           14-14.5     11.7-12.2      Yes
    Galaxy 28     89W                 Brazil              14-14.5     11.7-12.2       No
                             North and South America
      IS-14       45W                                     14-14.5    11.7–12.2       Yes
                                 excludes Brazil
      IS-18       180E             South Pacific          14-14.5    12.25-12.75      No
                                Northeast Pacific         14-14.5    12.25-12.75     Yes
                                Northwest Pacific
      IS-19       166E                                                                            Intelsat
                                    Australia             14-14.5    12.25-12.75      No
                                Southwest Pacific
      IS-20       68.5E            Middle East            14-14.5    11.45-11.7;      No
                                      Brazil              14-14.5     11.7–12.2       No
      IS-21       58W
                              South Atlantic Ocean        14-14.5    11.45–11.7       No
                             Mobility from Mideast to
      IS-22       72.1E                                   14-14.5    12.25–12.5       No
                              Japan and to Australia

    This satellite is only used for communications with the ThinKom 2Ku antenna system, designated AES2.


                                                          Tx            Rx         Use in US      Satellite
     Satellite   Location     Beam Coverage Area
                                                        (GHz)         (GHz)        airspace?      Operator
     IS-29e       50W             United States         14-14.5                       Yes
     IS-33e        60E       Africa, Asia, and Europe   14-14.5                       No
                                                                     12.5-12.6                      Intelsat
     IS-904        60E       Spot 1 - Western Russia    14-14.5                       No
     IS-907       27.5W            East Pacific         14-14.5                       Yes
                 114.9W          North America          14-14.5      11.7-12.2        Yes
                 116.8W     Central and South America   14-14.5      11.7-12.2        Yes
     117WA                                                                                         Eutelsat
                                North Pacific and
     E172A 1      172E                                  14-14.5     11.45-11.7;       No
                               Northeastern Russia
                                     Africa             14-14.5     11.45-11.7;       No
     T-11N        37.5W                                             12.5-12.75
                                     Atlantic           14-14.5     11.45-11.7        No            Telesat
Telstar 12V
                  15W                 Brazil            14-14.5      11.7-12.2        No
   T-18           138E                Asia              14-14.5    12.2–12.75         No
    JCSAT-2B      154E            South Pacific         14-14.5                       Yes
                                                                   12.25-12.75                      JSAT
JCSAT-5A1         132E                Japan             14-14.5    12.25-12.75        No
Yamal 300K                     North Pacific Ocean      14-14.5    11.45-11.7;        Yes
                                                                    12.5-12.75                  Gazprom Space
                                                                   10.95-11.2;                     Systems
    Yamal 401      90E               Russia             14-14.5    11.45-11.7;        No
    Asiasat 7    105.5E               China             14-14.5    12.25-12.75        No           AsiaSat
    ARSAT-2                                                                                      Argentina de
                  81W            North America          14-14.5      11.7-12.2        Yes
                                                                                                Satelitales S.A
    Optus D2      152E              Australia           14-14.5    12.25-12.75        No            Optus

    These satellites are only used for communications with the Aerosat antenna system, designated AES1.


   Satellite            Teleport Location                FCC Call Sign
   AMC-1                 Woodbine, MD                       E900448
                                                  To be assigned (File No. SES-
   AMC-4                 Woodbine, MD
   AMC-6                     Perris, CA                     E940448
   AMC-21                  Woodbine, MD                     E900448
  ASTRA 4A            Betzdorf, Luxembourg                    N/A
    SES-1                  Woodbine, MD                     E920698
    SES-3                  Woodbine, MD                     E140059
                            Bristow, VA                     E020071
                            Bristow, VA                     E000696
   SES-6              Betzdorf, Luxembourg                    N/A
   SES-10                    Perris, CA                     E940448
  Galaxy 17            Atlanta, GA ATL-K26                  E990214
  Galaxy 28            Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                 N/A
                      ATL teleport ATL-C06                  E940333
                      ATL teleport ATL-K15                  E090093
    IS-18            Napa teleport NAP-K22                  E990224
                           Perth, Australia                   N/A
    IS-19            Napa teleport NAP-K31                  E980460
                      Napa teleport NAP-C30                 E980467
    IS-20               Fuchsstadt, Germany                   N/A
                       Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                 N/A
                 Mobility: MTN teleport MTN-K02             E030051
     IS-22                 Kumsan, Korea                      N/A
    IS-29e                Hagerstown, MD                    E030103
                        Fuchsstadt, Germany                   N/A
                          Moscow, Russia                      N/A
    IS-904                Moscow, Russia                      N/A
    IS-907                Hagerstown, MD                    E030103
Eutelsat 115WB             Brewster, WA                     E120043
Eutelsat 117WA             Brewster, WA                     E060416
    E172A               Khabarovsk, Russia                    N/A
     T-11N                 Aflenz, Austria                    N/A
    T-12V              Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                 N/A
      T-18               China (City TBD)                     N/A
  JCSAT-2B                  Kapolei, HI                     E010236
  JCSAT-5A               Yokohama, Japan                      N/A
 Yamal 300K         Brewster, WA BRW-05C                    E120043
  Yamal 401               Moscow, Russia                      N/A
   Asiasat 7               Beijing, China                     N/A
   ARSAT-2                 Brewster, WA                     E120043
  Optus D2               Belrose, Australia                   N/A


       ANNEX 3:

Satellite Company Letters





2 June 2017                                                               Postal Address
                                                                                PO Box 888
                                                                                  North Ryde
Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                NSW 1670
International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                                                      Street Address
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                                                        Level A1 N
                                                                                  1 Lyonpark Road,
                                                                                  Macquarie Park
                                                                                NSW, 2113
                                                                          Reply Phone
                                                                                  +612 8082 6883
                                                                          Our Ref.

To whom it may concern

This letter certifies that Singtel Optus Pty Limited (‘Optus") is aware that AC BidCo LLC (°AC BidCo") is
planning to seek authorization from the Federal Communications Commission (°FCC") to operate Ku band
transmitfreceive earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAA") terminals with the OPTUS—D2 satellite at
152.0° E.L. under the current ESAA rules including Section 25.227.

Based upon the information provided by AC BidCo, Optus:

(1)     Certifies that the power density levels that AC BidCo provided to Optus are consistent with the
        existing satellite frequency co—ordination agreements between Optus satellites at 152.0° E.L. and
        adjacent satellites within 6 degrees of orbital separation of the 152.0° E.L. orbit position;

(ii)    Confirms that if the FCC authorises the operations proposed by AC BidCo, Optus will include the
        power density levels associated with such operations in future satellite frequency co—ordination with
        adjacent satellite operators.

Yours sincerely

       % /4 W
Spectrum Planning,
Satellite Planning and Strategy Group
  SingTel Optus Pty Ltd
  ABN 90 052 833 208

                                ANNEX 4:

OptusD2 Coverage Maps, Link Budgets, and Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement


Optus D2 Coverage Maps


                       Optus D2 Link Budget: AeroSat Antenna

            Forward Link Budget                             Return Link Budget
Hub                           Sydney           Terminal                    Ku Remote
Required Eb/No              1.7 dB             Required Eb/No             3.5 dB
Modulation             4-PSK                   Modulation             2-PSK
Info Rate              37,206 Kbps             Info Rate                1250 Kbps
FEC Rate               0.4134                  FEC Rate                    ½
Carrier Rolloff             1.2                Carrier Spacing           1.20
Satellite SFD @ 2        -71.6 dBW/m2          Carrier Spreading         1.20
dB/K                                           Satellite SFD @ 2        -87.5 dBW/m2
Transponder Atten                dB            dB/K
Transponder ID                                 Transponder                     dB
Hub Transmit                                   Atten
Frequency                14.02 GHz             Transponder ID
Satellite G/T                 6 dB/oK          Aircraft Transmit
Antenna Diameter             13 m              Terminal
Carrier EIRP             86.88 dBW             Frequency               14.18 GHz
Ant. Input PFD          -17.43 dBW/4kHz        Satellite G/T               -1 dB/oK
Path Loss              206.76 dB               Antenna Diameter           0.4 m
Atm/Point/Pol Loss        0.12 dB              Carrier EIRP            44.24 dBW
Aircraft Receive                               Ant Input PFD          -12.82 dBW/4kHz
Terminal                                       Path Loss              206.61 dB
Frequency                12.28 GHz             Atm/Point/Pol             0.07 dB
Satellite EIRP               46 dBW            Loss
Downlink PFD@            10.89 dBW/4kHz        Hub Receive
Beam Center                                    Frequency               12.43 GHz
Receive Gain              63.8 dB              Satellite EIRP              51 dBW
Terminal G/T             10.97 dB/oK           Downlink PFD@            -6.45 dBW/4kHz
Path Loss              205.36 dB               Beam Center
Other Losses              0.06 dB              Hub G/T                 41.12 dB/oK
Transponder                                    Path Loss              205.71 dB
Total OPBO                0.60 dB              Other Losses              0.10 dB
Carrier OPBO              0.60 dB              Transponder
C/No Thermal Up        114.10 dB-Hz            Total OPBO                4.62 dB
C/No Thermal Dn          79.46 dB-Hz           Carrier OPBO            31.16 dB
C/Io Total               90.77 dB-Hz           C/No Thermal Up         65.07 dB-Hz
C/No+Io                  79.15 dB-Hz           C/No Thermal Dn         83.26 dB-Hz
Add’l Link Margin         1.74 dB              C/Io Total              74.38 dB-Hz
% BW per cxr               100 %               C/No+Io                 64.53 dB-Hz
% Power per cxr            100 %               Add”l Link                0.06 dB
Xpdr BW Alloc                54 MHz            Margin
                                               % BW per cxr              5.56 %
                                               % Power per cxr           0.22 %
                                               Xpdr BW Alloc                3 MHz


                     Optus D2 Link Budget: ThinKom Antenna
             Forward Link Budget                             Return Link Budget
Hub                             Sydney         Terminal                     2Ku Remote
Required Eb/No                3 dB             Required Eb/No             3.6 dB
Modulation              4-PSK                  Modulation             4-PSK
Info Rate               62,370 Kbps            Info Rate                2500 Kbps
FEC Rate                0.6930                 FEC Rate                    ½
Carrier Rolloff             1.2                Carrier Spacing           1.20
Satellite SFD @ 2         -71.6 dBW/m2         Carrier Spreading            0
dB/K                                           Satellite SFD @ 2        -87.5 dBW/m2
Transponder Atten                 dB           dB/K
Transponder ID                                 Transponder                     dB
Hub Transmit                                   Atten
Frequency                14.02 GHz             Transponder ID
Satellite G/T                 6 dB/oK          Aircraft Transmit
Antenna Diameter             13 m              Terminal
Carrier EIRP             86.88 dBW             Frequency               14.18 GHz
Ant. Input PFD          -17.39 dBW/4kHz        Satellite G/T               -1 dB/oK
Path Loss               206.76 dB              Antenna Diameter           0.6 m
Atm/Point/Pol Loss         0.12 dB             Carrier EIRP            48.30 dBW
Aircraft Receive                               Ant Input PFD          -17.56 dBW/4kHz
Terminal                                       Path Loss              206.61 dB
Frequency                12.28 GHz             Atm/Point/Pol             0.07 dB
Satellite EIRP               45 dBW            Loss
Downlink PFD@            10.89 dBW/4kHz        Hub Receive
Beam Center                                    Frequency               12.43 GHz
Receive Gain                 65 dB             Satellite EIRP              51 dBW
Terminal G/T             14.45 dB/oK           Downlink PFD@            -2.79 dBW/4kHz
Path Loss               205.36 dB              Beam Center
Other Losses               0.06 dB             Hub G/T                 41.12 dB/oK
                                               Path Loss              205.71 dB
Transponder                                    Other Losses              0.10 dB
Total OPBO             0.60   dB               Transponder
Carrier OPBO           0.60   dB               Total OPBO                4.62 dB
C/No Thermal Up      114.10   dB-Hz            Carrier OPBO            27.50 dB
C/No Thermal Dn       81.93   dB-Hz            C/No Thermal Up         68.73 dB-Hz
C/Io Total            90.77   dB-Hz            C/No Thermal Dn         86.92 dB-Hz
C/No+Io               81.40   dB-Hz            C/Io Total              74.38 dB-Hz
Add’l Link Margin      0.45   dB               C/No+Io                 67.63 dB-Hz
% BW per cxr            100   %                Add”l Link                0.05 dB
% Power per cxr         100   %                Margin
Xpdr BW Alloc            54   MHz              % BW per cxr              5.56 %
                                               % Power per cxr           0.52 %
                                               Xpdr BW Alloc                3 MHz




The Optus D2 Spacecraft is an Orbital STK GEOStar-2 model satellite that operates within the Fixed
Satellite Service Ku frequency band (12.25-12.75 GHz downlink and 14.0-14.5 GHz uplink) at the orbital
location of 152° E.L. This has been the operational location of Optus D2 since services commenced in
October 2007.


Optus, and the Optus D2 spacecraft manufacturer, have assessed and limited the amount of debris
released in a planned manner during normal operations of Optus D2. No debris is generated during
foreseeable on-station operations.

During the Optus D2 Spacecraft design, the possibility of the spacecraft itself becoming a source of
debris due to loss of control preventing appropriate deorbit or disposal was considered and mitigated
with redundant components and minimisation of single points of failure. In addition, critical components
located within the structure of the spacecraft are shielded from external debris.


Optus and the Optus D2 spacecraft manufacturer have assessed and limited the probability of accidental
explosions during operations, until and after end of mission life. The Optus D2 Spacecraft has been
designed to minimise the risk of on-board hazardous materials within the Propulsion Subsystem (fuel
and oxidiser) and the Electrical Power Subsystem (e.g. batteries) from causing an event that has the
potential to generate orbital debris. Specifically:

    •   The Propulsion Subsystem was designed, manufactured, and tested to ensure a very low risk of
        fuel and oxidiser leakage; and a very low risk of undesired mixing of fuel and oxidiser to prevent
        conditions that could potentially result in the release of orbital debris.

    •   The Electrical Power Subsystem was designed and has multiple on-board safety systems to
        maintain the on-board batteries within their safe operating range as specified by the manufacturer
        to mitigate the risk of battery overcharge, undercharge, thermal runaway, or instability that could
        potentially result in the release of orbital debris, even in the event of an Electrical Power Subsystem
        component failure.

Throughout the Optus D2 mission, critical subsystems such as the Propulsion Subsystem and Electrical
Power Subsystem are monitored to further reduce the already very remote risk of an event that could
result in the release of orbital debris.

At the end of operational life, after the satellite has reached its final disposal orbit, unless prevented by
technical failures beyond its control, Optus will deplete or secure all on-board sources of stored energy,
by venting excess propellant, discharging batteries, relieving pressure vessels, and other appropriate
measures, to minimize any explosion hazard creating debris.




Optus has assessed and limited the probability of the Optus D2 Spacecraft becoming a source of debris
through collision with large debris or another operating spacecraft. The Optus D2 Spacecraft at 152° E.L.
has 1.5 degrees of separation from the nearest operating spacecraft, and Optus is not aware of any
spacecraft that are planned to be deployed near 152° E.L. such that there would be an overlap with the
stationkeeping volume of Optus D2. Due to the large separation, there is no material risk of collision
with a nearby operating spacecraft. Should Optus D2 co-locate with another spacecraft in the future,
Optus will coordinate this operation on an as needed basis.

Optus has active management processes in place to limit the probability of the spacecraft becoming a
source of debris by collisions with objects that could cause loss of control and prevent post-mission
disposal. This includes maintaining contact with institutions capable of advising of potential ‘close
approaches’ with known orbital debris, and if advised of a ‘close approach’ Optus will execute evasive
orbital manoeuvres as necessary.


At the end of mission life, the Optus D2 Spacecraft will be moved to a disposal orbit approximately
300km higher than the geostationary orbit altitude, in compliance with:

(a) Recommendation ITU-R S.1003.2 12/2010 environmental protection of the geostationary satellite
    orbit. S Series Fixed-satellite services. Geneva, 2011;

(b) IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines, IADC-02-01 Rev 1, Action Item number 22.4,9/2007; and

(c) Space systems - disposal of satellites operating at geosynchronous altitude, ISO 26872. Switzerland,

Optus derived the disposal orbit altitude through the following calculations:
             Effective Area of the Satellite: 52 m2
             Mass of the spacecraft: 1080kg

(Note: Effective Area is the solar radiation pressure coefficient, CR, multiplied by the Area of the

Therefore the Minimum Disposal Orbit Perigee Altitude, as calculated under the IADC formula is:

36,021 km + (1000 x CR x A/m) = 36069 km, or 283 km above the GSO arc (35,786 km)

Optus intends to reserve 7 kg of fuel to account for post-mission disposal of Optus D2. Optus has
assessed fuel gauging uncertainty and has provided an adequate margin of fuel reserve to address the
assessed uncertainty.


                                           ANNEX 5:

                                   AC BidCo Certifications

      AC BidCo LLC (“AC BidCo”), in support of the foregoing application to modify the AC
BidCo ESAA License, hereby certifies as follows:

   1. AC BidCo’s target space station operators have confirmed that AC BidCo’s proposed
       ESAA operations over international waters are within coordinated parameters for
       adjacent satellites up to 6 degrees away on the geostationary arc.
   2. AC BidCo will comply with the requirements contained in paragraphs (a)(6), (a)(9),
       (a)(10), and (a)(11) of Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.227.

                                             By:    /s/ Timothy Joyce
                                                    Timothy Joyce
                                                    VP of RF Engineering, Gogo LLC
                                                    for AC BidCo LLC

July 25, 2017


Document Created: 2017-07-25 18:06:12
Document Modified: 2017-07-25 18:06:12

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