Attachment Space Debris Mitigat

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170721-00787 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              Eutelsat 172B Space           Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 1
      é: eUtel_S_a}          Debris Mitigation Plan                    Date: 31 May 2017
                                                                                             Page 1

 Eutelsat 172B Space Debris Mitigation Plan
 (prepared for the Federal Communications Commission)

 ISSUE/REVISION: Issue 1, Rev. 1
 ISSUE DATE: 31 May 2017

Prepared by:      Position                     Signature                 Date

 D. Zamora          Head of Flight                             —
                    Dynamics                      |   Jns                  31/05s/ 30L 7

Approved by:      Position                     Signature                 Date

 L.R. Pattinson     Director of Satellite
                    Operations                 flp;,/\/—                    OA /06/5014“

                       Eutelsat 172B Space                   Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 1
    éj— CCC
        eutelsa}       Debris Mitigation Plan                            Date: 31 May 2017
                                                                                              Page 2


 Date           Issue/rev|   Pages affected   Description

 11/05/2017     1/0          All              First issue.

                                              Update version number of the AD.1.
 31/05/2017     1/1          4—g              Incorporate editorial changes and add details
                                              about propellant tanks and collocation
                                              strategy with E172A.

     a*~                                Eutelsat 172B Space                                               Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 1
     Q: euEelSat                       Debris Mitigation Plan
                                                                                                                     Date: 31 May 2017
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 3


1.    INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                         4

      2.1.   APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .........000200000000nseveerrrrrerrerrrrrrrrrrrrarirererisrrrarrreerererieserrveverrerrerervrererereseveveserersesereresereaseverererereen 4
      2.2.   REFERENCE DOCUMENTS...............000000mmmmmmmirerenervinerernverrtreervererrerererereeveresevereseveverevavarerrereeraveveveveereerveserevesereeserenereness 4

      EUTELSAT 172B OPERATIONS                                                                                                                                              4

5.    NOTIFICATIONS                                                                                                                                                        7

      s         [              Eutelsat 172B Space           Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 1
    é, eutelsat se Aatetide
                              pebris Mitigation Plan                     Date: 31 May 2017
                                                                                              Page 4

1.    Introduction
This document describes the space debris mitigation plan for Eutelsat 172B ("E172B"), a
French—licensed satellite owned by Eutelsat Asia Pte Ltd (referred to herein, together with its
ultimate parent, Eutelsat Communications S.A., and intermediate entities, as "Eutelsat").

E172B was manufactured and supplied by Airbus Defense and Space based on the Airbus
Eurostar 3000 EOR (Electric Orbit Raising) bus platform. The satellite is 3—axis stabilized
and uses electrical propulsion for initial orbit raising and on—station control.
E172B is scheduled for launch in early June 2017 and the end of its operational life is not
expected to be before 2032.

2.    Related documents

2.1. Applicable Documents
1. EUTELSAT Space Debris Mitigation Plan. Issue 2.0. EUT_CTL_SAT_QMS_PLN_O0O021, 25
April 2017.
2. FCC. Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices. FCC 04—130. June 21, 2004.

2.2. Reference Documents
1. European Code of Conduct for Space Debris Mitigation. Issue 1.0. 28 June 2004.
2. IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. IADC—02—01. Revision 1. September 2007.
3. Space Product Assurance. Safety. ECSS—Q—40A. 19 April 1996.
4 ._NASA Safety Standard. Guidelines and Assessment Procedures for limiting Orbital
    Debris. NSS 1740.14. Aug 1995.
     ITU Environment Protection of the Geostationary Orbit. $.1003. 1993.

     UNCOPUOS. Technical Report on Space Debris. 1999.

3.     Eutelsat 172B operations
The E172B satellite strictly complies with requirements in the French Space Operations Act,
as well as prevailing international best practices and standards, to minimize space debris.
Eutelsat operational procedures and the E172B satellite design limit the amount of debris
released during normal operations and the probability of the space station becoming a
source of debris by collisions with small debris or meteoroids that could cause loss of
control and prevent post—mission disposal.
Eutelsat has assessed the amount of debris released in a planned manner and no intentional
debris will be released during normal operations of the E172B satellite. A safe operational
configuration of the satellite is ensured thanks to the hardware design and operational

     T.            L        Eutelsat 172B Space              Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 1
     Q,     SUte Sat      Debris Mitigation Plan                         Date: 31 May 2017
                                                                                              Page 5

Eutelsat minimizes the probability of the satellite becoming a source of debris by collisions
with large debris or other operational satellites. Eutelsat assessed and determined that, other
than the E172A satellite located at 172.0°E, there are no other satellites located at or
sufficiently near E172B‘s planned orbital location that might result in overlap of satellite
orbit control windows.
The licensee of the E172A satellite, ES 172 LLC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Eutelsat.
For the period when both the E172A and E172B satellites are co—located at the 172.0°E orbit
location, Eutelsat will coordinate their flight profiles internally to maintain adequate
separation distances and ensure there is no possibility of collision.‘
E172B will be controlled within its orbit control window (172.0°E +/—0.1°) by standard
routine periodic orbit correction maneuvers. In case of potential drift outside this window,
correction maneuvers will be implemented to maintain satellite location within the window.
Eutelsat has assessed the probability of accidental explosions during and after completion of
mission operations. Thanks to design safety margins and enough safety barriers, the
probability of occurrence of accidental explosion of the E172B satellite is negligible.
The satellite design, which includes electric propulsion for on—station control, is such that
high levels of thruster activity and orbit perturbation do not occur during normal operations.

4.     Eutelsat 172B End—of—Life Disposal
According to French Space Operations Act, IADC guidelines and best practices and standards,
any geostationary satellite at end—of—life ("EOL") shall be disposed to an orbit that ensures that
the satellite will not re—enter the geostationary orbit ("GEO") protected region (GEO height +/—
200 km) in the long term. The post—mission disposal activities have been planned as

     1. The orbit of the satellite will be raised by 300 km to ensure that the satellite will not
        re—enter the GEO protected region. 1.8 kg of Xenon have been allocated and reserved
        with a confidence level of 99.7% to carry out the post—mission disposal maneuvers.
        During the satellite llfetlme Eutelsat will routinely monitor the propellant remaining
        in the propellant tanks. The FCC will be informed of any significant change to the
        above quantity of propellant.

          The minimum perigee height to avoid re—entering into the GEO protected region can
          be computed using the IADC formula applied to this satellite:

                              Delta_H (km) = 235 + 1000.(A/m)eff = 256 km

          where the final term is the effective area/mass ratio of the satellite. Therefore, the
          planned 300 km above GEO height is sufficient to satisfy the 256 km requirement.

     2. The satellite tracking, telemetry and control operations are planned to avoid
        interference and coordinated with potentially affected satellite networks.

‘ Eutelsat will apply a combined eccentricity and inclination vector separation method to
ensure sufficient separation between the two satellites.

                           Eutelsat 172B Space              Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 1
     é: eUte';_S_a_t.     Debris Mitigation Plan                        Date: 31 May 2017
                                                                                             Page 6

     3. As part of the EOL activities, E172B energy sources will be rendered inactive such
        that debris generation will not result from the conversion or dissipation of energy
        sources onboard the satellite. For E172B, this involves the following:

         — Discharge the batteries during EOL operations and isolate them from the solar
           arrays to prevent further electrical energy storage.

         — Switch off the momentum wheels.

         — Deplete and eventually vent the propellant tanks, which allows depressurizing
           during passivation operations and results in only negligible residuals remaining in
             the tanks. In addition, the tanks are "leak before burst" designed. Therefore, the
             risk of break—up is negligible.

          — All pyrotechnic systems are fired at initial stage of life. Those systems do not
            generate any debris.

5.      Notifications
EUTELSAT undertakes to provide the relevant bodies as required (UNCOPUOS, FCC,
ITU, ANFR, etc.) with all appropriate notifications as required by law or regulations
including but not limited to those concerning initial commencement of service, location,
relocation, inclined orbit operations and EOL operations.

Document Created: 2017-06-08 10:38:09
Document Modified: 2017-06-08 10:38:09

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