
LETTER submitted by Astronics AeroSat Corporation

1.65 Letter


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170319-00302 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                    LMI Advisors
                                                                    2550 M Street, NW
                                                                    Suite 345
                                                                    Washington, D.C. 20037

                                                                    Carlos M. Nalda
                                                                    T +1 571 332 5626

June 14, 2017

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      Astronics AeroSat Corporation – Section 1.65 Submission,
         Updated Modification Application Information
         File No. SES-MFS-20170319-00302, Call Sign E140087

Dear Ms. Dortch:

After consultation with the Commission staff, Astronics AeroSat Corporation (“Astronics AeroSat”),
pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.65, seeks to update certain operational
characteristics submitted in connection with the above-referenced earth station aboard aircraft (“ESAA”)
blanket license modification application.

First, in the modification application, Astronics AeroSat included information suggesting the HR6400
ESAA terminal operations with the Galaxy 16 satellite would be at an off-axis EIRP spectral density
(“ESD”) level that slightly exceeds the routine off-axis ESD mask set forth in Section 25.227(a)(1)(i) of
the Commission’s rules. This information, which is associated with the 4.8 MHz carrier only, is
erroneous. In Attachment 1, Astronics AeroSat provides updated maximum EIRP (Item E48) and EIRP
density per carrier (Item E49) values for the 4.8 MHz carrier to ensure compliance with the ESAA
licensing mask. Astronics AeroSat also provides an updated link budget reflecting compliant Galaxy 16
operations in Attachment 2.

Second, Astronics AeroSat seeks to revise the Schedule B, Items E52/53 (“Frequency Coordination”) for
HR6400 terminal operations with IS-33E at the 60° E orbital location. Specifically, the receive
frequencies for IS-33E at 60° E should be limited to the 10950-11200 MHz band and the 11450-11700
MHz band consistent with the FCC authorization for IS-33E.1

Third, Astronics AeroSat seeks to update the transmit antenna gain (Item E41) and total input power
(Item E38) values for the HR129 ESAA terminal. To operate the HR129 terminal with a maximum EIRP
of 42.5 dBW, Astronics AeroSat is adjusting the HR129 transmit gain value to 31.36 dBi at 14.250 GHz
(Item E41) and reducing the total input power at the antenna flange to 10.21 watts (Item E38) to better
reflect the operating characteristics of the terminal. In Attachment 3, Astronics AeroSat provides an
updated radiation hazard study reflecting these adjusted operational parameters.

    See File No. SAT-LOA-20150327-00016, Call Sign S2939.

Fourth, Astronics AeroSat clarifies certain information relating to the off-axis EIRP spectral density
(“ESD”) plots previously provided for the HR129 and HR6400 ESAA terminals.2 In this application,
Astronics AeroSat seeks a minor increase in the maximum EIRP level of the HR129 terminal from 41.9
dBW to 42.5 dBW. Astronics AeroSat confirms that this marginal EIRP increase will have no material
impact on its ESAA operations, the HR129 terminal will remain well below the Commission’s off-axis
ESD masks and the performance characteristics depicted in the previously provided HR129 off-axis ESD
plots are representative of Astronics AeroSat’s ongoing commercial operations.

Regarding the HR6400 off-axis ESD plots, Astronics AeroSat acknowledges that the plots were
submitted to the Commission prior to the adoption of the revised Section 25.227(a)(1) of the
Commission’s rules, which eliminated the “wings” from the off-axis ESD masks and “flattened” the
masks for the off-axis range from 19.1°-180°. As demonstrated in the attached table (Attachment 4),
which was provided with the original blanket license application, the HR6400 remains below the off-axis
ESD masks for all angular ranges and there will continue to be no exceedance of the relevant off-axis
ESD levels. Accordingly, the existing HR6400 plots are representative of Astronics AeroSat’s ESAA
operations and otherwise consistent with the Commission’s “flattened” off-axis EIRP mask in Section

Finally, Astronics AeroSat hereby withdraws its waiver request to permit ESAA operations with the
AsiaSat-7 satellite in the 12.25-12.75 GHz band. 3 Although originally requested out of an abundance of
caution, no waiver is necessary because Astronics AeroSat will accept authority to operate in this band on
a non-interference and unprotected basis.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this matter.

Respectfully submitted,

Carlos M. Nalda
LMI Advisors

cc (w/ att.):    Paul Blais
                 Cindy Spiers
                 Trang Nguyen

 See File No. SES-LIC-20140902-00688, Call Sign E140087 at Technical Appendix (providing off-axis
ESD plots for the HR6400 terminal) and File No. SES-MFS-20161003-00823, Call Sign E140087 at
Technical Appendix (providing off-axis ESD plots for the HR129 terminal).
    See File No. SES-MFS-20170319-00302, Call Sign E140087, Narrative, Section II.B.

                                       Attachment 1
                                Astronics AeroSat Corporation
                     File No. SES-MFS-20170319-00302, Call Sign E140087

Updated Schedule B Information (HR6400)

Emission Designator (Item E47): 4M80G7D

Max. EIRP (Item E48): 45.0 dBW

Max. EIRP Density Per Carrier (Item E49): 14.99 dBW/4KHz

Updated Schedule B Information (HR129)

Max. Input Power (Item E38): 10.21 W

Transmit Gain (Item E41): 31.36 dBi @ 14.250 GHz

                 Attachment 2
           Astronics AeroSat Corporation
File No. SES-MFS-20170319-00302, Call Sign E140087

           Updated HR6400 Link Budget

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                     HR6400                Antenna Type                                    HR6400
Rx Lat. (North +)                                   26.9 degree        Tx Lat. (North +)                                  26.9 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                   -81.8 degree        Tx Lng. (East +)                                  -81.8 degree
G/T                                                12.13 dB/K          Max EIRP                                         45.10 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                                G-16               Name                                               G-16
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   -99 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                  -99 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                             Brewster              Name                                            Brewster
Tx Lat. (North +)                                  33.663 degree       Rx Lat. (North +)                                 33.663 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  -84.226 degree       Rx Lng. (East +)                                 -84.226 degree
Max EIRP                                           80.096 dBW          G/T                                               33.397 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                          iDirect
Modulation                                          8PSK               Modulation                                         QPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   3              Bits per symbol                                         2
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                        1
Code Rate                                          0.667               Code Rate                                          0.500
Overhead                                           0.940               Overhead Rate                                      0.830
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                        1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.880    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                                0.830    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      56400.000    kb/s       Data Rate                                           3320    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 60000    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                  4000    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       30000    ksps       Symbol Rate                                         4000    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                              30   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                         4000    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                     36   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                                  4800    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         7.4   dB         C/N Threshold                                         3.6   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       14.38    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                      14.34     GHz
Output Backoff                                       3.6    dB         Back-off                                            0.1     dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             37.746    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                              15.0     dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       37224.017    km         Tx Range                                        36879.6     km
FS Loss                                          207.013    dB         FS Loss                                           206.9     dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.09     dB
Weather                                                4               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0     dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                            0     dB
Satellite G/T                                        4.9    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                       4.9     dB/K
Uplink C/No                                         99.0    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                        71.5     dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                    98.5    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                     70.9     dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                 -86.9 dBW/m2       SFD @ terminal                                       -89 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                       2              Small Signal Gain                                    2.5 dB
Output Backoff                                          1 dB           Output Backoff                                      23.8 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                     12.08    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                    12.04     GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       52.3    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                      52.3     dBW
Sat. EIRP                                           51.3    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                          51.3     dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          13    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         13     dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                  12.5    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                           -3.6     dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                            51.3    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                             26.4     dBW
Carrier EIRP                                        50.3    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                       25.4     dBW
Rx Range                                         36879.6    km         Rx Range                                        37224.0     km
FS Loss                                            205.4    dB         FS Loss                                           205.5     dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                  0.1    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0     dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       4.3     dB
Radome, Lr                                             0    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0     dB
DownLink C/No                                       85.5    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                      77.6     dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                  84.6    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                   77.0     dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                   84.4    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                   70.0    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                     0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                       8.7    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                           3.9    dB
Link Margin                                          1.3    dB         Link Margin                                          0.3    dB

                 Attachment 3
           Astronics AeroSat Corporation
File No. SES-MFS-20170319-00302, Call Sign E140087

       Updated HR129 Radiation Hazard Study

                 IV. FCC RF Hazard Compliance Analysis

In connection with a license application by Astronics AeroSat Corp. for operation of a
0.29 Meter Ku-band aircraft remote antenna, the following assessment is provided of
compliance with the FCC limits for maximum permissible exposure (MPE) to RF fields.
Based on the mathematical analyses described herein, the potential RF exposure levels
in the areas of possible interest for antenna operation can be considered in compliance
with the applicable FCC limits for controlled or occupational exposure (access to the
earth station antenna is restricted to trained personnel) and for protection of the general
population. The proposed operation is therefore in compliance with the FCC regulations
and exposure limits.
The sections that follow provide the analysis and conclusions regarding compliance.

1 Operational Data
The relevant data for the subject operation is summarized as follows:

        Transmitting Frequency Band:               14.0 – 14.5 GHz
        Antenna Manufacturer / Model:              Astronics Aerosat / HR 129
        Antenna Type:                              Horn with Lens
        Antenna Dimension:                         0.29 meters (diameter) (11.4 inches)
        Antenna Efficiency:                        73.3 %
        Net Power Input to Antenna (at             10.21 Watts
        Antenna Height AGL:                        7.5 meters (24.6 feet)

2 Applicable MPE Limits
The MPE limits are described in the FCC Rules and Regulations. For the frequency
range of interest here, the applicable limit for acceptable, continuous exposure of the
general population is 1.0 milliwatt per square centimeter (mW/cm2), and for “controlled”
occupational exposure, it is 5.0 mW/cm2. As is the case for all antennas in the Astronics
AeroSat aircraft network, access to the antenna is restricted to trained personnel, and
thus the latter limit is generally applicable. However, it is possible that untrained
members of the general population could be within certain distances from the aircraft.
Therefore, the MPE limit for the general population has also been examined.

3 FCC Formulas and Calculations
FCC Bulletin OET 65 provides standardized formulas for calculating the power density in
the areas of interest here. Using the formulas from Bulletin OET 65, we report the
exposure levels (1) directly in front of the antenna, (2) in the main beam at the transition
from near to far field, and (3) farther away but still in the main beam where the MPE limit
is met for both controlled and general population exposure; and (4) to the side of the
antenna. Each area of interest will be addressed below and the results of the
calculations are given.

3.1 Potential exposure level directly in front of the antenna
The worst-case possible exposure occurs right at the surface (aperture) of the antenna.
According to Bulletin OET 65, the applicable formula for power density, S, at the antenna
surface is as follows:
       S = 4* P/ A
Where:P represents the antenna input power; and,
      A is the surface area of the antenna.
In this case, with 10.21 Watts antenna of input power at the flange, an antenna
diameter of 0.29 m (11.4 inches), the power density at the antenna surface is 62.01
mW/cm2, which exceeds the 5.0 mW/cm2 MPE limit for controlled access. However,
there is no way to approach this close to the antenna when the aircraft is in flight.
Furthermore, the antenna will be switched off completely (i.e. unpowered) when a
technician needs to perform work in this area (which is more than 24 feet above
ground level). Standard RF safety procedures will be applied and the power to the
antenna will be removed during the period of the work.
The formula for near-field, on-axis power density, directly in front of the antenna is
as follows:
       S = 16 *  * P / (pi * D²)
Where: P represents the antenna input power
       represents the antenna illumination efficiency; and,
      D is the antenna diameter.
In this case, when we apply an illumination efficiency of 73.3 %, the result of the
calculation is 45.26 mW/cm2, which exceeds the occupational MPE limit. This is
the exposure level directly in front of the antenna at a distance of 1 m. For the
reasons stated above, there is no way for a technician or the general public to
approach this close to the antenna while it is transmitting.
We can calculate the distance at which the antenna emissions would meet the MPE
limits for controlled access and for the general population using the following
       RMPE = ((G * P) / (4 * pi * MPE))1/2
Where: G represents the Gain of the antenna;
        P represents the antenna input power: and,
        MPE represents the maximum permissible exposure limit.
The results of the analysis show that the MPE for controlled access are met at
10.522 m (34.522 feet) directly in front of the antenna. The MPE for the general
population is met at 4.706 m (15.439 feet) directly in front of the antenna.
The results of this calculation are also used in the analysis of potential exposure to the
immediate side of the antenna, which is addressed in the subsection that follows.

3.2 Potential exposure level to the side of the antenna
The near-field power density drops off dramatically outside the imaginary cylinder
extending from the surface along the axis of the main beam of an aperture antenna.
According to Bulletin OET 65, if the point of interest is at least one antenna diameter
removed from the center of the main beam, the power density at that point would be at
least a factor of 100 lower (20 dB) than the value calculated for the equivalent distance
in the main beam.
In this particular case, the antenna is mounted 7.5 m (29 feet) above the ground.
Therefore, the closest that ground personnel and passengers could approach an
operational antenna would be at the very least 26 antenna diameters below the main
The previous calculation of the power density immediately in the near field in front of
the antenna) resulted in a value of 45.26 mW/cm2. Using the analysis provided in
Bulletin OET 65, standing more than 26 antenna diameters off axis would decrease
the exposure level by at least 34 dB to where the power density on the ground below
the tail mounted antenna was less than 1.8 % of the MPE for the general population.
It is highly unlikely that the general population would ever be permitted to approach
the tail of an operational aircraft that closely. Even so, the exposure level at that
distance complies with the MPE requirements. At any greater distance (such as
boarding the aircraft), the exposure level would be lower still.

4 Compliance Conclusion
Astronics AeroSat will observe standard safety precautions with respect to operations
and maintenance of the HR129 antenna, including powering the antenna off in advance
of maintenance activities. In addition, given the location of the antenna on the top of the
T-tail of business jets, there is no possibility that members of the general public will be
located in regions where MPE values may be exceeded.
Based on the result of the analysis with regard to the potential exposure levels in all
respects – directly in front of the antenna, to the side of the antenna, and at ground level
– and taking into account the access restrictions for both trained and un-trained persons
and standard safety procedures, we conclude that the operation of the Astronics
AeroSat 0.29 meter Ku-band antenna as a tail-mounted aircraft antenna satisfies the
MPE compliance requirements in the FCC regulations.

Report prepared by

Frank Blanda
Astronics AeroSat Corporation

                 Attachment 4
           Astronics AeroSat Corporation
File No. SES-MFS-20170319-00302, Call Sign E140087

    HR6400 Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density Tables

II. Antenna Gain and Off-Axis EIRP Compliance Table

          Antenna Gain                                                  FCC Masks                            EIRP (dBW/4 kHz)

          0 Skew    0 Skew               0 Skew    0 Skew    0 Skew                                0 Skew    0 Skew               0 Skew     0 Skew
Off-      14        14.25      0 Skew    14        14.25     14.5                       0 Skew    14.25      14.5       0 Skew   14.25      14.5
Axis      GHz       GHz       14.5       GHz       GHz       GHz       W/n 3°    All    14 GHz    GHz        GHz       14 GHz    GHz        GHz        Complies
Angle     E Co-     E Co-     GHz        H Co-     H Co-     H Co-     of GSO   Other    E Co-    E Co-      E Co-     H Co-     H Co-      H Co-        with
Deg.      Pol       Pol       E Co-Pol   Pol       Pol       Pol         Arc    Dir.    Pol       Pol        Pol       Pol       Pol        Pol         Mask
   -180 -42.661     -47.209    -53.358    50.243     -50.8   -42.747      -14     -14   -58.961   -63.509    -69.658   -66.543      -67.1    -59.047      Y
   -175 -45.568     -50.858    -57.023    47.166   -46.964   -55.013      -14     -14   -61.868   -67.158    -73.323   -63.466   -63.264     -71.313      Y
   -170 -46.24      -58.938    -45.125    -48.29   -58.017   -49.923      -14     -14    -62.54   -75.238    -61.425    -64.59   -74.317     -66.223      Y
   -165 -39.661     -42.045    -41.089    47.161   -56.179   -55.357      -14     -14   -55.961   -58.345    -57.389   -63.461   -72.479     -71.657      Y
   -160    -38.03    -36.98     -52.32    48.758   -50.494   -51.809      -14     -14    -54.33     -53.28    -68.62   -65.058   -66.794     -68.109      Y
   -155    -47.53   -36.647    -32.507    53.351   -62.886   -47.404      -14     -14    -63.83   -52.947    -48.807   -69.651   -79.186     -63.704      Y
   -150 -25.682       -28.2    -24.583    38.388   -34.122   -39.215      -14     -14   -41.982      -44.5   -40.883   -54.688   -50.422     -55.515      Y
   -145 -30.533     -40.289     -29.87    54.162   -49.338   -47.518      -14     -14   -46.833   -56.589     -46.17   -70.462   -65.638     -63.818      Y
   -140    -35.38   -32.605    -33.479    41.042   -51.609   -42.071      -14     -14    -51.68   -48.905    -49.779   -57.342   -67.909     -58.371      Y
   -135 -31.017     -49.121    -28.723    37.847   -48.332   -44.816      -14     -14   -47.317   -65.421    -45.023   -54.147   -64.632     -61.116      Y
   -130 -33.696     -34.446    -29.383    39.358   -38.502    -37.52      -14     -14   -49.996   -50.746    -45.683   -55.658   -54.802      -53.82      Y
   -125 -37.657     -35.257    -50.898    44.807   -50.497   -44.891      -14     -14   -53.957   -51.557    -67.198   -61.107   -66.797     -61.191      Y
   -120 -37.507     -36.304    -28.432    -42.77   -45.736   -42.494      -14     -14   -53.807   -52.604    -44.732    -59.07   -62.036     -58.794      Y
   -115    -25.74   -36.735    -26.541    44.249   -45.032   -39.296      -14     -14    -42.04   -53.035    -42.841   -60.549   -61.332     -55.596      Y


-110 -30.925    -41.712   -24.863   38.698   -57.419   -38.072     -14      -14   -47.225   -58.012   -41.163   -54.998   -73.719   -54.372   Y
-105 -32.628    -39.169   -21.265   41.353   -43.773   -34.848     -14      -14   -48.928   -55.469   -37.565   -57.653   -60.073   -51.148   Y
-100 -32.525    -27.253   -24.022   39.734   -37.337   -35.053     -14      -14   -48.825   -43.553   -40.322   -56.034   -53.637   -51.353   Y
 -95 -38.897    -30.992   -25.447   43.612   -37.677   -31.562     -14      -14   -55.197   -47.292   -41.747   -59.912   -53.977   -47.862   Y
 -90 -24.128    -33.739   -27.041   59.189   -32.492   -35.058     -14      -14   -40.428   -50.039   -43.341   -75.489   -48.792   -51.358   Y
 -85 -17.284     -24.37   -22.448   -32.27   -34.557   -38.999     -24      -24   -33.584    -40.67   -38.748    -48.57   -50.857   -55.299   Y
 -80 -18.759    -22.404   -13.462   25.315   -37.209   -24.408     -24      -24   -35.059   -38.704   -29.762   -41.615   -53.509   -40.708   Y
 -75   -20.65   -23.865   -18.128   25.988   -34.113   -32.089     -24      -24    -36.95   -40.165   -34.428   -42.288   -50.413   -48.389   Y
 -70 -21.758    -22.004   -11.797   21.121   -29.572   -19.104     -24      -24   -38.058   -38.304   -28.097   -37.421   -45.872   -35.404   Y
 -65 -22.774    -16.349   -14.211   20.291   -20.768   -12.956     -24      -24   -39.074   -32.649   -30.511   -36.591   -37.068   -29.256   Y
 -60 -28.289    -12.291   -14.454   17.819   -20.411   -14.523     -24      -24   -44.589   -28.591   -30.754   -34.119   -36.711   -30.823   Y
 -55 -13.875     -17.63   -14.631   12.979   -15.184   -26.543     -24      -24   -30.175    -33.93   -30.931   -29.279   -31.484   -42.843   Y
 -50 -23.161    -12.877    -9.723   15.575   -15.034   -28.566     -24      -24   -39.461   -29.177   -26.023   -31.875   -31.334   -44.866   Y
                                         -                                    -
 -45 -17.547    -13.715   -19.638   24.689    -14.49   -15.301   -23.33   23.33   -33.847   -30.015   -35.938   -40.989    -30.79   -31.601   Y
                                         -                                    -
 -40 -15.119    -16.653    -9.355   13.729   -17.936   -27.144   -22.05   22.05   -31.419   -32.953   -25.655   -30.029   -34.236   -43.444   Y
 -35 -10.067    -21.797   -13.662   -14.74    -16.22   -11.557   -20.60   20.60   -26.367   -38.097   -29.962    -31.04    -32.52   -27.857   Y
                                         -                                    -
 -30   -9.737   -28.839   -13.818   15.084   -20.895   -13.585   -18.93   18.93   -26.037   -45.139   -30.118   -31.384   -37.195   -29.885   Y
                                         -                                    -
 -25 -18.341    -15.299   -13.728   15.847   -24.156    -8.467   -16.95   16.95   -34.641   -31.599   -30.028   -32.147   -40.456   -24.767   Y

-20   -8.745   -13.149   -7.637   -8.609   -8.213   -7.147    -14.53   14.53   -25.045   -29.449   -23.937   -24.909   -24.513   -23.447   Y
 -15 -11.091 -6.608      -1.185   -1.648     0.12   -0.654    -11.40   11.40   -27.391   -22.908   -17.485   -17.948    -16.18   -16.954   Y
 -10   0.361 -0.901      -2.328   -2.256   -0.881   -2.964     -7.00   -7.00   -15.939   -17.201   -18.628   -18.556   -17.181   -19.264   Y
-9.9   1.266  0.168      -1.469   -1.512   -0.621   -2.117     -6.89   -6.89   -15.034   -16.132   -17.769   -17.812   -16.921   -18.417   Y
-9.8   1.944  1.051      -0.774    -0.75   -0.282   -1.238     -6.78   -6.78   -14.356   -15.249   -17.074    -17.05   -16.582   -17.538   Y
-9.7   2.423  1.765      -0.235   -0.051    0.085   -0.411     -6.67   -6.67   -13.877   -14.535   -16.535   -16.351   -16.215   -16.711   Y
-9.6    2.72  2.321       0.151    0.537    0.431    0.316     -6.56   -6.56    -13.58   -13.979   -16.149   -15.763   -15.869   -15.984   Y
-9.5   2.842  2.728       0.387    0.991    0.719    0.919     -6.44   -6.44   -13.458   -13.572   -15.913   -15.309   -15.581   -15.381   Y
-9.4    2.79  2.989       0.468    1.297    0.917    1.385     -6.33   -6.33    -13.51   -13.311   -15.832   -15.003   -15.383   -14.915   Y
-9.3   2.557  3.104       0.386    1.448    1.004    1.706     -6.21   -6.21   -13.743   -13.196   -15.914   -14.852   -15.296   -14.594   Y
-9.2   2.129  3.068       0.131    1.435     0.96    1.876        -6   -6.09   -14.171   -13.232   -16.169   -14.865    -15.34   -14.424   Y
-9.1    1.48  2.874      -0.317     1.25    0.767    1.888        -6   -5.98    -14.82   -13.426   -16.617    -15.05   -15.533   -14.412   Y
  -9   0.568  2.509      -0.984    0.881    0.407    1.734        -6   -5.86   -15.732   -13.791   -17.284   -15.419   -15.893   -14.566   Y
-8.9 -0.678    1.95      -1.906    0.315   -0.142       1.4       -6   -5.73   -16.978    -14.35   -18.206   -15.985   -16.442     -14.9   Y
-8.8   -2.38  1.167      -3.126   -0.463   -0.903    0.865        -6   -5.61    -18.68   -15.133   -19.426   -16.763   -17.203   -15.435   Y
-8.7   -4.78  0.111      -4.685   -1.459   -1.902    0.104        -6   -5.49    -21.08   -16.189   -20.985   -17.759   -18.202   -16.196   Y
-8.6 -8.459  -1.291       -6.53   -2.646    -3.15   -0.921        -6   -5.36   -24.759   -17.591    -22.83   -18.946    -19.45   -17.221   Y
-8.5 -15.562 -3.153       -8.21   -3.894   -4.594   -2.252        -6   -5.24   -31.862   -19.453    -24.51   -20.194   -20.894   -18.552   Y
-8.4 -25.705 -5.636      -8.502   -4.847   -5.978    -3.92        -6   -5.11   -42.005   -21.936   -24.802   -21.147   -22.278    -20.22   Y
-8.3 -11.27  -8.784      -6.901   -4.964   -6.661    -5.84        -6   -4.98    -27.57   -25.084   -23.201   -21.264   -22.961    -22.14   Y
-8.2 -6.144 -11.062      -4.612   -4.062   -6.044   -7.468        -6   -4.85   -22.444   -27.362   -20.912   -20.362   -22.344   -23.768   Y
-8.1 -3.023  -9.151      -2.475   -2.583   -4.472    -7.58        -6   -4.71   -19.323   -25.451   -18.775   -18.883   -20.772    -23.88   Y
  -8 -0.839   -5.77      -0.674   -1.017   -2.674   -5.956        -6   -4.58   -17.139    -22.07   -16.974   -17.317   -18.974   -22.256   Y
-7.9   0.778 -2.992       0.803    0.404   -1.026   -3.813        -6   -4.44   -15.522   -19.292   -15.497   -15.896   -17.326   -20.113   Y
-7.8   1.999 -0.869       2.001     1.61    0.372   -1.865        -6   -4.30   -14.301   -17.169   -14.299    -14.69   -15.928   -18.165   Y
-7.7   2.916  0.764        2.96    2.594    1.517    -0.26        -6   -4.16   -13.384   -15.536    -13.34   -13.706   -14.783    -16.56   Y
-7.6   3.583  2.026        3.71    3.366    2.427     1.02        -6   -4.02   -12.717   -14.274    -12.59   -12.934   -13.873    -15.28   Y
-7.5    4.03  2.993        4.27    3.938    3.121    2.015        -6   -3.88    -12.27   -13.307    -12.03   -12.362   -13.179   -14.285   Y

-7.4    4.272   3.712    4.654    4.316     3.614     2.759      -6   -3.73   -12.028   -12.588   -11.646   -11.984   -12.686   -13.541   Y
-7.3    4.316   4.212    4.868    4.505     3.915     3.274      -6   -3.58   -11.984   -12.088   -11.432   -11.795   -12.385   -13.026   Y
-7.2    4.159   4.511    4.915       4.5    4.025     3.574      -6   -3.43   -12.141   -11.789   -11.385     -11.8   -12.275   -12.726   Y
-7.1    3.788   4.615    4.792    4.292     3.939     3.663      -6   -3.28   -12.512   -11.685   -11.508   -12.008   -12.361   -12.637   Y
  -7    3.176   4.523    4.493    3.858     3.643     3.534   -6.13   -3.13   -13.124   -11.777   -11.807   -12.442   -12.657   -12.766   Y
-6.9    2.283   4.223    4.006    3.167     3.115     3.172   -5.97   -2.97   -14.017   -12.077   -12.294   -13.133   -13.185   -13.128   Y
-6.8    1.041   3.693     3.32    2.163     2.316     2.545   -5.81   -2.81   -15.259   -12.607    -12.98   -14.137   -13.984   -13.755   Y
-6.7   -0.659   2.897    2.424    0.761     1.184     1.601   -5.65   -2.65   -16.959   -13.403   -13.876   -15.539   -15.116   -14.699   Y
-6.6   -2.978   1.773    1.331   -1.177    -0.377     0.251   -5.49   -2.49   -19.278   -14.527   -14.969   -17.477   -16.677   -16.049   Y
-6.5   -6.018   0.215    0.119    -3.83    -2.513    -1.661   -5.32   -2.32   -22.318   -16.085   -16.181    -20.13   -18.813   -17.961   Y
-6.4   -8.582  -1.966   -0.967   -7.015    -5.357    -4.415   -5.15   -2.15   -24.882   -18.266   -17.267   -23.315   -21.657   -20.715   Y
-6.3   -6.993  -5.125   -1.451   -7.859    -8.205    -8.371   -4.98   -1.98   -23.293   -21.425   -17.751   -24.159   -24.505   -24.671   Y
-6.2   -3.456  -9.686   -0.949   -4.644    -7.589   -11.276   -4.81   -1.81   -19.756   -25.986   -17.249   -20.944   -23.889   -27.576   Y
-6.1   -0.486 -11.531     0.33   -1.218    -4.183    -7.461   -4.63   -1.63   -16.786   -27.831    -15.97   -17.518   -20.483   -23.761   Y
  -6    1.798 -6.647     1.873    1.457    -1.087    -3.225   -4.45   -1.45   -14.502   -22.947   -14.427   -14.843   -17.387   -19.525   Y
-5.9    3.568 -2.591     3.353     3.52      1.31    -0.169   -4.27   -1.27   -12.732   -18.891   -12.947    -12.78    -14.99   -16.469   Y
-5.8    4.954   0.254    4.646    5.135     3.161     2.083   -4.09   -1.09   -11.346   -16.046   -11.654   -11.165   -13.139   -14.217   Y
-5.7    6.036   2.342    5.723    6.408     4.601     3.796   -3.90   -0.90   -10.264   -13.958   -10.577    -9.892   -11.699   -12.504   Y
-5.6    6.867   3.923    6.587    7.407      5.72     5.115   -3.70   -0.70    -9.433   -12.377    -9.713    -8.893    -10.58   -11.185   Y
-5.5    7.477   5.132    7.247    8.172     6.572     6.124   -3.51   -0.51    -8.823   -11.168    -9.053    -8.128    -9.728   -10.176   Y
-5.4    7.887   6.045    7.712     8.73      7.19     6.874   -3.31   -0.31    -8.413   -10.255    -8.588     -7.57     -9.11    -9.426   Y
-5.3    8.104    6.71    7.983    9.097     7.595     7.392   -3.11   -0.11    -8.196     -9.59    -8.317    -7.203    -8.705    -8.908   Y
-5.2    8.128   7.151    8.059     9.28     7.794     7.694   -2.90    0.10    -8.172    -9.149    -8.241     -7.02    -8.506    -8.606   Y
-5.1     7.95   7.381    7.928    9.277     7.787     7.782   -2.69    0.31     -8.35    -8.919    -8.372    -7.023    -8.513    -8.518   Y
  -5     7.55   7.404    7.569    9.081     7.562     7.649   -2.47    0.53     -8.75    -8.896    -8.731    -7.219    -8.738    -8.651   Y
-4.9    6.893   7.211    6.948    8.677     7.099     7.274   -2.25    0.75    -9.407    -9.089    -9.352    -7.623    -9.201    -9.026   Y
-4.8     5.92   6.782    6.009     8.04     6.361     6.619   -2.03    0.97    -10.38    -9.518   -10.291     -8.26    -9.939    -9.681   Y
-4.7     4.53    6.08    4.661    7.133     5.293      5.62   -1.80    1.20    -11.77    -10.22   -11.639    -9.167   -11.007    -10.68   Y
-4.6    2.527   5.044    2.762    5.909     3.816      4.16   -1.57    1.43   -13.773   -11.256   -13.538   -10.391   -12.484    -12.14   Y
-4.5   -0.512   3.565    0.138    4.323     1.852     2.023   -1.33    1.67   -16.812   -12.735   -16.162   -11.977   -14.448   -14.277   Y

-4.4 -5.804   1.442    -2.88    2.428   -0.472   -1.251   -1.09   1.91   -22.104   -14.858    -19.18   -13.872   -16.772   -17.551    Y
-4.3 -15.269 -1.746   -3.054    0.736   -1.909   -6.541   -0.84   2.16   -31.569   -18.046   -19.354   -15.564   -18.209   -22.841    Y
-4.2 -5.418  -6.875    0.455    0.618   -0.455   -8.325   -0.58   2.42   -21.718   -23.175   -15.845   -15.682   -16.755   -24.625    Y
-4.1   0.417 -10.19    3.922    2.461    2.466   -1.937   -0.32   2.68   -15.883    -26.49   -12.378   -13.839   -13.834   -18.237    Y
  -4    3.97 -3.904    6.649    4.883    5.176    2.501   -0.05   2.95    -12.33   -20.204    -9.651   -11.417   -11.124   -13.799    Y
-3.9   6.477  0.684    8.795    7.083    7.398    5.553    0.22   3.22    -9.823   -15.616    -7.505    -9.217    -8.902   -10.747    Y
-3.8    8.37  3.756   10.515    8.921    9.195    7.816    0.51   3.51     -7.93   -12.544    -5.785    -7.379    -7.105    -8.484    Y
-3.7   9.843  5.978   11.911   10.426   10.654    9.569    0.79   3.79    -6.457   -10.322    -4.389    -5.874    -5.646    -6.731    Y
-3.6 11.001   7.652   13.048   11.649   11.837   10.954    1.09   4.09    -5.299    -8.648    -3.252    -4.651    -4.463    -5.346    Y
-3.5 11.902    8.93   13.968    12.63   12.788   12.051    1.40   4.40    -4.398     -7.37    -2.332     -3.67    -3.512    -4.249    Y
-3.4 12.582   9.894   14.695   13.399   13.534    12.91    1.71   4.71    -3.718    -6.406    -1.605    -2.901    -2.766     -3.39    Y
-3.3 13.059 10.588    15.248   13.973   14.093   13.557    2.04   5.04    -3.241    -5.712    -1.052    -2.327    -2.207    -2.743    Y
-3.2 13.342 11.037    15.634   14.363   14.474   14.009    2.37   5.37    -2.958    -5.263    -0.666    -1.937    -1.826    -2.291    Y
-3.1 13.429 11.247    15.855   14.572   14.679   14.272    2.72   5.72    -2.871    -5.053    -0.445    -1.728    -1.621    -2.028    Y
  -3 13.308 11.208    15.907   14.593   14.702   14.342    3.07   6.07    -2.992    -5.092    -0.393    -1.707    -1.598    -1.958    Y
-2.9 12.956 10.893    15.779   14.414    14.53   14.206    3.44           -3.344    -5.407    -0.521    -1.886     -1.77    -2.094    Y
-2.8   12.33 10.249    15.45   14.009   14.137    13.84    3.82            -3.97    -6.051     -0.85    -2.291    -2.163     -2.46    Y
-2.7 11.357   9.177   14.885   13.335   13.482     13.2    4.22           -4.943    -7.123    -1.415    -2.965    -2.818       -3.1   Y
-2.6   9.909  7.483   14.029   12.324   12.498    12.21    4.63           -6.391    -8.817    -2.271    -3.976    -3.802     -4.09    Y
-2.5   7.738  4.731   12.785   10.859   11.071   10.733    5.05           -8.562   -11.569    -3.515    -5.441    -5.229    -5.567    Y
-2.4   4.318 -0.422   10.977    8.737    8.998    8.492    5.49          -11.982   -16.722    -5.323    -7.563    -7.302    -7.808    Y
-2.3 -1.101 -13.631    8.229    5.642    5.928    4.794    5.96          -17.401   -29.931    -8.071   -10.658   -10.372   -11.506    Y
-2.2 -0.289   0.441    3.566    2.005    1.881   -3.018    6.44          -16.589   -15.859   -12.734   -14.295   -14.419   -19.318    Y
-2.1   6.023  6.888   -4.352    3.288    2.337   -3.867    6.94          -10.277    -9.412   -20.652   -13.012   -13.963   -20.167    Y
  -2 10.334 10.857     2.907    7.938    7.281    5.661    7.47           -5.966    -5.443   -13.393    -8.362    -9.019   -10.639    Y
-1.9 13.446 13.763     9.049   11.686   11.253   10.505    8.03           -2.854    -2.537    -7.251    -4.614    -5.047    -5.795    Y
-1.8 15.869 16.063    12.908    14.55   14.237   13.787    8.62           -0.431    -0.237    -3.392     -1.75    -2.063    -2.513    Y
-1.7 17.846 17.966    15.711   16.829   16.589   16.279    9.24            1.546     1.666    -0.589     0.529     0.289    -0.021    Y
-1.6 19.509 19.581    17.907   18.708   18.515   18.286    9.90            3.209     3.281     1.607     2.408     2.215     1.986    Y
-1.5 20.933 20.976    19.703   20.293   20.135   19.958   10.60            4.633     4.676     3.403     3.993     3.835     3.658    Y

-1.4    22.17   22.194   21.213   21.654   21.521   21.381             5.87    5.894    4.913    5.354    5.221    5.081   Y
-1.3   23.252   23.265   22.502   22.833   22.721   22.609            6.952    6.965    6.202    6.533    6.421    6.309   Y
-1.2   24.203    24.21   23.616   23.862   23.767   23.677            7.903     7.91    7.316    7.562    7.467    7.377   Y
-1.1    25.04   25.043   24.582   24.764   24.682    24.61             8.74    8.743    8.282    8.464    8.382     8.31   Y
  -1   25.776   25.778   25.422   25.553   25.484   25.426            9.476    9.478    9.122    9.253    9.184    9.126   Y
-0.9   26.422   26.424   26.152   26.242   26.184   26.138           10.122   10.124    9.852    9.942    9.884    9.838   Y
-0.8   26.984   26.987   26.784   26.842   26.792   26.757           10.684   10.687   10.484   10.542   10.492   10.457   Y
-0.7   27.469   27.473   27.325   27.358   27.317    27.29           11.169   11.173   11.025   11.058   11.017    10.99   Y
-0.6   27.882   27.887   27.782   27.797   27.764   27.744           11.582   11.587   11.482   11.497   11.464   11.444   Y
-0.5   28.226   28.231   28.162   28.163   28.137   28.123           11.926   11.931   11.862   11.863   11.837   11.823   Y
-0.4   28.505    28.51   28.468    28.46    28.44   28.431           12.205    12.21   12.168    12.16    12.14   12.131   Y
-0.3    28.72   28.725   28.703   28.691   28.676   28.671            12.42   12.425   12.403   12.391   12.376   12.371   Y
-0.2   28.874   28.878   28.869   28.857   28.847   28.845           12.574   12.578   12.569   12.557   12.547   12.545   Y
-0.1   28.967   28.969   28.967   28.959   28.955   28.954           12.667   12.669   12.667   12.659   12.655   12.654   Y
   0       29       29       29       29       29       29             12.7     12.7     12.7     12.7     12.7     12.7   Y
 0.1   28.974    28.97   28.966   28.978   28.982   28.982           12.674    12.67   12.666   12.678   12.682   12.682   Y
 0.2   28.888    28.88   28.865   28.894   28.903   28.902           12.588    12.58   12.565   12.594   12.603   12.602   Y
 0.3   28.742   28.728   28.697   28.747    28.76   28.757           12.442   12.428   12.397   12.447    12.46   12.457   Y
 0.4   28.534   28.514   28.459   28.536   28.553   28.547           12.234   12.214   12.159   12.236   12.253   12.247   Y
 0.5   28.262   28.235    28.15    28.26    28.28    28.27           11.962   11.935    11.85    11.96    11.98    11.97   Y
 0.6   27.926   27.891   27.766   27.915    27.94   27.923           11.626   11.591   11.466   11.615    11.64   11.623   Y
 0.7   27.521   27.477   27.303   27.498   27.527   27.504           11.221   11.177   11.003   11.198   11.227   11.204   Y
 0.8   27.043   26.991   26.756   27.006    27.04   27.008           10.743   10.691   10.456   10.706    10.74   10.708   Y
 0.9    26.49   26.427   26.116   26.434   26.473   26.429            10.19   10.127    9.816   10.134   10.173   10.129   Y
   1   25.853    25.78   25.376   25.773   25.819   25.761            9.553     9.48    9.076    9.473    9.519    9.461   Y
 1.1   25.126   25.043   24.522   25.017   25.069   24.994            8.826    8.743    8.222    8.717    8.769    8.694   Y
 1.2     24.3   24.207   23.538   24.153   24.215   24.118                8    7.907    7.238    7.853    7.915    7.818   Y
 1.3   23.361   23.258   22.403   23.167    23.24   23.117            7.061    6.958    6.103    6.867     6.94    6.817   Y
 1.4   22.294   22.182   21.083    22.04   22.127   21.969            5.994    5.882    4.783     5.74    5.827    5.669   Y
 1.5   21.077   20.956   19.533   20.745    20.85   20.645   10.60    4.777    4.656    3.233    4.445     4.55    4.345   Y

1.6   19.679 19.551     17.68   19.242   19.372   19.102     9.90            3.379     3.251      1.38     2.942      3.072     2.802    Y
1.7   18.057 17.922    15.402   17.475   17.638   17.275     9.24            1.757     1.622    -0.898     1.175      1.338     0.975    Y
1.8   16.149 16.001    12.474   15.352   15.565   15.053     8.62           -0.151    -0.299    -3.826    -0.948     -0.735    -1.247    Y
1.9   13.862 13.676     8.418   12.726   13.012   12.232     8.03           -2.438    -2.624    -7.882    -3.574     -3.288    -4.068    Y
  2   11.063 10.738     2.253    9.348    9.737    8.377     7.47           -5.237    -5.562   -14.047    -6.952     -6.563    -7.923    Y
2.1    7.664   6.748   -0.413    4.963    5.408    2.281     6.94           -8.636    -9.552   -16.713   -11.337    -10.892   -14.019    Y
2.2    4.373   0.603     5.55    1.638    1.248    -5.91     6.44          -11.927   -15.697    -10.75   -14.662    -15.052    -22.21    Y
2.3    4.201   -5.36    9.374    4.253    3.205    2.173     5.96          -12.099    -21.66    -6.926   -12.047    -13.095   -14.127    Y
2.4    6.703   1.325    11.79     7.67    6.869    6.953     5.49           -9.597   -14.975     -4.51     -8.63     -9.431    -9.347    Y
2.5    9.078   5.571   13.422   10.073    9.451       9.7    5.05           -7.222   -10.729    -2.878    -6.227     -6.849       -6.6   Y
2.6    10.84   8.058   14.555   11.725   11.207    11.47     4.63            -5.46    -8.242    -1.745    -4.575     -5.093     -4.83    Y
2.7   12.097   9.632   15.331   12.865   12.411   12.654     4.22           -4.203    -6.668    -0.969    -3.435     -3.889    -3.646    Y
2.8   12.969 10.639    15.832   13.632   13.219   13.436     3.82           -3.331    -5.661    -0.468    -2.668     -3.081    -2.864    Y
2.9   13.541 11.242    16.106    14.11   13.724   13.913     3.44           -2.759    -5.058    -0.194     -2.19     -2.576    -2.387    Y
  3   13.864 11.531    16.183   14.346   13.979   14.139     3.07   6.07    -2.436    -4.769    -0.117    -1.954     -2.321    -2.161    Y
3.1   13.973 11.551     16.08   14.371   14.017   14.148     2.72   5.72    -2.327    -4.749     -0.22    -1.929     -2.283    -2.152    Y
3.2   13.886 11.329    15.805     14.2   13.856   13.957     2.37   5.37    -2.414    -4.971    -0.495       -2.1    -2.444    -2.343    Y
3.3   13.615 10.871     15.36   13.841   13.503   13.571     2.04   5.04    -2.685    -5.429     -0.94    -2.459     -2.797    -2.729    Y
3.4   13.159 10.169    14.739   13.291   12.958   12.989     1.71   4.71    -3.141    -6.131    -1.561    -3.009     -3.342    -3.311    Y
3.5   12.512   9.201    13.93   12.539    12.21   12.198     1.40   4.40    -3.788    -7.099     -2.37    -3.761      -4.09    -4.102    Y
3.6   11.658   7.918    12.91   11.565   11.238   11.171     1.09   4.09    -4.642    -8.382     -3.39    -4.735     -5.062    -5.129    Y
3.7   10.567   6.237   11.648   10.332    10.01    9.867     0.79   3.79    -5.733   -10.063    -4.652    -5.968      -6.29    -6.433    Y
3.8     9.19   4.002   10.093    8.787    8.472    8.211     0.51   3.51     -7.11   -12.298    -6.207    -7.513     -7.828    -8.089    Y
3.9    7.446   0.888    8.173    6.846    6.542    6.076     0.22   3.22    -8.854   -15.412    -8.127    -9.454     -9.758   -10.224    Y
  4    5.188   -3.89    5.804    4.394    4.109    3.211    -0.05   2.95   -11.112    -20.19   -10.496   -11.906    -12.191   -13.089    Y
4.1    2.128 -11.588    2.997    1.372    1.113   -0.936    -0.32   2.68   -14.172   -27.888   -13.303   -14.928    -15.187   -17.236    Y
4.2   -2.374  -7.519     0.46   -1.523   -1.802   -7.526    -0.58   2.42   -18.674   -23.819    -15.84   -17.823    -18.102   -23.826    Y
4.3      -9.1 -1.798    0.309   -1.579   -2.018   -8.403    -0.84   2.16     -25.4   -18.098   -15.991   -17.879    -18.318   -24.703    Y
4.4   -6.947   1.534    2.407    0.944    0.417   -2.181    -1.09   1.91   -23.247   -14.766   -13.893   -15.356    -15.883   -18.481    Y
4.5   -1.438   3.714    4.678    3.447    2.904    1.544    -1.33   1.67   -17.738   -12.586   -11.622   -12.853    -13.396   -14.756    Y

4.6   1.904    5.221    6.499    5.374    4.826    3.916   -1.57    1.43   -14.396   -11.079    -9.801    -10.926   -11.474   -12.384   Y
4.7   4.094    6.275    7.877    6.801    6.247    5.526   -1.80    1.20   -12.206   -10.025    -8.423     -9.499   -10.053   -10.774   Y
4.8   5.607     6.99    8.895     7.84    7.277    6.637   -2.03    0.97   -10.693     -9.31    -7.405      -8.46    -9.023    -9.663   Y
4.9   6.665    7.428    9.626    8.573    7.997    7.385   -2.25    0.75    -9.635    -8.872    -6.674     -7.727    -8.303    -8.915   Y
  5   7.384     7.63   10.116    9.051    8.461    7.843   -2.47    0.53    -8.916     -8.67    -6.184     -7.249    -7.839    -8.457   Y
5.1   7.832    7.615     10.4     9.31    8.701    8.057   -2.69    0.31    -8.468    -8.685       -5.9     -6.99    -7.599    -8.243   Y
5.2   8.049    7.391   10.499     9.37    8.739     8.05   -2.90    0.10    -8.251    -8.909    -5.801      -6.93    -7.561     -8.25   Y
5.3   8.055    6.958   10.429    9.241    8.586    7.836   -3.11   -0.11    -8.245    -9.342    -5.871     -7.059    -7.714    -8.464   Y
5.4   7.863    6.304   10.195    8.929    8.245    7.415   -3.31   -0.31    -8.437    -9.996    -6.105     -7.371    -8.055    -8.885   Y
5.5   7.473    5.404    9.802    8.429    7.711     6.78   -3.51   -0.51    -8.827   -10.896    -6.498     -7.871    -8.589     -9.52   Y
5.6   6.877    4.217    9.246    7.729    6.972    5.912   -3.70   -0.70    -9.423   -12.083    -7.054     -8.571    -9.328   -10.388   Y
5.7   6.055    2.675    8.523    6.809    6.003    4.778   -3.90   -0.90   -10.245   -13.625    -7.777     -9.491   -10.297   -11.522   Y
5.8   4.974    0.667     7.62    5.634    4.769    3.326   -4.09   -1.09   -11.326   -15.633     -8.68    -10.666   -11.531   -12.974   Y
5.9   3.575   -1.977    6.522    4.153    3.212    1.473   -4.27   -1.27   -12.725   -18.277    -9.778    -12.147   -13.088   -14.827   Y
  6   1.761   -5.399    5.211    2.284    1.245   -0.898   -4.45   -1.45   -14.539   -21.699   -11.089    -14.016   -15.055   -17.198   Y
6.1 -0.649    -8.466    3.671   -0.084   -1.247   -3.878   -4.63   -1.63   -16.949   -24.766   -12.629    -16.384   -17.547   -20.178   Y
6.2 -4.003    -7.195    1.907   -3.032   -4.293   -6.926   -4.81   -1.81   -20.303   -23.495   -14.393    -19.332   -20.593   -23.226   Y
6.3 -8.936    -3.856    0.009   -6.039   -7.008   -7.314   -4.98   -1.98   -25.236   -20.156   -16.291    -22.339   -23.308   -23.614   Y
6.4 -12.908   -1.143   -1.719    -6.54   -6.663   -4.779   -5.15   -2.15   -29.208   -17.443   -18.019     -22.84   -22.963   -21.079   Y
6.5 -8.183      0.85   -2.672   -4.146   -4.081   -2.168   -5.32   -2.32   -24.483    -15.45   -18.972    -20.446   -20.381   -18.468   Y
6.6 -3.979     2.312    -2.47   -1.588   -1.655   -0.163   -5.49   -2.49   -20.279   -13.988    -18.77    -17.888   -17.955   -16.463   Y
6.7 -1.218     3.381    -1.52    0.398    0.193    1.312   -5.65   -2.65   -17.518   -12.919    -17.82    -15.902   -16.107   -14.988   Y
6.8   0.689    4.142   -0.423    1.863     1.55    2.377   -5.81   -2.81   -15.611   -12.158   -16.723    -14.437    -14.75   -13.923   Y
6.9   2.047    4.646    0.519    2.924    2.525    3.119   -5.97   -2.97   -14.253   -11.654   -15.781    -13.376   -13.775   -13.181   Y
  7   3.013    4.926    1.216    3.663    3.193    3.592   -6.13   -3.13   -13.287   -11.374   -15.084    -12.637   -13.107   -12.708   Y
7.1   3.674    5.002    1.656    4.135    3.605    3.832      -6   -3.28   -12.626   -11.298   -14.644    -12.165   -12.695   -12.468   Y
7.2   4.083    4.882    1.846    4.375    3.791    3.859      -6   -3.43   -12.217   -11.418   -14.454    -11.925   -12.509   -12.441   Y
7.3    4.27    4.566    1.794    4.404    3.771    3.684      -6   -3.58    -12.03   -11.734   -14.506    -11.896   -12.529   -12.616   Y
7.4   4.251    4.045    1.499    4.231    3.555    3.311      -6   -3.73   -12.049   -12.255   -14.801    -12.069   -12.745   -12.989   Y
7.5   4.033    3.299     0.95     3.86    3.146    2.732      -6   -3.88   -12.267   -13.001    -15.35     -12.44   -13.154   -13.568   Y

7.6   3.611  2.295        0.123    3.285     2.541     1.936       -6   -4.02   -12.689   -14.005   -16.177   -13.015   -13.759   -14.364   Y
7.7   2.973  0.975       -1.025    2.493      1.73     0.899       -6   -4.16   -13.327   -15.325   -17.325   -13.807    -14.57   -15.401   Y
7.8   2.091 -0.756       -2.562     1.46     0.704    -0.411       -6   -4.30   -14.209   -17.056   -18.862    -14.84   -15.596   -16.711   Y
7.9    0.92 -3.067       -4.583    0.157    -0.544    -2.032       -6   -4.44    -15.38   -19.367   -20.883   -16.143   -16.844   -18.332   Y
  8 -0.616  -6.261       -7.158    -1.45    -1.996    -3.986       -6   -4.58   -16.916   -22.561   -23.458    -17.75   -18.296   -20.286   Y
8.1 -2.654 -10.701       -9.861   -3.364    -3.554    -6.173       -6   -4.71   -18.954   -27.001   -26.161   -19.664   -19.854   -22.473   Y
8.2 -5.451 -13.404       -10.48   -5.435    -4.934    -8.041       -6   -4.85   -21.751   -29.704    -26.78   -21.735   -21.234   -24.341   Y
8.3   -9.52 -9.391       -8.164   -7.026    -5.625    -8.429       -6   -4.98    -25.82   -25.691   -24.464   -23.326   -21.925   -24.729   Y
8.4 -15.013 -5.508       -5.428   -7.092    -5.306    -7.172       -6   -5.11   -31.313   -21.808   -21.728   -23.392   -21.606   -23.472   Y
8.5 -13.463 -2.798       -3.195   -5.733    -4.284    -5.419       -6   -5.24   -29.763   -19.098   -19.495   -22.033   -20.584   -21.719   Y
8.6 -8.394  -0.853       -1.467   -4.009    -3.073    -3.852       -6   -5.36   -24.694   -17.153   -17.767   -20.309   -19.373   -20.152   Y
8.7 -5.002   0.583       -0.138   -2.477    -1.963    -2.618       -6   -5.49   -21.302   -15.717   -16.438   -18.777   -18.263   -18.918   Y
8.8 -2.681   1.651        0.879   -1.258    -1.055    -1.708       -6   -5.61   -18.981   -14.649   -15.421   -17.558   -17.355   -18.008   Y
8.9 -1.017   2.435        1.642   -0.341    -0.365    -1.082       -6   -5.73   -17.317   -13.865   -14.658   -16.641   -16.665   -17.382   Y
  9   0.199  2.987        2.191    0.308     0.114     -0.71       -6   -5.86   -16.101   -13.313   -14.109   -15.992   -16.186    -17.01   Y
9.1   1.082  3.339        2.553    0.719     0.396    -0.569       -6   -5.98   -15.218   -12.961   -13.747   -15.581   -15.904   -16.869   Y
9.2   1.698  3.512        2.748    0.912     0.495    -0.644       -6   -6.09   -14.602   -12.788   -13.552   -15.388   -15.805   -16.944   Y
9.3   2.086  3.518        2.788    0.902      0.42    -0.928    -6.21   -6.21   -14.214   -12.782   -13.512   -15.398    -15.88   -17.228   Y
9.4   2.269  3.365        2.679    0.696     0.183    -1.419    -6.33   -6.33   -14.031   -12.935   -13.621   -15.604   -16.117   -17.719   Y
9.5   2.261  3.051        2.424    0.295    -0.204    -2.116    -6.44   -6.44   -14.039   -13.249   -13.876   -16.005   -16.504   -18.416   Y
9.6   2.063  2.574        2.025   -0.299    -0.724    -3.013    -6.56   -6.56   -14.237   -13.726   -14.275   -16.599   -17.024   -19.313   Y
9.7   1.671  1.923        1.475   -1.085    -1.344    -4.077    -6.67   -6.67   -14.629   -14.377   -14.825   -17.385   -17.644   -20.377   Y
9.8    1.07   1.08        0.768   -2.045    -2.005    -5.209    -6.78   -6.78    -15.23    -15.22   -15.532   -18.345   -18.305   -21.509   Y
9.9   0.231  0.018       -0.112   -3.122     -2.61    -6.179    -6.89   -6.89   -16.069   -16.282   -16.412   -19.422    -18.91   -22.479   Y
10 -0.893   -1.304       -1.183   -4.166    -3.024    -6.623    -7.00   -7.00   -17.193   -17.604   -17.483   -20.466   -19.324   -22.923   Y
15    -11.1    -7.737    -1.138   -3.427    -1.741    -1.513   -11.40   11.40     -27.4   -24.037   -17.438   -19.727   -18.041   -17.813   Y
20 -10.695     -8.998    -8.939   -8.774   -10.764   -16.763   -14.53   14.53   -26.995   -25.298   -25.239   -25.074   -27.064   -33.063   Y
                                       -                                    -
25   -16.51   -11.424   -11.009   11.499    -12.65    -8.206   -16.95   16.95    -32.81   -27.724   -27.309   -27.799    -28.95   -24.506   Y

                                       -                                    -
30 -14.586    -21.966   -12.124   20.389   -21.409   -16.525   -18.93   18.93   -30.886   -38.266   -28.424   -36.689   -37.709   -32.825   Y
35 -11.087    -15.064   -10.638    -14.6   -16.645   -18.088   -20.60   20.60   -27.387   -31.364   -26.938     -30.9   -32.945   -34.388   Y
                                       -                                    -
40 -17.126    -18.698    -7.216   13.565   -16.819   -25.983   -22.05   22.05   -33.426   -34.998   -23.516   -29.865   -33.119   -42.283   Y
                                       -                                    -
45 -20.882     -11.61   -14.816   25.372   -29.746   -23.659   -23.33   23.33   -37.182    -27.91   -31.116   -41.672   -46.046   -39.959   Y
50   -14.13   -15.717   -16.684   17.429   -14.951   -18.353     -24      -24    -30.43   -32.017   -32.984   -33.729   -31.251   -34.653   Y
55 -13.049    -20.848   -15.793   17.185   -20.275   -29.449     -24      -24   -29.349   -37.148   -32.093   -33.485   -36.575   -45.749   Y
60 -17.453    -20.172    -9.731   16.549   -22.274   -20.758     -24      -24   -33.753   -36.472   -26.031   -32.849   -38.574   -37.058   Y
65 -18.154    -18.084   -30.401   22.958   -30.342   -22.409     -24      -24   -34.454   -34.384   -46.701   -39.258   -46.642   -38.709   Y
70 -25.412    -27.028   -13.094   16.674   -25.858   -24.055     -24      -24   -41.712   -43.328   -29.394   -32.974   -42.158   -40.355   Y
75 -20.269    -22.914    -21.76   23.994   -27.371   -32.249     -24      -24   -36.569   -39.214    -38.06   -40.294   -43.671   -48.549   Y
80 -29.846    -24.205   -26.503   30.287   -33.915   -60.718     -24      -24   -46.146   -40.505   -42.803   -46.587   -50.215   -77.018   Y
85 -25.372    -29.563   -27.917   34.459   -40.389   -41.995     -24      -24   -41.672   -45.863   -44.217   -50.759   -56.689   -58.295   Y
90 -26.634    -24.979   -60.348   39.042   -48.349   -39.775     -14      -14   -42.934   -41.279   -76.648   -55.342   -64.649   -56.075   Y
 95 -29.036   -29.608   -33.823   43.835    -46.11   -43.699     -14      -14   -45.336   -45.908   -50.123   -60.135    -62.41   -59.999   Y
100 -34.452   -25.379   -33.952    -41.1   -44.683    -38.94     -14      -14   -50.752   -41.679   -50.252     -57.4   -60.983    -55.24   Y
105 -27.236   -30.379   -27.278   51.307   -48.197   -42.654     -14      -14   -43.536   -46.679   -43.578   -67.607   -64.497   -58.954   Y
110 -34.935   -29.174   -31.021   55.893    -40.66   -36.515     -14      -14   -51.235   -45.474   -47.321   -72.193    -56.96   -52.815   Y
115 -32.902    -35.57   -25.499   53.399    -41.17    -35.96     -14      -14   -49.202    -51.87   -41.799   -69.699    -57.47    -52.26   Y

120 -35.902    -34.023    -25.31   50.609   -45.384   -37.884   -14   -14   -52.202   -50.323    -41.61   -66.909   -61.684   -54.184   Y
125 -31.034    -43.352   -31.243   48.063   -44.778   -35.134   -14   -14   -47.334   -59.652   -47.543   -64.363   -61.078   -51.434   Y
130 -30.813    -41.723   -31.252   42.055    -39.58   -44.931   -14   -14   -47.113   -58.023   -47.552   -58.355    -55.88   -61.231   Y
135 -32.269    -31.348   -37.449   47.971   -50.081     -37.3   -14   -14   -48.569   -47.648   -53.749   -64.271   -66.381     -53.6   Y
140   -46.81   -37.897   -34.277   46.252   -53.332   -41.326   -14   -14    -63.11   -54.197   -50.577   -62.552   -69.632   -57.626   Y
145 -30.795    -32.167   -33.994   54.988   -49.777   -52.179   -14   -14   -47.095   -48.467   -50.294   -71.288   -66.077   -68.479   Y
150 -24.136    -27.264    -25.85   35.579   -34.831   -39.392   -14   -14   -40.436   -43.564    -42.15   -51.879   -51.131   -55.692   Y
155 -33.862    -33.083   -34.647   56.227   -46.155   -43.631   -14   -14   -50.162   -49.383   -50.947   -72.527   -62.455   -59.931   Y
160 -33.895    -31.769   -35.576   47.715   -48.298   -53.555   -14   -14   -50.195   -48.069   -51.876   -64.015   -64.598   -69.855   Y
165 -36.735    -39.736   -43.033   -45.45   -57.869   -49.196   -14   -14   -53.035   -56.036   -59.333    -61.75   -74.169   -65.496   Y
170 -42.345    -58.856   -65.684   54.379   -50.537    -56.82   -14   -14   -58.645   -75.156   -81.984   -70.679   -66.837    -73.12   Y
175 -44.506    -51.473   -46.713   -53.66   -49.401    -55.78   -14   -14   -60.806   -67.773   -63.013    -69.96   -65.701    -72.08   Y
180   -42.66   -47.209   -53.358   50.244     -50.8   -42.747   -14   -14    -58.96   -63.509   -69.658   -66.544     -67.1   -59.047   Y

Document Created: 2017-06-14 10:52:39
Document Modified: 2017-06-14 10:52:39

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