Attachment Technical Appendix

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170319-00302 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 TECHNICAL APPENDIX

                    Modification Application (Call Sign E140087)
                          Astronics AeroSat Corporation

I.     Proposed Satellite Points of Communication

           1.     AsiaSat-7
                     i. Coverage Maps
                     ii. Links Budgets

           2.     Galaxy 16
                     i. Coverage Maps
                     ii. Links Budgets

           3.     IS-33E
                     i. Coverage Maps
                     ii. Links Budgets

           4.     JCSAT-2B
                    i. Coverage Maps
                    ii. Links Budgets

II.    FliteStream™ ESAA System Satellite and Gateway Tables

III.   FCC Section 25.227 Certifications

IV.    FCC Section 25.227 Compliance Matrix

V.     Technical Certification

I.      Proposed Satellite Points of Communication

     1. AsiaSat-7

        i.    Coverage Map

              ii.         AsiaSat-7 Link Budgets

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                      HR129                Antenna Type                                     HR129
Rx Lat. (North +)                                   22.9 degree        Tx Lat. (North +)                                  22.9 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                     112 degree        Tx Lng. (East +)                                    112 degree
G/T                                                11.38 dB/K          Max EIRP                                          41.42 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                                 A7                Name                                                A7
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                 105.5 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                105.5 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                              Beijing              Name                                             Beijing
Tx Lat. (North +)                                  22.45 degree        Rx Lat. (North +)                                 22.45 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  114.18 degree        Rx Lng. (East +)                                 114.18 degree
Max EIRP                                          79.996 dBW           G/T                                              37.304 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          QPSK               Modulation                                        BPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   2              Bits per symbol                                        1
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       1
Code Rate                                          0.600               Code Rate                                         0.500
Overhead                                           0.940               Overhead Rate                                     0.833
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.128    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               0.417    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      50760.000    kb/s       Data Rate                                      2776.389    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 54000    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 3333    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       45000    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        6666    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                              45   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        6666    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                     54   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                               7999.2    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         2.7   dB         C/N Threshold                                       -0.7   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       14.33    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.192    GHz
Output Backoff                                       4.2    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             35.284    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                             9.199    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       36429.282    km         Tx Range                                      36414.548    km
FS Loss                                          206.796    dB         FS Loss                                         206.708    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              5.6               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                          7    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                         7    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       98.999    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      69.608    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  98.501    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   68.306    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -89 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                    -92.1 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                      2               Small Signal Gain                                     3 dB
Output Backoff                                         1 dB            Output Backoff                                     22.8 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    12.582    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                   12.444    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       53.6    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                      53.6    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                             53    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            53    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          15    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         15    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                12.063    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                         -5.019    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          52.575    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           27.199    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      51.975    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     26.599    dBW
Rx Range                                       36414.548    km         Rx Range                                      36429.282    km
FS Loss                                          205.662    dB         FS Loss                                         205.570    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       6.5    dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     85.692    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    80.432    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                80.777    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 78.532    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 80.704    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                67.912    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     3.172    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                       -0.326    dB
Link Margin                                        0.472    dB         Link Margin                                       0.374    dB

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                     HR6400                Antenna Type                                    HR6400
Rx Lat. (North +)                                   22.9 degree        Tx Lat. (North +)                                 22.9 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                     112 degree        Tx Lng. (East +)                                   112 degree
G/T                                                12.49 dB/K          Max EIRP                                         45.01 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                                 A7                Name                                                A7
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                 105.5 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                105.5 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                              Beijing              Name                                             Beijing
Tx Lat. (North +)                                  22.45 degree        Rx Lat. (North +)                                 22.45 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  114.18 degree        Rx Lng. (East +)                                 114.18 degree
Max EIRP                                          79.996 dBW           G/T                                              37.304 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          8PSK               Modulation                                        QPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   3              Bits per symbol                                        2
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       1
Code Rate                                          0.667               Code Rate                                         0.500
Overhead                                           0.940               Overhead Rate                                     0.833
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.880    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               0.833    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      84600.000    kb/s       Data Rate                                      5552.778    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 90000    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 6666    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       45000    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        6666    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                              45   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        6666    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                     54   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                               7999.2    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         7.4   dB         C/N Threshold                                        3.6   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       14.33    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.192    GHz
Output Backoff                                       4.2    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             35.284    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                            12.788    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       36429.282    km         Tx Range                                      36414.548    km
FS Loss                                          206.796    dB         FS Loss                                         206.708    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              5.6               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                          7    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                         7    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       98.999    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      73.197    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  98.501    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   72.711    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -89 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                    -92.1 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                      2               Small Signal Gain                                     3 dB
Output Backoff                                         1 dB            Output Backoff                                     22.8 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    12.582    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                   12.444    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       53.6    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                      53.6    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                             53    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            53    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          15    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         15    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                12.063    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                         -1.430    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          52.575    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           30.788    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      51.975    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     30.188    dBW
Rx Range                                       36414.548    km         Rx Range                                      36429.282    km
FS Loss                                          205.662    dB         FS Loss                                         205.570    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       6.5    dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     86.799    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    84.022    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                86.103    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 80.491    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 85.860    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                72.042    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     8.328    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                        3.803    dB
Link Margin                                        0.928    dB         Link Margin                                       0.203    dB

2. Galaxy 16

   i.    Coverage Map

        ii.             Galaxy 16 Link Budget

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                       HR129               Antenna Type                                      HR129
Rx Lat. (North +)                                    27.9 degree       Tx Lat. (North +)                                   27.9 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                      -81 degree       Tx Lng. (East +)                                     -81 degree
G/T                                                 11.06 dB/K         Max EIRP                                           41.45 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                                G-16               Name                                               G-16
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   -99 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                  -99 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                             Brewster              Name                                            Brewster
Tx Lat. (North +)                                    48.1 degree       Rx Lat. (North +)                                   48.1 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                   -119.8 degree       Rx Lng. (East +)                                  -119.8 degree
Max EIRP                                           80.100 dBW          G/T                                               37.226 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          QPSK               Modulation                                        BPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   2              Bits per symbol                                        1
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       2
Code Rate                                          0.600               Code Rate                                         0.500
Overhead                                           0.940               Overhead Rate                                     0.778
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.128    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               0.195    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      33840.000    kb/s       Data Rate                                        1361.5    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 36000    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 1750    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       30000    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        3500    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                              30   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        7000    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                     36   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                                 8400    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         2.7   dB         C/N Threshold                                       -2.3   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       14.42    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                      14.24    GHz
Output Backoff                                       3.2    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             38.150    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                             9.016    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       38505.870    km         Tx Range                                      36962.733    km
FS Loss                                          207.332    dB         FS Loss                                         206.867    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              1.5               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                        2.9    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                       4.9    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       99.568    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      67.378    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  99.084    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   66.589    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                 -84.9 dBW/m2       SFD @ terminal                                     -95.8 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                     1.5              Small Signal Gain                                    2.5 dB
Output Backoff                                          1 dB           Output Backoff                                      19.7 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                     12.12    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                    11.94    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       52.3    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                      52.3    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                           51.3    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                          50.3    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          13    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         13    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                12.647    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                         -3.432    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          51.398    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           28.999    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      50.398    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     26.999    dBW
Rx Range                                       36962.733    km         Rx Range                                      38505.870    km
FS Loss                                          205.467    dB         FS Loss                                         205.692    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       1.7    dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     83.985    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    85.431    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                79.033    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 83.629    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 78.991    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                66.504    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     3.219    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                       -1.947    dB
Link Margin                                        0.519    dB         Link Margin                                       0.353    dB

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                     HR6400                Antenna Type                                    HR6400
Rx Lat. (North +)                                   27.9 degree        Tx Lat. (North +)                                 27.9 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                     -81 degree        Tx Lng. (East +)                                   -81 degree
G/T                                                12.16 dB/K          Max EIRP                                         45.04 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                                G-16               Name                                               G-16
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   -99 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                  -99 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                             Brewster              Name                                            Brewster
Tx Lat. (North +)                                    48.1 degree       Rx Lat. (North +)                                   48.1 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                   -119.8 degree       Rx Lng. (East +)                                  -119.8 degree
Max EIRP                                           80.100 dBW          G/T                                               37.226 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          8PSK               Modulation                                        BPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   3              Bits per symbol                                        1
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       1
Code Rate                                          0.667               Code Rate                                         0.500
Overhead                                           0.940               Overhead Rate                                     0.778
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.880    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               0.389    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      56400.000    kb/s       Data Rate                                       2594.63    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 60000    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 3335    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       30000    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        6670    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                              30   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        6670    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                     36   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                                 8004    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         7.4   dB         C/N Threshold                                        1.2   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       14.42    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                      14.24    GHz
Output Backoff                                       3.2    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             38.150    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                            12.815    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       38505.870    km         Tx Range                                      36962.733    km
FS Loss                                          207.332    dB         FS Loss                                         206.867    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              1.5               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                        2.9    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                       4.9    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       99.568    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      70.967    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  99.084    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   70.503    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                 -84.9 dBW/m2       SFD @ terminal                                     -95.8 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                     1.5              Small Signal Gain                                    2.5 dB
Output Backoff                                          1 dB           Output Backoff                                      19.7 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                     12.12    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                    11.94    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       52.3    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                      52.3    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                           51.3    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                          50.3    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          13    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         13    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                12.647    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                          0.367    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          51.398    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           32.588    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      50.398    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     30.588    dBW
Rx Range                                       36962.733    km         Rx Range                                      38505.870    km
FS Loss                                          205.467    dB         FS Loss                                         205.692    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       1.7    dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     85.092    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    89.020    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                84.024    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 85.531    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 83.891    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                70.369    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     8.119    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                        2.127    dB
Link Margin                                        0.719    dB         Link Margin                                       0.927    dB

3. IS-33E

   i.       Coverage Maps

        K31 Beam               K34 Beam

         K41 Beam           K48 Beam

i.     Coverage Maps (Cont.)

     K49 Beam                  K52 Beam

     K53 Beam                  K63 Beam

             ii.          IS-33E Link Budgets

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                      HR129                Antenna Type                                     HR129
Rx Lat. (North +)                                     26 degree        Tx Lat. (North +)                                    26 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                      52 degree        Tx Lng. (East +)                                     52 degree
G/T                                                10.22 dB/K          Max EIRP                                          41.33 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                           IS33e K31               Name                                          IS33e K31
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                    60 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   60 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                             Cologne               Name                                            Cologne
Tx Lat. (North +)                                50.9424 degree        Rx Lat. (North +)                               50.9424 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  7.0292 degree        Rx Lng. (East +)                                 7.0292 degree
Max EIRP                                          79.997 dBW           G/T                                              37.504 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          QPSK               Modulation                                        QPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   2              Bits per symbol                                        2
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       1
Code Rate                                          0.667               Code Rate                                         0.600
Overhead                                           0.920               Overhead Rate                                     0.867
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.227    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               1.040    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      55200.000    kb/s       Data Rate                                     6935.3064    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 60000    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)               7999.2    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       45000    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        6666    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                              45   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        6666    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                     54   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                               7999.2    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         3.5   dB         C/N Threshold                                        2.7   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       17.55    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.058    GHz
Output Backoff                                       7.7    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             31.785    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                             9.116    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       40179.485    km         Tx Range                                      36600.389    km
FS Loss                                          209.407    dB         FS Loss                                         206.670    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              6.1               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                         16    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                      12.7    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                      101.388    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      75.263    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                 100.820    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   71.674    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -89 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                    -90.2 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                      2               Small Signal Gain                                     2 dB
Output Backoff                                       6.6 dB            Output Backoff                                     25.8 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    11.008    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                    11.45    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       60.4    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                        60    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                           59.4    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            60    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          14    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         14    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                14.013    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                         -1.646    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          54.524    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           30.572    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      53.524    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     30.572    dBW
Rx Range                                       36600.389    km         Rx Range                                      40179.485    km
FS Loss                                          204.546    dB         FS Loss                                         205.698    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       4.1    dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     87.197    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    86.878    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                81.208    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 81.260    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 81.161    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                71.221    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     3.628    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                        2.983    dB
Link Margin                                        0.128    dB         Link Margin                                       0.283    dB

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                     HR6400                Antenna Type                                     HR6400
Rx Lat. (North +)                                    26 degree         Tx Lat. (North +)                                    26 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                     52 degree         Tx Lng. (East +)                                     52 degree
G/T                                               11.33 dB/K           Max EIRP                                          44.92 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                           IS33e K31               Name                                          IS33e K31
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                    60 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   60 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                             Cologne               Name                                            Cologne
Tx Lat. (North +)                                50.9424 degree        Rx Lat. (North +)                               50.9424 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  7.0292 degree        Rx Lng. (East +)                                 7.0292 degree
Max EIRP                                          79.997 dBW           G/T                                              37.504 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                          iDirect
Modulation                                          8PSK               Modulation                                         QPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   3              Bits per symbol                                         2
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                        1
Code Rate                                          0.750               Code Rate                                          0.860
Overhead                                           0.920               Overhead Rate                                      0.867
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                        1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                2.070    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                                1.491    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      93150.000    kb/s       Data Rate                                    9940.60584     kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                101250    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)             11465.52     kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       45000    ksps       Symbol Rate                                         6666    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                              45   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                         6666    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                     54   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                               7999.2     kHz
C/N Threshold                                         8.5   dB         C/N Threshold                                         7.5   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       17.55    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.058     GHz
Output Backoff                                       8.4    dB         Back-off                                              0     dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             31.085    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                            12.706     dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       40179.485    km         Tx Range                                      36600.389     km
FS Loss                                          209.407    dB         FS Loss                                         206.670     dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2     dB
Weather                                              6.1               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0     dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5     dB
Satellite G/T                                         16    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                      12.7     dB/K
Uplink C/No                                      100.688    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      78.853     dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                 100.200    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   78.432     dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -89 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                     -90.2 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                      2               Small Signal Gain                                      2 dB
Output Backoff                                       6.6 dB            Output Backoff                                      25.8 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    11.008    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                    11.45     GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       60.4    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                        60     dBW
Sat. EIRP                                           59.4    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            60     dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          14    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         14     dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                13.313    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                          1.944     dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          53.824    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           34.162     dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      52.824    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     34.162     dBW
Rx Range                                       36600.389    km         Rx Range                                      40179.485     km
FS Loss                                          204.546    dB         FS Loss                                         205.698     dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0     dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       4.1     dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0     dB
DownLink C/No                                     87.604    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    90.467     dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                86.613    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 81.988     dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 86.427    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                 76.845    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                     0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     8.895    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                         8.607    dB
Link Margin                                        0.395    dB         Link Margin                                        1.107    dB

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                     HR6400                Antenna Type                                     HR6400
Rx Lat. (North +)                                  43.8 degree         Tx Lat. (North +)                                  43.8 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                     99 degree         Tx Lng. (East +)                                     99 degree
G/T                                               11.43 dB/K           Max EIRP                                          45.01 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                           IS33e K63               Name                                          IS33e K63
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                    60 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   60 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                              Moscow               Name                                             Moscow
Tx Lat. (North +)                                 55.898 degree        Rx Lat. (North +)                                55.898 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  37.997 degree        Rx Lng. (East +)                                 37.997 degree
Max EIRP                                          79.997 dBW           G/T                                              37.504 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                          iDirect
Modulation                                          QPSK               Modulation                                         QPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   2              Bits per symbol                                         2
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                        1
Code Rate                                          0.833               Code Rate                                          0.857
Overhead                                           0.935               Overhead Rate                                      0.870
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                        1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.558    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                                1.491    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      63105.750    kb/s       Data Rate                                   9941.862857     kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 67500    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)          11427.42857     kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       40500    ksps       Symbol Rate                                         6666    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                            40.5   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                         6666    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                   48.6   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                               7999.2     kHz
C/N Threshold                                         5.6   dB         C/N Threshold                                         7.5   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       17.55    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.193     GHz
Output Backoff                                      14.3    dB         Back-off                                              0     dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             25.643    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                            12.789     dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       39228.735    km         Tx Range                                      38944.761     km
FS Loss                                          209.199    dB         FS Loss                                         207.292     dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2     dB
Weather                                              3.9               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0     dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5     dB
Satellite G/T                                         16    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                        14     dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       97.196    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      79.614     dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  96.702    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   78.965     dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -89 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                     -94.1 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                      2               Small Signal Gain                                      2 dB
Output Backoff                                        10 dB            Output Backoff                                      22.3 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    11.143    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                    11.45     GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       60.9    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                        60     dBW
Sat. EIRP                                           59.9    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            60     dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          14    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         14     dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                10.778    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                          5.387     dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          50.832    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           37.606     dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      49.832    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     37.606     dBW
Rx Range                                       38944.761    km         Rx Range                                      39228.735     km
FS Loss                                          205.191    dB         FS Loss                                         205.490     dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0     dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       2.6     dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0     dB
DownLink C/No                                     84.073    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    95.619     dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                83.427    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 85.601     dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 83.227    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                 78.112    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                     0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     6.153    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                         9.874    dB
Link Margin                                        0.553    dB         Link Margin                                        2.374    dB

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                      HR129                Antenna Type                                     HR129
Rx Lat. (North +)                                  43.8 degree         Tx Lat. (North +)                                  43.8 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                     99 degree         Tx Lng. (East +)                                     99 degree
G/T                                                9.83 dB/K           Max EIRP                                          41.42 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                           IS33e K63               Name                                          IS33e K63
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                    60 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   60 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                              Moscow               Name                                            Moscow
Tx Lat. (North +)                                 55.898 degree        Rx Lat. (North +)                               55.898 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  37.997 degree        Rx Lng. (East +)                                37.997 degree
Max EIRP                                          79.997 dBW           G/T                                             37.504 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          QPSK               Modulation                                        QPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   2              Bits per symbol                                        2
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       1
Code Rate                                          0.500               Code Rate                                         0.667
Overhead                                           0.935               Overhead Rate                                     0.870
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                0.935    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               1.160    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      37863.450    kb/s       Data Rate                                       7732.56    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 40500    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 8888    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       40500    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        6666    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                            40.5   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        6666    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                   48.6   MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                               7999.2    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         0.9   dB         C/N Threshold                                        5.1   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                       17.55    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.193    GHz
Output Backoff                                      14.3    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             25.643    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                             9.199    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       39228.735    km         Tx Range                                      38944.761    km
FS Loss                                          209.199    dB         FS Loss                                         207.292    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              3.9               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                         16    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                        14    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       97.196    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      76.024    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  96.702    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   75.760    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -89 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                    -94.1 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                      2               Small Signal Gain                                     2 dB
Output Backoff                                        10 dB            Output Backoff                                     22.3 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    11.143    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                    11.45    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       60.9    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                        60    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                           59.9    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            60    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          14    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         14    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                10.778    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                          1.798    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          50.832    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           34.016    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      49.832    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     34.016    dBW
Rx Range                                       38944.761    km         Rx Range                                      39228.735    km
FS Loss                                          205.191    dB         FS Loss                                         205.490    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                          0    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       2.6    dB
Radome, Lr                                           0.5    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     82.472    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    92.030    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                79.225    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 85.078    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 79.148    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                75.280    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                     2.073    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                        7.041    dB
Link Margin                                        1.173    dB         Link Margin                                       1.941    dB

              ii.         JCSAT-2B Link Budgets

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                     HR6400                Antenna Type                                    HR6400
Rx Lat. (North +)                                     -2 degree        Tx Lat. (North +)                                   -2 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                   147.9 degree        Tx Lng. (East +)                                 147.9 degree
G/T                                                11.70 dB/K          Max EIRP                                         45.14 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                                 J2B               Name                                                J2B
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   154 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                  154 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                             Honolulu              Name                                            Honolulu
Tx Lat. (North +)                                   21.35 degree       Rx Lat. (North +)                                  21.35 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  -157.85 degree       Rx Lng. (East +)                                 -157.85 degree
Max EIRP                                           79.996 dBW          G/T                                               37.200 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          QPSK               Modulation                                        BPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   2              Bits per symbol                                        1
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       2
Code Rate                                          0.800               Code Rate                                         0.500
Overhead                                           0.922               Overhead Rate                                     0.735
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                1.475    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               0.184    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      21537.920    kb/s       Data Rate                                      1378.125    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 23360    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 1875    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       14600    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        3750    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                            14.6   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        7500    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                 17.52    MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                             9000.000    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         5.1   dB         C/N Threshold                                       -2.3   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                      14.406    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.406    GHz
Output Backoff                                       6.9    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             37.473    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                            12.406    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       38526.191    km         Tx Range                                      35830.096    km
FS Loss                                          207.328    dB         FS Loss                                         206.698    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              4.6               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                         -2    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                         2    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       87.767    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      68.338    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  87.264    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   67.831    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -86 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                      -90 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                    3.2               Small Signal Gain                                   3.2 dB
Output Backoff                                       5.1 dB            Output Backoff                                     24.6 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    11.489    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                   11.489    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       51.5    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                      51.5    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                             50    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            43    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          11    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         11    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                10.866    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                         -5.671    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          46.488    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           27.059    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      44.988    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     18.559    dBW
Rx Range                                       35830.096    km         Rx Range                                      38526.191    km
FS Loss                                          204.732    dB         FS Loss                                         205.363    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                        0.5    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       4.8    dB
Radome, Lr                                             0    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     79.953    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    74.196    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                78.784    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 73.029    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 78.208    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                66.684    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                      5.56    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                        -2.07    dB
Composite Link Margin                               0.46    dB         Composite Link Margin                              0.23    dB

                                     Forward Link Budget                                                    Return Link Budget
FliteStream Terminal                                                   FliteStream Terminal
Antenna Type                                      HR129                Antenna Type                                     HR129
Rx Lat. (North +)                                     -2 degree        Tx Lat. (North +)                                    -2 degree
Rx Lng. (East +)                                   147.9 degree        Tx Lng. (East +)                                  147.9 degree
G/T                                                12.63 dB/K          Max EIRP                                          41.55 dBW

Satellite                                                              Satellite
Name                                                 J2B               Name                                                J2B
Sat. Lng. (East +)                                   154 degree        Sat. Lng. (East +)                                  154 degree

Hub Earth Station                                                      Hub Earth Station
Name                                             Honolulu              Name                                            Honolulu
Tx Lat. (North +)                                   21.35 degree       Rx Lat. (North +)                                  21.35 degree
Tx Lng. (East +)                                  -157.85 degree       Rx Lng. (East +)                                 -157.85 degree
Max EIRP                                           79.996 dBW          G/T                                               37.200 dB/K

Signal                                                                 Signal
FEC Decoder                                      DVB-S2                Waveform                                         iDirect
Modulation                                          QPSK               Modulation                                         BPSK
Total bits per symbol                                   2              Bits per symbol                                        1
Spreading Factor                                        1              Spreading Factor                                       4
Code Rate                                          0.500               Code Rate                                         0.500
Overhead                                           0.922               Overhead Rate                                     0.735
Channel Factor                                        1.2              Channel Factor                                       1.2
Spectral Efficiency                                0.922    bps/Hz     Spectral Efficiency                               0.092    bps/Hz
Data Rate                                      13461.200    kb/s       Data Rate                                      689.0625    kb/s
Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                 14600    kb/s       Information Rate (Data + Overhead)                937.5    kb/s
 Symbol Rate                                       14600    ksps       Symbol Rate                                        1875    ks/s
Signal or Noise Bandwidth                            14.6   MHz        Chip Rate (Noise Bandwidth)                        7500    kHz
Channel Spacing Occupied Bandwidth                 17.52    MHz        Occupied Bandwidth                             9000.000    kHz
C/N Threshold                                         0.9   dB         C/N Threshold                                       -5.6   dB

Uplink                                                                 Uplink
Uplink Freq.                                      14.406    GHz        Uplink Freq.                                     14.406    GHz
Output Backoff                                       6.9    dB         Back-off                                              0    dB
EIRP Spectral Density                             37.473    dBW/4kHz   EIRP Spectral Density                             8.817    dBW/4kHz
Tx Range                                       38526.191    km         Tx Range                                      35830.096    km
FS Loss                                          207.328    dB         FS Loss                                         206.698    dB
Pointing Loss                                          0               Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                 0.2    dB
Weather                                              4.6               Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                         0    dB
Radome                                                 0               Radome, Lr                                          0.5    dB
Satellite G/T                                         -2    dB/K       Satellite G/T                                         2    dB/K
Uplink C/No                                       87.767    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No                                      64.748    dB-Hz
Uplink C/(No+Io)                                  87.264    dB-Hz      Uplink C/No+Io                                   64.519    dB-Hz

Satellite                                                              Satellite
SFD                                                  -86 dBW/m2        SFD @ terminal                                      -90 dBW/m2
Small Signal Gain                                    3.2               Small Signal Gain                                   3.2 dB
Output Backoff                                       5.1 dB            Output Backoff                                     24.6 dB

Downlink                                                               Downlink
Downlink Freq.                                    11.489    GHz        Downlink Freq.                                   11.489    GHz
Beampeak EIRP                                       51.5    dBW        Beampeak EIRP                                      51.5    dBW
Sat. EIRP                                             50    dBW        Sat. EIRP                                            43    dBW
DL PSD Limit                                          11    dBW/4kHz   DL PSD Limit                                         11    dBW/4kHz
DL PSD @ Beam Peak                                10.866    dBW/4kHz   Downlink PSD @ Beam Peak                         -9.260    dBW/4kHz
Carrier EIRP @ Beam Peak                          46.488    dBW        Carrier Beam Peak EIRP                           23.470    dBW
Carrier EIRP                                      44.988    dBW        Carrier EIRP                                     14.970    dBW
Rx Range                                       35830.096    km         Rx Range                                      38526.191    km
FS Loss                                          204.732    dB         FS Loss                                         205.363    dB
Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                0.100    dB         Pointing Loss, Lpnt                                   0    dB
Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                        0.5    dB         Atmosphere / Weather Loss, La                       4.8    dB
Radome, Lr                                             0    dB         Radome, Lr                                            0    dB
DownLink C/No                                     80.884    dB-Hz      DownLink C/No                                    70.607    dB-Hz
Downlink C/(No+Io)                                75.241    dB-Hz      Downlink C/No+io                                 70.057    dB-Hz

End-to-End                                                             End-to-End
Composite C/No+Io                                 74.977    dB-Hz      Composite C/No+Io                                63.449    dB-Hz
Implementation Loss                                    1    dB         Implementtion Loss                                    0    dB
End to End C/N+I with Imp Loss                      2.33    dB-Hz      Composite C/N+I w/imp loss                        -5.30    dB
Composite Link Margin                               1.43    dB         Composite Link Margin                              0.30    dB

                      II. FliteStream™ System Satellites and Gateways

                           Table 1. Satellite Points of Communication

Satellite   Licensing     Orbital     Downlink                 ITU Satellite   ITU Region   Service
             Admin.      Location    Freq. (GHz)                 Network                    to U.S.
Anik G1      Canada      107.3° W      11.7-12.2               CANSAT-34           2          No
Apstar 6      China       134° E      10.7-12.75                APSTAR-2           3          No
Apstar 7      China       76.5° E     10.7-12.75                APSTAR-4          1, 3        No
AsiaSat 5     China      100.5° E     11.45-12.2                ASIASAT-           1          No
AsiaSat 7    China       105.5° E     12.25-12.75               ASIASAT-              3       No
Eutelsat     France       10° E        11.7-12.2;             EUTELSAT 2-         1, 3        No
 10A                                  10.95-11.7;                 10E /
                                      12.5-12.75              EUTELSAT 3-
Eutelsat     France       70.5° E     10.95-11.7;             EUTELSAT 3-         1, 3        No
 70B                                  12.5-12.75                  70.5E

Eutelsat     Mexico      114.9° W       11.7-12.2             Permitted List          2      Yes
Eutelsat     Mexico      116.8° W       11.7-12.2             Permitted List          2      Yes
Eutelsat      U.S.        172° E      10.95-11.2;             U.S.-licensed           2      Yes
 172A                                 11.45-11.7

 Galaxy       U.S.        95° W         11.7-12.2              U.S.-licensed      2          Yes

 Galaxy       U.S.        99° W         11.7-12.2             U.S.-licensed           2      Yes

  IS-14       U.S.        45° W      11.45-11.95;             U.S.-licensed       1, 2        No
  IS-15       U.S.        85° E      12.25-12.75              U.S.-licensed        3         No
 IS-19*       U.S.       166° E       12.25-12.75             U.S.-licensed       2, 3       No
 IS-22*       U.S.       72.1° E    11.45-11.7; 12.25-12.75   U.S.-licensed       1, 3       No
 IS-29E       U.S.        50° W       10.95-11.7              U.S.-licensed       1, 2       Yes
 IS-33E       U.S.        60° E       10.95-11.2;             U.S.-licensed       1, 3       No

JCSAT-          Japan       154° E     11.45-11.7    N-SAT-154E               3            No
JCSAT-          Japan       132° E     12.25-12.75    N-STAR-A                1            No
NSS-6       Netherlands      95° E     11.45-12.75      NSS-9                 3            No

Superbird       Japan       144° E     12.2-12.75    N-SAT2-144E              3            No
 Telstar         U.S.      37.5° W     11.45-12.2    U.S.-licensed           1, 2          Yes
 Telstar         U.S.       15° W      10.95-12.2    U.S.-licensed            1            No
 Telstar        Brazil      63° W      11.45-12.2    Permitted List           2            Yes
 Yamal      Netherlands     183° E     10.95-11.7       NSS-19               1, 2          Yes
 Yamal          Russia       90° E    10.95-11.2;    EXPRESS-7C              1, 3          No
   401                                 11.45-12.75

      * Satellite Points of Communication for HR6400 ESAA Terminal Only.

                                 Table 2. Gateway Earth Stations Table

    Satellite             Satellite Gateway          Country     Gateway            FCC
                          Operator Earth Station                 Operator           Call Sign

    Anik G1               Telesat    Lima            Peru        NewCom             N/A

    Apstar 6              APT        Beijing         China       ChinaTelecom       N/A

    Apstar 7              APT        Kofinou         Cyprus      Stellar            N/A

    Asiasat 5             Asiasat    Kofinou         Cyprus      Stellar            N/A

    AsiaSat-7             AsiaSat    Beijing         China       China              N/A

    Eutelsat 10A          Eutelsat   Cologne         Germany     Stellar            N/A

    Eutelsat 70B          Eutelsat   Kofinou         Cyprus      Stellar            N/A

    Satellite           Satellite Gateway             Country     Gateway        FCC
                        Operator Earth Station                    Operator       Call Sign

    Eutelsat 115WB      Eutelsat    Brewster, WA      U.S.        USEI           E120043

    Eutelsat 117WA      Eutelsat    Brewster, WA      U.S.        USEI           E120043

    Eutelsat 172A       Eutelsat    Brewster, WA      U.S.        USEI           E120043

    Eutelsat 172A       Eutelsat    Adelaide          Australia   SpeedCast      N/A

    Galaxy 3C*          Intelsat    Hagerstown,       U.S.        Intelsat       E080006

    Galaxy 16           Intelsat    Brewster, WA      U.S.        U.S.           E120043

    IS-14               Intelsat    Cologne           Germany     Stellar        N/A

    IS-15               Intelsat    Kofinou           Cyprus      Stellar        N/A

    IS-19*              Intelsat    Napa, CA          U.S.        Intelsat       E980460

    IS-22*              Intelsat    Chungnam          S. Korea    Korea          N/A

    IS-29E              Intelsat    Hagerstown,       U.S.        Intelsat       E140121

    IS-33E              Intelsat    Cologne           Germany     Stellar        N/A

    IS-33E1             Intelsat    Moscow            Russia      Gazprom        N/A

    JCSAT-2B            SKY         Kapolei, HI       U.S.        Hawaii         E010236
                        Perfect                                   Pacific
                        JSAT                                      Teleport LP

1 Effective November 2017, the IS-33 satellite will be supported by a new gateway earth station
located at a Cologne, Germany teleport facility operated by Stellar.

Satellite          Satellite Gateway         Country    Gateway        FCC
                   Operator Earth Station               Operator       Call Sign

JCSAT-5A           SPJSAT    Yokohama        Japan      SPJSAT         N/A

NSS-6              SES       Kofinou         Cyprus     Stellar        N/A

Superbird C2       SPJSAT    Hong Kong       China      PCCW           N/A

Telstar 11N –      Skynet    Cologne         Germany    Stellar        N/A

Telstar 11N        Skynet    Ellenwood, GA U.S.         Intelsat       E990365
Telstar 12V (MW,   Skynet    Mt. Jackson,    U.S.       Telesat        E030029
MC, ME, MN)                  VA

Telstar 12V (NS) Skynet      Chalfont        U.K.       Arqiva         N/A

Telstar 14R*       Telesat   Mt. Jackson,    U.S.       Telesat        E030029

Yamal 300K         Gazprom   Brewster, WA    U.S.       USEI           E120043

Yamal 401          Gazprom   Moscow          Russia     RuSat          N/A

  * Satellite Points of Communication for HR6400 ESAA Terminal Only.

                         III. SECTION 25.227 CERTIFICATIONS

Astronics AeroSat Corporation (“Astronics AeroSat”), pursuant to Section 25.227 of the FCC’s
Rules, hereby certifies the following:

   1. In accordance with Section 25.227(a)(15), as the operator of an ESAA system operating
      over international waters, Astronics AeroSat has confirmed with its target space station
      operators that its existing and proposed operations are within coordinated parameters for
      adjacent satellites up to six degrees away (+/- 6°) on the geostationary arc.

   2. In accordance with Section 25.227(b)(7), Astronics AeroSat certifies that its existing and
      proposed operations comply with the following requirements of Section 25.227:

       •    Per Section 25.227(a)(6), for each ESAA transmitter, Astronics AeroSat will time
            annotate and maintain a record for a period of not less than one year of the vehicle
            location (i.e., latitude/longitude/altitude), transmit frequency, channel bandwidth
            and satellite used. Records will be recorded at time intervals no greater than one (1)
            minute while the ESAA is transmitting. Astronics AeroSat will make this data
            available in the requisite format within 24 hours of a request from the Commission,
            NTIA, or a frequency coordinator for purposes of resolving harmful interference
       •    Per Section 25.227(a)(9), each ESAA terminal will automatically cease transmitting
            within 100 milliseconds upon loss of reception of the satellite downlink signal or
            when it detects that unintended satellite tracking has happened or is about to
       •    Per Section 25.227(a)(10), each ESAA terminal will be subject to the monitoring
            and control by an NCMC. Each terminal will be able to receive “enable
            transmission” and “disable transmission” commands from the NCMC and must
            automatically cease transmissions immediately on receiving any “parameter change
            command”, which may cause harmful interference during the change, until it
            receives an “enable transmission” command from its NCMC. In addition, the
            NCMC will be able to monitor the operation of an ESAA terminal to determine if it
            is malfunctioning.
       •    Per Section 25.227(a)(11), each ESAA terminal shall be self-monitoring and,
            should a fault which can cause harmful interference to FSS networks be detected,
            the terminal will automatically cease transmissions.

                                    By:      s/ Frank Blanda      a

                                            Frank Blanda
                                            Chief Technical Officer

March 15, 2017

                                                    IV. 47 C.F.R. § 25.227 Compliance Matrix

Rule                                                                        Text                                                                 Application
§ 25.227                                                                                                                                  See Application
                       §25.227 Blanket licensing provisions for ESAAs operating with GSO FSS space stations in the 10.95-                 Narrative, Section II;
                       11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz, and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands.                                                  File No. SES-
                                                                                                                                          LIC-20140902-00688 at
§ 25.227(a)            (a) The following ongoing requirements govern all ESAA licensees and operations in the 10.95-11.2 GHz              Technical Appendix
                       (space-to-Earth), 11.45-11.7 GHz (space-to-Earth), 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-        (HR6400) and File No.
                       to-space) frequency bands receiving from and transmitting to geostationary orbit satellites in the Fixed-          SES-
                       Satellite Service. ESAA licensees shall comply with the requirements in either paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2) or         MFS-20161003-00823
                       (a)(3) of this section and all of the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a)(4) through (a)(16) and paragraphs   at Technical Appendix
                       (c), (d), and (e) of this section. Paragraph (b) of this section identifies items that shall be included in the    (HR129).
                       application for ESAA operations to demonstrate that these ongoing requirements will be met.

§ 25.227(a)(1)         (1) The following requirements shall apply to an ESAA that uses transmitters with off-axis EIRP spectral-
                       densities lower than or equal to the levels in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section. ESAA licensees operating       Id. Astronics AeroSat
                       under this section shall provide a detailed demonstration as described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. The    complies for HR6400 and
                       ESAA transmitter also shall comply with the antenna pointing and cessation of emission requirements in             HR129 ESAA operations in
                       paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section.                                                                   all two-degree spacing
§ 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A)   (A) EIRP spectral density emitted in the plane tangent to the GSO arc, as defined in §25.103, must not exceed       Id.
                       the following values:

                       15 - 25 log10(θ) dBW/4 kHz For 1.5° ≤ θ ≤ 7°
                       -6 dBW/4 kHz For 7° < θ ≤ 9.2°
                       18 - 25 log10(θ) dBW/4 kHz For 9.2° < θ ≤ 19.1°
                       -14 dBW/4 kHz For 19.1° < θ ≤ 180°

                       Where theta (θ) is the angle in degrees from a line from the earth station antenna to the assigned orbital
                       location of the target satellite. The EIRP density levels specified for θ > 7° may be exceeded by up to 3 dB in
                       up to 10% of the range of theta (θ) angles from ±7-180°, and by up to 6 dB in the region of main reflector
                       spillover energy.


§ 25.227(a)(1)(i)(B)   (B) The EIRP spectral density of co-polarized signals must not exceed the following values in the plane              Id.
                       perpendicular to the GSO arc, as defined in §25.103:

                       18 - 25 log(θ) dBW/4 kHz For 3° ≤ θ ≤ 19.1°
                       -14 dBW/4 kHz For 19.1° < θ ≤ 180°

                       Where θ is as defined in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section. These EIRP density levels may be exceeded by
                       up to 6 dB in the region of main reflector spillover energy and in up to 10% of the range of θ angles not
                       included in that region, on each side of the line from the earth station to the target satellite.

§ 25.227(a)(1)(i)(C)   (C) The off-axis EIRP spectral-density of cross-polarized signals must not exceed the following values in the       Id.
                       plane tangent to the GSO arc or in the plane perpendicular to the GSO arc

                       5 - 25 log10(θ) dBW/4 kHz For 1.8° ≤ θ ≤ 7°

                       Where θ is as defined in paragraph (a)(1)(i)(A) of this section.

§ 25.227(a)(1)(ii)     (ii) Each ESAA transmitter shall meet one of the following antenna pointing requirements:                           Id. (ESAAs comply)
                       (A) Each ESAA transmitter shall maintain a pointing error of less than or equal to 0.2° between the orbital
                       location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna; or
                       (B) Each ESAA transmitter shall declare a maximum antenna pointing error that may be greater than 0.2°
                       provided that the ESAA does not exceed the off-axis EIRP spectral-density limits in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this
                       section, taking into account the antenna pointing error.
§ 25.227(a)(1)(iii)    (iii) Each ESAA transmitter shall meet one of the following cessation of emission requirements:                     Id.
                       (A) For ESAAs operating under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, all emissions from the ESAA shall
                       automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location of the target satellite and
                       the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna exceeds 0.5°, and transmission shall not resume until such
                       angle is less than or equal to 0.2°, or
                       (B) For ESAA transmitters operating under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section, all emissions from the
                       ESAA shall automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location of the target
                       satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna exceeds the declared maximum antenna pointing
                       error and shall not resume transmissions until such angle is less than or equal to the declared maximum
                       antenna pointing error.


25.227(a)(2)     (2) The following requirements apply to ESAA systems that operate with off-axis EIRP spectral-densities in
                 excess of the levels in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (a)(3)(i) of this section under licenses granted based on          See File No. SES-
                 certifications filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section.                                                LIC-20140902-00688 and
                                                                                                                                   subsequent modifications.
                 (i) An ESAA or ESAA system licensed based on certifications filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this            See
                 section must operate in accordance with the off-axis EIRP density specifications provided to the target satellite also Section 25.227(b)(2).
                 operator in order to obtain the certifications.

                 (ii) Any ESAA transmitter operating under a license granted based on certifications filed pursuant to paragraph
                 (b)(2) of this section must be self-monitoring and capable of shutting itself off and must cease or reduce
                 emissions within 100 milliseconds after generating off-axis EIRP-density in excess of the specifications
                 supplied to the target satellite operator.

                 (iii) A system with variable power control of individual ESAA transmitters must monitor the aggregate off-
                 axis EIRP density from simultaneously transmitting ESAA transmitters at the system's network control and
                 monitoring center. If simultaneous operation of two or more ESAA transmitters causes aggregate off-axis
                 EIRP density to exceed the off-axis EIRP density specifications supplied to the target satellite operator, the
                 network control and monitoring center must command those transmitters to cease emissions or reduce the
                 aggregate EIRP density to a level at or below those specifications, and the transmitters must comply within
                 100 milliseconds of receiving the command.

§ 25.227(a)(3)   (3) The following requirements apply to an ESAA system that uses variable power-density control of                 N/A
                 individual ESAA earth stations transmitting simultaneously in the same frequencies to the same target satellite,
                 unless the system operates pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

                 (i) Aggregate EIRP density from co-frequency earth stations in each target satellite receiving beam, not
                 resulting from colliding data bursts transmitted pursuant to a contention protocol, will not exceed the limits
                 specified in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section.

                 (ii) Each ESAA transmitter must be self-monitoring and capable of shutting itself off and must cease or reduce
                 emissions within 100 milliseconds after generating off-axis EIRP density in excess of the limit in paragraph
                 (a)(3)(i) of this section.

                 (iii) A system with variable power control of individual ESAA transmitters must monitor aggregate power
                 density from simultaneously transmitting ESAA transmitters at the network control and monitoring center. If
                 simultaneous operation of two or more transmitters causes aggregate off-axis EIRP density to exceed the off-
                 axis EIRP density limit in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, the network control and monitoring center must
                 command those transmitters to cease emissions or reduce the aggregate EIRP density to a level at or below


                  that limit, and those transmitters must comply within 100 milliseconds of receiving the command.

§ 25.227(a)(4)    (4) An applicant filing to operate an ESAA terminal or system and planning to use a contention protocol shall        Id.
                  certify that its contention protocol use will be reasonable.

§ 25.227(a)(5)    (5) There shall be a point of contact in the United States, with phone number and address, available 24 hours a      See SES-
                  day, seven days a week, with authority and ability to cease all emissions from the ESAA.                             LIC-20140902-00688,
                                                                                                                                       Technical Appendix.

§ 25.227(a)(6)    (6) For each ESAA transmitter, a record of the vehicle location (i.e., latitude/longitude/altitude), transmit        Id.
                  frequency, channel bandwidth and satellite used shall be time annotated and maintained for a period of not less
                  than one year. Records shall be recorded at time intervals no greater than one (1) minute while the ESAA is
                  transmitting. The ESAA operator shall make this data available, in the form of a comma delimited electronic
                  spreadsheet, within 24 hours of a request from the Commission, NTIA, or a frequency coordinator for
                  purposes of resolving harmful interference events. A description of the units (i.e., degrees, minutes, MHz ….)
                  in which the records values are recorded will be supplied along with the records.

§ 25.227(a)(7)    (7) In the 10.95-11.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 11.45-11.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands ESAAs                 Applicable regulatory
                  shall not claim protection from interference from any authorized terrestrial stations to which frequencies are       status and protection
                  either already assigned, or may be assigned in the future.                                                           provision. Astronics
                                                                                                                                       AeroSat complies.

§ 25.227(a)(8)    (8) An ESAA terminal receiving in the 11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) bands shall receive protection from             Applicable regulatory
                  interference caused by space stations other than the target space station only to the degree to which harmful        status and protection
                  interference would not be expected to be caused to an earth station employing an antenna conforming to the           provision. Astronics
                  referenced patterns defined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 25.209 and stationary at the location at which      AeroSat complies.
                  any interference occurred.
                                                                                                                                       See File No. SES-
§ 25.227(a)(9)    (9) Each ESAA terminal shall automatically cease transmitting within 100 milliseconds upon loss of reception         LIC-20140902-00688 at Technical
                  of the satellite downlink signal or when it detects that unintended satellite tracking has happened or is about to   Appendix
                  happen.                                                                                                              (HR6400) and File No. SES-
                                                                                                                                       MFS-20161003-00823 at Technical
                                                                                                                                       Appendix ( HR129).

§ 25.227(a)(10)   (10) Each ESAA terminal should be subject to the monitoring and control by an NCMC or equivalent facility.           Id.
                  Each terminal must be able to receive at least “enable transmission” and “disable transmission” commands
                  from the NCMC and must automatically cease transmissions immediately on receiving any “parameter change
                  command”, which may cause harmful interference during the change, until it receives an “enable
                  transmission” command from its NCMC. In addition, the NCMC must be able to monitor the operation of an
                  ESAA terminal to determine if it is malfunctioning.


§ 25.227(a)(11)   (11) Each ESAA terminal shall be self-monitoring and, should a fault which can cause harmful interference to       Id.
                  FSS networks be detected, the terminal must automatically cease transmissions.
§ 25.227(a)(12)   (12) Unless otherwise stated all ESAA system that comply with the off-axis EIRP spectral-density limits in         Applicable regulatory
                  paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section may request Permitted List authority.                                          status and protection
§ 25.227(a)(13)   (13) ESAA providers operating in the international airspace within line-of-sight of the territory of a foreign     Applicable regulatory
                  administration where fixed service networks have primary allocation in this band, the maximum power flux           status and protection
                  density (pfd) produced at the surface of the Earth by emissions from a single aircraft carrying an ESAA            provision.
                  terminal should not exceed the following values unless the foreign Administration has imposed other
                  conditions for protecting its fixed service stations:
                  -132+0.5 · θ dB(W/(m2 · MHz)) For θ ≤ 40°
                  -112 dB(W/(m2 · MHz)) For 40° < θ ≤ 90°
                  Where: θ is the angle of arrival of the radio-frequency wave (degrees above the horizontal) and the
                  aforementioned limits relate to the pfd and angles of arrival would be obtained under free-space propagation

§ 25.227(a)(14)   (14) All ESAA terminals operated in U.S. airspace, whether on U.S.-registered civil aircraft or non-U.S.-          Applicable regulatory
                  registered civil aircraft, must be licensed by the Commission. All ESAA terminals on U.S.-registered civil         status and protection
                  aircraft operating outside of U.S. airspace must be licensed by the Commission, except as provided by Section      provision.
                  303(t) of the Communications Act.

§ 25.227(a)(15)   (15) For ESAA systems operating over international waters, ESAA operators will certify that their target space     See Technical
                  station operators have confirmed that proposed ESAA operations are within coordinated parameters for               Appendix, I.
                  adjacent satellites up to 6 degrees away on the geostationary arc.
§ 25.227(a)(16)   (16) Prior to operations within the foreign nation’s airspace, the ESAA operator will ascertain whether the        Astronics AeroSat
                  relevant administration has operations that could be affected by ESAA terminals, and will determine whether        complies (no specific
                  that administration has adopted specific requirements concerning ESAA operations. When the aircraft enters         certification required).
                  foreign airspace, the ESAA terminal would be required to operate under the Commission’s rules, or those of
                  the foreign administration, whichever is more constraining. To the extent that all relevant administrations have
                  identified geographic areas from which ESAA operations would not affect their radio operations, ESAA
                  operators would be free to operate within those identified areas without further action. To the extent that the
                  foreign administration has not adopted requirements regarding ESAA operations, ESAA operators would be
                  required to coordinate their operations with any potentially affected operations.
§ 25.227(b)       (b) Applications for ESAA operation in the 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) band to GSO satellites in the FSS
                  shall include, in addition to the particulars of operation identified on FCC Form 312, and associated Schedule
                  B, the applicable technical demonstrations in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(3), and the documentation
                  identified in paragraphs (b)(4) through (b)(8) of this section.

§ 25.227(b)(1)    (1) An ESAA applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under paragraph (a)(1) of this section must


provide the information required by §25.115(g)(1). An applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under
paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section must also provide the certifications identified in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of
                                                                                                                      See Application
this section. An applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section
                                                                                                                      Narrative, Section II;
must also provide the demonstrations identified in paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section.
                                                                                                                      File No. SES-
(i)-(ii) [Reserved]
                                                                                                                      at Technical Appendix
                                                                                                                      (HR6400) and File No.
(iii) An ESAA applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section            SES-
shall:                                                                                                                MFS-20161003-00823
                                                                                                                      at Technical Appendix
(A) Demonstrate that the total tracking error budget of their antenna is within 0.2° or less between the orbital      (HR129).
location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna. As part of the engineering
analysis, the ESAA applicant must show that the antenna pointing error is within three sigma () from the mean
value, i.e., that there is a 0.997 probability the antenna maintains a pointing error within 0.2°; and

(B) Demonstrate that the antenna tracking system is capable of ceasing emissions within 100 milliseconds if
the angle between the orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna
exceeds 0.5°.

(iv) An ESAA applicant proposing to implement a transmitter under paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section

(A) Declare, in its application, a maximum antenna pointing error and demonstrate that the maximum antenna
pointing error can be achieved without exceeding the off-axis EIRP spectral-density limits in paragraph
(a)(1)(i) of this section; and

(B) Demonstrate that the ESAA transmitter can detect if the transmitter exceeds the declared maximum
antenna pointing error and can cease transmission within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital
location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna exceeds the declared
maximum antenna pointing error, and will not resume transmissions until the angle between the orbital
location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna is less than or equal to the
declared maximum antenna pointing error.


§ 25.227(b)(2)   (2) An ESAA applicant proposing to operate with off-axis EIRP density in excess of the levels in paragraph          See File No. SES-
                 (a)(1)(i) or (a)(3)(i) of this section must provide the following in exhibits to its earth station application:     LIC-20140902-00688 at
                                                                                                                                     Technical Appendix
                 (i) Off-axis EIRP density data pursuant to §25.115(g)(1);                                                           (HR6400) and File No.
                 (ii) The certifications required by §25.220(d); and                                                                 MFS-20161003-0082 3
                                                                                                                                     at Technical Appendix
                 (iii) A detailed showing that each ESAA transmitter in the system will automatically cease or reduce emissions      (HR129).
                 within 100 milliseconds after generating EIRP density exceeding specifications provided to the target satellite
                 operator; and

                 (iv) A detailed showing that the aggregate power density from simultaneously transmitting ESAA transmitters
                 will be monitored at the system's network control and monitoring center; that if simultaneous operation of two
                 or more ESAA transmitters causes the aggregate off-axis EIRP density to exceed the off-axis EIRP density
                 specifications supplied to the target satellite operator, the network control and monitoring center will
                 command those transmitters to cease emissions or reduce the aggregate EIRP density to a level at or below
                 those specifications; and that those transmitters will comply within 100 milliseconds of receiving the

§ 25.227(b)(3)   (3) An applicant proposing to implement an ESAA system subject to paragraph (a)(3) of this section must             N/A
                 provide the following information in exhibits to its earth station application:

                 (i) Off-axis EIRP density data pursuant to §25.115(g)(1);

                 (ii) A detailed showing of the measures that will be employed to maintain aggregate EIRP density at or below
                 the limit in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section;

                 (iii) A detailed showing that each ESAA terminal will automatically cease or reduce emissions within 100
                 milliseconds after generating off-axis EIRP density exceeding the limit in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section;

                 (iv) A detailed showing that the aggregate power density from simultaneously transmitting ESAA transmitters
                 will be monitored at the system's network control and monitoring center; that if simultaneous operation of two
                 or more transmitters in the ESAA network causes aggregate off-axis EIRP density to exceed the off-axis
                 density limit in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, the network control and monitoring center will command
                 those transmitters to cease emissions or reduce the aggregate EIRP density to a level at or below that limit; and
                 that those transmitters will comply within 100 milliseconds of receiving the command.


§ 25.227(b)(4)   (4) There shall be an exhibit included with the application describing the geographic area(s) in which the         See Application Technical
                 ESAA will operate.                                                                                                 Appendix, I.

§ 25.227(b)(5)   (5) Any ESAA applicant filing for an ESAA terminal or system and planning to use a contention protocol shall       N/A
                 include in its application a certification that will comply with the requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this

§ 25.227(b)(6)   (6) The point of contact referred to in paragraph (a)(5) of this section shall be included in the application.     See File No. SES-
                                                                                                                                    LIC-20140902-00688 ,
                                                                                                                                    Technical Appendix.

§ 25.227(b)(7)   (7) Any ESAA applicant filing for an ESAA terminal or system shall include in its application a certification      See Application Technical
                 that will comply with the requirements of paragraph (a)(6), (a)(9), (a)(10), (a)(11) of this section.               Appendix, III.

§ 25.227(b)(8)   (8) All ESAA applicants shall submit a radio frequency hazard analysis determining via calculation,                See File No. SES-
                 simulation, or field measurement whether ESAA terminals, or classes of terminals, will produce power               LIC-20140902-00688
                 densities that will exceed the Commission’s radio frequency exposure criteria. ESAA applicants with ESAA           at Technical Appendix
                 terminals that will exceed the guidelines in Section 1.1310 for radio frequency radiation exposure shall           (HR6400) and File No.
                 provide, with their environmental assessment, a plan for mitigation of radiation exposure to the extent required   SES-
                 to meet those guidelines. All ESAA licensees shall ensure installation of ESAA terminals on aircraft by            MFS-20161003-00823
                 qualified installers who have an understanding of the antenna’s radiation environment and the measures best        at Technical Appendix
                 suited to maximize protection of the general public and persons operating the vehicle and equipment. An            (HR129).
                 ESAA terminal exhibiting radiation exposure levels exceeding 1.0 mW/cm² in accessible areas, such as at the
                 exterior surface of the radome, shall have a label attached to the surface of the terminal warning about the
                 radiation hazard and shall include thereon a diagram showing the regions around the terminal where the
                 radiation levels could exceed 1.0 mW/cm².


§ 25.227(c)   (c)(1) Operations of ESAAs in the 14.0-14.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency band in the radio line-of- sight          See File No. SES-
              of the NASA TDRSS facilities on Guam (latitude 13° 36' 55'' N, longitude 144° 51' 22'' E) or White Sands,            LIC-20140902-00688,
              New Mexico (latitude 32° 20' 59'' N, longitude 106° 36' 31'' W and latitude 32° 32' 40'' N, longitude 106° 36'       Astronics AeroSat
              48'' W) are subject to coordination with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through            Corporation Section
              the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Interdepartment Radio Advisory                 1.65 Letter Update on
              Committee (IRAC). Licensees shall notify the International Bureau once they have completed coordination.             Coordination Status
              Upon receipt of such notification from a licensee, the International Bureau will issue a public notice stating       (filed on February 2,
              that the licensee may commence operations within the coordination zone in 30 days if no party has opposed            2015).
              the operations.
              (2) When NTIA seeks to provide similar protection to future TDRSS sites that have been coordinated through
              the IRAC Frequency Assignment Subcommittee process, NTIA will notify the Commission’s International
              Bureau that the site is nearing operational status. Upon public notice from the International Bureau, all Ku-
              band ESAA licensees shall cease operations in the 14.0-14.2 GHz band within radio line-of-sight of the new
              TDRSS site until the licensees complete coordination with NTIA/IRAC for the new TDRSS facility. Licensees
              shall notify the International Bureau once they have completed coordination for the new TDRSS site. Upon
              receipt of such notification from a licensee, the International Bureau will issue a public notice stating that the
              licensee may commence operations within the coordination zone in 30 days if no party has opposed the
              operations. The ESAA licensee then will be permitted to commence operations in the 14.0-14.2 GHz band
              within radio line-of-sight of the new TDRSS site, subject to any operational constraints developed in the
              coordination process.
§ 25.227(d)   (d)(1) Operations of ESAA in the 14.47-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency band in the radio line-of- sight          See File No. SES-
              of radio astronomy service (RAS) observatories observing in the 14.47-14.5 GHz band are subject to                   LIC-20140902-00688,
              coordination with the National Science Foundation (NSF). The appropriate NSF contact point to initiate               Astronics AeroSat
              coordination is Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager, NSF, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1045, Arlington VA                   Corporation Section
              22203, fax 703-292-9034, email Licensees shall notify the International Bureau once they have           1.65 Letter Update on
              completed coordination. Upon receipt of the coordination agreement from a licensee, the International Bureau         Coordination Status
              will issue a public notice stating that the licensee may commence operations within the coordination zone in         (filed on February 2,
              30 days if no party has opposed the operations.                                                                      2015).
              (2) A list of applicable RAS sites and their locations can be found in 25.226(d)(2) Table 1.
              (3) When NTIA seeks to provide similar protection to future RAS sites that have been coordinated through the
              IRAC Frequency Assignment Subcommittee process, NTIA will notify the Commission’s International
              Bureau that the site is nearing operational status. Upon public notice from the International Bureau, all Ku-
              band ESAA licensees shall cease operations in the 14.47-14.5 GHz band within the relevant geographic zone
              of the new RAS site until the licensees complete coordination for the new RAS facility. Licensees shall notify
              the International Bureau once they have completed coordination for the new RAS site and shall submit the
              coordination agreement to the Commission. Upon receipt of such notification from a licensee, the International
              Bureau will issue a public notice stating that the licensee may commence operations within the coordination
              zone in 30 days if no party has opposed the operations. The ESAA licensee then will be permitted to
              commence operations in the 14.47-14.5 GHz band within the relevant coordination distance around the new
              RAS site, subject to any operational constraints developed in the coordination process.


                                  V. Technical Certification

       I, Frank Blanda, hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

the preparation of the technical information contained in the Astronics AeroSat blanket license

application for ESAA operating authority and the accompanying Technical Appendix, that I am

familiar with Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules (47 C.F.R. Part 25), and that I have either

prepared or reviewed the technical information submitted in this application and found it to be

complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                             By:        s/ Frank Blanda      a

                                                     Frank Blanda
                                                     Astronics AeroSat Corporation
                                                     Chief Technical Officer

March 15, 2017

Document Created: 2017-03-19 10:11:51
Document Modified: 2017-03-19 10:11:51

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