Attachment Narrative Statement

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170319-00302 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of

Application of Astronics AeroSat Corporation       )   Call Sign E140087
to Modify its Existing Ku-band Earth Stations      )
Aboard Aircraft (“ESAA”) Blanket License           )   File No. ___________________


       By this application, Astronics AeroSat Corporation (“Astronics AeroSat”) seeks

modification of its existing earth stations aboard aircraft (“ESAA”) blanket license, Call Sign

E140087,1 by adding authority to operate its previously authorized HR129 and HR6400 ESAA

terminals with satellites on the Commission’s Permitted Space Station List (“Permitted List”)

and certain additional satellite points of communication. The modifications sought herein will

improve Astronics AeroSat’s operational flexibility and extend the coverage of its FliteStreamTM

ESAA system.

       Pursuant to Section 25.117(c) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.117(c),

Astronics AeroSat provides information regarding the requested modifications in the FCC Form

312 Schedule B and Technical Appendix.          Astronics AeroSat confirms that the remaining

elements of its ESAA Blanket License will not change.           The proposed modifications are

consistent with the Commission’s rules and policies governing Ku-band ESAAs 2 and, for the

reasons described herein, grant of this modification application would serve the public interest.

1See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, Radio Station Authorization, File No. SES-LIC-20140902-
00688 and subsequent modifications, Call Sign E140087 (“ESAA Blanket License”).
2See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227; see also Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to
Govern the Use of Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft Communicating with Fixed-Satellite Service


         Astronics AeroSat has fully described the FliteStream™ system in prior submissions and

hereby incorporates by reference the technical showing regarding the control functionality and

other operational characteristics previously submitted. 3 The Commission recently granted

Astronics AeroSat’s request to modify its ESAA Blanket License to add satellite points of

communication for its previously licensed HR6400 terminal and add the HR129 terminal for

regular commercial operations. 4      Astronics AeroSat also currently has special temporary

authorization (“STA”) to conduct the Permitted List operations sought herein. 5 Astronics

AeroSat’s ESAA terminals will continue to operate in accordance with the terms of the ESAA

Blanket License and Section 25.227, but seeks to add explicit authority to communicate with

Permitted List satellites and the additional points of communication identified herein in

accordance with the Commission’s two-degree spacing requirements..


         A.     Satellite Points of Communication

                1.      Permitted List Operations

         Astronics AeroSat is requesting authority to operate its ESAA terminals with any satellite

on the Commission’s Permitted List pursuant to Section 25.227(a)(12) of the Commission’s rules,

Geostationary-Orbit Space Stations Operating in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-
12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz Frequency Bands; Service Rules and Procedures to Govern the
Use of Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Earth Stations in Frequency Bands Allocated to the
Fixed Satellite Service, IB Docket Nos. 12-376 & 05-20, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and
Report and Order, FCC 12- 161 (rel. Dec. 28, 2012) (“ESAA Order”).
3   See, e.g., File No. SES-LIC-20140902-00688, Call Sign E140087 at Technical Appendix.

4 See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20161003-00823, Call Sign E140087
(granted on February 28, 2017).
5See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, File No SES-STA-20170305-00232, Call Sign E140087
(60-day STA granted on March 9, 2017).


which permits an ESAA system that complies with the off-axis EIRP spectral density (“ESD”)

limits in Section 25.227(a)(1)(i) to request such authority. Astronics AeroSat will operate the

ESAA terminals with Permitted List satellites in permissible portions of the 14.0-14.5 GHz band

consistent with these uplink off-axis ESD limits, and in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-12.2 GHz

downlink bands.

       As noted, Astronics AeroSat’s existing ESAA Blanket License generally authorizes

operations pursuant to Section 25.227(a)(2) of the Commission’s rules because, out of an

abundance of caution, Astronics AeroSat sought satellite operator certification for all ESAA

operations. Although Astronics AeroSat has included satellite operator certifications as required

by Section 25.227(b)(2) for its currently authorized ESAA operations, its operations are

consistent with the off-axis ESD levels specified in Section 25.227(a)(1)(i) (i.e., consistent with

two-degree spacing levels). In this modification, Astronics AeroSat seeks to continue to operate

at these levels with Permitted List satellites and the additional satellite points of communication

identified below. Astronics AeroSat has previously provided antenna performance information

for each ESAA terminal demonstrating compliance with applicable off-axis ESD levels and both

the HR129 and HR6400 terminals are operating with two-degree spaced satellites without


                 2.   Additional Satellite Points of Communication

       Astronics AeroSat seeks to add four (4) individual satellites (AsiaSat-7, Galaxy 16, IS-

33 and JCSAT-2B) as authorized points of communication for the HR6400 and HR129

6 See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, File No. SES-LIC-20140902-00688, Call Sign E140087 at
Technical Appendix (providing off-axis ESD plots for the HR6400 terminal) and File No. SES-
MFS-20161003-00823, Call Sign E140087 at Technical Appendix (providing off-axis ESD plots
for the HR129 terminal). Please note that Astronics AeroSat seeks a small upward adjustment to
the maximum EIRP level of the HR129 ESAA terminal, but the terminal will remain compliant
with Section 25.227(a)(1)(i).


terminals. The following table provides an overview of the basic parameters of ESAA

operations with each individual satellite point of communication. 7 A complete table reflecting

all satellites supporting the FliteStreamTM system is included in the Technical Appendix.

                         Table 1. Proposed Satellite Points of Communication

Satellite    Licensing    Orbital        Downlink         ITU Satellite         ITU        Service
             Admin.8      Location      Freq. (GHz)        Network 9           Region     To U.S.10
AsiaSat 7      China      105.5° E      12.25-12.75      ASIASAT-CKX             3           No

Galaxy 16       U.S.        99° W        11.7-12.2         U.S.-licensed          2          Yes
    IS-33E      U.S.        60° E       10.95-11.2;        U.S.-licensed         1, 3         No
 JCSAT-        Japan       154° E       11.45-11.7         N-SAT-154E             3           No

         Each of these proposed satellites has been previously authorized as points of

communication for similar ESAA operations 11 or is a U.S.-licensed satellite. 12 Accordingly, the

7The HR129 and HR6400 terminals will operate in the uplink direction within the 14.0-14.5
GHz band consistent with satellite operator coordination agreements, the Commission’s rules
and applicable international requirements.
8Each foreign licensing administration is a member of the World Trade Organization for
services covered under the World Trade Organization Basic Telecommunications Agreement.
See FCC Form 312 at Item 42; 47 CFR § 25.137(a).
9Astronics AeroSat provides the ITU satellite network filing name for each non-U.S. licensed
10“Yes” indicates that the relevant satellite will be used for ESAA operations in U.S. territory.
“No” indicates that ESAA operations will be conducted outside U.S. territory, even if the
satellite may have some coverage of the United States.
11See, e.g., Gogo LLC, File No. SES-MFS-20151022-00735, Call Sign E120106 (granted
authority to add AsiaSat-7 and JCSAT-2B as authorized points of communication under its
ESAA blanket license).
12Galaxy 16 is a U.S.-licensed satellite and currently authorized as a point of communication for
similar ESAA operations (see Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20130930-


technical and operational parameters of each satellite are well known to the Commission,

including each satellite’s orbital debris mitigation and end-of-life plans, and no new showing

regarding these issues is required. In the attached Technical Appendix and Form 312 Schedule

B, Astronics AeroSat provides information regarding the operational characteristics of the ESAA

terminals with each satellite identified in Table 1. Depictions of the geographic areas in which

its ESAA terminals will operate with each proposed satellite point of communication are also


          Although Astronics AeroSat has included satellite operator certifications for its previous

ESAA terminal operations, it has not done so for the satellite points of communication sought in

this modification application. However, the absence of a Section 25.227(b)(2) certification does

not affect the request to communicate with the additional satellites because at all times Astronics

AeroSat will operate the HR129 and HR6400 terminals consistent with the off-axis ESD levels

in Section 25.227(a)(1). 14 Additionally, out of an abundance of caution, Astronics AeroSat

requests a waiver of the U.S. Table of Allocation in Section II.B to the extent necessary to permit

its receive ESAA operations with IS-33E in the 12.5-12.6 GHz downlink band and with AsiaSat-

7 in the 12.25-12.75 GHz downlink band.

00845, Call Sign E100089). IS-33E is a U.S.-licensed satellite that was recently authorized by
the Commission (see Intelsat License LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20150327-00016, Call Sign
S2939 (granted on Feb. 25, 2016)).
13   See Technical Appendix, I; see also 47 C.F.R. § 25.227(b)(4).
14Although no satellite operator certification is necessary when an ESAA operates in accordance
with the Section 25.227(a)(1) mask, Astronics AeroSat reserves the right to supplement the
record with a certification should it be deemed necessary or appropriate.


                 3.        Ground Segment

        The gateway earth stations for Astronics AeroSat’s ESAA network are located in various

countries around the world to provide global coverage and vary by satellite. Table 2, below,

reflects the gateway earth stations for the satellite points of communication proposed herein. A

complete table reflecting all satellites and gateways in the network is included in the Technical


                                 Table 2. Gateway Earth Stations Table

     Satellite        Satellite Gateway      Country        Gateway Operator       FCC Call
                      Operator Earth Station                                       Sign

     AsiaSat-7        AsiaSat     Beijing        China      China Telecom          N/A

     Galaxy 16        Intelsat    Brewster, WA U.S.         U.S. Electrodynamics   E120043

     IS-3315          Intelsat    Moscow         Russia     RuSat                  N/A

     JCSAT-2B SPJSAT              Kapolei, HI    U.S.       Hawaii Pacific         N/A
                                                            Teleport LP

        Network control for Astronics AeroSat’s proposed operations will be provided pursuant

to an agreement with Panasonic Avionics Corporation, subject to Astronics AeroSat’s ultimate

direction and control using linked Network Operations Centers (“NOCs”) located at both

companies’ facilities. The primary points of contact at both NOC facilities have been previously

provided to the Commission by Astronics AeroSat. 16

15Effective November 2017, the IS-33 satellite will be supported by a new gateway earth station
located at a Cologne, Germany teleport facility operated by Stellar.
16See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, File No. File No. SES-MFS-20161003-00688 (Call Sign
E140087), Technical Appendix.


                 B.     Waiver Request

         Although Astronics AeroSat has previously been granted a waiver of Section 2.106 of the

Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, to operate ESAA terminals in the 12.25-12.75 GHz

downlink band, out of an abundance of caution, it respectfully requests a similar waiver here.

Specifically, Astronics AeroSat’s ESAA terminals will communicate with IS-33E in the 12.5-

12.6 GHz downlink band and with AsiaSat-7 in the 12.25-12.75 GHz downlink band.

         The FCC’s Table of Allocations permits use of the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz

bands (on an unprotected basis) and the 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands (on a primary

basis) for ESAA operations.17 Astronics AeroSat seeks to utilize FSS satellite capacity available

in the 12.25-12.75 GHz band for ESAA receive operations on an unprotected, non-harmful

interference basis outside the United States (principally in Regions 1 and 3). 18 The Commission

previously waived Section 2.106 with respect to operation of Astronics AeroSat’s ESAA system

and other in-flight connectivity providers in this additional Ku-band downlink spectrum. 19 The

requested waiver would serve the public interest because use of this downlink (receive) spectrum

is essential to offering in-flight broadband connectivity in the Ku-band and presents a negligible

risk of interference to other spectrum users.

                 C.     Public Interest Statement

         Grant of the requested modification to add Permitted List authority and the proposed

additional satellite points of communication will serve the public interest by extending the

coverage and increasing the capacity of the FliteStream™ system. This will provide a direct

17   See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 and n. NG52 and NG55; see also 47 C.F.R. § 25.227.
18 The 12.5-12.75 GHz band is allocated for FSS downlinks in Region 1 and the 12.2-12.75 is
allocated for FSS downlinks in Region 3.
19   See, e.g., Panasonic Avionics Corporation, SES-MFS-20150609-00349, Call Sign E100089.


benefit to U.S. consumers that can access in-flight mobile broad applications, and will further

enhance U.S. leadership in in-flight mobile broadband services.


       For the foregoing reasons, Astronics AeroSat respectfully requests that the Commission

modify its ESAA Blanket License, Call Sign E140087, by adding Permitted List authority and the

specified satellites as authorized points of communications for its previously authorized HR6400

and HR129 ESAA terminals.


Document Created: 2017-03-19 10:11:20
Document Modified: 2017-03-19 10:11:20

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