Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170126-00061 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                      Row 44 Inc.
                                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                                     January 2017
                                                                                       Page 1 of 7

                    Description of Application for Modification of License

This application seeks to modify the current Row 44, Inc. (“Row 44”)1 Ku-band Earth Stations
Aboard Aircraft (“ESAA”) license (Call Sign E080100) to add an additional remote antenna
functioning with additional satellite points of communication.2 The new antenna is closely
related to the existing SAA antenna. The new aircraft-mounted transmit/receive antenna is the
0.63 meter QEST Global Satellite Antenna Assembly (“GSAA”), which is identified as Remote
Terminal #3 in the FCC Form 312 that is part of this application. This modification application
also seeks to add two of the new points of communication for use with its existing SAA/TECOM
antenna – both AMC-3 at its new 72 W.L. orbital location (see n.2) and Intelsat 29e at 50 W.L.
Except as identified in the attached Technical Annex and the Form 312, there are no other
changes proposed to the technical parameters contained in the current ESAA license. In
particular, with respect to the SAA antenna, the only changes sought are in the satellite points of
communication used and the related addition of frequency bands used on these satellites. Other
transmit operating parameters remain unchanged for Remote Antenna #2.

The Schedule B information submitted with this application contains only the parameters that
apply to the GSAA antenna and the additional authority requested for the SAA antenna and are
not intended to replace entirely the parameters specified in the current authorization that apply to
the TECOM/QEST SAA antenna or the Aerosat antenna that were previously authorized. The
modification requested herein will provide enhanced service capability and reliability for airline
passengers on flights operating throughout North America and in airspace beyond CONUS by
allowing increased system capacity and more robust performance. Except as specifically set
forth herein and in Schedule B, Row 44 seeks these modifications subject to all terms and
conditions set forth in its current license.3

  The in-flight connectivity business established by Row 44 now operates under the name
Global Eagle Entertainment, which is the parent company of Row 44 (see IBFS File No. SES-
T/C-20121203-01063). As Row 44 remains the name of the FCC licensee, that designation is
used in this application.
  Row 44 notes that the FCC’s IBFS database indicates that AMC-3 is located at 67 W.L.,
although the FCC has authorized its relocation to its current location at 72 W.L. (FCC File No.
SAT-MOD-20161025-00102). See FCC Public Notice, Report No. SAT-1196, at 1 (released
October 28, 2016) (announcing SES’s notification of this fleet management maneuver and
stating that SES “may commence relocation of AMC-3 no earlier than November 24, 2016,
without further authorization by the Commission”).
  See Row 44 Inc., Radio Station Authorization, Call Sign E080100, File No. SES-MFS-
20150928-00635, as amended by SES-AFS-20160614-00506 (Sat. Div., granted Aug. 19, 2016).
Document Number: 348773                      Version: 1

                                                                                      Row 44 Inc.
                                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                                     January 2017
                                                                                       Page 2 of 7

Row 44 seeks to implement service using both its SAA and GSAA antennas pursuant to this
modification application as soon as practicable, and respectfully requests that this modification
application be placed on Public Notice as quickly as possible in order to facilitate this projected
implementation schedule. To the extent necessary, Row 44 may need to seek Special Temporary
Authority to permit modified service in advance of final action on the entirety of the current
request for modification.

The Technical Annex attached hereto includes a technical description of the proposed new
antenna. A full complement of EIRP Spectral Density Plots, prepared in accordance with
Section 25.115(g)(1) of the Commission’s Rules, is provided in Exhibit A, depictions of the
coverage contours of all satellites to be used are included in Exhibit D, and representative link
budgets can be found in Exhibit E. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227(b)(4).

Row 44’s intended operations are within the scope that the operators of the satellites requested as
points of communication have coordinated with adjacent satellite operators, and should not cause
harmful interference into adjacent satellites operating in accordance with FCC's two-degree
spacing policy. Copies of the coordination letters covering Row 44’s proposed new operations
with the satellites identified in Table 1 are attached hereto as Exhibit B. See 47 C.F.R.
§ 25.227(b)(2). The coordination letters provided with respect to AMC-3 at 72 W.L. (two
separate letters) and Intelsat 29e at 50 W.L. (single letter) cover operations using both
transmitting antennas.

Row 44’s operations, as modified, will continue to conform to the terms of its existing
coordination agreements with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) and
the National Science Foundation (“NSF”), as required under Condition 90057 its current ESAA
license.4 Copies of these existing coordination agreements are also included in Exhibit B.

   Row 44’s coordination agreements with NASA and NSF pre-date the adoption of current rule
Sections 25.227(c)(1) & (d)(1), which provide for Public Notice to allow comment on
coordination agreements governing operations of ESAA networks in frequency bands shared
with NASA and NSF facilities. Accordingly, to the extent necessary, Row 44 requests that the
Public Notice issued announcing acceptance of this modification application include the
referenced notifications concerning Row 44’s existing coordination agreements with NASA and

                                                                                     Row 44 Inc.
                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                    January 2017
                                                                                      Page 3 of 7

Exhibit C to this application is a radiation hazard assessment for the new antenna, submitted
pursuant to Section 25.227(b)(8) of the Commission’s Rules, reflecting the operating parameters
specifically requested for the GSAA antenna.

        Row 44 is seeking expanded authority for both of its active ESAA terminals (SAA and
GSAA) to receive transmissions in the 12.2-12.5 GHz portion of the Ku-band downlink
spectrum used on IS-29e, as indicated in Form 312. The U.S. table of Frequency Allocations
does not include a domestic allocation for FSS in this band.5 Accordingly, Row 44 requests that
its current waiver of Section 2.106 of the FCC’s Rules, which allows operation in the 12.2-12.5
GHz portion of the band on a non-conforming, non-interference basis using the IS-19 satellite,6
be extended to cover this portion of the extended Ku-band downlink spectrum for use on IS-29e
as well.

        The 12.2-12.5 GHz downlink is not allocated to the FSS in ITU Region 2 (the Americas),
but is allocated for such service in the space-to-Earth direction in both Region 1 (Europe/Africa)
and Region 3 (South Asia/Pacific). Because Row 44’s operations will occur largely in these
areas and not over the continental U.S., these operations are consistent with the global spectrum
allocation specified for this band. In this connection, the Commission has previously recognized
that mobile applications in FSS bands are free to operate in the extended Ku-band “in ITU
Regions 1 and 3 in accordance with the rules of the administrations whose waters they operate

       Transmissions from IS-29e to Row 44 remote terminals will serve aircraft flying
primarily over the international waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Canada, during flights between
Europe and North America. These operations will allow passengers to access information on the
    See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106.
  See Current Row 44 License, Call Sign E080100, FCC File No. SES-MFS-20150928-00635,
Condition 90162 (granted August 19, 2016) (granting authority for “space-to-Earth operations,
on an unprotected, non-interference basis, in the 12.25-12.75 GHz frequency band from Intelsat
19 in ITU Region 2, including portions of U.S. airspace”).
  Procedures to Govern the Use of Satellite Earth Stations on Board Vessels in the 5925-6425
MHz/3700-4200 MHz Bands and 14.0-14.5 GHz/11.7-12.2 GHz Bands, 20 FCC Rcd 674, 711
n.224 (“Though the Commission's rules do not have extraterritorial application, we acknowledge
that the Ku-band is not harmonized on a world-wide basis and thus, U.S.-licensed ESV operators
are free to operate in the Ku-band in ITU Regions 1 and 3 in accordance with the rules of the
administrations whose waters they operate in, including portions of the Ku-band not used by the
United States”).

                                                                                     Row 44 Inc.
                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                    January 2017
                                                                                      Page 4 of 7

Internet and to send international communications. The Commission has previously
acknowledged that “terminals on U.S. registered aircraft may need to access foreign satellites
while traveling outside the United States (e.g., over international waters), and therefore may need
to downlink in the extended Ku-band in certain circumstances.”8 Acting on this general
statement, it has granted similar waiver requests to Row 44 and others to use this same portion of
the extended Ku-band downlink for service to U.S. passenger aircraft.9 Row 44 asks that any
waiver granted in this instance encompass the entire coverage area of the IS-29e satellite, as
these operations will take place mostly over open ocean waters and reception of these
transmissions will not pose any increased interference risk either to users of terrestrial fixed
service facilities that may be operating in this band or to Row 44’s own operations.

        Row 44’s proposed operations in these bands are covered in the coordination letter for
IS-29e attached as part of Exhibit B. Moreover, because the Row 44 terminals will be receiving
only in these spectrum bands the signals of already operating GSO FSS satellites, Row 44’s
operations will pose no significant interference risk to current spectrum users, and Row 44 will
accept any interference from such users. Row 44 will cease operation in the unlikely event that
any interference is caused to existing primary service users in the requested bands. Under these
circumstances, grant of the requested waiver of Section 2.106 is consistent with both
Commission precedent and the public interest.

                                  [See Chart on Next Page]

  Service Rules and Procedures to Govern the Use of Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service
Earth Stations in Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed-Satellite Service, 20 FCC Rcd 2906,
2917 (¶ 18) (2005).
  See Gogo LLC, FCC File No. SES-MFS-20160824-00738, Call Sign E120106 (granted
December 13, 2016) (granting authority to access the entire 12.2-12.75 GHz band on Intelsat 20,
Intelsat 33e and ASTRA 4A); Panasonic Avionics LLC, SES-MFS-20150609-00349, Call Sign
E100089 (granted June 30, 2016) (granting authority to access the entire 12.2-12.75 GHz band
on multiple satellites).

                                                                                     Row 44 Inc.
                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                    January 2017
                                                                                      Page 5 of 7


                  Table 1: Spacecraft, Frequency & Beam Coverage Table
                      (All Provide Some Coverage to U.S. Locations)

                                   Beam Coverage            Tx           Rx          Satellite
      Satellite      Location
                                       Area               (GHz)         (GHz)        Operator

                                  North America,
      AMC-1          129.15 W     Central America      14.05-14.47   11.7-12.2
                                  and Pacific

                                  North America,
      AMC-2           84.85 W     Caribbean and        14.05-14.47   11.7-12.2
                                  North Atlantic

                                  North America,
                                  Central America,
      AMC-3           72.0 W                           14.05-14.47   11.7-12.2         SES
                                  Atlantic and
                                  North America,
                                  Caribbean, Central
      AMC-9           83.0 W                         14.05-14.47     11.7-12.2
                                  America and North
                                  North America,
                                  Central America,
       SES-1          101.0 W                          14.05-14.47   11.7–12.2
                                  Pacific and
                                  North America,                     10.95-11.2,
                                  Central America,                   11.2-11.45,
      IS-29E          50.0 W      South America,       14.05-14.47   11.45-11.7,      Intelsat
                                  North Atlantic and                 11.7-12.2,
                                  Caribbean                          12.2-12.5

      Eutelsat                    North America,
                      114.9 W     North Atlantic and   14.05-14.47   11.7-12.2        Eutelsat
                                  Pacific Ocean

      * = Non-U.S.-licensed satellites included on Ku-band Permitted List

            = Satellite previously authorized for SAA antenna at a different orbital location

            = Points of Communication Currently Authorized for SAA antenna

                                                                                Row 44 Inc.
                                                                              FCC Form 312
                                                                               January 2017
                                                                                 Page 6 of 7


                                           Table 2
             Teleport Locations for Provision of Service Within the United States

               Orbital           Teleport Location(s)            Site
 Satellite                                                                    Call Sign(s)
               Location                                        Operator

                            Woodbine, VA (until May 2017)        SES      E900448 & E140054
 AMC-1         129.15 W
                            Holmdel, NJ (from May 2017)         Hughes         E160163

                            Woodbine, VA (until May 2017)        SES      E900448 & E140054
 AMC-2          80.85W
                           N. Las Vegas, NV (from May 2017)     Hughes         E940460

 AMC-3          72.0 W               Holmdel, NJ              GEE/MTN           E160163

 AMC-9          83.0W            North Las Vegas, NV            Hughes          E940460

  SES-1         101.0W           North Las Vegas, NV            Hughes          E940460

 IS-29E         50.0 W               Holmdel, NJ              GEE/MTN           E160163

                114.9W          Southfield (Detroit), MI        Hughes          E990170

* = Non-U.S.-licensed satellites included on Ku-band Permitted List

                                                                                   Row 44 Inc.
                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                  January 2017
                                                                                    Page 7 of 7


I, Simon McLellan, Chief Engineer of Row 44, Inc., hereby certify as follows:

       1. The target space station operators for the satellites subject to this modification
          application have confirmed that proposed Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft operations
          are within coordinated parameters for adjacent satellites up to 6 degrees away on the
          geostationary arc; and

       2. The licensee will continue to comply with the requirements of paragraphs (a)(6),
          (a)(9), (a)(10), and (a)(11) of Section 25.227 of the Commission’s Rules and the
          conditions of its existing license.

                                                         Simon McLellan
                                                         Chief Engineer
                                                         Row 44, Inc.
                                                         Global Eagle Entertainment
January 25, 2017

Document Created: 2017-01-26 13:58:04
Document Modified: 2017-01-26 13:58:04

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