Attachment SESMFS2017010900015.


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-MFS-20170109-00015 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

    Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                                       Call Sign: E120106
    Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                        File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
    Non Common Carrier                          Grant date:        07/21/2017      Expiration Date:     05/01/2028

Nature of Service: Earth Station Aboard Aircraft
Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service
Nature of Service: Other

 Class of Station: Other

A) Site Location(s)                                                                                             N           *
                                                                                                                Elevations—>            ‘Special Provisions
#     Site ID                           Address                            Latitude       Longitude              (Meters)       NAD (Refer to Section H)

1) AES1                  UP TO 1000 ESAA TERMINALS                                                                   0           83
                          (0 .24 m)
                         CONUS and OCONUS,

                         Licensee certifies antenna(s) do not comply with Section 25.209.                                Please refer to Section
                         E for special conditions placed upon antennas at this site.

2) AES2                  UP TO 1000 ESAA TERMINALS                                                                               83
                         (0 .74 m)
                         CONUS and OCONUS,

                         Licensee certifies antenna(s) do not comply with Section 25.209.                                Please refer to Section
                         E for special conditions placed upon antennas at this site.

Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and
treaties, and all present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and
requirements set forth in this license, the grantee is authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described
below for radio communications for the term beginning May 1, 2013 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending May 1, 2028
(3 AM Eastern Standard Time) . The required date of completion of construction and commencement of operation is July 21,
2018 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) . Grantee must file with the Commission a certification upon completion of construction
and commencement of operation.

B) Particulars of Operations

The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                              Max    Max EIRP                         Special
                                                                             EIRP     Density                       Provisions
            Frequency                 Polarization          Tx/Rx           /Carrier  /Carrier Aggocijated           (Re.fer 10       Modulation/
#             (MHz)                       Code     Emission Mode             (dBW) (dBW/4KkHZ2) Antenna             Section H)          Services

1) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           4M10G7D      Tx      38 .10       8 .00       AESL                            DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

2) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H.V            9IM36G7D     Tx      42 .32        9 .77      AESL                            DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

3) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           1M00G7W      Tyx     44 .33       20 .35      AESL                            DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

                                                                      ( page 1 of 18 )                                                     FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                                           Call Sign: E120106
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                           File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
  Non Common Carrier                             Grant date:       07/21/2017      Expiration Date:      05/01/2028

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                 Max     Max EIRP                        Special
                                                                                EIRP      Density                      Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                 Tx/Rx   /Carrier     /Carrier     Associated       (Refer to    Modulation/
 #              (MHz)                      Code           Emission Mode         (dBW) (dBW/4KkHZ) aAangenna            Section H)     gServices
 4) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           1M20G7W      Tx      44 .20       19 .43     AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

 5) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H,V            1M40G7D      Tx      44 .60       19.10      AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

 61 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           1M67G7W      Tx      42 .74       16 .54     AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

 7) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           1M75G7W      Tx      43 .10       16.69       AESL                         DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

 8) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           2M00G7W      Tx      44 .50       17.50      AESL       |                  DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

 9) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        2M30G7W          Tx     44 .50        16.90      AESL                          Digital Data Services

10) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V            2M34G7D      Tx     44 .63        18 .11     AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

11) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V            2M40G7D      Tx     43 .89        16 .91     AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

12) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        2M50G7D          Tx     44 .57        17.76      AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

13) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        2M50G7W          Tx     44 .25        16.29       AES1l                        Digital Data Services

14) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H.V         3M00G7W          Tx     44 .50        15.75       AES1                         DIGI’fAL DATA SERVICES

15) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        3M66GTD          Tx     44 .55        16.06      AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

16) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H.V         3M79G7D          Tx     44 .48        15.83       AES1                         DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

17) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H.V         3M89G7D          Tx     44 .55        15.79       AES1                         DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

18) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        3M90G7D         Tx      44 .49        15.75      AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

19) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        4MOOG7W         Tx      44 .50        14.50      AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

20) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H.V         4M10G7D         Tx      42 .80        12.70      AES1                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

21) 14000_0000_i4500.0000                H, V        SMOO0G7W        Tx      44 .50        13 .50     AESi                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

22) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H,V         6M00G7D         Tx      44 .40        12 .70     AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

23) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        6M35G7W         Tx      43 .70        11.69      AESL                          Digital Data Services

24) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        6MS56GTD        Tx      44 .43        12 .28     AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

25) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H.V         6MS7G7D         Tx      44 .53        13.51      AES1                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

26) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        6M76G7W         Tx      43 .50        11.22       AESLl                        DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

27) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H.V         6M94G7D         Tx      44 .45        12.05       AESL                         DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

                                                                      ( page 2 of 18 )                                                   FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
               C ams s>

  Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                                            Call Sign: E120106
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                             File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
  Non Common Carrier                             Grant date:       07/21/2017        Expiration Date:      05/01/2028

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                 Max     Max EIRP                          Special
                                                                                EIRP      Density                        Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                 Tx/Rx   /Carrier      /Carrier      asgociated       (Refer t0    Modulation/
 #              (MHz)                      Code           Emission Mode      (dBW)       (dBW/4KHZ) aAngenna             Section H)     Services

28) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           830KG7W      Tx        42 .40      19 .22      AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

29) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           882KG7D      Tx     44 .56         22.59       AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

30) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           8M00G7D      Tx     44 .50         11.49       AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

31) 14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V           8M19G7D      Tx     43 .20         10 .10      AESL                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

32) 14000.0000—14250.0000                 H, V       2M05G7TW         Tx     42 .67         15.57        AESL                         Digital Data Services

33) 12200.0000—12750.0000                H,V         30M0G7D          Rx        0 .00        0 .00      AESL                          Digital Data Services

34) 11700.0000—12200.0000                H, V        30M0G7D          Rx                                ABESL                         Digital Data Services

35) 11450.0000—11700.0000                H, V        30M0G7D          Rx                                AESL         «                Digital Data Services

36) 11200.0000—11450.0000                H, V        30M0G7W          Rx                                AESL                          Digital Data Services

37) 10950.0000—11200.0000                H, V        30M0G7D          Rx                                AESL                          Digital Data Services

38) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        7M17G7D         Tx     40 .90           8 .40      ABES2                         DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

39) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        TM20G7W         Tx     42 .43           9.88       AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

40) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        7M28G7D         Tx     41.60            9 .00      AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

41) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        7M40G7D         Tx     41.40            8 .70      AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

42) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        7M50G7D         Tx     41 .60           8 .90      AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

43) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        1M00G7W         Tx     44 .71          20 .73      AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

44) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        1M20G7W         Ts     44 .50          19.73       AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

45) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        1M51G7D         Tx     44 .60          18 .90      ABS2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

46) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        1M75G7W         Tx     42 .60          16.19       AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

47) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H.V         1M80G7D         Tx     43 .20          16.60        ARS2                         DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

48) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H,V       « 2M00G7D         Tx     43 .90          16 .90      AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

49) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H,V         2M00G7D         Tx     44 .60          17.60       AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

50) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V        2M00G7W         Tx     46 .98          19.99       AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

51)14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V        2M10G7D         Tx     44 .20          17.00       AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

                                                                     ( page 3 of 18 )                                                      FCC Form 488

                                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                             '           Call Sign: E120106
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                            File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
  Non Common Carrier                            Grant date:       07/21/2017        Expiration Date:      05/01/2028

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text ofthese provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                               Max       Max EIRP                    Special
                                                                              EIRP        Density                  Provisions
             Frequency                Polarization                  Tx/Rx   /Carrier      /Carrier aggociated       (Refer t0   Modulation/
 #             (MI{Z)                     Code           Emission   Mode    ((]BW)      (dBW/‘"(}IZ)   Antenna     Section H)     Services

52) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V           2M27G7D      Tx        44 .60       17.00      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

53) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V           2M40G7D      Tx      44 .50         16.70      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

54) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V           2M50G7W      Tx      48 .70         20 .74     AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

55) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V       3M00G7D          Tx      44 .50         15.70      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

56) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H,V        3M00G7W          Tx      50 .20         21.40      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

57)14000.0000—14500.0000                 H, V       3M60G7D          Tx      44 .60         15.00      ARS2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

58) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V       4M00G7W          Tx      45 .94         15.94      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

59) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V       4M10G7D          Tx      41 .60         11.50      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

60) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V       4M80G7D          Tx      44 .60         13.80      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

61) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V       SMOSG7W          Tx     45 .50          14.49      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

62) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V       SM6OG7TD         Tx     44 .50          13.00      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

63) 14000.0000—14500.0000                H, V       SM64G7D          Tx     40 .70          13 .10     AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

64) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        SM83G7D          Tx     44 .50          12.90      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

65) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        SM97G7D          Tx     43 .10          11.40      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

66) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        6M00G7W          Tx     45 .08          13 .32     AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

67) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        6M35G7W          Tx     44 .80          12 .79     AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

68) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        6M72G7D          Tx     42 .30          10.00      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

69) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        7M48G7W          Tx     43 .87          11.15       AES2                    DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

70) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        8M00G7D          ‘Tx    44 .60          11.60      ABS2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

71) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H,V         8M10G7D          Tx     43 .20          10.10      AES2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

72) 14000.0000—14500.0000               H, V        930KG7W          Tx     42 .40          18.74      AEBS2                    DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

73) 14000.0000—14250.0000               H, V        2M05G7W          Tx     41.70           14.60      ARS2                     DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

74)12250.0000—12750.0000                H, V        30M0G7D          Rx                                ABES2                    DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

75) 11700.0000—12200.0000               H, V        30M0G7D          Rx                                ARES2                    DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

                                                                     ( page 4 of 18 )        4                                       FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                                          Call Sign: E120106
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                           File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
  Non Common Carrier                            Grant date:        07/21/2017       Expiration Date:      05/01/2028

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                Max       Max EIRP                       Special
                                                                               EIRP        Density                     Provisions
              Frequency                Polarization                  Tx/Rx    /Carrier     /Carrier Aggociated          (Refer to    mModulation/
 #              (MHz)                      Code           Emission Mode         (dBW) (dBW/4KHZ) Antenna               Section H)       Services
76) 11450.0000—11700.0000                 H.V            30M0G7D        Rx                             ABS2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

77) 11200.0000—11450.0000                 H.V            30M0G7W        Rx                             AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

78) 10950.0000—11200.0000                 H.V            30M0G7D        Rx                             AES2                          DIGITAL DATA SERVICES

 C) Frequency Coordination Limits

                                                           Satellite Arc          Elevation            Azimuth           Max EIRP
             Frequency Limits                             éDeg- Long.)             (Degrees)           (Degrees)       Density toward                 .
                                                            ast     West        East      West     East         West      Horizon                Associated
 #                  (MHz)                                Limit      Limit      Limit      Limit   Limit        Limit (dBW/4kHz)                 Antenna(s)
 1)     14000.0000—14500.0000                            302.0E—302 .0E          05.0—05 .0         o00.0—000 .0             —3.9        AESL
 2)     14000.0000—14500.0000                            101.0W—101. 0W          05.0—05.0          o00.0—000 .0                —2       ABES1L
 3)     14000.0000—14500.0000                            315.0B—315.0E           05.0—05.0          o00.0—000 .0             —3.9        AESL
 4)      12250.0000—12750.0000                           166.0E—166 .0E          o5s.0—05.0         000.0—000 .0                         AES1
 5)     14000.0000—14500.0000                            166.0E—166 .0E          05.0—05 .0         o00.0—000 .0             —3.9        AES1
 6)     11700.0000—12200.0000                            101.0W—101. ow          05.0—05.0          000 .0—000 .0                        AESL
 7)      11700.0000—11950.0000                           315.0E—315 .0E          05.0—05.0          o00.0—000 .0                         AES1
 8)     11700.0000—12200.0000                            302.0E—302 .0E          o5s.0—o5s .0       000.0—000 .0                         AES1
 9)      12500.0000—12750.0000                           338.0E—338 . 0B         o5s.0—05 .0                                             AESL
10)      14000.0000—14500.0000                           338 .0E—338 .0E         05.0—05.0                                   —3.9       AES1
11)      11450.0000—11700.0000                           302.0E—302 .0E          05.0—05.0                                       0      AES1
12)    12250.0000—12500.0000                              72.1E—72 .1E           05.0—05 .0             —000 .0                         ARES1L
13)    14000.0000—14500.0000                              72.1E—72 .1E           05.0—05.0                                   —3.9       AES1
14)      11700.0000—12200.0000                           172.0R—172 .0E          os.0—05.0                                              AES1
15)    14000.0000—14500.0000                              40 . 5W—40 . 5w        05.0—05.0                                    0 .6      AESL
16)    14000.0000—14500.0000                              60.0E—60 .0E           o5s.0—05 .0                                   —1       AES1
17)    14000.0000—14500.0000                             114 . 9W— 114 . 9W      05.0—05.0                                     —4       AES1
18)    14000.0000—14500.0000                             172.0R—172 .08          05.0—05.0                                    5.1       AES1
19)    10950.0000—11200.0000                             172.0E—172 .0E          05.0—05.0                                              AESL
20)      11450.0000—11700.0000                           172.0R—172 .0E          os.0—05s .0                                            AESL
21)    —12200.0000—12750.0000                            172.0E—172 .0E          os.0—05 .o                                             AES1
22)    10950.0000—11200.0000                              40 .5W—40 . 5W         05.0—05 .0                                             aArS1

                                                                       ( page 5 of 18 )                                                    FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
   Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                    Call Sign: E120106
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                         File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
  Non Common Carrier               Grant date:    07/21/2017       Expiration Date:    05/01/2028

  C) Frequency Coordination Limits

                                          Satellite Arc           Elevation           Azimuth        Max EIRP
           Frequency Limits               S:eg- Long.)            (Degrees)           (Degrees)    Density toward                ,
                                            st     West        East      West     East      West      Horizon               Associated
  #             (MHz)                    Limit    Limit        Limit    Limit    Limit      Limit (dBW/4kHz)            Antenna(s)
 23)    10950.0000—11200.0000              60 .0R—60 .0E         os.0—05 .0                                          AES1
 24)   11450.0000—11700.0000               60.0K—60 .0E          os.0—05s .0                                         AES1
 25)   11700.0000—12200.0000             114 .9W—114 . 9W        os.0—05 .0                                          ARS1
 26)   14000.0000—14500.0000              37.5W—37. 5W           0s.0—05 .0                             —11.5        AES1
 27)   14000.0000—14500.0000             138 .0R—138 .0E         05.0—05.0                             C—11.5        ARS1
28)      11450.0000—11700.0000            37.5W—37. 5W           0s.0—05 .0                                          AES1
29)    12250.0000—12750.0000            138.0E—138 .0E          0s.0—05 .0                                           AES1
30)    14000.0000—14500.0000              90 .0E—91. 0W         05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0          0.06       aAES1
31)    10950.0000—11200.0000              90 .0E—91 . 0W        05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0                     ARS1
32)      11450.0000—11700.0000            90 .0E— 91. 0W        05.0—05.0         090 .0—270 .0                     ARS1
33)    11700.0000—12200.0000              90 .0E—91. 0W         05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0                     AES1
34)    12200.0000—12750.0000              90 .0E— 91. 0w        05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0                     AES1
35)    11200.0000—11450.0000            180 .0E—180 . ow        05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0                     AES1
36)    14000.0000—14500.0000            180 .08—180 . ow        05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0            0.6      AFES1
37)    14000.0000—14500.0000              81. ow—81. 0w         05s.0—05 .0       090 .0—270 .0                     AES1
38)    11700.0000—12200.0000              81.0w—81 . ow         os.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0                     ARS1
39)    14000.0000—14500.0000            138.0E—138 .0E          15.0—15.0                               —14.8       AEBS2
40)    14000.0000—14500.0000            166.0E—166 .0E          15.0—15.0                               —18.6       AES2
41)      14000.0000—14500.0000          302.0E—302.0E           15.0—15.0                                  —250     AES2
42)    14000.0000—14500.0000            315.0E—315 .0E          15.0—15.0                               —22.50      ARS2
43)    14000.0000—14500.0000            319.5E—319.5E           15.0—15.0                               —17.5       ARS2
44)    14000.0000—14500.0000            338.0E—338 .OE          15.0—15.0                               —18.4       AES2
45)    10950.0000—11200.0000              37.5W—37. 5W          12.0—12.0                                           AES2
46)    10950.0000—11200.0000              60.0E—60 .0E          15.0—15.0                                           ABES2
47)      10950.0000—11200.0000          319.5E—319 .0R          15.0—15.0                                           AES2
48)      11450.0000—11700.0000            37.5W—37 . 5W         15.0—15.0                                           ARS2
49)    14000.0000—14500.0000              37. 5W—37 . 5W        12.0—12.0              000 .0          —20.50       AES2
5o)    14000.0000—14500.0000              60 .0E—60 .0E         15.0—15.0                               —7.1        AES2
51)    14000.0000—14500.0000              72.1E—72 .18          15.0—15.0                              —26.4        AES2
52)    14000.0000—14500.0000            101. 0W—101. ow         15.0—15.0                              —21.4        AES2
53)    14000.0000—14500.0000            114 .9W—114 . 9w        15.0—15.0                              —19.50       AES2
54)    12250.0000—12750.0000            166.0E—166 .0E          15.0—15.0                                           AES2
§5)     11450.0000—11700.0000             so.ow—60 . ow         15.0—15.0                                           ABS2
56)     11450.0000—11700.0000           302.0E—302 .0E          15.0—15.0                                           AES2

                                                     ( page 6 of 18 )                                                 FCC Form 488

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                         RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                           Call Sign: E120106
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                               File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
  Non Common Carrier                     Grant date:    07/21/2017       Expiration Date:    05/01/2028

  C) Frequency Coordination Limits

                                                Satellite Arc           Elevation           Azimuth        Max EIRP
              Frequency Limits                 I4(:1)eg- Long.)         (Degrees)           (Degrees)    Density toward               .
                                                 ast     West         East     West     East      West      Horizon              Associated
  #                (MHz)                      Limit      Limit       Limit     Limit   Limit      Limit (dBW/4kHz)               Antenna(s)
57)       11450.0000—11700.0000               319.5E—319.5E           15.0—15.0                                           ARS2
§58)     11700.0000—12200.0000                101.0wW—101. 0W         15.0—15.0                                           AES2
59)      11700.0000—12200.0000                114 .9W—114 . 9W        15.0—15.0                                           ARS2
60)      11700.0000—12200.0000                302.0E—302 .OE          15.0—15 .0                                          AES2
61)      11700.0000—12200.0000                315.0E—315 .0E          15.0—15.0                                           AES2
62)       12250.0000—12750.0000               138.0RE—138 .0E         15.0—15.0                                           ARS2
63)      12250.0000—12750.0000                 72.1W—72 .1W           15.0—15.0                                           AES2
§4)      12500.0000—12750.0000                 37. 5W—37. 5W          15.0—15.0                                           AES2
65)      12500.0000—12750.0000                338 .0E—338 .0E         15.0—15.0                                           AES2
66)      14000.0000—14500.0000                 90 .0E—91 . OW         12.5—12.5         090 .0—270 .0           —7.1      AES2
67)      10950.0000—11200.0000                 90 .0E—91. 0W          12.5—12.5         090 .0—270 .0                     ARS2
68)       11450.0000—11700.0000                90 .0E— 91. 0W         12.5—12.5         090 .0—270 .0                     AES2
69)      11700.0000—12200.0000                 90 .0E— 91. OW         12.5—12.5         090.0—270 .0                      AES2
70)      12200.0000—122750 .000—               90 .0E— 91. OW         12.5—12.5         090 .0—270 .0                     AES2
71)      14000.0000—14500.0000                180 .0E— 180 . OW       12.5—12.5         090 .0—270 .0           —7.1      AES2
72)      11200.0000—11450.0000                180 .0E—180 . ow        12.5—12.5         090 .0—270 .0                     AES2 _
73)      14000.0000—14500.0000                 81. 0W—81 . OW         05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0                     AES2
74)       11700.0000—12200.0000                81. 0w—81. 0w          05.0—05 .0        090 .0—270 .0                     AES2

D) Points of Communications
       The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:

      1) AESI to SES—1 ($2807) @ 101 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
   2) AESI1 to INTELSAT 19 ($2850) @ 166.0 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
   3) AESI1 to INTELSAT 14 ($2785) @ 45 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
   4) AESI to INTELSAT 21 (S2863) @ 58.0 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
   5) AESI to SES—4 (S2828) @ 22 degrees W.L. (Netherlands—licensed)
   6) AES1 to INTELSAT 22 (S2846) @ 72.1 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
   7) AESI1 to SES—6 ($2870) @ 40.5 degrees W.L. (Netherlands—licensed)
   8) AESI to TELSTAR 11IN (S2357) @ 37.55 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  9) AESI to INTELSAT 904 ($2408) @ 60 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
 10) AESI to EUTELSAT 172A ($2610) @ 172 degrees E.L. (formerly GE—23) (U.S.—licensed)
 11) AESI to INTELSAT 18 ($2817) @ 180 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
 12) AESI1 to EUTELSAT 117WA ($2873) @ 116.8 degrees W.L. (formerly SATMEX 8) (Mexico—licensed)

                                                            { page 7 of 18 )                                                FCC Form 488

                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                       Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                           File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                  Grant date:    07/21/2017      Expiration Date:    05/01/2028

D) Points of Communications
   The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:

13) AESI to JCSAT 5A (MO63130) @ 132 degrees E.L. (Japan—licensed )
14) AESI to GALAXY 17 (82715) @91 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
15) AESI to AMC 1 ($2445) @ 129.15 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
16) AESI to EUTELSAT 115WB (S2938) @ 114.9 degrees W.L. (formerly SATMEX 7) (Mexico—licensed)
17) AESI to Yamal 401 @90 degrees E.L. (Russia—licensed)
18) AESI1 to Yamal 300K (M174162) @ 177 degrees W.L. (Russia—licensed)
19) AESI to JCSAT—2B (M174163) @ 154 degrees E.L. (Japan—licensed)
20) AESI1 to ASIASAT 7 (M174161) @ 105.5 degrees E.L. (China—licensed)
21) AESI to INTELSAT 907 (S2411) @ 27.5 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
22) AESI1 to INTELSAT 29e ($2913) @ 50.0 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
23) AESI to INTELSAT 20 (S2847) @ 68.5 degrees EL. (U.S.—licensed)
24) AESI to AMC 21 (82676) @ 124.9 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed )
25) AESI to INTELSAT 33e (S$2939) @ 60.0 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
26) AESI to ASTRA 4A @ 4.8 degrees E.L. (Sweden Licensed)
27) AESI to TELSTAR 12V ($2933) @ 15 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
28) AESI to SES—2 @ 87 ° W.L. (U.S.—licensed satellite)
29) AESI to GALAXY 28 ($2160) @ 89 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
30) AESI to SES—3 (§2892) @ 103 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
31) AESI to ARSAT—2 (S2956) @ 81.0 degrees W.L. (Argentina—licensed)
32) AES2 to SES—1 ($2807) @ 101 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
33) AES2 to INTELSAT 19 (S2850) @ 166.0 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
34) AES2 to INTELSAT 14 ($2785) @ 45 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
35) AES2 to INTELSAT 21 (S2863) @ 58.0 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
36) AES2 to SES—4 (S2828) @ 22 degrees W.L. (Netherlands—licensed)
37) AES2 to INTELSAT 22 ($2846) @ 72.1 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
38) AES2 to SES—6 (S2870) @ 40.5 degrees W.L. (Netherlands—licensed)
39) AES2 to TELSTAR 1IN (S2357) @ 37.55 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
40) AES2 to INTELSAT 904 ($2408) @ 60 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
41) AES2 to INTELSAT 18 (S2817) @ 180 degrees EL. (U.S.—licensed)
42) AES2 to EUTELSAT 117WA (S2873) @ 116.8 degrees W.L. (formerly SATMEX 8) (Mexico—licensed)
43) AES2 to GALAXY 17 ($2715) @91 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
44) AES2 to Apstar V @ 138 degrees E.L. (China—licensed)
45) AES2 to AMC 1 ($2445) @ 129.15 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
46) AES2 to EUTELSAT 115 WB ($2938) @ 114.9 degrees W.L. (formerly SATMEX 7) (Mexico—licensed)
47) AES2 to Yamal 401 @ 90 degrees E.L. (Russia—licensed)

                                                      ( page 8 of 18 )                                        FCC Form 488

                                                UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                          RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                               Call Sign: E120106
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                   File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
  Non Common Carrier                      Grant date:     07/21/2017       Expiration Date:      05/01/2028

 D) Points of Communications
       The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:

  48) AES2 to Yamal 300K (M174162) @ 177 degrees W.L. (Russia—licensed)
  49) AES2 to JCSAT—2B (M174163) @ 154 degrees E.L. (Japan—licensed)
  50) AES2 to ASIASAT 7 (M174161) @ 105.5 degrees E.L. (China—licensed)
  51) AES2 to INTELSAT 907 ($2411) @ 27.5 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  52) AES2 to INTELSAT 29e (S2913) @ 50.0 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  53) AES2 to INTELSAT 20 ($2847) @ 68.5 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  54) AES2 to AMC 21 ($2676) @ 124.9 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed )
  55) AES2 to INTELSAT 33e ($2939) @ 60.0 degrees E.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  56) AES2 to ASTRA 4A @ 4.8 degrees EL. (Sweden Licensed)
  57) AES2 to TELSTAR 12V (S2933) @ 15 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  58) AES2 to GALAXY 28 (S2160) @ 89 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  59) AES2 to SES—3 (S2892) @ 103 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  60) AES2 to AMC—6 (S2347) @ 67 degrees W.L. (U.S.—licensed)
  61) AES2 to ARSAT—2 (S2956) @ 81.0 degrees W.L. (Argentina—licensed)

  E) Antenna Facilities
                                                                                                                 .                         Special
                                                                                                             Sxte.         Max            Provisions
   Site            Antenna                 Diameter                                                       Elevation   Antenna Height       (Refer to
    ID               ID          Units     (meters)         Manufacturer            Model number          (Meters)       (Meters)         Section H)
AESL                 AESL         1000        0 .24            AeroSat                  HR6400            0             0 AGL/   0 AMSL

        Max Gains(s) :             29.0   dBi @         14.4700 CGHz        31.8   dBi @        11.7000       GHzZ
        Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                                 35 .48
        Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                                44 .50

AES2                 AES2         1000       0 .74             THINKOM                2KUANTENNA

        Max Gains(s) :             36.7 dBi e           14.2500 GHz         35.0 aBi e          11.8500 GHz
        Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                                 26 .80
        Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                                51.00

                                                             ( page 9 of 18 )                                                FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                      Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                          File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                  Grant date:    07/21/2017     Expiration Date:    05/01/2028

F) Remote Control Point:
AESI             Systems Operation Center,        111 N CANAL STREET                          Call Sign: N/A

                 CHICAGO, COOK, IL 60606

AES2             Systems Operation Center,        111 N CANAL STREET                          Call Sign: N/A

                 CHICAGO, COOK, IL 60606

G) Antenna Structure marking and lighting requirements:
       None unless otherwise specified under Special and General Provisions

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION              AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
          4 ——— Licensee must ensure that a current listing of the name, title, mailing address, email address, and telephone
                number of the responsible point of contact are on file at the FCC. Any changes must be filed electronically in the
                International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) in the "Other Filings" tab within 10 days of the change.
    90062 ——— Operation pursuant to this authorization outside the United States in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band must be in
              compliance with the provisions of Annex 1, Part C of Recommendation ITU—R M.1643, with respect to any radio
              astronomy station performing observations in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band.
    90066 ——— Stations authorized herein must not be used to provide air traffic control communications.

   90067 ——— Operation in the territory or airspace of any country other than the United States must be in compliance with the
             applicable laws, regulations, and licensing procedures of that country, as well as with the conditions of this
   90073 ——— Reception of downlink transmissions in the 11.95—12.2 GHz frequency band from Intelsat 14 (Call Sign $2785) at
             45° W.L. is not permitted by this authorization. Intelsat 14‘s authorization does not include those frequencies.
              (IBFS File No. SAT—RPL—20090123—00007).
   90075 ——— Licensee is afforded 30 days from the date of release of this grant and authorization to decline this authorization
             as conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization as
   90079 ——— Antenna elevation for all operations must be at least 5 degrees above the geographic horizon while the aircraft is
             on the ground.

   90095 ——— The licensee shall comply with any pertinent limits established by the International Telecommunication Union to
             protect other services allocated internationally.

                                                     ( page 10 of 18 )                                            FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                       Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                           File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                  Grant date:   07/21/2017       Expiration Date:    05/01/2028

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION             AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
    90104 ——— For any new antenna authorized by this grant, the licensee must file with the Commission a certification including
              the following information: name of the licensee, file number of the application, call sign of the antenna, Site ID,
              date of the license and certification that the antenna model was put into operation.
    90105 ——— Authority is granted to operate this station by remote control provided that the operator is responsible for
              ensuring the operations are in accordance with the terms and conditions of the license and pursuant to Section
              25.271 of the Commission‘s rules. 47 C.F.R 25.271.
    90116 ——— The licensee must maintain a U.S. point of contact available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, with the
              authority and ability to terminate operations authorized herein. The licensee shall have available, at all times, the
              technical personnel necessary to perform supervision of remote station operations.
    90122 ——— The earth stations in this blanket license are operated by remote control. The remote control point is a material
              term of the license and may not be changed without prior authorization under Section 25.117 of the Commission‘s
              rules. Public Notice "The International Bureau Provides Guidance Concerning the Relocation of Earth Station
              Remote Control Points," DA 06—978 (rel. May 4, 2006).
    90123 ——— Operations authorized pursuant to this license are operations by U.S.—registered aircraft anywhere within the
              coverage area/frequency bands identified in the application for the satellites listed as points of communication.
              Operations authorized pursuant to this license also include operations by non—U.S.—registered aircraft within U.S.
              territory, including territorial waters. Authorization for operations by U.S.—registered aircraft outside U.S.
              territory, pursuant to this license, does not constitute a grant of access to the market in the United States under the
              Commission‘s DISCO II policies.
   90246 ——— ESAAs authorized herein must employ a tracking algorithm that is resistant to capturing and tracking adjacent
             satellite signals, and each station must be capable of inhibiting its own transmission in the event it detects
             unintended satellite tracking.
   90247 ——— ESAAs authorized herein must be monitored and controlled by a ground—based network control and monitoring
             center. Such stations must be able to receive "enable transmission" and "disable transmission" commands from
             the network control center and must cease transmission immediately after receiving a "parameter change"
             command until receiving an "enable transmission" command from the network control center. The network
             control center must monitor operation of each ESAA to determine if it is malfunctioning, and each ESAA must
             self—monitor and automatically cease transmission on detecting an operational fault that could cause harmful
             interference to a fixed—satellite service network.

                                                      ( page 11 of 18 )                                             FCC Form 488

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                    Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                         File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                Grant date:    07/21/2017      Expiration Date:   05/01/2028

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION            AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
    90259 ——— For purposes of this authorization, the term earth stations aboard aircraft, or ESAA, is used to refer to any earth
              station on aircraft communicating with Fixed—Satellite Service (FSS) geostationary—orbit (GSO) space stations,
              without reference to the technical and licensing rules specifically adopted for earth stations on aircraft in the
              10.95—11.2 GHz, 11.45—11.7 GHz, 11.7—12.2 GHz, and 14.0—14.5 GHz frequency bands. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227;
              Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft
              Communicating with Fixed—Satellite Service Geostationary—Orbit Space Stations Operating in the 10.95—11.2
              GHz, 11.34—11.7 GHz, 11.7—12.2 GHz and 14.0—14.5 GHz Frequency Bands, IB Docket No. 12—376, Notice of
              Proposed Rulemaking and Report and Order, FCC 12—161, 27 FCC Red 16510 (2012); Revisions of Parts 2 and
              25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft Communicating with
              Fixed—Satellite Service Geostationary—Orbit Space Stations Operating in the 10.95—11.2 GHz, 11.45—11.7 GHz,
              11,7—12.2 GHz and 14.0—14.5 GHz Frequency Bands, IB Docket No. 12—376, Second Report and Order on
              Reconsideration, FCC 14—45, 29 FCC Red 4226 (2014). Nothing in this authorization extends those technical and
              licensing rules to earth stations on aircraft not operating in those specified frequency bands.
    90303 ——— AeroSat HR6400, antenna ID AESI1, is limited to the maximum input power spectral density of —15.45
              dBW/4kHz, with worst case skew angle of —52 ° and elevation angle of 5°.

    90304 ——— Operation pursuant to this authorization must be in compliance with the terms of the licensee‘s coordination
              agreements with the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
              pertaining to operation of ESAAs in the Ku—Band.
    90305 ——— When operating in international airspace within line—of—sight of the territory of a foreign administration where
              Fixed Service networks have a primary allocation in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band, an ESAA must not produce
              ground—level power flux density (pfd) in such territory in excess of the following values unless the foreign
              administration has imposed other conditions for protecting its FS stations: —132 + 0.5 x THETA dB(W/(m"*~2
              MHz])) for THETA <= 40° ; —112 dB(W/(m*~2 MHz)) for 40° < THETA <= 90°. Where: THETA is the angle of
              arrival of the radio—frequency wave in degrees above the horizontal, and the aforementioned limits relate to the
              pfd and angles of arrival that would be obtained under free space propagation conditions.
   90308 ——— The ESAAs are authorized to receive downlink transmissions in the 11.7—12.2 GHz frequency band from the
             geostationary orbit space stations listed as a point of communication in Section D above subject to the particulars
             of operation and identified frequencies included in Section B above and the licensee‘s application. Reception is
             authorized on a primary basis as an application of the Fixed—Satellite Service pursuant to the allocation
             determinations and service rules in IB Docket No.12—376 (Docket Name: Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the
             Commission‘s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft Communicating with
             Fixed—Satellite Service Geostationary Orbit Space Stations Operating in the 10.95—11.2 GHz, 11.45—11.7 GHz,
             11.7—12.2 GHz and 14.0—14.5 GHz Frequency Bands).              Operations must be in accordance with the Federal
             Communications Commission‘s rules not waived herein, the technical specifications contained in licensee‘s
             application, and are subject to the other conditions listed in the authorization.

                                                    ( page 12 of 18 )                                            FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                      Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                          File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                 Grant date:    07/21/2017      Expiration Date:    05/01/2028

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION              AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
    90309 ——— The ESAAs are authorized to receive downlink transmissions in the 10.95—11.2 GHz and 11.45—11.7 GHz
              frequency band from the geostationary orbit space stations listed as a point of communication in Section D above
              subject to the particulars of operation and identified frequencies included in Section B above and the licensee‘s
              application. Reception is authorized on an unprotected basis as an application of the Fixed—Satellite Service
              pursuant to the allocation determinations and service rules in IB Docket No.12—376 (Docket Name: Revisions to
              Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft Communicating
              with Fixed—Satellite Service Geostationary Orbit Space Stations Operating in the 10.95—11.2 GHz, 11.45—11.7
              GHz, 11.7—12.2 GHz and 14.0—14.5 GHz Frequency Bands). Operations must be in accordance with the Federal
              Communications Commission‘s rules not waived herein, the technical specifications contained in licensee‘s
              application, and are subject to the other conditions listed in the authorization.

    90310 ——— For each ESAA transmitter, the licensee shall maintain records of the following data for each operating ESAA, a
              record of the aircraft location (i.e., latitude/longitude/altitude), transmit frequency, channel bandwidth and
              satellite used shall be time annotated and maintained for a period of not less than one year. Records shall be
              recorded at time intervals no greater than one (1) minute while the ESAA is transmitting. The ESAA operator
              shall make this data available, in the form of a comma delimited electronic spreadsheet, within 24 hours of a
              request from the Commission, NTIA, or a frequency coordinator for purposes of resolving harmful interference
              events. A description of the units (i.e., degrees, minutes, MHz ...) in which the records values are recorded will be
              supplied along with the records.
    90311 ——— The ESAAs are authorized to transmit in the 14.0—14.5 GHz frequency band to the geostationary orbit space
              stations listed as a point of communication in Section D above subject to the particulars of operation and
              identified frequencies included in Section B above and the licensee‘s application. Such transmissions are
              authorized on a primary basis as an application of the Fixed—Satellite Service pursuant to the allocation
              determinations and service rules in IB Docket No. 12—376 (Docket Name: Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the
              Commission‘s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft Communicating with Fixed—Satellite
              Service Geostationary Orbit Space Stations Operating in the 10.95—11.2 GHz, 11.45—11.7 GHz, 11.7—12.2 GHz
              and 14.0—14.5 GHz Frequency Bands). Operations must be in accordance with the Federal Communications
              Commission‘s rules not waived herein, the technical specifications contained in licensee‘s application, and are
              subject to the other conditions listed in the authorization.
   90321 ——— The applicant‘s request for a waiver of Section 25.283(c) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR § 25.283(c), is
             granted. Section 25.283(c) specifies that space stations must discharge all stored energy sources at end—of—life of
             the space station. Yamal 300K is an ISS Reshetnev Ekspress—1000NTA spacecraft that was launched on
             November 2, 2012. Applicant states that Yamal 300K has one tank, with a volume of 40 liters, containing
             nitrogen and hydrazine separated by an internal membrane. At satellite end of life the tank will retain 132.5
             grams of nitrogen in a total tank volume of 39.3 liters. We grant a waiver of Section 25.283(c) with respect to
             this de minimis inert gas. The applicant also states that hydrazine will be depleted at end of life, with an
             estimated residual mass of 700 grams of hydrazine in a total tank volume of 0.7 liters. The applicant also states
             that, at end of life, two identical interconnected tanks will retain 1.08 kilograms of xenon in a total volume of 76
             liters. We find that the measures described in the application for depletion of hydrazine and xenon are
             appropriate.                                                                                         '

                                                     ( page 13 of 18 )                                             FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                               1                                       Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                            File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                 Grant date:       07/21/2017     Expiration Date:   05/01/2028

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION             AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
    90322 ——— The applicant‘s request for a waiver of Section 25.283(c) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR § 25.283(c), is
              granted. Section 25.283(c) specifies that space stations must discharge all stored energy sources at end—of—life of
              the space station. Yamal 401 is an ISS Reshetnev Ekspress—2000A spacecraft that was launched on December 15,
              2014. Applicant states that Yamal 401 has three tanks, each with a volume of 40 liters, and each containing
              nitrogen and hydrazine separated by an internal membrane. At satellite end of life the tanks will retain a total of
              397.5 grams of nitrogen in total tank volume of 117.9 liters. We grant a waiver of Section 25.283(c) with respect
              to this de minimis inert gas. The applicant also states that hydrazine will be depleted at end of life, with an
              estimated residual mass in each tank of 700 grams remaining in 0.7 liters. The applicant also states that, at end of
              life, four identical interconnected tanks will retain 2.16 kilograms of xenon in a total volume of 152 liters,
              corresponding to the minimum operating pressure of the plasma thrusters. We find that the measures described in
              the application for depletion of hydrazine and xenon are appropriate.
    90341 ——— The applicant‘s request for a waiver of Section 25.283(c) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.283(c), is
              granted. Section 25.283(c) specifies that space stations must discharge all stored energy sources at end—of—life of
              the space station. JCSAT—2B is a Space Systems/Loral 1300 model spacecraft that was launched on May 6, 2016.
              Applicant states that JCSAT—2B‘s two identical interconnected helium tanks will be vented as a part of the
              retirement procedures for this spacecraft, but a pressure regulator will prevent complete expulsion of the helium
              in the tanks by cutting off the flow of helium after the 400 psia minimum inlet pressure of the regulator is reached.
              Applicant states that the helium tanks will retain a total mass of approximately 440 grams of helium at end of life,
              with each tank volume being 49 liters. We grant a waiver of the Section 25.283(c) with respect this de minimis
              inert gas.
    90342 ——— The applicant‘s request for a waiver of Section 25.283(c) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.283(c), is
              granted. Section 25.283(c) specifies that space stations must discharge all stored energy sources at end—of—life of
              the space station. AsiaSat 7 is a Space Systems/Loral 1300 model spacecraft that was launched on November 26,
              2011. Applicant states that AsiaSat 7‘s two identical interconnected helium tanks will be vented as a part of the
              retirement procedures for this spacecraft, but a pressure regulator will prevent complete expulsion of the helium
              in the tanks by cutting off the flow of helium after the 400 psia minimuminlet pressure of the regulator is reached.
              Applicant states that the helium tanks will retain a total mass of approximately 440 grams of helium at end of life,
              with each tank volume being 49 liters. We grant a waiver of the Section 25.283(c) with respect this de minimis
              inert gas.
   90343 ——— This grant does not authorize communications between the JCSAT—2B space station and the gateway earth station
             located in Kapolei, Hawaii (Call Sign EQO10236). Those communications may not commence until the JCSAT—2B
             space station has been granted access to the U.S. market by modification of the gateway earth station
             authorization (Call Sign EQO10236).

                                                       ( page 14 of 18 )                                          FCC Form 488

                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                       Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                           File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                  Grant date:    07/21/2017      Expiration Date:    05/01/2028

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION             AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
    90346 ——— Applicant‘s request for a waiver of Section 25.210(f) of the Commission‘s rules is GRANTED, as conditioned.
              Section 25.210(f) requires that space stations operating in the Fixed—Satellite Service in certain frequency bands,
              including 10.7—12.7 GHz and 13.75—14.5 GHz bands, employ full frequency reuse. 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(F). This
              requirement is part of the Commission‘s two—degree spacing policy, and the purpose is to ensure that searce orbit
              and spectrum resources are used efficiently and to encourage the deployment of technologically innovative
              satellites. The Commission has waived this requirement where doing so would allow satellite capacity that would
              otherwise lay dormant to be used to provide service. Yamal 300K is in—orbit and will operate from the 177° W.L.
              orbital location regardless of whether we permit it to provide service in the United States. Yamal 300K is capable
              of full—frequency use on some, but not all, of the frequency bands requested for operations with the United States.
              We find that preventing Yamal 300K from offering its capacity in the United States would preclude the provision
              of Ku—band service in the U.S. from this orbit location, and it is in the public interest to grant a limited waiver of
              the full frequency reuse requirement for the 10.95—11.2 GHz and 14.0—14.25 GHz frequency bands. Limited
              waiver is granted subject to the condition that no compliant satellite is offering service to the United States in the
              10.95—11.2 GHz and 14.0—14.25 GHz frequencies at that orbital location.
    90347 ———The Schedule S and other technical information for the Yamal 300K space station in IBFS File No.
             SES—MFS—20150609—00349, as amended by SES—AFS—20160107—00003, are incorporated by reference into this
    90398 ——— Changes to previously authorized transmitting facilities, operations and devices regulated by the Commission that
              may have significant environmental impact, and are not excluded by §1.1306, require the preparation of an
              Environmental Assessment (EA) by the licensee. (See 47 C.F.R. §§1.1307, 1.1308 and 1.1311)
    90399 ——— The licensee shall, at all times, take all necessary measures to ensure that operation of this (these) authorized earth
              station(s) does not create potential exposure of humans to radiofrequency radiation in excess of the FCC exposure
              limits defined in 47 CFR §§ 1.1307(b) and 1.1310. Physical measures must be taken to ensure compliance with
              limits for both occupational/controlled exposure and for general population/uncontrolled exposure, as defined in
              these rule sections. Compliance can be accomplished in most cases by appropriate restrictions, such as fencing.
              Requirements for restrictions can be determined by predictions based on calculations, modeling, or by field
              measurements. The FCC‘s OET Bulletin 65 (available on—line at provides information
              on predicting exposure levels and on methods for ensuring compliance, including the use of warning and alerting
              signs and protective equipment for workers.
   90435 ——— Operation pursuant to this authorization must be in compliance with the terms of coordination agreements
             between the operators of the AMC—1, AMC—6, AMC—21, Eutelsat 172A, Eutelsat 115 WB, Eutelsat 117 WA,
             Galaxy 17, Galaxy 28, JCSAT—2B, JCSAT—5A, Intelsat 14, Intelsat 18, Intelsat 20, Intelsat 21, Intelsat 22,
             Intelsat 19, Intelsat 29e, Intelsat 33¢, Intelsat 904, Intelsat 907, SES—1, SES—4, SES—3, SES—6, Telstar 11N,
             Telstar 12V, Yamal 300K, Yamal 401, AsiaSat 7, ASTRA 4A, Apstar V, and ARSAT—2 space stations and
             operators of other Ku—band geostationary space stations within six angular degrees of those space stations. In the
             event that another GSO Fixed—Satellite Service space station commences operation in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band at
             a location within six degrees of any of these space stations, aircraft earth stations operating pursuant to this
             authorization must cease transmitting to that space station unless and until such operation has been coordinated
             with the new space station‘s operator or the licensee demonstrates that such operation will not cause harmful
             interference to the new co—frequency space station.

                                                      ( page 15 of 18 )                                              FCC Form 488

                                        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                  RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                  Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                       File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier               Grant date:   07/21/2017      Expiration Date:   05/01/2028

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION           AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
    90436 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the ARSAT—2 space station must be in compliance with all existing and
              future space station coordination agreements reached between Argentina and other Administrations.

   900387 ——— Waiver of the Table of Frequency Allocation, Section 2.106 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, is
              granted for space—to—Earth operations, on an unprotected, non—interference basis, in the 12.25—12.75 GHz
              frequency band from Intelsat 19 in ITU Region 2, including portions of U.S. airspace. Reception of downlink
              transmissions by the ESAAs pursuant to grant of the licensee‘s waiver request is limited to the antenna beam
             patterns provided in IBFS File No. SAT—MOD—20120628—00107.
  900388 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the Eutelsat 115 West B and Eutelsat 117 West A space stations must
             be in compliance with all existing and future space station coordination agreements reached between Mexico and
             other Administrations.
  900389 ——— Reception of downlink transmissions is on a non—interference, non—protected basis from the following
             geostationary orbit space stations: Intelsat 29e (Call Sign $2913) at 50.0° W.L. in the 11.2—11.45 GHz frequency
             band; SES—4 (Call Sign $2828) at 22° W.L., Telstar 1 1N (Call Sign $2357) at 37.55° W.L., Yamal 300K at 183°
             E.L., Yamal 401 at 90° E.L., and Intelsat 20 (Call Sign $2847) at 68.5° E.L. in the 12.5—12.75 GHz frequency
             band; Intelsat 33e (Call Sign $2939) at 60.0° E.L. in the 12.5—12.6 GHz frequency band; Intelsat 19 (Call Sign
             $2850) at 166° E.L., Intelsat 18 (Call Sign $2817) at 180° E.L., JCSAT—2B at 154° E.L., JCSAT—S5A at 132°
             E.L., and AsiaSat 7 at 105.5° E.L. in the 12.25—12.75 GHz frequency band; Intelsat 22 (Call Sign $2846) at 72.1°
             E.L. in the 12.25—12.5 GHz frequency band; and Eutelsat 172A (formerly GE—23) (Call Sign $2610) at 172.0°
             E.L., Apstar V at 138.0° E.L. and ASTRA 4A at 4.8° E.L. in the 12.2—12.75 GHz frequency band. When
             receiving transmissions from these satellites in these frequency bands, the aircraft earth station operations
             authorized herein must accept interference from any radio station operating in conformance with the U.S. Table
             of Frequency Allocations.
  900391 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the Apstar V and AsiaSat 7 space stations must be in compliance with
             all existing and future space station coordination agreements reached between China and other Administrations.

  900392 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the JCSAT—2B and JCSAT—5A space stations must be in compliance
             with all existing and future space station coordination agreements reached between Japan and other
  900393 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the Yamal 300K and Yamal 401 space stations must be in compliance
             with all existing and future space station coordination agreements reached between Russia and other
  900394 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the ASTRA 4A space station must be in compliance with all existing
             and future space station coordination agreements reached between Sweden and other Administrations.

  900395 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the AMC—21 space station must be in compliance with all existing and
             future space station coordination agreements reached between the United Kingdom (Gibraltar) and other

  900396 ——— Communications between the ESAAs and the SES—4 and SES—6 space stations must be in compliance with all
             existing and future space station coordination agreements reached between the Netherlands and other

                                                  ( page 16 of 18 )                                          FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                     Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                          File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                 Grant date:   07/21/2017       Expiration Date:   05/01/2028                  P

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION              AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
   900397 ——— Waiver of the Table of Frequency Allocation, Section 2.106 and Footnote NGS52 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
              C.F.R. § 2.106, NG52, is granted for space—to—Earth ESAA operations, on an unprotected, non—interference basis,
              in the 11.2—11.45 GHz frequency band from Intelsat 29e in ITU Region 2, including U.S. airspace. Operations in
              this band are authorized based upon and subject to the conditions, waivers, and findings specified for Call Sign
              $2913. See IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—20130722—00097 and SAT—AMD—20140718—00087.
   900398 ——— The applicant‘s request for a waiver of Section 25.283(c) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR § 25.283(c), is
              granted. Section 25.283(c) specifies that space stations must discharge all stored energy sources at end—of—life of
              the space station. ASTRA 4A is a Lockheed—Martin A2100 spacecraft that was launched on November 18, 2007.
              Applicant states that shortly following orbital insertion, the oxidizer tanks were permanently sealed by firing a
              pyrotechnic valve. Applicant states that there are 12 kilograms of oxidizer in two interconnected tanks with a
              total tank volume of 657 liters, and 1.9 kilograms of helium pressurant in the same 657—liter tank volume. This
              waiver is granted because modification of the spacecraft would present a undue hardship, since compliance with
              Section 25.283(c) is not achievable except through direct retrieval of spacecraft. In making this determination,
              we note that the information submitted is not sufficient to support a finding that the underlying purpose of Section
              25.283(c) would be served.

                                                     ( page 17 of 18 )                                               FCC Form 488

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: AC BidCo LLC                                                                      Call Sign: E120106
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                          File Number: SES—MFS—20170109—00015
Non Common Carrier                 Grant date:   07/21/2017       Expiration Date:   05/01/2028

   B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the statements contained in the application are
              true and that the undertakings described will be carried out in good faith.

              This authorization shall not be construed in any manner as a finding by the Commission on the question of
              marking or lighting of the antenna system should future conditions require. The grantee expressly agrees to
              install such marking or lighting as the Commission may require under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q).

              Neither this authorization nor the right granted by this authorization shall be assigned or otherwise transferred to
              any person, firm, company or corporation without the written consent of the Commission. This authorization is
              subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred by Section 706 of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation of this station is governedby Part 25 of the Commission‘s
              Rules. 47 C.F.R. Part 25.

              This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate this station nor any right in the use of the
              designated frequencies beyond the term of this license, nor in any other manner than authorized herein.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the station is in compliance with environmental
             ‘requirements set forth in Section 1.1307 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the station is in compliance with the Federal
              Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set forth in Section 17.4 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R.§

             The following condition applies when this authorization permits construction of or modifies the construction
             permit of a radio station.

             This authorization shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required date of
             completion of construction unless an application for modification of authorization to request additional time to
             complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing that failure to complete construction by the
             required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

             Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement to
             collect annual regulatory fees from regulatees is contained in Public Law 103—66, "The Omnibus Budget
             Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal year, are used
             to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforcement, public service, international and policy and
             rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each year, setting the new regulatory
             fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of regulatory fees.

                                                     ( page 18 of 18 )                                             FCC Form 488

Document Created: 2017-07-25 17:56:46
Document Modified: 2017-07-25 17:56:46

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