Attachment Narr and Exhibits

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20160824-00738 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                        )
Gogo LLC                                                )    File No. SES-MOD-___________
                                                        )    Call Sign E120106
Modification to Blanket License for                     )
Operation of Ku-Band Transmit/Receive                   )
Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft                          )


               Gogo LLC (“Gogo”) hereby requests a modification of its blanket license to

operate Ku-band transmit/receive earth stations aboard aircraft (“ESAAs”) on domestic and

international flights. 1 Gogo requests that the Commission modify the Gogo ESAA License by

adding the following spacecraft as authorized points of communication: Intelsat 20; Intelsat 29e;

Intelsat 33e; Intelsat 907; AMC-3; AMC-21; and ASTRA 4A.

               A narrative description of the relevant changes is provided here, and Gogo is

attaching an FCC Form 312 and Schedule B that identify the new points of communication and

provide technical parameters for the ESAA operations. Supplemental technical information and

copies of relevant coordination letters are attached as well. Pursuant to Section 25.117(c) of the

Commission’s rules, Gogo is providing herein information that is changing as a result of the

     See Call Sign E120106, File No. SES-MFS-20151022-00735, granted June 30, 2016 (the
“Gogo ESAA License”). A pro forma assignment of the Gogo ESAA license to Gogo’s affiliate
AC BidCo LLC (“AC BidCo”) has been approved by the Commission but has not yet been
consummated. See File No. SES-ASG-20160714-00659, granted July 19, 2016. Gogo requests
that upon consummation of the assignment, the Commission continue to process this
modification application but replace Gogo with AC BidCo as the applicant.

modification. Gogo certifies that the remaining information provided in support of the Gogo

ESAA License has not changed. 2


               Gogo requests modification of its license to add the Intelsat 20; Intelsat 29e;

Intelsat 33e; Intelsat 907; AMC-3; AMC-21; and ASTRA 4A satellites as points of

communication for the Gogo ESAA network pursuant to the provisions of Section 25.227(a)(2)

and (b)(2). As discussed below, each of the requested satellites is eligible for authority for use

with the Gogo ESAA network. Updated tables listing the satellites to be used and the associated

ground stations are provided in Annex 2 hereto.

               Intelsat 20: Intelsat 20 is a U.S.-licensed satellite positioned at the 68.5° E.L.

orbital location, 3 and complete technical information regarding the satellite is therefore already

on file with the Commission. 4 Gogo seeks authority to use Intelsat 20 capacity for ESAA

operations on a primary basis in conventional Ku-band uplink spectrum, 14-14.5 GHz, and on an

unprotected basis in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent

with the Commission’s orders in the ESAA proceeding 5 and with the terms of the satellite

     For the Commission’s convenience, Gogo has attached as Annex 1 hereto a table listing the
information required pursuant to Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules and providing a
cross-reference to the necessary information.
    See Intelsat License LLC, Call Sign S2847, File No. SAT-LOA-20111024-00208, grant-
stamped July 26, 2012.
    Gogo has already commenced ESAA operations with Intelsat 20 pursuant to a grant of
Special Temporary Authority. See Gogo LLC, File No. SES-STA-20160624-00610, granted
June 30, 2016.
    Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth Stations
Aboard Aircraft Communicating with Fixed-Satellite Service Geostationary-Orbit Space Stations
Operating in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14-14.5 GHz Frequency
Bands, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Report and Order, IB Docket Nos. 12-376 & 05-20,
27 FCC Rcd 16510 (2012) (“ESAA Order”); Second Report and Order and Order on

license. Gogo also seeks authority to use Intelsat 20 capacity for ESAA operations on a

nonconforming basis in the 12.5-12.75 GHz downlink spectrum.

               Intelsat 20 will provide coverage of the Middle East. A letter confirming that

operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with satellites

operated within six degrees of Intelsat 20 is included in Annex 3.

               Intelsat 29e: Intelsat 29e is a U.S.-licensed satellite positioned at the 50° W.L.

orbital location, 6 and complete technical information regarding the satellite is therefore already

on file with the Commission. Gogo seeks authority to use Intelsat 29e capacity for ESAA

operations on a primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and the 11.7-12.2 GHz

downlink spectrum and on an unprotected basis in the 10.95-11.7 GHz downlink spectrum,

consistent with the ESAA Decisions and with the terms of the satellite license.

               Intelsat 29e will provide coverage of the United States. A letter confirming that

operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with satellites

operated within six degrees of Intelsat 29e is included in Annex 3.

               Intelsat 33e: Intelsat 33e is a U.S.-licensed satellite positioned at the 60° E.L.

orbital location, 7 and complete technical information regarding the satellite is therefore already

on file with the Commission. Gogo seeks authority to use Intelsat 33e capacity for ESAA

operations on a primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and the 11.7-12.2 GHz

downlink spectrum and on an unprotected basis in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz

Reconsideration, IB Docket No. 12-376, 29 FCC Rcd 4226 (2014) (“ESAA Second Order,” and
with the ESAA Order, the “ESAA Decisions”).
    See Intelsat License LLC, Call Sign S2913, File No. SAT-LOA-20130722-00097, grant-
stamped May 21, 2015.
    See Intelsat License LLC, Call Sign S2939, File No. SAT-LOA-20150327-00016, grant-
stamped Feb. 25, 2016.


downlink spectrum, consistent with the ESAA Decisions and with the terms of the satellite

license. Gogo also seeks authority to use Intelsat 33e capacity for ESAA operations on a

nonconforming basis in the 12.5-12.6 GHz downlink spectrum.

               Intelsat 33e will provide coverage of Africa, Asia, and Europe. A letter

confirming that operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination

agreements with satellites operated within six degrees of Intelsat 33e is included in Annex 3.

               Intelsat 907: Intelsat 907 is a U.S.-licensed satellite positioned at the 27.5° W.L.

orbital location, 8 and complete technical information regarding the satellite is therefore already

on file with the Commission. Gogo seeks authority to use Intelsat 907 capacity for ESAA

operations on a primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and on an unprotected basis in

the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the ESAA

Decisions and with the terms of the satellite license.

               Intelsat 907 will provide coverage of the East Pacific. A letter confirming that

operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with satellites

operated within six degrees of Intelsat 907 is included in Annex 3.

               AMC-3: AMC-3 is a U.S.-licensed satellite positioned at the 67° W.L. orbital

location, 9 and complete technical information regarding the satellite is therefore already on file

with the Commission. Gogo seeks authority to use AMC-3 capacity for ESAA operations on a

primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and in the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink spectrum,

consistent with the Commission’s ESAA Decisions and with the terms of the satellite license.

    See Intelsat License LLC, Call Sign S2411, File Nos. SAT-LOA-20000119-00025 & SAT-
MOD-20020918-00183, Memorandum Opinion Order and Authorization, 15 FCC Rcd 15460
    See SES Americom, Inc., Call Sign S2162, File No. SAT-MOD-20111220-00243, grant-
stamped June 28, 2012.


               AMC-3 will provide coverage of Mexico. A letter confirming that operation of

the Gogo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with satellites operated

within six degrees of AMC-3 is included in Annex 3.

               AMC-21: AMC-21 is a Gibraltar-licensed satellite positioned at the 124.9° W.L.

orbital location. The Commission placed AMC-21 on the Permitted Space Station List for

operations at this location in the conventional Ku-band, 10 and complete technical information

regarding the satellite is therefore already on file with the Commission. Gogo seeks authority to

use AMC-21 capacity for ESAA operations on a primary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink

spectrum and the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the Commission’s ESAA

Decisions and the satellite’s authorization.

               AMC-21 will provide coverage of the United States. A letter confirming that

operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with satellites

operated within six degrees of AMC-21 is included in Annex 3.

               ASTRA 4A: ASTRA 4A is licensed by Sweden and positioned at the 4.8° E.L.

orbital location. ASTRA 4A is not on the Permitted Space Station List, but its licensing

administration, Sweden, is a member of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”). Accordingly,

under the Commission’s DISCO II market access framework, there is a presumption that

allowing the satellite to communicate with U.S.-licensed earth stations for services covered by

the WTO Basic Telecommunications Agreement will serve the public interest. 11

    See SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Limited, Call Sign S2676, File Nos. SAT-ASG-20080609-
00120 & SAT-PPL-20080929-00203, grant-stamped Aug. 6, 2008.
    See Amendment of the Commission’s Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space Stations
providing Domestic and International Service in the United States, Report & Order, 12 FCC Rcd
24094, 24112, ¶ 39 (1997) (“DISCO II”).


                Gogo seeks authority to use ASTRA 4A capacity for ESAA operations on a

primary basis in the 14-14.25 GHz uplink spectrum and in the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink spectrum,

consistent with the Commission’s ESAA Decisions. Gogo also seeks authority to use ASTRA

4A capacity for ESAA operations on a nonconforming basis in the 12.2-12.75 GHz downlink


                ASTRA 4A will provide coverage of Europe. A letter confirming that operation

of the Gogo ESAA terminals is consistent with coordination agreements with satellites operated

within six degrees of ASTRA 4A is included in Annex 3. In addition, Annex 4 contains

technical materials regarding the proposed Gogo operations with ASTRA 4A, including a

coverage map, link budgets, and an orbital debris mitigation statement.


                Attached as Annex 3 pursuant to Section 25.227(b)(2) of the Commission’s rules

are copies of letters confirming that Gogo’s proposed ESAA operations are consistent with the

coordination agreements between the satellites discussed above and operators of adjacent

spacecraft. Furthermore, Gogo’s operations with the additional satellites will conform to the

terms of the agreements between Gogo and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

and the National Science Foundation, as required by the Gogo ESAA License. 12


                Gogo seeks limited waivers of the Commission’s rules in connection with its

request to add satellites as authorized points of communication for the Gogo ESAA network.

Specifically, Gogo seeks a waiver of the Table of Allocations for its proposed operations in the

12.2-12.75 GHz spectrum and a waiver of orbital debris mitigation requirements for ASTRA 4A,

     Gogo ESAA License, Special and General Provisions, Condition 90057.


which cannot fully vent propellants and/or relieve pressure vessels at end of life. Grant of these

waivers is consistent with Commission policy:

                       The Commission may waive a rule for good cause shown.
                       Waiver is appropriate if special circumstances warrant a
                       deviation from the general rule and such deviation would
                       better serve the public interest than would strict adherence
                       to the general rule. Generally, the Commission may grant a
                       waiver of its rules in a particular case if the relief requested
                       would not undermine the policy objective of the rule in
                       question and would otherwise serve the public interest. 13

               Section 2.106: Gogo requests waiver of the Table of Allocations in Section 2.106

of the Commission’s rules to permit use of downlink spectrum in the 12.2-12.75 GHz band range

for ESAA operations. Gogo proposes to use capacity in part or all of this spectrum range on the

following spacecraft: Intelsat 20; Intelsat 33e; and ASTRA 4A.

               Prior to adoption of the ESAA decisions, the Commission granted waivers for

downlink operations in the 11.7-12.2 GHz conventional Ku-band downlink spectrum “based

upon either a showing that the proposed AMSS downlink transmissions will not exceed the

10 dBW/4 kHz limit for routine processing in Section 25.134(g)(2) of the Commission’s rules or

proof that adjacent satellite operators have consented to the operations.” 14 ESAA operators were

also permitted to use extended Ku-band frequencies for ESAA downlinks pursuant to the same

rationale. 15 The Commission has recognized that “terminals on U.S.-registered aircraft may

     PanAmSat Licensee Corp., 17 FCC Rcd 10483, 10492 (Sat. Div. 2002) (footnotes omitted).
     See, e.g., Panasonic Avionics Corporation, Application for Authority to Operate Up to 50
Technically Identical Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service Aircraft Earth Stations in the 14.0-
14.4 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Bands, Order and Authorization, 26 FCC Rcd 12557
(IB and OET 2011) at ¶ 11.
     See Row 44 Inc., File No. SES-MFS-20100715-00903, Call Sign E080100, Attachment at 3
(requesting expansion of the waiver of Section 2.106 that Row 44 was granted for conventional
Ku-band downlinks to cover the proposed use of the 11.45-11.7 GHz band), granted Dec. 23,


need to access foreign satellites while traveling outside of the United States (e.g., over

international waters), and therefore may need to downlink in the extended Ku-band in certain

circumstances.” 16

               The Commission’s ESAA Decisions modified the Table of Allocations to permit

ESAA operations in the conventional Ku-band, as well as in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-

11.7 GHz segments of the extended Ku-band. The Commission acknowledged that ESAA

operators may also wish to use other downlink spectrum, particularly for reception of

transmissions from space stations with little or no U.S. coverage. 17 Although the Commission

had not requested comment on changing the allocation status of this downlink spectrum, it

specifically contemplated that access to such spectrum could be granted “on a case-by-case basis

under Part 25 licensing rules.” 18 For example, the Commission has authorized Gogo and other

ESAA providers to receive signals in the 12.2-12.75 GHz band. 19

               Consistent with these past rulings, Gogo requests a waiver of the Table of

Allocations to permit its terminals to receive transmissions from the ASTRA 4A spacecraft in the

12.2-12.75 GHz band; from the Intelsat 33e spacecraft in the 12.5-12.6 GHz band; and from the

Intelsat 20 spacecraft in the 12.5-12.75 GHz band. None of these spacecraft is proposed to be

used in U.S. airspace. As noted above, the satellite operators that will provide capacity to Gogo

have coordinated the ESAA operations with satellites within six degrees. Authorizing Gogo to

    Service Rules and Procedures to Govern the Use of Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service
Earth Stations in Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 05-20,
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 20 FCC Rcd 2906 (2005) at ¶ 18 (footnote omitted).
     See ESAA Order at n.43.
    See, e.g., Gogo Blanket License, Section B (authorizing use of the 12.2-12.75 GHz band);
Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20150609-00349, Call Sign E100089,
granted June 30, 2016 (the “Panasonic ESAA Grant”), Section B (authorizing use of the 10.7-
12.75 GHz band).


receive signals from these satellites will not alter the technical characteristics of the satellites’

operations in any way, and therefore will not create harmful interference to other authorized

users of the spectrum. Furthermore, Gogo will not claim interference protection from such

authorized users. Under these circumstances, grant of a Section 2.106 waiver is justified to

permit use of the 12.2-12.75 GHz band for downlinks as part of the Gogo ESAA network.

                Section 25.283(c): Section 25.283(c) specifies requirements relating to venting

stored energy sources at the spacecraft’s end of life. Specifically, the rule provides that upon

completion of a satellite’s mission, “a space station licensee shall ensure, unless prevented by

technical failures beyond its control, that all stored energy sources on board the satellite are

discharged, by venting excess propellant, discharging batteries, relieving pressure vessels, and

other appropriate measures.” 20 Gogo requests any necessary waiver of this requirement in

connection with its request to communicate with the ASTRA 4A satellite, an in-orbit spacecraft

that was not designed to allow complete venting at end of life.

                ASTRA 4A is a Lockheed Martin A2100 model spacecraft. As described in more

detail in the attached Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement, the oxidizer tanks on the ASTRA 4A

spacecraft were sealed following completion of the launch phase and will therefore retain

residual pressure when the spacecraft is retired. Given the spacecraft design, it is physically

impossible to vent the oxidizer tanks in order to comply with Section 25.283(c).

                Under Commission precedent, grant of a waiver is warranted. In a number of

cases involving various spacecraft models with similar limitations, the Commission has waived

Section 25.283(c) to permit launch and operation of spacecraft that do not allow for full venting

of pressure vessels at end of life, based on a finding that modifying the space station design at a

     47 C.F.R. § 25.283(c).


late stage of construction would pose an undue hardship. 21 In the case of ASTRA 4A, which is

currently in-orbit, there is no question of bringing the satellite into compliance with the rule. The

Commission has expressly recognized this, finding a waiver of Section 25.283(c) to be justified

for in-orbit spacecraft that cannot satisfy the rule’s requirements. For example, in a decision

involving the AMC-2 satellite, which is a Lockheed Martin A2100 design like ASTRA 4A, the

Commission waived Section 25.283(c) on its own motion, observing that venting the spacecraft’s

sealed oxidizer tanks “would require direct retrieval of the satellite, which is not currently

possible.” 22

                The same practical obstacle is present here. Because ASTRA 4A is already in

orbit, it cannot be modified to enable full venting of residual pressure. Given this reality, a

waiver is clearly warranted.

     See, e.g., EchoStar Satellite Operating Corp., File No. SAT-LOA-20071221-00183, Call
Sign S2746, grant-stamped Mar. 12, 2008, Attachment at ¶ 4 (granting a partial waiver of
Section 25.283(c) for AMC-14, a Lockheed Martin A2100 model spacecraft, on grounds that
requiring modification of satellite would present an undue hardship); DIRECTV Enterprises LLC,
File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00086, Call Sign S2797, grant-stamped Dec. 15, 2009,
Attachment at ¶ 4 (same for DIRECTV 12, a Boeing 702 model spacecraft); PanAmSat Licensee
Corp., File Nos. SAT-MOD-20070207-00027, SAT-AMD-20070716-00102, Call Sign S2237,
grant-stamped Oct. 4, 2007, Attachment at ¶ 7 (same for Intelsat 11, an Orbital Sciences Star
model spacecraft).
       File No. SAT-MOD-20101215-00261, Call Sign S2134, grant-stamped Mar. 8, 2011,
Attachment at ¶ 4. See also XM Radio Inc., File No. SAT-MOD-20100722-00165, Call Sign
S2616, grant-stamped Oct. 14, 2010, Attachment at ¶ 2 (waiving Section 25.283(c) for XM-4, a
Boeing 702 model spacecraft, because “modification of the spacecraft would present an undue
hardship, since XM-4 is an in-orbit space station and venting XM-4’s helium and xenon tanks
would require direct retrieval of the satellite, which is not currently possible”).


IV.            CONCLUSION

               Gogo respectfully requests that the Commission modify the Gogo ESAA License

to reflect the changes described herein.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           GOGO LLC

                                           By: /s/ William J. Gordon______

Of Counsel                                    William J. Gordon
Karis A. Hastings                             VP, Regulatory Affairs
SatCom Law LLC                                Gogo LLC
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                111 North Canal Street
Washington, D.C. 20004                        Chicago, IL 60606
Tel: (202) 599-0975                           Tel: (202) 870-7220

Dated: August 24, 2016


                ANNEX 1: Table of Information Required by Section 25.227

  Section 25.227
   Requirement                            Citation to Information Provided
25.227(a)(1)(ii) & As Gogo has demonstrated, both ESAA antennas will maintain a pointing
25.227(a)(1)(iii)  error of less than or equal to 0.2° between the orbital location of the target
                   satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna and will
                   automatically cease transmission within 100 milliseconds if the angle
                   between the orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main
                   lobe of the ESAA antenna exceeds 0.5°, and transmission shall not resume
                   until such angle is less than or equal to 0.2°. See File No. SES-AMD-
                   20120731-00709, Technical Appendix, Section 2.2.4; File No. SES-MFS-
                   20140801-00625, Technical Annex, Section 1.3.
25.227(a)(4) &     N/A: no use of a contention protocol is proposed.
25.227(a)(5) &     The 24/7 point of contact information remains the same. The phone number
25.227(b)(6)       is +1 866-943-4662 and the e-mail address is The street
                   address is: Gogo Network Operations Center, 111 North Canal Street,
                   Chicago, IL, 60606, as specified in Form 312 Schedule B, Items E2-E9.
25.227(a)(15)      Gogo certifications are in Annex 5 attached.
25.227(b)(2)(i),   Target satellite operator certifications are in Annex 3 attached.
(ii) & (iii)
25.227(b)(2)(iv)   Gogo has previously demonstrated that its system will comply with
                   coordination agreements and requirements to cease emissions. 1
25.227(b)(4)       The ESAA network will operate in U.S. airspace, foreign airspace, and in
                   the airspace over international waters. Coverage areas for the specific
                   satellites to be used in the ESAA network are described in the table found in
                   Annex 2 attached. Contours for the Intelsat 20; Intelsat 29e; Intelsat 33e;
                   Intelsat 907; AMC-3; and AMC-21 satellites are already on file with the
                   Commission. A coverage map for ASTRA 4A is included in Annex 4.
25.227(b)(7)       Gogo certifications are in Annex 5 attached.
25.227(b)(8)       No change to previously filed Radiation Hazard analyses.
25.227(c)          Gogo’s coordination agreement with NASA was filed February 1, 2013 in
                   File Nos. SES-LIC-20120619-00574 et al.
25.227(d)          Gogo’s coordination agreement with NSF was included as Amendment
                   Exhibit B in File No. SES-AMD-20120731-00709.

  Gogo’s initial showing with respect to these requirements referred to the iDirect satellite
modem used as part of the antenna control system. In the future, Gogo may incorporate modems
from other manufacturers, but the antenna system will continue to function in the same way to
ensure compliance with applicable coordination agreements and shut-off requirements.


                                             ANNEX 2:

                            Updated Spacecraft and Teleport Tables

                                                                            Use in US   Satellite
Satellite    Location    Beam Coverage Area        Tx (GHz)   Rx (GHz)
                                                                            airspace?   Operator
AMC-1 129.15W               North America          14-14.5     11.7-12.2       Yes
AMC-3 1  67W                   Mexico              14-14.5     11.7-12.2       Yes
AMC-21 124.9W               United States          14-14.5     11.7-12.2       Yes
ASTRA                                                         11.7-12.2;
         4.8E                   Europe             14-14.25                    No
  4A                                                          12.2-12.75
 SES-1  101W                North America          14-14.5    11.7–12.2       Yes         SES
 SES-4   22W                   Europe              14-14.5    12.5-12.75      No
                          East Atlantic Ocean      14-14.5                     No
    SES-6     40.5W
                          West Atlantic Ocean      14-14.5                    Yes
               91W          North America          14-14.5     11.7-12.2      Yes
                        North and South America
    IS-14      45W                                 14-14.5    11.7–12.2       Yes
                             excludes Brazil
    IS-18      180E           South Pacific        14-14.5    12.25-12.75     No
                            Northeast Pacific      14-14.5    12.25-12.75     Yes
                           Northwest Pacific
    IS-19      166E
                                Australia          14-14.5    12.25-12.75      No
                           Southwest Pacific
    IS-20     68.5E           Middle East          14-14.5    11.45-11.7;      No
                                 Brazil            14-14.5     11.7–12.2       No        Intelsat
    IS-21      58W
                         South Atlantic Ocean      14-14.5    11.45–11.7       No
                        Mobility from Mideast to
    IS-22     72.1E                                14-14.5    12.25–12.5       No
                         Japan and to Australia
    IS-29e     50W           United States         14-14.5                    Yes
    IS-33e     60E      Africa, Asia, and Europe   14-14.5                     No
    IS-904     60E      Spot 1 - Western Russia    14-14.5                     No
    IS-907    27.5W           East Pacific         14-14.5                    Yes

    This satellite is only used for communications with the ThinKom antenna system.


                                                  Tx         Rx         Use in US        Satellite
    Satellite   Location Beam Coverage Area
                                                (GHz)       (GHz)       airspace?        Operator
  115WB         114.9W      North America       14-14.5    11.7-12.2      Yes
(Satmex 7)
                           Central and South
  117WA         116.8W                          14-14.5    11.7-12.2      Yes            Eutelsat
(Satmex 8)
                           North Pacific and
    E172A 2      172E                           14-14.5   11.45-11.7;      No
                          Northeastern Russia
                                Africa          14-14.5   11.45-11.7;      No
     T-11N       37.5W                                    12.5-12.75                      Telesat
                               Atlantic         14-14.5   11.45-11.7       No
      T-18       138E            Asia           14-14.5   12.2–12.75       No
JCSAT-2B         154E        South Pacific      14-14.5                   Yes
                                                          12.25-12.75                     JSAT
JCSAT-5A2        132E           Japan           14-14.5   12.25-12.75      No
Yamal 300K                North Pacific Ocean   14-14.5   11.45-11.7;     Yes
                                                           12.5-12.75               Gazprom Space
                                                          10.95-11.2;                  Systems
Yamal 401         90E           Russia          14-14.5   11.45-11.7;      No
    Asiasat 7   105.5E          China           14-14.5   12.25-12.75      No             AsiaSat

    These satellites are only used for communications with the Aerosat antenna system.


   Satellite            Teleport Location         FCC Call Sign
   AMC-1                   Woodbine, MD             E900448
   AMC-3                     Perris, CA             E940448
   AMC-21                  Woodbine, MD             E900448
  ASTRA 4A            Betzdorf, Luxembourg            N/A
    SES-1                  Woodbine, MD             E920698
                            Bristow, VA             E020071
                            Bristow, VA             E000696
   SES-6              Betzdorf, Luxembourg            N/A
  Galaxy 17            Atlanta, GA ATL-K26          E990214
                      ATL teleport ATL-C06          E940333
                      ATL teleport ATL-K15          E090093
    IS-18            Napa teleport NAP-K22          E990224
                           Perth, Australia           N/A
    IS-19            Napa teleport NAP-K31          E980460
                      Napa teleport NAP-C30         E980467
    IS-20               Fuchsstadt, Germany           N/A
                       Rio de Janeiro, Brazil         N/A
                 Mobility: MTN teleport MTN-K02     E030051
     IS-22                 Kumsan, Korea              N/A
    IS-29e                Hagerstown, MD            E030103
                        Fuchsstadt, Germany           N/A
                          Moscow, Russia              N/A
    IS-904                Moscow, Russia              N/A
    IS-907                Hagerstown, MD            E030103
Eutelsat 115WB             Brewster, WA             E120043
  (Satmex 7)
Eutelsat 117WA            Brewster, WA              E060416
  (Satmex 8)
    E172a              Khabarovsk, Russia             N/A
    T-11N                Aflenz, Austria              N/A
     T-18               China (City TBD)              N/A
  JCSAT-2B                 Kapolei, HI              E010236
  JCSAT-5A              Yokohama, Japan               N/A
 Yamal 300K          Brewster, WA BRW-05C           E120043
  Yamal 401              Moscow, Russia               N/A
   Asiasat 7             Beijing, China               N/A


       ANNEX 3:

Satellite Company Letters



                                                                                      Envision. Connect. Transform

May 16, 2016
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                            Re: Engineering Certification of Intelsat for Is—2%e Satelite

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter confirms that Intelsat is aware that Gogo LC ("Gogo") is planning to seek a modification to its
blanket authorization (the "Modification Application") from the Federal Communications Commission
("FCC") to operate two types of Ku band transmitfeceive earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call
Sign E120106. Amongother changes, the Modification Application will seek authority for Gogo‘s ESAA
terminals to communicate with the 15—2%e satelite at 50° WL. under the current ESAA rules including
Section 25.227
Based upon the representations made to Intelsat by Gogo concerning the contents ofits Modification
    * INTELSAT acknowledges that the proposed operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals has the potential
      to create harmful interference to satelite networks adjacent to 15—2%e that may be unacceptable
    *   Intelsat certifies that the proposed use of the ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the power density
        levels specified by: Gogo are consistent with existing coordination agreements to which INTELSAT is
        a party with all adjacent satelite operators within +/— 6 degrees of orbital separation from I5—2%e.

    *   If the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Gogo, Intelsat will include the power density levels
        specified by Gogo in all future satelite network coordination with other operators of satelites
        adjacentto 15—2%e.

Armand Kadrichu
Senior Technical Advisor, Spectrum Strategy
7900 Tysons One Place, McLean, VA 221025972
T+1 703—559—7525. Ma1 202—445—4377

Intebat Coporation
7900 Tsons One Mac, Mclean, VA 22102:5972 USA wwrwintesatcom T +1 703—550—6200

                                                                                       Envision. Connect. Transform

May 16, 2016
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                             Re: Engineering Certification of Intelsat for Is—33e Satelite

To Whom It May Concern:
This letter confirms that Intelsat is aware that Gogo LC ("Gogo") is planning to seek a modification to its
blanket authorization (the "Modification Application") from the Federal Communications Commission
("FCC") to operate two types of Ku band transmitfeceive earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call
Sign E120106. Amongother changes, the Modification Application will seek authority for Gogo‘s ESAA
terminals to communicate with the 15—33e satelite at 60° EL. under the current ESAA rules including Section

Based upon the representations made to Intelsat by Gogo concerning the contents ofits Modification
    * INTELSAT acknowledges that the proposed operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals has the potential
      to create harmful interference to satellite networks adjacent to Is—33e that may be unacceptable,
    *   Intelsat certifies that the proposed use of the ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the power density
        levels specified by Gogo are consistent with existing coordination agreements to which INTELSAT is
        a party with all adjacent satelite operators within +/— 6 degrees of orbital separation from Is—33e

    *   If the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Gogo, Intelsat will include the power density levels
        specified by Gogo in all future satelite network coordination with other operators of satelites
        adjacent to 15—33¢.

Armand Kadrichu
Senior Technical Advisor, Spectrum Strategy
7900 Tysons One Place, McLean, VA 221025972
T+1 703—559—7525 M +1 202—445—4377

Inteat Coporation
7900 Trsons One Hac, Metean, VA 22102:5972 USA wwrwintesatcom T +1 703—550—6200

                                                                                       Envision. Connect. Tansform

May 16, 2016
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

                            Re: Engineering Certification of Intelsat for 15—907 Satellite

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter confirms that Intelsat is aware that Gogo LC ("Gogo") is planning to seek a modification to its
blanket authorization (the "Modification Application") from the Federal Communications Commission
("FCC") to operate two types of Ku band transmitfeceive earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call
Sign E120106. Amongother changes, the Modification Application will seek authority for Gogo‘s ESAA
terminals to communicate with the 15—907 satelite at 27.5° WL. under the current ESAA rules including
Section 25.227

Based upon the representations made to Intelsat by Gogo concerning the contents ofits Modification
    * INTELSAT acknowledges that the proposed operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals has the potential
      to create harmful interference to satellite networks adjacent to 15—907 that may be unacceptable.
    *   Intelsat certifies that the proposed use of the ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the power density
        levels specified by: Gogo are consistent with existing coordination agreements to which INTELSAT is
        a party with all adjacent satelite operators within +/— 6 degrees of orbital separation from 15—907

    * if the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Gogo, Intelsat will include the powerdensity levels
      specified by Gogo in all future satelite network coordination with other operators of satelites
      adjacentto 15—907.

Armand Kadrichu
Senior Technical Advisor, Spectrum Strategy
7900 Tysons One Place, Mclean, VA 221025972
T+1 703—559—7525 M +1 202—445—4377

Inteat Coporaion
7900 Tsons One Mac, Mclean, VA 22102:5972 USA wanwinteatcom T +1 703—550—6200

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
United States

4 August 2016

Subject: Engineering Certification of SES for the AMC—3 satellite

To whom it may concern,

This letter confirms that SES is aware that Gogo LLC (‘Gogo‘), licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission (‘FCC®) as Gogo LLC, is planning to file an application seeking a
modification to its blanket authorization (the *Modification Application") to operate Ku—band Earth
Stations Aboard Aircraft (‘ESAA") transmitreceive terminals (Call Sign E120106) pursuant to ITU RR
5.504A and Section 25.227 of the Commission‘s rules, on domestic and international flights. Among
other changes, the Modification Application will seek authority for Gogo‘s ESAA terminals to
communicate with the AMC—3 satelite at 67°W.L., under the current ESAA rules, including Section

Based upon the representations made to SES by Gogo concerning how it will operate on AMC—3
according to its letter dated 2 August 2016:

    *     SES acknowledges that the proposed operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals has the potential
          to create harmful interference to satellite networks adjacent to AMC—3 that may be
    *     SES certifies that it has completed coordination as required under the FCC‘s rules and that
          the power density levels specified by Gogo are consistent with existing coordination
          agreements to which SES is a party with all adjacent satellite operators within +/— 6 degrees
          of orbital separation from AMC—3.
    *     If the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Gogo, SES will include the power density
          levels specified by Gogo in all future satelite network coordination with other operators of
          satellites adjacent to AMC—3.

Yours Sincerely,

Vice President
Spectrum Development & Management Americas

Kimberly M. Baum
Vice President Spectrum Management & Development, Americas

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

10 August 2016

Subject: Engineering Certification of SES for the AMC—21 Satellite

To whom it may concern,

This letter confirms that SES is aware that Gogo LLC (‘Gogo") is planning to file an application
seeking a modification to its blanket authorization (the "Modification Application") from the FCC to
operate Ku—band Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft (‘ESAA") transmit/receive terminals (Call Sign
E120106) pursuant to ITU RR 5.504A and Section 25.227 of the Commission‘s rules, on domestic
and international flights. Among other changes, the Modification Application will seek authority for
Gogo‘s ESAA terminals to communicate with the AMC—21 satellite at 124.9° W.L., under the current
ESAA rules, including Section 25.227.

Based upon the representations made to SES by Gogo concerning how it will operate on AMC—21
according to its letter dated August 8, 2016 for ThinKom 2Ku antennas and August 10, 2016 for
Aerosat HR6400 antennas:

    *   SES acknowledges that the proposed operation of the Gogo ESAA terminals has the
        potential to create harmful interference to satellte networks adjacent to AMC—21 that may be

    *   SES certifies thatit has completed coordination as required under the FCC‘s rules and that
        the power density levels specified by Gogo are consistentwith any existing coordination
        agreements to which SES is a party with adjacent satelite operators within +/— 6 degrees of
        orbital separation from AMC—21.

    *   If the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Gogo, SES will include the power density
        levels specified by Gogo in all future satellite network coordination with other operators of
        satellites adjacent to AMC—21.

Yours Sincerely,

Kimberly M. Baum

SES Americom, Inc.                Tel. +1 609 987 4000
1129 20th St NW #1000             Fax +1 609 987 4517
Washington, DC 20036    


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                                 ANNEX 4:

ASTRA 4A Coverage Map, Link Budgets, and Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement


Ku band: ECEE (EU) beam EIRP                                  SES*
                                           Contours Shown
                                                sire reavg
                                             527. Beampeak

                                     ‘Te adjacent plot shous the
                               ~]|   measured pertormance ofa tpicat
                                     satelitetransponder. Perfomance
                                     iferences should be expected
                                     between indivual ransponders
                                     Elevation Angles are shown at 0,5
                                     and 10 Degrees

                             ASTRA 4A Link Budgets

AeroSat Antenna
            Forward Link Budget                            Return Link Budget
Hub                          Betzdorf,         Terminal                        Ku
                          Luxembourg           Required Eb/No              3.5 dB
Required Eb/No               .9 dB             Modulation             2-PSK
Modulation              4-PSK                  Info Rate                  1.03 KMps
Info Rate                22.74 Mbps            FEC Rate                     .5
FEC Rate                  0.41                 Carrier Spacing             1.3
Carrier Rolloff             1.2                Carrier Spreading           0.0
Satellite SFD @ 0        -91.7 dBW/m2          Satellite SFD @ 0           -79 dBW/m2
dB/K                                           dB/K
Transponder Atten         11.0 dB              Transponder Atten            13 dB
Transponder ID        4.224/4.224              Transponder ID        4.306/4.306
Hub Transmit                                   Aircraft Transmit
Frequency                17.77 GHz             Terminal
Satellite G/T               6.1 dB/oK          Frequency                  14.2 GHz
Antenna Diameter            9.0 m              Satellite G/T               2.3 dB/oK
Carrier EIRP             75.33 dBW             Antenna Diameter           0.74 m
Ant. Input PFD          -25.67 dBW/4kHz        Carrier EIRP               42.7 dBW
Path Loss                  209 dB              Ant Input PFD            -13.3 dBW/4kHz
Atm/Point/Pol Loss          0.5 dB             Path Loss                207.0 dB
Aircraft Receive                               Atm/Point/Pol Loss          0.7 dB
Terminal                                       Hub Receive
Frequency                12.52 GHz             Frequency                  12.7 GHz
Satellite EIRP            52.8 dBW             Satellite EIRP               50 dBW
Downlink PFD@            13.41 dBW/4kHz        Downlink PFD@            -12.7 dBW/4kHz
Beam Center                                    Beam Center
Receive Gain                29 dBi             Hub G/T                    38.4 dB/oK
Terminal G/T              11.7 dB/oK           Path Loss                206.2 dB
Path Loss                  206 dB              Other Losses                0.8 dB
Other Losses                0.7 dB
                                               Total OPBO                  4.4 dB
Total OPBO                    1 dB             Carrier OPBO               38.8 dB
Carrier OPBO                  1 dB             C/No Thermal Up            66.0 dB-Hz
C/No Thermal Up          100.5 dB-Hz           C/No Thermal Dn            71.3 dB-Hz
C/No Thermal Dn             77 dB-Hz           C/Io Total                 83.3 dB-Hz
C/Io Total                86.3 dB-Hz           C/No+Io                   64..8 dB-Hz
C/No+Io                   76.6 dB-Hz           Add”l Link Margin           1.2 dB
Add’l Link Margin           1.0 dB             % BW per cxr                3.7 %
% BW per cxr               100 %               % Power per cxr            0.04 %
% Power per cxr            100 %               Xpdr BW Alloc              2.67 MHz
Xpdr BW Alloc               33 MHz


                             ASTRA 4A Link Budgets

ThinKom Antenna
            Forward Link Budget                            Return Link Budget
Hub                          Betzdorf,         Terminal                        2Ku
                          Luxembourg           Required Eb/No              3.5 dB
Required Eb/No              1.7 dB             Modulation             2-PSK
Modulation              4-PSK                  Info Rate                  1.03 KMps
Info Rate                22.74 Mbps            FEC Rate                     .5
FEC Rate                  0.41                 Carrier Spacing             1.3
Carrier Rolloff             1.2                Carrier Spreading           2.0
Satellite SFD @ 0        -91.7 dBW/m2          Satellite SFD @ 0        -80.8 dBW/m2
dB/K                                           dB/K
Transponder Atten         11.0 dB              Transponder Atten           4.0 dB
Transponder ID        4.224/4.224              Transponder ID        4.306/4.306
Hub Transmit                                   Aircraft Transmit
Frequency                17.76 GHz             Terminal
Satellite G/T               6.1 dB/oK          Frequency                  14.2 GHz
Antenna Diameter            9.0 m              Satellite G/T               4.1 dB/oK
Carrier EIRP             75.33 dBW             Antenna Diameter           0.74 m
Ant. Input PFD          -25.67 dBW/4kHz        Carrier EIRP               41.7 dBW
Path Loss                  209 dB              Ant Input PFD            -13.3 dBW/4kHz
Atm/Point/Pol Loss          0.2 dB             Path Loss                207.6 dB
Aircraft Receive                               Atm/Point/Pol Loss          0.4 dB
Terminal                                       Hub Receive
Frequency                12.52 GHz             Frequency                  12.7 GHz
Satellite EIRP              51 dBW             Satellite EIRP               50 dBW
Downlink PFD@            13.41 dBW/4kHz        Downlink PFD@            -12.7 dBW/4kHz
Beam Center                                    Beam Center
Receive Gain                33 dBi             Hub G/T                    38.4 dB/oK
Terminal G/T                6.1 dB/oK          Path Loss                206.2 dB
Path Loss                  206 dB              Other Losses                0.8 dB
Other Losses                0.7 dB             Transponder
Transponder                                    Total OPBO                  4.4 dB
Total OPBO                    1 dB             Carrier OPBO               38.8 dB
Carrier OPBO                  1 dB             C/No Thermal Up              66 dB-Hz
C/No Thermal Up          100.5 dB-Hz           C/No Thermal Dn            71.3 dB-Hz
C/No Thermal Dn             77 dB-Hz           C/Io Total                 85.6 dB-Hz
C/Io Total                86.3 dB-Hz           C/No+Io                   64..8 dB-Hz
C/No+Io                   76.9 dB-Hz           Add”l Link Margin           1.2 dB
Add’l Link Margin            .6 dB             % BW per cxr                3.7 %
% BW per cxr               100 %               % Power per cxr            0.04 %
% Power per cxr            100 %               Xpdr BW Alloc              2.67 MHz
Xpdr BW Alloc               33 MHz


This document contains the information required under Section 25.114(d)(14) ofthe Federal
Communications Commission‘s Rules for the ASTRA 4A satellite operating at 4.8° E.L.

Spacecraft Hardware Design:        SES has assessed and limited the amount of debris releasedin a
planned manner during normal operations of ASTRA 4A. No debris is generated during normal
on—station operations, and the spacecraft will be in a stable configuration. On—station operations
require station keeping within the +/— 0.05 degree E—W and N—S control box, thereby ensuring
adequate collision avoidance distance from other satellites in geosynchronous orbit. In the event
that co—location within the same stationkeeping volume ofthis and another satellite is required,
use of the proven Inclination—Eceentricity (I—E) separation method can be employed. This
strategy is presently in use by SES to ensure proper operation and safety of multiple satellites
within one orbital box.

SES has also assessed and limited the probability ofthe space station becoming a source of
orbital debris by collisions with small debris or meteoroids that could cause loss ofcontrol and
prevent post—mission disposal. SES requires that spacecraft manufacturers assess the probability
of micrometeorite damage that can cause any loss of functionality. This probability is then
factored into the ultimate spacecraft probability of success. Any significant probability of
damage would need to be mitigated in order for the spacecraft design to meet the required.
probability of success of the mission. The design of the spacecraft locates all sources ofstored
energy within the body of the structure, which provides protection from small orbital debris.
Steps have been taken to limit the effects of any collisions through shielding, the placement of
components, and the use of redundant systems.

Minimizing Accidental Explosions: SES has assessed and limited the probability of accidental
explosions during and after completion of mission operations. As part of the Safety Data
Package, an extensive analysis is completed by the spacecraft manufacturer,reviewing each
potential hazard relating to accidental explosions. A matrix is generated indicating the worst—
case effect, the hazard cause, and the hazard controls available to minimize the severity and the
probability of occurrence. Each subsystem is analyzed for potential hazards, and the Safety
Design Package is provided for each phase ofthe program running from design phase,
qualification, manufacturing and operational phase of the spacecraft. Also, the spacecraft
manufacturer generates a Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis for the spacecraft to
identify all potential mission failures. The risk of accidental explosion is included as part of this
analysis. This analysis indicates failure modes, possible causes, methods of detection, and
compensating features ofthe spacecraft design.

The design of the ASTRA 4A spacecraft is such that the risk of explosion is minimized both
during and after mission operations. In designing and building the spacecraft, the manufacturer
took steps to ensure that debris generation will not result from the conversion of energy sources
on board the satellite into energy that fragments the satellite. All propulsion subsystem pressure

vessels, which have high margins ofsafety at launch, have even higher margins in orbit, since
use of propellants and pressurants during launch decreases the propulsion system pressure. Burst
tests are performed on all pressure vessels during qualification testing to demonstrate a margin of
safety against burst. Bipropellant mixing is prevented by the use ofvalves that prevent
backwards flow in propellant and pressurization lines. All pressures, including those of the
batteries, are monitored by telemetry.

At the end of operational life, after the satellite has reached its final disposal orbit, on—board
sources ofstored energy will be depleted or secured, and the batteries will be discharged.
However, at the end of ASTRA 4A‘s operational life, there will be oxidizer remaining in the
tanks that cannot be vented. Following insertion ofthe spacecraft into orbit, the spacecraft
manufacturer permanently sealed the oxidizer tanks by firing pyrotechnic valves. This is a
design feature ofthe Lockheed A2100 series spacecraft that cannot now be changed or remedied.
Information regarding the residual oxidizer in the tanksis as follows:

            Item                Total        Pressure [bar]      Temp. [deg C]      Total Mass [kg]
                              Volume [1]
  Oxidizer(in two                657                19               21.5                  12
  interconnected tanks)

The oxidizer tanks are well shielded, and the residual pressure in the tanks will be well below
their maximum rating. The oxidizer in the tanks is MON—3 (N204 with 3% NO2). In addition
to the oxidizer,the tanks include helfum pressurant, which has a residual mass of approximately
1.9 kg. Given the tank temperature, the majority ofthe residual oxidizer (over 8 liters) is in a
liquid form. Accordingly, the pressure results above reflect the combined pressure ofthe helfum
gas and the vapor pressure from the oxidizer that is in gas form, using a tank volume of
approximately 649 liters (657 liters less the 8 liters occupied by the liquid oxidizer).

Safe Flight Profiles: SES has assessed and limited the probability ofthe space station becoming
a source of debris by collisions with large debris or other operational space stations.
Specifically, SES has assessed the possibility of collision with satellites located at, or reasonably
expected to be located at, 4.8° E.L. or assigned in the vicinity ofthat location.

Regarding avoidance ofcollisions with controlled objects, in general, if a geosynchronous
satellite is controlled within its specified longitude and latitude stationkeeping limits, collision
with another controlled object (excluding where the satellite is collocated with another object) is
the direct result of that object entering the allocated space.

At 4.8° E.L., ASTRA 4A operates at an offset from SES‘s SES—5 satellite operating at the
nominal 5.0° E.L. During regular operation there are no other satellites assigned to or reasonably

expected to be located at 4.8° E.L. or to nearby orbifal Tocations such that there would be an
overlap with the stationkeeping volume of ASTRA 4A at 4.8° E.L.

SES uses the Space Data Center ("SDC") system from the Space Data Association to monitor the
tisk ofclose approach of its satellites with other objects. Any close encounters (separation of
less than 10 km) are flagged and investigated in more detail. If required, avoidance maneuvers
are performed to eliminate the possibility ofcollisions.

During any relocation, the moving spacecraft is maneuvered such that it is at least 30 km away
from the synchronous radius at all times. In most cases, much larger deviation from the
synchronous radiusis used. In addition, the SDC system is used to ensure no close encounter
occurs during the move. When de—orbit of a spacecraft is required, the initial phase is treated as
a satellite move, and the same precautions are used to ensure collision avoidance.

Post—Mission Disposal: Post—mission disposal of the satellite from operational orbit will be
accomplished by carrying out maneuvers to a higher orbit. The upper stage engine remains part
ofthe satellite, and there is no re—entry phase for either component.

Post—mission disposal ofthe satellite from operational orbit will be accomplished by carrying out
maneuvers to a higher orbit. The fuel budget for this operation is included in the satellite design.
SES plans to maneuver ASTRA 4A to a disposal orbit with a minimum perigee of 258 km above
the normal operational altitude. This proposed disposal orbit altitude is based on the following
calculation pursuantto § 25.283 of the Commission‘s Rules.

       Area of the satellite (average aspect area): 54 m*
       Mass of the spacecraft: 2261.4 kg
       CR (solar radiation pressure coefficient): 0.98

Therefore the MinimumDisposal Orbit Perigee Altitude, as calculated under the IADC formula

36.021 km + (1000 x CR x A/m)= 36,044 km, or 258 km above the GSO are (35,786 km)

SES intends to reserve 5.3 kg of fuel in order to account for post—mission disposal of
ASTRA 4A. SES has assessed fuel gauging uncertainty and has provided an adequate margin of
fuel reserve to address the assessed uncertainty.


                                          ANNEX 5:

                                     Gogo Certifications

       Gogo LLC (“Gogo”), in support of the foregoing application to modify the Gogo ESAA
License, hereby certifies as follows:

   1. Gogo’s target space station operators have confirmed that Gogo’s proposed ESAA
      operations over international waters are within coordinated parameters for adjacent
      satellites up to 6 degrees away on the geostationary arc.
   2. Gogo will comply with the requirements contained in paragraphs (a)(6), (a)(9), (a)(10),
      and (a)(11) of Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.227.

                                            By:     /s/ Timothy Joyce
                                                    Timothy Joyce
                                                    VP of RF Engineering
                                                    Gogo LLC

August 24, 2016


Document Created: 2016-08-24 19:58:26
Document Modified: 2016-08-24 19:58:26

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