Attachment SESMFS2016022200152.


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-MFS-20160222-00152 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              UNITED STATES QOF AMERICA
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                     RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
 Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                         Call Sign: WA28
 Authorization Type: Modification of License                                          o ‘File Number:«SES—MEFS—2
                                                                                                 esns      sitn 0160222—00152
 Common Carrier                      Grant date:   06/27/2016      Expiration Date:     04/08/;2(%*8’:             W   A

                                                                                           [JP     z2 06

Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service
Nature of Service: Feeder Link for Mobile Satellite Service
Nature of Service: Mobile Satellite Service

Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

A) Site Location(s)
                                                                                               Elevation        Special Provisions
# Site ID                      Address                     Latitude        Longitude            (Meters)   NAD (Refer to Section H)

1) 1A              2120 RIVER ROAD                       41°27‘5,.0"N      72°*17‘21.0"W          36.6        27
                   SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN,      CT 06488

                   Licensee certifies antenna(s)         comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25 .209

2) 21CNORM         2120 RIVER ROAD                       41°27‘4.1"N       73°*17"‘20.9"W         35.         83
                   (12 . 8M.) —C—BAND
                   SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN,      CT 06488

                   Licensee certifies antenna(s)         comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25 .209

3) 21CTTC/HUB      2120 RIVER ROAD                41°27‘4.1"N              723°17*20.9"W          35          83
                   (12 . 8M. ) —C—BAND/L—BAND
                   SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN, CT 06488

                   Licensee certifies antenna(s)         comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25 .209

4) 21LBAND         2120 RIVER ROAD                       41°27‘4.1"N       73°17°21.0"W           38.         83
                   (12 . 8M. ) —L—BAND
                   SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN,      CT 06488

                   Licensee certifies antenna(s)         comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25 .209

5) 23ACNOR         2120 RIVER ROAD                       41°27‘4.5"N       73°17‘21.0"W           35.         83
                   (10 . 4M.) —C—BAND
                   SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN,      CT 06488

                   Licensee certifies antenna(s)         comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25 .209

§) 23ACTTC         2120 RIVER ROAD                       41°27‘4.5"N       73°17"21.5"W           35.         83
                   (10 . 4M.) —C—BAND
                   SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN,      CT 06488

                   Licensee certifies antenna(s)         comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25 «209

                                                      ( page 1 of 22 ) .                                                   FCC Form 488

                                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

 Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                        Call Sign: WA28
 Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                             File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
 Common Carrier                                 Grant date:        06/27/2016        Expiration Date:    04/08/2018

A) Site Location(s)
                                                                                                                  Elevation                  Special Provisions
 #   Site ID                            Address                             Latitude        Longitude             (Meters)     NAD (Refer to Section H)

7) 23BLBAND              2120 RIVER ROAD                                   41°27!4.5"N     73°17‘21.8"W              35 .7        83
                         (1. 8M.) —BL—BAND
                         SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN,                CT 06488

                         Licensee certifies antenna(s)                   comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25.209

 Subject to the provisions ofthe Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and
 treaties, and all present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and
 requirements set forth in this license, the grantee is authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described
 below for radio communications for the term beginning April 8, 2003 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending April 8,
 2018 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) . The required date ofcompletion ofconstruction and commencement ofoperation is June
 27, 2017 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) . Grantee must file with the Commission a certification upon completion of
 construction and commencement ofoperation.

B) Particulars of Operations

The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                 Max     Max EIRP                       Special
                                                                                EIRP      Density                      Provisions
            Frequency                 Polarization          Tx/Rx             /Carrier /Carrier Agsgociated             (Refer t0 Modulation/
#             (MHz)                       Code     Emission Mode               (dBW) (dBW/4kH2) aAntenna               Section H)   gervices
 1) 5925.0000—6425.0000                  L, R           36MOFSW       Tx        86 .50      59.50       21CTTC                         ANALOG CARRIER TO MONITOR
                                                                                                                                       TRANSPONDER PERFORMANCE

 2) 6454.4000—6456.6000                  L,R            2M20G1D       Tx        80 .70      53.30       21CNORM                        BPSK SPREAD SPECTRUM DATA

 3) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           34KOF3E       Tx        62.00       58 .20      21CNORM                        FM TELEPHONY COMPANDED AND

 4) §424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           NON           Tx        62.00       62.00       21CNORM                        UNMODULATED         AFC      PILOT
                                                                                                                                       (CLOSE LOOP)

 5) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           27KOF3W       Tx        62.00       59.20       21CNORM                        FM9        ANALOG         BROADCAST

 6) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           400KGLIF      Tx        62.00       42 .00      21CNORM                        QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO/DATA

 7) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           40KO0G1D      Tx        63.30       53.30       21CNORM                        16 QAM DIGITAL TELEPHONY

 8) s927.:0000—5927.0000                 L, R       NON               Tx        53.30       53.30       21CNORM                        TT&C RANGING CARRIER

 9) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           SK60GLE       Tx        54 .80      53.30       21CNORM                        QPSK, TELEPHONY

10) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           24KOGLE       Tx        61.10       53.30       21CNORM                        QPSK, TELEPHONY

                                                                      ( page 2 of 22 )                                                         FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                          Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                              File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                 Grant date:        06/27/2016        Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.                            Max     Max EIRP                       Special

                                                                                 EIRP      Density                    Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                  Tx/Rx —/Carrier       /Carrier      aggociated      (RE" t9?    Modulation/
 #              (MHz)                      Code           Emission Mode          (dBW) (dBW/MA4KHZ) antenna           Section H)      Services
11) 6424.0000—6454.0000                   L, R           SK6OGIW       Tx      54.80         53.30        2 1CNORM                  QPSK,   DATA/FAX

12) §424.0000—6454.0000                   L, R           2M20G1ID      Tx        62.00       34 .60       2 1CNORM                  BPSK,   DATA/TDM

13) 6424.0000—6454.0000                   L, R           2K40G7D       Tx        51.10       51.10        2 1CNORM                  BPSK,   DATA/TDM

14) §424.0000—6454.0000—                  L, R           2K40G1D       Tx        51.10       51.10       21. CNORM                  BPSK, DATA/TDM

15) 6424.0000—6454.0000                   L, R           24KOGLIW      Tx        61.10       53.30       2 1CNORM                   QPSK,   DATA/FAX

16) 6424 .0000—6454.0000                  L, R           132KG7D       Ts        62.00       46.80       21CNORM                    BPSK, DATA/TDM

17) 6425.0000—6454.0000                   L, R           TKSOGLIW      Tx        58 .40      55.70       2 1CNORM                   DIGITAL      DATA

18) 6425.0000—6454 :0000                  L, R       7K50GIE           Tx      62.20         59.50       21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

19) 6425.0000—6454.0000                   L, R       7K50GID           Tx      59.10         56.40       21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

20) 6425.0000—6454.0000                   L, R       6OKOD1IW          Tx      65. 90        54 .10      21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

21) 6425.0000—6454.0000                   L, R       SKOOGIW           Tx      51.90         50 .90      21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

22) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        5K00G1E           Tx     51.90          50 .90      21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

23) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        5K00G1D           Tx     61.80          60 .80      21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

24) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        45KOGTD           Tx     66.00          55 .50      21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

25) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        2K50GID           Tx     65.70          65 .70      2 1CNORM                   DIGITAL      DATA

26) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        2K5OFID           Tx     58 .80         58 .80      21CN6RM                    DIGITAL      DATA

27) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L,R         20KOG1LE          Tx     56.80          49 .80      21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

28) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        17KSGLID          Tx     61.40          55.00       21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

29) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        10KOG1X           Tx     61.20          57.20       2 1CNORM                   DIGITAL      DATA

30) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L,R         10KOG1W           Tx     59 .70         55.70       21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

31) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        100KG1X          Tx      60 .80         46 .80      21CNORM                    DIGITAL      DATA

32) 3700.0000—4200.0000                  L, R        36MOFSW          Rx                                 21CNORM                    TEST  ANALOG        CARRIER  TO
                                                                                                                                    MONITOR              TRANSPONDER

33) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R        2M20GID          Rx                                 21CNORM                    BPSK      SPREAD     SPECTRUM
                                                                                                                                    DATA—NAVIGATION CLOSE LOOP

                                                                       ( page 3 of 22 )                                                     FCC Form 488

                                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

 Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                           Call Sign: WA28
 Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                               File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
 Common Carrier                                 Grant date:          06/27/2016      Expiration Date;:      04/08/2018

B) Particulars of Operations

The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                   Max     Max EIRP                      Special
                                                                                  EIRP      Density                    Provisions
            Frequency                 Polarization                    Tx/Rx   /Carrier     /Carrier      asgsociated     (Refer t0o   Modulation/
 #             (MHz)                      Code           Emission Mode         (dBW) (dBW/4KkHz) Antenna               Section H)       Services
34) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           34KOF3E         Rx                                21CNORM                     FM TELEPHONY COMPANDED AND

35) 3947.0000—3953.0000                  L, R           131KG2D         Rx                                21.CNORM                    PCM/PSK/BI—PHASE        TRACKING

36) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R       NON                 Rx                                21CNORM                     UNMODULATED       AFC     PILOT
                                                                                                                                      (CLOSE LOOP)

37) s600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           40KOGLIW        Rx                                2 1CNORM                    16 QAM,      DIGITAL TELEPHONY

38) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           400KGLF         Rx                                21CNORM                     QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO/DATA

39) s600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           SK60G1E         Rx                                21CNORM                     QPSK,   TELEPHONY

40) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           SK60G1W         Rx                                21CNORM                     QPSK, DATA/FAX

41) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           2K40G7D         Rx                                21CNORM                     BPSK, DATA/TDM

42) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           24KOGIW         Rx                                21CNORM                     QPSK, DATA/FAX

43) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           132KG7D         Rx                                21.CNORM                    BPSK, DATA/TDM

44) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           TKSOG1IW        Rx                                21.CNORM                    DIGITAL DATA

45) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           T7K50OGIE       Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

46) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           7K5OGID         Rx                                21.CNORM                    DIGITAL DATA

47) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           6OKODLIW        Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

48) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           5KOOG1W         Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

49) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           5KO0G1E         Rx                                21.CNORM                    DIGITAL DATA

50) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           SK00G1ID        Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

51) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           45KOG7D         Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

52) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           2K50G1LD        Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

53) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           2KS50OF1ID      Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

54) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           20KOG1X         Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

55) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           20KOG1E         Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

56) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           17K5G1ID        Rx                                21CNORM                     DIGITAL DATA

                                                                        ( page 4 of 22 )                                                      FCC Form 488

                                                      UNITED STATES QF AMERICA
                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

 Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                         Call Sign: WA28
 Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                            File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                Grant date:        06/27/2016       Expiration Date:     04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                              Max        Max EIRP                    Special
                                                                             EIRP         Density                  Provisions
            Frequency                 Polarization          Tx/Rx           /Carrier      /Carrier Associated       (Refer to   Modulation/
 #             (MHz)                      Code     Emission Mode             (dBW) (dBW/4kBH2) aAntenna            Section H)     Services
57) 3600.0000—3629. 0000                 L, R           10KOG1W       Rx                               2 1CNORM                 DIGITAL DATA

58) 3600.0000—3629. 0000                 L, R           100KG1X       Rx                               21CNORM                  DIGITAL DATA

59) 3600.0000—3629 0000                  L, R           2M20G1D       Rx                               21CNORM                  BPSK, DATA

60) 3600.0000—36239. 0000                L,R            2K40G1D       RPx                              2 1CNORM                 BPSK, DATA

61) 6454.4000—6456. 6000                 R              600HG1D       Tx        44 50       44 «50     12 . 8M.                 DIGITAL CARRIER

62) 6454.4000—6456. 6000                 R              1K20G2D       Ts        44 .50      44 50      12 . 8M.                 DIGITAL CARRIER

63) 6454.4000—6456. 6000                 R              2K40G2D       Tx        44 50       44 «50     12. 8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

64) 6454.4000—6456. 6000                 R              10K5G2F       Tx        44 .50      40 30      12 .8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

65) ga54.4000—6456. 6000                 R              2M20G1D       Tx        78 .00      50 .60     12. 8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

66) g454.4000—6456. 6000                 R              2M20G1D       Ts        82 .30      54 .90     12 .8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

67) 6425.0000—6454 0000                  R              1K20G1D       Tx        44 50       44 50      12. 8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

68) s425.0000—6454. 0000                 R              600HG1D       Tx        44 50       as .50     12 . 8M.                 DIGITAL CARRIER

69) 6425.0000—6454 0000                  R              eoona2p       Tx        44 «50      44 50      12 . 8M.                 DIGITAL CARRIER

70) 6425.0000—6454 0000                  R              1K20G2D       Tx        44 50       44 50      12 .8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

71) 6425.0000—6454. 0000                 R              2K40G2D       Tx        44 50       44 50      12. 8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

72) 6425.0000—6454. 0000                 R              10KSG2F       Ts        44 50       40 .30     12 . 8M.                 DIGITAL CARRIER

73) 6425.0000—6454. 0000                 R              2M20G1D       Tyx       78 .00      50 .60     12. 8M.                  DIGITAL CARRIER

74) 6425.0000—6454 0000                  R              2M20G1D       Tx        82 .30      54 .90     12 . 8M.                 DIGITAL CARRIER

75) 6425.0000—6443 0000                  R              6KO00G1D      Tx                               12 . 8M.                 Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                & M

76) 6425.0000—6443. 0000                 R              12K0G3E       Tz                               12 .8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                & M

77) 6425.0000—6443 0000                  R              12KOG1D       Tyx                              12 . 8M.                 Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                & M

78   6425.0000—6443 0000                 R              7KS50G3E      Tx                               12 . 8M.                 Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                & M

                                                                      ( page 5 of 22 )                                                FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                    Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                       File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                               Grant date:      06/27/2016      Expiration Date:     04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations
 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                              Max     Max EIRP                   Special
                                                                             EIRP      Density                 Provisions
 »           Frequency                 Polarization          Tx/Rx         /Carrier /Carrier associated         (ReE" t9? Modulation/
               (MHz)                       Code     Emission Mode           (dBW) (dBW/4kHZ) Antenna           Section H)   Services
79) 6425.0000—6443.0000                   R          4K00G3E       Tx                              12 .8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

80) 6425.0000—6443.0000                   R          4KOO0GID      Tx                              12 .8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

81) 6420.0000—6424.0000                  R           §KO0G1D       Tx                              12. 8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

82) 6420.0000—6424.0000                  R           12KOG3E       Tx                              12. 8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

83) 6420.0000—6424.0000                  R           12KOG1D       Tx                              12. 8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

84) 6420.0000—6424.0000                  R           7K50G3E       Tx                              12. 8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

85) 6420.0000—6424.0000                  R           4KO0G3E       Tx                              12 . 8M.                 Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

86) 6420.0000—6424.0000                  R           4KOOGLD       Tx                              12 . 8M.                 Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

87) 6417.5000—6443.0000                  R           600HG1D       Tx      65.00        65.00      12.8M.                   Aeronautical    Digital
                                                                                                                            transmit channels

88) 6417.5000—6443.0000                  R           1K20GID       Tx      65.00        65.00      12 . 8M.                 Aeronautical    Digital
                                                                                                                            transmit channels

89) 6417.5000—6443.0000                  R           2K40GID       Tx      65.00        65.00      12 .8M.                  Aeronautical    Digital
                                                                                                                            transmit channels

90) 6417.5000—6443.0000                  R           10KS5G1E      Tx      69.20        65.00      12.8M.                   Aeronautical    Digital
                                                                                                                            transmit channels

91) 6417.5000—6440.0000                  R           1K20GLD       Tx      77.00        77.00      12 .8M.                  STD A Telex

92) 6417.5000—6440.0000                  R           600HGID       Tx      77.00        77.00      12.8M.                   STD—C Digital

93) 6417.5000—6440.0000                  R           1K20GID       Ts      77.00        77 .00     12 .8M.                  STD—C Digital

94) 6417.5000—6440.0000                  R           NON           Tx      77.00        77.00      12 .8M.                  PILOT

95) 4195.0000—4199.0000                  L           3KOOGLD       Rx                              12 .8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

96) 4195.0000—4199.0000                  L           12KOG3E       Rx                              12. 8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

97) 4195.0000—4199.0000                  L           12KOGLID      Rx                              12. 8M.                  Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                            & M

                                                                   ( page 6 of 22 )                                                 FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                            Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                               File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                Grant date:           06/27/2016       Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                    Max     Max EIRP                     Special
                                                                                   EIRP      Density                   Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                    Tx/Rx   /Carrier     /Carrier      asgociated      (Refer t0   Modulation/
 #              (MHz)                         Code        Emission Mode            (IBW) (dBW/4KHZ) antenna            Section H)       gervices

98) 4195.0000—4199.0000                   L              7K50G3E         RXx                               12. 8M.                    Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

99) 4195.0000—4199.0000                   L              4K00G3E         RXx                               12 .8M.                    Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

100) 4195.0000—4199.0000                  L              4KO0G1D         Rx                                12 . 8M.                   Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

101) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L              2M20GID         Rx        0 .00                   12. 8M.                    DIGITAL CARRIER

102) 3600.0000—3623.0000                  L              3KO0G1D         Rx                                12 .8M.                    Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

103) 3600.0000—3623.0000                  L              12KOG3E         Rx                                12 .8M.                    Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

104)3600.0000—3623.0000                   L              120KG1D         Rx                                12 .8M.                    Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

105)3600.0000—3623.0000                   L              T7KS50OG3E      Rx                               12.8M.                      Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

106)3600.0000-3623.0000                   L              4KO00G3E        Rx                               12 . 8M.                    Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

107)3600.0000—3623.0000                   L              4K00GID         Rx                               12 .8M.                     Feeder link for INMARSAT—B
                                                                                                                                      & M

108) 3600.0000—3623.0000                  L              10KSG1E         Rx                               12 .8M.                     AERO

109) 3600.0000—3623.0000                  L              1K20GLID        Rx                               12. 8M.                     AERO

110)3600.0000—3623.0000                   L              600HGID         Rx                               12 .8M.                     AERO

111)3600.0000—3623.0000                   L              2K40G1D         Rx                               12.8M.                      AERO

112)3600.0000—3620.0000                   L              30KOF3E         Rx                               12.8M.                      STD A VOICE

113)3600.0000—3620.0000                   L          4K80GID             Rx                               12 .8M.                     STD A TELEX

114)3600.0000—3620.0000                   L          NON                 Rx                               12 . 8M.                    PILOT

115)3600.0000—3620.0000                   L              600HGID         Rx                               12 .8M.                     STD—C

116)1626.5000—1660.5000                   R          24KOF3E             Tx        36.00      33 .70      12 .8M.                     ANALOG CARRIER

117)1626.5000—1660.5000                   R          NON                 Tx        31.00      31.00       12 .8M.                     PILOT

118)1626.5000—1660.5000                   R          24KOG2D             Tx     36.00         36.00       12.8M.                      DIGITAL CARRIER

                                                                         ( page 7 of 22 )                                                     FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                         Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                            File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                               Grant date:         06/27/2016       Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                 Max     Max EIRP                     Special
                     .                                                          EIRP      Density                   Provisions
 F           Fr(;t/]llll;zn)cy         Polzg(i)za;tion Emissi       Tx/Rx   /Carrier     /Carrier      Asgociated      (Re'fer to   Modul?tion/
                                                           mission Mode         (dBW) (dBW/4kH2) aAntenna           Section H)        Services

119)1626.5000—1660.5000                   R              1K20G1D      Tx        36.00      36 .00       12 . 8M.                    DIGITAL CARRIER

120)1626.5000—1660.5000                   R              600HG1D      Tx        36.00      36.00        12 .8M.                     DIGITAL CARRIER

121)1626.5000—1660.5000                   R              600HG2D      Tx        36.00      36.00        12.8M.                      DIGITAL CARRIER

122)1626.5000—1660.5000                   R              1K20G2D      Tx        36.00      36.00        12 .8M.                     DIGITAL CARRIER

123)1626.5000—1649.5000                   R              600HG1D      Tx        15.00      15.00        12 . 8M.                    AERO

124)1626.5000—1649.5000                   R              1K20G1D      Tx        18.00      18 .00       12 .8M.                     AERO

125)1626.5000—1649.5000                   R          2K40G1D          Tx        21.00      21.00        12 .8M.                     AERO

126)1626.5000—1649.5000                   R              10KSG1E      Tx        31 .20     27 .00       12 . 8M.                    AERO

127)1626.5000—1647.5000                   R          30KOF3E          Tx        37.00      33 .70      12 . 8M.                     STD A VOICE

128) 1626.5000—1647.5000                  R          NON              Tx        37.00      37.00        12 .8M.                     PILOT

129)1626.5000—1647.5000                   R          1K20GID          Tx        16.00      16.00       12. 8M.                      STD—C

130)1626.5000—1647.5000                   R          600HG1D          Tx        16.00      16.00         12.8M.                     STD—C

131)1626.5000—1647.5000                  R           4K80G1D          Tx        37.00      37.00       12.8M.                       STD A TELEX

132)1574.4000—1576.6000                   R          2K40G2D          Rx                               12 .8M.                      DIGITAL CARRIER

133)1574.4000—1576. 6‘000                R           1K20GLID         Rx                               12 .8M.                      DIGITAL CARRIER

134)1574.4000—1576.6000                  R           600HG1D          RXx                              12 . 8M.                     DIGITAL CARRIER

135) 1574 .4000—1576.6000                R           600HG2D          Rx                               12 . 8M.                     DIGITAL CARRIER

136)1574.4000—1576.6000                  R           1K20G2D          Rx                               12 .8M.                      DIGITAL CARRIER

137) 1574 .4000—1576.6000                R           10K5G2F          Rx                               12 .8M.                      DIGITAL CARRIER

138)1530.0000—1548.0000                  R           10KSG1E          Rx                               12. 8M.                      AERO

139)1530.0000—1548.0000                  R           2K40GLD          Rx                               12 .8M.                      AERO

140)1530.0000—1548.0000                  R           1K20GLID         Rx                               12 .8M.                      AERO

141)1530.0000—1548.0000                  R           600HG1LD         Rx                               12 .8M.                      AERO

142)1530.0000—1545.0000                  L           30KOF3E          Rx                               12 .8M.                      STD A VOICE

                                                                      ( page 8 of 22 )                                                      FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES QOF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                           Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                              File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                 Grant date:         06/27/2016       Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequenéy bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                   Max     Max EIRP                     Special
                                                                                  EIRP      Density                   Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                   Tx/Rx   /Carrier     /Carrier      Asgociated      (Refer t0   Modulation/
 #              (MHz)                         Code        Emission Mode        (dBW) (dBW/4kHZ) Antenna               Section H)       Services
143)1530.0000—1545.0000                   L              NON            Rx                                12 .8M.                    PILOT

144)1530.0000—1545.0000                   L              1K20GLID       Rx                                12 .8M.                    STD A TELEX

145)1530.0000—1545.0000                   L              1K20GID        Rx                                12. 8M.                    SsTD—C

146)1530.0000—1545.0000                   L              600HG1D        Rx                                12. 8M.                    STD—C

147)1525.0000—1559.0000                   R              2K40G2D        Rx        0 .00                   12 . 8M.                   DIGITAL CARRIER

148)1525.0000—1559.0000                   R              1K20G1ID       Rx                                12 .8M.                    DIGITAL CARRIER

149)1525.0000—1559.0000                   R              600HG1ID       Rx                                12. 8M.                    DIGITAL CARRIER

150)1525.0000—1559.0000                   R              600HG2D        Rx                                12. 8M.                    DIGITAL CARRIER

151)1525.0000—1559.0000                   R              1K20G2D        Rx                                12 . 8M.                   DIGITAL CARRIER

152)1525.0000—1559.0000                   R              10KSG2F        Rx                                12 . 8M.                   DIGITAL CARRIER

153)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           100KG1X        Rx                                12 .8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

154) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           10KOG1W        Rx                                12 .8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

155)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           17K5GID        Rx                                12 .8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

156)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           20KOGLE        Rx                                12 .8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

157)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           20KOGLIX       Rx                                12 . 8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

158) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           2KS5OFID       Rx                                12 .8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

159)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           2KS5OGLID      Rx                                12. 8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

160) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           5KO0GID        RX                                12. 8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

161)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           5K00G1E        Rx                                12 .8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

162)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           SKOOG1W        Rx                                12. 8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

163)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R       _   6OKODLW        Rx                                12. 8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

164)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           7K50GID        Rx                                12.8M.                     DIGITAL DATA

165)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           7K50G1E        Rx                                12. 8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

166) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           TK50GLIW       Rx                                12 . 8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

                                                                        ( page 9 of 22 )                                                      FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                         Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                            File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                 Grant date:       06/27/2016       Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.                                                                     ,
                                                                                 Max      Max EIRP                     Special
                                                                                EIRP       Density                   Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                  Tx/Rx   /Carrier     /Carrigr     aAsgociated   (Refer to    Modulation/
 #              (MHZ)                      Code           Emission   Mode    (dBW)       (dBW/4kHZ)     Antenna      Section H)     Services

167) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           100KG1X      Tx        60 .80      46 .80      12 . 8M.                  DIGITAL DATA

168) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           10KOG1W      Tx        59.70       55 .70      12 .8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

169) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           10KOG1X      Tx        61.20       57.20       12 . 8M.                  DIGITAL DATA

170) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R       17K5G1D          Tx      61.40         55.00       12 .8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

171) §425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R       20KOGLE          Tx      56.80         49 .80      12 .8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

172) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R       2KS50FID         Tx      58 .80        58 .80      12 .8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

173) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R       2KSOGLD          Tx      65.70         65.70       12 .8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

174) 6425.0000—6454 :0000                L, R        45KO0G7D         Tx      66.00         55.50       12 . 8M.                  DIGITAL DATA

175) 6425.0000—6454.0000                 L, R        SKOOG1D          Tx      61.80         60 .80      12 .8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

176) 6425.0000—6454.0000                 L, R        SKO0G1E          Tx      51.90         50 .90      12 .8M.                   DIGITAL DATA

177) §425.0000—6454.0000                 L, R        SKOOG1W          Tx      51.90         50 .90      12 . 8M.                  DIGITAL DATA

178) 6425.0000—6454.0000                 L, R        6OKODLW          Tx     65.90          54 .10     12 .8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

179) 6425.0000—6454.0000                 L, R        7KS50GLD         Tx     59.10          56.40      12.8M.                     DIGITAL DATA

180) e425.0000—6454.0000                 L, R        7K50G1E          Tx     62.20          59.50      12. 8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

181) 6425.0000—6454.0000                 L, R        TKS0GLW          Tx     58 .40         55 .70     12. 8M.                    DIGITAL DATA

182)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        34KOF3E          Tx     36 .00         32 .20     21LBAND                    TEST    FM,   TELEPHONY
                                                                                                                                  COMPANDED OR UNCOMPANDED

183)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        NON              Tx     40 .50         40 .50     21LBAND                    UNMODULATED         AFC   PILOT
                                                                                                                                  (CLOSE LOOP)

184)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        400KGIF          Tx     36 .00         16 .00     21LBAND                    TEST         QPSK         DIGITAL

185)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        SK60GILE         Ts     36 .00         34 .50     21LBAND                    TEST QPSK,    TELEPHONY

186)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        2K40G7D—         Tx     36 .00         36 .00     21LBAND                    TEST BPSK,    DATA/TDM

187)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        24KOG1LE         Tx     36 .00         28.20      21LBAND                    TEST QPSK, TELEPHONY

188)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        SK6OG1IW         Tx     36.00          34 .50     21LBAND                    TEST QPSK,      DATA/FAX

189)1626.5000—1660.5000                  L, R        2K40GIW          Tx     36 .00         36 .00     21LBAND                    TEST QPSK,      DATA/FAX

                                                                      ( page 10 of 22 )                                                  FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                           Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                              File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                 Grant date:        06/27/2016        Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                  Max      Max EIRP                     — Special
                                                    —                            EIRP       Density                      Provisions
              Frequency                Polarization                  Tx/Rx   /Carrier      /Carrier      aAasgociated    (Refer t0o   Modulation/
 #              (MHZ)                      Code           Emission   Mode     (dBW)       (dBW/4kHZ)      Antenna       Section H)      Services

190)1626.5000—1660.5000                   L, R           132KG7D       Tx        36.00       20 .80       21LBAND                     TEST BPSK,    DATA/TDM

191)1626.5000—1660.5000                   L, R           2M20GID       Tx        36.00        8 .60       21LBAND                     TEST BPSK,    DATA

192)1626.5000—1660.5000                   L, R           2K40GLD       Tx        36.00       36.00        21LBAND                     TEST BPSK,    DATA

193)1574.4000—1576.6000                   L, R           2M20GID       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST BPSK SPREAD        SPECTRUM
                                                                                                                                      DATA— CLOSE LOOP

194)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           34KOF3E       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST    FM,   TELEPHONY
                                                                                                                                      COMPANDED OR UNCOMPANDED

195)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           2M20G1D       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST BPSK SPREAD        SPECTRUM
                                                                                                                                      DATA— CLOSE LOOP

196)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R          NON            Rx                                 21LBAND                     UNMODULATED       AFC     PILOT
                                                                                                                                      (CLOSE LOOP)

197)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           40KOGLW       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST   16      QAM        DIGITAL

198)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           400KGLF       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST      QPSK            DIGITAL

199)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           SK60G1E       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST QPSK,    TELEPHONY

200)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           24KOGIE       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST QPSK,    TELEPHONY

201)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           SK60OG1W      Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST QPSK,     DATA/FAX

202)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           2K40G7D       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST BPSK,    DATA/TDM

203)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           2K40GIW       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST QPSK,     DATA/FAX

204)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           132KG7D       Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST BPSK,    DATA/TDM

205)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R          2M20GID        Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST BPSK,    DATA

206)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           2K40G1LD      Rx                                 21LBAND                     TEST BPSK,    DATA

207)5925.0000—6425.0000                   L, R          36MOFBW        Tx        86.50       59.50        23ACTTC                     TEST  ANALOG      CARRIER  TO
                                                                                                                                      MONITOR            TRANSPONDER

208) 6454.4000—6456.6000                  L, R          2M20GLID       Tx        73 .50      46 .10       23ACNOR                     BPSK SPREAD SPECTRUM         DATA

209) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R          27KOF3W        Ts     59.50          56.70        23ACNOR                     FM9      ANALOG         BROADCAST

210) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R          400KGLF        Tx     59.50          39.50        23ACNOR                     QPSK,   DIGITAL VIDEO/DATA

                                                                       ( page 11 of 22 )                                                      FCC Form 488

                                                        UNITED STATES QOF AMERICA
                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                  RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

   Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                           Call Sign: WA28
   Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                                File Number:    SES—MFS—20160222—001 52
   Common Carrier                                 Grant date:          06/27/2016         Expiration Date:    04/08/2018

  B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
  For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                      Max      Max EIRP                    Special
                                                                                     EIRP       Density                  Provisions
              Frequency                 Polarization          Tx/Rx                 /Carrier    /Carrier Associated          (Refer to   Modulation/
  #              (MHz)                      Code     Emission Mode                  (dBW) (dBW/4kH2) Antenna             Section H)        Services
211) 6424.0000—6454 0000                   L, R           40KOG1W         Tx         60 . 80      50. 80 . 23ACNOR                        16 QAM DIGITAL TELEPHONY

212) 6424.0000—6454 0000                   L, R       NON                 Tx         59. 50       59. 50     23ACNOR                     UNMODULATED AFC PILOT

213)5927.0000—5927. 0000                   L, R       NON                 Tx         50. 80       50 .80     23ACNOR                     TT&C RANGING CARRIER

214) 6424.0000—6454. 0000                  L,R            SK60G1E         Tx         53 .20       50 .80     23ACNOR                     QPSK, TELEPHONY

215) 6424.0000—6454 0000                   L,R            24KOG1E         Tx    .    58. 60       50 . 80    23ACNOR                     QPSK, TELEPHONY

216) 6424.0000—6454 0000                   L, R           SK60G1W         Tx         52. 30       50. 80     23ACNOR                     QPSK,    DATA/FAX

217) 6424.0000—6454 0000                   L, R           2K40G7D         Tx        48. 60        48 .60     23ACNOR                     BPSK, DATA/TDM

218) 6424.0000—6454 . 0000                 L, R           24KOGIW         Ts         58. 60       50 .80     23ACNOR                     QPSK,    DATA/FAX

219) 6424.0000—6454. 0000                  L, R           132KG7D         Tx         59. 50       44 30      23ACNOR                     BPSK, DATA/TDM

220) 6425.0000—6454. 0000                  L, R           7KS50OGLIW      Tsx        58 .40       55 «70     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

221) 6425.0000—6454 0000                   L, R           TKS0OGLID       Tx         59. 10       56. 40     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

222) 6425.0000—6454 .0000                  L, R           6OKOD1W         Tx         65. 90       54 10      23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

223) 6425.0000—6454 0000                   L,R            5KO0G1W         Tx        51.           50. 90     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

224) 6425.0000—6454 . 0000                 L, R           SKO0G1E         Tx        51.           50. 90     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

225) 6425.0000—6454. 0000                  L, R       5K00G1D             Tx         61. 80       60 . 80    23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

226) 6425.0000—6454 0000                   L, R       45K0G7D             Tx        66. 00        55 50      23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

227) 6425.0000—6454. 0000                  L,R        2KS50GLD            Tx        65. 70        65 «70     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

228) 6425.0000—6454. 0000                  L, R       2K50F1ID            Tx        58. 80        58 . 80    23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

229) 6425.0000—6454 . 0000                L, R        20KOG1E             Tx        56. 80       49 .80      23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

230) 6425.0000—6454 0000                  L, R        17K5G1D             Tx        61. 40        55 .00     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

231) 6425.0000—6454 . 0000                L, R        10KOG1X             Tx        61. 20        57. 20     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

232) 6424.0000—6454. 0000                 L, R        2M20G1D             Tx        71. 70       44 .30      23ACNOR                     BPSK, DATA

233) 6425.0000—6454 0000                  L, R        10KOG1IW            Tx        59 .70        55 .70     23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

234) 6425.0000—6454 . 0000                L, R        100KG1X             Tx        60 .80       46. 80      23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

                                                                          ( page 12 of 22 )                                                      FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                           Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                               File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                 Grant date:         06/27/2016       Expiration Date:       04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                   Max      Max EIRP                     Special
                                                                                  EIRP       Density                   Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                   Tx/Rx   /Carrier      /Carrier      Asgociated      (Refer t0   Modulation/
 #              (MHZ)                      Code           Emission    Mode     (dBW)       (dBW/"-kIIZ)    Antenna     Section H)       Services

235) 6424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           2K40GID        Tx        48 .60       48 .60      23ACNOR                    BPSK, DATA

236)3700.0000—4200.0000                   L, R           36MOFSW        Rx             j                   23ACNOR                    TEST ANALOG        CARRIER TO
                                                                                                                                      MONI TOR            TRANSPONDER

237)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           34KOF3E        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    FM TELEPHONY COMPANDED AND

238)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           2M20GID        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    BPSK SPREAD SPECTRUM      DATA

239) 3947.0000—3953.0000                  L, R           131KG2D        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    PCM/PSK/BI—PHASE       TRACKING

240)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           400KGIF        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    QPSK, DIGITAL VIDEO/DATA

241)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           40KOGLW        Rx                                 23ACNOR                     16 QAM DIGITAL TELEPHONY

242)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R       NON                Rx                                 23ACNOR                    UNMODULATED AFC PILOT

243)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           5K60G1E        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    QPSK,   TELEPHONY

244)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           24KOGLE        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    QPSK, TELEPHONY

245)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           SK60GLW        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    QPSK,    DATA/FAX

246)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           2K40G7D        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    BPSK, DATA/TDM

247)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           24KOGLW        Rx                                 23ACNOR                    QPSK,    DATA/FAX

248)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           132KG7D        Rx                                23ACNOR                     BPSK,   DATA/TDM

249)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           7KS5OGLIW      Rx                                23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

250)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           7K50GLE        Rx                                23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

251)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           6OKOD1W        Rx                                23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

252)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           SKOOG1W        Rx                                23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

253)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           5KOOG1E        Rx                                23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

254)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           5KOOGLD        Rx                                23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

255)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R       45K0G7D            Rx                                23ACNOR                     DIGITAL DATA

256)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R       2KSOGLD            Rx                                ~23ACNOR                    DIGITAL DATA

                                                                        ( page 13 of 22 )                                                     FCC Form 488

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                            -            Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                             File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                 Grant date:        06/27/2016       Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                  Max      Max EIRP                     Special
                                                                                 EIRP       Density                   Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                  Tx/Rx   /Carrier      /Carrier     Aasgociated     (Refer t0   Modulation/
 #              (MHz)                      Code              Emission Mode    (dBW) (dBW/4kH2Z) aAantenna             Section H)      Services

257)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           2K5OFID       Rx                                23ACNOR                    DIGITAL DATA

258)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           20KOGIX       Rx                                23ACNOR                    DIGITAL DATA

259)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           20KOGLE       Rx                                23ACNOR                    DIGITAL DATA

260)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           10KOG1W       Rx                                23ACNOR                    DIGITAL DATA

261)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           100KG1X       Rx                                23ACNOR                    DIGITAL DATA

262)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           2M20G1D       Rx                                23ACNOR         .          BPSK, DATA

263)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           2K40GID       Rx                                23ACNOR                    BPSK,   DATA

264)1626.5000—1660.5000                   L, R       NON               Tx        27 .20      27.20       23BLBAND                   UNMODULATED         AFC      PILOT
                                                                                                                                    (CLOSE LOOP)

265)1574.4000—1576.6000                   L, R           2M20GLID      Rx                                23BLBAND                   TEST BPSK SPREAD SPECTRUM
                                                                                                                                    DATA— CLOSE LOOP

266)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           34KOF3E       Rx                                23BLBAND                   TEST      FM,        TELEPHONY
                                                                                                                                    COMPANDED AND UNCOMPANDED

267)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           2M20GID       Rx                                23BLBAND                   TEST BPSK SPREAD SPECTRUM
                                                                                                                                    DATA— CLOSE LOOP

268)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R       400KGLF           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST     QPSK,               DIGITAL
                                                         .                                                                          VIDEO/DATA

269)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R       40KOGILW          Rx                               23BLBAND                      TEST       16     QAM      DIGITAL

270)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R           5SK60G1E      Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST QPSK,        TELEPHONY

271)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R       24KOGLE           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST QPSK, TELEPHONY

272)11525.0000—1559.0000                  L, R       SK6OGIW           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST QPSK,         DATA/FAX

273)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R       2K40G7D           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST BPSK,        DATA/TDM

274)1525.0000—1559.0000                   L, R       24KOGIW           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST QPSK,         DATA/FAX

275)1525.0000—1559.0000                  L, R        132KG7D           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST BPSK, DATA/TDM

276)1525.0000—1559.0000                  L, R        NON               Rx                               23BLBAND                    UNMODULATED AFC           PILOT

277)1525.0000—1559.0000                  L, R        2M20GID           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST BPSK,        DATA

278)1525.0000—1559.0000                  L, R        2K40GID           Rx                               23BLBAND                    TEST BPSK, DATA

                                                                       ( page 14 of 22 )                                                    FCC Form 488

                                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                                             Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                                                File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                                 Grant date:       06/27/2016        Expiration Date:        04/08/2018

 B) Particulars of Operations

 The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
 The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
 For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.                                                                        .
                                                                               Max         Max EIRP                       Special
                                                                              EIRP          Density                     Provisions
             Frequency                 Polarization                 Tx/Rx    /Carrier       /Carrier aggociated          (Refer t0       Modulation/
 #               (MHz)                        Code        Emission Mode         (dBW) (@BW/4KkHZz) Angenna              Section H)         gServices
279) 6454.4000—6456.6000                  R              600HG2D       Tx       44 .50          44 .50     12. 8M.                       DIGITAL CARRIER

280)1626.5000—1660.5000                   L, R           40KOG1W       Tx       48 .20          38.20      21LBAND                       TEST    16       QAM   DIGITAL
281) 6425.0000—6454.0000                  L, R           7K50GLE       Tx       62.20           59.50      23ACNOR                       DIGITAL DATA

282) 3600.0000—3629.0000                  L, R           24KOGIE       Rx                                  21CNORM                       QPSK, TELEPHONY

283)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           7K50GID       Rx                                  23ACNOR                       DIGITAL DATA

284) 6417.5000—6440.0000                  R              30KOF3E       Tx       77.00           73.75       12.8M.                       STD A VOICE

285)3600.0000—3620.0000                   L              1K20GID       Rx                                  12 .8M.                       STD—C

286)1626.5000—1660.5000                  R               10K5G2F       Tx       36 .00          31.80       12.8M.                       DIGITAL CARRIER

287)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R        45K0G7D          Rx                                  12. 8M.                       DIGITAL DATA

288) §424.0000—6454.0000                  L, R        34KOF3E          Tx       59.50           55.70      23ACNOR                       FM TELEPHONY COMPANDED AND

289)3600.0000—3629.0000                   L, R           17K5GLD       Rx                                  23ACNOR                       DIGITAL DATA

  C) Frequency Coordination Limits

                                                           Satellite Arc           Elevation                Azimuth       Max EIRP
             r           Limit                             (Deg. Long.)            (Degrees)               (Degrees) Density toward
                 requency Liamits                         East     West          East    West            East    West   Horizon                   Associated
  #                 (MHz)                                Limit     Limit        Limit      Limit         Limit    Limit (dBW/A4kHz)               Antenna(s)
 1)      6454.0000—6456.0000                              2. 0W—144 . OW          05.2—05.7               102.6—257.0        25 .44         21.CNORM
 2)      6424.0000—6454.0000                              2. 0W—144 . OW          05.2—05 .7              102.6—257.0         30 .5         21CNORM
 3)      5927.0000—5927.0000                              2. OW— 144 . OW         05 .2—05 .7             102.6—257.0        57.14          21.CNORM
 4)      5925.0000—6425.0000                              2. 0W—144 . OW          05.2—05.7               102.6—257.0        31.64          21CNORM
 5)      3600.0000—3629.0000                              2. 0W—144 . OW          05.2—05 .7              102.6—257.0                       21.CNORM
 6)      3947.0000—3953.0000                              2. 0W—144 . OW          05.2—05 .7              102.6—257.0                       21.CNORM
 7)      3700.0000—4200.0000                              2. 0W—144 . OW          05.2—05.7               102.6—257.0                       21CNORM
 8)      1574.4000—1576.6000                              2. 0W— 144 . OW         05.3—05 .7              102.6—257.0                0      12.8M.
 9)      6417.5000—6454.0000                              2. 0W—144 . OW          05.3—05.7               102.6—257.0         11.9          12.8M.
10)      3600.0000—3629.0000                              2.0W—144 . OW           05.3—05.7               102.6—257.0              0        12. 8M.

                                                                       ( page 15 of 22 )                                                         FCC Form 488

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                         RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                          Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                               File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                        Grant date:     06/27/2016       Expiration Date:    04/08/2018

 C) Frequency Coordination Limits

                                                Satellite Arc           Elevation           Azimuth       Max EIRP

                       Limits                  East0Wae
                                              Limit Limit
                                                                                  Bas Wast
                                                                           Limit Limit
                                                                                       Limit (dBW/4kHz)
                                                                                                            orizon         Assod
11)       4195.0000—4199.0000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.3—05.7         102.6—257.0                0   12. 8M.
12)       1626.5000—1660.5000                  2 .0W—144 . OW         05.3—05.7         102.6—257.0                0   12. 8M.
13)       1525.0000—1559.0000                  2 .0W—144 . OW         05.3—05.7         102.6—257.0                0   12. 8M.
14)       §454.4000—6456.6000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.3—05.7         102.6—257.0             11.9   12. 8M.
15)       3600.0000—3629.0000                  2. 0W—144 . 0W         05s.3—05.7        102.6—257.0                    12.8M.
16)       6425.0000—6454.0000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.3—05.7         102.6—257.0               24   12 .8M.
17)       1626.5000—1660.5000                  2 .0W—144 . OW         05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0         27 .64     21LBAND
18)       1574.4000—1576.6000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0                    21LBAND
19)       1525.0000—1559.0000                  2 . 0OW—144 . OW       05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0                    21LBAND
20)       6454.0000—6456.0000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0         27.76 _    23ACNOR
21)       6424.0000—6454.0000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.3—05.7         102.6—257.0             27.1   23ACNOR
22)       §927.0000—5927.0000                  2.0W—144 . OW          05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0         66.66      23ACNOR
23)       §5§925.0000—6425.0000                2. 0W— 144 . OW        05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0         41.16      23ACNOR
24)       1626.5000—1660.5000                  2.0W— 144 . OW         05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0         34 .66     23BLBAND
25)       1574.4000—1576.6000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.2—05 .7        102.6—257.0                    23BLBAND
26)       1525.0000—1559.0000                  2. 0W—144 . OW         05.2—05.7         102.6—257.0                    23BLBAND

D) Points of Communications
       The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:

      1)21CTTC/HUB to Permitted Space Station List
  2) 21CTTC/HUB to INMARSAT 3F5 satellite (S2949) @ 54 W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
  3) 21CTTC/HUB to INMARSAT 3F2 satellite @15.5 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
  4) 21CTTC/HUB to INMARSAT 4F3 satellite(s) @ 97.65 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
  5) 21CNORM to Permitted Space Station List
  6)21CNORM to INMARSAT 3F5 satellite ($2949) @ 54 W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
  7)21CNORM to INMARSAT 3F2 satellite @15.5 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
  8)21CNORM to INMARSAT 4F3 satellite(s) @ 97.65 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
  9) 1 to INMARSAT 4F2 satellite(s) @52.75 W.L. in AOR—EAST (United Kingdom—licensed)
 10) 1 to All Inmarsatsatellites on"ISAT List" authorized toaccessU.S. in the L—Band
 11) 1 to INMARSAT 4F3 satellite(s) @ 98 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
 12)21LBAND to All Inmarsat satellites on "ISAT List" authorized to access U.S. in the L—Band
 13)23ACTTC to INMARSAT 4F3 satellite(s) @ 97.65 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
 14)23ACTTC to Permitted Space Station List

                                                            (page 16 of 22 )                                             FCC Form 488

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                         RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

    Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                            Call Sign: WA28
    Authorization Type: Modification of License                                               File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
    Common Carrier                       Grant date:    06/27/2016       Expiration Date:     04/08/2018

    D) Points of Communications
      The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:

    15)23ACTTC to INMARSAT 3F5 satellite ($2949) @ 54 W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
    16)23ACTTC to INMARSAT 3F2 satellite @15.5 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
    17)23ACNOR to Permitted Space Station List
    18) 23ACNOR to INMARSAT 3F5 satellite (S2949) @ 54 W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
    19) 23ACNOR to INMARSAT 3F5 satellite ($2949) @ 54 W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
    20)23ACNOR to INMARSAT 3F2 satellite @15.5 degrees W.L. (United Kingdom—licensed)
    21)23BLBAND to All Inmarsat satellites on "ISAT List" authorized to access U.S. in the L—Band

    E) Antenna Facilities
                                                                                                           .                                Special
                                                                                                          Site            Max              Provisions
     Site          Antenna                Diameter                                                     Elevation     Antenna Height         (Refer to
      ID             ID          Units     (meters)       Manufacturer            Model number         (Meters)         (Meters)           Section H)
1                   12. 8M.        1         12 .8         PHILCO—FORD                42    FOOT       36 .6       15.2 AGL/ 51.8 AMSL

           Max Gains(s):          52.8 dBi e           3.6000 GHz          56.0 dBi e           6.4250 GHz
           Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                         1, 000 .00
           Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                          86 .00

21CNORM            21.CNORM        1         12.8          PHILCO FORD                 12.8M.          35 .7       14.6 AGL/   51.2 AMSL

           Max Gains(s):          52.8 dBi @           3.6000 GHz          56.0 daBi e          6.4250 GHz
        Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                              790 .00
        Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                              85.00

21CTTC/HUB          21CTTC         0         12 .8         PHILCO FORD                 12 . 8M.        35 .7       14.6 AGL/ 51.2 AMSL

        Max Gains(s):
        Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                            1,125.00
        Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                             86.50

21LBAND            21LBAND         0         12 .8         PHILCO FORD                12 .8M.          35 .7       14.6 AGL/   51.2 AMSL

        Max Gains(s):             36.9 daBi @          1.5000 GHz          41.0 dBi @           1.6400 GHz
        Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                               25 .00
        Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                              55.00

                                                           ( page 17 of 22 )                                               FCC Form 488

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                         RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

  Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                            Call Sign: WA28
  Authorization Type: Modification of License                                               File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
  Common Carrier                         Grant date:   06/27/2016      Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

 E) Antenna Facilities
                                                                                                          .                                  Special
                                                                                                        S'te_           Max             Provisions
   Site           Antenna                 Diameter                                                   Elevation     Antenna Height        (Refer to
    ID .            ID    >      Units     (meters)      Manufacturer            Model number        (Meters)         (Meters)          Section H)
23ACNOR           23ACNOR          1         10 .4         PHILCO FORD                10 .4M.        35 .7        11 AGL/ 46.7 AMSL

      Max Gains(s) :              50.4    dBi @        3.6000 GHz        53.5 dBi @           6.4250 GHz
      Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                               800 .00
      Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                               82.50

23ACTTC           23ACTTC          0         10 .4         PHILCO FORD                10 .4M.        35 .7        11 AGL/   46.7 AMSL

      Max Gains(s) :
      Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                           2,000 .00
      Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                            86.50

23BLBAND          23BLBAND         1         1.8           TRUE FOCUS                 1.8M.          35 .7        7 AGL/    42.7 AMSL

      Max Gains(s) :              26.9 dBi e           1.5000 GHz        27.7 dBi e           1.6400 GHz
      Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                               10 .70
      Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW) =                              38 .00

 G) Antenna Structure marking and lighting requirements:
          None unless otherwise specified under Special and General Provisions

 H) Special and General Provisions
     'A) This RADIO STATION              AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
           214 ——— Authority IS GRANTED pursuant to Section 25.210(j) of the Commission‘s rules, to permit operations of earth
                  stations with the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite, maintained at +.10 degree of the 52.75° W.L., subject to the condition
                  that this waiver and the operations it permits shall terminate in the event that a satellite is launched into a location
                  such that its stationkeeping volume would overlap the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite‘s + 0.10 degree stationkeeping
                  volume, but would not overlap the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite‘s +0.05° degree stationkeeping volume, unless Inmarsat
                  has successfully coordinated its physical           operations with those of the other                spacecraft.
           215 ——— Operations via the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite using a north—south inclination of as much as three degrees ARE
                   GRANTED, conditioned on operations of the 4F2 complying with the inclined orbit requirements set forth in
                   Sections 25.280(b)(1)—(3) of the Commission‘s rules
           216 ——— Operations in the 1544—1545/1645.5—1646.5 MHz frequency bands ARE LIMITED to distress and safety
                  communications, in accordance with International Footnotes 5.356 and 5.375 of the ITU Radio Regulations.

                                                           ( page 18 of 22 )                                                FCC Form 488

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                     Call Sign: WA28
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                         File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
Common Carrier                    Grant date:    06/27/2016      Expiration Date:   04/08/2018

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION            AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
     1010 ——— Applicable to all receiving frequency bands. Emission designator indicates the maximum bandwidth of received
              signal at associated station(s). Maximum EIRP and maximum EIRP density are not applicable to receive
     1900 ——— Applicable to all transmitting frequency bands. Authority is granted to transmit any number of RF carriers with
              the specified parameters on any discrete frequencies within associated band in accordance with the other terms
              and conditions of this authorization, subject to any additional limitations that may be required to avoid
              unacceptable levels of inter—satellite interference.
     2038 ——— The licensee shall take extraordinary measures to ensure that the antenna does not create the potential for
              exposure of persons who may be within the immediate vicinity to radiofrequency radiation in excess of FCC
              safety guidelines. The earth station antenna shall be surrounded by a fence, at least 2 meters tall with a locked
              gate, to prevent human exposure in excess of the FCC—specified safety limit of 1 mW/em2. Warning signs, such
              as those discussed in the FCC‘s OET Bulletin 65, shall be posted informing members of the public to keep outside
              the locked area.
     2627 ——— All services are interconnected to the Public Switched Network.

     2916 ——— Transmitter(s) must be turned off during antenna maintenance to ensure compliance with the FCC—specified safety
              guidelines for human exposure to radiofrequency radiation in the region between the antenna feed and the
              reflector. Appropriate measures must also be taken to restrict access to other regions in which the earth station‘s
              power flux density levels exceed the specified guidelines.
     3219 ——— All existing transmitting facilities, operations and devices regulated by the Commission must be in compliance
              with the Commission‘s radiofrequency (RF) exposure guidelines, pursuant to Section 1.1307(b)(1) through (b)(3)
              of the Commission‘s rules, or if not in compliance, file an Environmental Assessment (EA) as specified in Section
              1.1311. See 47 CFR § 1.1307 (b) (5).
     3465 ——— This authorization is subject to the policies adopted in the Report and Order, "Amendment of the Commission‘s
             Regulatory Policies to allow Non—US—Licensed Space Stations to provide Domestic and International Satellite
             Services in the United States," IB Docket 96—111, FCC 97—399 (Released November 26, 1997). (DISCO II)
     4325 ——— Frequencies in the L—bands will be used only for occasional testing of the L—to—C and C—to—L INMARSAT or
              INMARSAT Ltd. satellite transponders, frequency translation error correction, and network coordination
     5011 ——— The Licensee(s) shall maintain on file with the Commission a current list or plan of the precise frequencies in use
              at the station, specifying for each frequency the RF center frequency, polarization, emission designator, nominal
             EIRP (in dBW) and maximum EIRP density (in dbW/4kHz). This list or plan may be submitted either on a
             station—by—station basis or on a system—wide basis and shall be updated within seven (7) days of any changes in
             frequency usage at this station. The Licensee(s) need not notify the Commission of temporary usage of
             frequencies for periods of less than seven (7) days. However, the Licensee(s) shall maintain accurate station
             records of the times and particulars of such temporary frequency usage.
     5012 ——— The authority granted here is limited to the operation of the facilities described above and does not include any
             authority to install and operate channelizing equipment or any other authority under Section 214 of the
             Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to establish channels of communications.

                                                    (page 19 of 22 )                                             FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                      Call Sign: WA28
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                           File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
Common Carrier                     Grant date:   06/27/2016        Expiration Date:    04/08/2018

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION            AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
     5014 ——— With respect to potential co—channel interference to or from terrestrial microwave radio stations, the transmit and
              receive frequency bands listed in this license have been cleared for transmissions to and from satellites located in
              the geostationary or non—geostationary orbit for the emissions designated in Section B of this license.
     5015 ——— Upon completion of construction, each licensee must file with the Commission a certification including the
              following information: name of the licensee, file number of the application, call sign of the antenna, date of the
              license and certification that the facility as authorized has been completed, that each antenna facility has been
              tested and is within 2 dB of the pattern specified in Section 25.209 and that the station is operational including the
              date of commencement of service and will remain operational during the license period unless the license is
              submitted for cancellation.
     5017 ——— Operation of this station is governed by the terms, conditions and limitations in Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules
              and Regulations and the following additional conditions: 1. This license shall not vest in the Licensee(s) any right
              to operate the station or any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond its term or in any
              other manner than authorized in the license; 2. Neither the license nor the right granted under it shall be assigned
              or otherwise transferred in violation of the Commissions or otherwise transferred in violation of the
              Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations issued under it; and 3.
              This station is subject to the right of use or control conferred by Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934,
              as amended.
     5018 ——— This license shall be forfeited automatically if this station is not ready for operation within the time specified
              unless, prior to the expiration date of this license, the Commission receives an Application for Additional Time to
              Construct a Radio Station (FCC Form 701) filed by the Licensee(s) showing good cause why the Licensee(s)
              could not complete construction on time.
     5058 ——— All operations shall be conducted on a common carrier basis and shall comply with the Commission‘s decisions in
              CC Docket No. 87—75 and General Docket 84—1234.

     5062 ——— the Licensee(s) shall maintain as its first priority the service of maritime commercial, safety and distress needs,
              and in particular uphold the safety and distress requirements of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.

     5202 ———Use of this facility to provide international service on a common carrier basis will require appropriate
             authorization under Section 214 of the Communication Act of 1934, as amended.

     5215 ——— All operations shall be on a common carrier basis.

     5630 ——— International services shall be consistent with this emission designator, the underlying title III application(s) and
              the acquisition of any necessary Section 214 authority.

     5813 ——— This authorization is issued pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions in the Commission‘s Order
              released March 19, 1991, DA 91—303.                                                                                      ‘

     5814 ——— This authorization is issued pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions in the Commission‘s Order
             released July 8, 1996, DA 96—1079, and Erratum released July 9, 1996.

                                                     ( page 20 of 22 )                                              FCC Form 488

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                       Call Sign: WA28
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                            File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
Common Carrier                    Grant date:    06/27/2016      Expiration Date:      04/08/2018

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION            AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
     5830 ——— This authorization is subject to the conditions and terms set forth in the Commission‘s Memorandum Opinion,
              Order and Authorization, FCC 01—272, released October 9, 2001 (INMARSAT Ltd. Order).

     5957 ——— Licensees must comply with the terms of any L—band operator—to—operator coordination agreement. In the
              absence of a continuing L—band operator—to—operator coordination agreement, operations of METs in the
              1525—1559 and 1626.5—1660.5 MHz bands will be on a non—harmful interference basis until a future
              operator—to—operator agreement is concluded. In this instance, each licensee must notify the other operators in
              these frequency bands that it will be operating on a non—harmful interference basis. Each licensee must notify its
              customers that its operations are on a non—harmful interference basis.

                                                     ( page 21 of 22 )                                          FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: Comsat, Inc.                                                                      Call Sign: WA28
Authorization Type: Modification of License                                          File Number: SES—MFS—20160222—00152
Common Carrier                     Grant date:   06/27/2016       Expiration Date:   04/08/2018

   B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:
              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the statements contained in the application are
              true and that the undertakings described will be carried out in good faith.

              This authorization shall not be construed in any manner as a finding by the Commission on the question of
              marking or lighting of the antenna system should future conditions require. The grantee expressly agrees to
              install such marking or lighting as the Commission may require under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. §303(q).

              Neither this authorization nor the right granted by this authorization shall be assigned or otherwise transferred to
              any person, firm, company or corporation without the written consent of the Commission. This authorization is
              subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred by Section 706 of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation of this station is governed by Part 25 of the Commission‘s
              Rules. 47 C.E.R. Part 25.

              This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate this station nor any right in the use of the
              designated frequencies beyond the term of this license, nor in any other manner than authorized herein.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the station is in compliance with environmental
              requirements set forth in Section 1.1307 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the station is in compliance with the Federal
              Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set forth in Section 17.4 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R.§

              The following condition applies when this authorization permits construction of or modifies the construction
              permit of a radio station.

             This authorization shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required date of
             completion of construction unless an application for modification of authorization to request additional time to
             complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing that failure to complete construction by the
             required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

             Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement to
             collect annual regulatory fees from regulatees is contained in Public Law 103—66, "The Omnibus Budget
             Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal year, are used
             to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforcement, public service, international and policy and
             rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each year, setting the new regulatory
             fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of regulatory fees.

                                                     ( page 22 of 22 )                                             FCC Form 488

Document Created: 2016-06-28 16:18:38
Document Modified: 2016-06-28 16:18:38

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