1.65 Letter and Supp

Section 1.65 Notification submitted by Gogo LLC

Letter with Additional AMC-1 Analysis


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20151022-00735 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                              SatCom Law LLC
                                                                       1317 F St. NW, Suite 400
                                                                       Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                                               T 202.599.0975

May 5, 2016

By Electronic Filing

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:    Gogo LLC Section 1.65 Letter
       File No. SES-MFS-20151022-00735, Call Sign E120106

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Gogo LLC (“Gogo”), by its attorney and pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission’s rules,
47 C.F.R. § 1.65, hereby updates the above-referenced application to modify Gogo’s license for
Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft (“ESAA”), which sought to add a number of satellites to the Gogo
ESAA network (the “Gogo Modification”). Specifically, Gogo supplements the record relating to
its pending request for use of the AMC-1 satellite by providing additional analysis and data
relating to Gogo’s request for waiver of Section 25.227(a)(1)(i)(B) of the Commission’s rules.

Gogo had previously requested that the Commission defer action on the AMC-1 portion of the
Gogo Modification. However, with the submission of this additional information, Gogo asks that
the Commission proceed to address Gogo’s request to use AMC-1.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Karis A. Hastings

Karis A. Hastings
Counsel for Gogo LLC


cc:    Jose Albuquerque                            Karl Kensinger
       Paul Blais                                  Kathyrn Medley
       Stephen Duall                               Trang Nguyen
       Chip Fleming                                Cindy Spiers

Date:          May 4, 2016
To:            Paul Blais, Branch Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau, FCC
From :         Ken Ryan, Skjei Telecom
Subject:       Gogo FCC Modification Application, File No. SES-MFS-20151022-00735
               Additional Support for 25.227(a)(1)(i)(B) Waiver Request for AMC-1


Following up on our recent telephone conversation, this memorandum supplements Gogo’s
showing with respect to its proposed use of the AeroSat HR6400 earth stations aboard aircraft
(ESAA) terminal with the AMC-1 spacecraft and Gogo’s associated request for waiver of
Section 25.227(a)(1)(i)(B).

When communicating with AMC-1, Gogo will operate the AeroSat HR6400 antenna within the
14.0-14.5 GHz FSS uplink band and the 11.7-12.2 GHz band FSS downlink band. The AeroSat
HR6400 antenna consists of two rows of 32 element array with each lensed-horn element being
3.4 X 0.75 inches. The antenna operates under gimbaled motor control to orient the antenna in
azimuth, elevation and polarization and Gogo has previously demonstrated that it achieves
better than a ± 0.2 degree rms pointing accuracy during active tracking of the intended satellite.
All emissions automatically cease within 100 ms if the pointing error exceeds 0.5⁰, and
transmission is not resumed until the angle is verified to be less than 0.2°.

When communicating with AMC-1, the operating parameters for Gogo’s AeroSat HR6400 ESAA
aircraft remote terminals are as follows: the maximum input power flux density, at the antenna
flange, is -15.45 dBW/4kHz, with a worst case skew angle of -52 degrees and elevation angle of
5 degrees. Transmissions will not exceed the PFD mask in Section 25.227 (a)(1)(i)(A). Due to
the asymmetric geometry of the antenna, the transmission will exceed the mask in
25.227(a)(1)(i)(B), and so a waiver of this rule section is required.

AeroSat HR6400 EIRP Density Patterns

The following charts show the off-axis EIRP density for the AeroSat HR6400 terminal for the
worst case skew angles. As can be seen, the RF power density has been limited to keep the off-
axis emission levels toward the GSO arc within the FCC mask as specified in 25.227 (a)(1)(i)(A).
The off-axis EIRP emissions will vary with respect to skew angle but not with respect to
elevation angle for the AeroSat HR6400 terminal.

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Figure 1 – Close-in image of AeroSat HR6400 Off-Axis EIRP pattern. As can be seen, the
system’s RF power has been limited to keep operation under the 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) envelope.

Impact of Skew Angle on Radiation Pattern

It should be noted that without skewing the reflector, as the Gogo aircraft flies within the
satellite beam using the AeroSat antenna, performance to AMC-1 is unaffected. The peak
antenna performance is at the antenna’s boresite, and the boresite is kept accurately pointing
to AMC-1 throughout the flight. Consequently, the EIRP transmitted by the AeroSat antenna
towards AMC-1 does not change during the flight.

What does change is the amount of energy transmitted towards adjacent satellites (ASI). The
antenna reflector remains aligned to the local horizon - we are assuming level flight for this
example – while the plane of adjacent satellites skews. As skew increases, the low-profile
antenna presents less and less effective area (in this case radiating elements in the phased
array antenna) in the direction of adjacent satellites. With less effective area, there is less
focusing of the RF signal and, consequently, an increase in transmitted ASI.

However, the values of these performance changes are precisely measured and known. During
end-to-end network design and FCC licensing, the AMC-1 operation was engineered to account

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for these variations. The coverage areas of the Gogo ESAA network are set to ensure that ASI
limits are not exceeded. In addition to coverage limits, an airplane terminal constantly knows
its instantaneous skew value and will automatically cease transmission if the limit is exceeded
due to, for example, airplane banking.

Since the HR6400 has an effective elliptical shape with a large dimension of 24.4 inches and an
orthogonal short dimension of 6.8 inches, the effective gain pattern with 0 degree skew
considering the major axis of the antenna (also called the azimuth pattern) is the most focused,
and operation at 90 degree skew (also termed elevation pattern) is the least focused. Figure 2
below shows the azimuth pattern at mid-band for 0 degrees skew compared to 90 degrees

Figure 2 – Comparison of HR6400 antenna gain patterns. Blue line represents the azimuth
pattern at 0 degrees skew, and orange line represents the elevation pattern (90 degree skew).

In the case of AMC-1, the worst case position of the aircraft will be when the elevation is
5 degrees and the skew is 52 degrees. Because Gogo does not have pattern data for 52 degrees
skew, we are using the 55 degree skew pattern data, as seen in Figure 3 below. As the aircraft
nears the edge of these operation limits the network is designed to switch the aircraft to
another coordinated and licensed satellite beam.

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Figure 3 – Worst case azimuth gain pattern at 55 degrees skew. The pattern exceeds the mask
              slightly requiring a small reduction in RF transmit power density.

The pattern exceeds the mask slightly. Attached to this memo is an excel spreadsheet which
contains the tabularized pattern data. That data shows that the worst case exceedances are
between 1-3 degrees and are around 1.5 dB. The RF power density has been reduced by 1.5 dB
to account for this. Figure 4 below shows that the worst case EIRP density at 55 degrees skew
will meet the FCC mask in 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A).

                                                                                   Page 4 of 7

Figure 4 – Aerosat worst case operation off-axis EIRP performance, 55 degrees skew. Slight
reduction in RF power ensures non-interference into GSO systems.

Figure 5 below compares the EIRP off-axis performance in two cases: when the aircraft is
operating at a best case scenario of 0 degrees skew and when it is operating with the worst
case performance at 55 degrees skew. At zero degrees skew, the antenna is operating without
impact from the elevation pattern. As the aircraft approaches areas where the skew increases
up to 55 degrees, the main beam widens, as shown in Figure 5. Gogo will limit its RF power
density and spread its uplink signal enough to keep the off-axis EIRP density toward the GSO arc
under the 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) mask.

                                                                                      Page 5 of 7

Figure 5 – Comparison of azimuth plane best case skew, 0 degrees, with worst case skew,
55 degrees. As skew increases, the main beam is less focused and spreads.









Figure 6 - Example of changing skew angles (in degrees) for locations in North America for an
ESAA communicating with a GSO Satellite at 129.15° W.L.

                                                                                      Page 6 of 7

Elevation Plane

As noted above, the elliptical shape of the antenna will result in poorer sidelobe performance in
the elevation plane. Since this plane is orthogonal to the azimuth plane, the all elevation
sidelobe power will not be directed toward the GSO arc. The simulated EIRP density plot below
shows the relative power level along the GSO and non-GSO axes.

Figure 7 – EIRP Density (dBW/4kHz) along the azimuth and elevation planes (0 degrees skew)
3D pattern. The levels along the GSO arc are below the FCC ESAA mask.

The transmissions in the elevation plane will not impact any existing systems operating in the
GSO arc. As noted above, the ESAA system will maintain very tight pointing accuracy and the
impact of the elevation pattern on the azimuth pattern considering the worst case skew has
been included in our calculations, see Figure 4 above. All non FCC compliant transmission levels
are directed to areas where no current systems exist.

Tables containing all of the data used in the figures in the memo are included in the attached
spreadsheet AeroSat HR6400 Gain and EIRP Information 04282016.xlsx

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Document Created: 2016-05-05 16:16:54
Document Modified: 2016-05-05 16:16:54

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