Attachment Narra & Part 25 Comp

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20150417-00221 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Exhibit 1 – Narrative and Showing of Compliance with Section 25.222

                          Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.

                   Application for Modification of KA313 License to

               Convert License From Common Carrier Authorization to
                          Non-Common Carrier Authorization;
   Update the Particulars of Operation, Antenna Facilities and other Specifications for
                        Sea Tel Model 4006 1.0 Meter Ku-band
                        Earth Station on Vessel (ESV) Antennas
          Currently Authorized per the Call Sign KA313 ESV Authorization;
                               Add Authorization for up to
               500 Intellian Model v60G 0.60 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
               500 Intellian Model v80G 0.83 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
                500 Intellian Model v240K 2.4 Meter Ku-band Antennas
                500 Sea Tel Model 3612 0.90 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
              500 Sea Tel Model 4009/4010 1.0 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
                500 Sea Tel Model 4012 1.06 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
        500 Sea Tel Model 5009/5010/5012 1.2 Meter Ku-band Antennas; and
            500 Sea Tel Model 9797/9711 2.4 Meter Ku-band Antennas to
                          Call Sign KA313 ESV Authorization


                                    Call Sign KA313

Convert From Common Carrier to Non-Common Carrier Authorization

       By this application Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc. (ASGI) respectfully
seeks modification of the KA313 license to convert the license from a Common Carrier
Authorization to a Non-Carrier Authorization. In making this request ASGI notes that in
January 2015 modifications of ASGI licenses were approved which moved earth station
authorizations for all Hub Antennas which were formerly on the KA313 license to other
ASGI licenses, see SES-MFS-20140808-00644 SES-MFS-20140804-00633. As a result,
the only authorizations now on the KA313 license are for land VSAT and ESV remote

Update of Sea Tel Model 4006 Authorization

       ASGI is also requesting by this application to update the Particulars of Operation
and Antenna Facilities Specifications for the Sea Tel Model 4006 1.0 Meter Ku-band
antennas currently authorized for use to provide ESV service per the KA313 license. The
reason for the update is to increase the power authorized for use with the antenna and

Exhibit 1 – Narrative and Showing of Compliance with Section 25.222

update the authorized Emission Designator parameters accordingly. As set forth further
in following sections of this narrative, ASGI is also seeking by this application to add to
the KA313 license authorization for the 4009 and 4010 models of this same Sea Tel 1.0
meter Ku-band antenna. As the operating parameters (e.g., gains, etc.) for the 4006, 4009
and 4010 are identical; ASGI proposes to accomplish this 4006 update by –

          1. completely deleting from the current version of the KA313 license all
             information listed for the 4006;
          2. combining the 4006 with the 4009 and 4010 for purposes of the KA313
             authorization for this Sea Tel 1.0 meter antenna; and then
          3. adding the Particulars of Operations, Antenna Facilities Specifications and
             other information for the 4006/4009/4010 antennas to the license as per the
             information set forth for these antennas in the Schedule B of the Modification

        It is therefore requested that all information listed for the Sea Tel model 4006
antenna in the current KA313 license be deleted and then added back in as per the
Schedule B information set forth in the Modification Application for the 4006/4009/4010
antennas. No change is being made to any other aspects of the current authorization for
any other antennas authorized per the KA313 license. No information other than that
listed below for the Sea Tel 4006 antenna is being updated.

          Specifically, the following is to be deleted from the current KA313 license-

                     A) Site Location(s)

 22) ESV/4006         Operate up to 550 remotes                                                                    83

                      Licensee certifies antenna(s) do not comply with Section 25.209. Please refer to Section E
                      for special conditions placed upon antennas at this site.

                     B) Particulars of Operations

55) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V        44K8G1W          T      34.40          23.90      4006                  SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

56) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V        717KG1W          T      46.40          23.90      4006                  SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

57) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V        89K6G1W          T      37.40          23.90      4006                  SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

58) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V        227KG7W          T      41.50          23.90      4006                  TDM/TDMA USING QPSK AND
                                                                                                                     BPSK MODULATION

 59) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V         340KG7W          T     43.20          23.90      4006               TDM/TDMA
                                                                                                                   USING QPSK
                                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

60) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V        378KG7W          T      43.60          23.90      4006                  TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

Exhibit 1 – Narrative and Showing of Compliance with Section 25.222

61) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V       454KG7W    T      44.50     23.90        4006          TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

62) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V       908KG7W    T      47.40     23.80        4006          TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

63) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V       1M40G7W    T      47.40     21.90        4006          DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

64) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V       316KG7W    T      42.80     23.90        4006          DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

65) 14000.0000 - 14500.0000       H,V       607KG7W    T      45.70     23.90        4006          DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

66) 11450.0000 - 12200.0000       H,V       151KG7W    R                             4006          TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

67) 11450.0000 - 12200.0000       H,V       54M0G7W    R                             4006          TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

68) 11450.0000 - 12200.0000       H,V       2M60G7W    R                             4006          DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

69) 11450.0000 - 12200.0000       H,V       54M0G7W    R                             4006          DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

70) 11450.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       44K8G1W    R                             4006          SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

71) 11450.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       717KG1W    R                             4006          SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

72) 11450.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       89K6G1W    R                             4006          SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

73) 10950.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       44K8G1W    R                             4006          SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

74) 10950.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       717KG1W    R                             4006          SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

75) 10950.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       89K6G1W    R                             4006          SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

76) 10950.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       151KG7W    R                             4006          TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

77) 10950.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       2M60G7W    R                             4006          DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

78) 10950.0000 - 11200.0000       H,V       54M0G7W    R                             4006          DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                   AND BPSK MODULATION

                     C) Frequency Coordination

 42)    14000.0000 - 14500.0000         3.0W-125.0W   10.0 - 10.0     90.0 - 270.0          4006

 43)    11450.0000 - 12200.0000         3.0W-125.0W   10.0 - 10.0     90.0 - 270.0          4006

 44)    10950.0000 - 11200.0000         3.0W-125.0W   10.0 - 10.0     90.0 - 270.0          4006

                     D) Point of Communications

 38) ESV/4006 to Permitted Space Station List

Exhibit 1 – Narrative and Showing of Compliance with Section 25.222

 39) ESV/4006 to GALAXY 10R satellite @ 123 W.L. (U.S.-licensed domestic satellite)

 40) ESV/4006 to INTELSAT 705 satellites @ 50 W.L. of the INTELSAT system (U.S.-licensed)

                     E) Antenna Facilites
 ESV/4006              4006                  250             1.0    SEATEL         4006
 Max Gains(s):40.1 dBi @ 11.9500 GHz        41.8 dBi @       14.2500 GHz
 Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 3.6
 Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)47.4

                     F) Remote Control
 ESV/4006            2120 RIVER ROAD                Call Sign:               N/A
                     SOUTHBURY, NEW HAVEN, CT, 06488

      Following deletion of the above the respective new entries for each are to be
 added back in to the license as per the Schedule B information set forth in the
 Modification Application for the 4006/4009/4010 antennas.

          Addition of Other ESV Remote Antennas to ESV Authorization

       Finally, ASGI is requesting by this application that the following new ESV
remote antennas be added to the KA313 authorization to provide ESV service:

          Intellian Model v60G 0.60 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
          Intellian Model v80G 0.83 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
          Intellian Model v240K 2.4 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
          Sea Tel Model 3612 0.90 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
          Sea Tel Model 4009/4010 1.0 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
          Sea Tel Model 4012 1.06 Meter Ku-band Antennas;
          Sea Tel Model 5009/5010/5012 1.2 Meter Ku-band Antennas; and
          Sea Tel Model 9797/9711 2.4 Meter Ku-band Antennas

        The authorizations requested for all is for operation on vessels traveling in U.S.
and international waters and all will operate with hub antennas that are separately
licensed; will be utilized to provide ESV service in the same manner as previously
authorized by the Commission; and will be operated in full compliance with the
requirements of the Commission’s ESV regulations as set forth in part 25 of the Rules

       ASGI’s showing of compliance with Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules follows
herewith and except as further explained in the following section, the exhibits required by
Section 25.222 are included as attachments to the application.

          Use of Antenna Plots and Charts Filed With Prior Applications

Exhibit 1 – Narrative and Showing of Compliance with Section 25.222

        It is ASGI’s understanding that earth station applicants seeking authorization for
earth station antennas which have been previously approved by the International Bureau
need not attach antenna radiation plots as an exhibit to their application but need only
provide an attachment citing the antennas for which authorization is being sought and an
application file number and call sign of a license in which those antennas have been
approved. Barring any countervailing considerations, the Bureau will consider granting
the application for the antennas, providing the applicant proposes the same kinds of
services as the operator of the previously authorized antennas under the same or
substantially similar operating conditions.

        ASGI notes that it has previously sought and been granted authorization under its
Call Sign WB36 license to operate all the above listed ESV antennas which it now seeks
by this application to add to the KA313 ESV authorization. These antennas will be used
for the same kinds of services as those previously authorized per WB36 are used and will
be used under the same operating conditions. AGSI is therefore not attaching with this
application the charts and tables which would otherwise be submitted to show
compliance with Sections 25.221 (a) (1) & (b) (1). Rather, it will reference the
application file number associated with the prior approval of each antenna and
respectfully requests that the Commission’s staff rely upon the prior application materials
in processing the instant application.

       Showing of Part 25 Compliance for Remote Antennas and ESV Service

Section 25.222

   (a) (1) Comply.

       See the Intellian and Sea Tel declarations and the exhibits previously submitted
       with the following applications for approval of the respective antennas:

       Intellian Model v60G - SES-MFS-20130612-00485, Call Sign WB36
       Intellian Model v80G - SES-MFS-20130612-00485, Call Sign WB36
       Intellian Model v240K - SES-MFS-20140210-00037, Call Sign WB36
       Sea Tel Model 3612 - SES-MFS-20130612-00485, Call Sign WB36
       Sea Tel Model 4006/4009/4010 - SES-MFS-20130612-00485, Call Sign WB36
       Sea Tel Model 4012 - SES-MFS-20130612-00485, Call Sign WB36
       Sea Tel Model 5009/5010/5012- SES-MFS-20130612-00485, Call Sign WB36
       Sea Tel Model 9797/9711- SES-MFS-20140210-00037, Call Sign WB36

       All of the ESV antennas listed above use transmitters that have off-axis EIRP
       spectral densities less than or equal to the levels in paragraph 25.222(a)(1)(i) and
       meet the requirements of 25.222 (a)(1)(i)(A-C) with an N value of 1. The
       referenced exhibits provide the detailed demonstration described in paragraph
       25.222 (b)(1). The Intellian and Sea Tel declarations contain the certifications
       that the antennas comply with the pointing requirement in paragraph 25.222

Exhibit 1 – Narrative and Showing of Compliance with Section 25.222

     (a)(1)(ii)(A) and the cessation of emission requirement in paragraph 25.222

  (a) (2) Not Applicable

  (a) (3) Not Applicable

  (a) (4) Comply. The ASGI ESV Compliance Officer has authority and ability to
       cease all emissions from ESVs through the facilities of ASGI teleports or through
       facilities of non-ASGI teleports used to uplink the ESVs pursuant to telehousing
       arrangements. This point of contact is available 24 hours a day, seven days a
       week via the ASGI Southbury, CT teleport at 203-262-5010.

  (a) (5) Comply. These records are being collected and maintained as specified.
       Requests to make this data available may be directed to the ASGI ESV
      Compliance Officer via the Southbury teleport at 203-262-5010.

  (a) (6) Comply.

  (a) (7) Comply. The ESVs are controlled by the ASGI teleports located in the United
      States or non-ASGI teleports located in the United States used to uplink ESVs
      pursuant to telehousing arrangements.

  (a) (8) Comply.

  (b)(1) Comply. Please see the exhibits previously submitted with the applications
      listed in the response for 25.222 (a) (1).

     The value N described in 25.222(a)(1)(i)(A) is 1. Referenced exhibits provide the
     detailed demonstration described in paragraphs 25.222(b)(1)(i)(A), (B) and (C).
     The certifications from the equipment manufacturers stating that the tracking
     systems meet the pointing and cessation of emission requirements of
     25.222(b)(1)(iii) are contained in the Intellian and Sea Tel declarations.

  (b) (2) Not Applicable.

  (b) (3) Not Applicable.

  (b) (4) Comply. See Operations Areas Exhibit.

  (b) (5) Comply. The ASGI ESV Compliance Officer has authority and ability to
      cease all emissions from ESVs through the facilities of ASGI teleports or through
      facilities of non-ASGI teleports used to uplink ESVs pursuant to telehousing
      arrangements. This point of contact is available 24 hours a day, seven days a
      week via the ASGI Southbury, CT teleport at 203-262-5010.

  (b) (6) Comply. See the Radiation Hazard Report Exhibits.

Exhibit 1 – Narrative and Showing of Compliance with Section 25.222

  (c) Comply. ASGI has completed coordination with NASA for ESV
      operations in the 14.0 – 14.2 GHz frequency band within 125 km of NASA
      TDRSS facilities protected per 24.222 (c). The coordination has been filed with
      the Commission for completion of the coordination process. Until the
      coordination process is completed ASGI will continue to comply with 25.222 (c)
      by not operating Ku-band ESVs at all in the 14.47 – 14.5 GHz frequency band
      within the specified distances of the protected facilities.

  (d) Comply. ASGI does not operate any ESVs in the 14.47 – 14.5 GHz frequency

Document Created: 2015-04-16 18:18:58
Document Modified: 2015-04-16 18:18:58

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