Attachment Ku-band Declarations

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20150130-00047 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.




Intellian Model v100 1.06 Meter Ku—band Antennas

Intellian Model v130 1.25 Meter Ku—band Antennas

Mitsubishi Model MVA6O0 0.60 Meter Ku—band Antennas

Mitsubishi Model MVA120 1.2 Meter Ku—band Antennas



FCC Declaration of Conformity

Intellian Technologies, manufactures of stabilized maritime VSAT antenna systems for satellite communication at sea,
supplies stabilized maritime VSAT antenna systems to the satellite communication service providers for their ESV
(Earth Station on Vessels) networks.

FCC §25.222 defines the provisions for blanket licensing of ESV antennas operation in the Ku—band. It defines the
antennas radiation, and each article regulates the followings;

       §25.222 (a)(1)(i)(A):          Regulation for Azimuth Direction & Co Polarization
       §25.222 (a)(2)(i)(B):          Regulation for Other Direction & Co Polarization
       §25.222 (a)(1)(i(C):           Regulation for Cross Polarization

Intellian Technologies, Inc. declares that v100GX complies with the threshold level as defined in §25.222(a)(1)(i)(A):,
and declares that v100GX is in accordance with all defined regulations from §25.222(a)(1)(i)(B) to §25.222(a)(1)(i)(C)
at the below stated input power spectral density, with an N value of 1.

       Product description                    Intellian v100GX, 103¢m Ku—band maritime VSAT antenna system
       EIRP spectral density limit            —16.66 dBW/ 4KHz

Intellian Technologies, Inc. declares that the above antenna will maintain a pointing error ofless than or equal to 0.2
degree under specified ship motion conditions in accordance with the requirements of§25.222 (a)(1)(ii).

Intellian Technologies, Inc. declares that the above antennas will automatically cease the transmission with a mute
command to the modem within 100 milliseconds if the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe ofthe ESV antenna
exceeds 0.5 degree and will not resume until such angle is less than or equal to 0.2 degree in accordance with the
requirements of §25.222 (a)(1)(iii)

Radiation pattern data is available upon request to verify the conformance.

Authority:                     Steve Cha
                               Director, Research & Development


             C                                                                           "
                                                                      Date:              October 23. 2012

Intelllan Technologies, Inc.           Intellian Technologles, Inc.                           Doc Number ITI2—DC1023—V1 _0
US Headquarters                        EMEA & APAC Headquarters                                                         ~
9004 Research Dr                       2F Dongik Bldg., 98 Nonhyun—dong
Irvine, CA 92618 USA                   Kangnam—gu, Seoul 135—080, Korea
Tel:    +1 949 727 4498                Te    +822 511 224


FCC Declaration of Conformity

Intellian Technologies, manufactures of stabilized maritime VSAT antenna systems for satellite communication at sea,
supplies stabilized maritime VSAT antenna systems to the satellite communication service providers for their ESV
(Earth Station on Vessels) networks.

FCC §25.222 defines the provisions for blanket licensing of ESV antennas operation in the Ku—band. It defines the
antennas radiation, and each article regulates the followings;

       §25.222 (a)(1)(i)(A):          Regulation for Azimuth Direction & Co Polarization
       §25.222 (a)(2)(i)(B):          Regulation for Other Direction & Co Polarization
       §25.222 (a)(1)(i)(C):          Regulation for Cross Polarization

Intellian Technologies, Inc. declares that v130 complies with the threshold level as defined in §25.222(a)(1)(i)(A):, and
declares that v130 is in accordance with all defined regulations from §25.222(a)(1)(i)(B) to §25.222(a)(1)(i)(C) at the
below stated input power spectral density, with an N value of 1.

       Product description                    Intellian v130, 125cm Ku—band maritime VSAT antenna system
       EIRP spectral density limit            —14.0 dBW/ 4KHz

Intellian Technologies, Inc. declares that the above antenna will maintain a pointing error ofless than or equal to 0.2
degree under specified ship motion conditions in accordance with the requirements of §25.222 (a)(1)(ii).

Intellian Technologies, Inc. declares that the above antennas will automatically cease the transmission with a mute
command to the modem within 100 milliseconds if the target satellite and the axis ofthe main lobe of the ESV antenna
exceeds 0.5 degree and will not resume until such angle is less than or equal to 0.2 degree in accordance with the
requirements of §25.222 (a)(1)(iii)

Radiation pattern data is available upon request to verify the conformance,

Authority:                     Steve Cha
                               Director, Research & Development

                                                                      Signature:                   <—/

                                                                      Date:    December 17, 2010

Intellfun Technologics, Inc.           Intellian Technologies, Inc.                        Doc Number 2011Q0—DCO928—V1_0
US Headquarters                        EMEA & APAC Headquarters                                                        ~
9004 Research Dr.                      2FDongik Bldg., 98 Nonhyun—dong
Irvine, CA 92618 USA                   Kangnam—gu, Seout 135—080, Korea
Tel.    +1 949 727 4498                Tel   +822 511 224



                     FCC Declaration of Conformity
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION designs, develops and manufactures maritime VSAT antenna
systems for satellite communication at sea and offers them to our customers as products for Earth Station on
Vessels (ESV) networks.

FCC regulation 47 CFR 25.222 defines the provisions for blanket licensing of ESV antennas operating in the Ku
Band. This document declares that MVA60, 60cm Ku—band maritime VSAT antenna system, complies with the
requirements of FCC regulation 47 CFR 25.222 — 2013 version. The relevanttest data is available upon request to
verify these declarations.

MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION hereby declares that MVA6O will meet the off—axis EIRP
spectral—density requirements of 25.222(a)(1)(i) with an N value of 1, when the Input Power spectral density is
limited to —22.4 dBW/4kHz.                                                                               |
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION hereby declares that the antennas MVA6O will maintain a
stabilization pointing accuracy of better than 0.2degrees under specified ship motion condition, thus meeting the
requirements of 25.222(a)(1)(ii).

MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION hereby declares that the antennas MVA60 will automatically cease
transmission within 100 milliseconds if the pointing error should exceed 0.2 degrees (less than 0.Sdegrees), and
will not resume transmission until the error drops below O.2degrees, thus meeting the requirement of

Data related to verifications of the conformance is available upon request.

Macache Koawaname                                                                    a&£ Apr 3073
Masashi Kawanami, Deputy Senior Manager                                                          Date
Communication, Information & Satellite Communication Systems Department

                             MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION
                                    COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS CENTER

              1—1, 8:chome, Tsukaguchi Honmachi, Amagasaki—city, Hyogo 661—8661, Japan



                      FCC Declaration of Conformity
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION designs, develops and manufactures maritime VSAT antenna
systems for satellite communication at sea and offers them to our customers as products for Earth Station on
Vessels (ESV) networks.

FCC regulation 47 CFR 25.222 defines the provisions for blanket licensing of ESV antennas operating in the Ku
Band. This document declares that MVA 120, 120cm Ku—band maritime VSAT antenna system, complies with the
requirements of FCC regulation 47 CFR 25.222 — 2013 version. The relevanttest data is available upon request to
verify these declarations.

MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION hereby declares that MVA120 will meet the off—axis EIRP
spectral—density requirements of 25.222(a)(1)(i) with an N value of 1, when the Input Power spectral density is
limited to —12.3 dBW/AkHz.                                                                               ~
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION hereby declares that the antennas MVA120 will maintain a
stabilization pointing accuracy of better than 0.2degrees under specified ship motion condition, thus meeting the
requirements of 25.222(a)(1)(ii).

MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION hereby declares that the antennas MVA120 will automatically cease
transmission within 100 milliseconds if the pointing error should exceed 0.2 degrees (less than 0.Sdegrees), and
will not resume transmission until the error drops below O.2degrees, thus meeting the requirement of
25.222(a)(1 )(iii).

Data related to verifications of the conformance is available upon request.

Maaaeohe K crsoname                                                                   as Ap+ 120/3
Masashi Kawanami, Deputy Senior Manager                                                          Date
Communication, Information & Satellite Communication Systems Department

                             MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION
                                    COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS CENTER
              1—1, 8:chome, Tsukaguchi Honmachi, Amagasaki—city, Hyogo 661—8661, Japan

                                                                                                           Cobham SATCOM
                                                                                                           Lundtoftegaardsve) 93 D
                                                                                                           2800 Kgs. Lyngby

                                                                                                           T: +45 39 55 88 00
                                                                                                           F; +45 39 5 88 68

 Declaration of Thrane & Thrane A/S

        1. This declaration refers to the following Thrane & Thrane antenna model:

 TT— 7080A Sailor 800 VSAT system, 0.83 meter Ku—band antenna.

       2. This declaration covers the requirements on off—axis EIRP spectral density limitations
          as well as pointing accuracy and cessation of transmissions as described in FCC
          regulation 47 CFR of September 2009, Section 25.222 paragraphs (a)(1)(!), (a)(1)(!i)
          and (a)(1)(iff).

       3. Thrane and Thrane A/S hereby declares that the antenna referenced in 1, above, will _
              meet the off—axis EIRP spectral density requirements of section 25.222 (a)(1)(!) with
              an N value of 1 when the input power spectral density is limited to —19.2 dBW/4kHz."

       4. Thrane and Thrane A/S hereby declares that the antenna referenced in 1, above, will
          maintain a stabillzation pointing accuracy of 0.2 degrees RMS or fess under specified
          ship motion conditions, thus meeting the requirements of § 25.222 (a)(1)(/i1).

       5. Thrane and Thrane A/S hereby declares the antenna referenced in 1, above, will
          automatically cease transmission within 100 milliseconds If the pointing error should
          exceed 0.5 degrees and will not resume transmission until the pointing error drops
              below 0.2 degrees, thus meeting the requirements of § 25.222 (a)(1)(iif).

 Date: 2/20 ~ 2013                                                                {% %fl&\/
                                                                              Carsten Thomsen
                                                                              Project Manager, R&D Antennas
                                                                              Thrane & Thrane A/S

Thrang & Thrane A/S trading as Cobham SATCOHM                                                                            wwrw.C        .
Registored no.: DK — 68 72 46 18. Registered ardress: Lamdtoftegaardeve} $3 D, 2800 Kps. Lyngby, Denmark                

                                                                  Thrane & Thrane

                             Declaration of Thrane & Thrane A/S

1. This declaration refers to the following Thrane & Thrane antenna model:

    TT— 70908 Sailor 900 VSAT system, 1 mater Ku—band antenna.

2. This declaration covers the requirements on off—axis EIRP spectral density
   limitations as well as pointing accuracy and cessation of transmissions as described
   in FCC regulation 47 CFR of September 2009, Section 25.222 paragraphs (a)(1)(!),
    (a)(1)(it) and (a)(1)(iti).

3. Thrane and Thrane A/S hereby declares that the antenna referenced in 1, above,
   will meet the off—axis EIRP spectral density requirements of section 25.222 (a)(1)(i)
   with an N value of 1 when the input power spectral density is limited to —15.8

4. Thrane and Thrane A/S hereby deciares that the antenna referenced in 1, above,
   will maintain a stabilization pointing accuracy of 0.2 degrees RMS or less under
   specified ship motlon conditions, thus meeting the requirements of § 25.222
5. Thrane and Thrane A/S hereby declares the antenna referenced in 1, above, will
   automatically cease transmission within 100 milllseconds if the pointing error should
   exceed 0.5 degrees and will not resume transmission until the pointing error drops
   below 0.2 degrees, thus meeting the requirements of § 25.222 (a)(1)(il1).

                                                Carsten Thomsen
                                                Project Manager, R&D Antennas
                                                Thrane & Thrane A/S

Thrane & Thrane AfS — Lundtoftegaardsve] 93 D + DK—2800 Kgs. Lyngby — Denmark
   T +45 39 55 88 00 — F +4§ 39 55 88 88 — :
       Bank: Danske Bank : Comp.reg.: 65 72 46 18 < VAT: DK—20 64 64 46

Document Created: 2015-01-29 17:41:58
Document Modified: 2015-01-29 17:41:58

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