Attachment Narr Annexes Rad Hz

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20131114-01015 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                        )
Gogo LLC                                                )     File No. SES-MOD-___________
                                                        )     Call Sign E120106
Modification to Blanket License for Operation of        )
1000 Technically Identical Ku-Band                      )
Transmit/Receive Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft         )


               Gogo LLC (“Gogo”) hereby requests a modification of its blanket license to

operate 1000 technically identical Ku-band transmit/receive earth stations aboard aircraft

(“ESAAs”) on domestic and international flights. 1 Specifically, Gogo requests that the

Commission modify the Gogo ESAA License to: (1) add the Eutelsat 172A, Intelsat 904,

Satmex 5, and SES-6 satellites as authorized points of communication for the Gogo ESAA

network; (2) modify the terms of operation using the SES-1 and NSS-703 spacecraft to reflect

coordination of higher power levels with operators of adjacent satellites; (3) revise the license

conditions to reflect the allocation changes made in the ESAA Order, including the primary

status of ESAA operations in the 11.7-12.2 GHz band, 2 and other provisions of new

Section 25.227.

       Gogo LLC, Call Sign E120106, File Nos. SES-LIC-20120619-00574, SES-AMD-
20120731-00709 & SES-AFS-20121008-00902, granted May 1, 2013 (the “Gogo ESAA
       Revisions to Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Govern the Use of Earth
Stations Aboard Aircraft Communicating with Fixed-Satellite Service Geostationary-Orbit Space
Stations Operating in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14-14.5 GHz
Frequency Bands, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Report and Order, IB Docket Nos. 12-
376 & 05-20, 27 FCC Rcd 16510 (2012) (“ESAA Order”) at ¶¶ 16-17 and new footnote NG55 to
the Table of Allocations. In addition to according ESAAs primary status in the 11.7-12.2 GHz

               A narrative description of the relevant changes is provided here, and Gogo is

attaching an FCC Form 312 and Schedule B that identifies the new points of communication and

reflects the updated operational characteristics. Supplemental technical information and copies

of relevant coordination letters are attached as well. Pursuant to Section 25.117(c) of the

Commission’s rules, Gogo is providing herein information that is changing as a result of the

modification. Gogo certifies that the remaining information provided in support of the Gogo

ESAA License has not changed. 3


               Gogo requests modification of its license to add the Eutelsat 172A, Intelsat 904,

Satmex 5, and SES-6 satellites as points of communication for the Gogo ESAA network

pursuant to the provisions of Section 25.227(a)(2) and (b)(2). All of these satellites are either

U.S.-licensed or have already been authorized to serve U.S. earth stations. Updated tables listing

the satellites to be used and the associated ground stations are provided in Annex 2 hereto.

band, the Commission revised the Table of Allocations to authorize ESAAs to operate on an
unprotected basis in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz bands for domestic and
international service and authorized ESAAs on a secondary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz band. See
id. at ¶¶ 20-21, ¶ 24, and new footnote NG52 to the Table of Allocations.

In addition, in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking portion of the ESAA proceeding, the
Commission is considering elevating ESAAs to primary status in the 14-14.5 GHz band. See id.
at ¶ 142. If the Commission implements such a change in allocation of the 14-14.5 GHz band
while this modification application is pending, Gogo requests that the Commission reflect the
allocation change when it acts on the modification.
  For the Commission’s convenience, Gogo has attached as Annex 1 hereto a table listing the
information required pursuant to Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules and providing a
cross-reference to the necessary information.


               Eutelsat 172A: Eutelsat 172A is a U.S.-licensed satellite positioned at the

172° E.L. orbital location. 4 Gogo seeks authority to use Eutelsat 172A capacity for ESAA

operations on a secondary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and on a primary basis in

the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the ESAA Order and the terms of the

satellite license. Eutelsat 172A will provide coverage of the Pacific Ocean Region.

               Intelsat 904: Intelsat 904 is a U.S.-licensed satellite positioned at the 60° E.L.

orbital location. 5 Gogo seeks authority to use Intelsat 904 capacity for ESAA operations on a

secondary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and on an unprotected basis in the 10.95-

11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the ESAA Order and the

terms of the satellite license. Intelsat 904 will provide coverage of Russia.

               Satmex 5: Satmex 5 is a Mexican-licensed satellite positioned at the 114.9° W.L.

orbital location. The Commission placed Satmex 5 on the Permitted Space Station List for

operations at this location in the conventional Ku-band. 6 Gogo seeks authority to use Satmex 5

capacity for ESAA operations on a secondary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and on a

primary basis in the 11.7-12.2 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the ESAA Order and the

 The satellite was originally licensed as AMC-23 in 2004. See SES Americom, Inc., Call
Sign S2610, File No. SAT-LOA-20031218-00358, grant-stamped July 13, 2004. The
Commission granted consent to assignment of the license to Eutelsat in 2012. See File No. SAT-
ASG-20120626-00105, granted Aug. 23, 2012.
 See Intelsat License LLC, Call Sign S2408, File No. SAT-MOD-20011221-00140, granted
Mar. 22, 2002.
 See Satélites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V., Call Sign S2589, File Nos. SAT-PPL-20121218-00217
& SAT-APL-20130308-00028, grant-stamped May 31, 2013. The Commission considered the
orbital debris mitigation information submitted for Satmex 5 and granted associated waivers as
part of this ruling. See id. at ¶ 5 (granting partial waivers of Sections 25.114(d)(14)(ii) and


terms of the satellite’s U.S. market access. Satmex 5 will provide coverage of North and South


                SES-6: SES-6 is a Netherlands-licensed satellite positioned at the 40.5° W.L.

orbital location. The Commission placed SES-6 on the Permitted Space Station List for

operations in the conventional Ku-band and has granted U.S. market access for SES-6 in the

extended Ku-band. 7 Gogo seeks authority to use SES-6 capacity for ESAA operations on a

secondary basis in the 14-14.5 GHz uplink spectrum and on an unprotected basis in the 10.95-

11.2 GHz downlink spectrum, consistent with the ESAA Order and the terms of the satellite’s

U.S. market access. SES-6 will provide coverage of the Atlantic Ocean Region.

                Coordination Letters: Attached as Annex 3 pursuant to Section 25.227(b)(2) of

the Commission’s rules are copies of letters confirming that Gogo’s proposed operations with the

Eutelsat 172A, Intelsat 904, Satmex 5, and SES-6 satellites have been coordinated with operators

of adjacent satellites. In addition, Gogo is providing as Annex 4 a demonstration that the ESAA

system is capable of detecting and automatically ceasing emissions within 100 milliseconds

when the transmitter exceeds the off-axis EIRP spectral-densities supplied to the target satellite

operator, as required in Section 25.227(b)(2)(iv). Gogo’s operations with these satellites will

conform to the terms of its agreements with the National Science Foundation (“NSF”) and the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”), as required by the Gogo ESAA

License. 8

  See New Skies Satellites, B.V., Call Sign S2870, File No. SAT-PPL-20120717-00117, grant-
stamped in part July 12, 2013 and in part August 1, 2013.
    Gogo ESAA License, Special and General Provisions, Condition 90057.


II.             NSS-703 AND SES-1 POWER LEVELS

                This modification application also includes updated information regarding

operation of Gogo’s terminals with the NSS-703 and SES-1 satellites that were authorized as part

of the Gogo ESAA License. Specifically, Gogo proposes to operate with higher input power

density when communicating with these satellites. Letters confirming that these higher levels

have been coordinated with operators of adjacent satellites are included in Annex 3. In addition,

an updated link budget for operations with SES-1 is provided as Annex 5. Gogo’s operations

with these satellites pursuant to the higher coordinated power levels will conform to the terms of

the Gogo agreements with NSF and NASA.


                As discussed above, the ESAA Order revised the Table of Allocations to specify

that ESAA operations in the 11.7-12.2 GHz band are an application of the fixed-satellite service

and can be authorized on a primary basis. 9 In addition, the Commission deleted footnote NG104

to the Table of Allocations and replaced it with new footnote NG52. The decision also adopted

Section 25.227 to govern ESAA operations. Gogo requests that the Commission modify its

license to reflect these changes.

                First, the Commission should revise condition 90056 in the Special and General

Provisions portion of the Gogo ESAA License, which specifies that reception of downlink

transmissions is on a non-interference, non-protected basis. That provision should be altered to

remove references to operations in the 11.7-12.2 GHz band that are now entitled to primary

status. A suggested restatement of this condition that also incorporates the new satellites

requested in the instant modification is as follows:

    See ESAA Order at ¶¶ 16-17.


90056 --- Reception of downlink transmissions is on a non-interference, non-protected basis
          from the following geostationary-orbit space stations: SES-4 (Call Sign S2828) at
          22° W.L. in the 12.5-12.75 GHz frequency band; SES-6 (Call Sign S2870) at
          40.5° W.L. in the 10.95-11.2 GHz frequency band; Intelsat 14 (Call Sign S2785) at
          45° W.L. in the 11.7-11.95 GHz frequency band; NSS-703 (Call Sign S2818) at
          47.05° W.L. in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-11.95 GHz, and 12.5-
          12.75 GHz frequency bands; Intelsat 21 (Call Sign S2863) at 58° W.L. in the 11.45-
          11.7 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz frequency bands; SES-1 (Call Sign S2807) at 101° W.L.
          in the 11.7-12.2 GHz frequency band; Intelsat 19 (Call Sign S2850) at 166° E.L. in the
          12.25-12.75 GHz frequency band; and Intelsat 22 (Call Sign S2846) at 72.1° E.L. in
          the 12.25-12.5 GHz frequency band; and Intelsat 904 (Call Sign S2408) at 60° E.L. in
          the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency bands. When communicating with
          these satellites in these frequency bands, Tthe aircraft earth station operations
          authorized herein must accept interference from any radio station operating in
          conformance with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations. 10

  Alternatively, in order to distinguish between portions of the extended Ku-band that are
covered by the ESAA Order and those which are permitted for ESAA on an ad hoc basis
pursuant to waiver of the Table of Allocations, the Commission may want to divide this
condition into two separate provisions. A suggested formulation for this alternative is as

90056 --- Reception of downlink transmissions is on a non-interference, non-protected basis
          from the following geostationary-orbit space stations: SES-6 (Call Sign S2870) at
          40.5° W.L. in the 10.95-11.2 GHz frequency band; NSS-703 (Call Sign S2818) at
          47.05° W.L. in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency bands; Intelsat 21
          (Call Sign S2863) at 58° W.L. in the 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency band; and Intelsat 904
          (Call Sign S2408) at 60° E.L. in the 10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency
          bands. When communicating with these satellites in these frequency bands, the
          aircraft earth station operations authorized herein must accept interference from any
          radio station operating in conformance with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations.

90056A --- Reception of downlink transmissions is on a non-interference, non-protected basis
         from the following geostationary-orbit space stations: SES-4 (Call Sign S2828) at
         22° W.L. in the 12.5-12.75 GHz frequency band; NSS-703 (Call Sign S2818) at
         47.05° W.L. in the 12.5-12.75 GHz frequency band; Intelsat 19 (Call Sign S2850) at
         166° E.L. in the 12.25-12.75 GHz frequency band; and Intelsat 22 (Call Sign S2846)
         at 72.1° E.L. in the 12.25-12.5 GHz frequency band. When communicating with these
         satellites in these frequency bands, the aircraft earth station operations authorized
         herein must accept interference from any radio station operating in conformance with
         the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations.


               Second, condition 90071 of the license should be deleted in its entirety. That

provision granted waivers of the Table of Allocations for ESAA operations in the 11.7-12.2 GHz,

10.95-11.2 GHz, and 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency bands and a waiver of footnote NG104 in the

10.95-11.2 GHz and 11.45-11.7 GHz bands, pending action on a conforming modification

pursuant to the ESAA Order. Because ESAA operations in the 11.7-12.2 GHz, 10.95-11.2 GHz,

and 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency bands are consistent with the Table of Allocations as revised in

the ESAA Order and footnote NG104 was deleted in that decision, condition 90071 is no longer


               Third, Gogo requests that the Commission modify condition 90068 of the Gogo

ESAA License, which describes the data logging requirements applicable to the Gogo ESAA

network, to conform to the specifications of Section 25.227(a)(6). The current license condition

has a longer standard recording interval than does Section 25.227(a)(6) but also requires

collection of data that was not included when the Commission adopted the ESAA rules. In order

to clarify the specifics of the data logging applicable to Gogo and conform them to the obligation

that will be imposed on future ESAA licensees, Gogo requests that the Commission delete

condition 90068 and instead apply the terms of 25.227(a)(6) to the Gogo ESAA network.


IV.           CONCLUSION

              Gogo requests that the Commission modify the Gogo ESAA License to reflect the

changes described herein.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          GOGO LLC

                                          By: /s/ William J. Gordon______

Of Counsel                                   William J Gordon
Karis A. Hastings                            VP, Regulatory Affairs
SatCom Law LLC                               Gogo LLC
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400               1250 N Arlington Heights Road
Washington, D.C. 20004                       Itasca, IL 60143
Tel: (202) 599-0975                          Tel: (202) 870-7220

Michele C. Farquhar
David L. Martin
Hogan Lovells US LLP
555 13th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
Tel: (202) 637-5600

Dated: November 14, 2013


                                           ANNEX 1:

                      Table of Information Required by Section 25.227

 Section 25.227                         Citation to Information Provided
25.227(a)(4) &     N/A: Gogo does not propose to use a contention protocol.
25.227(a)(5) &     24/7 point of contact is Gogo Network Operations Center, 1250 North
25.227(b)(6)       Arlington Heights Road, Itasca, IL, +1 866-943-4662, as specified in
                   Form 312 Schedule B, Items E2-E9.
25.227(a)(15)      Gogo certifications are in Annex 6 attached.
25.227(b)(2)(i),   Target satellite operator certifications are in Annex 3 attached.
(ii) & (iii)
25.227(b)(2)(iv)   Demonstration regarding compliance with coordination agreements and
                   ceasing emissions is in Annex 4 attached.
25.227(b)(4)       Gogo’s ESAA network will operate in U.S. airspace, foreign airspace, and in
                   the airspace over international waters. Coverage areas for the specific
                   satellites to be used in the Gogo network are described in the table found in
                   Annex 2 attached, and detailed contours for all the satellites are on file with
                   the Commission.
25.227(b)(7)       Gogo certifications are in Annex 6 attached.
25.227(b)(8)       An updated Radiation Hazard Analysis is in Annex 7 attached. The new
                   analysis reflects a slightly higher maximum EIRP for the carriers proposed in
                   this modification than was used in the prior analysis (44.63 dBW instead of
                   44.44 dBW).
25.227(c)          Gogo’s coordination agreement with NASA was filed February 1, 2013 in
                   File Nos. SES-LIC-20120619-00574 et al.
25.227(d)          Gogo’s coordination agreement with NSF was included as Amendment
                   Exhibit B in File No. SES-AMD-20120731-00709.

                                          ANNEX 2:

                          Updated Spacecraft and Teleport Tables

                                                                          Use in US   Satellite
Satellite   Location   Beam Coverage Area      Tx (GHz)    Rx (GHz)
                                                                          airspace?   Operator
 SES-1       101W         North America        14-14.5    11.7 – 12.2        Yes
 SES-4       22W              Europe           14-14.5     12.5-12.75        No
                        East Atlantic Ocean    14-14.5     10.95-11.2        No
 SES-6       40.5W
                       West Atlantic Ocean     14-14.5     10.95-11.2       Yes
                         S2 - Northwestern                                              SES
                                               14-14.5    11.7 – 11.95      Yes
                           Atlantic Ocean
                         S1 – North-central               10.95 – 11.2;
NSS-703     47.05W                             14-14.5                       No
                           Atlantic Ocean                  11.45-11.7
                         S3 - Northwestern
                                               14-14.5     12.5-12.75        No
                           Atlantic Ocean
                          North and South
 IS-14       45W               America         14-14.5    11.7 – 12.2       Yes
                           excludes Brazil
                                Brazil         14-14.5     11.7 – 12.2       No
 IS-21       58W
                       South Atlantic Ocean    14-14.5    11.45 – 11.7       No
                       Mobility from Mideast
 IS-22       72.1E         to Japan and to     14-14.5    12.25 – 12.5       No
                         Northeast Pacific                                             Intelsat
                                               14-14.5    12.25-12.75       Yes
                         Northwest Pacific
                                               14-14.5    12.25-12.75        No
 IS-19       166E               Ocean
                              Australia        14-14.5    12.25-12.75        No
                         Southwest Pacific
                                               14-14.5    12.25-12.75        No
                          Spot 1 - Western                10.95 – 11.2;
 IS-904       60E                              14-14.5                       No
                                Russia                     11.45-11.7
                           North America       14-14.5      11.7-12.2       Yes
Satmex 5    114.9W       Central and South                                             Satmex
                                               14-14.5     11.7-12.2        Yes
                        North Pacific Ocean
 E172A       172E         and Northeastern     14-14.5     11.7-12.2         No       Eutelsat

Satellite         Teleport Location          FCC Call Sign
 SES-1                Woodbine, MD             E920698
                       Bristow, VA             E020071
                       Bristow, VA             E000696
 SES-6           Betzdorf, Luxembourg            N/A
NSS-703               Woodbine, MD             E070181
                 ATL teleport ATL-C06          E940333
                 ATL teleport ATL-K15          E090093
                  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil         N/A
            Mobility: MTN teleport MTN-K02     E030051
 IS-22                Kumsan, Korea              N/A
                      Perth, Australia           N/A
 IS-19          Napa teleport NAP-K31          E980460
                 Napa teleport NAP-C30         E980467
 IS-904              Moscow, Russia              N/A
Satmex 5        Napa teleport NAP-K31           KA450
 E172a             Khabarovsk, Russia            N/A


       ANNEX 3:

Satellite Company Letters

  ‘)j eutelsat
                communications via satellite

                                                    November 12, 2013

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                    Re: Engineering Certification of Eutelsat

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter confirms that Eutelsat is aware that Gogo LLC ("Gogo") is planning to seek a
modification to its blanket authorization (the "Modification Application") from the Federal
Communications Commission ("FCC"), to operate technically identical Ku—band transmit/receive
earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call Sign E120106. Gogo seeks additional
authorization for these aeronautical Ku—band earth stations in order also to utilize E172a at 172°
E.L. under the current ESAA rules, including Section 25.227.

Based upon the representations made to Eutelsat by Gogo concerning the contents of its
Modification Application:

     e     Eutelsat certifies that the proposed use of the ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the
          power density levels that Gogo provided to Eutelsat is consistent with existing
          coordination agreements to which Eutelsat is a party with all adjacent satellite operators
          within +/— 6 degrees of orbital separation from E172a.
     e    Eutelsat also acknowledges that the proposed operation of the Gogo ESAA terminal has
          the potential to receive harmful interference from adjacent satellite networks that may be
     e    If the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Gogo, Eutelsat will include the power
          density levels specified by Gogo in all future satellite network coordination with other
          adjacent satellite operators.


                                                                      Ethan Lavan
                                                                      Director of Orbital Resources
                                                                      Eutelsat S.A.


Eutelsat S.A. — société anonyme a Conseil d‘Administration au capital de 646 070 599 € — RCS n° 422 551 176 Paris
Siege social —« 70 rue Balard —« F—75502 Paris Cedex 15 :« France : tel. +33 1 53 98 47 47 : fax +33 1 53 98 37 00

 15 October, 2013

 Federal Communication Commission
 International Bureau
 445 12"" Street SW
 Washington, D.D. 20554

                         Re: Engineering Certification of Intelsat

7 To Whom It May Concern:

 This letter certifies that Intelsat is aware that Gogo LLC ("Gogo") is planning to
 seek a modification to its blanket authorization, from the Federal
 Communications Commission ("FCC"), to operate technically identical Ku—band
 transmit/receive earth stations for the provision of Aeronautical‘Mobile Satellite
 Service (Call Sign E120106). Gogo seeks additional authorization for these
 aeronautical Ku—band earth stations to also utilize 15—904 at 60E, under the
 current rules for Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft (ESAA), including Section 25.227.

 In its initial FCC application, Gogo stated that their AMSS aircraft remote
 terminals use the AeroSat HR6400 which supports reception and transmission, in
 the 10.7—12.75 GHz and 14.0—14.5 GHz bands respectively, to and from a
 geostationary satellite in space with a linear polarized array antenna. The HR6400
 antenna has an array of two rows of 32 elements each, with each lensed—horn
 element being 3.4 X .75 inches. The antenna operates under gimbaled motor
 control to orient the antenna in azimuth, elevation and polarization and achieves
 better than a + 0.2 degree rms pointing accuracy during active tracking of the
 intended satellite. All emissions automatically cease within 100 ms if the pointing
 error exceeds 0.5°, and transmission is not resumed until the angle is verified to
 be less than 0.2°. In its initial application, Gogo indicated that the AMSS terminal
 complies with the off—axis EIRP density level requirements specified in Sections
 25.222 and 25.226 of the Commission‘s Rules, at all off—axis angles up to and
 including 6 degrees separation in geostationary orbit. The terminal will also
 comply with the off—axis EIRP density level requirements of Section 25.227 for
 ESAA terminals in the revised rules.

 When communicating with 15—904, Gogo will operate its antenna within the 14.0—
 14.5 GHz FSS uplink band and the 10.95 — 11.2 or 11.45—11.7 GHz FSS downlink
 band. Within the service area defined by Gogo, over angles up to and including 6
 degrees separation in the geostationary orbit, the maximum uplink power density
 emitted in the plane of the geostationary arc will be less than those defined in
 Section 25.227(a)(1). The maximum forward downlink EIRP density will be 12.93

 Intelsat certifies that the use of the above referenced ESAA transmit/receive
 terminal by Gogo, installed and operated in accordance with the Gogo application

  Intelsat Corporation
  3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T+1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898

 and the above conditions, is consistent with existing coordination agreements
 with all adjacent satellite operators within +/— 6 degrees of orbital separation from
 15—904. Intelsat also acknowledges that the use of the above referenced terminal
 by Gogo has the potential to receive harmful interference from adjacent satellite
 networks that may be unacceptable. If the FCC authorizes the operations
 proposed by Gogo in its application, Intelsat will include the power density levels,
 as described above, in all future satellite network coordinations with other
 adjacent satellite operators. Gogo shall comply with all such coordination
 agreements reached by the satellite operators

 In order to prevent unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites, Intelsat has
 been informed, and Gogo acknowledges, that the ESAA antennas will be installed
_and operated in accordance withthe above conditions and/or any other _                  —
 operational requirements specified in the FCC license ultimately granted to Gogo.
 If the use of this antenna should cause unacceptable interference into other
 systems, Gogo has agreed it will terminate transmissions immediately upon notice
 from the affected parties.


                                                                /6thlihs To3
 Alan Yates                                                      Date
 Senior Technical Advisor, Spectrum Strategy
 Intelsat, LLC

 Acceptance by Gogo, LLC:

 Gogo affirms that the information provided reflected in this coordination letter is
 true and accurate to the best of Gogo‘s knowledge, information and belief, and
 thatit shall comply with all relevant Intelsat coordination agreements, as provided

                                                          RZ be)Z
 Timothy Joyce                                                     Date
 VP of RF Engine
 Gogo LLC

 69 satmEX
 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau
445 12"" Street, S.W.
 Washington, D.C. 20554

October 25, 2013

                Re: Engineering Certification of Satélites Mexicanos S.A. de CV

To WhomIt May Concern:

This letter certifies that Satélites Mexicanos S.A. de CV ("SATMEX") is aware that Gogo LLC
("Gogo") is planning to seek a modification to its blanket authorization from the Federal
Communications Commission ("FCC"), to operate technically identical Ku—band
transmit/receive earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call Sign E120106. Gogo seeks
additional authorization for these aeronautical Ku—band earth stations to also utilize Satmex—5 at
114.9° W.L. under the current ESAA rules including Section 25.227.

Satmex recognizes that the proposed use of the ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the power
density levels provided by Satmex is consistent with existing coordination agreements with all
adjacent satellite operators within +/— 6 degrees of orbital separation from Satmex—5. Satmex
also acknowledges that the proposed operation of the Gogo ESAA terminal has the potential to
receive harmful interference from adjacent satellite networks that may be unacceptable. Ifthe
FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Gogo, Satmex will take into consideration the power
density levels associated with the operation of Gogo in all future satellite network coordinations
with other adjacent satellite operators, in accordance with the established international


                                                                    I0 28 [20(3
                              XZ                                  Date                                    x
Hector Fortis                                                                                          A («]Z/’
International and Regulatory Affairs

       SATMEX |Av. Paseo de la Reforma No. 222 Pisos 20 y 21 | Col. Judrez CP 06600, Mexico, D.F. |

     Federal Communications Commission
     International Bureau
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554

     November 7, 2013

     Re: Engineering Certification of New Skies Satellites B.V.

     This letter certifies that New Skies Satellites B.V. ("SES") is aware that Gogo LLC
     ("Gogo") is planning to seek a modification to its blanket authorization from the Federal
     Communications Commission ("FCC"), to operate technically identical Ku—band
     transmit/receive earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call Sign E120106. Gogo
     seeks additional authorization for these aeronautical Ku—band earth stations to also
     utilize SES—6 at 319.5° E.L. under the current ESAA rules including Section 25.227.

     SES certifies that the proposed use of the ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the power
     density levels that Gogo provided to SES (and captured in a letter executed by Tim Joyce
     of Gogo on October 22, 2013) is consistent with existing operator—to—operator
     coordination agreements with all adjacent satellite operators within +/— 6 degrees of
     orbital separation from SES—6. SES also acknowledges that the proposed operation of
     the Gogo ESAA terminal has the potential to receive harmful interference from adjacent
     satellite networks that may be unacceptable. If the FCC authorizes the operations
     proposed by Gogo, SES will include the power density levels specified by Gogo in all
     future satellite network coordinations with other adjacent satellite operators.


fif   Kimberly M. Baum
     VP, Spectrum Management & Development, Americas

           SES/1129 20" Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington, DC 20036] USA | Tel: +1 202478 7100 | Fax: +1 2024787101 |

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20554

October 31, 2013

Re: Engineering Certification of SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Limited

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter certifies that SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Limited ("SES") is aware that Gogo LLC
("Gogo") is planning to seek a modification to its blanket authorization from the Federal
Communications Commission ("FCC"), to operate technically identical Ku—band
transmit/receive earth stations aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call Sign E120106. SES understands
that Gogo will be filing the modification pursuant to the current ESAA rules including Section
25.227 and will seek to revise the input power density levels at which these aeronautical Ku—
band earth stations will communicate with NSS—703 at 47.05° W.L.

SES certifies that the proposed use of the ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the revised power
density levels that Gogo provided to SES (and captured in a letter executed by the undersigned
on October 17, 2013 and by Tim Joyce of Gogo on October 22, 2013) is consistent with existing
operator—to—operator coordination agreements with all adjacent satellite operators within +/— 6
degrees of orbital separation from NSS—703. SES also acknowledges that the proposed
operation of the Gogo ESAA terminal has the potential to receive harmfulinterference from
adjacent satellite networks that may be unacceptable. If the FCC authorizes the operations
proposed by Gogo, SES will include the power density levels specified by Gogoin all future
satellite network coordinations with other adjacentsatellite operators.


  er      . Bau
VP Spectrum Martagement & Development, Americas

      SEST1129 20° Street NW, Suie 1000 | Washington, DC 20038] USA | Tel: +1 202478 7100 | Fax: +1 2024787101 |

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20554

October 31, 2013

Re: Engineering Certification of SES Americom, Inc.

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter certifies that SES Americom, Inc. ("SES") is aware that Gogo LLC ("Gogo") is planning
to seek a modification to its blanket authorization from the Federal Communications
Commission ("FCC"), to operate technically identical Ku—band transmit/receive earth stations
aboard aircraft ("ESAAs"), Call Sign E120106. SES understands that Gogo will befiling the
modification pursuant to the current ESAA rules including Section 25.227 and will seek to
revise the input power density levels at which these aeronautical Ku—band earth stations will
communicate with SES—1 at 101° W.L.

SES certifies that the proposed use ofthe ESAA transmit/receive terminals at the revised power
density levels that Gogo provided to SES (and captured in a letter executed by the undersigned
on July 26, 2013 and by Tim Joyce of Gogo on August 15, 2013) is consistent with existing
operator—to—operator coordination agreements with all adjacent satellite operators within +/— 6
degrees of orbital separation from SES—1. SES also acknowledges that the proposed operation
of the Gogo ESAA terminal has the potential to receive harmful interference from adjacent
satellite networks that may be unacceptable. If the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by
Gogo, SES will include the power density levels specified by Gogo in all future satellite network
coordinations with other adjacent satellite operators.


VP, Spectrum Management & Development, Americas

      SEST1129 20° Street NW, Suite 1000 | Wastington, DC 20038] UBA | Tel: +1 202478 7100 | Faxc +1 2024787101 |

                                           ANNEX 4:

                         Section 25.227(b)(2)(iv) Compliance Showing

The Gogo ESAA system will comply with all coordination agreements with satellite operators,
and is capable of detecting and automatically ceasing emissions within 100 milliseconds if the
off-axis EIRP spectral density (OESD) levels are not confirmed to be within the limits supplied
to satellite operators.

The Aeronautical Earth Stations (AESs) operating on the Gogo ESAA system consist of the
AeroSat Ku antenna system, which incorporates the iDirect satellite modem. This system
interfaces with the various satellites which comprise the Space Segment (via the Ku band). The
satellites in turn communicate with the Ground Segment, which consists of the Gateway Earth
Stations and Network Operations Centers (NOCs) that are associated with the satellites and the
overall Gogo ESAA network. Utilizing input from the aircraft’s navigation system ARINC 429
interface, the antenna is steered by the antenna control system and satellite modem as the aircraft
maneuvers and travels in the air. Gogo’s on-board data network interfaces with the satellite
modem to provide users with access to online connectivity, as well as to in-flight entertainment

An AES will not initiate communications with a specific satellite unless its operational
characteristics have been confirmed to be within defined limits. With iDirect’s satellite modem,
Gogo is able to use Automatic Beam Selection (ABS) to switch between satellite beams as an
aircraft travels between different served areas. This also allows Gogo to control the terminal’s
access to a geographically defined service area. The modem’s satellite maps contain the
information regarding which satellite and beam is preferred based on the terminal’s geographic
location. For each service area, operational parameters are defined to ensure that applicable
OESD levels are not exceeded within the service area. For example, the maximum skew is set
on a service area basis. This parameter will limit the maximum angle of skew that the antenna
can tolerate before it mutes its transmission for the given area. The ABS system ensures that
terminals only operate within the defined service areas, allows the terminal to select the
appropriate adjoining service area when the boundary is approached, and manages the process of
switching to the selected service area (permitting continuity of service as service area boundaries
are crossed).

Once communication between the AES and a satellite has begun, there are multiple modes of
fault detection within the ESAA system that will cause transmissions to be terminated. All
emissions automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location
of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the antenna exceeds 0.5 degrees, and
transmission is not resumed until the angle is less than 0.2 degrees. In addition, if the Antenna
Control Modem Unit (ACMU) loses communication with the aircraft inertial reference system,

or if there is a failure of the ACMU itself, it will cause the transmitter to immediately mute. If
the reference oscillator fails, the antenna system will cease transmission. If the maximum skew
is exceeded within the defined service area, the antenna’s transmitter will be muted. Finally, the
Antenna System will not transmit unless it sees the appropriate out-route signal from the
satellite; if the signal is not received, the Antenna System will not transmit.

Thus, the Gogo ESAA system will not commence operations, or will cease operations within
100 milliseconds, if the OESD levels supplied to the target satellite operator are exceeded, as
required in Section 25.227(b)(2)(iv).


                                     ANNEX 5:

                             Updated SES-1 Link Budget

            Forward Link Budget                          Return Link Budget
Hub                      Woodbine, MD       Terminal                    Gogo AES-1
Required Eb/No             1.2 dB           Required Eb/No               3.6 dB
Modulation              QPSK                Modulation               BPSK
Info Rate               18,465 Kbps         Info Rate                  1000 Kbps
FEC Rate                   1/3              FEC Rate                     2/3
Carrier Rolloff            1.2              Carrier Spacing             1.30
Satellite SFD @ 0        -94.9 dBW/m2       Carrier Spreading            2.0
dB/K                                        Satellite SFD @ 0         -95.1 dBW/m2
Transponder Atten          9.0 dB           dB/K
Transponder ID        US Coverage           Transponder Atten            9.0 dB
Hub Transmit                                Transponder ID         US Coverage
Frequency                 14.4 GHz          Aircraft Transmit
Satellite G/T              6.3 dB/oK        Terminal
Antenna Diameter           9.2 M            Frequency                   14.2 GHz
Carrier EIRP              71.5 dBW          Satellite G/T                1.0 dB/oK
Ant. Input PFD           -28.1 dBW/4kHz     Antenna Diameter             0.4 M
Path Loss                207.3 dB           Carrier EIRP                44.5 dBW
Atm/Point/Pol Loss         0.7 dB           Ant Input PFD             -13.3 dBW/4kHz
Aircraft Receive                            Path Loss                 206.9 dB
Terminal                                    Atm/Point/Pol Loss           0.6 dB
Frequency                 12.1 GHz          Hub Receive
Satellite EIRP            44.0 dBW          Frequency                   11.9 GHz
Downlink PFD@             12.8 dBW/4kHz     Satellite EIRP              50.3 dBW
Beam Center                                 Downlink PFD@               -4.9 dBW/4kHz
Receive Gain              30.8 dB           Beam Center
Terminal G/T              11.0 dB/oK        Hub G/T                     37.3 dB/oK
Path Loss                205.6 dB           Path Loss                 205.5 dB
Other Losses               0.6 dB           Other Losses                 0.6 dB
Transponder                                 Transponder
Total OPBO                 0.0 dB           Total OPBO                   3.0 dB
Carrier OPBO               0.0 dB           Carrier OPBO                28.5 dB
C/No Thermal Up           98.4 dB-Hz        C/No Thermal Up             66.7 dB-Hz
C/No Thermal Dn           77.4 dB-Hz        C/No Thermal Dn             81.7 dB-Hz
C/Io Total                76.7 dB-Hz        C/Io Total                  67.0 dB-Hz
C/No+Io                   74.0 dB-Hz        C/No+Io                     63.7 dB-Hz
Add’l Link Margin         0.14 dB           Add”l Link Margin           0.12 dB
% BW per cxr              99.9 %            % BW per cxr                10.8 %
% Power per cxr           99.0 %            % Power per cxr             0.28 %
Xpdr BW Alloc             36.0 MHz          Xpdr BW Alloc                3.9 MHz

                                           ANNEX 6:

                                      Gogo Certifications

              Gogo LLC (“Gogo”), in support of the foregoing application to modify the Gogo
ESAA License, hereby certifies as follows:
   1. Gogo’s target space station operators have confirmed that Gogo’s proposed ESAA
       operations over international waters are within coordinated parameters for adjacent
       satellites up to 6 degrees away on the geostationary arc.
   2. Gogo will comply with the requirements contained in paragraphs (a)(6), (a)(9), (a)(10),
       and (a)(11) of Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.227.

                                             By:     /s/ Timothy Joyce
                                                     Timothy Joyce
                                                     VP of RF Engineering
                                                     Gogo LLC

November 14, 2013

                                                 ANNEX 7:

                                 Updated Radiation Hazard Analysis

This analysis predicts the radiation levels around a proposed earth station terminal, comprised of one
array type antenna. This report is developed in accordance with the prediction methods contained in OET
Bulletin No. 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields, Edition 97-01, pp 26-30. The maximum level of non-ionizing radiation to which
employees may be exposed is limited to a power density level of 5 milliwatts per square centimeter (5
mW/cm2) averaged over any 6 minute period in a controlled environment, and the maximum level of non-
ionizing radiation to which the general public is exposed is limited to a power density level of 1 milliwatt
per square centimeter (1 mW/cm2) averaged over any 30 minute period in an uncontrolled environment.
Note that the worst-case radiation hazards exist along the beam axis. Under normal circumstances, it is
highly unlikely that the antenna axis will be aligned with any occupied area since that would represent a
blockage to the desired signals, thus rendering the link unusable.

Earth Station Technical Parameter Table
Antenna Aperture Width                0.62 meters
Antenna Aperture Height               0.17 meters
Antenna Surface Area                  .1069 sq. meters
Antenna Isotropic Gain                29.0 dBi
Number of Identical Adjacent Antennas 1
Nominal Frequency                     14.25 GHz
Nominal Wavelength (λ)                0.0211 meters
Maximum Transmit Power / Carrier      36.55 Watts
Number of Carriers                    1
Total Transmit Power                  36.55 Watts
W/G Loss from Transmitter to Feed     0.0 dB
Total Feed Input Power                36.55 Watts
Near Field Limit                      Rnf = D²/4λ =4.55 meters
Far Field Limit                       Rff = 0.6 D²/λ = 10.92 meters
Transition Region                     Rnf to Rff

In the following sections, the power density in the above regions, as well as other critically important
areas will be calculated and evaluated. The calculations are done in the order discussed in OET Bulletin

1.0 At the Antenna Surface

The power density at the antenna radiating surface can be calculated from the expression:

 PDrefl = 4P/A = 132.372 mW/cm²            (1)
 Where: P = total power at feed, milliwatts
          A = Total area of reflector, sq. cm

In the normal range of transmit powers for satellite antennas, the power densities at or around the reflector
surface are expected to exceed safe levels. This area will not be accessible to the general public.
Operators and technicians should receive training specifying this area as a high exposure area. Procedures

must be established that will assure that all transmitters are rerouted or turned off before access by
maintenance personnel to this area is possible.

2.0 On-Axis Near Field Region

The geometrical limits of the radiated power in the near field approximate a cylindrical volume with a
diameter equal to that of the antenna. In the near field, the power density is neither uniform nor does its
value vary uniformly with distance from the antenna. For the purpose of considering radiation hazard it is
assumed that the on-axis flux density is at its maximum value throughout the length of this region. The
length of this region, i.e., the distance from the antenna to the end of the near field, is computed as Rnf

The maximum power density in the near field is given by:

 PDnf = (16ε P)/(π D²) =     34.417 mW/cm² (2)
                             from 0 to 4.55 meters
 Uncontrolled Environment:       Does Not Meet Uncontrolled Limits
 Controlled Environment:         Does not Meet Controlled Limits

3.0 On-Axis Transition Region

The transition region is located between the near and far field regions. As stated in Bulletin 65, the power
density begins to vary inversely with distance in the transition region. The maximum power density in the
transition region will not exceed that calculated for the near field region, and the transition region begins
at that value. The maximum value for a given distance within the transition region may be computed for
the point of interest according to:

 PDt =       (PDnf)(Rnf)/R = dependent on R (3)
 where:      PDnf = near field power density
             Rnf = near field distance
             R = distance to point of interest
 For:        4.55 < R < 10.9 meters

We use Eq (3) to determine the safe on-axis distances required for the two occupancy conditions:


 Uncontrolled Environment Safe Operating Distance,(meters), Rsafeu:         156.7
 Controlled Environment Safe Operating Distance,(meters), Rsafec:           31.3

4.0 On-Axis Far-Field Region

The on- axis power density in the far field region (PDff) varies inversely with the square of the distance as

 PDff = PG/(4πR²) = dependent on R (4)
 where: P = total power at feed
        G = Numeric Antenna gain in the direction of interest relative to isotropic radiator


         R = distance to the point of interest
 For:    R > Rff = 10.9 meters
         PDff = 1.921 mW/cm² at Rff

We use Eq (4) to determine the safe on-axis distances required for the two occupancy conditions:


 Uncontrolled Environment Safe Operating Distance,(meters), Rsafeu :        See Section 3
 Controlled Environment Safe Operating Distance,(meters), Rsafec :          See Section 3

5.0 Off-Axis Levels at the Far Field Limit and Beyond

In the far field region, the power is distributed in a pattern of maxima and minima (sidelobes) as a
function of the off-axis angle between the antenna center line and the point of interest. Off-axis power
density in the far field can be estimated using the antenna radiation patterns prescribed for the antenna in
use. This will correspond to the antenna gain pattern for an off-axis angle. For example, for the Gogo
AES antenna at 1.5 degrees off axis the antenna gain is:

 Goff = 25.7 dBi at 1.5 degree

Considering that satellite antenna beams are aimed skyward, power density in the far field will usually not
be a problem except at low look angles. In these cases, the off axis gain reduction may be used to further
reduce the power density levels.

For example: At 1.5 degrees off axis at the far-field limit, we can calculate the power density as:

Goff = 25.7 dBi = 371.5 numeric

 PD1 deg off-axis = PDffx 371.5/G = 0.8986 mW/cm² (5)

6.0 Off-Axis power density in the Near Field and Transitional Regions

According to Bulletin 65, off-axis calculations in the near field may be performed as follows: assuming
that the point of interest is at least one antenna diameter removed from the center of the main beam, the
power density at that point is at least a factor of 100 (20 dB) less than the value calculated for the
equivalent on-axis power density in the main beam. Therefore, for regions at least Deff meters away from
the center line of the antenna, in any direction, the power density exposure is at least 20 dB below the
main beam level as follows:

 PDnf(off-axis) = PDnf /100 = 0.34417 mW/cm² at D off axis (6)

See Section 7 for the calculation of the distance vs. elevation angle required to achieve this rule for a
given object height.


7.0 Evaluation of Safe Occupancy Area in Front of Antenna

The distance (S) from a vertical axis passing through the antenna center to a safe off axis location in front
of the antenna can be determined based on the effective antenna diameter rule (Item 6.0). Assuming a flat
area in front of the antenna, the relationship is:

 S = (Deff/ sin α) + (2(h-GDeff) - Deff - 2)/(2 tan α) (7)
 Where: α = minimum elevation angle of antenna
        D = effective antenna diameter in meters
        h = maximum height of object to be cleared, meters

For distances equal or greater than determined by equation (7), the radiation hazard will be below safe
levels for all but the most powerful stations (> 4 kilowatts RF at the feed).

   For         D=            0.62 meters
               h=            2.0 meters
               GD =          1.0 meters - elevated height of earth station above ground (min)
               α             S
                10           7.5 meters
                15           5.0meters
                20           3.7 meters
                25           2.9 meters
                30           2.4 meters
This is a fuselage mounted antenna, and all persons working on or near the antenna will be properly
trained regarding radiation hazard. The antenna transmitter will be disabled any time work inside the
radome is in progress.


The earth station site will be on top of the fuselage and will be protected from uncontrolled access. There
will also be proper emission warning signs placed, and all operating personnel will be aware of the human
exposure levels at and around the earth station. The applicant agrees to abide by the conditions specified
in Condition 5208 provided below:

         Condition 5208 - The licensee shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the
         antenna does not create potential exposure of humans to radiofrequency radiation in
         excess of the FCC exposure limits defined in 47 CFR 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 wherever
         such exposures might occur. Measures must be taken to ensure compliance with limits for
         both occupational/controlled exposure and for general population/uncontrolled
         exposure, as defined in these rule sections. Compliance can be accomplished in most
         cases by appropriate restrictions such as fencing. Requirements for restrictions can be
         determined by predictions based on calculations, modeling or by field measurements. The
         FCC's OET Bulletin 65 (available on-line at provides
         information on predicting exposure levels and on methods for ensuring compliance,
         including the use of warning and alerting signs and protective equipment for worker.

The following table summarizes all of the above calculations:


Table - Summary of All RadHaz Parameters                                                    AES
Parameter                              Abbr.                                 Units          Formula
Dish #                                                                Hub
Antenna Dimenstions                    Dma                           0.62    meters         major axis (azimuth)
Effective Aperture Diameter            Deff                         0.375    meters
Antenna Centerline                     h                               0.5   meters
                                                                                     2                2
Antenna Surface Area                          Sa                   0.1069    meters         (π * Deff )/ 4
Frequency of Operation                        f                     14.25     GHz
Wavelength                                    λ                    0.0211    meters         c/f
HPA Output Power                              PHPA                  36.55     watts
HPA to Antenna Loss                           Ltx                     0.0     dB
Transmit Power at Flange                      P                  15.6        dBW            10 * Log(PHPA) - Ltx
Antenna Gain                                  Ges                 29.0        dBi
                                                                788.3         n/a
PI                                            π             3.1415927         n/a
Antenna Aperture Efficiency                   η                26.00%         n/a           Ges / (PI * Df /λ)

1. Reflector Surface Region Calculations
                                                                                    2                             2
Reflector Surface Power Density               PDas             1323.72       W/m            (16 * P)/(π * Deff )
                                                               132.372 mW/cm                Does Not Meet Uncontrolled Limits
                                                                                            Does not Meet Controlled Limits
2. On-Axis Near Field Calculations
Extent of Near Field                          Rn                     4.55    meters         Dma / (4 *λ)
                                                                    14.93     feet
                                                                                            (16 * η * P )/ (π *Deff )
                                                                             W/m                                          2
Near Field Power Density                      PDnf                 344.17
                                                                   34.417 mW/cm             Does Not Meet Uncontrolled Limits
                                                                                            Does not Meet Controlled Limits
3. On-Axis Transition Region Calculations
Extent of Transition Region (min)             Rtr                    4.55    meters         Dma / (4 *λ)
Extent of Transition Region (min)                                   14.93     feet
Extent of Transition Region (max)             Rtr                   10.92    meters         (0.6 * Dma ) /λ
Extent of Transition Region (max)                                   35.83     feet
                                                                                            (16 *η * P)/ (π * Deff )
                                                                             W/m                                      2
Worst Case Transition Region Power Density PDtr                    344.17
                                                                   34.417 mW/cm             Does Not Meet Uncontrolled Limits
                                                                                            Does not Meet Controlled Limits
Uncontrolled Environment Safe Operating DistanRsu                   156.7      m            =(PDnf)*(Rnf)/Rsu
Controlled Environment Safe Operating Distance Rsc                   31.3      m            =(PDnf)*(Rnf)/Rsc
4. On-Axis Far Field Calculations
Distance to the Far Field Region              Rf                     10.9    meters         (0.6 * Dma ) /λ
                                                                    35.83     feet
                                                                                            (Ges * P) / (4 * π * Rf )
On-Axis Power Density in the Far Field        PDff                  19.21    W/m
                                                                    1.921 mW/cm             Does Not Meet Uncontrolled Limits
                                                                                            Meets Controlled Limits
5. Off-Axis Levels at the Far Field Limit and Beyond                                2
                                                                                            (Ges * P) / (4 * π * Rf )*(Goa/Ges)
Reflector Surface Power Density             PDs                     8.986    W/m
Goa/Ges at example angle θ 1.5 degree                               0.468                   25.7 at 1.5 deg
                                                                0.8986 mW/cm Meets Controlled Limits
6. Off-axis Power Density in the Near Field and Transitional Regions Calculations
                                                                                 ((16 * η * P )/ (π *Deff ))/100
Power density 1/100 of Wn for one diameter PDs                                                            2
                                                               3.4417 W/m
removed                                                                        2
                                                              0.34417 mW/cm Meets Uncontrolled Limits
7. Off-Axis Safe Distances from Earth Station                                    S = (Dma/ sin α) + (2h - Dma - 2)/(2 tan α)
α = minimum elevation angle of antenna                              10   deg
h = maximum height of object to be cleared, meters                 2.0    m
GD = Ground Elevation Delta antenna-obstacle                       0.0    m
elevation angle                                    10              7.5    m
                                                   15              5.0    m
                                                   20              3.7    m
                                                   25              2.9    m
                                                   30              2.4    m

Note: Maximum FCC power density limits for 14 GHz is 1 mW/cm for general population/uncontrolled exposure as per
FCC OE&T Bulletin No. 65, Edition 97-01 August 1997, Appendix A page 67.


Document Created: 2013-11-14 15:41:04
Document Modified: 2013-11-14 15:41:04

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