Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20130728-00673 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                          Harris Corporation, Inc.
                                                                                               EXHIBIT A

                                          Radiation Hazard Study

                                                 Patriot 3.8m C

This study analyzes the potential Radio Frequency (RF) human exposure levels caused by the Electro
Magnetic (EM) fields of the above-captioned antenna. The mathematical analysis performed below complies
with the methods described in the Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology
Bulletin No. 65 (1985 rev. 1997) R&O 96-326.

Maximum Permisible Exposure
There are two separate levels of exposure limits. The first applies to persons in the general population who are
in an uncontrolled environment. The second applies to trained personnel in a controlled environment.
According to 47 C.F.R. § 1.1310, the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for frequencies above 1.5
GHz are as follows:
            • General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure 1.0 mW/cm2
            • Occupational / Controlled Exposure 5.0 mW/cm2
The purpose of this study is to determine the power flux density levels for the earth station under study as
compared with the MPE limits. This comparison is done in each of the following regions:
            1. Far-field region
            2. Near-field region
            3. Transition region
            4. The region between the feed and the antenna surface
            5. The main reflector region
            6. The region between the antenna edge and the ground

Input Parameters
The following input parameters were used in the calculations:

Parameter                                          Value        Unit      Symbol
Atenna Diameter:                                    3.8          m          D
Antenna Transmit Gain:                             45.40        dBi         G
Trasmit Frequency:                                 6000         MHz         f
Feed Flange Diameter:                              45.00        cm          d
Power Input to the Antenna:                        40.00         W          P

Calculated Parameters
The following values were calculated using the above input parameters and the corresponding formulas.

Parameter                                          Value        Unit      Symbol        Formula
Anenna Surface Area:                               11.34         m           A      πD 2/4
Area of Feed Flange:                             1590.43        cm2          a      πd 2/4
                                                                                       2    2 2
Antenna Efficiency:                                0.61                      η      Gλ /( π D )
Gain Factor:                                     34673.69                    g      10G /10
Wavelength:                                       0.0500          m          λ      300/ f

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                                                                                           Harris Corporation, Inc.
                                                                                                EXHIBIT A

Behavior of EM Fields as a Function of Distance
The behavior of the characteristics of EM fields varies depending on the distance from the radiating antenna.
These characteristics are analyzed in three primary regions: the near-field region, the far-field region and the
transition region. Of interest also are the region between the antenna main reflector and the subreflector, the
region of the main reflector area and the region between the main reflector and ground.

Figure 1. EM Fields as a Function of Distance

For parabolic aperture antennas with circular cross sections, such as the antenna under study, the near-field,
far-field and transition region distances are calculated as follows:

Parameter                                          Value        Unit    Formula
Near Field Distance:                               72.200        m      Rnf = D2/(4λ)
Distance to Far Field:                            173.280        m      Rff = 0.60D2/(λ)
Distance of Trasition Region                       72.200        m      Rt = Rnf

The distance in the transition region is between the near and far fields. Thus, Rnf ≤ Rt ≤ Rff . However, the
power density in the transition region will not exceed the power density in the near-field. Therefore, for
purposes of the present analysis, the distance of the transition region can equate the distance to the near-field.

Power Flux Density Calculations
The power flux density is considered to be at a maximum through the entire length of the near-field. This
region is contained within a cylindrical volume with a diameter, D, equal to the diameter of the antenna. In the
transition region and the far-field, the power density decreases inversely with the square of the distance. The
following equations are used to calculate power density in these regions.

                                                                                           Harris Corporation, Inc.

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                                                                                                   EXHIBIT A

Parameter                                         Value         Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density in the Near-Field                   0.858        mW/cm2        S nf      16.0 η P /(πD 2)
Power Density in the Far-Field                    0.368        mW/cm         S ff      GP /(4π R ff2)
Power Density in the Trans. Region                0.858        mW/cm2         St       Snf R nf /(R t)

The region between the main reflector and the subreflector is confined within a conical shape defined by the
feed assembly. The most common feed assemblies are waveguide flanges. This energy is determined as

Parameter                                         Value         Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density at the Feed Flange                  100.6        mW/cm         S fa      4P / a

The power density in the main reflector is determined similarly to the power density at the feed flange; except
that the area of the reflector is used.

Parameter                                         Value         Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density at Main Reflector                   1.411        mW/cm       S surface   4P / A

The power density between the reflector and ground, assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, is
calculated as follows:

Parameter                                         Value         Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density between Reflector and Ground        0.353        mW/cm2        Sg        P /A

Table 1 summarizes the calculated power flux density values for each region. In a controlled environment, the
only regions that exceed FCC limitations are shown below. These regions are only accessible by trained
technicians who, as a matter of procedure, turn off transmit power before performing any work in these areas.

                                                                  Controlled Environment
Power Densities                                  mW/cm2
                                                                         (5 mW/cm2)
Far Field Calculation                             0.368          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Near Field Calculation                            0.858          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Transition Region                                 0.858          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Region between Main and Subreflector              100.6              Exceeds Limitations
Main Reflector Region                             1.411          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Region between Main Reflector and Ground          0.353          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Table 1. Power Flux Density for Each Region

In conclusion, the results show that the antenna, in a controlled environment, and under the proper mitigation
procedures, meets the guidelines specified in 47 C.F.R. § 1.1310.

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Document Created: 2012-12-14 15:02:46
Document Modified: 2012-12-14 15:02:46

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