Letter re IBFS Corre

LETTER submitted by EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation

Letter re IBFS Correction 5-15-13


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20130307-00234 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Stephanie A. Roy
202 429 6278

1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036-1795
202 429 3000 main

Filed via IBFS

May 15, 2013

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      Call Sign E080120, File Nos. SES-MFS-20130307-00234, SES-MFS-20130503-00361

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation (“EchoStar”) asks that the Commission correct the
information available in the International Bureau Filing System (“IBFS”) for the earth station
with the call sign of E080120.

        In particular, in December 2012 the Commission approved a new frequency coordination
plan for this earth station to extend coordination to the 42° W.L. point on the geostationary arc
and to add EchoStar 15 at 44.9° W.L. as a point of communication.1 Prior to this December
2012 grant (but well after the public notice period had passed for the modification request),
EchoStar had submitted an additional modification request for this earth station to add the
EchoStar 8 satellite at 76.9° W.L. as a point of communication.2 The Commission granted this
second modification request in March 2013.3

        The IBFS records associated with the modification granted in March 2013 for this earth
station, however, do not reference the new authority granted in December 2012. EchoStar
therefore asks that the Commission correct the information available in IBFS with respect to this
earth station’s current authorization to reference all authorized points of communication and
frequency coordination, consistent with the December 2012 Commission action.

      EchoStar further notes that there are again two outstanding modification requests for the
E080120 earth station, both of which are referenced above. The request filed in March 2013 was

    See File No. SES-MFS-20120906-00798 (granted Dec. 14, 2012).
    Application, File No. SES-MFS-20121203-01052 (filed Dec. 3, 2012).
    See File No. SES-MFS-20121203-01052 (granted Mar. 28, 2013).

accepted for filing on May 8, 2013,4 while the May 2013 request has not yet been accepted for
filing.5 Consistent with the advice EchoStar received from Commission staff,6 EchoStar asks
that the requested correction in IBFS be made when the Commission next acts on one of these
two outstanding modification requests, and that the correction be reflected in the IBFS records
associated with the second of these two outstanding modification requests to receive action as

         Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Stephanie A. Roy
                                             Counsel for EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation

cc: Paul Blais

  Public Notice, Federal Communications Commission, Satellite Communications Services re:
Satellite Radio Applications Accepted For Filing, Report No. SES-01550 at 4 (May 8, 2013)
(accepting for filing Application, File No. SES-MFS-20130307-00234 (filed Mar. 7, 2013)).
    See Application, File No. SES-MFS-20130503-00361 (filed May 3, 2013).
  Counsel to EchoStar discussed the process of correcting the IBFS information in a May 14,
2013 conversation with Paul Blais, Branch Chief, Strategic Analysis Branch, Satellite Division,
International Bureau, Federal Communications Commission.


Document Created: 2013-05-15 10:53:06
Document Modified: 2013-05-15 10:53:06

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