PAC 1.65 Coordinatio

Section 1.65 Notification submitted by Panasonic Avionics Corporation

1.65 Notification


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20120913-00818 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     Squire Sanders (US) LLP
                                                                                     1200 19th Street, NW
                                                                                     Suite 300
                                                                                     Washington, D.C. 20036

                                                                                     O +1 202 626 6600
                                                                                     F +1 202 626 6780

                                                                                     Carlos M. Nalda
                                                                                     T +1 202 626 6659

October 1, 2012


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:     Application for License Modification of Panasonic Avionics Corporation;
        File No. SES-MFS-20120913-00818, Call Sign E100089; Satellite Operator

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Panasonic Avionics Corporation (“Panasonic”), pursuant to Section 1.65 of the
Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.65, hereby submits the enclosed satellite operator
certifications supporting international operations of the eXConnect Ku-band AMSS network
proposed in the above-referenced license modification application.

         Panasonic encloses certifications from three operators of five satellites it seeks to add as
authorized points of communication: Telesat Canada, operating Anik F1 and Telstar T11N; APT
Satellite Company Limited, operating Apstar 6 and Apstar 7; and Asia Satellite
Telecommunications Co., operating AsiaSat 5. These certifications confirm that Panasonic’s
planned operations fall within the operating parameters previously coordinated with adjacent
satellite operators and, where foreign aircraft operations with a satellite have already
commenced, confirm that there have been no reported cases of unacceptable interference relating
to Panasonic’s operation of the eXConnect system. Additional certification letters from other
satellite operators will be provided shortly.

        Lastly, Panasonic wishes to correct a minor typographical error regarding the orbital
location of the AsiaSat 5 satellite, identified as an additional satellite point of communication in
the application narrative and Schedule B of Form 312. AsiaSat 5 is currently located at 100.5°
E.L., rather than 101° E.L. as indicated in the application materials.

 37 Offices in 18 Countries
 Squire Sanders (US) LLP is part of the international legal practice Squire Sanders which operates worldwide through a number of
 separate legal entities.

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Squire Sanders (US) LLP                                         October 1, 2012

       Please feel free to contact the undersigned with any questions you may have or if
Panasonic can provide any additional information to facilitate expeditious action on its

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Squire Sanders (US) LLP

                                            /s/ Carlos M. Nalda
                                            Carlos M. Nalda

                                            Counsel to Panasonic Avionics Corporation

cc:      Paul Blais, FCC International Bureau
         Stephen Duall, FCC International Bureau


Telesat                                                       RJF012-019
1601 Telesat Court                                            Oct. 1, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario K1B 5P4

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter certifies that Telesat Canada ("Telesat") is aware that Panasonic Avionics
Corporation ("PAC") is seeking FCC authorization to access the Anik Fl satellite at
107.3° W.L. and the Telstar UN satellite at 37.55° W.L. as authorized points of
communication for its eXConnect Ku-band aeronautical mobile-satellite service
("AMSS") system using transmit/receive antennas that are not strictly compliant with the
FCC's antenna gain requirements.1 However, as described below, Telesat believes that
the terminals comply with the coordinated off-axis EIRP spectral density levels for the
PAC service carried on these satellites, which are higher than those contained in the
FCC's two-degree spacing rules.2

Telesat understands that PAC is presently operating the Aura LE aeronautical earth
station ("AES") terminal designed specifically for the eXConnect system and
manufactured by PAC. We understand that the Aura LE is a mechanically steered, flat-
plate AES with two transmit/receive apertures that is designed to meet the technical
requirements imposed on U.S. and international AMSS operations. The basic
characteristics of the Aura LE AES, as specified by PAC, are summarized in Table 1.

    See 47 CFR §25.209.

 Off-axis EIRP spectral density levels are set forth in analogous Ku-band earth stations
onboard vessels ("ESV") and vehicle-mounted earth stations ("VMES") rules. See 47
CFR §§25.222 and 25.226.

                          Table 1. Aura LE Antenna Characteristics
                   Characteristic                     Aura LE
               Frequency                 Tx: 14.0 GHz to 14.5 GHz
                                         Rx: 10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHz
               Aperture Size             2 Apertures of 34.7" X 6.6" each
               EIRP                      48.0 dBW
               G/T                       10-14 dB/K
               Tracking Rate             40 deg/sec in Azimuth
                                         20 deg/sec in Elevation
               Az Pointing Accuracy      0.2 deg 1-sigma

Based on our review of the technical specifications of the antenna and conversations with
PAC, we understand the following. The Aura LE antenna is designed to maintain
pointing towards the intended satellite through the full range of maneuvers carried out by
commercial aircraft. The antenna is pointed based on aircraft position and attitude
information obtained from the ARINC 429 data bus, which is standard on commercial
aircraft. This information is augmented with higher rated data from an inertial sensor
package that is integrated with the antenna and compensates for Inertial Navigation
System ("INS") errors that result from latency and bending of the airframe between the
aircraft INS unit and the antenna. The pointing accuracy of the Aura LE will be less than
0.2°, 1-sigma. Pointing error will be continuously monitored and if it ever exceeds 0.35°,
then transmissions will be automatically inhibited within 100 ms.3

The FCC off-axis EIRP spectral density limits applied to AMSS operations are the same
as those defined for ESV and VMES operations. The off-axis EIRP spectral density
generated by an AMSS terminal operating in a two-degree spacing environment should
not exceed:

       15-251oglO   + 0.2)      dBW/4kHz       for    1.5°<0<7°
       -6                       dBW/4kHz       for    7°<0<9.2°
       18-251oglO(0 + O.2)      dBW/4kHz       for    9.2°<0<48°
       -24                      dBW/4kHz       for    48°<0<85°
       -14                      dBW/4kHz       for    85°<0<18O°

where 0 is the angle in degrees from the line connecting the focal point of the antenna to
the orbital location of the target satellite. In regions where larger orbital spacing is the
norm, off-axis EIRP spectral density limits may be coordinated to higher levels.

We have been advised by PAC that the eXConnect system will limit off-axis EIRP
spectral density to the levels coordinated for the service on the Anik Fl and Telstar UN
satellites through various means, including: (i) limiting transmit power spectral density

 See 47 C.F.R. § 25.222(a)(7) (Ku-band ESVs) and § 25.226(b)(l)(iv)(B)(Ku-band

    Teles at
by controlling the transmit power of the terminal and by selecting appropriate carrier
bandwidths; (ii) controlling the off-axis gain of the antenna along the GSO by inhibiting
transmissions when the skew angle exceeds a specified threshold; and (iii) controlling
pointing error and inhibiting transmissions when the pointing offset exceeds a threshold
of 0.35°. The specific transmit power, bandwidth and skew angle thresholds will be
selected based on the desired terminal transmission rates, coverage area, and satellite

Based on the foregoing factors and discussions with PAC, we understand that the Aura
LE antenna will operate at an effective maximum input power density at the antenna
waveguide flange of -26.0 dBW /4 kHz with Anik Fl, -26.6 dBW /4 kHz with Telstar
UN (US beam) and -24.6 dBW /4 kHz with Telstar UN (AOR beam), assuming an
antenna gain of 37 dBi and employing BPSK modulation. At all times, the maximum
off-axis EIRP spectral density levels are consistent with the coordinated values for this
service on the Anik Fl and Telstar UN satellites. PAC takes advantage of larger orbital
spacing and/or coordination limits by operating at larger skew angles to increase the
geographic coverage area of its service.

Even in the rare circumstance when transmitting at maximum pointing offset, we believe
that this terminal is compliant with the applicable off-axis EIRP density level
requirements for potential affected satellites up to and including 6° off-axis. PAC has
advised us that it includes antenna pointing offsets in selecting the maximum power
levels defined above to ensure that the operation of the Aura LE, with the associated off-
axis EIRP density envelope for each satellite point of communication, will not cause
unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites. Telesat further states that the maximum
downlink satellite EIRP density of 13.0 dBW/4KHz, operational level of the Ku-band
AMSS network operated by PAC, is within the coordinated limits and will not cause
unacceptable interference to adjacent satellite operators. In summary,

       1. Telesat is familiar with the technical characteristics of the eXConnect phased-
          array AMSS terminal. See, e.g., FCC Modification Application, File No. File
          No. SES-MFS-20120913-00818, and Experimental License, File No. 0281-

       2. The eXConnect phased-array AMSS terminal operations described above,
          including PAC's planned operations on the Anik Fl and Telstar 1 IN satellites,
          fall within the operating parameters previously coordinated with adjacent
          satellite operators.

       3. Telesat acknowledges that it will include the subject non-conforming earth
          station operations in relevant future satellite network coordinations.

       4. Telesat further states that there have been no reported cases of unacceptable
          interference relating to PAC's existing operation of the eXConnect system on
          Telesat's Telstar UN or Telesat 14R satellites, either from other customers or
          from adjacent satellite operators.

    Teles at
Based on the above advice and understandings, Telesat agrees that operation of the
eXConnect phased-array AMSS terminal will not cause unacceptable interference into
other operations on Anik Fl and Telstar 11N, or adjacent satellites, and is otherwise in
accordance with Telesat's technical requirements.

John Forsey
ITU and Regulatory Division


  September 21, 2012

  Federal Communications Commussion
  International Bureau
  445 12th Street, S.W.
  Washington, D.C. 20554

  To Whom It May Concern:

  Dear Sirs/Madams

  This letter certifies that APT Satellite Company Limited. ("APT Satellite") is aware that Panasonic
  Avionics Corporation ("PAC") is seeking FCC authorization to access Apstar 6 at 134° E.L. and
  Apstar 7 at 76.5° E.L., as an authorized point of communication, for its eXConnect Ku—band
  aeronautical mobile—satellite service ("AMSS") system using transmit/receive antennas that are
  not strictly compliant with the FCC‘s antenna gain requirements.‘ However, as described below,
  APT Satellite believes that the terminals comply with the coordinated off—axis EIRP spectral
  densitzy levels of these satellites, which are up to 4 dB higher than the FCC‘s two—degree spacing

  APT Satellite understands that PAC will soon operate the Aura LE AES terminal designed
  specifically for the eXConnect system on the Apstar 6 and Apstar 7 satellites. APT Satellite
  understands that the Aura LE is a mechanically steered, flat—plate AES with two transmit/receive
  apertures that is similarly designed to meet the technical requirements imposed on U.S. and
  international AMSS operations. The basic characteristics of the Aura LE AES are summarized in
  Table 1.

                            Table 1. Aura LE Antenna Characteristics
                          Characteristic                   Aura LE
                     Frequency                Tx:; 14.0 GHz to 14.5 GHz
                                              Rx: 10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHz
                     Aperture Size            2 Apertures of 34.7" X 6.6" each
                     EIRP                     48.0 dBW
                     G/T                      10—14 dB/K
                     Tracking Rate            40 deg/sec in Azimuth

  ‘ See 47 CFR §25.209.

  * Off—axis EIRP spectral density levels are set forth in analogous Ku—band earth stations onboard
  vessels ("ESV") and vehicle—mounted earth stations ("VMES") rules. See 47 CFR §§25.222 and

                                                                                           Page 1 of 3


                                                    20 deg/sec in Elevation
                       Az Pointing Accuracy         0.2 deg 1—sigma

    Based on our review of the technical specification and conversations with PAC, APT Satellite
    understands that the Aura LE antenna is designed to maintain pointing towards the intended
    satellite through the full range of maneuvers carried out by commercial aircraft. The antenna is
    pointed based on aircraft position and attitude information obtained from the ARINC 429 data bus,
    which is standard on commercial aircraft. This information is augmented with higher rated data
    from an inertial sensor package that is integrated with the antenna and compensates for Inertial
    Navigation System ("INS") errors that result from latency and bending of the airframe between the
    aircraft INS unit and the antenna. The pointing accuracy of the Aura LE will be less than 0.2°
    l—sigma. Pointing error will be continuously monitored and if it ever exceeds 0.35°, then
    transmissions will be automatically inhibited within 100 ms.*

    The off—axis EIRP spectral density limits applied to AMSS operations are the same as those
    defined for ESV and VMES operations. The off—axis EIRP spectral density generated by an
    AMSS terminal operating in a two—degree spacing environment should not exceed:

            15—25log10 (® +0.2) dBW/4kHz for                 1.5°<®<7°
           —6                        dBW/4    kHz    for     7° < O <9.2°
           18—25log10(® + 0.2)        dBW/4   kHz    for     9.2° <® <48°
           —24                       dBW/4    kHz    for     48° < ©® < §5°
           —14                       dBW/4    kHz    for     85° < O < 180°

    where © is the angle in degrees from the line connecting the focal point of the antenna to the orbital
    location of the target satellite. In regions where larger orbital spacing is the norm, off—axis EIRP
    spectral density limits may be up to 4 dB higher.

    APT Satellite has been advised by PAC that the eXConnect system will limit off—axis EIRP
    spectral density to the levels coordinated for the Apstar 6 and Apstar 7 satellites through various
    means, including: (i) limiting transmit power spectral density by controlling the transmit power of
    the terminal and by selecting appropriate carrier bandwidths; (11) controlling the off—axis gain of
    the antenna along the GSO by inhibiting transmissions when the skew angle exceeds a specified
    threshold; and (i11) controlling pointing error and inhibiting transmissions when the pointing offset
    exceeds a threshold of 0.35°. The specific transmit power, bandwidth and skew angle thresholds
    will be selected based on the desired terminal transmission rates, coverage area, and satellite

    Based on the foregoing factors and discussions with PAC, APT Satellite understands that the Aura
    LE antenna will operate at an effective maximum input power density at the antenna waveguide
    flange of —16.7 dBW/4 kHz with Apstar 6 and —26.2 dBW/4 kHz with Apstar 7, assuming an
    antenna gain of 37 dBi and employing BPSK modulation. Even in the rare circumstance when
    transmitting at maximum pointing offset of 0.35°, this terminal is compliant with the applicable
    off—axis EIRP density level requirements for potential affected satellites up to and including 6°

    * See 47 C.F.R. § 25.222(a)(7) (Ku—band ESVs) and § 25.226(b)(1)(iv)(B)(Ku—band VMESs).

                                                                                                Page 2 of 3


  off—axis. PAC has advised that his conservative approach of including antenna pointing offsets in
  selecting the maximum power levels defined above ensures that the operation of the Aura LE, with
  the associated off—axis EIRP density envelope for each satellite point of communication, will not
  cause unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites.

  APT Satellite further certifies that the maximum downlink satellite EIRP densities of 20.4
  dBW/4KHz for Apstar 6 and 13.0 dBW/4KHz for Apstar 7 at the beam peaks , operational levels
  of the Ku—band AMSS network operated by PAC, is routinely used without causing unacceptable
  interference to adjacent satellite operators.

  In view of the foregoing and additional consultations between APT Satellite engineering staff and
  PAC, APT Satellite hereby certifies the following:

          1. APT Satellite is familiar with the technical characteristics of the eXConnect
               phased—array AMSS terminal.    See, e.g., FCC Modification Application, File No.
               SES—MFS—20120913—00818, and Experimental License, File No. 0281—EX—PL—2010.

         2. The eXConnect phased—array AMSS terminal operations described above, including
            PAC‘s planned operations on the Apstar 6 and Apstar 7 satellite, fall within the
            operating parameters previously coordinated with adjacent satellite operators.

  In sum, APT Satellite confirms that operation of the eXConnect phased—array AMSS terminal
  described above will not cause unacceptable interference into other operations on Apstar 6 and
  Apstar 7, or adjacent satellites, and is otherwise in accordance with APT Satellite‘s technical

  Please let me know if you require any additional information regarding APT Satellite‘s experience
  with PAC‘s operation ofthe eXConnect phased—array AMSS terminal on the Apstar 6 and Apstar 7


                      |       9

         Qp\fi                                            églp     >1,    29l%
  Liang Fuyu              I                           Date   |
  for APT Satellite

                                                                                         Page 3 of 3


            SIa              BC

         September 20, 2012

         Federal Communications Commission
         International Bureau
         445 12th Street, S.W.
         Washington, D.C. 20554

         To Whom It May Concern:

         This letter certifies that Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co. ("AsiaSat") is aware that
         Panasonic Avionics Corporation ("PAC") is seeking FCC authorization to access AsiaSat 5 at
         100.5° E.L. as an authorized point of communication for its eXConnect Ku—band aeronautical
         mobile—satellite service ("AMSS") system using transmit/receive antennas that are not strictly
         compliant with the FCC‘s antenna gain requirements.‘               However, as described below, the
         terminals comply with the coordinated off—axis EIRP spectral density levels ofthis satellite, which
         are up to 8 dB higher than the FCC‘s two—degree spacing rules."

         PAC is presently operating the Aura LE AES terminal designed specifically for the eXConnect
         system on the AsiaSat 5 satellite. The Aura LE is a mechanically steered, flat—plate AES with two
         transmit/receive apertures that is similarly designed to meet the technical requirements imposed on
         U.S. and international AMSS operations. The basic characteristics of the Aura LE AES are
         summarized in Table 1.

                                       Table 1. Aura LE Antenna Characteristics
                                   Characteristic                       AuraLE
                               Frequency                    Tx: 14.0 GHz to 14.5 GHz
                                                            Rx: 10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHz
                               Aperture Size                2 Apertures of 34.7" X 6.6" each
                               EIRP                         48.0 dBW
                               G/T                          10—14 dB/K
                               Tracking Rate                40 deg/sec in Azimuth
                                                            20 deg/sec in Elevation
                               Az Pointing Accuracy         0.2 deg 1—sigma

          ‘ See 47 CFR §25.209.

         * Off—axis EIRP spectral density levels are set forth in analogous Ku—band earth stations onboard
         vessels ("ESV") and vehicle—mounted earth stations ("VMES") rules. See 47 CFR §§25.222 and

    Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited                                               Page 1 of 3
19/F, Sunning Plaza, 10 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
     Telephone: +8522500 0888      Facsimile: +852 2576 4111

The Aura LE antenna is designed to maintain pointing towards the intended satellite through the
full range of maneuvers carried out by commercial aircraft. The antenna is pointed based on
aircraft position and attitude information obtained from the ARINC 429 data bus, which is
standard on commercial aircraft. This information is augmented with higher rated data from an
inertial sensor package that is integrated with the antenna and compensates for INS errors that
result from latency and bending of the airframe between the aircraft INS unit and the antenna. The
pointing accuracy of the Aura LE will be less than 0.2° 1—sigma. Pointing error will be
continuously monitored and if it ever exceeds 0.35°, then transmissions will be automatically
inhibited within 100 ms."

The off—axis EIRP spectral density limits applied to AMSS operations are the same as those
defined for ESV and VMES operations. The off—axis EIRP spectral density generated by an
AMSS terminal operating in a two—degree spacing environment should not exceed:

       15—25log10 (@ + 0.2)      dBW/MA kHz    for     L5° 203 7°
       ~6                        dBW/MA kHz    for     7°<®@<9.2°
       18—25log10(@ +0.2)        dBW/MAkHz     for     9.2°<®<48°
       —24                       dBW/A kHz     for     48°<@<85°
       —14                       dBW/A4 kHz    for     §5°<@<180°

where ® is the angle in degrees from the line connecting the focal point ofthe antenna to the orbital
location of the target satellite. In regions where larger orbital spacing is the norm, off—axis EIRP
spectral density limits may be up to 8 dB higher.

The eXConnect system will limit off—axis EIRP spectral density to the levels coordinated for the
AsiaSat 5 satellite through various means, including: (i) limiting transmit power spectral density
by controlling the transmit power of the terminal and by selecting appropriate carrier bandwidths;
(ii) controlling the off—axis gain of the antenna along the GSO by inhibiting transmissions when the
skew angle exceeds a specified threshold and (iii) controlling pointing error and inhibiting
transmissions when the pointing offset exceeds a threshold of 0.35 . The specific transmit power,
bandwidth and skew angle thresholds will be selected based on the desired terminal transmission
rates, coverage area, and satellite performance.

The Aura LE antenna will operate at an effective maximum input power density at the antenna
waveguide flange of —17.7 dBW /4 kHz, assuming an antenna gain of 37 dBi and employing BPSK
modulation. Even in the rare circumstance when transmitting at maximum pointing offset, this
terminal is compliant with the applicable off—axis EIRP density level requirements for potential
affected satellites up to and including 6° off—axis. PAC‘s conservative approach of including
antenna pointing offsets in selecting the maximum power levels defined above ensures that the

3 See 47 C.F.R. § 25.222(a)(7) (Ku—band ESVs) and § 25.226(b)(1)(iv)(B)(Ku—band VMESs).

                                                                                           Page 2 of 3

operation of the Aura LE, with the associated off—axis EIRP density envelope for each satellite
point of communication, will not cause unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites.

Based on the above advice and understandings, and review of the technical characteristics of the
eXConnect phased—array AMSS terminal (see, e.g., FCC Modification Application, File No.
SES—MFS—20120913—00818) AsiaSat agrees that the use of the above antenna, including PAC‘s
planned operations on the AsiaSat 5 satellite, fall with the assigned operation parameters which are
based on coordination agreement with adjacent satellite operators.

AsiaSat further certifies that the maximum downlink satellite EIRP density of 13.0 dBW/A4KHz,
operational level of the Ku—band AMSS network operated by PAC, is routinely used without
causing unacceptable interference to adjacent satellite operators. AsiaSat confirms that there have
been no reported cases of unacceptable interference relating to PAC‘s operation of the eXConnect
system from other customers operating on the AsiaSat 5 satellite or from adjacent satellite
operators.                   ‘

Please let me know if you require any additional information regarding AsiaSat‘s experience with
PAC‘s operation of the eXConnect phased—array AMSS terminal on the AsiaSat 5 satellite.


      f’f                     >                             fl//_fizl,f/zp/L
Roger Tong     / m
 VP Engineering and Operations                       Date
for AsiaSat

                                                                                          Page 3 of 3

Document Created: 2012-10-01 19:10:35
Document Modified: 2012-10-01 19:10:35

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