Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20120517-00448 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  Before the
                             Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                              )
Application of Raysat Antenna Systems,        )        File Nos.     SES-LIC-20060629-01083
LLC for Authority to Operate Vehicle-         )                      SES-LIC-20060629-02248
Mounted Earth Stations (“VMESs”) in the       )                      SES-LIC-20060629-02249
14.0-14.5 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz               )                      SES-LIC-20060629-02250
Frequency Bands                               )                      SES-LIC-20060629-02251
                                              )                      SES-LIC-20060629-02252
                                              )        Call Signs    E060101
                                              )                      E060447
                                              )                      E060448
                                              )                      E060449
                                              )                      E060450
                                              )                      E060451


David Gross                               Carlos M. Nalda
Chief Executive Officer                   Preston N. Thomas
Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC               Squire Sanders (US) LLP
1750 Old Meadow Road                      1200 19th Street, NW
McLean, VA 22102                          Suite 300
                                          Washington, DC 20036
                                          (202) 626-6600

                                          Counsel for Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC.

May 17, 2012


       Raysat Antenna Systems LLC (“RAS”) hereby submits this modification application to

convert its existing blanket Land-Mobile Satellite Service (“LMSS”) licenses to vehicle-mounted

earth station (“VMES”) licenses. In addition, RAS requests that its blanket VMES licenses

include three new terminals – the StealthRay 3000, StealthRay 5000 and E-7000 – as well as

new emissions, satellite points of communications and, in two cases, new hub earth stations.

       As described herein, RAS terminals operate consistent with the VMES rules and policies

set forth in Section 25.226 of the Commission’s rules. Indeed, all of RAS’s new terminals have

operated on an experimental basis without interference incident.          Consistent with these

previously authorized operations, RAS respectfully requests waiver of two Commission rules.

First, given the low-profile nature of its terminals, RAS seeks waiver of off-axis EIRP spectral

density limits for regions outside the GSO arc where no services exist or are under consideration.

Second, RAS seeks a waiver to the extent necessary to permit its VMES terminals to operate

with ALSAT because they are fully compliant with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policy.

       Modifying RAS’s existing licenses as requested herein would permit RAS to expand the

range of mobile satellite voice and data communications to government, military and commercial

customers and thus would strongly serve the public interest.

                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


       A.         Description of the New Terminals......................................................................... 3
                  1.         The StealthRay 3000 Terminal .................................................................. 5
                  2.         The StealthRay 5000 Terminal .................................................................. 7
                  3.         The E-7000 Terminal................................................................................. 9
       B.         Satellite Points of Communication, Hubs and Network Control Center ............. 11
       C.         Emissions Designators ......................................................................................... 12
       D.         Compliance With the Ku-Band VMES Rules ..................................................... 13
                  1.         Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density Limits .................................................. 13
                             a.         The StealthRay 3000 Terminal .................................................... 13
                             b.         The StealthRay 5000 Terminal .................................................... 15
                             c.         The E-7000 Terminal................................................................... 17
                  2.         Antenna Pointing Control ........................................................................ 19
                  3.         Compliance With Additional VMES Requirements................................ 20
                  4.         Protection of Other Users in the 14.0-14.5 GHz Band ............................ 21
III.   WAIVER ......................................................................................................................... 23
       A.         Off Axis EIRP Spectral Density for Regions Outside the GSO Arc ................... 23
       B.         ALSAT Authority ................................................................................................ 23
IV.    CONCLUSION................................................................................................................ 25

                                   Before the
                              Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                 )
Application of Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC       )        File Nos.      SES-LIC-20060629-01083
for Authority to Operate Vehicle-Mounted         )                       SES-LIC-20060629-02248
Earth Stations (“VMESs”) in the 14.0-14.5        )                       SES-LIC-20060629-02249
GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Bands            )                       SES-LIC-20060629-02250
                                                 )                       SES-LIC-20060629-02251
                                                 )                       SES-LIC-20060629-02252
                                                 )        Call Signs     E060101
                                                 )                       E060447
                                                 )                       E060448
                                                 )                       E060449
                                                 )                       E060450
                                                 )                       E060451


       Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC (“RAS”), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 25.117

of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.117, hereby submits this application for modification

of the above-captioned licenses. RAS seeks to convert its existing Land Mobile-Satellite Service

(“LMSS”) licenses to blanket vehicle-mounted earth station (“VMES”) licenses consistent with

the Commission’s adoption of VMES service rules.1 The existing LMSS licenses authorize

operation of up to 400 “StealthRay” terminals in the 14.0-14.5 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz band


       RAS also seeks to operate several new terminals under its blanket VMES licenses – the

StealthRay 3000, the StealthRay 5000 and the E-7000. Each terminal complies with the off-axis

 SeeAmendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Allocate Spectrum and Adopt
Service Rules and Procedures to Govern the Use of Vehicle-Mounted Earth Stations in Certain
Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed-Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 07-101, Report and
Order, 24 FCC Rcd 10369, FCC 09-64, (rel. July 31, 2009) (“VMES Order”).

EIRP spectral density limits and pointing accuracy requirements in the VMES rules, and RAS

seeks authority to operate up to 400 units of each terminal type.


          In 2008, the Commission granted RAS authority to operate up to 400 StealthRay LMSS

terminals in the Ku-band.2 At the time RAS received its LMSS licenses, the Commission’s

VMES rules were not yet effective. The Commission authorized RAS’s operations on a

secondary basis and contemplated that RAS would ultimately modify its license to operate under

the VMES regulatory framework.3 The instant modification application seeks to convert RAS’s

existing LMSS licenses to VMES licenses, including operational authority on a primary basis.

          RAS’s compliance with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policy and other technical

and operational requirements designed to protect co-frequency services was well documented in

RAS’s applications associated with the original StealthRay terminal, which are hereby

incorporated by reference. From protection of adjacent FSS satellite operations to NASA

TDRSS operations to radio astronomy sites with observations in the band, RAS’s VMES

operations will not cause harmful interference to co-frequency spectrum users.

          The principal difference between RAS’s authorized secondary LMSS operations and

operations under the VMES rules set forth in Section 25.226 is the interval for data logging. The

Raysat Authorization Order requires data logging every 20 minutes whereas Section 25.226(a)(6)

request data logging every five (5) minutes. RAS will comply with the more frequent data

 See Application of Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC for Authority to Operate 400 Land Mobile-
Satellite Service (“LMSS”) Earth Stations in the 14.0-14.5 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency
Bands, Order and Authorization, File Nos. SES-LIC-20060629-01083, et seq., DA 08-401, ¶ 8
(Int’l Bur. and OET, Feb. 15, 2008) (“Raysat Authorization Order”).See Call Signs E060101,
E060447, E060448, E060449, E060450 and E060451.
    See Raysat Authorization Order, ¶ 8.


logging requirement for all VMES operations. RAS’s operations are otherwise consistent with

the Commission’s VMES rules and policies and thus may be authorized under Section 25.226 of

the Rules.


       In addition to the original StealthRay terminal, RAS requests that the Commission

authorize several other terminals for operation under RAS blanket VMES licenses. The

StealthRay 3000, StealthRay 5000 and E-7000 terminals operate in a manner similar to the

StealthRay, and each has operated on an experimental basis without incident. As explained

below, each terminal can be authorized under the Commission’s VMES rules.

        A.      Description of the New Terminals

       RAS has extensive experience manufacturing and operating vehicle-mounted terminals in

the Ku-band to provide mobile satellite voice and data communications to government, military

and commercial customers. RAS’s initial product is the StealthRay terminal, which is a full

tracking antenna designed for “on-the-move” applications. The StealthRay 3000 is a derivative

of that terminal with a larger BUC for increased transmit power.4 The StealthRay 5000 is a

modified StealthRay with a larger transmit panel for increased data transmission performance.

  RAS has included the StealthRay 2000 and StealthRay 3000 as a single terminal type because
they use an electrically identical antenna. The only difference is that the 3000 has an integrated
BUC and the 2000 has an external BUC, giving the StealthRay 3000 slightly higher transmit
power (due to lower losses between the BUC and antenna). Thus, the StealthRay 2000’s
transmit characteristics are within those of the StealthRay 3000. Treating these electrically
identical versions of the StealthRay antenna as a single terminal type and authorizing the highest
proposed transmit power is consistent with Commission policies. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.118; see
also Experimental Radio Station License Call Sign WE2XTX (various file numbers).


The E-7000 is RAS’s latest product, offering a higher-performance transmit antenna for on-the-

move applications.

       As noted above, the operating characteristics of the original StealthRay terminal were

examined fully in the context of the Commission’s review of RAS’s LMSS application. All the

RAS terminals utilize general operational concepts which will be reexamined briefly here before

turning to the specifics of each terminal.

       The RAS VMES terminals will automatically search for and acquire the designated

satellite and maintain precise pointing via automatic control of the azimuth, elevation and

polarization angles while the vehicle is on the move. The terminal consists of an antenna unit, a

controller and a satellite communication modem. The terminal uses Global Positioning System

(“GPS”) signals to determine its location for acquiring the appropriate satellite. The initial

acquisition time is less than 60 seconds, and the terminal is capable of tracking through the

azimuth plane at a tracking speed of 60° per second. The antenna is mechanically aligned in

azimuth and elevation plane and peaks in azimuth through mechanical scanning and in elevation

through multiple receive beams.

       Using the terminal’s positional information along with the known orbit longitude of the

target satellite, the elevation angle to the satellite and the polarization angles are calculated and

set. Tracking is enhanced with the use of 3-axis gyroscopes which correlate the RSSI values

with the antenna position. The antenna is then rotated in azimuth. The signal level at the receive

signal strength indicator (“RSSI”) is constantly sampled. If the received power exceeds the

specified threshold, the terminal tracks on the signal and waits for an acknowledgement from the

modem. If the modem sends an acknowledgement of a signal lock, the terminal will commence

communicating with the serving satellite. If the modem does not acknowledge the signal, the


terminal stops tracking and continues to rotate in azimuth until it finds the next signal. This

process continues until the correct signal is found.

                1.     The StealthRay 3000 Terminal

         The StealthRay 3000 terminal uses the same antenna as the original StealthRay terminal

but is paired with a larger block upconverter (“BUC”) which increases the maximum EIRP of the

StealthRay 3000 antenna to 41.2 dBW. RAS will spread the StealthRay 3000 transmissions over

a wider bandwidth (i.e., up to 12.36 MHz) in order to maintain the transmitted power density at

or below the authorized -18.1 dBW/4kHz value. This will ensure that the input power spectral

density (“PSD”) is consistent with the Commission’s VMES emissions mask and two-degree

spacing policies. The Commission has granted a series of experimental authorizations for the

StealthRay 3000, most recently a two-year experimental license on November 18, 2011.5 A

simplified block diagram of the major components in the tracking and acquisition system is

shown in Figure 1.

    ELS File No. 0245-EX-ML-2011 (Call Sign WE2XTX) (Nov. 18, 2011).



                  Receive Panel
                  Receive Panel
                  Receive Panel

                  Transmit Panel

                               3-Axis                Programmable
                             Gyroscopes                  Filter

                             Inclinometers              Power
      Polarizer   BUC                                  Detector

                            GPS Receiver




                                                                     Customer Equipment

                  Figure 1. StealthRay 3000 Block Diagram

The basic layout and dimensions of the StealthRay 3000 can be viewed in Figure 2.

                   Figure 2. StealthRay 3000 Configuration


                2.     The StealthRay 5000 Terminal

         RAS developed the StealthRay 5000 in response to customer requests for an antenna with

higher transmit data rates. The major difference between the StealthRay 5000 terminal and the

authorized StealthRay terminal is that the StealthRay 5000 has a larger transmit panel array

(composed of two linked transmit panels), allowing for enhanced transmit performance. The

StealthRay 5000 terminal is currently operating pursuant to a two-year experimental license.6

         The maximum EIRP of the StealthRay 5000 is 43.4 dBW. RAS will employ a wider

transmit bandwidth of up to 13.52 MHz to remain fully compliant with the Commission’s off-

axis EIRP spectral density limits.

         The StealthRay 5000 consists of a 23.25 x 6.75 transmit panel array along with two

separate receive panels, which are mounted on a rotatable platform. The platform rotates in

azimuth to orient the panels toward the satellite and the panels tilt to set the elevation angle. The

antenna also has a polarization control mechanism that sets the correct polarization angle for

both transmit and receive. A picture of the StealthRay 5000 is shown in Figure 3 and a drawing

of the terminal assembly is shown in Figure 4.

                                     Figure 3. StealthRay 5000 Exterior

    ELS File No. 0580-EX-ST-2010 (Call Sign WF2XXN).


                           Figure 4. StealthRay 5000 Configuration

       As with all RAS terminals, the StealthRay 5000 has active control of the azimuth,

elevation and polarization angles. The terminal moves mechanically in the azimuth and

elevation planes. For satellite acquisition and reacquisition, the proven principles implemented

in currently authorized StealthRay terminals will be applied. A simplified block diagram of the

major components in the tracking and acquisition system is shown in Figure 5.


                              Figure 5. StealthRay 5000 Block Diagram

               3.     The E-7000 Terminal

       The E-7000 is RAS’s latest technological innovation. It was designed in response to a

customer’s request for higher data rate throughput. The E-7000 builds upon RAS’s proven

StealthRay platform, and enhances the design by switching the original printed circuit antenna

panel for a waveguide design, resulting in higher performance. The panel is capable of both

transmit and receive operations. As with all of RAS’s terminals, it is capable of tracking in the

azimuth, elevation and polarization planes. Figure 6 below shows the E-7000 terminal with the

waveguide antenna exposed.


                                  Figure 6. E-7000 Configuration

       For satellite acquisition, the E-7000 continues to use the same proven methodology used

in previous RAS terminals. Figure 7 below is a block diagram of the E-7000.

                                                E-7000 Antenna

                                                    Rx                LNA
               Transmit / Receive Panel           Diplexer


                                                               3-Axis                     Programmable
                                                             Gyroscopes                       Filter

                                    Polarizer                Inclinometers                   Power

                                                             GPS Receiver


                                     BUC                                       Tx     Data

                                                                                Customer Equipment

                                 Figure 7. E-7000 Block Diagram

                                                  - 10 -

           The E-7000 terminal has also received experimental authority from the Commission.

On October 5, 2012, the Commission granted a six-month, experimental STA.7The experimental

STA provides authorized power of 50.9 dBW EIRP and emission designators of 7.04 MHz and

9.72 MHz bandwidths.8 For commercial operation, the terminal will use a bandwidth of up to

21.57 MHz.

           B.     Satellite Points of Communication, Hubs and Network Control Center

          The RAS VMES network will communicate in the 14.0-14.5 GHz (transmit) and 11.7-

12.2 GHz (receive) bands. The terminals will communicate in conventional Ku-band

frequencies with ALSAT and specifically with the following satellite points of communication:

Horizons 1 @ 127° W; AMC-21 @ 125° W; SES-1 @ 101° W; Galaxy-16 @ 99° W; AMC-5 @

81° W; AMC-6 @ 72° W; Telstar-14 @ 63° W; Amazonas 2 @ 61° W. RAS requests that each

of these satellites be included as an authorized point of communication for each license.

          Table 2 below lists the six hub earth stations currently authorized for RAS’s LMSS

network, as modified in 2009.The far right column (“Associated Hub Earth Station (New)” in the

table lists the hub earth stations for which RAS seeks authority in the requested blanket VMES


    ELS File No. 0583-EX-ST-2011 (Call Sign WF9XEG) (Oct. 5, 2011).

                                               - 11 -

    RAS Call     Associated Hub Earth Station                        Associated Hub
    Sign                                                             Earth Station (New)

    E060101      Spacenet, McLean, VA (Call Sign E860326)            SAME
    E060447      Intelsat, Hagerstown, MD (Call Signs E040140,       SAME
                 E040141, E040414, E040475, E070139)
    E060448      HNS, Germantown, MD (Call Sign E000166)             SAME
    E060449      Intelsat, Riverside, CA (Call Sign E020126)         SAME
    E060450      SES New Skies, Manassas, VA (Call Sign              Spacenet Chicago, IL
                 E000102)                                            (Call sign E4412)
    E060451      HNS, North Las Vegas, NV (Call Sign E940460)        Spacenet Atlanta, GA
                                                                     (Call Sign E86013)
                                  Table 2. Hub Earth Stations

        C.      Emissions Designators

       The requested emissions designators for the StealthRay 3000, StealthRay 5000 and E-

7000 are listed in the Table 3 below.

    Terminal                 Frequencies           Emissions Designators
    StealthRay 3000          11.7-12.2 Receive     1M45G7W, 36M0G7W
                             14.0-14.5 Transmit    4M05G7W, 8M06G7W, 12M36G7W
    StealthRay 5000          11.7-12.2 Receive     1M45G7W, 26M8G7W
                             14.0-14.5 Transmit    4M05G7W, 10M13G7W, 13M52G7W
    E-7000                   11.7-12.2 Receive     724K1G7W, 54M0G7W
                             14.0-14.5 Transmit    7M04G7W, 9M72G7W, 21M57G7W

                                    Table 3. Emissions Designators

Link budgets for the StealthRay 3000, the StealthRay 5000 and E-7000 at each of these

emissions designators are included in the Technical Exhibits attached hereto.

                                              - 12 -

            D.     Compliance with the Ku-Band VMES Rules

          Each of the proposed RAS terminals complies with the Commission’s essential VMES

rules, including off-axis EIRP spectral density limits and antenna pointing accuracy.9

                  1.     Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density Limits

          RAS’s terminals meet the Commission’s VMES off-axis EIRP spectral-density limits

consistent with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policies. 10 The terminals use varying

degrees of signal spreading and EIRP power reduction to meet the VMES emissions mask and

comply with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policies.

                         a.      The StealthRay 3000 Terminal

          The StealthRay 3000 will operate in accordance with the off-axis EIRP spectral density

limits for Ku-band VMES terminals in the Commission’s rules. The transmitted EIRP density

levels of the StealthRay 3000 comply with the limits specified for Ku-band VMESs in

Section25.226 of the Commission’s rules by limiting the PSD at the panel input flange to -18.1

dBW/4Khz.11 The co-polarized off-axis EIRP spectral density levels along the geostationary

plane for the StealthRay 3000 terminal are shown in Figures 8-9, below, with a maximum input

flange PSD level of -18.1 dBW/4kHz at a maximum skew angle of 50˚ and with up to 0.5˚

pointing offset.

  RAS has previously demonstrated that the original StealthRay antenna, which is the subject of
the existing LMSS licenses, complies with the VMES off-axis EIRP spectrum density limits for
Ku-band terminals and two-degree spacing requirements. SeeRaysat Authorization Order, ¶¶ 15-
  See 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(a)(1)(i). Raysat’s VMES terminals comply with off-axis EIRP spectral
density limits in the azimuth plane. However, all terminals will require a waiver of the power
limits in the elevation plane. See Section III.B, infra.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(a)(1)(i).

                                               - 13 -

                                                                 14.25GHz H-Pol, Nominal Transmitted Co-Pol PSD with -18.1dBW/4KHz at Input


TransmittedOff-Axis EIRP Density(dBW/4kHz)

                                                                                                                                                                                       0 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                       37.5 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                       50 Skew


                                                     -10            -8           -6          -4          -2              0            2              4         6         8        10

                                                                                                              Off-Axis Angle (Degrees)

                                                                                      Figure 8. StealthRay 3000 14.25 GHz H-Pol

                                                                 14.25GHz H-Pol Nominal Transmitted Co-Pol PSD with-18.1dBW/4kHz at Input


Transmitted Off-Axis EIRP Density (dBW/4kHz)



                                                                                                                                                                                       50 Skew




                                                           -90    -80    -70    -60    -50   -40   -30   -20       -10       0   10        20   30       40   50   60   70   80   90

                                                                                                                Off-Axis Angle (Degrees)

                                                                               Figure 9. StealthRay 3000 14.25 GHz H-Pol

                                                                                                                     - 14 -

          RAS has provided in the attached Technical Exhibit measured antenna gain data required

by Section 25.132 of the Commission’s rules and, pursuant to Section 25.226(a)(1)(i) and (b)(1),

the required tables.12 In addition, the off-axis EIRP spectral density plots, and the antenna gain

plots and tables also provided in the Technical Exhibit, demonstrate that the StealthRay 3000

terminal complies with the off-axis EIRP spectral density levels set forth in Section 25.226 of the

rules and the Commission’s two-degree spacing policies, even at the maximum pointing offset of

0.5˚ (at which point the terminal automatically ceases transmissions).

                          b.     The StealthRay 5000

          The StealthRay 5000 will operate in accordance with the off-axis EIRP spectral density

limits for Ku-band VMES terminals in the Commission’s rules.13 The transmitted EIRP density

levels of the StealthRay 5000 antenna comply with the limits specified for Ku-band VMESs in

Section25.226 of the Commission’s rules14 by limiting the PSD level to -20.8 dBW/4kHz at the

panel input flange. The co-polarized off-axis EIRP spectral density levels along the

geostationary plane for the StealthRay 5000 terminal are shown in Figures 10-11, below, with a

maximum input PSD level of -20.8 dBW/4kHz at a maximum skew angle of 50˚ and with up to

0.5˚ pointing offset.15

     See Technical Exhibit, Appendix A1.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(a)(1)(i).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(a)(1)(i).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(b)(1)(iv)(A).

                                               - 15 -

                                                             14.25GHz H-Pol, Nominal Transmitted Co-Pol PSD with -20.8dBW/4KHz at Input


Transmitted Off-Axis EIRP Density (dBW/4kHz)

                                                                                                                                                                                         0 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                         37.5 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                         50 Skew


                                                     -10           -8           -6          -4         -2             0              2             4             6        8         10

                                                                                                            Off-Axis Angle (Degrees)

                                                                                      Figure 10. StealthRay 5000 14.25 GHz H-Pol

                                                             14.25GHz H-Pol Nominal Transmitted Co-Pol PSD with-20.8dBW/4kHz at Input


Transmitted Off-Axis EIRP Density (dBW/4kHz)



                                                                                                                                                                                         0 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                         37.5 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                         50 Skew




                                                       -90   -80        -70   -60    -50   -40   -30   -20      -10       0     10       20   30       40   50       60   70   80   90

                                                                                                             Off-Axis Angle (Degrees)

                                                                                      Figure 11. StealthRay 5000 14.25 GHz H-Pol

                                                                                                                              - 16 -

          RAS has provided in the attached Technical Exhibit measured antenna gain data required

by Section 25.132 of the Commission’s rules and, pursuant to Section 25.226(a)(1)(i) and (b)(1),

the required tables.16 The off-axis EIRP spectral density plots, and the antenna gain plots and

tables provided in the Technical Exhibit, demonstrate that the StealthRay 5000 terminal complies

with the spectral density levels set forth in Section 25.226 of the rules and the Commission’s

two-degree spacing policies, even at the maximum pointing offset of 0.5˚ (at which point it

automatically ceases transmissions).

                         c.      The E-7000 Antenna

          The E-7000 will also operate in accordance with the off-axis EIRP spectral density limits

for Ku-band VMES terminals in the Commission’s rules.17 The transmitted EIRP density levels

of the E-7000 antenna comply with the limits specified for Ku-band VMES in Section25.226 of

the Commission’s rules18 when the PSD level at the input to the antenna is limited to a maximum

of -20.15 dBW/4kHz. The co-polarized off-axis EIRP spectral density levels of the E-7000

terminal are shown in Figures 12-13 below.

     See Technical Exhibit, Appendix A2.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(a)(1)(i).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.226(a)(1)(i).

                                                - 17 -

                                                                                      14.25GHz H-Pol, Nominal Transmitted Co-Pol PSD with -20.15dBW/4KHz at Input

                       Transmitted Off-Axis EIRP Density (dBW/4kHz)


                                                                                                                                                                                                               0 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                                               37.5 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                                               50 Skew


                                                                             -10              -8          -6         -4          -2              0            2             4         6        8         10

                                                                                                                                      Off-Axis Angle (Degrees)

                                                                                                                      Figure 12. E-7000 14.25 GHz H-Pol

                                                                                      14.25GHz H-Pol Nominal Transmitted Co-Pol PSD with-20.15dBW/4kHz at Input



Transmitted Off-Axis EIRP Density (dBW/4kHz)



                                                                                                                                                                                                                0 Skew

                                                                      -15.000                                                                                                                                   37.5 Skew
                                                                                                                                                                                                                50 Skew




                                                                                -90     -80        -70   -60   -50   -40   -30   -20       -10       0   10       20   30       40   50   60   70   80    90

                                                                                                                                       Off-Axis Angle (Degrees)

                                                                                                                      Figure 13. E-7000 14.25 GHz H-Pol

                                                                                                                                                 - 18 -

           RAS has provided in the attached Technical Exhibit measured antenna gain data required

by Section 25.132 of the Commission’s rules and, pursuant to Section 25.226(a)(1)(i) and (b)(1),

the required tables.19 The off-axis EIRP spectral density plots, and the antenna gain plots and

tables provided in the Technical Exhibit, demonstrate that the E-7000 terminal complies with the

spectral density levels set forth in Section 25.226 of the rules and the Commission’s two-degree

spacing policies, even at the maximum pointing offset of 0.5˚ in the azimuth plane (at which

point it automatically ceases transmissions).

                  2.      Antenna Pointing Control

           As demonstrated below, the RAS terminals comply with the Commission’s VMES

pointing accuracy requirements consistent with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policies.

Each of the RAS terminals – the StealthRay 3000, StealthRay 5000 and E-7000 – will maintain a

declared pointing accuracy, including both deliberate mispointing (i.e. conscan) and dynamic

pointing error, of 0.5°. If the antenna pointing error exceeds the specified limit , the terminal

will cease transmission within 100 milliseconds and will not resume transmission until the

pointing offset is within the limit.20

           As with the original StealthRay, once the satellite is acquired, the terminals dither in

azimuth to peak the signal and maintain accurate pointing to the satellite. The terminals have

internal 3-axis gyroscopes and 2-axis inclinometers to assist with tracking while in motion. The

terminals will also use the information from the gyros to determine when the pointing offset has

     See Technical Exhibit, Appendix A3.

                                                   - 19 -

been reached and will cease transmissions within 100 milliseconds when that occurs.21 The

RAS terminals will not resume transmission until the pointing offset is within 0.5°.22

               3.      Compliance With Additional VMES Requirements

       RAS will comply with the Commission’s requirements for VMES applicants. Although

RAS has formally operated under its LMSS licenses, it has upgraded its network equipment to

comply with the VMES rules.

      Section 25.226(a)(5), (b)(6) Points of Contact. The RAS point of contact (“stop buzzer”

contact) for the proposed VMES operations, available 24 hours, 7 days a week, with authority to

cease all emissions from the VMES is:

       Kevin Bruestle
       Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC
       Office: 1-703-463-9884
       Mobile: 1-517-262-1601

For filing issues involving this authorization request please contact:

       Carlos Nalda
       Squire Sanders (US) LLP
       1200 19th Ave, NW
       Suite 300
       Washington, DC 20004
       Office: (202) 626-6659
       Fax: (202) 626-6780
       Cell: (571) 332-5626

  See 25.226(b)(1)(iv)(B). Although the terminal dithers in azimuth by ±0.35° and Raysat
expects pointing accuracy to typically remain at that value, Raysat is implementing a declared
pointing accuracy of 0.5° – the offset at which antenna transmissions automatically terminate –
to set maximum transmit power levels. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.226(a)(1)(ii)(B), (b)(1).
  Id. Although the VMES rules permit the resumption of transmissions at the declared pointing
maximum pointing error (i.e., 0.5°), Raysat will not resume transmissions until pointing accuracy
is within 0.35°.

                                               - 20 -

       Section 25.226(a)(6), (b)(7) Recordkeeping. RAS will maintain, for each VMES

transmitter, a time-annotated record of the vehicle location, transmit frequency, channel

bandwidth and satellite used for at least one year. The location and time of all transmissions will

be recorded at time intervals no greater than every five (5) minutes while the VMES is

transmitting. This information will be available, as required by the Commission rules, to a

coordinator, fixed system operator, FSS operator, the NTIA or the Commission within 24 hours

of the request.

       Section 25.226(a)(7), (8) Protection Claims. RAS recognizes that its terminals

receiving in the 11.7-12.2 GHz bands will receive protection from interference caused by space

stations other than the target space station only to the degree to which harmful interference

would not be expected to be caused to an earth station employing an antenna conforming to the

referenced patterns defined in Section 25.209(a) and (b) and stationary at the location at which

any interference occurred.

       Section 25.226(a)(9) Loss of Reception. The RAS VMES terminals will automatically

cease transmitting within 100 milliseconds upon loss of reception of the satellite downlink signal.

       Section 25.226(b)(4) Geographic Area of Service. RAS is seeking authorization to

operate within the continental United States (CONUS).

       Section 25.222(b)(8) Radiation Hazard. RAS has included a radiation hazard analysis

for each antenna with this application in the attached Technical Exhibit (Appendices A1-A3).

                  4.   Protection of Other Users in the 14.0-14.5 GHz Band

       RAS’s operation of the antennas will protect other users in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band

consistent with the requirements of the Commission’s VMES rules.

       Protection of Fixed-Satellite Service. As discussed above, RAS’s terminals will

operate in compliance with the VMES off-axis EIRP spectral density limits, even taking the
                                               - 21 -

declared pointing accuracy value into consideration. The VMES limits are consistent with those

for routinely licensed VSAT earth stations.

          Protection of Potential NGSO FSS Systems. RAS acknowledges that non-

geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) systems are also permitted to operate in the Ku-band. However,

no such systems are currently authorized. RAS will undertake adequate protection measures if

such systems are authorized in the future. In any event, RAS requests a waiver to the extent that

its terminals do not meet the off-axis EIRP spectral density mask in directions other than the

GSO arc. See Waiver Request, Section III.Ainfra.

          Protection of Terrestrial Radio Services. RAS has examined current spectrum use in

the 14.0-14.5 GHz band and has determined that there are no active FCC-licensed terrestrial

services in this band with which its proposed operations would potentially conflict.

          Protection of the Radio Astronomy Service. RAS will comply with its prior

coordination agreement with the National Science Foundation to protect radio astronomy service

sites listed in Section 25.226(d) of the rules.23

          Protection of Space Research Service. RAS recognizes the utilization of the frequency

band from 14.0-14.05 GHz and the possible use of the band from 14.05-14.2 GHz allocated to

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) Tracking and Data Relay Satellite

System (“TDRSS”) for space research conducted at White Sands, New Mexico and Blossom

Point, Maryland. RAS will comply with its prior coordination agreement with the NASA to

protect TDRSS facilities.24

     Raysat Authorization Order, ¶ 30 n. 82.
     Raysat Authorization Order, ¶ 27 n. 73.

                                                    - 22 -


        A.      Off-axis EIRP Spectral Density for Regions Outside the GSO Arc

       As a result of their low-profile configuration, the RAS terminals do not meet the Section

25.226(a)(1)(i)(B) off-axis EIRP levels for regions beyond +/- 3º from the GSO arc.25 These

limits are principally designed to facilitate potential NGSO use of the Ku-band.

       No NGSO systems have yet been constructed or are even under serious consideration. If

and when such a system is licensed by the Commission, RAS will take all necessary steps prior

to the launch of any new NGSO system to ensure that the RAS system does not cause harmful

interference to the new system, up to and including operating at reduced power levels sufficient

to mitigate harmful interference into compliant NGSO satellite systems. RAS acknowledges that

the Commission may condition the grant of this license application upon a requirement that RAS

take such necessary coordination measures.

        B.      ALSAT Authority

       RAS understands that the availability of ALSAT authority for its VMES terminals is in

question.26 As demonstrated herein, RAS’s VMES terminals operate in accordance with off-axis

EIRP spectral density levels even at maximum pointing offset, at which point they automatically

cease transmission. RAS therefore requests a waiver to the extent necessary to permit RAS’s

VMES terminals to operate with ALSAT.

  Included in the attached Appendixes A1, A2, and A3, as Tables A1-B6 in each respective
appendix, are the mid-band elevation off-axis EIRP spectral density plots for vertical and
horizontal polarizations.
  Petition for Reconsideration of ViaSat, Inc., Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the
Commission’s Rules to Allocate Spectrum and Adopt Service Rules and Procedures to Govern
the Use of Vehicle-Mounted Earth Stations in Certain Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed-
Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 07-101 (Dec. 4, 2009).

                                              - 23 -

           This waiver request arises out of the uncertainty in the VMES Order regarding the

availability of ALSAT to VMES terminals that comply at all times with applicable off-axis EIRP

spectral density requirements.27 ALSAT is clearly available for VMESs that comply with off-

axis EIRP levels but not for VMESs that seek to operate at higher power levels or use dynamic

power density systems.28 Without explanation, however, the Commission suggested that

ALSAT authority also would be unavailable to any VMES that did not meet a 0.2° pointing

accuracy even if off-axis EIRP spectral density limits are satisfied.29 RAS ensures that its

terminals meet the mask at all times by spreading and operating at reduced transmit power. In

other words, RAS’s terminals take maximum pointing offset into account in establishing

maximum transmit power and thus always comply with the Commission’s permissible off-axis

EIRP spectral density levels. Because they operate like a 0.2°-compliant VMES terminal,

ALSAT authority is appropriate.

           To the extent necessary to permit grant of ALSAT authority, RAS seeks a waiver of §

25.226(a)(1)(iii)(A). Waiver is in the public interest because RAS complies with the off-axis

mask at all times by operating with spreading and at lower power levels that take mispointing

into account. A waiver in this case would not undermine the policies underlying the rule because

the off-axis EIRP spectral density mask designed to protect adjacent satellites is met at all

times. Indeed, RAS’s approach is more conservative than the policy adopted by the Commission

     Compare VMES Order at ¶¶ 98 and 117 with ¶ 168.
     Id. at ¶ 168.

                                                - 24 -

because it ensures compliance with permissible levels even at maximum mispointing.30


       For all of the foregoing reasons, RAS respectfully requests that the Commission convert

RAS’s existing LMSS licenses to VMES licenses, permit RAS to operate up to 400 units of three

additional terminal types, and make other changes as requested herein. Grant of the requested

VMES authority would serve the public interest by permitting RAS to expand the range of

mobile satellite voice and data communications to government, military and commercial


  VMESs that meet 0.2° pointing accuracy are permitted to exceed the off-axis EIRP spectral
density mask between 0.2° and 0.5°. In contrast, RAS’s terminals never exceed the mask
regardless of pointing offset.

                                             - 25 -

                                     Technical Certificate

       1, David Gross, hereby certify thatI am the technically qualified person responsible for

the preparationofthe technical discussion contained in Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC‘s

Application for License Modification,that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s Rules

(47 C.F.R. Part 25), and that I haveeither prepared or reviewed the technicalinformation

submitted in this Application and foundit to be complete and accurate to the best of my

knowledge and belief.

                                                    David Gross
                                                    Raysat Antenna Systems, LLC

May 17, 2012

Document Created: 2012-05-17 15:04:19
Document Modified: 2012-05-17 15:04:19

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