Attachment Exhibit A [MOD Nar]

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20111104-01320 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION
                              (Call Signs E070111, E100079, and E100121)

        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”) hereby requests modification of the above
referenced earth station authorizations to add ALSAT as a point of communication. The
underlying antennas are located at DIRECTV’s Southwest Uplink Facility (“SWUF”) in Tucson,
AZ, and are currently authorized to communicate with specific DIRECTV Ka-band satellites. In
last year’s Ka-Band ALSAT Order, the Commission adopted a new policy under which it would
consider applications for modification of existing Ka-band earth station licenses seeking to add
“ALSAT” as a point of communication so that it may communicate with any satellite on the Ka-
band Permitted Space Station List. 1 DIRECTV hereby requests that its SWUF authorizations be
so modified. DIRECTV also hereby certifies that the remaining information in its earth station
license and associated application will has not changed.

        The requested modification will serve the public interest by enhancing these earth
stations’ capabilities to support DIRECTV’s provision of satellite video services to consumers
throughout the United States, and by reducing the administrative burden on the Commission of
repeated modifications whenever DIRECTV launches a new Ka-band satellite.

    See 2006 Biennial Regulatory Review – Revision of Part 25, 25 FCC Rcd. 1542, ¶¶ 12, 17 (2010) (“Ka-Band
    ALSAT Order”). As required in footnote 31 of that order and Section 25.203(k) of the Commission’s rules,
    DIRECTV is submitting with this application an analysis to demonstrate that its proposed operations will not
    cause unacceptable interference to co-primary, co-frequency feeder link operations.


1.        Introduction

In this application, DIRECTV requests modification of its earth station authorization to add Ka-
band ALSAT as a point of communication, pursuant to the Ka-Band ALSAT Order adopted by
the Commission.2 This earth station is currently authorized to transmit in the 29.25-29.5 GHz
band, which is allocated on a co-primary basis to both GSO/FSS and NGSO/MSS feeder links.
As required under Section 25.203(k), and as directed in footnote 31 to the Ka-Band ALSAT
Order, DIRECTV is submitting the following interference analysis to address the potential
interference from this earth station to feeder links of NGSO/MSS systems.

DIRECTV understands that there is presently only one known NGSO/MSS feeder link earth
station in CONUS licensed to use any portion of the 29.25-29.5 GHz band, that being the Iridium
feeder link station located in Tempe, AZ which is authorized to operate in the 29.25-29.3 GHz
band. 3 The closest DIRECTV Ka-band uplink facility to this Tempe, AZ facility is DIRECTV’s
Southwest Uplink Facility (SWUF) 4 which is approximately 168 km away. There is one
additional license for an NGSO/MSS feeder link earth station in Fairbanks, AK however, as will
be discussed later in this analysis, the significantly greater distance between this licensed earth
station and DIRECTV’s facility only serves to further mitigate any potential interference. 5

2.0       Analysis for Operations at Current DIRECTV Licensed Orbital Locations

The following analysis evaluates the potential interference from DIRECTV’s Ka-band GSO
feeder link operation in the 29.25-29.3 GHz band from its SWUF to the Iridium MSS/LEO
feeder link system during worst case in-line events. An in-line event is the condition where the
DIRECTV earth-station, LEO-satellite and GSO-satellite form a straight line, in space. The
approach entails:

      •   determining frequency overlap between the two systems;
      •   simulating the in-line events for a set of geostationary orbital locations:
      •   estimating the potential interference, using a worst case maximum/minimum method
          during the in-line events;

      Note that the simulation analyses contained in this supplement were conducted for DIRECTV by Harry Ng
      Consulting LLC.
      See 2006 Biennial Regulatory Review – Revision of Part 25, 25 FCC Rcd. 1542 (2010) (“Ka-Band ALSAT
      See Call Sign E960131.
      This facility has three licensed antennas. See Call Signs E070111, E100079, E100121.
      DIRECTV also observes that while the Iridium feeder link stations are licensed for the 29.25-29.3 GHz band,
      the ITU Notification information for the Iridium feeder links (ITU designator HIBLEO-2FL) includes frequency
      assignments only up to a maximum frequency of 29.2853805 GHz, and not 29.3 GHz.


      •   estimating the transit time of the LEO satellite crossing the in-line line, within the earth
          station antenna beamwidth; and
      •   estimating the time between in-line transits.
2.1       Operating Frequency Bands and Overlapping Frequency Segments

The use of the spectrum by the Iridium feeder link was assumed to be consistent with the ITU
Appendix 4 Notification information for HIBLEO-2FL, as published by the ITU/BR in IFIC No.
2591. In the ITU Appendix 4 information there are twelve Ka-band Earth-to-space frequency
assignments (i.e., item C2a1 of ITU Appendix 4) and the associated bandwidth for each
assignment is 5.761 MHz (i.e., item C3a of ITU Appendix 4). The three uppermost assigned
frequency bands are:

      •   29.2796195 – 29.2853805 GHz                    #12
      •   29.2646195 – 29.2703805 GHz                    #11
      •   29.2496195 – 29.2553805 GHz                    #10
As detailed in DIRECTV’s various FCC applications, the uplink feeder link plan for different
DIRECTV Ka-band satellites differs across the 29.25-29.5 GHz band. In some cases there is
overlap with all three uppermost Iridium feeder link assigned frequencies, whereas in other cases
there is only partial (or even no) frequency overlap with these channels. Nevertheless, consistent
with a worst case interference analysis, it was assumed that there is complete overlap of the
DIRECTV feeder link uplinks with all three uppermost Iridium feeder link assigned frequency
2.2       The In-line Environment
Potential interference coupling between a LEO satellite and a GSO system would only occur
during an in-line event. An in-line event is a physical phenomenon where the earth-station, the
LEO satellite and the GSO satellite form a straight line, in space. Since the earth station and the
GSO space station are stationary, relative to each other, the in-line event occurs when the LEO
satellite moves into the line formed by the earth station and the GSO space station. The word
“moves” describes the LEO satellite motion in space and follows the planetary motion as
described by Kepler’s Laws.
The LEO spacecraft motion in space can be illustrated by the ground track (e.g., the LEO
satellite sub-satellite points on Earth) generated by the LEO constellation. The ground track
identifies the location of the LEO satellites (e.g., the sub-satellite point) on the surface of the
Earth as the LEO spacecraft moves in space. Therefore, the specific location of the LEO
spacecraft is obtained from the sub-satellite point and the altitude of the spacecraft, at any
particular instant of time. Figure 1 illustrates the ground track for the HIBLEO-2FL
constellation, in one particular orbital period. The orbital parameters used in the orbit simulation
software were based on the HIBLEO-2FL ITU filing (IFIC No. 2591).


                                                         Iridium constellation tracks



           latitude (deg)





                            ~70                      /

                             oo C
                              ~180—160—140—1207100—80 ~60 ~40 —20      0   20     40   60   80   100 120 140 160 180
                                                                longitude (deg)
                                     Figure 1. HIBLEO—2FL Constellation Orbital Tracks

This figure showsthere are six orbital planes in theIridium constellation and the constellation
has a high inclination angle of 86.4 degrees. Because ofthe relatively low spacecraft altitude
(775 km), the LEO spacecraft visibility to a point on Earth is limited. The portion of the Iridium
satellite tracks visible to the Tempe, AZ Iridium feeder link site are marked by the "x" segments
ofthe orbital tracks in the figure and the Tempe location on Earth is marked by the "0" in the
figure. Even though the tracks cross the GSO, asillustrated in the above figure where the tracks
have 0 degrees latitude, there would be no in—line event for the Tempe site with a GSO satellite
at, for example, 101WL for this set of ground tracks. In other words, an in—line event requires a
special combination ofearth station, LEO satellite and GSO satellite locations.

To focusthe search for in—line events between DIRECTV‘s Ka—band GSO satellites and the
Tridium LEO constellation, the following location set was selected:

GSO satellite locations:                             99.2 WL, 101.0 WL and 102.8 WL

DIRECTV uplink earth stationsite:                    SWUF (Tueson, AZ)

Tridium uplink earth station site:                  Tempe, AZ

The potential in—line interference geometry is shown in Figure 2 below. This figure identifies the
"LEO—angle"at the LEO satellite (shown in red). The LEO—angle is formed by two vectors with
the vertex at the LEO—satellite: one vectoris from the LEO satellite to the Iridium feeder link
earth station in Tempe, AZ and the second vector is from the LEO satellite to DIRECTV‘s feeder

link earth station in Tucson, AZ. 6 This is the LEO spacecraft antenna discrimination angle
towards the Tucson uplink earth station.

                   Figure 2. Diagram Representing the In-line Event Geometry

Identification of in-line events required the following computer simulation:

a) simulate the LEO orbital tracks for a two to three day period, in one minute step increments;
b) search all tracks for the “minimum earth station topocentric angle” towards the GSO and
c) expand the “minimum earth station topocentric angle” events, in 1/100 minute increments;
d) increment or decrement the LEO orbital plane ascending node, in 1/10 or 1/100 degree
   increments, and re-run the simulation, at each increment step; and
e) continue the simulation until the “minimum earth station topocentric angle” reaches zero or
   very close to zero.

Table 1 contains the LEO location (e.g., latitude and longitude) plus other orbital parameters,
including LEO-angle, GSO-angle and the motion rate of the LEO satellite when it crosses the in-
line line, following the above steps (a) to (e) assuming DIRECTV Ka-band satellites at 99.2
W.L., 101.0 W.L. and 102.8 W.L. This set of parameters is necessary for the potential
interference calculation between the DIRECTV and Iridium systems.

    Note that DIRECTV also operates a diverse site in Benson, AZ that is associated with the Tucson site. This
    diverse site only transmits when the rain attenuation at the Tucson site exceeds a given threshold, at which point
    the Tucson site stops transmitting until the rain event has ended. Given the close proximity of these two sites,
    the results obtained for the Tucson site are equally applicable to the Benson diverse site.


 In-line GSO satellite location (W)                               99.2        101.0       102.8
 In-line LEO satellite location: lat(N)/long(E) (deg)          27.5/251.2   27.5/250.9 27.5/250.6
 In-line earth station location: lat(N)/long(E) (deg)                       32.1/-110.8
 In-line earth station site                                             Tucson, AZ (SWUF)
 LEO-angle towards the Tucson and Tempe sites (deg)                7.05        7.22        7.39

 Distance from the Tucson, AZ site to the LEO                      967.6        961.6       956.6
 satellite (km)
 Path loss between Tucson and LEO satellite (dB)                  181.5         181.45      181.40
 Distance from the Tempe, AZ site to the LEO satellite           1080.2         1071.7      1064.0
 Path loss between Tempe and LEO satellite (dB)                    182.5        182.4       182.3
 Great-circle distance between Tempe and                           168.7        168.7       168.7

 LEO satellite transit time crossing the in-line line               2.7          2.68        2.65
       Note: The Tempe, AZ site latitude = 33.34° N and longitude = 111.90° W

                          Table 1. Tucson-LEO-GSO In-line Scenario

2.3    Potential Interference Assessment During the In-line Event
       2.3.1   Methodology

The previous section contains the coupling geometry and the spacecraft antenna discrimination
angles for the potential interference assessment between the DIRECTV and Iridium systems
during in-line events. The potential interference assessment was performed by calculating the
ratio of desired to interference power densities, namely:

        Co/Io : carrier density -to- interference density ratio.

In other words, the Co/Io approach assumes complete frequency overlap between both the desired
and victim carriers. In addition, according to the ITU Appendix 4 information, the Iridium
carriers have a maximum and minimum power and power density into the earth station antenna
flange. According to standard worst case analysis practice, the maximum power density was
used for the interfering source and the minimum power density was used for the victim signal
level. In particular, for the Iridium system (i.e., HIBLEO-2FL):

       - minimum power into antenna:                     Pmin =                  -12.8 dBW
       - min-power plus antenna gain:                    EIRPmin =               43.5 dBW
       - minimum power density into antenna:             PDmin =                  -77.7 dBW/Hz
       - min-power density plus antenna gain:            EIRPmin-density =       -21.4 dBW/Hz
       - emission designator:                            4M38Q7W
       - earth station antenna gain:                     Ge     =                56.3 dBi
       - spacecraft receiving antenna gain:              Gs     =                30.1 dBi


For the DIRECTV system, the maximum licensed uplink EIRP for the digital video carrier from
the Tucson uplink site is as follows:

       — digital video carrier (36MOG7W): EIRPmax =                                                                                            83 dBW
                                          EIRPmax—density =                                                                                    74 dBW/Hz

To compute the LEO spacecraft antenna discrimination towards the uplink interfering earth
station site, the spacecraft antenna pattern was based on ITU—R Recommendation $.672—4 with
an adjustment for the near—in—side—lobelevel of —30 dB relative to the peak gain and the far—away
side—lobe level of —10 dBi. The related parameters a, b and a of Table—1 in ITU—R.
Recommendation $.672—4 were also modified by following a Bessel function antenna pattern, in
particular in the near—in side—lobe region. In particular, for this assessment, it was assumed that
the main—lobe ofthe spacecraft antenna follows a Bessel function, and the near—in side—lobe and
far—away side—lobe levels were based on the modified ITU—R Recommendation $.672—4. The
assumed Iridium spacecraft antenna patterns were as follows:

                                                                         Modified TTU—R $.672—4 Antenna Pattem
                                  antenna gain (dBi)

                                                       000       s       do       ds        zo       as    so         as        40        4s         50
                                                                                       antenna off—axis angle (deg)
Figure 3A. Modified ITU—R Recommendation $.672—4 Iridium Spacecraft Antenna Pattern

                                                                              Bessel Function Antenna Pattem
            antenna gain (dBi)

                                                             2       a        6            8         10      120           d4        ds         18        20
                                                                                       antenna off—axis angle (deg)
                                 Figure 3B. Bessel Function Iridium Spacecraft Antenna Pattern


The potential interference level was assessed with the interfering signal as the DIRECTV earth
station uplink and the victim as the Iridium spacecraft receiver. Since the Iridium uplink earth
station was not within the in-line environment (see Figure 2) there is LEO spacecraft antenna
discrimination towards the interfering source (i.e., the DIRECTV uplink earth station).

       2.3.2   Potential Interference Assessment

The corresponding in-line geometry parameters are given in Table 1. The carrier-to-interference
density formulation is as follow:

       Co/Io = EIRPmin-density – PLdesired-link + Gsat(0) – (EIRPmax-density – PLinterfering-link + Gsat(ξ))

PL      = the path loss between the earth station and the spacecraft (dB)
Gsat(ξ) = the spacecraft antenna gain at an offset angle ξ (dBi)
ξ       = the spacecraft antenna off-axis angle towards the interfering earth station (deg), e.g.,
       the LEO-angle.

Consistent with a worst-case approach, the analysis also assumed there is no cross-polarization
isolation between the desired and interfering signals at the spacecraft. Using the parameters
identified in the above sections, the resultant Co/Io is shown in Table 2.


In-line GSO satellite location (W)                  99.2             101              102.8
In-line LEO satellite location: lat/long         27.5/251.2       27.5/250.9        27.5/250.6
In-line earth station location: lat/long (deg)                    32.1/118.8
In-line earth station site                                    Tucson, AZ (SWUF)
LEO-angle towards the Tucson and Tempe             7.05               7.22             7.39
sites (deg)

Iridium uplink desired signal designator                         4M38Q7W
Iridium desired uplink EIRP min-density                            -21.4
Path loss from Tempe earth station to LEO          182.5            182.4             182.3
sat (dB)
Iridium spacecraft ant-gain towards Tempe                           30.1

DIRECTV uplink interferer designator             36M0G7W          36M0G7W           36M0G7W
DIRECTV uplink EIRP max-density                     7.4              7.4               7.4
Path loss from Tucson earth station to LEO         181.5           181.45             181.40
sat (dB)
Iridium spacecraft ant-gain towards Tucson          6.3              3.8                0.5

                 Co/Io (dB)                            -6            -3.4              -0.1

      Table 2. Potential Interference (Co/Io) for the Tucson-LEO-GSO In-line Scenario
     (Potential Uplink Interference from the DIRECTV Tucson Earth Station into the Iridium

The worst case result in Table 2 suggests that there is potentially unacceptable interference from
the DIRECTV Tucson earth station uplink into the Iridium satellite during the Tucson-LEO-GSO
in-line event. In fact, the actual Co/Io ratio would be significantly higher (i.e., implying lower
interfering power into the victim) since:

    •    The analysis is based on the worst case maximum/minimum concept
    •    Any increase in Iridium clear sky EIRP above the minimum EIRP would improve the
         situation dB for dB
    •    Any decrease in the DIRECTV clear sky EIRP below the maximum licensed EIRP
         would improve the situation dB for dB
    •    No allowance has been made for cross-polarization discrimination

Consistent with Section 25.203(g), DIRECTV feeder links employ uplink power control and, as
such, it must be recognized that the authorized EIRP of 83 dBW is the maximum for rain faded
conditions. The purpose of uplink power control is to maintain the power flux density at the
satellite at a prescribed “clear sky” level. Indeed, for the case of DIRECTV communications
carriers, the nominal clear sky EIRP is approximately 17 dB below the maximum licensed EIRP,
which would improve the results above by 17 dB (on a dB for dB basis) resulting in a real world


worst case Co/Io of approximately 11 dB. Likewise, for the Iridium system, any increase in
gateway transmit power above the minimum value would increase the Co/Io on a dB for dB basis.
In addition, given that multiple Iridium satellites are typically in view of the Iridium gateway site
at any given time, there is a considerable probability that a satellite other than the one
experiencing an in-line event would be actively supporting the feeder link communications.
Finally, as discussed in the following section, in-line events are infrequent and the duration of
any particular event is extremely short (i.e., a small fraction of a second) owing to DIRECTV’s
use of large feeder link antennas with extremely narrow beamwidths.

2.4    The Transit Time of the LEO Satellite Crossing the In-line Line

In order to determine the transit time of the LEO satellite when it passes through the main-lobe
of the DIRECTV feeder link earth station antenna, the transit rate was determined in terms of
seconds per degree of off-axis angle (sec/deg) of the earth station antenna. In other words, the
transit rate represents how long it takes for the LEO satellite to pass through the earth station
antenna main-lobe. The transit rate for in-line events is identified in the last row of Table 1. The
following table shows the transit time of the LEO satellite crossing the DIRECTV feeder link
earth station antenna half power beamwidth and 10 dB beamwidth for the three in-line scenarios
of Table 1 for the 9m feeder link antennas at DIRECTV’s Tucson site. As can be seen, the
transit time for the 10 dB beamwidth, outside of which the Iridium feeder link Co/Io ratio would
be greater than 20 dB for DIRECTV’s nominal clear sky EIRP, is approximately 1/3 of a second.

 In-line GSO satellite location (W)                         99.2        101.0     102.8
 In-line LEO satellite location: lat(N)/long (E) (deg)   27.5/251.2 27.5/250.9 27.5/250.6
 In-line earth station location: lat(N)/long(E) (deg)                32.1/-110.8
 In-line earth station site                                      Tucson, AZ (SWUF)
 LEO satellite transit time crossing the in-line line        2.7         2.68      2.65

 Earth station antenna size (m)/gain (dBi)                              9.1/66.4
 3-dB beamwidth (deg)                                                    0.081
 Transit time for the 3-dB beamwidth (sec)                  0.221        0.220         0.217
 10-dB beamwidth (deg)                                                    0.14
 Transit time for the 10-dB beamwidth (sec)                 0.383        0.381         0.376

              Table 3. Transit Time for the Tucson-LEO-GSO In-line Scenario

2.5    Rate of Occurrence of the LEO Satellite Crossing the In-line Line

Further simulations were conducted in order to quantify the rate of occurrence of in-line events.
The orbital parameters from the ITU HIBLEO-2FL filing were again used to evaluate the
occurrence of in-line events over a typical 21-day period. In order to accelerate the simulation
process, only a single satellite was assumed in each orbital plane. During this period, the first
in-line event occurred at the 1.5-day mark into the simulation, and the second occurred at the
eighth day of simulation. The next in-line event occurred at the twenty first day of simulation;


however, this event was actually a repeat of the first event, as it took approximately 19.5 days for
the same satellite to encounter another in—line event. Viewed another way, these results imply
that the absolute worst case fraction oftimethat the Iridium feeder uplink would potentially
experience a C/I of less than 20 dB and 14 dB due to interference from the geographically closest
DIRECTV feeder link uplink transmission would be:

C/<20 dB: (0.38 sees * 2)/(19.5 days * 86400 sees/day) =4.51 x 10=0.0000451%
C/I<14 dB: (0.22 sees * 2)/(19.5 days * 86400 sees/day) = 2.61 x 10" =0.0000261%

Realizing that there are actually 11 satellites in each Iridium orbital plane, it is reasonable to
assume that the fraction of time figures above would be increased by a factor of 11 to:

C/I<20 dB: 0.000496%
C/I<14 dB: 0.000287%

The Iridium FCC application states a feeder link unavailability of 0.5%. As such, any potential
interference impact from DIRECTV‘s feeder link uplink transmissions would be three orders of
magnitude less than the Iridium design unavailability. This result is further supported by the fact
that DIRECTV has been operating on a 24/7 basis from the Tueson, AZ SWUF uplink location
for over three years without any interference issues with Iridium.

3.     Extension of Results to Other Possible Orbital Locations

Now that results have been computed for a particular interference scenario, these results can be
extended for the case ofthe DIRECTV SWUF feederlink site communicating with other
locations along the GSO. The only additional parameter required for this analysis is the LEO
angle as a function of GSO orbital location, as this is the only parameter that changes materially
as the feeder link antenna points to different locations in the sky. Figure 4 below illustratesthe
relationship between the LEO angle and GSO orbital location for GSO locations from 70° WL to
140° WL.
                                                   TEO—angle towards Tucson and Tempe
                 LBO—angle (deg)

                                     C145   C135    C125   C118    =1os    ~95    ~s5   ~75   65
                                                            GSO longitude (deg)

                                   Figure 4. LEO Angle as a Function of GSO Longitude


As can be seen in Figure 4, the LEO angle for the SWUF site and the 101º WL location is 7.2
degrees, consistent with Table 1. As the GSO location moves westward from 101 WL the angle
increases to a maximum of almost 9 degrees at 125° WL. This means that interference levels
received by Iridium satellites would decrease as the SWUF antennas point westward from 101°
WL. As the GSO location moves eastward from 101° WL, the LEO angle decreases to a
minimum value of approximately 4.1 degrees at 70° WL. With this LEO angle the Iridium
satellite gain would be approximately 24 dBi (see Figure 3B). Scaling the results obtained in
Table 2 by this amount, and accounting for realistic DIRECTV clear sky EIRP levels, results in
worst case Co/Io values of approximately -7 dB. As explained earlier, any Iridium gateway
transmit power in excess of the minimum value would increase this Co/Io, any occurrence of this
interference would only last for a fraction of a second, and any such occurrences would be
infrequent (i.e., they would represent a fraction of time that is three orders of magnitude less than
the Iridium design unavailability), as explained in Section 2.5. 7
4. Summary

This document provides an extensive analysis of the potential interference from DIRECTV’s Ka-
band GSO feeder link operations at its Southwest Uplink Facility (SWUF) site in the 29.25-29.3
GHz band to the Iridium MSS/LEO feeder link system during worst case in-line events. 8 This
analysis was initially conducted for DIRECTV’s current Ka-band operational orbital locations
and then those results were extended to other orbital locations across the domestic arc. A
significant amount of computer simulation has been conducted to characterize the nature of these
in-line events.

The analysis shows that, for the DIRECTV feeder link site closest to the Iridium gateway
facility, and using realistic clear sky operating condition assumptions, the potential interference
levels during an in-line event would result in a C/I for Iridium satellites of approximately 10 dB.
Furthermore, the simulation analysis also shows that the duration of any such in-line event is
very short (on the order of 0.3-0.4 seconds), and the occurrence of such events is extremely
infrequent. As such, the overall percentage of time represented by these events is on the order of
0.0003% to 0.0005%. This percentage of time is approximately three orders of magnitude less
than the feeder link design unavailability stated in the Iridium FCC application. As such, the
uplink transmissions from DIRECTV’s closest feeder link site will have no material impact on
the operation of the Iridium feeder link uplinks. These results were also extended to GSO
locations across the orbital arc, with similar results.

    As explained previously, DIRECTV also operates a diverse site in Benson, AZ that is associated with the
    Tucson site. This diverse site only transmits when the rain attenuation at the Tucson site exceeds a given
    threshold, at which point the Tucson site stops transmitting until the rain event has ended. As such, only one of
    the feeder link sites (primary or diverse) is transmitting at any given time. Given the close proximity of these
    two sites, the results obtained for the Tucson site are equally applicable to the Benson diverse site.
    Note that the results of this analysis are equally applicable to DIRECTV’s Southwest Diversity Uplink Facility
    (SWDF) which is located relatively near to the main SWUF facility.


Document Created: 2019-04-13 22:56:45
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 22:56:45

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