Comments of Iridium

COMMENT submitted by Iridium Constellation LLC

Comments of Iridium Constellation LLC 12-16-11


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20111104-01314 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                           )
DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                   )      File Nos. SES-MFS-20111104-01314
                                           )                SES-MFS-20111104-01315
Request for Modification of Earth          )                SES-MFS-20111104-01317
Station Licenses                           )                SES-MFS-20111104-01320
                                           )                SES-MFS-20111104-01322
                                           )                SES-MFS-20111104-01324


       Iridium Constellation LLC (“Iridium”) hereby comments on the above-captioned

applications filed by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”). Iridium has no

objection to a grant of the applications, but is filing these comments to clarify certain


       In its applications, DIRECTV seeks authority to add “ALSAT” as a point of

communication for its above-referenced earth stations, which are located in Arizona.

The earth stations operate on Ka-band frequencies, including the 29.25-29.3 GHz sub-

band. DIRECTV operates Ka-band geostationary orbit satellites (“GSO”) with which its

Arizona earth stations communicate.

       Iridium operates a constellation of non-geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) satellites

that use Ka-band frequencies, including the 29.25-29.3 GHz sub-band, for feeder links.

Iridium’s primary feeder link facility is located in Arizona.


       In accordance with the Commission’s requirements for the shared 29.25-29.5

GHz band, DIRECTV provided an exhibit with its applications assessing the potential

for interference from DIRECTV’s earth station transmissions to Iridium’s feeder links.

DIRECTV calculated that the percentage of time associated with in-line events during

which interference could occur is on the order of 0.0003% to 0.0005%. Based on its belief

that Iridium’s feeder links are designed for unavailability up to 0.5% of the time,

DIRECTV concluded there would be no material impact on Iridium’s operations.

       Iridium takes no issue with DIRECTV’s determination of no material impact.

Iridium wishes, however, to clarify three matters – availability requirements,

cumulative effects, and GSO/NGSO coordination - that bear on DIRECTV’s

determination and on future determinations that may be made.

       Availability requirements. The 0.5% unavailability figure relied upon by

DIRECTV, which is another way of saying that 99.5% availability is needed, is no longer

accurate. In its interference analysis, DIRECTV refers to statements concerning

availability that were made in the original application for the Iridium system. At the

time that application was filed, it was contemplated that a large number of feeder link

terminals, located in a variety of climates around the world, would access the Iridium

system. But the ultimate design of Iridium’s ground network did not take this

approach. Rather, there is a single earth station facility, located in Tempe, Arizona,

through which all of Iridium’s commercial traffic is routed. Because of this single-

location network architecture, a higher level of availability is required, i.e., Iridium


needs 99.99% availability for its feeder links. This availability takes into account all

possible link impairments, including interference and atmospheric and propagation


       Accordingly, future applicants analyzing the potential for interference to

Iridium’s feeder links should base their analyses on an availability figure for Iridium of

99.99%, not 99.5%. DIRECTV’s showing satisfies the 99.99% availability standard.

       Cumulative effects. DIRECTV’s interference analysis appears to be based on the

potential for interference presented by transmissions from a single earth station.

Interference, however, is cumulative. Iridium’s feeder links are subject to interference

from various sources, including the multiple earth stations that are the subject of the

above-captioned applications and earth stations operated by other licensees.

       Because interference is cumulative, analyses such as the one provided by

DIRECTV are only a starting point. In the future, Iridium may need to object to

proposed operations that are not, by themselves, predicted to cause interference to

Iridium’s feeder links, but that are predicted to cause such interference when viewed in

combination with other interference sources.

       GSO/NGSO coordination. Section 25.258(a) of the Commission’s rules requires

that there be coordination between operators of GSO FSS earth stations and NGSO MSS

feeder links using frequencies in the 29.25-29.5 GHz band. Pursuant to Section

25.258(a), DIRECTV and Iridium are coordinating. In light of the analysis provided by


DIRECTV, Iridium believes there should be no impediment to a successful coordination

in this matter. Iridium reserves the right, however, to seek relief should the outcome of

its coordination with DIRECTV, or the outcome of any future coordination, prove


                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 IRIDIUM CONSTELLATION LLC

                                                 By: /s/Donna Bethea Murphy
                                                 Donna Bethea Murphy
                                                 Vice President, Regulatory
                                                 Iridium Constellation LLC
                                                 1750 Tysons Boulevard
                                                 Suite 1400
                                                 McLean, VA 22102
                                                 (703) 287-7400

December 16, 2011

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Comments of
Iridium Constellation LLC was sent by hand on this 16th day of December, 2011, to the

             William M. Wiltshire
             Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
             1200 18th Street, NW
             Washington, DC 20036

             DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
             6050 Elmer Derr Rd.
             Frederick, MD 21703
             Attention: Jack Wengryniuk*

                                              /s/ Jennifer Tisdale
                                                     Jennifer Tisdale

*Delivered electronically

Document Created: 2011-12-16 17:01:00
Document Modified: 2011-12-16 17:01:00

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